
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
StevenKwallyworld__: *DB-*00:33
StevenKYou said stable, which is not right00:33
StevenKWe can't fix it without reverting, so it's not worth it00:34
wallyworld__it merged the right file though00:34
StevenKOh sure, it's just the commit message that's the problem00:35
wallyworld__hopefully no one else will notice00:36
StevenKwgrant will. Especially if I tell him first.00:36
StevenKsteven@undermined:~/launchpad/lp-branches% ls -1 | wc -l00:45
wgrantI think you may have a problem.00:45
StevenK/dev/mapper/sys-home  150G  105G   38G  74% /home00:46
StevenKNot yet :-P00:46
wallyworld__StevenK: ian@wallyworld:~/projects/lp-branches$  ls -1 | wc -l01:25
wallyworld__mine is bigger than yours :-P01:28
wallyworld__StevenK: do you know where can look to see the preferred way to capture log messages or otherwise inspect what is logged during a job run so that i can write a test assertion?02:43
StevenKWhy are you asserting on log output, anyway?02:44
wallyworld__the required job behaviour is to do a no-op and log a message02:44
wallyworld__and i want to check tthat that occurs02:44
StevenKwallyworld__: You probably want to create a logger with a Handler that backs onto StringIO02:46
StevenKAnd then pass that in02:46
wallyworld__yeah, i was hoping for an example to save me writing it :-)02:46
StevenKBufferLogger from lp.services.log.logger02:47
lifelesswallyworld__: StevenK: or the one in fixtures02:47
lifelessyou don't need to write it at all02:47
wallyworld__thanks, will look02:47
lifelessand the one in fixtures knows how to install itself and restore state afterwards02:47
wallyworld__lifeless: so, BranchScan job does a "from lp.services.scripts import log" in it's run method. i guess i need to change that too?02:48
lifelessshouldn't, no.02:48
wallyworld__right, i'll read the code02:48
wallyworld__StevenK: can haz quickie? https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/launchpad/branchscan-deleted-branch-602323/+merge/13317503:16
StevenKwallyworld__: Your test doesn't actually test anything03:18
StevenKIt's in the with, sneaky03:18
wallyworld__i didn't even now that context manager existed03:18
StevenKexpected_message = 'Skipping branch %s because it has been deleted.' % (03:19
StevenK    db_branch.unique_name,)03:19
lifelesswallyworld__: you can use 'with foo as bar:'03:19
StevenKMight work in terms of line length, too03:19
lifelessso with try_advisory_lock(...) as lock:03:19
wallyworld__can do03:20
wallyworld__it will only have 1 or 2 loc, and i was copying an existing test03:20
StevenKRefactor the other tests?03:20
StevenKAs a thought03:20
wallyworld__for what purpose? they read fine as written03:21
StevenKSave a few LoC?03:21
wallyworld__a few? for what benefit?03:21
wallyworld__if it were many, then sure03:21
wallyworld__there's no readability issue or anything concrete that will benefit from changing thing here i don't think03:22
StevenKwallyworld__: That's one difference between you and me -- I will refactor to save a few LoC, and you will not.03:25
wallyworld__i will if there's a decent gain. but otherwise it make the mp diff harder to read and achieves very little benefit03:25
StevenKwallyworld__: I don't think lines 62 and on don't need to be in the outer with03:26
wallyworld__yes, good pickup03:27
wallyworld__i saved 1 loc in the job method \o/03:27
wallyworld__lp is now fixed03:27
StevenKwallyworld__: This means you can probably reflow expected_message03:27
wallyworld__sorry, too sarcastic03:28
StevenKwallyworld__: Your review is now 'Needs Attitude Fixing'03:28
wallyworld__at least i leave no ambiguity as to my philosophy03:29
wallyworld__sadly expected_message still neews 2 lines03:30
lifelessshoot on sight ?03:30
StevenKwallyworld__: Better than 303:32
wallyworld__it was only 203:32
StevenKNo, it was three03:32
StevenK62+ expected_message = (03:32
StevenK63+ 'Skipping branch %s because it has been deleted.'03:32
wallyworld__lifeless: shoot what?03:32
StevenK64+ % db_branch.unique_name)03:32
wallyworld__ah, sorry, still 203:32
StevenKwallyworld__: Shoot the messenger03:32
wallyworld__StevenK: https://pastebin.canonical.com/77799/03:33
wallyworld__i changed the existing "lock = foo..." to "with foo():" to save 1 line03:34
lifelesswallyworld__: your philosophy, is it 'shoot on sight' ?03:34
StevenKwallyworld__: Yes, I got that :-)03:35
wallyworld__lifeless:  shoot the messenger?03:35
lifelesswallyworld__: forget it03:35
wallyworld__sorry, slow today03:35
