
xnoxScottK: repeating my own words does not count as expressing your own opinion ;-)01:14
xnoxScottK: why is it out of scope for py3versions?01:14
ScottKBecause the purpose of py3versions is to give you the supported versions.01:15
ScottK3 is not a supported python version.01:15
ScottKLet's see how p1otr's pybuild stuff matures for a bit and then see if we still have a problem anyway.01:16
ScottKIt may be pre-election grumpiness too.01:17
ScottK(on my part)01:18
Tm_Tyofel_: Quintasan is now in testers factoid (:04:07
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1034322] Keyboard Layout Switcher plasma applet show deformed icon and text @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1034322 (by José Luis Bolos)06:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: you caused the kate <3 .txt regression :(06:35
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yofel_apachelogger: what did he do o.O?06:58
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apacheloggernot copy patches around06:59
apacheloggeryofel: while you are here... your kubuntu-netbook-settings upload... why does the netbook settings magic have a kickoffrc?07:00
apacheloggerdoes that also affect the S&L thing?07:00
yofelI was wondering about that too... don't you need that if you switch to desktop?07:01
apacheloggeralso the team has a lack of opinion on the settings stuff I mailed about \o/07:01
apacheloggeryofel: no, netbook cascades ontop of desktop07:01
apachelogger(or at least it should)07:01
apacheloggerso when you switch it will simply pick up the kickoffrc from desktop07:01
yofelah, then I'm clueless07:01
apacheloggerthough more to the point of why I am asking07:01
apacheloggerbug 98372307:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 983723 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "after installation on a netbook switching from plasma-netbook to desktop missing minimize and maximize is too far apart from close" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98372307:01
apacheloggeris a similar problem07:01
apacheloggerwhen you switch to desktop using the kcm it will continue using the kubuntu-netbook settings ontop of desktop07:02
apacheloggerso I am wondering if that should be the case at all07:02
yofelanyway, bbl07:02
apacheloggeri.e. if you switch to desktop using the KCM IMHO it would be more sensible to give a genuine desktop experience rather than an untested netbook settings messing with your desktop experience07:03
apacheloggeralso I have no idea why that particular setting is in the netbook kwinrc07:03
apacheloggerseems a bit odd TBH07:03
apacheloggerScottK: thoughts welcome07:04
apacheloggerit's a bug07:13
apacheloggerstartkde is broken08:13
apacheloggerthat is why netbook settings are applied on desktop08:13
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apacheloggerRiddell: that langpack install patch in the kcm seems a bit invasive, is that going to be carried upstream?09:16
Riddellapachelogger: no, upstream doesn't have langpacks09:17
apacheloggerI know, it has multiple tars for l10n though so a plugin system to allow binary distrubtors to install those on-demand is warranted IMHO09:18
apacheloggeralso it has a bug09:28
apachelogger     * You @e must call the openXapianIndex() function before search will work09:28
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1032541] Panel autohide doesn't work any more @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1032541 (by Uqbar)09:40
Riddellapachelogger: interesting, I wonder how it works then09:43
apacheloggerprolly convenience stuff09:44
apacheloggerRiddell: thing is, it does not work always ;)09:44
apacheloggerbug 107437109:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1074371 in kde-runtime (Ubuntu) "In Kubuntu 12.10, systemsettings does not show "system languages"" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107437109:44
apacheloggerthe initial cache build needs to be triggered manually09:45
apacheloggerso you'd go open() and if that fails trigger the build09:45
apacheloggerotherwise one of the muon pieces needed to trigger it09:45
* yofel__ goes and prepares kde-l10n 4.9.3 for quantal09:47
yofel__we were wondering a few days ago why the list isn't always there09:47
apacheloggeractually credit goes to sam, would have taken forever to figure out if it was not always the case after install but not on the cd09:48
apacheloggergetting it fixed properly should be fun though :S09:48
apacheloggerRiddell: how is the string from that patch localized btw?09:53
