
avihayI recently noticed that I can't left-click the icon on my decorations to access the menu, only right click works...00:06
simplewmy mouse stops working without apparent reason, any one knows why? i see that this is a problem that has happened to other ubuntu users00:42
OerHekssimplew, if it is an usb mouse, plug it out an back in again?00:43
xixordespite my best attempts to kill my mouse, mine still works00:43
OerHeksoh, please don't crosspost00:43
simplewOerHeks: sometimes work, others doesnt00:43
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging00:43
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring00:43
NavetzHello can someone help me debug my laptop running kubuntu. I upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04 recently. Everything went fine then I went to login the other day and everytime I type my password into the login screen, I get a black screen for a split second (command screen with writing but it goes away before I can read it) and it brings me back to the login screen00:47
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xixorshould I allow unsupported and pre-release updates in muon I wonder?00:49
jedihawkNavetz: have you tried tailing a log file?00:49
Navetzjedihawk, not really sure how personally, had a friend do it for me today and it said a lot of things about eth0 being disabled so I'm assuming the wireless drivers aren't working00:50
jedihawkdo you have the thing in front of you now?00:51
jedihawkCtrl-Alt-F1.  got a login prompt?00:51
Navetzi can go into consol login from the logiin screen00:51
jedihawkwhatever works for ya.00:52
krokuhi all00:52
krokuany eclipse users here?00:53
Navetzohhh I think i have some more info. If I go to tty7 iI see aned disabled; edit /etc/default/saned. Then it says starting apache server, then it says checking battery state... This is the screen that shows up for a split second when I try to login00:53
MelRayIs it possible to keep Kontakts synced with the addressbook in Gmail?00:53
Navetzjedihawk, logged in00:54
krokui've probably java / eclipse related problem00:55
jedihawkNavetz: cd /var/log00:55
jedihawkNavetz: tail -f messages00:55
krokuhave an hour or so before my flight00:56
jedihawkNavetz: switch back to your GUI login and try again, then check the log.00:56
Navetzjedihawk, how do I get back to GUI login? do I need to reboot?00:57
jedihawkNavetz: Ctrl-Alt-F7 or F8.  Ctrl-Alt-F*00:58
Navetzctrl-alt-f7 seems to be frozen at that black screen. I'll reboot, try to login, then read logs00:59
MelRayNavetz: Try tty 100:59
NavetzMelRay, I have tty100:59
Navetzjust not gui00:59
MelRayNavetz: If you login on tty1 you can't start your gui?01:00
OerHekskroku, try #eclips01:00
NavetzMelRay, I can never start my GUI, the closest I get is my login screen, it flashes black when I enter my password and brings me back to my login screen01:01
MelRayNavetz: Ahhhh...01:02
jedihawkNavetz: a while ago, my gui login screen broke (still have no idea why) so I'd switch to the first tty (Ctrl-Alt-F1), log in, then manually launch the gui with 'startx'. did that for a while. worked fine as I didn't reboot very often.01:02
MelRayI wonder if a xorg.conf file got created somehow....might be  a .conf file screwing it up...or vice versa01:04
krokuthnx OreHeks01:05
NavetzI tried startx, says it's already running and to delete a lock01:05
jedihawkcd /var/log ; tail -f Xorg.*01:05
xixormy debugging in linux involves no tailing of log files.  I would be mv ~/.kde to ~/.kde_old.  moving xorg.conf files around, dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-current .... I'm also not good at fixing linux with a poor track record01:05
MelRayNavetz: do ps -ax and see what has created the lock01:06
MelRayKill the process01:07
Navetzthe log shows uploading evdev, then next line shows ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log. Next line:Server terminated successfully (0). closing log file01:11
Navetzin xorg.failsave.log I see xf860OpenConsol: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interruped system call01:12
NavetzMelRay, How do I tell what's created the lock from ps -ax?01:12
MelRayYou might look for the .old xorg log and compare it to the current and look for variation01:12
MelRayNavetz: This might be a possibility to try....https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/44165301:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441653 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "radeon graphics mode and console does not start - xf86OpenConsole: VT_WAITACTIVE failed: Interrupted system call" [High,Fix released]01:16
NavetzMelRay, this might just be it, ill look into it thanks01:17
MelRayNavetz: Sure01:17
Omarhi every body, I installed FDesktoprecorder, but when I start recording, It doesn't, something wrong with ffmpeg. here is the message:  ffmpeg version 0.8.3-6:0.8.3-6ubuntu2, Copyright (c) 2000-2012 the Libav developers01:21
Omar  built on Oct  1 2012 12:54:15 with gcc 4.7.201:21
OmarThis program is only provided for compatibility and will be removed in a future release. Please use avconv instead.01:21
Omar[x11grab @ 0xc7cf60] device: :0.0 -> display: :0.0 x: 0 y: 0 width: 1366 height: 76801:21
