
aconberehey, I'm having an issue running a java service under upstart, that runs fine from the shell02:18
aconbereI can run it in the shell with the same privs02:19
aconbereand it takes no options02:19
aconbereand doesn't inspect any environmental variables02:19
aconbereI don't know how to debug this02:19
aconberewondering if anyone here can help02:19
aconbere(the error for reference is reading a datafile out of a jar, i get a MalformedInputException, but only in upstart)02:21
aconberemy theories run the gambit of some strange forking going on02:21
aconbereor maybe just running in a different environment02:21
SpamapSaconbere: java shouldn't be forking02:37
dan2003Hi, im trying to make a script to run a task when mysql is stopped. But im having the problem that it takes a while it doesnt get to copmlete before reboot or halt, so I tried setting the kill timeout to a value greater than the default (5). But it doesnt help. I have realised that this is probably because I did not have a stop in statement. But I am not able to find a suitable event for my stop on statement, an ideas?11:08
dan2003stop in/stop on11:08
dan2003I was just about to add i have tried the obvious runlevel [06] and found it dodnt work presumeably becasue that happens before my process is even started, but am trying it again as think i may have had a syntax error11:10
jodhdan2003: currently, having a job start on shutdown is going to be challenging. You may need to look at /etc/init.d/sendsigs and /etc/init.d/umountroot since those are invoked just before shutdown and you may need to modify them to ensure they wait for your job(s) to complete.11:14
dan2003jodh, ok, I am jut trying a bit of a hack with a seperate job that starts on runlevel [06] and has kil timeout 60, and stops on stop stopped my_other_job, which will be omitted when the other job is done11:15
dan2003but if this fails I will look at that11:16
jodhdan2003: the problem is that the final shutdown stages on Ubuntu are not currently handled directly by Upstart - we're looking to change that behaviour in the Raring cycle.11:17
dan2003oh ok11:17
dan2003jodh, thanks a bunch, a simple check in  /etc/init.d/sendsigs seems to have resolved my problem11:34
jodhdan2003: np :)11:34
aconberehey, I've got a little project I'm using that makes use of scalate. To deploy my app, I package a jar and ship it off to servers. I'm unclear how to make use of scalate templates once they're packaged though...14:55
aconbereI think my best bet is precompiling them, but then there's not really any discussion in the docs of accessing precompiled templates14:56
aconbereanyway, if anyone knows anything about that (or a better place to look)14:56
aconberebah, wrong channel15:50

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