=== zz_chihchun is now known as chihchun === heathkid|2 is now known as heathkid [03:51] hi all! My Nexus 7 has been flashing for the past hour. [03:51] not a good sign? [03:51] 16GB model. [04:02] i see i'm not the only one experiencing this - http://askubuntu.com/questions/206984/installation-on-a-nexus-7-gets-stuck-while-flashing-the-root-filesystem [04:08] jrgifford: yeah, we've seen that occasionally. only advice we have is to try again [04:08] achiang: should i try with the 8GB image? [04:08] jrgifford: you won't brick the device as long as you can reboot back into fastboot mode [04:09] jrgifford: i would try 16G one more time, then try 8G [04:09] i'll reopen that question on AU and then drop an answer saying that you need to try again... [04:09] achiang: ok, thanks! [04:10] jrgifford: good luck [04:21] achiang: tried again, it's "Preparing the root filesystem, please wait, this will take a few minutes..." :D [04:21] jrgifford: great, now you wait ~15m and it will be all good [04:21] :) [04:22] achiang: yay! :) [04:28] achiang: it works! [04:28] thanks [04:29] jrgifford: cool, have fun [04:29] will do. :) [09:24] xnox, we'll also need the simg2img (to turn sparse back into normal loop mountable images in cse you want to take a look inside) [09:26] xnox, also your clean target removes the fastboot binary (or tries at least) [09:26] *the simg2img binary === doko_ is now known as doko [10:05] ogra_: ok, will check. === chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun [10:19] ogra_: is there something wrong with remove fastboot binary? [10:19] * xnox thought we compile it. [10:22] well, it wont exist in the extras dir [10:22] ah =) [10:23] ogra-nx7: ogra_: can't seem to find simg2img [10:24] hmm, should be in the same branch in the same dir upstream [10:24] (extras) [10:24] there is "-S don't use sparse output format" in the ext2simg.c [10:25] thats not the same [10:25] ok. [10:25] -S is used to create non sparse images [10:25] i.e. only at creation time [10:26] https://code.google.com/p/usefulshellscript/source/browse/trunk/simg2img.py ? [10:26] simg2img actually turns a existing img into a mountable nonsparse one [10:27] hmm... found an android one as well. [10:27] https://gitorious.org/0xdroid/system_extras/blobs/9c842adc177c1bcd22c2038d8d237bfb70654dca/ext4_utils/simg2img.c [10:27] gimme a few minutes, i got a branch on my PC upstairs [10:27] but that's not android official repo? [10:27] ah, yeah, that looks good [10:28] there must be an android one as well [10:32] ogra-nx7: so the jelly-bean branch has img2simg and simg2img but not the master branch. [10:34] aha [10:35] and the existing package uses master ? [10:37] ogra-nx7: it was moved from extras ext4_utils to core/libsparse.... [10:37] found it, will compile. [10:37] yay, hide and seek with code [10:38] * xnox ponders about continue to monkey compile or actually compile libsparse into a separate lib. [11:11] ogra android_reboot.c ?! =) [11:12] but that wants linux/reboot.h and I am not sure if I need the android kernel header for that, or just any local one. [11:12] ugh [11:13] xnox, where is that needed ? [11:14] ogra_: well, QA might like that... won't they? [11:14] fastboot can reboot devices [11:15] does android_reboot.c buy us anything extra ? [11:15] not really. [11:15] unless they want to set up autotests with android for comparison reasons i doubt QA will use it [11:16] * ogra_ already feared that was some kind of dep of simg2img [11:16] setup_fs wants it for some reason. [11:16] but I'm not sure we need setup_fs. [11:17] i dont think so [11:17] if it pops up we can compile it =) [11:17] :) [11:17] yeah [11:20] janimo, do we have a bug against linux-firmware to include our wlan/BT blobs ? [11:44] ogra_: there are now following binaries packaged: ext2simg ext4fixup img2simg make_ext4fs mkuserimg simg2img simg2simg simg_dump test_ext4fixup [11:44] xnox, awesome, i think thats more than enough :) [11:45] ogra_: I pushed the branch. I'll try to repack an image and flash it, to see if it works. [11:45] * ogra_ pulls [11:46] builds fine here [11:50] ogra_ hi [11:50] hey victorp [11:50] nice blogpost ! [11:50] ogra_ thanks [11:50] I am working in something else at the moment - that is why I asked you about the battery yesterday [11:50] i fear firefox simply doesnt use GLES while webkit in chromium does [11:50] ogra_ could well be [11:50] am I right that cat /sys/class/backlight/pwm-backlight/brightness [11:51] will give me the screen brightness level? [11:51] i talked to chris about it but it seems the GLES support in FF would only get us WebGL, not faster rendering [11:51] should, yes [11:51] ok.. I think I found a bug [11:51] ma [11:51] maybe [11:52] do you know what the "Dim screen to save power" is suppose to do? [11:53] dimming after a defined time [11:53] ogra_^ [11:53] running on battery? [11:53] you can define it in the power settings for battery and AC modes [11:53] there is another bug with the slider in there [11:54] it allows you to actually actively set the current brightness ... and doesnt catch if you are setting it to 0 [11:54] cant find the power settings you mention.. [11:54] so you can end up with a black screen ... havent reported that one yet [11:54] nice [11:54] iirc it is called brioghtness or so [11:55] ah, brightness and lock [11:55] yes, that one only gives me a tick box [11:56] oh, yeah, seems there were options dropped [11:56] there used to be a monitor or display tab in the power settings that allowed finer grained management [11:56] I run a test overnight and brightness was dimmed from 99 to 70 something [11:57] almost immediately [11:57] but I kept printing the file above and every hour it seems that it bounce back to 99 [11:57] and then back down [11:58] how even it never when lower than 70+ even when the battery was at 10% [11:58] yeah,. definitely some bug [11:58] I think it would make sense to make the dimming a function of the battery level dont