apacheloggeri.e. how do we get our strings into launchpad and then into the app?09:53
apacheloggeroh and the kcm wants to install en-us, how ever that works10:50
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mparilloThanks to yofel, BluesKaj, maco: lsb_release -a reports Release:        13.0411:14
tsimpsonthe future is now11:14
BluesKajHey all11:15
mparilloBut, when opening a text file from Dolphin, I need to open with or LibreOffice is my default text editor. I cannot find a bug report on Launchpad. If there is none, should I open it against Dolphin, LibreOffice, KDE-workspace, or somewhere else?11:15
BluesKajmparillo, Kate?11:16
mparilloRight, even after the upgrade to 13.04 (and thanks for your help), I need to open with kate, but otherwise, if I simply hit enter, LibreOffice opens text files. A paper-cut, I agree, but not my preference.11:18
BluesKajmparillo, when choosing a text file right click , choose open with "other" , the from the dialog in utlities choose Kate , and cherck the always open with box 11:20
apacheloggermparillo: poke shadeslayer about that :P11:22
apacheloggerbug 106208611:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1062086 in kate (Ubuntu Quantal) "In Kubuntu 12.10 text files by default opened in LibreOffice Write instead of Kate " [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106208611:23
BluesKajhmm. never experienced that bug 11:23
apacheloggerthat's cause I fixed it in like 2009 and it creeped back into 12.1011:24
Riddellapachelogger: a work item carried forward is to localise any kubuntu specific strings11:24
apacheloggeroh my11:24
apacheloggerskynet priority that has11:25
apacheloggeri.e. priority > making skynet happen :P11:25
apacheloggerRiddell: good news is that I might have a SRUable fix for the cache problem11:25
apacheloggeron a related note... Riddell, what do you think about making xapian cache builds happen as part of installation11:26
apacheloggershould only take like one minute and would prevent these types of issues for most users11:26
BluesKajone minor annoyance , ater upgrading to 12.10 , the terminal prompt opens at ~/Documents , easily fixed in the General tab by making the initial directory ~/ , in the textbox11:27
apacheloggerfixed in .311:27
apacheloggerRiddell: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/06/plasma-desktopPQ2604.png11:29
* BluesKaj knocks on wood , 13.04 is really quite stable atm , not even any minor glitches11:30
apacheloggerpossibly because it is basically the same as 12.10 :P11:30
BluesKajyeah :) 11:31
BluesKajsmall increments in the repos11:31
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1074371] In Kubuntu 12.10, systemsettings does not show "system languages" @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1074371 (by Ganton)11:39
Riddellapachelogger: xapian cache builds as part of install sounds interesting11:44
apacheloggerRiddell: on a related note ... if you open muon sc for the first time after install it will not do anything until the cache is built, so doing it during install would improve experience quite a bit11:45
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1075518] Plasma Workspace (plasma-desktop), signal: Aborted [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0xb31c5720... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1075518 (by Blair Chasteen)11:46
apacheloggerstill broken in ways11:55
apacheloggerRiddell: it will list American English and British English as those are installed, then it will additionally list English from the package query11:56
apacheloggersame for German11:56
apacheloggeralso the unsortedness of things is a bit bad11:56
apacheloggerRiddell: why do we query for language-pack-kde rather than kde-l10n?12:14
yofel__apachelogger: IIRC language-pack-kde is a meta package that pulls in various l10n stuff12:25
apacheloggerit's all fucked I say12:26
apacheloggersee, there are language-pack thingies for languages neither I nor kdelibs ever heared about12:26
apacheloggerso what you get for those is a conveniently useless two letter iso denotation12:26
yofel__well, I doubt you can do much about that without a working language selector12:27
apacheloggerplus the fact that this language spoken in the land of mordor is probably not translated to KDE12:27
apacheloggerso we offer the user to install a language that we do not support12:27
apacheloggeryofel__: it's broken conceptually12:28
apacheloggeralways has been12:28
apacheloggeralways will be12:28
Peace-hi guys 12:35
