
cjohnstonthe only way I know of to get the IDs is from the export for the sprint00:01
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: when I put the spec url, it doesn't display the icon00:09
JoseeAntonioRI'm using http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~joseeantonior/summit/1073635-fix/revision/47600:09
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: the BP ID is an integer00:17
cjohnstontry  agenda.meeting.spec_url00:17
JoseeAntonioRlet's try00:23
JoseeAntonioRit works!00:26
JoseeAntonioRdoing MP now00:27
bkerensacjohnston: yeah it appears my account may have been compromised that or a linked app00:31
bkerensacjohnston: passwords being changed and revoking all apps00:31
bkerensamhall119: might you have a screenshot? oddly its not showing in my message history00:33
mhall119bkerensa: http://ubuntuone.com/2OE31TiK19A7PyHe9HH2XZ00:35
bkerensamhall119: thanks yeah I was out for lunch and got a bunch of pitchfork folk :)00:36
bkerensano idea but all my account passwords are changed00:36
cjohnston123456 doesn't work anymore00:36
bkerensacjohnston: :) I use very strong passwords unique to every site and change them semi-annually00:37
* snap-l now has to change his luiggage00:37
mhall119the warning icon says "Unable to confirm Benjamin Kerensa as the sender", so I'm assuming it's an app00:37
bkerensamhall119: ahh thanks00:37
bkerensaI didnt think it could possibly be my account00:37
bkerensarevoking all apps for good practice :P00:37
snap-lYeah, the whole Twitter / Facebook apps ecology is ripe for bad things to happen00:38
snap-lsorry, but I don't need to give your company access to my account to speak on my behalf.00:38
snap-lI get in enough trouble with two hands and a keyboard, thankyouverymuch00:38
snap-l(Sometimes even one hand and a sandwich)00:39
bkerensamhall119 / cjohnston: thanks for letting me know :) the situation should now be mitigated01:39
bkerensa918 clicks later01:39
JoseeAntonioRjcastro_: do you have an estimate of how much traffic does ubuntuonair.com generates? IS is asking for that info03:23
=== jrgifford_away is now known as jrgifford
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: I can tell u one sec05:17
JoseeAntonioRbkerensa: thanks05:20
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: per month?05:21
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: Oct: 2,704 Pageviews and Sept 6,491 pageviews05:22
bkerensanot that much05:22
bkerensaSept was the highest month05:22
JoseeAntonioRany estimate in kb?05:22
bkerensais this for hosting?05:22
philballew_my vps hosting is like 4 dollars a month05:26
JoseeAntonioRmy vps hosting is free05:29
philballew_from that free thing?05:30
philballew_I use that to05:30
JoseeAntonioRI use OVH05:31
philballew_yeah, there free for me to05:34
philballew_I also use linode05:34
philballew_I was with bkerensa and they saw his arm art, hooked me up as well.05:34
bkerensaphilballew: one of Linode's main guys is from Oregon05:35
bkerensaplenty of them are Ubuntu Users too05:35
philballew_ah, its a nice system. I am about to use that go daddy thing you gave me 2 weeks ago bkerensa05:36
philballew_hope it still works05:37
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: Google does not yet support the Yubikey natively06:55
philballew_i keep hearing about the yubikey. Seems nice07:01
=== philballew_ is now known as philballew
philballewbkerensa, the go daddy deal you sent me is no good. do you know where I can look for different ones?07:16
bkerensaphilballew: it expired?07:16
bkerensaidk let me look07:16
philballewbkerensa, the website said it did.07:17
philballewI can try again, but thats what they said07:17
bkerensaphilballew: https://www.godaddy.com/?isc=gofbh00507:18
bkerensayou should see a offer ad at the top of the site07:18
bkerensajust click that07:18
bkerensashould be $1.99 per year07:18
bkerensanotably though Godaddy sucks ;P07:19
philballewits true, but all I wanna do is set up a wp site07:20
philballewfor s single vps, nothing fancy with juju or anything cloud related07:20
philballewI never have anyone visit my blog07:20
philballewmaybe I need cool articles like b07:22
philballewbkerensa, ...07:22
philballewbkerensa, order went through. Thanks.07:26
* philballew has never owned a domain before and has no idea what to do now07:26
