
jammorning all05:24
jamglad you made it back safe bigjools05:24
bigjoolsmorning jam05:24
bigjoolsme too ;)05:24
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jtvHi jam, hi bigjools07:34
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mgzdid anyone catch smoser yesterday?10:33
mgzhe posted a why-what? comment in bug 1044503 which is a bit suprising as I thought we'd asked him about it last week10:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1044503 in maas (Ubuntu Raring) "kernel command line is not easily customizable" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104450310:34
mgzjam, dimitern: have put up a very simple migration branch, will commit some smarts around model and fallback now11:50
Davieymgz: i did, i did!11:54
mgzDaviey: and the upshot was? :)11:55
mgzI'm still not really sure how this is going to be used, beyond maybe some simple customisations for specific hardware (like the highbank console thing currently hardcoded in the arch method)11:56
Davieymgz: No upshot.. i just happend to catch him.11:57
Davieynow i think about it, it's not that helpful.11:57
mgzwell, if you catch him again, don't let him go!11:58
Davieybecause he bit your finger so?12:06
mgzhm, jenkins is unhappy, "Failed to create a temp file on /home/ubuntu/launchpad-jobs/workspace/maas-merger-quantal"12:10
jammgz: it has been unhappy fora  few days, it is either a perms issue, or a out-of-disk space, IMO12:10
jamrvba: ^^ you have direct access to jenkins, right?12:11
jammgz: commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/maas/1.2_add_db_kernel_params/+merge/13304412:25
mgzthanks jam12:27
rvbajam: yes, the started yesterday, the whole filesystem of the vm went read only.  matsubara is aware of the problem and worked on it yesterday; apparently he did not manage to fix the problem yet.  I'm waiting for him or Larry to come online to see what they think.12:59
rvbas/yes, the/yes, that problem/12:59
matsubararvba, hey, I'm around now. I waiting on Larry as well since I couldn't get thta read-only problem yesterday13:14
rvbamatsubara: all right.  Please keep us posted when you'll have news, this problem is really blocking us now.13:16
matsubararvba, will do. sorry about that13:16
roaksoaxrvba: hey man! how's everything? how was your flight back14:03
rvbaroaksoax: Hey Andres, everything all right.  How are you?14:03
roaksoaxrvba: long :)14:04
roaksoaxrvba: so anyways, where are we standing towards an SRU14:04
roaksoaxrvba: are there things ready for me to start preparing for SRU?14:06
rvbaroaksoax: you're talking about the precise SRU right?14:07
gwd-laptopI've got a question: Does MaaS require IPMI to function, or can it work with just DHCP / PXE / &c?14:07
roaksoaxrvba: quantal14:08
roaksoaxrvba: i need to catch up with the security team on the precise SRU14:08
rvbaroaksoax: ok14:09
roaksoaxrvba: but for 12.10 we has half of the bugs in the list already fixed, so I think we need to start SRU'ing by chunks14:09
roaksoaxrvba: i'm also gonna be trying to reproduce the upgrade bug again and see if it shows up14:09
rvbaroaksoax: we've committed most of the fix which will go in the SRU already https://launchpad.net/maas/+milestone/12.10-stabilization14:09
rvbafixes* even14:10
rvbaroaksoax: 2 bugs are assigned to you in that list.  Not sure what's the status for these two…?14:10
roaksoaxrvba: well 1 is pretty hard to fix as there's no real way to find out whether it is a VM or real HW. and the second one is mostly IPMI issue itself, but will handle it by waiting more time before optaining an IP address, and dealing with the 0.0..0.0 as a failure to obtain IPMI address14:11
mgzhuh. we haven't backported our other changes to 1.2 yet so basing on 1.2 was maybe not helpful.14:18
* mgz adjusts the test14:18
mgzjam, dimitern: how goes?14:32
dimiternmgz: I saw your change and I'm adapting my tests and code to match what you added14:32
dimiternI'll be ready later today with my changes, but still need a ui review14:33
gwd-laptopPing? Anyone have an answer to my question?14:46
mgzgwd-laptop: what ever it was, it's not in my scrollback14:48
gwd-laptopmgz: Thanks -- the question was: "Does MaaS require IPMI to function, or can it work with just DHCP / PXE / &c?"14:48
roaksoaxgwd-laptop: no it doesn't require IPMI to function, but then you would need to manually turn on machines14:50
gwd-laptopmgz: I think that's probably OK -- in this case they'll actually be VMs. :-)14:50
* mgz takes all the credit14:50
gwd-laptopOops, sorry, didn't look closely. :-)14:50
roaksoaxgwd-laptop: yeah, there's an option to use virsh as a power method14:51