you think? [11:58] we also dont have a working ambient light sensor yet, that might influence the behavior [11:59] that might get annoying if it dims more and more based on the battery level [11:59] well, assuming that the room is constantly at the same light [11:59] I doubt you would notice it [11:59] :) [11:59] if you only do that for the nexus you can easily pick the level thats set ... but if yxou want to make that a generic function you end up with funny stuff [11:59] you should be able to turn it off too [12:00] i.e. on my ac100 the battery icon turns red at 20% [12:00] ah [12:00] I see [12:00] that still is like 3h of worktime [12:00] on my x86 lappie 20% means find a wallplug in the next hour [12:00] ack [12:01] it seems that battery sensors are not thought for ARM [12:01] the prob here is that percentages are used [12:01] only x86 high consuming beasts [12:01] there are finer grained values that could be used [12:01] (see what upower -d gives you) [12:02] well that could be easily tuned if systems are pre-installed. I still think that reducing brightness with battery is not a bad idea... I wonder to whom I should suggest it. raise a bug? [12:02] yep [12:03] oooh [12:03] start with filing against gnome-power-manager [12:03] upower -d is cool [12:03] :) [12:03] only with janimo's latest kernel though :) [12:03] seriously , I wish there was a wiki for this sort of tips [12:04] the original one we had didnt have all the "energy" values filled [12:04] btw - I notice that my systems was prompting me to install updates [12:04] yeah, there were PPA updates [12:04] is that part of the newark ppa or should I not install them [12:04] check in sw-sources [12:05] ok, running update now [12:05] make sure ypou didnt accidentially enable updates/security/proposed [12:05] * victorp loves to ssh to it [12:05] if thats the case, updating is safe [12:05] * ogra_ got pretty good with onboard already [12:05] btw I just got this... works well with the n7 http://www.amazon.co.uk/PadStand-Black-Portable-integrated-charging/dp/B003QGPAHS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1352203517&sr=8-1 [12:05] forcing yourself to only use the device this way for a day or two really helps [12:06] neat [12:06] ogra_ I am waiting to get my usb keyboard for that [12:06] * ogra_ has http://www.amazon.de/Twelve-South-Compass-Aluminium-St%C3%A4nder-Apple/dp/B003XQMUVA [12:07] and a really cool BT keyboard i still cant use :) [12:07] * victorp does not believe on BT [12:07] very nice! [12:07] well, i like to charge the device while its on the stand [12:08] I was going to ask about that. I thought achiang said that janimo had a patch to charge whilst in usb OTG mode [12:08] yeah, havent tested it yet [12:09] i currently run the latest though with some self added test modifications, i probably should try it [12:09] hmm, compiling the composite gadget into the kernel wasnt a clever idea it seems [12:10] makes both network managers freak out if i plug it into my PC [12:10] they both try to automatically establish a usbnet connection [12:10] sings of modern days.. I dont have a USB to USB cable [12:10] * ogra_ makes a note to make that a module next time [12:10] I have millions of USB to micro USB [12:10] you have the charger cable [12:10] so I can test it either [12:11] which goes to micro [12:11] which is fine for the usbnetwork stuff :) [12:11] if you ten enable port forwarding on your PC you have actual wired network on the nexus ;) [12:12] *then [12:12] ogra_ what I wanted to do is to plug keyboard+mouse+charger to the same USB hub [12:12] right, or use a powered hub [12:13] there should be male-male cables though [12:13] indeed [12:13] I only have one but is hooked to my pc [12:13] i know there are female-female ones [12:13] I suppose I could swap them around [12:14] lemme play with my hbus [12:14] hubs [12:15] naah, is not charging [12:16] how do I know if I have the right kernel? [12:16] janimo, ^^^ should that work already ? [12:16] victorp, i think it should show a -7 in uname -r [12:17] (my homebrewed one shows 3.1.10-7-nexus7 ... should be the same for the PPA one since they come from the same tree) [12:17] it's a 6 [12:17] maybe needs a reboot? [12:18] yeah, if t was updated it should tell you about it though [12:18] i.e. turn the gear icon in the panel red [12:18] yes, it doesnt [12:18] might be because jain uses the linaro packaging [12:18] for the kernel package [12:18] checking that the ppa is in the sources [12:19] look in /boot [12:19] if there is a vmlinuz-3.1.10-7-nexus7 [12:19] nope [12:19] ppa is in the sources [12:20] and update manager says my system is up to date [12:20] :( [12:20] aha [12:20] the uploads happened to the private PPA [12:20] I guess we should get janimo to confirm that 7 has been pushed out [12:21] ?? [12:21] it is on the new image but someone needs to copy it over to the public ppa [12:21] shouldnt they go to the normal ppa [12:21] the image is buiult from the private one [12:21] seems like we should make that part of the process [12:21] so uploading there first and then copying is required i think... not sure [12:22] nah, we should immediately start uploading to raring instead :) [12:22] once there is a raring image :) [12:22] look forward to that [12:23] in the meantime, If you can make the honours I can test the patch [12:26] victorp, we need to clarify where to ship firmware before working raring images I guess [12:26] janimo, just file a bug and leave that bit to the kernel team [12:27] janimo, any objections if i pocket copy the 7.10 kernel to the public PPA ? [12:27] i think its on the images already [12:27] and indeed we should start using the public PPA for image builds while we still do 12.10 based spins [12:27] so should be safe to do [12:27] ogra_, no objections, thanks [12:27] * ogra_ does it then [12:28] along weith the tegra driver fix [12:28] ogra_, I was waiting for people with OTG cables to see if it works [12:28] janimo, that