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didrocksgood morning06:10
pittidesrt: I don't know off-hand, let me look07:00
didrocksguten morgen pitti07:08
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mitya57hi tkamppeter__07:13
mitya57did you see my patch in bug 1069324?07:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1069324 in hplip (Ubuntu) "diagnose_queues.py crashed with NameError in su_sudo(): global name 'utils' is not defined" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106932407:13
mitya57if you are going to do an upload, please include it07:14
mitya57ah, that patch also exists in debian experimental, will now forward it07:17
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:58
didrockshey chrisccoulson! how are you?07:58
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, not too bad thanks07:58
chrisccoulsonoh, yippee! another API break: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/122148213/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.firefox-trunk_19.0~a1~hg20121105r112304-0ubuntu1~umd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz07:58
chrisccoulsoni *love* these07:59
chrisccoulsonlol @ https://twitter.com/Queen_UK/status/26571394151730380808:03
didrockschrisccoulson: I don't remember, did you need another stacktrace for me for thunderbird hanging?08:07
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yes please :)08:08
didrockschrisccoulson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1336807/08:08
didrocksall threads for your own pleasure :)08:08
chrisccoulsondidrocks, thanks. do you still have it open in gdb?08:10
didrockschrisccoulson: no, I needed to start getting my emails for the day :/08:10
chrisccoulsonah, that's ok08:10
didrockschrisccoulson: I can try to stuck it once more if you need more info08:11
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robrupitti: ping09:04
tkamppetermitya57, thank you very much. I will apply it soon.09:04
pittihey robru, how are you? made it back in one piece?09:05
robrupitti: nope! I am still in CPH ;-)09:05
robrupitti: my flight is thursday.09:05
pittirobru: oh right, I forgot09:05
pittifound a couch?09:05
robrupitti: yeah, I am staying in a student dorm. it is quite an experience here ;-)09:06
robrupitti: I need to tap into your vast knowledge of pygobject09:06
robrupitti: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libunity/trunk/view/head:/src/unity-lens-private.vala#L100 here is some vala code that overrides an object's constructor in order to set some construct-only properties that the default constructor won't do. is there any way to achieve this in python?09:07
pittirobru: yes, it's working exactly the same way09:08
pittifoo = Dee.SharedModel(prop1=value1, prop2=value2, ...)09:08
pittithis is calling the GObject constructor09:08
seb128hey desktopers09:09
pittiDee.SharedModel.new() would call the specific ctor instead09:09
didrockssalut seb12809:09
mitya57tkamppeter, thanks09:09
pittihey seb128, salut09:09
seb128hey didrocks, pitti, mitya57, robru09:09
robrupitti: really? Ahhhhhhhhhhh you have to use kwargs! I was trying positional args and it kept telling me that there was a maximum of 1 arg to the constructor09:09
robruhey seb12809:09
pittirobru: actually, the GObject ctor takes no positional args at all09:09
pittirobru: so this works as long as the specific ctor does nothing else than allocating the object and set properties (which any well-behaved ctor should do)09:10
robrupitti: I was doing foo=GObject.new(Dee.Peer) and that worked to create a Dee.Peer, but it warned about construct-only properties not being set09:10
pittirobru: ah, I haven't actually tried that one; it might work with using kwargs there09:10
pittirobru: but Dee.Peer(prop1=..., ...) looks a bit nicer IMHO09:11
pittiLMAO @ https://plus.google.com/101824923181156392444/posts/1N6PcSMKL4g09:11
robrupitti: hmmmm, yes the kwargs do seem to be working now that I've tried that. thanks!09:12
mitya57hey seb12809:12
larsurobru, sometimes the "_new" convenience methods look a bit nicer: for example Gio.ThemedIcon.new("quit") instead of Gio.ThemedIcon(name="quit")09:13