philballewoh the feeling of confusion...07:26
bkerensapraise jeebus :P07:31
philballewThat's from the Simpson's!07:31
dholbachgood morning07:42
philballewmorning dholbach07:42
dholbachhi philballew07:43
elfymorning dholbach07:47
dholbachhi elfy07:47
bkerensadholbach: :) good way to start your first commit as a co-maintainer is to blow up the branch ;p08:41
bkerensaI do not like svn08:41
dholbachbkerensa, good luck :)08:42
philballewdon't worry bkerensa I dont even have a branch to mess up08:42
elfybranches should be on trees ...08:46
bkerensaelfy: how could we have warm fires then?08:57
elfyfires ? I just put 20 jumpers on ;)09:12
czajkowskiit's not that cold09:12
elfyit certainly isn't :) just a bit parky down here09:13
philballewdholbach, whens a good time to go over those videos?09:25
dholbachphilballew, I haven't yet started to put together scripts for the videos09:26
philballewno hurry dholbach09:26
dholbachbut I can ping you when I have if that's alright?09:26
philballewYeah, ping me whenever you do that. From the uds session it appears I am doing the non technical planning got these things and just figured I can meet whenever.09:27
dholbachhuats, czajkowski: can we do something to make Prince Matthew feel welcome to contribute to the LoCo space?09:48
dholbachhuats, czajkowski: maybe coolbhavi could have a call with the guy?09:48
czajkowskidholbach: morning09:49
dholbachhey czajkowski09:49
czajkowskiyes the indian loco is something we've bene discussing for many months09:49
czajkowskithere are a few locos in similar circumstances, and coolbhavi said he would talk to the team contact09:50
dholbachit feels to me like everybody dog-piles on the poor guy for not following the rules when all he did was offer help (but admittedly may have some catching up to do)09:50
czajkowskiit is difficult to see the line between a translation team and a loco team at times09:50
czajkowskishall poke coolbhavi and see if he can talk to him09:51
dholbachthanks czajkowski09:51
dholbachI wasn't picking on you right now09:51
czajkowskiI replied once this morning , but tend to colapse non work mail during the day as it gets distracting09:51
dholbachit's just that it'd be nice if we as a community saw the opportunity as opposed to "the problem" when somebody talked to us09:51
czajkowskidholbach: I know you weren't :)09:51
nigelbhi cjohnston10:53
czajkowskicjohnston: your bug on timeouts on LP, were you doing anything in particular, cannot get it to do it at all in the last 4 hours.11:01
cjohnstonjust trying to visit the page to see the BPs11:01
czajkowskiworking fine all day11:02
czajkowskieveyrone that has tried it as well had no issue11:02
czajkowskigoes back to bugs11:02
cjohnstonError ID: OOPS-d3ac9191d5a68c55af994c265fb45d23   <-- just got it czajkowski11:02
czajkowskiyeah I got the ops11:03
czajkowskijust cannt recreate it here at all11:03
czajkowskibut an oops is an oops11:03
czajkowskiit's a bug11:03
czajkowskibut find it hard to duplicate11:04
nigelbcjohnston: I'm guessing you don't have a django_session table11:05
* nigelb switches to PM11:06
nigelbczajkowski: Hey, do you have a few minutes to chat?11:24
nigelbOr should I email you?11:24
czajkowskinigelb: eh not really just heading out and into the office11:24
nigelbI'll email you11:24
czajkowskican you pm me and I'll get back to you or emaik11:24
=== alourie is now known as alourie_away
popeyAlanBell, czajkowski so what's the plan for fixing the etherpad so people can see it?12:25
popeythere's nothing on the remote participation page which details how one gets access12:25
AlanBellthe plan is that I would love some help with it12:27
popeywell, simply documenting what people need to do is a good start I think?12:28
nigelbAlanBell: what do you need help with?12:29
nigelbAlso, did you see ethercalc?12:29
nigelbSame principle as etherpad but spreadsheet.12:29
dholbachcan somebody add the dates to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-r-irc-workshops? didn't we agree on them in the session?12:38
dakerbug #107553912:50
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1075539 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Lack of privacy when changing session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107553912:50
popeydaker, thats a dupe i think12:51
