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DrLinux | Are Edubuntu only for younger kids or is there programs which help older kids also? | 13:54 |
holstein | DrLinux: what i have read and tested has package sets for several different age groups... i would suggest just downloading the live CD and trying it :) | 14:15 |
XRS1 | Ri-Li is addicting :p | 14:28 |
highvoltage | DrLinux: for older kids too, our current focus is on making all the systems stuff better though to make edubuntu a great generic system for schools and home | 14:46 |
highvoltage | XRS1: hehe :) | 14:47 |
vmlintu | highvoltage: hi | 14:47 |
vmlintu | highvoltage: back home yet? | 14:47 |
DrLinux | Perhaps I should try the live CD and see | 14:48 |
highvoltage | vmlintu: will be on thursday. how is it going? | 14:49 |
vmlintu | highvoltage: everything's good over here - winter is coming | 14:53 |
vmlintu | we've been busy trying to figure out how to improve the ltsp build process | 14:53 |
vmlintu | and with smarboards.. | 14:53 |
vmlintu | Which made me wonder - how do you manage desktop settings in your systems? | 14:54 |
highvoltage | vmlintu: at revolutionlinux? we use bcfg2 | 14:58 |
vmlintu | I've never tried bcfg2 myself | 15:01 |
vmlintu | so you have all packages listed and it configures application defaults etc? | 15:01 |
vmlintu | Do you use it for ltsp fat clients also? | 15:01 |
vmlintu | We've been using puppet for quite a few things | 15:02 |
highvoltage | vmlintu: it's similar in how it does things to puppet | 15:03 |
highvoltage | vmlintu: in the chroot, yes, but on live fat clients it's probably not a good idea (at least in terms of memory usage, etc) | 15:04 |
vmlintu | so you run bcfg2 during the chroot creation? | 15:04 |
vmlintu | We've been running puppet as a ltsp-build-client plugin to install the packages and the same rules have been applied to laptops etc. Now we've been trying to figure out how to make the rules available for others too | 15:07 |
highvoltage | vmlintu: yeah or from a cron job on the host | 15:09 |
vmlintu | Do you see that something like this could work if it was in normal vanilla-ltsp? http://marc.info/?l=ltsp-discuss&m=135187945718299&w=2 | 15:10 |
vmlintu | Of course one could create a similar plugin for bfcg2 | 15:12 |
vmlintu | The idea being that if ltsp-build-client would support puppet/bfcg2 plugins by default, one could share recipes for common tasks | 15:13 |
highvoltage | vmlintu: yes it seems reasonable to have a way to plug in a configuration manager via ltsp plugin | 15:26 |
* highvoltage brb | 15:27 | |
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