is fine. The discussion came because the public ppas had not been update..and we got to raring images :) [12:28] and whether it causes other USB related regressions [12:30] victorp, apt-get update should give you a new tegra driver and a new kernel now [12:30] * ogra_ goes for coffee [12:41] ogra_, done - still nothing in /boot [12:42] you ran update-manager afterwards ? [12:42] apt-get update only updated the lists of available packages [12:43] apt-get dist-upgrade is the equivalent of what update-manager does then [12:44] * ogra_ definitely sees the new packages in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/ppa [12:44] 16.0-0ubuntu3 of the tegra driver and of the kernel [12:50] ogra_, do we need an externally powered USB hub with the nexus? [12:50] I plugged a keyboard in and nothing happens [12:50] just plugging in the kbd should work [12:50] directly i mean [12:50] i only have used the device with powered hubs yet [12:50] when i used a hub [12:55] janimo, why iso9660 ? [12:55] ogra_, ? [12:55] [ Jani Monoses ] [12:55] * [Config] Enable ISO_9660_FS [12:55] * [Config] Various options needed for LXC support. [12:55] * [Config] Enable SND_USB_AUDIO, disable SND_HDA_INTEL [12:56] i understand the last two ... [12:56] but am wondering why we enable iso9660 [12:56] ogra_, ah. There was a bug about some USB stick not mounting [12:56] it can be used on non-CD media too [12:57] oh,. indeed [12:57] maybe even our ISO hybrids are like that [12:57] yeah, you can just dd them to USB [12:57] not that that makes isolinux usable on arm though :) [12:57] I should have added bug numbers to the changelog, but at that point they were private still [12:57] but yeah, i get the point === Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha [13:00] ogra_ running update manager now [13:02] yep, it just popped up here as well, offering me the new driver [13:02] seems propagation takes a while in the PPA [13:02] even though the copying is instantly done [13:03] ogra_ is it normal that I dont find the update-manager but instead I have a software-updater ? [13:03] yeah, i'm just stuck with old naming in my head [13:04] the binary is still called update-manager though [13:06] well the kernel is still 6 [13:07] eek [13:08] janimo, looks like we dont have linux-nexus7 in the image [13:08] i only see the linux-image files installed, not the meta [13:08] ogra_, right, the metapackage is new and did not get the chance to tell vanhoof to update the seed [13:08] ah., k [13:09] victorp, so for now that means manual updating ... actually for everyone who used the old (and todays) image [13:09] it will only start to work once the meta package is preinstalled [13:09] ol [13:09] ok [13:09] so do I need to download the .deb [13:09] and install them manually? [13:09] you can work around it by installing linux-nexus7 i think [13:10] manually [13:10] that will pull in the metapackage alongside [13:10] yeah, that works [13:13] janimo, was the wlan firmware file fw_bcmdhd.bin ? [13:13] * ogra_ cant remember and tries to find it [13:13] ogra-nx7, yes [13:19] janimo, bug 1075549 [13:19] Launchpad bug 1075549 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "please include fw_bcmdhd.bin and bcm4330.hcd in linux-firmware for support of the nexus7" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1075549 [13:20] ogra_ doing that now.. can we add it to the wiki pls [13:20] lets leave the rest to the kernel team, i'm sure they have a process for checking the legal stuff etc [13:20] janimo, might be helpful if someone else than me could set it to confirmed [13:20] ogra_, ok. I am fine whichever way it is solved :) [13:20] ogra_ the raring image will have to have the same disclaimer that you get from the installer [13:21] * janimo wonders what broke his chromium that most pages are black backgrounds and not much else [13:21] victorp, then we cant do it in the distro [13:22] victorp, an EULA dialog on first boot or something less intrusive? [13:22] first boot wont help [13:22] ogra_, you're right [13:22] can't access the net [13:22] it will have to happen before you even download anything [13:23] and thats something we have a policy against in the distro ... but we ship a ton of other broadcom firmware, i'm sure there is a way [13:23] (to include it properly) [13:23] I'd also want to see if we can have it legally shipped before spending too much time on technical workarounds [13:23] lets leave it to the experts dealing with firmwares every day ;) [13:24] right. if kernel team says no, we can think about workarounds like stealing it from the /system partition [13:24] ogra_ -7 now running [13:24] but i'm confident we can put it into linux-firmware [13:24] about to plug the usb hub, hold your breath [13:24] victorp, great [13:25] janimo, how about a kernel upload to raring ? [13:26] ogra_, I guess I could. [13:26] do it :) [13:26] If 7.10 is ok for all, I could upload this as a start [13:26] no USB regressions then? [13:26] NEW will probably take a while so we can be sure the binary is there once we start image builds [13:26] someone tested it last week and said he could not see the kbd [13:27] not so important for raring i guess [13:27] ogra_, does it count as working if OTG is now completly broken? [13:27] i need smoe package for the builds [13:27] could even be empty ;) [13:27] victorp, not really [13:27] i thought so [13:27] :) [13:27] victorp, how did OTG regress? [13:27] mouse not working [13:27] probably the same issue I got reported before [13:27] neither kbd? [13:27] does not detect anything [13:27] and they used to work in 6 ? [13:27] nope [13:28] or my usb stick [13:28] yeap [13:28] all of them but charing [13:28] charging [13:28] and it is still not charging [13:28] ok, seems like a serious issue. I need to rever that charging patch, I think that broke it [13:28] well I am going to un install this kernel; [13:28] do we do testing?? problably not achiang :) [13:29] janimo, looking