robrularsu: yes, that was precisely the problem; the _new method for this particular object is broken and accepts no arguments, so I'm trying to work around that.09:13
pittilarsu: that's precisely the difference: Class() -> Gobject constructor Class.new -> calling class_new() ctor09:15
larsupitti, yep. For a properly written foo_new this should be exactly the same, though09:16
pittilarsu: not quite, as _new() might take positional arguments and might set additional properties which the GObject ctor won't09:16
pittie. g. you can write Gtk.Button.new_with_label('foo') or Gtk.Button(label='foo')09:17
larsutrue, I meant when giving the same properties to g_object_new09:17
larsuin any case, foo_new should at least take all construct-only properties as positional args09:17
larsuotherwise it's worhless09:17
pittiright; that seems to be a bug in dee09:18
seb128pitti, bug in dee, mhr3 will tell you that's non-sense ;-)09:21
mhr3damn right! :P09:21
pittioh sorry, "undocumented feature" of course!09:21
mhr3you're holding it wrong :)09:21
robrupitti: thanks again09:49
pittino worries09:52
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seb128didrocks, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bamf ... not sure if the SRU team still does pocket copies from <n-1>-updates to <devel> but could you check and get the current version uploaded to R if they don't?11:24
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didrocksseb128: I kept an eye on those, bamf is not the only one is that case. Some were copied, other weren't. I plan to fix that by eow11:32
didrocks(also, funny to see fast propagation of bamf, just few days in proposed after all ;))11:32
robrudidrocks, why haven't i seen any photos of myself from copenhagen yet???11:34
robruI seem to remember somebody snapping a few ;-)11:35
didrocksrobru: want to be on g+? ;)11:35
robrudidrocks, haha, sure ;-)11:36
didrocksrobru: will do later today then! ;)11:37
pittirobru: I have some of you11:37
pittirobru: http://piware.de/fotos/UDS-Kopenhagen-Oct2012/11:37
robrupitti, oh no, these may limit my career ;-)11:37
pittinah, all safe!11:37
pittinot quite as cool as seb128 in http://piware.de/fotos/UDS-Kopenhagen-Oct2012/slide_47.html, of course :)11:38
robruseb128 is a badass ;-)11:39
seb128back from lunch12:04
seb128didrocks, ok, no hurry, I just wanted to point it, SRU team has been talking in the past of stopping the pocket copies ... I will check with them what's their official position there12:05
didrocksseb128: would be good to have an official position, yeah :)12:05
seb128pitti, robru: come on, I'm even smiling on that one ;-)12:05
GunnarHjpitti: Can you please take a look at my response to your comment at https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/indicator-datetime/days-months/+merge/13264312:12
GunnarHjWant to make sure that I'm not missing anything.12:12
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pittiGunnarHj: right, I understand the purpose of that patch12:24
pittiGunnarHj: I just don't have a strong opinion on whether or not we should go down that route, but it's fine for me12:25
GunnarHjpitti: Ok. Your talk about translations just made me wonder. Thanks.12:29
pittiGunnarHj: I mean the localized month/weekday names12:29
GunnarHjpitti: Yes, I realize that now.12:29
pittie. g. with LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 and LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8, right now you should get "Tue", but with that patch "Mar"12:30
pittibecause it would take the short/long week day names from the French locale, not the English one?12:31
pittiseb128: do you want https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-arm-input-sensor-drivers for raring? if so, could you milestone it, or would you mind if I do?12:33
* pitti wants his WIs to appear on https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+upcomingwork12:33
seb128pitti, yes for raring, feel free to do it12:33
seb128pitti, danke ;-)12:33
pitti(is that acceptable for "done"?)12:34