gwd-laptopI work for Citrix on the Xen open-source team.  I want to write a charm to install Xen / XCP on MaaS, so that they can be tested with the OpenStack testing that the Server team does.  But we don't use MaaS for our test infrastructure at Citrix, so I was thinking of trying to use a virtualized environment.14:51
mgzthat sounds like a good plan. not sure what docs we have currently on testing like that.14:52
gwd-laptoproaksoax: Would doing it manually work as well?  I'm a lot more familiar with setting up XenServer than with setting up libvirt -- although, it's probably not bad to get a bit more practice with the latter...14:53
smosermgz, the screen shots didn't make a lot of sense to me.14:54
roaksoaxgwd-laptop: hold on, you want to deploy Xen based Vm's with MAAS?14:54
roaksoaxgwd-laptop: or you simply want ot deploy Xen/XCP on machines using a charm?14:54
gwd-laptoproaksoax: What I actually want is a charm to install Ubuntu + Xen in a MaaS environment.14:55
gwd-laptoproaksoax: But I don't actually have a real MaaS environment, so I'm thinking of trying to set up a virtualized environment, just to test the charm.14:55
gwd-laptoproaksoax: If it's not really feasible, I can probably get a phsyical MaaS system set up here, but it's just more work.14:57
roaksoaxgwd-laptop: right, so yeah a virtualized environment should be enough. The power management in maas is simply to start/stop machines/vm's when juju deploying something14:57
gwd-laptoproaksoax: So if I'm willing to babysit the installation and flip the virtual switch myself, I should be able to test the charm.  Great -- I'll give that a try.14:58
mgzsmoser: sorry, screenshots? customising the kernel params is pretty much just and admin level config thing to avoid some hardcoding of stuff14:58
smoserscreenshots on the merge proposal14:58
dimiternsmoser: that ones I added?14:58
smoserand i was never clear on what "tags" meant. i just wante dto see some example.14:58
roaksoaxgwd-laptop: yeah, power management is not really required :)14:58
gwd-laptoproaksoax: Cool -- thanks for your help!14:59
roaksoaxgwd-laptop: anytime!14:59
mgzdimitern: you seem to have proposed a 1.2 based branch against lp:maas rather than lp:maas/1.2 maybe?15:00
dimiternmgz: it's agains 1.2, the MP is there now just for ui review15:01
dimiternso it's on trunk (by mistake)15:02
smoserdimitern, yeah, i suppose.15:03
smoseri jus wanted an example description of how tags will be rendered.15:03
mgzsmoser, okay, so the concrete stuff I can see this doing is changing stuff like the compose_arch_opts function in provisioning.kernel_opts into an admin level command like 'add-tag --kernel-params="console=ttAMA0" --definition="contains(/node/product, 'Highbank')"'15:03
dimiternsmoser: so the tags are things you can attach to nodes, and the kernel opts can be part of the tag info, an in addition there are the global params in settings15:04
mgzso, rather than needing a provisioning server code change to alter the params for a specific set of hardware, you define something that matches against the lshw output, then the final stage boot uses the params attached to that tag15:04
roaksoaxrvba: alright, so we are SRU'ing quantal MAAS into precise15:05
mgzroaksoax suggested this would be enough for what you guys want to do, hopefully that's the case?15:05
roaksoaxwell yes, I suggested based on the fact that this was decided to be resolved using tags15:06
smosermgz, so --definition= says 'attach tag named kernel-params with value "console=...." to all machines that are Highbank'15:07
rvbaroaksoax: yeah, but that is going to require some extra work because of the dependencies (Django 1.4, etc.)15:07
roaksoaxrvba: yeah, i guess we could simply SRU the minimal change as well?15:07
smoserand 'kernel-param' is some special tag that would even be identified as such in the maas-cli ?15:07
roaksoaxrvba: that'[s the only blocker really15:07
mgzdefinition just specifies which nodes have that tag, based on their reported lshw output15:08
mgzby attaching the kernel params to tags, we hope to make the boot after that admin customisable based on the hardware15:08
rvbaroaksoax: not sure it's the only blocker, I need to check the new dependencies that we use in the quantal version.15:08
roaksoaxrvba: ok cool that would be helpful15:09
roaksoaxmgz: right, so i think that regardless of the definition, it's still necessary to be able to assign kernel params to any given system15:09
roaksoaxmgz: and might be required to assigned based on the name of the system15:10
mgzbut what I'm still not clear on is which boots matter15:10
