
Adri_ehi, ciao a tutti...00:21
Adri_avrei un problema...00:21
Adri_ho installato ubuntu sul mio portatile, con wubi e scegliendo lubuntu come ambiente grafico  solo che dopo l'installazione, ho riavviato, sembrava tutto apposto, ma in effetti lubuntu non è mai partito...  ogni volta che riavvio il sistema, parte win xp e non mi dà la possibilità di lanciare lubuntu... avete idea da cosa potrebbe dipendere?!00:22
=== LordOfTime is now known as TheLordOfTime
boenkhi, i'm using lubuntu 12.04 and my wifi is no work? please help me15:24
leszekboenk: what wifi card or chip do you have15:25
boenkleszek: realtek RTL8723AE ?15:26
leszekboenk: seems to be a little bit problematic as realtek stopped supporting kernels above 3.315:29
leszekbut you could try this installing this : http://narod.ru/disk/63324426001.be2b41d0b8fef8f2ccd60baf70713b81/rtlwifi-dkms_2012.05.14.6.deb.html15:29
boenkwhat is this link? sory my english is not good :D15:32
leszekboenk: this seems to be a driver for 12.10 for your wireless card. I found it searching via google15:33
boenk12.10? its compatible for 12.04? but i'm using 12.04.15:35
holsteinboenk: i would just try that driver.. then, if it doesnt work, you can think about upgrading to 12.10 for support... but i would try it in 12.0415:36
leszekboenk: it should be compatible as it is using the dkms way to compile the kernel module15:36
boenkwhat is the "dkms" ?15:39
dean_Hi all I have just installed lubuntu could someone tell me what is the best bittorrent client to use would be?15:39
holsteinboenk: nothing to worry about.. just something that could be incompatible with 12.04, but likely is not.. just try the driver in 12.04... that'll be the first and most easiest thing to try, rather than installing 12.1015:40
holsteindean_: i like transmission.. "best" is a matter of opinion.. i would try a few and ask if you need something that you are not finding..15:41
dean_holstein, Does it work out of the box or do you have to configure it for better speed?15:42
holsteindean_: i dont personally torrent.. i would say there are sane defaults to any of them, and they are all configurable15:43
dean_holstein, Ok thanks15:44
leszekboenk: dkms means that it will recompile the driver on kernel update basically15:44
holsteinthe few times i have hosted iso's, transmission worked great, dean_ ... and i have used it to download a few iso's... there is a nice webGUI15:45
dean_holstein, Ok thanks for the advice will give it a go15:46
leszektransmission is good enough. An alternativ also very good is deluge15:46
dean_leszek, Thanks for that15:47
boenkleszek: oh, thank for this, but can give me a link about dkms?15:47
ubottuDKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.15:48
dean_One quick question when I used other distros in Synaptic there is a search bar already on the screen to type in but on lubuntu you have to click on search first is there anyway to get a search bar?15:49
leszekdean_: the package apt-xapian-index must be installed for this15:51
dean_leszek, Nice one for that15:51
holsteini'll link this since i searched for it :) http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=141&t=7035015:52
boenkthanks all, i will try this. go opensource :D15:52
boenksee you :D16:02
=== dean_ is now known as Neohasreturned
NeohasreturnedHi I was just wondering I have uninstalled a program but when I go into my menu it still shows up on the list but it has gone how do I remove it from the menu?16:23
leszekNeohasreturned: is there a *.desktop file in /usr/share/applications still for the uninstalled application ?16:24
NeohasreturnedWhen I right click on it it displays add to desktop or properties16:24
leszekNeohasreturned: the menu is auto created from /usr/share/applications. So when the *.desktop file for your application is still there it is natural to show up in the menu16:25
leszekif it isn't there then this should be only a chaching problem and go away when you relogin or reload lxpanel16:25
Neohasreturnedleszek, I can't see anything under applications16:25
Neohasreturnedleszek, I have restarted my computer16:26
leszekand the entry is still there ?16:26
Neohasreturnedleszek, Yeah but no icon just the name of the program I even tried sudo apt-get purge16:26
leszekNeohasreturned: then it must be either in /usr/share/applications that *.desktop file or in ~/.local/share/applications16:27
Neohasreturnedleszek, I installed it from a .deb file if that helps?16:28
Neohasreturnedleszek, When I click on properties the command is /usr/bin/tixati %F16:31
leszekNeohasreturned: just take a look at those two directories and see if you find any *.desktop file that represents the link to this application16:32
leszekI assume from the name of the command tixati.desktop or something like that16:33
Neohasreturnedleszek, Yeah I have cant see anything I know the program is deffo gone but it has like a settings icon and the name of the program next to it in the menu16:33
leszekNeohasreturned: seems that this programm is not included in the ubuntu repos16:34
leszekso can you give me a link to the deb, so I can check it ?16:34
Neohasreturnedleszek, I downloaded the deb from the tixati website16:34
Neohasreturnedleszek, I downloaded thebit .deb16:35
Neohasreturned64 bit even16:36
leszekI don't see any suspicious locations on the 32bit16:36
leszeklet me check the 64bit version16:36
leszekhmm... no only a /usr/share/application/tixati.desktop file nothing else suspicious16:37
Neohasreturnedweird I wonder why it wont disappear from the menu then16:37
leszekif this does not exists on your system but it still showing up in the menu, then something is really strange here16:37
leszekyou could try installing alacarte (but this has many gnome dependencies I suppose) and hide the menu entry. But without an *.desktop file anywhere there should not be a menuentry in the first place16:38