chrisccoulsonoh, perfect. 18 days vacation actually does fit perfectly in to the whole of december :)12:35
didrocksseb128: if you are on paperwork mood, can you accetp12:35
pittichrisccoulson: ffox better doesn't get major holes/bugs in December then :)12:35
didrocksaccept* those blueprints milestoned for raring:12:35
seb128pitti, (it's acceptable ;-)12:35
seb128chrisccoulson, great12:35
chrisccoulsonpitti, yeah, else i'll just end up working ;)12:36
pittibut I find that splitting holidays into several smaller chunks is more relaxing, as it decreases the chances of having to work after all12:36
seb128didrocks, ok12:36
didrocksseb128: thanks!12:36
seb128yw ;-)12:37
pittiwith didrocks' new TL credentials he should actually be able to target specs, etc12:37
didrockspitti: I wasn't able yesterday, do you know on which team I should be?12:37
seb128pitti, well, you need a good chunk off work to really disconnect from work as well...12:37
pittiest-ce que c'est l'équipe "ubuntu-drivers" ?12:37
didrockspitti: should I just bother cjwatson with it? :)12:38
pittiseb128, didrocks: hang on, let's sort out the perms properly12:38
pittididrocks: try now12:38
desrtpitti: i decided to go ahead and just push the glib changes yesterday12:38
desrtso anyone with an old pygobject will be broken...12:39
pittihey desrt, how are you12:39
desrtpitti: good12:39
desrtneeding coffee :)12:39
pittidesrt: ah, I can't yet bump the glib dep in pygobject12:39
didrockspitti: \o/ working :) thanks!12:39
seb128desrt, you could have waited for friday :p12:39
pittidesrt: as glib doesn't do post-release version bumps12:39
pittidesrt: I'm holding back the gpollfd patch until after the next glib release for that12:39
desrtpitti: we theoretically do post-release bumps12:40
desrti just forget a lot :)12:40
pittiah, heh12:40
desrtlemme do that n ow12:40
seb128it would be nice if somebody would fix GNOME's #commits12:44
desrtya... our #commits are terrible... always containing lots of #bugs and #regressions12:44
* seb128 slaps desrt12:44
desrtoh.  sorry.  forgot the @seb128 ? :)12:45
seb128desrt, #itsnotfridayyet12:46
seb128srly! ;-)12:46
pittidesrt: cheers! actually, the benefit of that is that all the "interesting" api changes are already in, so bumping the dep in pygobject now will ensure that it's working :)12:51
pittiactually, I don't need 3.7.2; 3.4.2 would be sufficient as well, I backported all the annotation fixes I'm depending on12:53
pittierr, what am I talking about; I mean 2.35.2 vs. 2.34.212:54
pittiso GNOME 3.6.2 is due next week, good; then the glib fixes will land12:56
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desrtpitti: only if they are backported?13:01
larsuhm, indicator-appmenu assumes that xids are only ever used once.... there goes 2h of debugging in a totally wrong place :(13:03
pittidesrt: we'll just get 2.34.2 into exprerimental and raring?13:04
pittidesrt: oh, misunderstood you -- I already applied the annotation fixes to the glib-2-34 branch13:04
desrtseb didn't say anything about taking the new stable glib13:04
pittiwhy wouldn't we get it into raring?13:04
* desrt should push all of his crap there ;)13:04
pittiI thought we'd even track 2.35 in raring13:06
desrtnot until january, i think13:06
desrtseb doesn't want to pull it in until i'm back from vacation13:06
pittiso, seems fine13:07
pittiI'm only relying on what's in glib-2-34 for current pygobject13:07
pittidesrt: I'd love to land the gpollfd patch, if I can cherry-pick the boxing to glib-2-34?13:07
pittiit should be quite harmless; or are even API additions banned?13:08
desrtpitti: i'm a no-new-API-on-stable-branches kind of guy13:08
pittigood, holding that back then until we get 2.3513:08
desrtpitti: maybe you could ask mclasen13:08
desrthe loves new API on stable branches ;)13:09
pittinah, I'm not going to second-guess you until I found the least strict maintainer13:09
pittiit's not really hurting, it's more a matter of pride and cleaning up13:09
* desrt starts a new (daily?) ritual13:10
desrtdigging through last night's 'jhbuild tinderbox' logs, filing bugs13:11
GunnarHjpitti: Re your comment at 13:30:31: Yes, exactly so.13:11
