
pleia2http://docs.xubuntu.org/ lives13:53
GridCubeo: 13:54
GridCubei mean, awesome :D13:54
smartboyhwpleia2, wow13:55
smartboyhwGod this documentation is awesome!13:57
ochosidon't you speak/understand french or german? :)14:03
astraljavaOh, cool. It's not just reminiscent of another, totally off-topic word, but it's an actual, meaningful word in itself. Cool!14:03
astraljavaochosi: Not much, no. I've studied both, but just very little, and quite a long time ago.14:03
GridCubeastraljava, "genial" its basically "awesome" in spanish :)14:07
astraljavaGridCube: So did Google Translate tell me, yes. :)14:09
Unit193http://pastebin.com/1YYiHkN3 small, almost worthless.19:21
Unit193https://code.launchpad.net/~giuseppeterrasi/xubuntu-docs/margin/+merge/128380 built with that, but as I don't exactly know what I'm looking for as the images have expired...  it would appear nothing has changed in Firefox at least.20:24
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