
rickbol_does ubuntustudio include an app that can rip a dvd? I don't see handbrake.01:36
holsteinrickbol_: i would just search the package manager of your choice01:37
holsteini would consider using https://launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-snapshots01:39
holsteinrickbol_: looks like acidrip is in the default ubuntu repos that ubuntustudio and all the other variants share01:40
antohello everyone01:46
antocould you please advice me the best way to rip or shrink a DVD to hard disc or burn it directly from live cd?01:47
holsteinanto: i would try #ubuntu01:47
holsteinwe are usually more about creating new content here01:47
holsteinanything that would work for ubuntu would work for ubuntustudio01:48
holsteini dont think we include any ripping tools on the live CD01:48
holsteinmaybe the avlinux live CD has those tools01:48
antothanks holstein mybe I missed the poin, what is the difference to going to ubuntu?01:48
holsteinanto: more support01:48
holsteinanto: more users to ask01:48
antooh I see!01:49
holsteinanto: we are not allowed to ship dvd support with any ubuntu by default01:49
holsteinbest case, i would think you could add a few packages and "rip" a dvd01:49
holsteinthough, that is not legal in my area, so i have not tried it in ages01:49
antoI read Ubuntu Studio is the best for multimedia01:49
holsteinanto: you are not doing mulitmedia though01:50
holsteinanto: you are changing the format of a packaged product01:50
antoah now is more clear thanks01:50
holsteinwe have access to the same tool in ubuntu that would make that possible01:50
holsteinanto: nothing about linux/ubuntu/ubuntustudio makes that dvd not supported01:50
holsteinanto: its the dvd codecs that are licensed in a way that we cannot release them01:51
antothanks I understand01:51
holsteinanto: i would install ubuntustudio or something lighter to a USB stick01:51
holsteinanto: i would install the lib-dvd stuff01:51
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:51
holsteini would try something like handbrake via https://launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-snapshots or acidrip from the repos01:52
holsteinOR, i would look for a live cd that might support that. maybe a mint spin, or avlinux01:53
antoa live cd is the best option for me01:53
holsteinanto: sure, then try a mint spin, or maybe avlinux.. or a distro that is not "legal".. or make your own01:55
holsteinanto: maybe a suse one with the online suse studio01:55
holsteinanto: or, think about why we do not have such a live CD, and maybe just ask the conten creator for the product in the format you want01:55
antonot your fault guys01:56
Flamethrowerhey everyone. Long time since I used an IRC room07:17
Flamethrowerhow you all doing?07:18
gordonjcpugh, XFCE is just unusable08:03
z0ddlittle problem: i wish to style nautilus toolbar but window manager styles seem not to affect it. solutions?08:18
gordonjcpdoesn't xfce use thunar?08:54
gordonjcpright, I've given Linux audio my once-a-year shot08:54
gordonjcpI can't put up with XFCE and its teeny-tiny blurry fonts, and there are still no PC-based sequencers08:55
zequencegordonjcp: You're free to use any desktop system you like09:02
gordonjcpzequence: I might stick Unity back on09:03
zequencegordonjcp: What do you mean by there not being PC-based sequencers?09:03
gordonjcpzequence: nothing usable09:03
zequencegordonjcp: Well, you can always help improve the ones that exist09:04
gordonjcpzequence: the thing is, I do music-y stuff as a hobby09:04
gordonjcpsoftware development is a major part of my job09:04
gordonjcpthis is why the music software I've already written is so unmaintained09:04
zequencegordonjcp: Did you try Ardourd3? And what kind of music are you making?09:05
gordonjcpzequence: mostly electronica, industrial stuff09:05
gordonjcpI haven't tried Ardour 3 for a while, but the last time I did it was terrible09:06
zequencegordonjcp: Ok, so you need samples and instruments. I'm doing something in those realms myself, but I'm only ever using puredata09:06
gordonjcpzequence: I have samples and instruments09:06
gordonjcpmore than I could possibly ever need09:06
gordonjcpwhat I don't have is a sequencer09:06
zequenceI find commercial sequencers less tha adequate for what I want to do09:06
zequenceSince, what I do is very much live based, and involves a bit of improvisation09:07
gordonjcpseq24 is quite flexible for that09:07
gordonjcpI love being able to just gate patterns on and off with the keyboard09:08
