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tsdgeos | Trevinho: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/1067357 was commited to 6.0 too but does not have the "6.0" subitem in the bug, can i fix that (can't find how to do it) or does that need one of you guys? | 09:32 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1067357 in unity (Ubuntu) "Top panel shows "Tauler d'inici" instead of "Taluer d'inici"" [Low,Triaged] | 09:32 |
MCR1 | duflu, smspillaz: Hi :) Just wanted to say thanx a lot 4 all the reviews. Good to see those fixes in trunk 8-). | 10:33 |
duflu | MCR1: No worries. | 10:34 |
duflu | And good night | 10:34 |
MCR1 | sil2100: Hi :) I bet you know where I can check out those Ubuntu specifix distro-patches (*.patch) files that get applied to lp:compiz and change some of the .xml.in files for example... | 10:37 |
MCR1 | *specific | 10:37 |
popey | MCR1, apt-get source <packagename> and look in debian/patches ? | 10:38 |
MCR1 | popey: I do not know the source of them | 10:39 |
sil2100 | MCR1: hi! | 10:39 |
MCR1 | hey | 10:39 |
sil2100 | MCR1: for compiz it's either lp:ubuntu/compiz or lp:~compiz-team/compiz/ubuntu | 10:40 |
sil2100 | MCR1: these are the distro packaging branches for R | 10:40 |
MCR1 | sil2100: Thanks a lot - gotta investigate how this all deb assembly for Compiz exactly works - hard to do without knowledge of those... | 10:40 |
MCR1 | sil2100: Seems to be a complicated process ;) (for compiz/unity) at least... | 10:41 |
sil2100 | MCR1: well, theoretically the 2 branches I gave you the links to are ready for creating a package - every time there is a compiz release made, we merge in the respective trunk into it and modify the packaging | 10:47 |
sil2100 | MCR1: but this will change pretty soon | 10:47 |
sil2100 | So no need to familiarize yourself here ;) | 10:47 |
MCR1 | sil2100: I just had this problem that for example expo.xml.in gets *tuned* and *upgraded* for Ubuntu only by applying a *.patch file to it | 10:48 |
MCR1 | sil2100: This adds options like "X Space", "Y Space" and"Selected Color" to the CCSM tab and also seems to have to change the code itself... | 10:50 |
MCR1 | sil2100: These options are nowhere to be found in lp:compiz... | 10:50 |
MCR1 | sil2100: Nor is the code responsible for them... | 10:50 |
MCR1 | sil2100: See the failure here for example: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-fix1009592-and-1074487-expo-xml-tooltip-fixes/+merge/132754 | 10:52 |
MCR1 | sil2100: The console says: Applying patch 100_expo_layout.patch - patching file plugins/expo/expo.xml.in | 10:53 |
MCR1 | patching file plugins/expo/src/expo.cpp | 10:53 |
MCR1 | patching file plugins/expo/src/expo.h | 10:53 |
MCR1 | sil2100: so important to find those patches to be able to analyze their code - quite a few of them get applied... :) | 10:54 |
MCR1 | Also - this seems to be a Jenkins failure: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-shiftswitcher-one-if-statement-is-enough/+merge/132516 | 11:01 |
MCR1 | It would be nice if someone could reapprove it... | 11:02 |
sil2100 | MCR1: re-approved, that seemed to be an architecture failure | 11:04 |
MCR1 | sil2100: yep, thx :) | 11:04 |
MCR1 | sil2100: Although even better optimization is possible, maybe another commit ;) | 11:05 |
MCR1 | (probably) | 11:05 |
sil2100 | Too late! | 11:06 |
MCR1 | hehe | 11:06 |
MCR1 | its never too late... | 11:06 |
MCR1 | ;) | 11:06 |
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mhall119 | mhr3: ping me when you're around | 13:55 |
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mhr3 | mhall119, sup | 14:45 |
mhall119 | mhr3: hey, we're going to need a way to send scheduling data for TV programs from a Scope to the Dash | 14:48 |
mhall119 | which afaik is going to require an extension to the current API | 14:49 |
mhr3 | mhall119, there was a talk about this earlier, but yea no work done on it really | 14:51 |
mhall119 | mhr3: what should we do to propose an API change? | 14:53 |
conscioususer | tedg: ping | 15:10 |
conscioususer | Trevinho: ping | 15:10 |
tedg | Howdy | 15:11 |
conscioususer | hi Ted | 15:11 |
conscioususer | tedg: I seem to be experiencing two bugs with the unity menubar | 15:12 |
conscioususer | tedg: particularly when using GMenu in my app | 15:13 |
conscioususer | first one is lack of mnemonics, as I wrote here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115076883960566547239/posts/BYNdKZ5rQtW | 15:13 |
conscioususer | second is that the menu items do not seem to always work... clicking on them have no effect | 15:14 |