* popey looks for it12:51
popeybug 390989 perhaps12:53
ubot2`Launchpad bug 390989 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu) "[SecurityRoadmap] Locked screen shows the desktop" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39098912:53
popeyhappens surprisingly often12:53
dakerthanks popey12:53
AlanBellpopey: most people will just have access already, if they are in any reasonable launchpad group (like a loco team)13:38
AlanBellif they don't have access the error message should tell them what to do (and that does work because we get requests from people to join the group)13:38
AlanBelland, if we get it fixed right for next time the whole problem goes away13:39
popeythe error doesnt tell them anything13:39
popeyi tried with a new launchpad account13:39
AlanBellhow do they all end up applying for the group then?13:39
cjohnstonIt doesn't, and other than being told about it, I don't know13:40
popeyno, imagine the workflow of starting at summit.ubuntu.com -> uds -> find a session, click it13:40
AlanBellit certainly used to be fairly informative13:40
popeythen login to LP, login to SSO13:40
popeythen you get an obtuse SSO error13:40
nigelbPeople tell them to sign up.13:40
AlanBellok, well that is crap then, but can't be fixed except by the people who run that reverse proxy sso thing13:40
AlanBellso we need to get rid of all that13:40
popeynigelb, "people"?13:40
nigelbpopey: They ask around13:41
popeyno, they dont13:41
nigelbThat's what someone I talked to told me.13:41
popeythats not scalable13:41
nigelbOf course not.13:41
popeythey are sat at home and trying to participate and cant13:41
nigelbpopey: I'm agreeing with you.13:41
AlanBellthe reverse proxy sso is fundamentally broken, it was shoved in place because some journalist linked directly to a pad and then it got vandalised13:41
AlanBellit's primary purpose is to make it slightly hard to get access13:42
popeyi know why it all exists, just trying to find a better solution than an obtuse sso message13:42
AlanBellhowever we need to have live read only pads13:42
AlanBellbecause that is the way to get rid of the sso13:42
nigelbCan we do this?13:43
nigelbIf someone is logged into summit and member of the right team -> show them the pad.13:43
AlanBellis the API that could allow summit to generate secured pads, and etherpad needs a bit of hacking to have a "show live read only pad" to other people13:43
AlanBellI have had that bit working13:43
nigelbIf logged and not member of the right team -> show readonly version but with warning on how to show read only.13:43
czajkowskimy inbox went a bit mental monday and tuesday with requests to join13:43
AlanBellsure, this can be done13:43
popeyit would indeed be nice to have RO version of the page to anyone/everyone, logged in or not13:44
AlanBellyes indeed13:44
popeybut that is $work someone has to do13:44
popeythe initial fix is to document it13:45
popeybecause right now the process isn't documented anywhere13:45
nigelbis documenting on summit, enough?13:45
popeywell, its not on the "remote participation" page which surprised me13:45
cjohnstonI don't want to show on summit to every person "join this team"13:45
popeywhich people could be linked to13:45
popeywhy? its a restricted team isnt it?13:46
nigelbcjohnston: You only have to show to people who are not logged in.13:46
nigelbAnd people who are not members of the team.13:46
cjohnstonnigelb: summit doesnt know if people are logged into the etherpad13:46
nigelbcjohnston: logged in to summit.13:46
AlanBellhttp://uds.ubuntu.com/community/remote-participation/ is in the wordpress instance I think13:46
cjohnstonAlanBell: it is13:46
cjohnstonnigelb: there are people who are logged into summit who dont have acess13:47
popeyyes, thats the page that has no detail about it13:47
AlanBellso, someone could update that for the benefit of people looking back at uds-r13:47
czajkowskicjohnston: surely it's niec to show people how to get involved, rather than people being locked out13:47
czajkowskias soon as I sent the mail going you need to join this team I had 20 mails asking to join13:47
cjohnstonit will clutter up an already cluttered page13:47
czajkowskiwe should be putting this info out there13:47
cjohnstonim not saying it shouldnt be out there13:47
czajkowskicjohnston: summit is a community site, so surely we get a say on what goes on it13:48