smoserwell, any boot in which you want to do something matters15:10
mgzwith the ability to manually add a tag to any name, you can give one (or more) boxes completely custom params15:10
smoserso what happens if multiple tags named 'kernel-params' match a node?15:11
mgzwhat are the names for the three steps again? enlistment, commissioning, something else?15:11
smoserand are admin specified appended after MAAS required (ie, iscsi_target=....)15:11
mgzsmoser: the easiest thing for us is to just take the params from one matching tag, in a deterministic fashion15:12
jtvmgz: you mean deployment?15:12
smoserthat is the easiest thing, yes.15:12
mgzbasically, tag-level customisation can't kick in till after we have the lshw output, which happens on the comissioning step, right?15:12
smoserso if i did like you suggested above with but with a different value with different criteria15:13
smoserwhat would happen?15:13
smoserwhich match would "win"15:13
mgzthe globally configured ones could maybe be used before that, but there still needs to be a way for the nodes to talk to the maasserver to get that out15:13
smoseris that determinable?15:13
mgzsmoser: one idea is to just take the first tag lexicographically, but we've not coded it yet, so what ever you like :)15:14
mgzthe UI dimitern is working on aims to make this clear15:14
smoserthat word is way to big for me.15:15
mgzby displaying the params used and where they came from15:15
mgzsmoser: A comes before Z and so on15:15
smoseri'm confused.15:16
smoserwhich is why i just wanted some example that showed what would happen15:16
nveitchi think thats not a great idea15:17
dimiternsmoser: you have tags, named "big-gpu", "large-mem", "0-special-tag", etc., so when sorted the 3rd one will be applied first, even if more than one of them match a single node15:17
nveitchchronologically would be better15:17
mgzthe problem with chronologically is that would either need tracking seperately or would be unstable in the face of minor tweaks to tag definitions15:18
dimiternsmoser: and the other ones matching will be ignored, if none matches - use the global params from settings15:18
smoserso tag has name and value15:18
smoserthis is confusing me15:18
dimiternnveitch: ordering them chronologically poses problem with how to control the order and fine-tune it15:19
mgzthey have a name, and a definition, which specifies what they match15:19
dimiternsmoser: name, description (comment) and optionally, kernel_params15:19
smoserbecause it seems like your implying that tag_name="0-special-tag" and value="console=ttyS0"15:19
mgz(and a comment, which is just fluff, and shortly also an optional list of kernel params)15:19
smoserbut then i dont know where the string 'kernel_params' would fit.15:19
smoserthat is odd15:19
dimiternsmoser: the kernel_params field of the tag is the complete boot command line for the kernel, as I understand it - all params as a string15:20
smoserso you're suggesting that names have, importantly, a name and a 'kernel_params'15:20
mgzno, tag (name='0-special-tag', definition='true', kernel_params='console=ttyS0)15:20
smoserdimitern, well, it can't have the entire set of parameters, because that is not knowable outside of maas.15:20
smoserthat is wierd.15:20
dimiterntag names are used just for sorting15:20
smoserdont you think this is weird?15:21
smoserwe're promoting "kernel_params" to some sort of super item that is even then part of a tag?15:21
dimiternsmoser: maybe I don't get it well enough to tell why it's weird?15:21
mgzmaas will still supply some internally (needs to for various things that take arguments), but will allow you one extra set of params to stick on the end15:21
smoserif you told me "you can apply tags to nodes or groups of nodes"15:21
mgzsmoser: yes. but I don't think it really matters.15:21
smoseri would think that a "tag" is either a key:value pair, or (less usefully) a 'name'15:22
smoserbut i would probably not expect that it is a key:value:kernel_params triplet15:22
dimiternsmoser: a tag is a few extra properties, which can be attached to a node, one of them can be the kernel params15:22
mgzit complicates the tag is name+definition thing, but sticking tag associated kernel params elsewhere wouldn't really change much15:22
dimiternsmoser: it's not just key/value15:22
mgzI would prefer if the apis were kept clean of kernel stuff, but jam disagreed on the basis that this is the simplest thing15:23
mgzit would be perfectly possible to stick the actual data whereever, the main question is if getting that stuff based on one tag would be okay for what you'll want to do with it15:26