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mikhasQuintasan_, you got mail12:49
yofelapachelogger: is that supposed to be the improved version? I don't see anything particulary wrong with it12:51
yofelit's sorted at least12:52
apacheloggercurrent one is not sorted12:52
apacheloggertry finding german in 200 other languages12:53
apacheloggerand thankfully upstream has no filter widget either12:53
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yofelhere german is the 5th entry, so easy to find. Polish would be more annoying12:53
tsdgeosapachelogger: upstrem doesn't show 200 languages there afaik12:54
tsdgeosjust the few installed ones12:54
tsdgeosso no problem12:54
apacheloggertsdgeos: yes12:55
apacheloggerexcept we are suppose dto have all 200 installed12:55
apacheloggerwhat with not being able to install them on-demand from a binary distributor POV12:55
tsdgeosthat's kubuntu's problem for putting the "install" stuff in the wrong place if you ask me12:56
tsdgeosanyway, lunch12:56
* apachelogger wonders if he is also suffering from electoin grumpyness :O12:56
apacheloggertsdgeos: does not compute12:56
apacheloggeras I see it options are: install everything by default -> no filter widget -> meh || install on-demand -> no plugin interface in place -> meh || create a different piece of software to manage installation -> 2 KCMs doing just about the same thing -> meh ... arguably you'd then end up replacing the upstream KCM -> meh12:58
apacheloggeroh ohoh13:01
apacheloggerafiestas: ping13:01
apachelogger./src/photoshootmode.cpp:    return KIcon("webcamreceive");13:01
apacheloggerbug 107496113:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1074961 in kamoso (Ubuntu) "Missing icons" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107496113:01
yofelnote that we already had a 2nd KCM for this - it just doesn't work in quantal13:01
apachelogger(does not explain the other missing icon though ... might be a similar thing tho)13:02
apacheloggeryofel: conceptually broken13:02
yofelwell, it needed less patching but you're right in general13:02
apacheloggerultimately upstream would enable downstream to enable on-demand and system-wide setting13:03
apacheloggeryofel: turns out the search is not what it uses to install localization13:11
apacheloggerthe language-selector dep file is 13:11
apacheloggerwhich lists the language-pack-kde- and kde-l10n- scheme conveniently enough13:12
apacheloggercurrent one is broken for zh* btw13:17
apacheloggeractually that may be broken in general13:18
apacheloggerunless I am missing something we'd only try to install one of them13:19
afiestasapachelogger: pongy13:25
apacheloggernote my braindump please13:25
* apachelogger writes fugly code now \\o/13:38
* apachelogger applauds himself for writing yet another 3-way code mapping for l10n13:51
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apacheloggerJontheEchidna: dpkg-source: info: using options from qapt-1.9.60/debian/source/options: --compression=bzip2 --compression-level=914:23
JontheEchidnacould be changed to xz now I suppose14:25
apachelogger/home/me/tmp/qapt-1.9.60/src/worker/transaction.cpp:37:7: error: type ‘Transaction’ is not a direct base of ‘Transaction’14:25
apacheloggergcc is being smart today14:26
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: actually, I think I picked up debian/source/options during a merge with the Debian packaging14:26
JontheEchidnaqapt is pretty small already so it probably doesn't matter all too much14:26
apacheloggerthe D in debian stands for deprecated :P14:26
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: congrats on making a library that is not compatible with a system released 6 months ago btw :S14:27
yofelapachelogger: you know, some people might just forget to change that :P14:28
JontheEchidnaoh, delegating constructors must be new in gcc 4.7...14:28
yofelneon was still using lzma until a week ago :P14:28
apacheloggeryofel: yeah, it's a good thing that debian packages support in forgetting stuff like that :P14:28
apachelogger+you somewhere14:28
yofelfor binary compression, source was xz since it was possible14:28
* apachelogger plays compiler14:30
* apachelogger is a very reliable compiler and qapt now builds :P14:33
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* apachelogger is a bad haxx0r though :(14:41
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: is it just me or does the new qapt always say the xapian cache needs an update?14:50
JontheEchidnathat's not happening for me14:51