* AlanBell agrees with cjohnston13:48
AlanBellthis is throwaway code13:48
cjohnstonczajkowski: UDS isnt the only thing that uses summit13:48
AlanBelllets do it properly13:48
czajkowskicjohnston: it's the largest group by far13:48
AlanBellit would be great if someone with access to the wordpress site updates it13:48
cjohnstonAlanBell: I believe its in a bzr branch13:49
AlanBelland it would be great if we can get the problem solved for uds-s13:49
cjohnstonanother fix would be to modify the SSO code to explain why a user isnt able to access something... which would be a better global fix because it would work for anything that uses SSO... 'you cant access site X because you aren't a member of team Y'13:51
popeyi fear that wont be easy13:51
popeyit could reveal stuff it shouldn't13:51
AlanBellsso isn't open source is it?13:52
nigelbit is13:52
nigelbI've patched it.13:52
popey"you can't access secretthing because you aren't a member of secretprojectname"13:52
cjohnstonwell, if you found secretthing then telling you that you cant access secretthing isnt telling them something they dont know... secretteamname maybe13:52
nigelbNah, that's still privacy leak13:53
cjohnstonbut since there is private teams and private projects, SSO could be made to learn about private and not give out private info13:53
czajkowskipprivate projects is in beta!13:57
AlanBellso one thing I was trying to do was extend the summit object to add a field for the API key for an associated etherpad lite instance13:57
AlanBellso that summit could create the pads and grant access to them13:57
nigelbAlanBell: we should work together. I know I couldn't do that the last I promised to work on this.13:59
nigelbBut let me give it a shot this cycle.13:59
nigelbI'll have free time once I get rid of projects I have on my plate13:59
AlanBellthat would be great, I was prioritising IRCC stuff last cycle13:59
nigelbI'm not doing anything Ubuntu at the moment, and I can convince cjohnston that this is Ubuntu work ;)14:00
AlanBelland every time I went to look at Summit I had to nuke it all and reconfigure the whole thing because I was so far behind on updates14:00
nigelbAlanBell: that's usually not needed. we run migrations.14:00
AlanBellyeah, I don't think I really understand those at all14:01
nigelbEvery time I look at summit, I wank to kick Keybuk :P14:01
nigelbActually, it's only for one bit of code. It's painfully hard to rewrite.14:02
Piciyou sunk my battleship!14:10
IdleOneGo fish.14:10
=== alourie_away is now known as alourie
dholbachballoons, mhall119: hey guys - did you get a bit more sleep last night?14:48
balloonshey dholbach .. I slept in today14:48
czajkowskidholbach: your mix tunes are keeping me and the cloud engineering folks wide awake today!14:49
jcastro_did someone say sleep?14:49
balloonsohh.. I still need to listen to dpm's mixes.. I'm two behind14:49
nigelbjcastro_: you were dreaming, go back to bed.14:49
* balloons puts headphones on14:49
czajkowskibopping head and working away!14:49
dholbachczajkowski, thanks muchly - I got myself some more new music so in the next days I hope I'll have something presentable :)14:50
czajkowskinew tunes!14:50
mhall119dholbach: doing better, still up before my alarm though14:53
balloonsso dpm you can swing dance now right?14:53
mhall119cjohnston: do blueprints need to be in a specific state to get on status.u.c?14:59
cjohnstonthey have to be accepted14:59
mhall119in the "Series goal"?15:00
mhall119ok, thanks15:01
dpmballoons, yeah :)15:01
czajkowskimhall119: s when does voting close and counting start so we can all breath a sigh of relief that obama has been elected :)15:06
czajkowskipaddy power the bookies back home has already paid out15:06
cjohnstonvoting starts to end at 7pm est.. I suspect either a landslide one way or the other or it not to be complete for a couple of das15:07
IdleOnelol, one of the two candidates will win.15:08
IdleOnethat is my prediction15:08
cjohnstonthere are ~12 on the ballot.. not 215:10
IdleOnecjohnston: like the other 10 have any chance15:11
czajkowskiabout £400,000 so far paid out15:11
cjohnstonbe funny if he doesnt win15:12
czajkowskichances are he will though :)15:12
balloonsnot brillant at all for a bookie15:13
balloonsyour supposed to not payout -- even when you have to15:13