Neohasreturnedleszek, It's not causing a problem just cosmetic and annoying really16:39
leszekYeah I know16:40
Neohasreturnedis there a command in terminal to refresh my start menu?16:40
leszekit gets refreshed on every restart of lxpanel basically and everytime you install something or remove something via the packagemanager16:41
NeohasreturnedI will turn pc off and reboot see if it helps16:41
bioterrorthere's ~/.local/share/applicaions/ which contais mimeapps.list16:41
bioterrorfor example16:41
bioterroryes, reboot. it helps always16:41
NeohasreturnedOk brb16:42
=== dean_ is now known as Neohasreturned
NeohasreturnedDidn't work still in start menu16:45
bioterrorso will you now look into ~/.local/share/applications/16:45
bioterrorand remove the mimeapps.list16:45
bioterrorand maybe mimeinfo.cache too16:45
Neohasreturnedwill give it a go thanks for the advice16:46
llogiqHi folks.17:47
llogiqJust updated to 12.10.17:47
llogiqIt works on my VM, but my wife's notebook gives me a black screen.17:48
llogiqApparently, the ATI graphics card is not supported.17:48
llogiqIt's not even that old. :-(17:48
llogiqUsing the proprietary drivers, btw.17:49
llogiqNow I can't even change it because the notebook will boot directly without even showing grub.17:52
holsteinllogiq: i would try with the vesa driver.. i would try a live CD with the nomodeset option17:53
holsteini would also consider just staying on 12.0417:53
llogiqholstein: Ok, will try that.18:07
llogiqstaying on 12.04 is an option after having upgraded?18:08
holsteinyou can reinstall18:08
holsteinyou should have your data still backed up from before the upgrade18:09
llogiqHolding shift on boot brought up the boot menu - now I can select the 3.2 kernel, which appears to work.18:09
llogiqWith the 3.2 kernel it appears to run.18:10
holsteincool.. you can always just use that kernel then18:10
llogiqyeah. But first, I'll try and remove the proprietary drivers. Maybe the radeon drivers will work.18:15
holsteinyou have 3 drivers to try18:16
llogiqThat worked. I get a strange delay on bootup where the screen is blank, but afterwards, it's ok.18:23
llogiqThanks for the heads-up, holstein.18:23
holsteinllogiq: sounds ok!.. cheers!18:26
EvilAngelhow do I install virtualbox Guest Additions in Lubuntu?18:29
bioterrorsudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-additions18:31
bioterrorfor example18:31
llogiqcu folks.18:37
EvilAngelbioterror: wtf is sudo apt-get ????20:02
bioterror!apt | EvilAngel20:03
ubottuEvilAngel: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)20:03
bioterror!sudo | EvilAngel20:03
ubottuEvilAngel: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:03
EvilAngelthat's crazy20:03
EvilAngelwhy do I have to use a commandpromt just to install a program?20:04
EvilAngelthat's like MSDOS20:04
Unit193You don't, there are several ways to do it, that's just the easiest way to help you do it.20:05
Unit193!software | EvilAngel20:05
ubottuEvilAngel: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents20:05
Unit193(And the best way, of course)20:06
bioterrorthe only correct way20:06
EvilAngelUnit193: since when is a commandprompt easier than a gui ??20:06
bioterrorEvilAngel, type us how you do it with your graphical interface20:07
bioterrorand compare the ammount of letters to my simple one liner20:07
Unit193EvilAngel: Try telling someone to click somewhere, something should pull up, click somewhere else, this should do it.20:07
Unit193(Also, I don't use the GUI so would just be guessing)20:07
EvilAngelUnit193: you're brainwashed :(20:07
Unit193No, clearly I'm not.20:07
EvilAngelwhy do the people behind linux hate userfriendliness ?20:08
phiscribethey don't hate it.  just maybe have a different view point20:08
bioterrorour shells are more advanced than your mouse ever will be20:08
EvilAngelthings that are supereasy in windows and osx are superdifficult in linux :(20:08
EvilAngelI'm not trolling I'm just frustrated20:09
bioterroryou are20:09
Unit193Clearly you didn't read the link, I'll post it again: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement20:09
bioterrorOS X has fink20:09
bioterrorand fink is a apt-get tool20:09
bioterrorOS X has ports20:09
bioterrorand those are exactly the same20:09
bioterrorI think this conversation is now concluded20:10
EvilAngelthanks for the link Unit193 but I refuse to use a commandline for installing programs20:10
bioterrorthen do it your way20:10
bioterrorwe told you the name of the package20:10
EvilAngelI like that fact that Linux is opensource and completely free though20:11
EvilAngelthat's a nice philosophy20:11
EvilAngelbut when not even ubuntu is as userfriendly as windows there's a problem20:13
bioterroryou are free to use more user friendly operating systems20:13
EvilAngelit's obvious that linuxpeople don't want more people to use linux20:14
bioterrorit is20:14
bioterrorwe want to keep our userbase as minimal as possible and elitist20:14
EvilAngelI rest my case!20:15
EvilAngelthat attitude is actually sad20:15
bioterrorI'm sorry, but I have to leave to comb my unix beard, this conversation is full of nonsense from the begin of it20:15
EvilAngelIt would be wonderful if a free opensource OS would be domintating on the desktop20:16
EvilAngelbut linux never will be20:17
Unit193EvilAngel: Do you have a support question?  This is a support channel.20:17
EvilAngelI didn't know20:17
EvilAngelI though it was general chat20:17
bioterrorread /topic20:17
bioterrorall hail hypnotoad!20:18
EvilAngelcan you recommend another chanel with free conversation?20:18
bioterrorwe close minded lubuntu users prefer #lubuntu-offtopic for the general chatting20:19
EvilAngelok thanks20:19
unheedingis there any tips on customizing lubuntu22:48
bioterrorit depends what you want to customize22:53

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