FloodBotK1Omar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:21
Omarhere is the error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1338754/01:22
MelRayOmar: Is avconv installed?01:22
MelRayI would check the settings....it looks like a mis match in there...01:24
Omarwhere exactly ?01:24
OmarI didn't touch any thing yet01:25
MelRayBefore you record isn't there a set of menu options?01:25
Omarwhen I was having 12.04, I found the same problem, but I fixed It and I don't remember how01:27
OmarI redid a long search, but without result :(01:28
NavetzMelRay, looks like the bug has been fixed in xorg-server, i'm going to try and get the latest version01:28
Omarok, thank you a lot01:28
MelRayNavetz: Awesome...good luck01:28
MelRayOmar: How did you install the app? I don't see anything in Muon01:29
Omaruse this ppa: ppa:blueleaflinux/ppa01:29
Omarhere is the officiel page http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/FDesktopRecorder?content=14784401:30
MelRayOmar you might try compiling it from source to see if that makes a difference01:36
OmarI tried It, but I get the same error01:36
Omarthe problem is with that ffmeg :P01:37
NavetzMelRay, it's looking like my quickest option is to do a fresh install01:37
Navetzif I install from an ubuntu 12.10 live cd, can I add kde easily?01:37
MelRayNavetz: ?01:38
MelRayJust use apt-get01:39
NavetzMelRay, I wanted to give gnome a try, havent used it in a long time. But I want KDE too, can you have ubuntu and kubuntu at the same time or does that not work anymore ?01:39
MelRayYes you can...that will be somewhat of a time consuming process depending on connection speed01:39
NavetzMelRay, ah I'll just leave it on overnight01:39
OmarMelRay: did FDesktoprecorder work for you ?01:41
MelRayI haven't tried it...01:42
Omarok, so do you have a suggestion to solve the problem ?01:44
MelRayOmar: Uninstall what you have and try this...sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop01:45
Omardose it work with KDE ?01:45
MelRayHere is the link to the website.....I believe it does yes...http://www.noobslab.com/2012/02/install-best-screen-recorder-on-ubuntu.html01:46
Omarok, trying It :)01:47
MelRayOmar: Ok hope it works for you...01:48
MelRayAnyone know how to clear the scrollback buffer?01:49
MelRayIn Quassel that is01:49
xixorlol, n000bs lab01:50
Omarwe're noobs, allways01:51
MelRayxixor: ;-)01:51
xixorlol, n000bunt000b.01:52
MelRayAmazing what you can find doing a web search....lol01:53
OmarMelRay: that gtk-recordmydesktop gived a very bad render01:54
Omareither sound and image01:54
MelRayIt was worth a try......01:55
MelRayI don't know if you can tweak the settings to get something usable or not...01:55
OmarI'm trying that too :)01:56
Omarthe reason why I'm insisting on FDesktoprecorder is because last time It worked with me, It gived a very nice and clean image and voice :)01:58
Omarnot working at all :(01:59
MelRayOk then use the command line which is always the best choice....just search record desktop using ffmpeg and there you go02:00
Omarok, thank you :)02:00
OerHeksffmpeg is not being developed anymore, use avconv instead02:02
OmarMelRay: awesome, that worked, but how to record my voice ?02:05
OmarOerHeks: thank you, but how to use It ?02:06
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MelRayOmar: You can try a program called wink if you aren't using 64bit02:18
Omareven if I'm on a 64bit system, I can run 32bit programms (ia32-libs installed)02:19
MelRayThere is another program called Istanbul also02:20
Omarbut I think the solution of the command line is the best, just need some how to record the voice :)02:20
Omaristanbult is shit02:20
Omarit doesn't work :)02:20
MelRaySome of the links you will find can capture audio as well02:20
Omarok, I have to verify my mic then :)02:21
bazhangOmar, no cursing here02:21
bazhang!info kazam02:21
ubottukazam (source: kazam): Easy to use application for recording on-screen action. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 94 kB, installed size 824 kB02:21
bazhangOmar, ^02:21
Omardidn't work too02:21
bazhangsure it does02:21
OmarI tried every one02:22
bazhang!work | Omar02:22
ubottuOmar: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.02:22
Omarnot for me :)02:22
MelRayOmar: He is asking what is the specific issue with kazam02:22
OmarI don't remember02:23
bazhangOmar, saying 'does not work" is vague and no one can help02:23
Omarbut I tried hard with every programm from that list02:23
Omarone by one02:23
bazhangOmar, if you don't offer more than "doesn't work" you can expect no help02:24
Omarone by one It doesn't work, I mean that It has some error, that I searched the solution for very hardly, and I spend nights witout a result :)02:24
bazhangso give the exact errors for each one02:25
MelRayUsually a dozen or so apps that "don't work" usually indicates issues other than the app(s)02:25
Omarand now I'm discussing the command line solution02:25
Omarusing ffmpeg or avconv02:25
Omarand I have a nice render with It02:25
bazhangOmar, sounds like hardware in your case if nothing works and you provide NO info at all02:25
Omarthe problem is that I don't know how to record the voice02:25
