
gilbertpaultag: just pulled a couple hours a go, but i'll go again02:34
paultagshit, there was some refactoring02:34
paultaggilbert: drop a report in the TODO - I'll let arno know02:35
gilbertwell, its any easy fix.  i was thinking about pushing it (after testing w my next dputting)02:35
gilbertas far as i can tell _interface is nowhere to be seen anymore02:36
paultagyah, totally02:36
paultagyeah, ugh02:36
paultagfeel free to just push up the fix02:36
gilbertok, cool02:36
paultagas you now know, I'm on VAC for the next few days02:37
paultagso feel free to fix dput as you find problems, since i'll be a bit laggy02:37
canthus13Cheri703: http://i.imgur.com/fo9mw.jpg02:45
canthus13Cheri703: A german shepherd with a tow hitch... o.o02:45
Cheri703there are actually lots of instances of dogs pulling carts02:45
Cheri703also scooters and such02:45
canthus13Oh I know... but that still makes me chuckle.02:46
canthus13Rotties seem to behave better if y ou teach them to pull and have them pull regularly.02:46
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