zequenceI don't like having to be confined to the boundaries a sequencer puts on you09:08
gordonjcpI don't like how unstable PC-based sequencers are09:08
gordonjcpthey just can't keep time09:08
gordonjcptake *any* sequencer, commercial or open-source, running on any OS, program in a snare rush09:08
zequenceI've had some problems with alsa midi, and an external module09:09
gordonjcpsounds like someone tipping turnips off a lorry09:09
zequencegordonjcp: Do you ever feel like you get to do the music you want to make?09:09
gordonjcpzequence: yes, but not when I involve computers09:10
zequenceIf not, I would probably look for options on how to improve that situation. For me, it was puredata.09:10
gordonjcpapart from my Atari ST, which Just Plain Works09:10
gordonjcpzequence: I tried puredata but I just don't understand it09:12
zequencegordonjcp: supercollider then?09:16
gordonjcpzequence: again, I don't really know what I'd use it for09:18
zequencegordonjcp: Well, what do you use a sequencer for? Controlling stuff, no?09:19
gordonjcpbut supercollider and puredata look like they're more for synthesis09:20
zequencegordonjcp: I'd say good for both. But, no linearity, until you create it09:23
gordonjcpright, but then that means I have to sit and grind code09:30
gordonjcpwhich I don't want to do09:30
gordonjcpthe whole point of sitting down to fiddle about with music stuff is to take a break from sitting bashing out code09:30
gordonjcpat present there seems to be no way to do that, without firing up the Atari ST09:31
zequencegordonjcp: Ever thought about just playing the piano?09:32
z0dd@gordonjcp, thank you, didn't know thunar. i come from nautilus under linux mint. now enabled, works perfectly. thanx09:33
zequencez0dd: Thunar is the default file manager in XFCE, but in Ubuntu Studio, we replaced it with Nautilus09:35
gordonjcpzequence: I just don't get why an Alesis MMT8 with a little 4MHz microcontroller can maintain solid timing but a PC with a 4GHz processor, clocked 1000 times faster with 64-bit words instead of 8-bit, can't even get close09:35
zequencegordonjcp: How do you notice this? By ear? If I can add stuff to a prerecorded track, that was recorded to a specific time, ranging about 30 min or more, and being able to add stuff to it, on time, not noticing any deviations, is that not good enough?09:37
z0ddzequence: why, if i can? thunar appears to be faster and more eyecandy, standard based and lightweight09:40
zequencez0dd: I'm not advicing on your choice of file manager. Just informing09:41
gordonjcpzequence: yes, by ear09:41
gordonjcpI know a lot of the jitter is down to the inherent granularity of MIDI09:42
gordonjcpbut that tends to give you the same offset all the time09:42
z0ddzequence: obviously, lol, just to ask ;)09:42
zequencegordonjcp: We did add timer stuff to 12.10. Don't know if it's properly configured, so it's active. On 12.04 right now myself09:43
zequencegordonjcp: Might help reduce jitter. But, in my experience, alsa midi is what causes most of it. And, especially with external devices09:44
zequencejack midi was a lot easier to work with. I was able to record some stuff from my Roland XV-5050. Connected through usb09:45
zequenceI was using Ardour3 for that (last year)09:45
zequenceDon't know how much usb plays a role09:45
zequenceI'm only concerned with what the music sounds like though09:46
zequenceDon't know the internals of jack and alsa midi, so I can't really say what makes the difference09:47
gordonjcpoh man, USB MIDI is the *pits*09:47
gordonjcpI have this USB MIDI cable that I can basically only use for patch dumps09:48
gordonjcpit actually tries to interpret MIDI data in and out, rather than just passing on raw bytes09:55
gordonjcpso it does pointless nonsense like expanding running status into full messages09:55
wertoo/ *10:44
zequencegordonjcp: Don't know how much difference it would make for you, but if you know about this http://wiki.linuxmusicians.com/doku.php?id=system_configuration#hardware_timers11:08
zequenceUbuntu Studio 12.10 has added the timer permission rules11:08
zequenceBut, the max_user_freq is not set to 3072, which seems to be the recommended value11:09
fabzor3hi all11:33
snevzora friend just installed ubuntu studio 12.1017:48
snevzorbut he can't install anything17:48
snevzorseems like conflicting ppa's out of the box...17:49
snevzorbut I can't seem to figure it out17:49
holsteinsnevzor: there are no PPA's18:02