pittiLaney: ah, I had a lot of gvfs changes staged up in ubuntu:gvfs13:15
* pitti fiddles with the branch to merge the last uploads13:15
pittiI guess using UDD is not working very well13:15
larsudesrt, morning :)  Any idea why indicator-appmenu doesn't destroy its internal data structures until 5 seconds after BAMF told it a window disappeared? The comment isn't really helpful: "Timeout to finally cleanup the window.  Causes is to ignore glitches that come from BAMF/WNCK."13:17
larsuthat's really buggy, because it breaks menus that appear on the same xid less than 5 seconds after the old one disappeared13:18
desrtlarsu: that's not possible13:19
larsuwhat isn't?13:19
desrtunless you mean that an xid was being reused13:19
larsuthat's exactly what happens13:19
larsubug 107526313:20
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1075263 in Application Menu Indicator "Items of a menubar built from GMenu do not always work" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107526313:20
desrtthis sounds like a bamf issue....13:20
larsuwhy? The question is the timeout13:20
desrtindicator-appmenu doesn't really care about xid at all13:20
desrtit treats the BamfWindow itself as the identifier13:21
larsuyes it does, it has a hash table of xid->window menus13:21
desrtif bamf is reusing BamfWindow structures on the basis of two windows happening to have the same xid....13:21
desrtsorry.  was thinking hud.13:21
rodrigo_how do I downgrade a package in a PPA to the previous version it had in the PPA?13:21
* desrt didn't write the appmenu code13:21
larsudesrt, nope. The bug is definitely caused by the timeout13:22
larsudesrt, you were the last one who touched it ;)  And tedg is not online yet ...13:22
larsubut nevermind, I'll ask ted when he comes on13:22
larsujust thought you might have an idea13:22
desrtlarsu: my answer is that it should be keyed by BamfWindow (via qdata?) instead of xid13:22
desrttreating xid as an identifier is trouble13:22
larsudesrt, agreed, and that's what my fix will be. I'm just wondering about the timeout thing13:23
desrti have no idea13:23
desrtbetter wait until ted's awake?13:23
desrti'm guessing it's because bamf sometimes issues spurious events and we want to ignore them?13:24
desrtbut only based on what you said :)13:24
desrtpitti: were you planning to get systemd into the archive soon?13:27
desrtor is that something you completely lost interest in?13:28
pittiI'm not sure who will work on that13:28
pittino, I'm interested in it; I want a current udev13:28
* desrt wants to be able to build gnome-settings-daemon....13:28
pittiit requires a bit of coordination though, as Debian's systemd is way behind as well (due to the freeze, presumably)13:28
* desrt wonders if perhaps he will need to start maintaining a PPA for dependencies of jhbuild....13:38
seb128desrt, good luck to whoever set up a ppa replacing user's init system ;-)13:39
desrtseb128: pitti did it back in the day.  i installed it and didn't even notice the difference.13:40
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desrtinit systems just aren't that important....13:40
desrtsystem services, on the other hand...13:40
pittidesrt: well, you would once you tried to upgrade a package with an upstart job (as that fails with that PPA)13:40
desrtpitti: ya... i was in a pretty stock desktop-only world13:41
desrti don't even think i had sshd installed...13:41
pittidesrt: you'll have a lot of upstart jobs on a default desktop system, though; e. g. cups13:41
desrtas if i print :p13:42
pittineither do I, but cups (or any package shipping an upstart job) fails to install/upgrade with systemd13:43
pittiwe need a shim for what dh_installinit does to work with upstart13:43
desrtoh.  ow.13:44
desrtso looks like debian has a libsystemd-login-dev package...13:44
desrtand it works.  excellent!13:46
Laneypitti: doh, sorry14:03
Laneythat matches my experience with trying to stage changes sadly14:03
pittiLaney: no problem14:03
pittiI merged my changes, now fixing the new failure with py3.314:04
LaneyI usually do check for desktop team branches though14:05