bazhangthats not a software problem02:26
Omarnothing is wrong with the hardwar bazhang02:26
OmarI told MelRay that FDesktoprecorder worked for me when I was havin 12.0402:27
jedihawkrecommended FTP / SCP client?02:27
Omarand that I had the same problem in the begining, but I found the solution, but now, I don"t remeber IT02:27
Omarjedihawk: use dolphin02:27
jedihawkthe filesystem explorer?02:28
jedihawkokay, I'll give it a shot. thx.02:28
Omarno problem :)02:28
MelRaybazhang: I installed kazam...but it doesn't show up with a gui or anything...is it meant to be used in conjunction with another app?02:29
MelRayAfter choosing run kazaqm02:29
bazhangMelRay, then your apps menu needs  a refresh. it's there02:30
MelRaybazhang: K how do I refresh the menu?02:30
simplewi cant report bugs iin raring: ERROR: Could not import module, is a package upgrade in progress?  Error: No module named 'DLFCN'02:31
simplewany hint ?02:31
Omarbazhang: the kmenu never has to refresh02:31
bazhangMelRay, either a menu editor, or after a logout/login02:31
MelRaybazhang: Ok thank you02:31
OmarMelRay: try to lance It in command line02:31
MelRayI got it...heheh02:32
MelRayGotta roll have a good one...02:32
OerHekssimplew, join #ubuntu+1 for raring issues02:33
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.02:33
xixorI take it the default-jre package is the one that you want to install to get a JRE to run java applets in chromium?02:34
OerHeks!crosspost | simplew02:34
ubottusimplew: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.02:34
xixorhm..... something called "icedtea" plugin seemed work.  silly linux02:40
ste_. o O SaluT / IN02:58
ste_xixor: hi02:58
ste_xixor: I am new at IRC02:58
ste_I just installed Quassel and 've connected02:59
ubottuI have no seen command02:59
ubottusimplew: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».02:59
ste_I donnut installed any script like bsmax script02:59
ste_is it ok ?02:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:59
ubottuYou can find mouse-related settings in System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse03:00
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.03:00
ste_should i install an irc script ?03:00
ste_where is a good debian irc chan ?03:01
OerHeks!alis | ste_03:01
ubottuste_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*03:01
ste_OerHeks: thank you03:02
xixorste_: New at IRC?  Cool.  I've been on irc since 199503:06
xixorste_: the great thing about irc, is that in all that time, it hasn't changed a bit.03:06
bentkusit works03:15
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Obsidian1723xixor: right on. 1993 for me.03:29
jackiesanyhone here03:37
Obsidian1723Wasx that all you needed? To see if someone was here? Ok. Some one is. Now what?03:43
ste_nice chann03:44
ste_see u03:44
ste_SaluT / OuT O O .03:44
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usermsg NickServ identify nicomicro93tobias05:03
OerHeksuser time to change password .. nevermind05:04
mujihello fellas, i jsut got to reinstall kubuntu again, and can someone help me decrease my mouse sensitivaty?05:19
mujimy touchpad05:19
JimmyJohnnymuji yes, tell your mouse how wonderful it is, build up its self-esteem05:19
mujii tried that jimmyjohnny, but that didn't work out05:20
mujibut the touchpad touch sensitivaty05:20
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mujihey guys05:48
mujican i get some help installing the new nvidia driver?05:49
mujijoin #ubuntu05:51
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
mujihello guys, how can i see which version of nvidia gpu i have? i jsut tried to install the newest graphics driver, but don't know if it worked or not06:47
DarthFrogmuji: "lspci" will include the graphics chip ID.06:48
mujiDarthFrog: im actually looking for the driver version06:48
DarthFrogMine, for example, shows: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF110 [GeForce GTX 570 HD] (rev a1)06:48
DarthFrogYou asked for GPU identification.06:48
mujioh oops, my bad i should rephrase that06:49
mujihow can i se which nvidia grpahics driver i have?06:49
DarthFrogRun "nvidia-settings".06:49
mujisays i'm not using the nvidia x driver06:50
DarthFrog /var/log/Xorg.0.log will tell you what's going on.06:51
TheLordOfTimemuji, did you install an nvidia driver?06:51
mujiTheLordOfTime: yea i got the neweest one that came out yestarday06:51
TheLordOfTimebut did you install it :P06:53
mujithats what im trying to find out lol06:53
mujii went into the alt+ctrl+f1 thing06:53
mujilogged in06:53
mujiand um did chmod +x filename06:53
mujiit was a .run file06:54
mujiunless i was supposed to do sh?06:55
mujigonna give it another try, wish me luck06:57
TheLordOfTimewas going to say jsut chmodding it isn't enough and you have to execute the .run06:58
TheLordOfTimebut i don't trust .runs anyways06:58
mujicrap, so how do i close xserver? lol07:00
mujiah nvm07:00
mujiinit 307:00
invariantWill 12.04.* be able to run 4.9.3?07:26
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knuckledusterwhat's up dudes/dudettes?08:19
knuckledustertrying out irc08:19
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nicekiwihow can I make Dolphin look like this? http://draco23hack.deviantart.com/art/Audi-colors-29707309908:55
