
simplewwhats the most recent kernel01:09
simplewglebihan: hi01:12
simplewi cant report bugs iin raring, when running ubuntu-bug appears ths:  ERROR: Could not import module, is a package upgrade in progress?  Error: No module named 'DLFCN'02:32
bazhangsimplew, dont crosspost raring issues in other channels02:33
simplewhere i dont get any answers...02:34
bazhangsimplew, that is why you need to be patient.02:34
simplewbazhang: using raring?02:34
bazhangsimplew, why are you using raring? it's in very early development .   bug fixing and testing is what you need to be focused on, not having a usable system02:36
simplewim used to use development02:37
bazhangso be patient.02:37
simplewbut i dont know how to turn around this issue02:37
bazhangand don't crosspost.02:37
omachi there can I ask a question about 12.10 here?03:58
SwedeMikeomac: no, #ubuntu for released ubuntu versions.04:07
gnomefreakanyon eelse having issus with launching apps from panal?05:01
BluesKajHiyas all11:24
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twagerRunning Raring from an hdsc card but cannot install to hdd as the install only goes up the the partition stage...Anyone suceeded in doing an install ?15:25
philinuxtwager: see this. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208134415:36
twagerphilinux, Thanks for the info. Will keep it on the card 64 g so it should last quite well15:53
ubottuA schedule of Raring Ringtail (13.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule16:02
BluesKajtwager, I used the edit sources.list with the sed method shortly after the toolchain was uploaded , and I've been updating/upgrading /dist-upgrading eever since to keep the packages coming down the pipe.16:05
twagerBluesKaj, Thanks  .I had completely forgotten  that17:53
BluesKajhere's the Kubuntu 13.04 alternate install image site, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/18:09
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genii-aroundIs anyone besides me unable to run any gtk apps with nvidia driver loaded?19:36
trismjust about to upgrade I'll let you know19:37
bjsnideris there an error message?19:47
bjsniderif not, what does .xsession-errors say?19:47
genii-aroundThere seem to be no errors. I'm in KDE. If I run for instance gimp or firefox, after about 5-7 seconds they are unresponsive and have to be killed. But they aren't chewing up resources , just unresponsive19:49
genii-aroundGoing to try loading into some other desktop, be back19:50
genii-aroundWorked in xubuntu but not lubuntu ( it ran firefox ok but as soon as I closed it the desktop locked up and stayed that way). Pastebin of  ~/.cache/lxsession/Lubuntu/run.log  and .xsession-errors  up to that point: .http://paste.ubuntu.com/1340789/20:18
genii-aroundWhen I run firefox in KDE from Konsole, it freezes on those same last two lines, "(firefox:4301): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_error_trap_pop: assertion `gdk_error_traps != NULL' failed" and "Running global cleanup code from study base classes."20:23
trismgenii-around: strange, it seems to be working alright from gnome20:29
trismgenii-around: bug 1075928 has that error in 12.10 so might not be related20:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1075928 in Ubuntu "Please, silence IA__gdk_error_trap_pop: assertion `gdk_error_traps != NULL' failed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107592820:30
genii-aroundI'm installing gnome-session to test that too20:31
genii-aroundMeh. gnome-session won't even load up. Unity is still screwy for me right now too, http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2012-11-07_15_54_43-sXzEQcj5.png shows the artifacts on it21:02
trismgenii-around: which nvidia version are you using?21:03
genii-aroundtrism: nvidia-current-updates   ... 304.51-0ubuntu121:06
trismgenii-around: using nvidia-current here, let me try the -updates version21:07
trismgenii-around: though 304.51 was supposed to be a bit bugged in unity21:08
genii-aroundGoing to revert to 304.43 and see if it makes a difference, back in a bit21:12
trismoh seems -updates was 304.64, must have looked at the wrong system21:19
bjsniderthe unity issue was fixed in 60, and 64 has since been released21:34
bjsnideryesterday in fact21:34
genii-aroundSame symptoms with both 304.43 and 304.51. Might be something deeper in my box, it's been continuously release-upgraded from 8.04 without a clean install.21:46
bjsniderthe latest stable blob is 6421:47
bjsnidernot 5121:47
genii-aroundbjsnider: I manually tried 60 when it came out because the changelog said they had some Unity fixes, but it wasn't any better. So I did the --uninstall and reverted to the default nvidia-current-updates  which is the 304.5121:50
* genii-around ponders trying 6421:50
bjsnidermanually installing the blob may destroy mesa files21:50
bjsniderwhich is why nvidia suggests using distro packages instead21:51
bjsniderif you go to #nvidia, it's in the topic21:51
bjsniderbut what do i know21:51
trismshouldn't need to anyway, I was incorrect about the version before, nvidia-current-updates in raring is 304.6421:51
bjsniderand for the other distros, 64 is in x-updates21:52
* genii-around checks his mesa files21:52
bjsniderno idea what the excuse could be for using 5121:52
bjsnidercheck for mesa's libgl.so21:53
bjsnidernvidia uses its own and brute force annihilates anything that's in the way21:53
genii-aroundbjsnider: Thanks for the tip21:56
bjsnidergenii-around, the nvidia-installer probably warned you when you tried to install it, and you probably ignored the warning21:57
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mspencerWill replacing quantal with raring in /etc/apt/sources.list produce the same system as would installing using a daily build cd?23:48
Daekdroommspencer, nope.23:49
DaekdroomI mean, not necessarily.23:49
mspencerwhat is the difference? Will it affect bug fix testing?23:50
DaekdroomDue to default settings changing throughout the development and some deprecated/not-default-anymore packages might remain installed.23:50
DaekdroomWell, bug fix testing is supposed to take place too for upgraded systems, but changing sources.list is not an official upgrade way, so I'm not sure.23:51
mspencerSo to test bug fixes, I'll want to use the cd image?23:51
DaekdroomIt's better if you do, I suppose.23:52

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