pittigvfs has been the "UDD example" that we picked14:05
pittibecause it was in sync with Debian for a while, and still very close14:05
pittiso our ~ubuntu-desktop branches got outdated very often after each sync14:05
pittiso again, no harm done, just pointing out that we should try UDD on gvfs14:06
Laneywill try to remember14:07
pittiLaney: and if not, bzr merge is at least infinitely better than merge-o-matic :014:09
jbichaseb128: I think we should drop the 02_title_update.patch from ibus, it was added for bug 59605814:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 596058 in One Hundred Paper Cuts "Rename Menu item Ibus preferences to "Keyboard Input Methods"" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59605814:34
seb128jbicha, hey, does it create any issue or is misleading?14:35
jbichasince we don't use menus like that any more & they didn't update the program's titlebar to match anyway14:35
seb128jbicha, what part of the patch? renaming the desktop entry from "IBus Preferences" to "Keyboard Input Methods" still make sense imho, users don't know what "IBus" is and shouldn't have to know14:37
jbichaI think for most purposes, the new Input Sources part of System Settings 3.6 is adequate for setting up ibus14:39
seb128jbicha, so you think we should hide the .desktop from the dash?14:39
seb128e.g use us NoDisplay=true?14:39
seb128what about non GNOME desktops?14:40
jbichano, I'm not sure about hiding it at this point; my objections were that the patch was incomplete & the rationale for the patch was based on the obsolete menu system14:41
seb128jbicha, what part of the patch? I think the .desktop renaming makes sense, it gives a better title for the entry in gnome-shell/unity-dash/...14:42
seb128not sure about the code changes though14:42
jbichathe titlebar should match the .desktop14:43
seb128jbicha, what about fixing the titlebar instead? ;-)14:43
jbichathere isn't any packagekit integration yet that I can see so a user may very well need to know that the system is called ibus to install the input method they need14:46
desrtchrisccoulson: is our e-d-s thunderbird stuff upstream or ubuntu-specific?14:58
desrtchrisccoulson: e-d-s 3.7.1 breaks thunderbird14:59
seb128desrt, I'm so glad we decided to not update GNOME ;-)15:02
chrisccoulsondesrt, yeah, that's just an addon we ship15:03
desrtseb128: unstable cycle is unstable, kthx :p15:03
chrisccoulsonI LOVE EDS!15:03
seb128desrt, unwhat? I forgot what that means15:03
* seb128 pets rolling stable cycle15:03
desrtsure :p15:03
seb128desrt, joke aside the "oh, updating e-d-s broke tb" is really something I would like to try avoiding over time ... not sure yet how we get there though15:04
seb128I guess the reply is "have a testcase upstream in GNOME that test clients and reject commits if they break them"15:05
seb128or something around that line15:05
desrtseb128: won't help us much when the breakage is in our custom addons15:05
seb128desrt, well, that's a "client"15:06
seb128don't provide an api if you don't want people to use it...15:06
desrtsoftware interactions are more complicated than that....15:06
pitti*cough* kernel *cough*15:06
desrtthe kernel is hilarious, imho15:07
desrton one hand they harp on about 100% stable APIs forever15:07
desrton the other hand, their module API is changing every release15:07
desrtstable APIs are sure easy when you have absolute separation between yourself and the thing that you are trying to be stable with respect to15:08
seb128well, GNOME has a tendency to go too far on the other side "incompatible changes are ok as long as we fix our known rdepends as the same time" ... those are still incompatible and they are people out there you don't know about and that you might break15:09
seb128well anyway15:09
seb128not something we will change today by a discussion on IRC15:09
desrtseb128: that behaviour is really a feature of the gnome3 days15:09
seb128so let's go back to work ;-)15:09
desrtand it's still early in the 3 major cycle :)15:10
seb128desrt, it's good for GNOME as a desktop, it's bad for GNOME as a platform15:10