nicekiwisure.. everyones off installing steam :P09:03
lordievadernicekiwi: Do you know what theme he/she uses?09:06
nicekiwiLord_Drachenblut, nope. but a theme cant chnage the structure of Dolphins UI can it?09:07
nicekiwilordievader, nope. but a theme cant chnage the structure of Dolphins UI can it?09:09
lordievadernicekiwi: Nope it is some kind of a theme, download the file that is provided.09:14
nicekiwilordievader, there is no file..09:16
nicekiwior is there..09:17
lordievadernicekiwi: http://www.deviantart.com/download/297073099/audi_colors_by_draco23hack-d4wvb2j.zip09:17
nicekiwilordievader, its a colour theme. thats ALL. that does NOTHING to the UI of Dolphin apart form maybe colouring it09:18
nicekiwilordievader, does Dolphin in that picture look like stock dolphin? All the buttons are in different places or hidden etc09:19
lordievadernicekiwi: No, I have to agree to that.09:19
nicekiwiIndeed, ive seen ppl do that before.. but have no idea how09:19
lordievadernicekiwi: Perhaps a good idea to ask him?09:20
nicekiwiyeah, i think so09:20
lordievaderBrb, things are failing around me, got to reboot.09:23
lordievaderFirewall killed my nfs link, dolphin didn't like that, and therefore kde refused to do anything anymore.09:32
Kalidarni've actually had that happen with sshfs09:42
Kalidarnfound that killing the ssh service fixed it09:42
lordievaderForgot to add those machines that use the nfs to the list.09:44
SmurphyHmmm. So far 4.9.3 rules nicely ...09:50
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an1Hey. I want to open a lot of c, py and txt files in one go in kate. They are hierarchically stored in subfolders. Can someone help me open them all in 1 go? Im trying for something like {ls -R | kate}. also, i want to exclude the .git directory while doing this.10:17
nicekiwilordievader, seems u can configure stock dolphin to look like that10:28
lordievadernicekiwi: Ok good to know, but how?10:29
nicekiwiif you right click it, you can unlock it and drag it to the side then just click again and select show icon only10:30
hateballan1: you will want to use a for loop10:30
nicekiwilordievader, u can also set the position though the same right click menu.10:31
hateballan1: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_09_01.html has some decent examples. otherwise you can try #bash10:32
an1hateball: thank you!!10:32
lordievadernicekiwi: I see, ok thank you for letting me know :)10:33
nicekiwi:) no worries.10:34
hateballan1: actually... there is a plugin in kate for doing this :p10:36
hateballan1: go into preferences, plugin called "file system view" or such. granted it doesnt search recursively but easy way to open all files in one dir10:37
hateballan1: actually... it even does recursive :>10:39
an1hateball: oh that works! pretty much what i wanted. i was halfway through writing by script :P10:39
an1Thank you!10:39
hateballnot sure if you can use a filter in the filter view tho, to exclude .git10:40
hateballfolder view*10:40
an1thats ok. Only think was kate gives a lot of warnings while trying to open the binary files under git folder. Thats what i wanted to avoid. otherwise its a hidden folder anyways10:40
hateballnah... if you drag a folder it will still open everything below, regardless of filter10:41
hateballoh well10:42
BluesKajHiyas all11:23
invariantIs there a 'K' counterpart of openoffice calc/gnumeric?11:50
invariantWill 12.04.* be able to run 4.9.3?11:51
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=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
jedihawkanyone awake in heres?12:01
BluesKajjedihawk, nope , still asleep :)12:06
jedihawkBluesKaj: :-)12:06
jedihawkI couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd get something done.12:06
jedihawkhad a dumb question about why my monitors turn off after five mins or so.  do you know why this happens?12:07
BluesKajwhich kubuntu version jedihawk?12:07
jedihawk3.5.0-17-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 9 19:32:08 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i686 GNU/Linux12:08
Peace-hi buddies12:08
BluesKajhi Peace-12:10
BluesKajjedihawk, that looks like the latest 12.10 kernel12:11
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
jedihawkyup, but I made a mistake and didn't install the 64-bit version.  [forehead smack]  I'll probably re-install later on (again).12:11
lordievaderjedihawk: How much ram do you got installed?12:14
jedihawkLord_Drachenblut: 4G12:14
jedihawkwhich used to be a lot.12:14
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
BluesKajjedihawk, I had the same problem but setting the screensaver to 180 mins in system settings>display & monitor seems to have worked here ..power management is basically disabled here as well12:15
lordievaderjedihawk: Ah yes then you do want to get the 64-bit version.12:15
jedihawkohh, setting it higher rather than turning it off?  never thought of that.  I'll try it...12:16
BluesKajjedihawk, but I'm on desktop , so laptops are a diferent story12:17
jedihawksure.  I'm on a desktop machine.12:18
sanHi Guys12:23
sani need one help12:23
saninstead of kubuntu normal desktop with widgets i want the simple desktop with icons12:24
