
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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mjrosenbso I boot ubuntu-12.04 on my pandaboard08:07
mjrosenband it gets to X, but I don't seem to have any sort of a window manager running08:07
mjrosenbI can right click on the desktop to get a small context menu08:07
mjrosenbbut no more menus.08:07
mjrosenbok, if I run gnome-terminal from ssh, that seems to work08:10
mjrosenbI guess it is just the launcher that is broken/not running.08:10
[mbm]what session are you trying to use? if you're running a *dm you can set the session on the login screen08:11
mjrosenbthe default one.08:15
mjrosenbI also set it up to not have a login screen, evidently?08:15
mjrosenbwhat is the default these days, unity?08:16
mjrosenbps says lightdm is in fact running.08:37
=== doko_ is now known as doko
hrwI see (in backlog) that so far we do not got chromebook users here09:57
ogra_hrw, waiting for mine :)09:57
hrwogra_: you still use ac100?09:58
ogra_i didnt use it much at UDS but always had it with me09:59
ogra_i doubt the chromebook will change that, lets see09:59
ogra_janimo, did you upload the kernel to raring yet ?11:19
* ogra_ doesnt see it in any queue11:19
janimoogra_, not yet11:23
janimoI wonder if I should keep both quantal and raring branches in git11:24
ogra_well, essentially the difference should just be in the changelog entry11:25
ogra_i.e. the distro name11:25
ogra_oh, wow11:26
ogra_i didnt know our wlan chip also has an FM radio builtin11:27
ogra_i noticed that NM offers WIMAX ....11:27
[mbm]hmm never thought of chromebook; figured they would be locked down and only run chromeos11:29
persiajanimo: Better to keep both branches, in case there is a reason to folk based on SRU vs. development release in the future.11:29
ogra_i think they already offer an ubuntu image11:29
ogra_persia, there wont be SRUs11:30
persiaI heard they took extra effort to make it easy to replace the OS in the Chromebook11:30
ogra_as soon as we have working raring images we'll mainly care for raring only11:30
persiaogra_: Why not?11:30
persiaogra_: You will.  Maybe someone else cares.  It's not like an extra git branch is that much overhead.11:30
ogra_and will ask people to either upgrade or do a fresh install off an "alpha"11:30
[mbm]I remember there was a pc bios for the early chromebooks, just haven't heard anything about the latest11:31
persia(and if apw's new system for universe kernel management happens, it would be nice to be prepared to match it)11:31
ogra_persia, for only a handfull of chars difference ?11:31
ogra_i think it is :)11:31
ogra_its really only the distro name in the changelog entry that should differ11:31
persiaIt is?  I find it more work to *delete* a branch than leave it there, if there are no changes for it.11:31
ogra_uploads should go simultaneously to both places11:31
ogra_until we abandon one of them11:32
* persia grumbles about policies and compliance and best practices and bows to the inevitable pragmatism that comes when folk believe they have limited developer resources11:33
ogra_but currently even an empty package in raring would help me, starting images is blocked on missing a kernel atm11:33
persiaWhy didn't the quantal kernel get copied over when raring opened?11:33
ogra_because it doesnt exist in quantal11:33
persiaAh.  That's a good reason.  It's so good that I don't care if there's a quantal branch anymore.11:34
ogra_we started working on that three weeks before release11:34
ogra_and the release team had better stuff to do than reviewing new kernels at that time11:34
persiaSo, in fact, there *shouldn't* be any SRUs: just raring backports.11:35
ogra_just PPA uploads in fact11:35
persiaWhy not backports?11:35
ogra_well, if someone from the backports team wants to care11:35
ogra_the 12.10 image is largely a throw away thing11:36
ogra_its heavily hacked in many places and should only serve as a demo11:36
ogra_the "real thing" will be the raring image11:36
persiaogra_: As I understand it, arranging a backport consists of running `requestbackport packagename` and confirming the test result.  But if the image itself is hacked, rather than just the kernel, yeah, nobody should run quantal.11:37
ogra_the image has -updates,-security and -backports enabled anyway and we dont encourage people to enable them11:38
ogra_in fact it will break your desktop since yesterday11:38
persiaFor a demo, that's probably best.11:38
persiaI'll stop heckling for now, as the answer to everything will be the same :)11:39
ogra_(since there is a new unity that overrides our version in the PPA and no intend to update the PPA package)11:39
=== Sv is now known as sv
ogra_persia, do i read that right that this license allows redistribution as long as nobody sues broadcom because we distributed it  ? https://android.googlesource.com/platform/hardware/broadcom/wlan/+/43362466e68ebaed8b7ca5eaf5c9cede8b7a0f57/bcmdhd/firmware/LICENSE.TXT11:58
ogra_janimo, ^^^ that sounds like we could use it legally11:59
ogra_to me at least11:59
janimoogra_, pftt, but I wanted to sue Broadcom!11:59
janimoogra_, I will wait till kernel-team/legal whoever gives a verdict :)11:59
ogra_yeah, i added a ling to it to the bug12:00
* janimo installs bash-completion on the nexus712:00
ogra_brave !12:02
persiaogra_: I don't read it quite that way.12:06
persia2.3(b) makes me think that it's unsuitable for mirroring12:07
persiaCheck with the mirrors team, but I suspect it needs to be distributed a different way.12:07
persiaBecause mirrors distribute Ubuntu under the assumption that they accept no liability in doing so.12:08
ogra_well, i wonder if thats true for all the closed bits we have12:08