desrtby the time we have 3.30 everyone will be complaining about about how nothing ever changes :p15:10
achiangdesrt: the kernel promise is that *internal* APIs are subject to change, but external APIs (sysfs, ioctl, etc.) are pretty much "forever" FSOV "forever"15:10
seb128desrt, by that time I guess "real world" will start using GTK3 for their apps :p15:11
desrtachiang: fsov -> fsvo?15:11
achiangoops, yeah, typo15:11
desrtseb128: i look forward to those days with a sense of fear :p15:11
* desrt enjoys pointless irc discussions while bisecting...15:12
seb128pitti, impressive gvfs upload15:16
desrtseb128: libsoup is going to have to be on the new-this-cycle list, btw15:17
pittiseb128: heh15:17
Laneycan we keep that list on the pad?15:17
seb128desrt, that's a sloppy path ... next you will want e-d-s ... I start wondering if we should hold on old glib15:17
desrtseb128: you're kidding, right? :p15:18
seb128desrt, no15:18
desrtseb128: it's not the glib<->libsoup thing that's the issue15:18
desrtit's the libsoup<->gvfs thing15:18
seb128tell me more about it15:18
desrtthe two masters don't currently build against each other15:18
desrtsince gvfs uses private libsoup API and libsoup just put its symbol export list under more formal control15:19
ubot2`Gnome bug 595176 in Misc "Private symbols are exported in the shared libraries" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:19
pittibonsoir tout le monde!15:20
desrtpitti: ciao15:20
seb128pitti, bonsoir15:20
desrtseb128: it's theoretically possible that the gvfs changes can be made without using new libsoup API...15:20
desrtand in fact, as it is, keeping old libsoup actually avoids the problem entirely15:20
seb128desrt, thanks for the warning15:20
desrtbut the fix may change that...15:20
seb128I will keep it on my "to watch" list15:21
desrtseb128: btw: the reason i am noticing all this crap is because i'm running a pretty complete jhbuild desktop under the new glib15:24
* larsu hopes never to get on the "to watch" list of seb12815:24
desrtno major issues related to all the glib breaking15:24
seb128larsu, ;-)15:24
desrtseb128: another to-watch for you is this trivial issue: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=68776315:25
ubot2`Gnome bug 687763 in gobject "libxul apps (Firefox, thunderbird) regressed by automatic g_type_init() ctor" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:25
desrtcould be fixed by a well-placed "//" in libxul :)15:26
seb128desrt, I'm sure chrisccoulson will like that ;-)15:27
chrisccoulsonnormally when i see "chrisccoulson will like that", i take that as my cue to run ;)15:30
BigWhaleI just noticed that software updater has only "restart" button. I hope someone already repoted this bug... I have to xkill it :/15:31
larsuBigWhale, right click on launcher->quit. Not having a close button is a design decision...15:32
larsu(to keep a reminder open that you should restart)15:32
mptBigWhale, it's a not a firm decision, but I'm not sure what a "Don't Restart Now" button would do exactly15:32
mpt(Would it remind you in 1 hour? etc)15:32
BigWhaleNever remind again, remind later, restart would be the best15:33
* larsu votes for red session menu icon15:33
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desrtlarsu: voting for red?  better hide from kenvandine ;)15:33
larsunot in NC, obviously ;)15:34
larsuthat's all he cares about !15:35
mptchrisccoulson, hi. Is bug 705893 what causes all Firefox and Thunderbird menus to open initially as tiny stubs, and then inflate?15:37
ubot2`Launchpad bug 705893 in Global menubar extension "Should delay menu opening whilst processing menu updates" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70589315:37
chrisccoulsonmpt, ja15:42
mptchrisccoulson, thanks. Unrelated question: Would you have any objection to making <https://launchpad.net/globalmenu-extension> part of the <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-menu-bar> project group? It would help the Systems team find menu-related bugs that happen to manifest only in Firefox/Thunderbird.15:51
chrisccoulsonmpt, i guess that should be ok, although i can't click on the link at the moment (debugging browser in gdb) :)15:54
chrisccoulsoni suppose i could just view it in epiphany though ;)15:55
chrisccoulsonmpt, yeah, that looks ok15:56
seb128chrisccoulson, view it in "web" you mean? :p15:56
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dupondjecould someone take a look @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lightdm/+bug/1073649 please? Have no idea where to start debugging :)16:13
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1073649 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "lightdm visible on tty1, and console visible in lightdm" [Undecided,New]16:13
seb128dupondje, what video driver do you use?16:19
dupondjeseb128: nouveau16:19
dupondjeits always resolved after restarting lightdm, so it looks like a race condition somewhere ?16:20
seb128dupondje, I know about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers/+bug/873495 but I guess it's not the same issue if you use nouveau16:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 873495 in lightdm (Ubuntu Precise) "LightDM fails to start after nvidia-current or nvidia-current-updates are installed (upstart job issue)" [High,Triaged]16:22
seb128hum, firefox wooopsed16:27
dupondjeseb128: lightdm starts always :) but some issues :p16:33
robrupitti, I'm trying to write a test case that tests that some libsoup code I have is generating a correct multipart/form-data message for upload. libsoup is generating a random value to use as the form data separator. Are you aware of a way that I could mock that out to return the same value each time for easier testing?16:34
mptchrisccoulson, finished debugging? :-)16:48
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didrocksyummi regexp for the end of day: "((lp:?|bug)[ #]*|#|https://launchpad.net/bugs/)(\d{5,})" ;)17:51
seb128didrocks, you can do better I'm sure!17:52
mlankhorstbug didrocks!17:52
didrocksseb128: yeah, I've done worse, but it's almost 7PM :p17:53
didrocksit matches http://paste.ubuntu.com/1337882/, see how kind I'm with our committers ;)17:54
seb128didrocks, the launchpad guys are not so nice for .changes entries ;-)17:56
seb128didrocks, you are giving your committers bad habits, they will get bitten when trying to do uploads ;-)17:56
didrocksseb128: heh, well, it's not that much additional work and I know real world, you know… where everyone is not like us! :-)17:57
didrocksthat enables to catch --fixes lp: and others commit message without bug associated :)17:58
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qenghokenvandine: uh oh, a new version of chromium-browser stable, 23.somethingorother.18:19
* qengho hurries more.18:20
kenvandineqengho, uh oh :)18:27
seb128qengho, what, it's out and not the in archive yet? build faster! :p18:32
kenvandineseb128, i bet it'll break webapps integration18:36
kenvandineit'll need a little work18:36
kenvandinebut qengho knows who to yell at about fixing that18:37
seb128kenvandine, well, breaking webapps integration, firefox did that today so let's play it fair and do the same to chrome :p18:37
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dobeydesrt: any idea why dconf-service would be using 237 MB RES?19:32
desrtdobey: there's a leak19:33
desrtdobey: fixed upstream, waiting for seb128 to SRU it19:33
dobeyah ok19:33
attentedesrt: i'm getting a strange stack trace19:44
attenteframe #4 and #5 being relevant19:52
attenteis this a possible thing to happen?19:53
attenteit's calling this implementation, g_menu_attribute_hash_iter_get_next20:06
attentestill not sure why g_quark_from_string is getting called though20:07
desrtattente: could be a tailcall?20:12
attentedesrt: not really sure20:14
desrtif you are saying that the function in question does not call the funciton that it appears to be calling then probably it's a tailcall occuring in a 3rd function that you have to guess about20:17
desrtlook at the listed line number and check what's there20:17
attenteoh... i was looking at the wrong line number...20:21
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