sanis there anyway to do this12:24
Peace-san: sure12:25
sanPeace Can u please tell me how to do this?12:25
Peace-san: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/07/plasma-desktopQJa356.png12:25
Peace-san: right click on desktop => destop=settings => search and launch12:26
sanyes Peace i did that12:27
sanbut now its opening tablet interface12:28
hateballisnt "folder view" a "simple desktop"12:28
Peace-san: ah sorry12:28
Peace-san: yes instead of searcha nd lauch you need to use folderview12:28
sanok.. let me try12:28
Peace-that's all12:28
sanyes now its working12:29
sanone more thing.. i want to use nautilus for desktop icons12:30
sani have changed my icons but in desktop its not showing those icons12:31
Peace-nautilus ?12:32
Peace-dolphin is far better than nautilus anyway if you want use nautilus to open folders i guess you need to go on file associations12:33
Peace-in systemsettings12:33
Peace-san: or just search this http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/07/plasma-desktopm31619.png12:34
sanok.. will try it.. Thanks Peace12:34
Peace-san: then set what you like http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/07/plasma-desktopc31619.png i have dolphin12:34
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
SyriaHello !! My network printers status is paused? how can I change that please?12:48
=== Tonio_aw is now known as Tonio_
Peace-Syria: open your browser12:52
Peace-Syria: http://localhost:631/printers/12:53
Peace-Syria: select your printer12:53
SyriaPeace-: Then?12:53
Peace-Syria: for example here i can handle my printer http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/07/plasma-desktopn31619.png12:54
Peace-Syria: i have my printer in idle mode but i can pause it so you should be able to put your printer in your prefered mode http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/07/plasma-desktopV31619.png12:55
Syriasorry lost the connection.12:59
Peace-Syria: you did it ?13:01
Peace-Syria: did you get this ? http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/07/plasma-desktopV31619.png13:01
SyriaPeace-:  One moment please, I will try it.13:01
=== Tonio_ is now known as Tonio_aw
SyriaPeace-:  The printer status has changed into "Idle" , After resuming it.13:04
Peace-Syria: so it should work13:04
SyriaPeace-:  I will test it. One moment please.13:04
SyriaPeace-: It works! :D13:06
SyriaPeace-:  Thnx buddy.13:06
Peace-Syria: :)13:06
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SyriaPeace-: May I know what is the name of the theme that you are using?13:06
Peace-Syria: plasma theme ?13:06
SyriaPeace-: Yes.13:07
Peace-Syria: icon is kfaenza , plasma theme is my own that is called nowardev , panels layout is my own layout that is nowardev double panel13:07
SyriaPeace-:  http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/nowardev+theme+dark+wallpaper?content=142058 <<< this one right?13:08
Peace-Syria: nope that is my first version it's this http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/07/plasma-desktopC32072.png13:09
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SyriaPeace-: How Can I add that double panel please?13:22
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Peace-Syria: have you 12.04 or 12.10?13:22
SyriaPeace-: 12.1013:23
Peace-Syria: this is my own debian package that i did of my little software , you need to know that with gnome3 layout you could get plasma-crash . anyway it will run again and the you can even use gnome3 layout13:24
Peace-Syria: do you want anyway ?13:24
Peace-if yes you can download this https://launchpad.net/~nowardev/+archive/ppa/+files/plasma-panels-collection_2.0.2-1ubuntu0~ppa1_all.deb13:25
SyriaPeace-: Yes I like its idea and I am not using gnome3.13:26
Peace-Syria: ok install that package and then you can use what you want right click on the desktop => add panel =>Nowardev double panel  =>  http://wstaw.org/m/2012/11/07/plasma-desktopw32072.png13:27
SyriaPeace-:  Downloading dependencies....13:30
Peace-Syria: yes  you need widgets13:30
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SyriaPeace-:  It works thank you :)13:37
Peace-Syria: good13:37
SyriaPeace-: I like it. Good job.13:37
Peace-Syria: you can do it as you like13:37
Peace-Syria: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAB1whqH9n813:38
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yossarianukgot a few bugs with Kubuntu on my netbook - (I have various desktops and they are all fine)13:47
yossarianuki.e - the default netbook settings (which are automatically enabled on the netbook) are unusable13:47
yossarianukthere are crashes and after a few mins am I unable to launch any app13:48
yossarianukif I change the netbook to use the standard desktop (workspace behaviour)13:48
noaXesshey all13:48
yossarianukits fine - unless I change *any* setting in desktop effects, no matter what setting I change the system is unusable until I rm -rf .kde and restart13:49
noaXessis there a plasmoid for tracking times on projects, like ktimetracker does?13:49
yossarianuk(this only effects my netbook which is ryunning intergrated intel graphics)13:49