in dmesg i see it enmables the HUB [13:30] (tegra-otg) [13:30] but it doesnt seem to see any devices [13:30] so better revert that one :) [13:30] I am plugging the same hub that with -6 [13:30] with -6 the keyboard, mouse and usb stick where all recognised [13:31] i plugged in various things here [13:31] nothing is recognized ... but the cable properly loads/unloads tegra-otg when plugging it [13:31] with -7, not even the mouse plugin is working [13:31] yep [13:31] same here [13:35] ogra_, how do I get rid of it [13:35] uninstalling linux-nexus7 ? [13:35] well, that and the linux-image-*-7-* package [13:36] * ogra_ does his first upload to raring [13:36] * janimo did his 5 min ago [13:36] *sniff* starting my release with a binary blob [13:43] there we go, the bug is "inprogress" :) [13:48] ogra_ I removed that package too but still running -7 [13:49] victorp, oh, flash-kernel cant downgrade kernels (debian removed that feature in the latest version and i didnt get around to write a fix for that yet) [13:50] victorp, sudo abootimg -u /dev/mmcblk0p2 -k /boot/vmlinuz-3.1.10-6-nexus7 -r /boot/initrd.img-3.1.10-6-nexus7 && sudo reboot [13:50] ogra_ soooo [13:50] do I need to re-flash the image? [13:51] that will get you back to -6 [13:51] * victorp swearing [13:52] well, its just a bit longer than sudo flash-kernel, dont swear [13:53] too late :) [13:53] (thats actually the line f-k would call *if* there wouldnt be a version check before that) [13:54] flasing also loses anything I set up [13:54] ?? [13:54] what do you talk about ? [13:54] packages? [13:55] you should only write the old kernel to your boot partition with the command i gave you above [13:55] victorp, sudo abootimg -u /dev/mmcblk0p2 -k /boot/vmlinuz-3.1.10-6-nexus7 -r /boot/initrd.img-3.1.10-6-nexus7 && sudo reboot [13:55] from your running nexus [13:55] no need to re-flash the device or anything [13:55] ogra_, in flash-kernel mmcblk0 is equivalent to mmcblk0p1 in our case? [13:56] ogra_ I thought that is what you were telling me [13:56] nahh+ [13:56] you never need to install a machine more than once with an ubuntu system :) there is always a way to repaitr it [13:56] janimo, no, mmcblk0p1 would [13:56] let me try that command [13:57] victorp, dont get the device name wrong :) [13:57] the mouse is alive!!! [13:57] great [13:57] ogra_ I copy and paste it [13:58] see, dont get desparate :) re-installing is for QA junkies :P [13:58] * victorp cries [13:59] * ogra_ actually has machines around that were installed on warty and upgraded regulary ... they still run without issues [13:59] ogra_, hmm, flash-kernel would need quite some changes to support alternate partitions [13:59] ogra_, would specifying the boot part directly without having to scan for it break things? Is it not fixed for various devices? [13:59] janimo, well, my original ac100 code was capable .... sadly that wasnt what debian implemented in the end [14:00] as it is now we cannot easily boot from recovery and have it upgraded there [14:00] you need to edit the db [14:01] oh, wait, there is that autodetection that debian also trashed [14:02] janimo, i would say lets add a check for "Boot-Device:", if thats set we should override the autodetection with it [14:02] currently android devices only use Android-Boot-Device and do a pointless autodetection that debian even broke [14:03] janimo, but that will always be a hack until f-k actually supports overrides for the DB [14:03] whicjh it totally doesnt atm [14:04] f-k 3.0 is still in its infancy [14:07] infinity, oh, fyi, bug 1056206 [14:07] Launchpad bug 1056206 in flash-kernel (Ubuntu) "3.0~rc.4ubuntu23: cannot flash an old (previous Q) kernel" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1056206 [14:25] janimo, oh, look, low hanging fruit coming your way in bug 1072657 [14:25] Launchpad bug 1072657 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Can't mount a nfs disk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1072657 [14:26] ogra_, I think I added NFS at one point prompted by that bug [14:26] in 6.9 maybe [14:26] ah, its not closed though [14:26] still, I'd wait with any extra config changes will we sync up with ubuntu. No point in adding them piecemeal [14:27] ogra_, right, since only today did the new kernel become released [14:28] yep [14:35] hmm, bug 1075415 is intresting [14:35] Launchpad bug 1075415 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Touch is too sensitive: touch/tap is interpreted as a drag/swipe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1075415 [14:35] i think in android the touchscreen ships a calibration file [14:37] yeah, there it is [14:37] https://android.googlesource.com/device/asus/grouper/+/505d795dfcfd473d2a5a2f20177d355bcd254492/elan-touchscreen.idc [14:43] ogra_, you might like this one : http://victorpalau.net/2012/11/06/ubuntu-nexus7-7-hours-battery-life-whilst-browsing/ [14:45] sweet [14:45] 7h is great for the fact that we havent touched power mgmt at all [14:46] ogra_: so reading scrollback... did we upload a broken kernel to our PPA? [14:46] achiang, well, not having the meta nobody will get it offered anyway [14:46] achiang, so no worries [14:47] but yes, seems we did [14:47] well, i'm a bit worried about what happened to our qa process [14:47] as in, we didn't have one [14:47] ogra_ pretty good I reckon [14:47] imagine if screen brightness was adjusted :) [14:48] achiang, well, all i saw was that the new kernel ended up in the new image, i should probably not have done the pocket copying but it felt inconsistent to have it in the new image but not in the PPA [14:48] achiang, I am not sure the problem was the pocket copy [14:48] victorp, right and CPUs get powered down if not needed etc [14:49] victorp, well, i published it [14:49] so yes, the pocket copy was definitely a part here [14:49] victorp: we were waiting for test results from staging PPA [14:49] ogra_ but as you said, it was in the image [14:49] i know for a fact that janimo asked for testing results [14:49] i certainly never signed off on a kernel upload [14:49] achiang, so why was it in the new image? [14:49] victorp, right, but i should have waited for a go from achiang nontheless [14:50] I reverted the charging fix and will upload the kernel in a minute [14:50] victorp: because the wrong thing happened? [14:50] but where? staging PPA? [14:50] stop stop stop [14:50] anyway, I do not think people get autoupdates [14:50] janimo, closed, then pocket copy to the other one [14:50] this is a new ABI [14:50] what was wrong was that we released a new image without testing it [14:50] also [14:50] ogra_, but why closed? People should be able to test before it being in an image no? [14:50] that we did not push the same updates from the image to the public ppa [14:51] so why not in staging? [14:51] victorp, sure, but the followup stuff messed it up more [14:51] no excuses [14:51] ogra_, anyway not a big difference [14:51] ogra_ two wrongs do not make a right [14:51] right [14:51] i don't think we actually released a new image [14:51] a) we didn't test [14:51] victorp, two wrongs make a worse :) [14:51] b) the image and the public ppas where out of sync [14:52] c) I dunno, but I felt like putting a c [14:52] heh [14:52] achiang, right so that might have been the confusion [14:52] anyways... the ppa update did not work [14:52] so no worries [14:52] well, after all, no harm done you would have to manually fish out the package name and install it [14:53] achiang, and yes, the kernel is very broken [14:53] or install the meta [14:53] I think what happened was we had a staging kernel, and it was decided we make a test image that includes it for easier testing [14:53] so then image and public ppa became out of sync [14:53] what a mess... it is all my fault achiang [14:54] janimo, that sounds very plausible [14:54] the fact that we have 3 PPAs does sometimes confuse us all [14:55] also, did todays image become the default for the installer?( I hope not) [14:56] no, the installer image needs to be manually updated, which we have not done yet [14:56] and we will not do so until we QA the image [14:56] ok, then, less harm done [14:56] I am glad I deferred having a kernel metapackage, so every ABI bump upgrade must be explicitly requested by the user [14:57] achiang, then i'm sorry for messing up the QA process ... [14:57] * ogra_ will wait and ask next time [14:57] I am less glad I did not myself test each bugfix I uploaded in the kernel [14:58] ogra_, it's not you. I think it was a combination of us all that got into this situation [14:58] yeah, we have a QA team. let's use them. :) [14:58] anyway, we'll get it right next time [14:58] janimo, well, i saw discussions about the new image being up and thought it was released [14:58] just good that we didn't break our hundreds of users out in the wild [14:59] hundrets ? [14:59] what a pessimist you are *g* [15:00] ogra hundreds is the subset of the tens of thousands that actually use USB kbd/mouse and would be affected :) [15:00] ah, these ... lamers that fear the touchscreen :P [15:02] i would really love to know how we make use of the settings in https://android.googlesource.com/device/asus/grouper/+/7fce7d56cb077e869b9509cd2770d92e8cf29dcc/elan-touchscreen.idc [15:02] i bet if we could teach the driver to use these the touchscreen situation would get better [15:23] janimo, hmm, do we do anything with the touchscreen firmware ? [15:24] android seems to forcefully update it with the file on every boot [15:25] ogra_, the in-kernel fw seems to be newer or just as new as the external blob [15:25] so I stopped shipping the latter [15:25] right, but i wnder if that probably triggers some calibration [15:25] I saw the way to upload it is to echo into a sys/ file [15:25] yeah [15:26] ogra_, that can be tested with our current images by getting the file and echoing it's path. Not sure who does the calibration [15:26] yeah, i dont seem to see any difference in behavior after echoing the file [15:26] to me our touch issues seem to stem from the fact that we have tiny controls to poke at [15:27] i just would like to know how it applies the settings from elan-touchscreen.idc [15:28] as bug 1075415 might be solved with touch.pressure.scale = 0.0048 and touch.size.scale = 36 [15:28] Launchpad bug 1075415 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Touch is too sensitive: touch/tap is interpreted as a drag/swipe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1075415 [15:28] it could well be that our touchscreen is set to 1px squares [15:28] they seem to not be module options one could pass though [15:29] #define MAX_FINGER_SIZE 31 [15:29] that could be it [15:30] there is also IOCTL_ROUGH_CALIBRATE [15:31] mi all [15:31] hmmm, wrong window and wrong spelling -- how embarrassing [15:31] mi dmart ! [15:31] :) [15:31] ogra_: mi yourself :) [15:31] heh [15:41] achiang: can we close this N7 bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1075416 [15:41] Launchpad bug 1075416 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Please install openssh-server out of the box, at least for dev images" [Wishlist,New] [15:41] I marked it wishlist, so we could just leave it [15:41] mfisch: yeah, i think that needs to be close as wontfix [15:42] because it deviates from standard desktop [15:42] i think even server [15:43] it is the first option in tasksel there, but not pre-selected by default [16:10] janimo: can give me a brief walkthrough on building a kernel for the N7? [16:10] mfisch, will copy it to wiki in a minute [16:10] long overdue :) [16:11] it not like it wuld need more than ten lines either :) [16:12] it needs explanations and context for those who never built a kernel [16:12] dont we have a generic "cross build a kernel" page ? [16:12] we should really have it, i tend to link people to hrw's blog still [16:13] mfisch, in the meantime http://paste.ubuntu.com/1337637/ [16:14] drivers/built-in.o: In function `bq27541_probe': [16:14] /home/ogra/Desktop/nexus/kerneltree/nexus7/drivers/power/bq27541_battery.c:726: undefined reference to `get_usb_cable_status' [16:14] make[2]: *** [.tmp_vmlinux1] Fehler 1 [16:14] make[1]: *** [sub-make] Error 2 [16:14] janimo, ^^^ [16:14] after the latest git pull [16:14] ogra_, with no config options changed? [16:14] with a git reset [16:14] that get_usb_cable_status I saw a few times when making some things modular [16:14] reset, pull then testbuild makes me get to this [16:15] ogra_, hmm, I made a clean build before pushing, weird [16:15] is there ar "reset harder" option ? [16:15] * ogra_ tries with --hard [16:15] ogra_, no, git fetch && git reset --hard origin should be enough [16:16] lets see [16:16] ogra_, btw the new kernel is building in the private ppa now, should have the OTG change reverted. Tested with mouse and kbd [16:16] will be 7.11 [16:17] yeah, git just told me 7.11 with --hard [16:17] didnt fail yet [16:18] any idea why this page is locked? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Developers [16:18] I thought it would be the place to link 'build your kernel' to [16:18] janimo: You're not logged in [16:19] janimo: Or that's usually what's happened when I see locked pages, or someeone else is editing [16:19] bah, failed in the tools as usual [16:19] janimo, so all fine [16:19] mfisch, ah I had to reload it, thanks. Weird that all other pages were editable [16:23] this git clone is going to be awhile... [16:31] * mfisch goes to find more bugs while git does it's thing [16:42] janimo: are you still working on that kernel build page? [16:42] mfisch, about to save it [16:43] mfisch, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/KernelBuild [16:43] just need to solve some edit conflicts apparently [16:44] janimo: yeah sorry [16:44] janimo: just revert what I did [16:45] mfisch, let me know which parts are confusing, and feel free to edit/reword as you see fit from someone who's new to it [16:45] I clicked save before I saw the small prnit warning [16:45] mfisch, no prob [16:45] I think you cleaned up the code snippets [16:45] yeah, doing more of that now [16:45] which is good, I did not know how that works [16:45] thanks [16:46] there may be another cross package missing IIRC, not just gcc needed. If build blows up we'll find out [16:46] I added git to the list of stuff you need to install [16:46] sure [16:47] we probably want to document the git way only, even if one could simply rebuild from a package source [16:48] janimo: fdr clean fails [16:48] cd /home/mfisch/tmp/n7kernel/ubuntu-nexus7/debian/build && kernel-wedge gen-control > /home/mfisch/tmp/n7kernel/ubuntu-nexus7/debian/control [16:48] /bin/bash: kernel-wedge: command not found [16:49] ok, a dependency then [16:49] installing it now [16:50] I have been building kernels the past year on the same machine so forgot whether there are extra build-deps [16:50] janimo: why parallel=3? [16:51] oh I see your note [16:51] mfisch, maybe that note should be moved in front of the command [16:51] working on it [16:51] as with other comments before commands [16:51] what works best? parallel=num cpus? [16:51] num_cpus+50%? [16:51] num cpus+1 IIRC [16:52] ok [16:53] hm, i always use num_cpus * 1.5 [16:55] me too [16:55] at least I did with android, num cpus + 50% [16:58] janimo: got a link to some camera stuff in LP - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1068672 [16:58] Launchpad bug 1068672 in ubuntu-nexus7 "webcam support" [Medium,Confirmed] [16:59] janimo: build worked, thanksd [17:00] janimo: actually, where is the kernel config? I'd like to change some stuff [17:07] achiang, saw that [17:07] achiang, still if nvidia is working on a 3.1 port we may want to wait for that [17:07] mfisch, kernel config is in debian.linaro/config [17:07] mfisch, I'll add to the wiki page [17:08] janimo: the way i read the bug, that tree is already 3.1 [17:08] achiang, ok then, I misread 2.6.38 somewhere IIRC [17:09] janimo: maybe i'm wrong... let me know. :) [17:09] still the chromeos tree is divergent from the android, in ac100 land they were not easily mergeable [17:09] ah, i see [17:09] or cherry-pickable [17:10] actually now I remember seeing V4L in chromium and asking about it in the tegra channel about 3 weeks ago [17:10] but that driver seemed not yet ready for some reason [17:10] but chromium is more linux than android so they may have gotten it to work well enough [17:11] janimo: let's also note on the page which steps need to be re-run, specifically does the sed step need to be run on each build? [17:12] mfisch, the sed step changes a git-tracked file so it persists until one does a git checkout (which syncs the workspace to the repo) [17:13] janimo: so it looks like the config option I changed is intertwined with some others, is there a way to manually run make config so I can go through the questions? [17:15] mfisch, fdr updateconfis [17:15] updateconfigs [17:16] mfisch, added a section in the wiki [17:16] thanks [17:21] janimo: last question, I hope, is the linux-image the only deb I need to copy and install? [17:21] mfisch, yes, that has the kernel [17:22] the rest are header files and tools, non-essential for booting [17:22] mfisch, the more questions, the better the doc becomes, so np :) [17:32] mfisch: janimo: ogra_: dholbach has graciously taken on the task of reorganizing our wiki, so don't be surprised if you start seeing a bunch of changes happen [17:32] ok [17:32] np [17:33] janimo: so there was a bug where the snd_seq module is missing, I added it to the config and it solves the bug [17:34] janimo: but, I'm curious why it isn't autoloading, I had to manually load it [17:34] mfisch, no idea, it may be blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d somewhere? [17:35] hmm, don't see it. [17:35] mfisch, is this preventing audio in some scenarios? [17:35] when I boot this device, I