tedg | conscioususer, Yeah, the mneumonics don't work with GMenu. It doesn't support them, we have a work around, but it isn't complete. | 15:14 |
conscioususer | is there a work around for app devs? | 15:14 |
tedg | conscioususer, I don't know about the second one... is it reproducable in any way? | 15:14 |
tedg | conscioususer, Not really, the problem is that GMenu doesn't support any communication from the app to the menubar. | 15:15 |
conscioususer | (about the 2nd) seems random :-/ sometimes the menu works, sometimes it does not and I need to restart the app | 15:15 |
conscioususer | and when it does not work, the interesting thing is that the actions are accessible via HUD! | 15:15 |
tedg | conscioususer, Hmm, interesting. I mean they're different pathways, so that would make sense. | 15:15 |
tedg | conscioususer, I haven't see that... not sure how we'd track it down. | 15:16 |
conscioususer | tedg: from my experience, does not seem to be rare | 15:18 |
conscioususer | tedg: if I close and reopen my app some times, it does not take long until I experience it | 15:19 |
conscioususer | tedg: I'll try to write a mini-example | 15:19 |
conscioususer | tedg: about the first issue, if you complete the fix will it be backported to precise? | 15:19 |
tedg | conscioususer, Uhm, precise I'm not 100% sure. I think Quantal would be reasonable for sure. | 15:20 |
conscioususer | tedg: hmm, I see | 15:21 |
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conscioususer | tedg: ok, i'll work on the example and brb, thanks so far | 15:25 |
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Trevinho | conscioususer: just read... | 15:58 |
conscioususer | tedg: still there? I finished the example | 16:58 |
tedg | conscioususer, Ah, cool! | 16:58 |
tedg | conscioususer, Bug number? | 16:58 |
conscioususer | tedg: I didn't file one, I want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong as an app dev first | 16:59 |
conscioususer | tedg: http://www.pasteshare.co.uk/p/3dp/ | 17:00 |
conscioususer | tedg: it's quite minimal, an empty window and an app menubar with a quit item | 17:00 |
conscioususer | tedg: if I start the app and quit it repeatedly, sometimes the quit menuitem doesn't work | 17:01 |
conscioususer | tedg: via mouse, i mean... the accelerator seems to always work | 17:01 |
conscioususer | tedg: I'm on quantal | 17:02 |
tedg | conscioususer, Ah, cool. Have you tried activating the action via dbus and see if that works? | 17:02 |
conscioususer | can you give me a one-liner to test that? | 17:03 |
conscioususer | never did this before... :P | 17:03 |
larsu | conscioususer, you definitely don't want to call gtk_main in the activate handler | 17:04 |
larsu | if you're using GtkApplication, call gtk_application_run in your main | 17:04 |
conscioususer | larsu: I had some problems with doing this in the past... | 17:06 |
tedg | conscioususer, I think this should work: gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.test --object-path /org/gnome/Test --method org.gtk.Actions.Activate 'app.quit' [] [] | 17:07 |
jjohansen | is the regression of the window manager not working after the latest update already known? | 17:08 |
conscioususer | tedg: I had to rename Test to test, but even so it didn't work | 17:08 |
conscioususer | tedg: didn't give any error messages either | 17:08 |
tedg | conscioususer, Hmm, larsu, does that command line look right to you? | 17:08 |
larsu | tedg, conscioususer, it's missing parameters: gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.test --object-path /org/gnome/test --method org.gtk.Actions.Activate 'quit' [] {} | 17:11 |
tedg | bregma, Are you guys seeing a regression? ^ | 17:11 |
larsu | also app.quit --> quit | 17:11 |
conscioususer | tedg larsu hey, it works | 17:12 |
* tedg bitches about the combining of the data in the action name again... | 17:12 | |
conscioususer | tedg larsu even when the clicking on the item is not working, the command line works | 17:12 |
tedg | larsu, Thanks! :-) | 17:12 |
tedg | conscioususer, Ah, okay, so then it's not your app, it's a bug in indicator-appmenu. | 17:12 |
conscioususer | tedg: whew :) | 17:14 |
conscioususer | tedg: for the record, also happening in Precise, tested via Virtualbox | 17:14 |
larsu | same problem on quantal | 17:15 |
larsu | conscioususer, still, you shouldn't use gtk_main and gtk_main_quit when you're using gtkapplication | 17:15 |
larsu | I'll paste you an updated version of your program in a bit | 17:15 |
conscioususer | larsu: thanks... use the "fork this", one of the cool things in pasteshare :) | 17:16 |
larsu | conscioususer, http://www.pasteshare.co.uk/p/3dq/ | 17:18 |