yossarianuknvidia desktops are 100% fine (in fact kubuntu 12.10 is possibly the best I have ran - with the exception of arch)13:50
tsimpsonyossarianuk: you should report bugs on launchpad so the developers can track them13:51
yossarianuktsimpson - will do14:01
yossarianuk(need to wait until I get home so I have my netbook..14:02
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artao<sigh> trying to not swear here ..... how do i keep my desktop settings after playing a fullscreen game?  i'm running dual desktop, and fullscreen games TOTALLY bork my settings ... i have to log out and back in to get my desktop back <grrrrrrrr> EXTREMELY <grrrrrrrrr>14:37
Peace-artao: this is due to game14:37
artaoand it's NOT the graphics card14:37
artaono. this is due to the window manager14:38
Peace-i have discuss this with aseigo14:38
artaoif it's due to the game, then it's EVERY game14:38
Peace-with urban terror i got very weird behavior with panels14:38
artaoit happened when i had an ATI card, and it still happens with an nvidia card14:38
Peace-artao: join on #kde14:39
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artaoyeah, it was UrT i jsut came out of ... but it happens with speed dreams, torc, fliight gear, etc14:39
Peace-ask in that place it should be present one of kwin devs14:39
Peace-artao: btw without games you should just run well14:39
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Peace-artao: i don't remember well but games sets X stuff and then they doesn't turn back the settings14:40
Peace-that's the problem i think to remember14:40
artaoi now remember why i stopped gaming under linux .. and dual boot win 714:40
Peace-anyway if you find the kwin devs you should get some tricks14:41
artaoanyhow, i need to log out-in now14:41
Peace-artao: this man is the kwin dev http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/14:42
Peace-artao: you can contact him14:42
Peace-artao: or just report a bug in the kde bug report website14:42
Peace-artao: here https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?format=guided14:43
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ozzzywell... kubuntu is working better now it appears16:13
ovidiu-florinhello, my Run Command program froze, how can I restart it?16:17
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BluesKajovidiu-florin, kdesudo krunner16:40
BluesKajin the terminal16:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:41
ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: thank's16:43
ovidiu-florinI've killed it, ansd started it , but it won't show up on alt+F216:44
BluesKajovidiu-florin, right click on the desktop , choose run command ..try that16:45
ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: thank's it works now16:46
ozzzyhow do I get rid of that annoying glow around the active window16:47
BluesKajyeah, ovidiu-florin , that command is the way i usually call krunner16:47
BluesKajozzzy, system-settings>workspace appearance , one of the settings there might be it16:49
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ozzzyBluesKaj, tks16:53
ozzzyman that was annoying16:53
WineQQ_hi@all  some question to you guys:  I installed kubuntu 12.04 a while ago and now ,for gaming, i installed win7 in a seperated partition i just  created. After that i repaired grub bootloader with the kubuntu install cd  .. and now my stupid question: How can i start win7 ? ...because after repairing grub  linux shows up as usual but i have no option to choose from16:56
tsimpsonWineQQ_: I believe you have to hold down left shift, or sometimes escape, while booting for the grub menu to show, it's hidden by default until you press one of those keys16:58
ArjunaWineQQ there is a package kde-config-grub2 with this you can try to edit grub menu the grafical way the options are in kde syssettings and there the boot or start(dont know englishh name)16:59
BluesKajWineQQ_,once in kubuntu , open a terminal and run sudo os-prober , then sudo update-grub17:00
WineQQ_ok thanks so far guys , tsimpsons solution seems the easiest (as the others are not that difficult to manage to), but does it work ?17:01
tsimpsontry it and see, remember to try both. if it doesn't work, come back and try the other options given17:02
WineQQ_yeah ;D got u  ... so thank u all guys u are great :)17:04
Arjunai have a very big problem i updated last night from 12.04 to 12.10 and after reboot x server with kde doesnt start, it looks like a crash at kdm start but sometimes i get the konsole login message an can log in and work untill i try ctrl+alt+F7 then i cant go back to tty1, have also 2 kernel version available 33 and 2? and the 12.04 boot is also available but none of this options work, graphic driver is some version from amd page for hd radeon17:07
lordievaderArjuna: You did a manual install of the AMD/ATI driver?17:07
Arjunapackage creation failed sadly17:08
lordievaderArjuna: There is your problem, manual installed drivers usually break with a kernel upgrade. Try reinstalling the driver.17:08
Arjunadoesnt work not even with --force17:09
Arjunatried this already was also my first thought17:09
Arjunacan have a look in install log and try to tell here17:09
lordievaderArjuna: What card do you have in your system?17:10