mgzthe main issue with fancier things seems to be that kernel params are pretty opaque to us, we can't easilly tell what overrides what, what combines with what, so merging multiple params is non-trivial15:28
smoserso i think its not at all unreasonable to just throw up your hands. and not attempt to merge or join in any way, but just let some definition "win"15:30
smoserbut with tags, that seems somewhat arbitrary.15:30
smoserso i suspect thats why the lexical ordering based on 'name'.15:31
mgzright, and then we document that you name your tags specially for kernel params with 001- prefixes if you want clarity15:32
smoserbut if we're playing the funny name game ...15:33
smoserthen why not15:33
mgzbecause how do you then associate 001-kernel-params with a particular set of machines?15:34
smoserhowever you do that anyway.15:34
smoseri had assumed the --definition thing was not specific15:34
smoserto kernel params15:34
mgzor you mean pickling the params into the tag name?15:34
smoserif i have both key and value for a "tag" (which 'im still confused by)15:35
smoserthen no pickling needed.15:35
mgztags are just names, with some fancy logic attached15:35
mgzthe fancy logic is optional15:35
mgzrather than needing to manually look at each machine and say whether a tag applies to it or not (node triage...)15:36
mgzyou can give a definition that we then use to automatically apply the tag if appropriatte to any new machines as they show up15:36
smoserok. that at least maks sense.15:37
mgzthe kernel params are again just a bit of extra logic bundled with the tag, to say when booting a machine that matches this tag, add in these params15:37
smoserthen yeah, my solution would require pickling name/value15:37
smoserwhich i dont think is beautiful15:37
smoserbut i dont think the extra special attribute is either.15:37
smoserbut then my suggestion was that you could just have a name of "001-kernel-params=console=ttyS0"15:38
smoserwhich would probably be improved to move kernel-params to the beginning.15:38
smoserbut either way.15:39
smoseri put 3 points there that i'd like to at least have considered.15:39
smoserand know how i would address them15:40
smoseri think it'll work, but i just iddn't wan tto create somethign that wouldn't solve anyone's actual problems15:40
mgzthanks, extra details are useful15:42
mgzthe -- is interesting... I wonder if we can leave that just to the user supplied params?15:45
mgzor will some of the ones that maas needs to add in itself have to be mixed before and after?15:45
mgz...or can we assume user supplied ones should always be carried over to the installed system?15:46
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smosermgz, well, the -- is annoyhing.15:57
smoserand i ran into this personall a bit ago.15:57
smoserthe BOOTIF= is the most annoying bit15:58
smoseras it gets copied over :)15:58
smoseras IPAPPEDN is "append"15:58
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rvbajam: jtv mgz: matsubara fixed the Jenkins problem (apparently, rebooting the vm many times fixed it).17:11
jtvrvba: \o/  thanks!17:12
rvbaDiogo will investigate further but in the meantime so that it does not happen again but we can land our branches.17:12
jtvAnd thanks to matsubara for the work...  what fixes it for me is a manual “fsck -f -y /dev/<partition>” from a boot shell.17:13
mgzgo matsubara17:14
jtvrvba: you landed my lint branch already?17:14
rvbajtv: yes, I used that branch as a test :)17:14
jtvI was so looking forward to landing that one.  :)17:14
roaksoaxrvba: jtv so when do you guys have a catchup call17:19
jtvroaksoax: normally around 08:00 UTC17:19
rvbaroaksoax: 08:30 UTC17:20
jtv(I'm being vague because I believe it was just being changed due to DST)17:20
jtvAh yes, the half hour too.17:20
roaksoaxuh, that's early for me17:20
roaksoaxrvba: ok so we need to have a catch up call to talk about the upgrade path17:20
roaksoaxand so on17:20
rvbaroaksoax: ok, we can do that tomorrow.17:21
roaksoaxalright cool17:23
jtvroaksoax: thanks for the review...  I'm out too.  :)17:34
mgzmatsubara: tried merging again, but it failed once more alas...17:36
matsubaramgz, which merge proposal?17:37
mgzjenkins job 252, merge for lp:~gz/maas/1.2_fix_duplicated_039_migration17:39
matsubarajob #253 passed17:41
mgzwas that against trunk or against 1.2?17:42
matsubarathere are separate jobs for 1.2 and trunk17:43
mgzshall I try again and hope?17:44
matsubaraI just did17:46
matsubaralet's see17:46
matsubaramgz, the eagle has landed18:12
mgzclearly jenkins likes you better :)18:15
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