larsu | it creates the actions and menu in startup (so that it's only called once) | 17:18 |
larsu | also, it uses g_application_run and g_application_quit | 17:18 |
larsu | also, no need to connect to the destroy event of the window anymore, gtkapplication exits by itself if no windows are visible anymore | 17:19 |
conscioususer | larsu: visible or non-destroyed? | 17:19 |
larsu | conscioususer, sorry, destroye | 17:19 |
larsu | destroyed | 17:19 |
larsu | once more for clarity: it exits when all windows are destroyed :) | 17:20 |
conscioususer | larsu: got it :) | 17:20 |
conscioususer | larsu: where do I put a code to raise a window if the application isn't the primary instance? | 17:21 |
larsu | conscioususer, in activate | 17:22 |
larsu | right now, the activate always creates a new window | 17:22 |
larsu | what you probably want is a call to gtk_window_present if there's already a window floating around | 17:22 |
conscioususer | does get_is_remote works inside activate? | 17:23 |
larsu | no, activate is always called on the primary instance | 17:23 |
conscioususer | then how do I know if I should raise the existing window or go through the initialization process? | 17:24 |
larsu | ask the app if it already has a window with gtk_application_get_windows | 17:25 |
larsu | if yes, present that window | 17:25 |
larsu | if no, create a new one | 17:25 |
conscioususer | all this inside activate? | 17:27 |
larsu | yep | 17:27 |
larsu | http://www.pasteshare.co.uk/p/254/ | 17:28 |
conscioususer | larsu: awesome, thanks! | 17:30 |
larsu | conscioususer, yw. GApplication docs have pretty good explanation of how it all fits together: http://developer.gnome.org/gio/stable/GApplication.html#GApplication.description | 17:32 |
larsu | same for GtkApplication: http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkApplication.html#GtkApplication.description | 17:32 |
conscioususer | larsu: yeah, but iirc they don't cover very well handling already opened apps | 17:35 |
conscioususer | larsu: btw, what's the difference between startup and activate? | 17:40 |
larsu | conscioususer, startup is called once on the primary instance, activate is called on the primary instance every time the application is started again | 17:41 |
larsu | i.e. activate is the "ping" by the remote instances | 17:41 |
conscioususer | larsu: I think I'm finally getting the main picture, thanks | 17:42 |
larsu | conscioususer, sure :) Let me know if you have more questions | 17:42 |
* larsu is trying to find that menu bug in the mean time... :( | 17:43 | |
conscioususer | larsu: so shouldn't the main window be created during startup? | 17:43 |
larsu | conscioususer, hm, I've never seen this but it certainly makes more sense | 17:46 |
conscioususer | larsu: if I understood correctly being inside activate means being inside the lifecycle of the app | 17:47 |
conscioususer | so it makes sense that when activate starts, windows already exist | 17:48 |
larsu | conscioususer, well, some apps might not want to create windows in all circumstances (e.g. when handling command line arguments) | 17:52 |
conscioususer | larsu: ok, makes sense | 17:53 |
conscioususer | larsu: ok, I have to go now... should I file bug for the menu thing or someone else is on it alread? | 17:54 |
conscioususer | *already | 17:54 |
larsu | conscioususer, please file a bug (I can do it though if you're in a hurry) | 17:54 |
conscioususer | in unity? | 17:55 |
larsu | indicator-appmenu | 17:55 |
conscioususer | larsu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-appmenu/+bug/1075263 | 18:05 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1075263 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "Items of a menubar built from GMenu do not always work" [Undecided,New] | 18:05 |
larsu | conscioususer, thanks! | 18:05 |
conscioususer | larsu: will be watching the progress with great interest, obviously :) anything I can do to help, lemme know | 18:05 |
larsu | will do :) | 18:06 |
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ricotz | Trevinho, hi :), i hope you noticed the two bamf merge proposals? | 19:01 |
Trevinho | ricotz: hey, yes.. not checked btw yet :) | 19:10 |
ricotz | Trevinho, alright ;) | 19:13 |
Trevinho | ricotz: for the user visible thing, could you please do an unity branch that replaces them as well? :) | 19:14 |
ricotz | Trevinho, hmm, not really :\ | 19:16 |
ricotz | Trevinho, btw the inline-debian patch isnt really complete since it is missing 0.3.4 | 19:19 |
Trevinho | ricotz: rigth | 19:22 |
Trevinho | right* | 19:22 |
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