Arjunahd radeon x3820 x217:10
lordievaderArjuna: Hmm same series as my hd3850.. legacy nowadays. I couldn't get the driver to work in 12.10.17:11
Arjunaoh that would be very bad17:12
Arjunawhich driver do you use aktually17:13
lordievaderArjuna: Got to eat, there is probably someone who can assist you in this, good luck.17:13
lordievaderArjuna: Now the open-source radeon driver, I believe.17:13
Arjunaok thanks and good hunger17:13
Arjunaok if this is also my prob how to uninstall the legacy driver which isnt installed via dpkg packages17:16
Arjunaok got two cmds will try first be back surly17:17
Arjunaandf if anyone ideas i would be very happy17:18
Arjunaf....... uninstall seems to work forgot sadly that the default resolution from EDID doesnt work so i have on all tty inculding the x "out of range" is there a shortcut17:30
Arjunato change17:30
DarthFrogArjuna: You should check the docs with that ATI driver.  I suspect that they've stopped supporting your old card.  You'll be better served by using the radeon driver.17:31
Arjunaat the amd page there is a driver for my series that also worked fine(only watermark) on 12.0417:33
DarthFrog"dpkg --list | grep fglrx"  should tell you what's installed.17:33
Arjunayes i had a picture17:34
DarthFrogWhatever that means.17:34
Arjunamy monitor say "out of range"17:35
Arjunai previously removed the fglrx and the manual installed fglrx and now default resolution has change to undisplayable one17:37
Arjunanow i cant do anything without another monitor17:38
Arjunawhich i need atm to write here17:38
DarthFrogPress "CTL-ALT-F1" to switch to a virtual terminal and type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-radeon"17:39
DarthFrogThen reboot.17:39
Arjunatty 1-6 also in wrong res but will try to type blind17:39
DarthFrogNo, don't.  Just reboot, then try again.17:41
Arjunareboot ghives me every tie wrong resolution17:41
Arjunaok be right back have to kidnap my wifes monitor to install radeon driver and set default res in xorg17:44
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scorpkingis there an alternate image for kubuntu 12.10 or am I missing something? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/12.10/release/17:50
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Peace-scorpking: wait17:51
scarfacehello everybody...17:52
scarfacehow are you gui's ?17:52
scorpkingPeace-: wait, google, view HTML source = same results ;)17:52
* scorpking needs to put kubuntu on an old machine..17:53
Peace-i have 13.04 alternate xD17:53
Peace- i need to find the 12.10 version17:53
Peace-scorpking: mmm i guess that the alternate image is included on the normal version read here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.10-release17:55
Peace-scorpking: because of i install always alphas i am not pretty sure17:56
scorpkingPeace-: thanks17:56
QuintasanPeace-: We have dropped alternate iso images17:56
QuintasanAs for reasons why17:57
scorpkingQuintasan: is there a way to disable gui install?17:57
Peace-well i use the mini cd :D17:57
Peace-scorpking: just download the mini stuff iso17:57
QuintasanI can think of not enough people to test isos and small number of users AFAIR17:57
Quintasanyofel: ^ any input on that?17:57
Peace-scorpking: then when you get the terminal you can do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktopp17:57
scorpkingPeace-: that is good unless you donwload at 20KB/s like today17:58
Peace-Quintasan: here btw there is alternate but IT'S 13.04 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/17:58
QuintasanPeace-: oh, no idea why it is ther17:58
scorpkinganyways, thanks guys.. i'll mange :)17:59
yofelfor the reason as Quintasan said, and yeah, you'll have to use the mini.iso18:00
scorpkingi'll setup a local repo first. maybe that woulds speed things up18:00
* scorpking goes off to grap the 12.10 apt-mirror repos..18:01
lordievaderArjuna: Hey you still around, how is it going with your ATI/AMD problem?18:03
MySystemyeah i have my kde back18:05
MySystemlots of thx to all who helped me(as Arjuna) fix this now i only have to get fglrx working and set default resolution18:10
lordievaderMySystem: Oh hey you are Arjuna? How did you get the driver working?18:11
MySystemnot realy Arjuna is my wife *smile* and i dont get the driver working yet i plugged the monitor from my wife and installed radeon driver then reboot res set and here i am18:12
lordievaderMySystem: Ah ok, so you followed the same path I did. Remove the driver and use the open-source radeon driver ;)18:13
MySystemfor first yes to see if anything else is working since update now i try to get the legacy working18:14
MelRayI'm looking to learn and understand the process of updating the kernel. I usually see a command mkinit ldconfig, etc. Where can I get an overview of the procedural steps to follow when dealing with updating the kernel?18:25
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MySystemhow is the kernel dev package named (3.2.0-33)18:31
MySystemoh sry need the source package18:33
SIR_TacoMelRay: you're looking to build/compile your own kernel?18:35
MySystemno hope amd driver will do this for me18:36