czajkowskiballoons: think the entire world wants him to win in this case so the bookies done mind paying out15:13
balloonsthere's a reason they have silly score spreads and other things.. forcing the buyer to win and jump through hoops to get paid15:13
IdleOneI don't think that is how gambling works. People always want to win, bookies don't pay out on the wants of people.15:14
balloonsczajkowski, they will get there wish.. obameny will win15:14
czajkowskiballoons: I hope so!15:14
balloonslol... you can't go wrong.. both major parties are the same sad song15:15
balloonsSo I wonder if the bookie got a lot of money on the romney bets?15:16
czajkowskiI suspect not in ireland :)15:16
czajkowskiwe tend to like Obama there15:16
popeyplenty of people want neither Obama or Romney to win, sadly they have little choice15:16
czajkowskisame way we didnt like bush but loved clinton15:16
balloonspopey, indeed.. I think the majority wants neither actually15:17
cjohnstonthe problem is that for >50 years the country has voted for the lesser of two evils instead of the best candidate, which will continue on today15:18
balloonsI took a look at paddy power.. pretty odd.. you can bet on obama's electoral college votes, but not romney's :-) romney is a 4/1.. probably not many takers for them15:18
balloonscjohnston, indeed.. we don't vote for a canindate here15:18
balloonswe vote against a candidate15:18
cjohnstonthe worst part is that the two candidates are the same15:19
balloonspopey, czajkowski so can you legllay bet on elections in the UK?15:19
popeyyou can bet on pretty much anything15:19
czajkowskiwe'll they've been vocally different on some key issues.15:19
popeybe nice if the liberal or greens got a look in15:19
czajkowskiballoons: same in .ie also15:19
czajkowskipadyd power will give you odds on most things15:19
balloonsis it considered a "gray" area to do so? Would people look down on you, etc?15:19
popeyat least to be in the debate15:19
czajkowskiwe had greens in power in .ie15:20
balloonsdoesn't seem like it at all15:20
czajkowskithen they caused the country to fall, so never ever again15:20
balloonsin the states, you wouldn't technically be allowed to bet on an election15:20
czajkowskimates have gone to paddy power and asked about odds on X they go away for a week and research things and then come back and offer a spread15:21
czajkowskilike one was on a 3 year sparead over a person getting to play for ireland as he was on local level now, so they reseached his plays and scores.15:21
balloonsohh interesting.. betting on elections years away.. based on the "new" talent coming in15:22
czajkowskiballoons: yes but in the USA, you also have stuff liek this happenign, http://url.ie/g7wf15:22
czajkowskithat kids is amazing, shame she's getting bullied for her parents being two men :(15:22
popeyi dont think that's unique to the usa15:24
czajkowskimaybe more vocal I suspect15:25
balloonspeople harassing each other over differences? nope.. sadly that's a human problem15:25
popeynah, it's just a bigger country15:25
popeyso more of them15:25
mhall119czajkowski: the 2012 election will be over in about a week15:30
mhall119election today, then a week of wailing and knashing of teeth15:30
mhall119then we'll all start talking about taking back the House/Senate in the 2014 midterms15:30
balloonsmaybe the robocalls will end though mhall11915:30
mhall119balloons: maybe, but the yard signs will be up until christmas15:31
czajkowskimhall119: you say this like there is another one ....15:31
balloonsmhall119, so true!15:31
mhall119czajkowski: the next one starts tomorrow :)15:31
czajkowskican ye not just have a term for 7 years and suck it up for 6 please15:31
mhall119senators have 6 year terms15:31
mhall119but 1/3 of them are up for re-election every 2 years15:32
balloonsyes, 2 year terms are funny15:32
mhall119most of the founders wanted 1 year terms15:32
balloonsfirst year is hiring all the people who helped you win. second year is hiring new people and focusing on re-election campaign15:32
mhall119balloons: don't be so cynical, it doesn't take that long to hire the people who helped you win15:33
balloonsmhall119, true.. they do get to do a few things before summer break15:34
balloonsI'm being facetious, but terms are interesting15:35