get no modules loaded [17:35] janimo: it prevents the usage of some audio tools [17:35] mfisch, and you installed the deb [17:35] ? [17:35] or zImage [17:35] janimo: yes, I get the module, just have to manually modprobe it [17:35] janimo: deb [17:35] ok [17:36] no idea [17:36] yeah I'm not sure how it would get autodetected [17:37] does anyone know if it is possible on the ARM version to install canon printer drivers like the CAPT ones? [17:43] janimo: when I run fdr editconfigs it prompts me to edit a file that I'm not certain is the correct one: [17:43] Do you want to edit config: armhf/config.flavour.nexus7? [Y/n] [17:44] mfisch, yes that is the one [17:44] it prompts for every arch/flavour that package source builds. We happen to only have a single flavour [17:45] would be nice to have it skipped and not prompt I guess [17:45] but I manually edited debian.linaro/config/config.common.ubuntu? [17:46] mfisch: we need a juju charm to build kernels [17:46] that would be awesome, actually [17:46] achiang: it can take like 5 minutes to provision a machine and then more to do setup, it would be slower than just doing it [17:47] mfisch: what about the casual kernel builder? i don't mind saying "juju make zImage" and then walking away to do other stuff for a bit [17:47] achiang: true [17:47] especially if i don't keep trees around all the time or have all my build-deps always installed [17:48] everyone starts as a casual kernel builder and then it's a downward spiral [17:48] * achiang came back from the dead [18:17] janimo: do we have plans to enable a general kernel with all the modules re-enabled? [19:23] mfisch, yes, the plan is to sync up with the regular ubuntu kernel configs [19:40] anyone got clue on where eglinfo is on quantal? [19:48] NekoXP, you mean es2_info? This is in mesa-utils-extra [19:49] yeah something like that... :D [19:49] I thought it did llvmpipe rendering if there was no good driver installed. was I wrong or was that an R thing? [19:52] NekoXP: I vaguely recall there being issues with llvmpipe, where the "issue" was "it sucked". [19:52] I'm getting some odd GL_OES_EGL_image not found things from compiz [19:52] slow but with window decorations would be prefereable to no window decorations at all [20:04] janimo: okay, I'm going to defer this audio bug until then, I think we just need some modules [20:14] achiang: can you comment on this bug which claims BT loses on/off state after a suspend/resume? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1073501 [20:14] Launchpad bug 1073501 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Bluetooth re-enabled on resume from suspend" [Undecided,Incomplete] [20:16] mfisch: commented [20:19] achiang: thanks [20:20] np [20:21] new kernel in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/staging [20:21] reverts the OTG charging commit which broke USB peripherals === popey_ is now known as popey [21:09] janimo: do you need a new meta package there also? [21:10] mfisch, don't think so since the current meta is for 7 already [21:10] ok [21:10] I'll do a quick review of the changelog so we can build a list of stuff to try [21:10] I think a bump is needed only when ABI (next to last number in version) changes [21:10] I think it should be pretty short [21:11] mfisch the changelog is just Revert OTG charging fix [21:11] which turned out not to be a fix after all [21:11] but the CL between that and what's shipped is what I care about [21:11] I assume, for example, you left ISO support [21:11] right, all that was in 7.10 [21:11] minus the USB breakage [21:12] since 7.10 is superseded, whats the quickest way to view it's changelog? [21:12] I was just going to pull the source and view the cl [21:20] janimo: so it looks like 7.10 is already in the public PPA? [21:20] mfisch, yes 7.10 is in PPA, 7.11 in staging PPA [21:20] I was trying to figure out if we shipped with 6.9 or 6.8 [21:20] quickest way is to look at git I think [21:21] 6.8 was shipped [21:21] so I guess all testing buys us now is piece of mind [21:21] so ISO, SOUND, NFS are the changes IIRC [21:21] right [21:22] I have tested 7.11 FWIW with USB peripherals this time, now that I had a cable [21:23] should the NFS change fix this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1072657 [21:23] Launchpad bug 1072657 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Can't mount a nfs disk" [Undecided,New] [21:25] it should at least be re-tested [21:25] achiang: are we going Fix Released once these hit the public PPA or are we waiting for an image? [21:28] mfisch, I added NFS modules which were not there before so I hope it fixes that one [21:28] but I did not test myself [21:29] janimo: me either, I dont have the setup, I just told the guy to try again [21:29] janimo: I bet your upower fix will fix when the device suspends even after adding power [21:32] mfisch, I just tested upower --dump today with the 7.11 kernel and it seems to show proper values. Commented on the bug [21:32] I did not do anything, but also did not test previously and did not saw the erroneous values [21:32] janimo: .10 works too, so I marked it as fix released [21:32] janimo: change log shows a fix from colin [21:32] the process should be this: [21:33] 1) jani builds new kernel and uploads to staging [21:33] 2) jani sends out mail asking people to test. [21:33] 3) we test, hopefully each test is associated to a bug [21:33] 4) once we verify, then we copy to real PPA [21:33] (or R archive) [21:33] depending on where we are in the cycle [21:33] mfisch, ah right, battery stats. Bu tI think the bug was reported against a kernel that had that [21:34] anyway if it works, we can close it [21:34] done [21:34] achiang, ack [21:34] so anyway, each change in the changelog *should* be associated with an LP bug [21:34] janimo: is that how you normally do things? [21:34] or not really? [21:34] like ISO_9660: LP: #123456 [21:34] Launchpad bug 123456 in xine-lib (Ubuntu) "podcast