StevenKwallyworld__: I guess the expectedLog really only needs to be around the job.run03:35
StevenKWhat's your excuse the rest of the time?03:36
wallyworld__well, always03:36
wallyworld__i could move it down a few lines03:36
wallyworld__StevenK: i made that change and pushed03:38
StevenKAh ha, I think I've worked out how to refactor this lot.03:40
StevenKwallyworld__: r=me03:43
wallyworld__StevenK: thanks.03:44
StevenKwallyworld__: You have broken buildbot.04:19
wallyworld__yeah - fixing. stupi celery04:19
wallyworld__apparently it is illegal to get the branch unique name in the job init when running with celery04:20
StevenKwallyworld__: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/local-codeimports-bad/+merge/13318305:19
StevenKwallyworld__: "[testfix][r=wallyworld][no-qa] Test fix for r16242 - rever" Huh?05:20
wallyworld__StevenK: looking now06:01
StevenKAnd here I was, about to reboot so I can play HL2.06:02
wallyworld__StevenK: r=me06:08
wallyworld__now you can play :-)06:08
wallyworld__my fingers sure messed up that commit message06:08
StevenKwallyworld__: I can't, I have to pick up my wife soon :-)06:10
wallyworld__hmmm. HL2 or wife06:10
wallyworld__tough choice06:10
StevenKI didn't know you'd played HL2?06:10
wallyworld__i haven't but i am not ignorant of its existance06:11
adeuringgood morning08:58
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wallyworld__flacoste: hi, i'll be on leave to go to the cricket on friday, can we do it today?20:43
flacostewallyworld__: are you available now?20:43
flacostewallyworld__: or in the next 1h15?20:43
flacostewallyworld__: it's my wife's birthday today, so coming back in the evening is not an option ;-)20:43
wallyworld__i have to take lachie to school in 10 minutes and have my standup in 1 hour. can i ping you after that? say in about 2hrs?20:43
wallyworld__ah ok20:44
flacostewallyworld__: do you have any time between the school run and your stand-up?20:44
wallyworld__what about sat morning my time?20:44
wallyworld__i have 30 minutes20:44
flacostewallyworld__: that should be plenty20:45
wallyworld__in about 45 minute's time20:45
flacostewallyworld__: ping me when you're available20:45
* wallyworld__ nods20:45
flacostewallyworld__: that's better than sat morning, will the cricket game even be finished by then ? ;-)20:45
* flacoste likes hockey 2 hours and your done20:46
czajkowskiflacoste: yes but with hockey you get really serious injuries!20:46
czajkowskicricket they just get sun burnt!20:47
czajkowskiflacoste: I went to one game when I was over in Canada 3 years ago, and the amount of nose bleeds was unbelievable , not even in rugby is it that messy20:50
flacosteczajkowski: yeah, hockey is a violent game20:50
flacosteespecially in North America20:50
rick_hderyck: http://www.mikechambers.com/blog/2011/07/20/timing-issues-when-animating-with-css3-transitions/ and the last comment got me going http://jsfiddle.net/jyjXN/7/21:18
rick_hderyck: just as an fyi spread the knowledge.21:18
bigjoolshello folks21:18
rick_hhowdy bigjools21:18
rick_hbigjools: so was that starts in the plane a sunroof glass kind of thing or was it projected/faked?21:18
* rick_h goes completely off topic 21:19
bigjoolsrick_h: LEDs in the ceiling21:19
rick_hah, less impressed now :(21:19
bigjoolspicture didn't do it justice though21:19
bigjoolsvery well done21:19
bigjoolsfirst plane I've been on with orange lighting too!21:19
deryckrick_h, interesting.  I guess setTimeout is unavoidable.  But I guess that makes sense when we're dynamically constructing nodes.21:21
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rick_hderyck: that last comment about forcing a repaint by resetting display on the DOM node works21:21
rick_hso it's ugly, but not set timeout interval and should work peachy21:21
czajkowskibigjools: how long was the flight ?21:21
rick_hsee in the jsfiddle: dom_node._node.style.display = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(dom_node._node)['display'];21:22
bigjoolsczajkowski: "too"21:22
deryckrick_h, yeah, that's better than the setTimeout.21:24
wallyworld__flacoste: google+ hangouts is screwing me over - it keeps wanting to install the google talk plugin over and over even though the hangout initially starts ok21:31
flacostewallyworld__: want to use skype?21:32
sinzuiwallyworld__, StevenK, jcsackett, I will be 30 minutes late to our meeting. Feel free to post pone it.21:57
wallyworld__i have no problem starting 30 minutes late21:57
jcsackettfine by me.21:59
StevenKOkay, that's fine.22:00

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