mhall119Hamilton wanted the President elected for life15:35
mhall119he also wanted the Senate to appoint him, rather than being directly elected15:36
jonodpm, mhall119 all set?16:01
dpmjono, yep16:01
jonosetting it up16:02
jonoone sec16:02
jonogoogle issues16:03
jonoone sec16:03
mhall119jono: yup16:03
jonomhall119, dpm invite sent16:07
bkerensaHappy Tuesday mhall11916:10
philballewbetter than Monday16:12
jcastro_<-- voting + lunch, bbi a few16:13
bkerensajcastro_:  +116:26
cprofittI will vote after dinner...16:32
jonodholbach, can you join a hangout?16:42
jonodholbach, invite sent16:42
dholbachjono, thanks - can you give me half a second? :)16:42
jonodholbach, sure16:43
bkerensacprofitt: hopefully you dont have this machine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdpGd74DrBM16:55
philballewbkerensa, just got a call from go daddy thanking me for the domain,17:10
philballewI am impressed17:10
bkerensaphilballew: lol17:12
bkerensaphilballew: from india or scottsdale? :)17:13
philballewThe number said Phoenix17:13
bkerensathats cool I guess :)17:13
bkerensaI mean they could have patched outbound through a local #17:14
dholbachalright my friends - dinner time over here - see you all tomorrow17:50
akgranerMy hubby just offered to have a 220 outlet put in my bathroom so I could feel like I was in Europe all the time - not real sure how I should take that19:30
akgranerhe said it was cheaper than moving to Europe so I can use the awesome hair styling appliances I found while I was in Denmark...:-/19:31
akgranerjcastro_, your interview with Jason is AWESOME!!!!19:32
akgranerthank you for doing that one19:33
jcastro_marcoceppi: see G+ wrt. openstack/SE thing19:33
akgranerI'll catch up with you and the ASK/Juju/Charmers in a couple weeks on a hangout and we'll kick awesome into overdrive with that one19:34
akgranerRick and Steve are in line as well - I suppose if you want I can use Ubuntu on Air instead of my on Air Channel if you all want - just let me know19:35
akgranerDaviey, and your interview is great too but Sean was second to Mark's I guess people want to know what goes on behind UDS...:-)19:36
Davieyakgraner: hah, you are too kind.19:44
Davieyakgraner: I think i need more practice :)19:44
akgranerDaviey, the next time we do the interview your way though :-P19:44
Davieyakgraner: ok, cowgirl!19:45
akgranereven the Form AV guys were impressed that we only had 2 takes19:45
Davieyakgraner: that is because they have recorded my prior interviews :)19:46
DavieyI think we reached 30 for one. :)19:46
akgranerahhh - I didn't ask as to why that said said that they said "trust us" this is great19:46
akgranerdamn  - why they said that (I meant to type)19:47
cprofitthey akgraner19:47
akgranercprofitt, hey19:51
marcoceppijcastro_: got it20:37
philballewSo steam is out?20:53
=== popey_ is now known as popey
philballewShould be interesting to play some of the games.21:02
mhall119philballew: if by "out" you mean "entered a limited beta", then yes21:17
philballewmhall119, yeah, but yet I have yet to see my "you were in the uds lp group" beta email. Probably all a scam... :)21:18
mhall119philballew: They might be sending them out in waves21:19
mhall119instead of having 1000 people register all at once21:20
mhall119(numbers estimated)21:20
philballewyeah, probably by the end of the week21:20
philballewdo I need to still buy the games in beta?21:21
mhall119I have no idea21:23
* mhall119 isn't a gamer21:23
philballewme either. not at all...21:26
mhall119with 2 kids, my gaming is limited to Wii Sports21:27
bkerensamhall119: I got my notification I am in already21:50
bkerensafor Valve21:50
jcastro_mine crashes22:05
jcastro_but I am on 12.10/amd6422:05
bkerensajcastro_: lol22:33
bkerensajcastro_: they already bypassed valve beta22:33
bkerensanow anyone can get it without invite22:33
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
mhall119shameless request for upvotes: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/12r9gh/welcome_to_the_skunk_works/23:01
bkerensamhall119: are you liking Valve?23:16
bkerensajcastro_: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs23:49
bkerensajcastro_: will make steam work for u on 12.10 plus there are way more than one game working for it23:49

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