crashes amarok" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123456 [21:34] achiang, well I ommited this so far thinking the bugs were private (while working out of newark) [21:35] achiang, yes, marking fixed bug is what I usually do [21:35] when I know about the bug :) [21:35] heh [21:35] ok, i think we're on the same page [21:35] just want to be explicit [21:35] janimo: thanks [21:39] mfisch: we should only move to fix-released once it hits the real ppa, not staging [21:39] achiang: yes, I'm only testing public ppa fixes ATM [21:40] mfisch: uh, i'm confused. [21:40] mfisch: we have 2 public PPAs: staging and ppa [21:40] the kernel should go into staging first; then once we're satisfied, it goes into 'ppa' [21:40] I'm testing "THE" public PPA [21:40] the fixes I'm testing were already moved to the public PPA [21:40] kernel 7.10 [21:41] mfisch: i think we're talking past each other [21:41] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/staging [21:41] agreed [21:41] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/ppa [21:41] there are two public PPAs [21:41] not just one [21:41] I understand [21:41] what shall I call the non-staging public PPA? [21:42] because that's what I am testing [21:42] oh now i see [21:42] I don't know a better name for it [21:42] how did a kernel get into 'ppa' ? [21:42] release ppa [21:42] that one is the one janimo uploaded a fix to revert the OTG regression? [21:42] no [21:43] staging PPA = 7.11 = 7.10 + OTG fix reverted [21:43] public, non-staging PPA = 7.10 which is a bunch of fixes + OTG patch [21:43] ugh [21:43] ISO fixes, NFS, battery, etc [21:43] ok, but no one is getting it because we didn't upload a new metapackage, right? [21:43] I saw it with apt-get update [21:44] achiang: public, non-staging PPA has a 7.10 meta package [21:44] oh lovely [21:44] so getting 7.11 out quickly would be in our best interests [21:44] 7.10 in ppa has broken OTG, 7.11 in staging with the only change fixing OTG [21:44] mfisch: shouldn't you be testing 7.11 then? :) [21:44] achiang: will do [21:44] mfisch: so we can copy it over to the release ppa? [21:45] janimo: to me, that means you should also upload a new meta package to staging [21:45] right? [21:46] I think staging has 7.10 meta, janimo said it wasn't needed [21:46] achiang, it is not 100% clear to me, but I thought if the ABI (7) is not changed the meta can stay [21:46] ok [21:46] hopefully after today we won't bungle it anymore :) [21:48] trying now [21:48] achiang, do we spin test images based on ppa or stagingppa before making them 'official' 12.10 updates? [21:50] janimo: i think we only need to respin the image once more, to eliminate the 'random hostname' issue, and after that, no more image spins. kernel updates after that can go into staging, and if they are all good, they can go into universe [21:50] ok [21:50] does that make sense or am i smoking crack? [21:50] so I added the staging PPA but apt doesn't see 7.11 [21:51] does that mean we need a newer meta? [21:55] janimo: ^^ [21:56] achiang, let me check [21:57] achiang, do you have the meta installed already? linux-nexus7 [21:57] * achiang does not [21:57] it was not part of any image so far as it is new [21:58] in proper raring images we'll include it [21:58] in our spins it was not necessary and we wanted to explicitly say which kernel to include to avoid unintended upgrades [21:59] janimo: looking [21:59] I dont have the meta installed either [22:00] mfisch, oh I thought it was all achiang speaking above, whereas he just ^^-d :) That's why I answered him [22:00] * achiang is working on other stuff atm. :) [22:00] achiang, re image spining, agree with what you said above [22:01] janimo: alright, so we'll get the .11 kernel QA'ed, spin a new image, and then be happy [22:01] janimo: I have linux-nexus7 installed but not linux-meta-nexus7 [22:02] mfisch, confusingly the linux-nexus7 binary package comes from the linux-meta-nexus7 source package [22:02] so you should be fine [22:02] whereas linux-nexus7 binary produces linux-image-3.1.10-7-nexus7 [22:03] ok [22:03] so how do I get the 7.11 kernel installed? [22:03] mfisch, so if you install linux-nexus7 it does not bring in 7.11 automatically? [22:04] I guess I need to upload a new meta too then [22:04] I am testing this right now as well [22:04] hold one sec [22:05] janimo: ii linux-nexus7 [22:06] janimo: directly trying to apt-get install it doesn't get me 7.10 [22:07] * janimo just added the ppa and tests [22:07] janimo: added what? [22:08] I just did add-apt-repository [22:08] for staging [22:08] I see it downloads 7.10 [22:08] yup [22:09] mfisch, sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.1.10-7-nexus7 [22:10] but not via the metapackage so I need to fix that [22:10] linux-image-3.1.10-7-nexus7 is already the newest version [22:11] janimo: ^ [22:12] it installed 7.11 here [22:14] janimo: okay, it worked now, I had something screwed up in sources [22:14] rebooting to try OTG [22:15] janimo: USB OTG works [22:15] janimo: trying a mouse [22:16] mfisch, worked here too with both mouse and kbd [22:16] uploaded the meta [22:16] janimo: mouse also works [22:16] should be copied when it builds to staging [22:16] I vote to release it before too many people install .10 [22:16] mfisch, sure [22:16] achiang: ^^? [22:17] but probably not many will install .10 as it is not upgraded to automatically [22:17] only if they explciitly apt-get install it [22:18] mfisch: you feel good about your QA? [22:19] achiang: for OTG yes, I didn't retest everything [22:19] mfisch: ok +1 to copy then to release ppa [22:19] janimo: ^^ [22:20] +1 from me as well [22:22] are you going to update the meta so people see it with an upgrade? [22:23] mfisch, already built in private ppa [22:23] thx [22:23] in a few min it should be published too [22:36] janimo: you'll take care to copy the packages where they need to go? === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha