
snap-lFinishing up an interview02:47
=== rick_h_ is now known as rick_h
snap-lgoing to go do my civic doodie12:08
rick_hgoing to do mine at lunch me thinks12:10
rick_hfor brousch http://danielgibbs.name/fun-with-makefiles/12:13
rick_hsince he's 'found makefile'12:13
rick_hfree audio book http://audible.com/sanderson12:19
rick_hand voting done yay13:34
rick_h<3 working from home "I'll go after all the people going before work and before the lunch crowd"13:34
snap-lYeah, my voting is done. Walked to the precinct with JoDee.13:51
snap-lNice that it was kitty-corner to us13:52
rick_hyea, across the street here so nice close by13:52
snap-lGot to hear a guy try to hit on a lady by talking about his Celestite.13:53
snap-lI shit thee not13:53
nullspaceughhhh the voting talk has started in the office, in go the headphones13:53
snap-lnullspace: Turn it to NPR. That'll show 'em.13:54
rick_hworking from home ftw13:54
nullspaceor I could just blast REM - it's the end of the world13:57
nullspaceit's doomsaying on eitherside13:57
snap-lCorrosion of Conformity: Vote With a Bullet.13:57
nullspacevote or die!13:58
rick_hmeh, I fall into the 'don't vote if you don't know wtf you're voting for' camp13:58
rick_hsee http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idiocracy13:58
snap-lrick_h: You mean The Prophecy.13:59
snap-lIt's got electrolytes plants crave.13:59
rick_hyea, that was probably not quite right. I mean the uninformed making decisions, not necessarily the stupid13:59
rick_hif you're going to tell me which car to buy, you should know about a few cars14:00
rick_hor at least drive14:00
nullspaceunfortuantley we have to deal with both of those people on the road as well14:00
rick_hgoing to kill snap-l by loading up some old school green day for today14:03
snap-lrick_h: It's your eardrums.14:03
snap-lAnd Green Day is OK in moderation14:03
nullspaceat least it's not their new stuff14:04
rick_hpart of this was to buy the new album but starting with dookie first14:05
jjesseso there are people who in milwaukee who have been in line for 2 hours14:05
jjessethats a long time to wait to vote14:05
rick_hyea, I can't wait until they get voting by text message working14:05
nullspacethere are people in flordia that waited for 6 hours to vote, that's dedication14:05
rick_hthings will really change then when everyone actually votes14:05
jjessei voted via abstenee14:05
nullspacerick_h: hahahahahaah14:06
snap-ljjesse: Lucky you.14:06
brouschI was in and out in 30mins14:07
jjessewell i'm out of state so it was really easy14:07
snap-lI'm not sure I want people treating the presidential election as though it was the same as voting for their favorite American Idol star14:07
brouschGeez, a 6 hour line with no roller coaster at the end?14:07
snap-lbut I do wish we had remote electronic voting14:07
rick_hI'm just saying a LOT of people don't vote because it involsed the physical step of going/waiting14:07
nullspacesnap-l: hwo is it any different than that now14:07
rick_hremoving that and I think the results would come out a TON differently14:08
snap-lI'm glad ours was only 30 minutes14:08
snap-lnullspace: Point taken14:08
snap-lapparently the Royal Oak Brewery has a special where if you bring in your sticker, they give you a free beer.14:12
snap-lI'm gonna go vote again to get more beer. :)14:13
rick_hearly and often14:13
rick_hhttps://plus.google.com/u/0/104919222657565747428/posts/NK9MAB6heDR cool did not know that14:14
rick_hreally wish these guys made machines I could get into buying :(14:14
snap-lYeah, I want to support them14:15
rick_hunfortunately the server I want is something atom based and laptops are 12" so I guess I'm too small for them14:16
brouschand no nipple14:17
rick_hyea, that too14:17
rick_hbut don't need that on the server side14:17
brouschA server without a nipple is no real server14:21
snap-lGod, now there's talk about Disney buying Hasbro14:27
snap-laka D&D and Magic the Gathering, among others.14:27
rick_hI think a nelson 'ha! ha!' is appropriate http://goo.gl/uQRDu14:47
snap-lI'd say an appropriate response would be to OSS all of the code14:50
snap-lThat way such breaches are meaningless.14:51
nullspacerut ro, looks like the oxygenarian volunteers don't know how to calibrate touch screens http://t.co/927dDaS115:00
dzhoitym octagenarian?16:01
dzhoor is that the joke?16:01
rick_hwe never know with nullspace :)16:07
snap-lIt's those folks who believe in Oxygen16:31
nullspacedzho: hmm yeah ment taht16:31
snap-lor those who take the oxygen network seriously. :)16:31
nullspacesnap-l: also know as idoits16:32
snap-lno comment16:32
dzhooctagenarians are probably more highly represented than the general population as users of pure oxygen tanks17:11
dzhoso, it works pretty ok even if not intended :)17:11
rick_hyay no more crap in the mail...thank you voting day!17:17
snap-lrick_h: God, I could have make a shrine to the Matty Maroune Proposal 6 crap17:33
jrwrenrick_h: what is the equivalent of this in pythong? http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=10646117:50
jrwrennevermind. I think I was not remembering correctly what sed -i and perl -i do.17:58
rick_hjrwren: there's not really an in place17:59
rick_hyou'd just make hte .bak files, open the files, write to a tmp, and shutil it back overwrite18:00
jrwrenyup, that is what I shall do.18:00
rick_hhttp://docs.python.org/2/library/tempfile.html and http://docs.python.org/2/library/shutil.html18:00
jrwrenshutil better than os.rename?18:01
rick_hwell, I was specifically thinking of copytree for the backup but not quite the same18:02
jrwrenok. cool18:02
rick_hbut shutil is a bit more thorough than the os items getting permissions/metadata and such I think18:02
rick_hso like look at shutil.move18:02
rick_hIf the destination is on the current filesystem, then os.rename() is used. Otherwise, src is copied (using shutil.copy2()) to dst and then removed.18:02
rick_hso it's just a bit smarter18:03
jrwrenyeah, like the name implies, more like a shell command than a syscall18:03
rick_hI tend ot start with shutil since I've been bitten by the os. stuff before18:04
rick_hlike you can't do a rmtree in os, but can in shutil18:04
jrwrenmakes sense.18:04
jrwreni'm used to just the os stuff since that is what most other language api give you.18:05
jrwrenos is basically posix C file api stuff in python18:05
nullspacesnap-l: We were unable to process this funnel due to one or more submitted values are in error " + "please make make corrections where an #ERR is present18:41
nullspacesnap-l: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A7CU3HACEAEnkf1.jpg18:42
nullspacefirst one was a clipboard f-up18:42
snap-lnullspace: Amen18:46
brouschThis looks interesting http://linux.slashdot.org/story/12/11/06/1752228/gate-one-11-released-run-vim-in-your-browser20:37
snap-lLove it when a transaction table goes for a toss.21:39

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