JontheEchidnathe logic for that hasn't changed, except a fix for it always needing an update14:52
apachelogger    if (!m_backend->openXapianIndex() || m_backend->xapianIndexNeedsUpdate()) {14:52
apacheloggereither it always fails to open or it needs an update14:53
* apachelogger wonders why the kcm decided ti likes to crash when saying stuff is available before it is available14:53
JontheEchidnabbiab, I have a class in 14 minutes14:56
Tm_Tagateau: http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Raring-Ringtail/26357384_T6rzD6#!i=2197283908&k=RrpSHxr15:09
agateauTm_T: nice! thanks for sharing :)15:10
BluesKajno captions with pics ..can't tell who's who 15:20
apacheloggerRiddell, JontheEchidna, yofel: http://paste.kde.org/598160/15:36
apacheloggerbefore I leave for dinner15:36
apacheloggerthat's what I have right now15:36
yofeltl;dr - will have to wait until I get home15:37
apacheloggerit a) tries to open the cache and update if necessary, while doing the update a progressbar overlay makes love to the selector widgets b) lists based on what kde-l10n languages are available c) map those package langcodes to kdecodes to ubuntupkgcodes c) installs the right packages for chinese and friends d) blocks the affected widgets while qapt is working e) if qapt returns with error removes the erronous entry from the selected list15:39
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apacheloggerah and settings changes are now applied once qapt is done15:39
apacheloggershould be working almost perfectly now15:40
apacheloggeralso it should proof that the patch should not be there at all what with being way too invasive15:40
apacheloggernow... afk15:40
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yofelmparillo: fancy writing a 4.9.3 announcement? Just so we have something ready if they still want to release it today.16:26
mparilloI will do my usual...draft without publishing.16:27
yofelthanks :)16:27
* yofel is out in town for a while - bbl16:34
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tsdgeosyofel: mparillo: it is out16:43
mparilloNews Item created. Now I suppose I should review it ;-)16:44
mparilloIt is out there on the regularsite and the links are all valid. http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-plasma-applications-and-platform-49316:47
mparilloI assume it is good for 12.04 and 12.10. I omitted 13.04 as there were only a couple of ISOs up so far.16:47
shadeslayerfwiw I'm uploading kdevelop 4.4.1 to raring16:58
* Mamarok eagerly awaits package to show up17:59
shadeslayerMamarok: KDevelop?18:12
Mamarokshadeslayer: no, kde 4.9.318:12
shadeslayerah okay18:12
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Tm_Thm, it's out? http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-plasma-applications-and-platform-49318:49
mparilloTim_T, tsdgeos said it was at 1643, but I wonder if 4.9.3 the default for raring? I just did a sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:50
mparilloAnd I am still at 4.9.2,18:51
Tm_Twho is Tim? (:18:54
Tm_Tmparillo: see the blogpost, you don't get it from standard sources18:54
mparilloTm_T: Right, and that is what I would expect for 12.04 and 12.10, but not what I would expect for 13.0418:55
mparilloI left 13.04 off the news item because I did not want to call attention to it until there were mor than just two ISO images at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/18:56
mparilloAnd sorry about the Tim. In Quassel, a nice-to-have would be able to right-click on nick in the main window, and have it start your message with nick:19:01
Tm_Tmparillo: you can tabfill (:19:02
Tm_Tbut yeah, I suppose packages aren't uploaded yet to Raring, as they go first to -proposed19:02
Tm_T(or is that not the case with KDE packages?)19:03
mparillotabfill kde quassel does not yeild much in google. And the Help menu in Quassel is pretty bare.19:04
Tm_Tmparillo: hit tabulator (the key with |<- ->| symbols, above capslock usually) and it should fill the rest19:10
Tm_Tfor example "mpari<tab>" will produce "mparillo:"19:10
mparilloTm_T: Wow, that is a very nice feature. I would start to write, 'Shame it is not documented', but Riddell is probably lurking to suggest that I write the Quassel docs. And a tab with no typing gives your nick (probably because you were the last to post). 19:12
Tm_Tmparillo: I believe it is documented19:15
Tm_Tmparillo: same tabfilling works in bash, just try "sud<tab> apt-g<tab> ins<tab> kde-fu<tab>"19:16