MelRaySIR_Taco: Eventually yes...but I want to know up front what all the different steps are to get to that point...18:36
SIR_TacoMelRay: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile    (I only know what they're calling the "Old Fashioned Debian Way", but that looks like a pretty good resource for you to start)18:39
MelRaySIR_Taco: Ok thanks for the assist!18:39
SIR_Tacoand there are links for additional documentation at the bottom of that18:40
SIR_Tacoyou're welcome18:40
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* ozzzy is starting to get the hang of kubuntu19:10
xixoroh yeah?19:10
* DarthFrog welcomes ozzzy to the Light Side of The Force.19:10
xixorwait, I thought linux was the dark side?19:10
ozzzyhave to try to forget the mandriva stuff19:10
DarthFrogozzzy:  "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".19:12
DarthFrogThat'll update your system to the latest 'n greatest KDE SC, which has just been released.19:12
ozzzyin a minute19:12
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* ozzzy is ranting because xdvdshrink isn't in the repositories19:15
ozzzycan I install from an rpm in this distro19:15
yofelusually no19:15
DarthFrogozzzy:  Try k9copy19:15
yofelthere is 'alien' which can try to convert a package though. Use at your own risk19:16
ozzzyI have... and I do use it19:16
MelRayJust compile and install that way...19:17
ozzzynothing to compile... I can repackage19:18
DarthFrogozzzy:  Ha!  I just Googled for xdvdshrink.  You're the developer!  You can make your own deb file. :-)19:19
DarthFrogHmm, last updated 2007.  A wee bit stale, no?19:19
Robtygartozzzy: is that based of the windows DVD shrink?19:21
Shura_Hi, i have an error when i go to systemsettings → Localization → System language (something related to language-selector.py)19:24
Shura_And some apps are not translated19:24
yofelShura_: go to country/region & language and add your language to the preferred languages19:26
Shura_Already done19:26
yofellanguage-selector is broken in quantal19:26
Shura_I see…19:26
yofelwhich application isn't translated? and which language?19:26
Shura_(no french available)19:27
yofelah, that's an amaork issue. The french translations weren't done for the Amarok 2.6 release and weren't shipped19:27
yofelthey'll be back in 2.719:27
Shura_skanlite too19:27
Shura_Oh ok19:28
yofelas for skanlite, hm...19:28
Shura_And some others i guess19:28
Shura_All of them were translated in precise19:30
ozzzyit was repackaged for deb back in the day.... was available for all the rpm distros, deb and whatever lindows used19:31
yofelthere was some restructuring in quantal which resulted in a different handling of translations19:31
yofel(language-selector is a different issue though)19:32
Shura_ok ok19:32
Shura_thanks for the news, i'll wait19:32
yofeland some things seem to still be broken :/19:32
ozzzyRobtygart: no... when I wrote it there was no 'shrinker' around... it's written in PERL and BASH and is basically a front-end for the several disparate utilities needed to make dvds19:32
yofelskanlite seems to be a bug19:33
DarthFrogozzzy: You can have your own PPA for your projects in Kubuntu.19:33
DarthFrog!ppa | ozzzy19:33
ubottuozzzy: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:33
ozzzyI don't write much for linux anymore.... mostly I'm writing firmware for our products19:33
DarthFrogozzzy: Still a PPA will make it easy to distribute them to K/Ubuntu.19:34
ozzzyI had a 'poorman's PVR'... a regex-based music player... xdvdshrink and a few utilities I wrote for myself19:34
Robtygartozzzy: that is really cool, I just downloaded it,.19:34
ozzzyhey... if it works wonderful... I haven't done any maintenance in a few years19:34
RobtygartI am going to need to read the  Documentation19:36
Robtygartozzzy: if I google your name "Ozzzy" Will I come up with any more of your programs?19:38
ozzzyRobtygart: probably not19:42
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ozzzyrekonq seems pretty good20:01
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DarthFrogozzzy: rekonq is a version of Konqueror using Webkit.20:26
DarthFroginstead of khtml.20:27
DarthFrogI believe (but don't know) Webkit is Apple's enhanced version of khtml.20:27
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ozzzydamn... cinepaint isn't available20:48
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Robtygartozzzy: is cinepaint-resources the same? In the package manager.20:51
ozzzyRobtygart: dunno... lemme check20:51
ozzzydon't see it20:53
oyozzzy, try krita?20:53
ozzzyyeah... it's pretty basic20:54
Robtygartwhen I type cinepaint-resources it gives me create-resources. Sorry I read that wrong20:54
ozzzyand the gimp still only works at 8-bit20:54
oykrita is good with 16-bit + HDR painting20:55
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robtygartIt sure is quiet here. Thats a good sign right?23:28
OerHekshi robtygart, sure it is, less questions, less problems.23:29
robtygartlol just shows how great Kubuntu is.23:29
MySystemdid anybody know why installation via deb packages for old amd/ati graphic drivers fail on 12.10 while make (my first thought did the build in compiler change or update but dont know )23:47

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