holsteinsnevzor: the packages are all in the repos18:02
holsteinsnevzor: i would open a terminal and ping something... ping google.come18:02
holsteinsnevzor: i would open a terminal and ping something... ping google.com18:02
holsteinsee that the system is online.. then i would try18:02
holsteinsudo apt-get update18:02
holsteinsee that that completes without errors18:03
holsteinthen, try and install something and share the errors18:03
holsteinsnevzor: there are no PPA's installed18:03
studio-user238Trying to get my display link to work18:58
studio-user238Anybody ever done one?18:59
Unit193Display link?18:59
studio-user238usb to VGA18:59
holsteinnever used that.. what is the device? do you see it in the output of lsusb?19:00
studio-user238is that a command19:02
holsteinstudio-user238: thats where i would start... assuming you havent used that device in linux before19:02
holsteinopen a terminal and run "lsusb".. see if its listed19:03
holsteinstudio-user238: meaning, you type, or copy paste the command "lsusb" into a terminal, and hit the enter key19:03
holsteinyou'll see some text..19:03
holsteinyou'll want to look and see if the usb to vga device is listed there.. you can share the output if you need help enterpretting19:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:04
studio-user238Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:3803 Standard Microsystems Corp.  Bus 001 Device 004: ID 17e9:02ee Newnham Research  Bus 002 Device 003: ID 17e9:02ee Newn19:04
holsteinstudio-user238: i would check out19:06
holstein!paste | studio-user23819:07
ubottustudio-user238: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:07
holsteinso i can see the entire output, and you are not flooding19:07
rickbolhaving slow video performance on this dell d630. It has the recommended NVIDIA drivers installed, but it just can't be working correctly for this OS and C\GPU.19:09
holsteinrickbol: have you tried with the vesa driver? i would trouble shoot that way.. even with the live CD ad "nomodeset".. you can learn something19:10
rickbolfirst symptom is a 3 - 5 second screen refresh w\CPU showing very busy when I switch virtual desktops, or even tabbing between terminal and browser or other app19:10
holsteinstudio-user238: 17e9:02ee Newnham Research is the device..19:12
rickbolanother symptom is firefox complaining: "Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so" libvdpau_nvidia.so doesn't exist.19:12
holsteinrickbol: how is it with the vesa driver19:13
studio-user238Newnham Research usb device19:14
studio-user238how to get it to work?19:15
rickbolholstein: haven't tried vesa driver yet, but I'm pretty sure 2D performance will be wanting (due to lack of hardware acceleration).19:17
holsteinrickbol: im not suggesting you switch to vesa.. its more of a troubleshooting step19:18
holsteinstudio-user238: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTA5NjY is where i would start19:18
rickbol"Additional Drivers" list 6 different NVIDIA driver possibilities for my hardware, but the descriptions don't discriminate between them in any way that suggests which is the most recent.19:33
holsteini would try them and use what works best19:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:34
holsteini had 2 options.. i think i went with "stable"19:34
rickbolholstein: perhaps some improvement with vid performance by changing driver! thx for encouragement.19:48
holsteinrickbol: yeah... some improvement is improvment :)19:48
rickbolalso, put a bcm4322 (listed as BCM432b) and using the proprietary STA has proven (so far) better than bcm4311 or intel4965AGN19:50
rickbolfor wifi19:50
holsteini didnt hve luck with the open one :/19:51
rickbolis there anyway to increase the size of the area that allows resizing of windows. I can hardly "dial-in" the spot that lets me drag a window larger\smaller19:53
holsteinrickbol: good question... i havent had to mess with that.. but i did notice.. i might just try looking in the theme.. though maybe Unit193 would know, or know where to ask/look19:55
rickbolI thought I saw something in the settings manager... looking again19:56
rickbolALT+RightClick+drag will work fine if I can remember it.20:03
holsteinrickbol: that might have been where i landed, now that i read that20:03
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gordonjcpwhat the hell23:58
gordonjcpthere isn't a mail client installed by default, but there *is* xchat?23:58

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