Tm_TI rarely search packages nowadays other than via tabfilling (:19:16
* BluesKaj is lazy ..uses aliases for apt-get19:17
Tm_TBluesKaj: I use wajig19:17
BluesKajand that no password in the sudoers file19:17
Tm_Twell, that's something I would never do19:18
BluesKajI'm a home user , so it's pretty secure19:18
BluesKajnot for logins of course 19:19
Tm_Tyeah, it's fine on single-user environment (:19:19
BluesKajTm_T, what's wajig?19:19
Tm_T!info wajig19:19
ubottuwajig (source: wajig): simple and unified package management for Debian. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.3 (quantal), package size 39 kB, installed size 195 kB19:20
Tm_Tbasicly it's a frontend for apt and friends19:20
yofelmeh, just missed mparillo19:35
yofelok, now to actually release stuff19:37
yofelhm, first dinner, then release.19:38
yofelcopy script running and l10n uploading19:58
yofelhuh, building kde-l10n now also builds the corresponding langpack packages o.O20:16
yofelbah, build in 2h -.-20:17
* yofel says hi from his new n7 in the meanwhile :D20:18
apacheloggerwelcome n720:18
* apachelogger has no idea what a n7 is20:18
apacheloggerkubotu: google n720:19
kubotuno results found for n720:19
yofelnexus 720:19
apacheloggerkubotu: umad?20:19
apacheloggeryofel: ah20:19
yofelnow let's try this archive upload script20:20
yofelhm, python-keyring is utterly broken on my server -.-20:28
yofeldebfx: what's pull-ppa-source btw.?20:33
debfxyofel: a script in kubuntu-dev-tools that downloads packages from PPAs20:36
yofeldebfx: ah right20:37
* yofel found a bug in his apt pin setup -.-20:37
debfxthere is a small problem with that script though: it stores the package files in the local launchpad lib20:38
debfx(a side effect of supporting private PPAs)20:39
yofelwell, I have bigger problems right now. (could be because I'm running raring): http://paste.kde.org/59846020:40
debfxlooks like wrong parameter order20:42
debfxdoes it work when you replace subprocess.check_call(["pull-ninjas-source", "-d", package, release]) with subprocess.check_call(["pull-ppa-source", "-d", "kubuntu-ninjas/ppa", package, release])20:45
yofelit seems you changed the semantics?20:45
yofelusage: pull-ppa-source [-h] [-d] ppa package release20:45
yofelsubprocess.check_call(["pull-ninjas-source", "-d", package, release])20:45
yofelheh, trying20:45
yofeldebfx: pull-ppa-source: error: unrecognized arguments: raring20:46
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debfxyofel: what does pull-ppa-source --help say?20:50
debfxisn't release under "positional arguments"?20:50
yofelit is20:50
debfx"bin/pull-ppa-source -d kubuntu-ninjas/ppa analitza raring" works for me so I declare it a bug in raring :P20:52
yofelfunny enough, *that* works here too20:52
* yofel tries again20:53
yofeldebfx: BUT20:53
yofel$ pull-ninjas-source -d kubuntu-ninjas/ppa analitza raring20:54
yofelusage: pull-ppa-source [-h] [-d] ppa package release20:54
yofelpull-ppa-source: error: unrecognized arguments: raring20:54
yofelso, pull-ppa-source works, pull-ninjas-source doesn't20:54
* yofel needs some coffee20:54
yofelok, let's try *again*20:54
yofeldebfx: works now, thanks for the help20:55
debfxit shouldn't matter where you put the "-d"20:56
yofelnono, look at the command I was running20:56
yofelhm, you have a point about -d though20:57
debfxah right, but why did it fail in kubuntu-archive-upload20:58
yofelI'm wondering about that too, "pull-ppa-source kubuntu-ninjas/ppa -d analitza raring" works fine...20:59
yofel=== Package differs from PPA, skipping kate.21:00
yofelmeh, that needs an override prompt :/21:01
debfxyeah the scripts need many improvements21:16
yofelI've made initial upload a bit more resistent to errors, but the scripts are nice in general. good work :)21:17
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yofelunity is kinda nice indeed on a tablet21:58
mparilloyofel: Sorry I misunderstood tsdgeos' comment, "yofel: mparillo: it is out"22:04
yofelno problem, happens22:05
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yofelapachelogger: does the kate patch you restored mean that we can drop the one from calligra? (that patches the text/plain MIME support out)22:34
mparilloapachelogger: Thanks for fixing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/106208623:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1062086 in kate (Ubuntu Quantal) "In Kubuntu 12.10 text files by default opened in LibreOffice Write instead of Kate " [Low,Triaged]23:47
mparilloOne less papercut.23:48

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