persiaThe above does not represent legal advice: if actually intending to distribute this software, confer with your own counsel and counsel for any organisations providing hosting services12:08
persiaI don't propose to do an audit :)12:09
* persia gets in enough trouble for reading licenses already12:09
persiaThe provision in 3.2 to promptly report all bugs fails the desert-island test for DFSG too, although the word "reasonable" might be sufficient to make it pass.12:10
ogra_well, i doubt linux-firmware is anywhere close to DFSG anywaqy12:11
persiaI do like the wording of 3.3 though: it doesn't actually discriminate against field of endeavour, but not for lack of trying :)12:11
persiaI did review chunks of linux-firmware at some point in the past, and most of it was only modification-restricted.12:12
persiaI didn't review all of it, and this was enough years ago that much has probably changed, so you could be right today.12:12
ogra_i think it had a real audit at some point12:13
ogra_beyond developers12:13
persiaMind you, modification-restriction makes it non-DFSG-free, but the rest of the tests pass.12:13
ogra_its hard to modify binary blobs anyway12:14
persiaThe question to ask when being told that is "on whose behalf"?  The license you showed me is likely suitable for Canonical to distribute it if Canonical wants, but may not be acceptable to some mirrors.12:14
persiaUm, no.  That'S why xxd is shipped by default.12:14
persiaAnyway, I have a warm bed I wish to use.  Ask an archive admin for an official Ubuntu opinion, or ask the mirrors team for a hint if you don't want to bother the archive admins yet.12:16
ogra_yeah, i asked at the bug, lets see what the kernel team thinks12:16
ogra_sleep well !12:16
=== satellit_ is now known as satellit_e
ogra_janimo, so rtg asks us to not ship it in linux-firmware at all but in our kernel package12:41
ogra_(there was just a discussion on #ubuntu-kernel)12:41
janimoogra_, ok. But that has little to do with legality to distribute right?12:41
ogra_right, just with "pfft its a special device, come back if more people use it"12:42
ogra_or something along these lines12:42
ogra_apparently linux-firmware is mostly generated by looking at the mainline kernel and checking for MODULE_FIRMWARE() calls12:43
ogra_if ours does show up there at some point it will be auto-included12:43
ogra_(or at least attempted to)12:43
janimoogra_, I thought this broadcom chip combo was also in quite a few x86 machines12:44
ogra_i thought so too12:44
ogra_and theoretically http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/brcm80211 should actually work for us12:45
ogra_(the SDIO driver)12:45
janimobut anyway, we can include it in the kernel12:45
janimoogra_, is that in 3.1?12:45
ogra_practically i didnt get it to work, though that might be totally my fault12:45
janimohaving a newer kernel would help in many regards I think12:45
ogra_janimo, in staging iirc12:45
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ogra_janimo, btw, i think our kernel really has a math problem, most numbers i see seems to be doubled up ... i.e. these 600M ram used in hatp, or the charging time in upower -d output14:04
janimoogra_, where can you see the alternate/real numbers?14:06
janimodoes anyone running Android on nexus7 see ambient light having any effect on screen brightness? I keep changing the light or even covering what I think is the sensor aperture but nothing changes14:14
mfischjanimo: I'll ask our team, I think a few have personal devices14:25
mfischcarif: janimo has some questions about the ambient light sensor in Android14:30
mfischjanimo: carif is still running Android14:30
carifmfisch, janimo, pl walk me through the test you want? Shine some light on tne n7 and see if it changes brightness?14:32
janimocarif, well I have no idea what it would take for it to change brightness. That's the issue I see, I don't see a difference in brightness even if it is set to automatic14:32
carifjanimo, i have the brightness setting to be automatic and about midway for the slider14:34
janimocarif, I can adjust it manually if automatic is not on though14:34
carifjanimo, very good, so you're asking the question what changes the brightness when automatic is actually set?14:34
janimocarif, yes14:35
janimomy experiment in covering the sensor or shining a lamp on the tablet do not seem to have an effect14:35
janimoor if there is one it is unnoticable14:35
carifjanimo, i confirm your experiment, i don't know what makes the brightness change however14:37
janimocarif, ok thank for the confirmation14:37
janimoI'll check on another android device too later14:37
ogra_janimo, no idea, but i simply cant belive we eat over 600M nor are the estimated hours for charging (18h in the beginning, after 4 it dropped to 9h) in upower -d right14:40
ogra_to me everything seems doubled up14:41
janimoogra_, so maybe bugs in battery level reporting and memeory measurements are known to not be very accurate :)14:41
ogra_i also see a constant load of 2.xx14:42
ogra_but nothing that produces it14:42
ogra_and iirc marvin24 once added as fix for to high load reporting to the ac100 tree14:42
ogra_(or nvidia did and he merged it)14:42
janimoogra_, never heard of this before. If it happened in ac100 then hopefully we can fix it too14:44
ogra_janimo, bug 98566114:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 985661 in linux (Ubuntu) "High load average" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98566114:51
ogra_I can confirm that following commit is responsible: "sched: Fix nohz load accounting"14:51
ogra_SHA: 3a50863f6706ece7719a68be0ae57957164a0f0c14:51
ogra_(comment #35)14:52
ogra_though that claims the breakage was originally added in a 3.2 kernel14:52
janimoogra_, I think our 3.1 tree has backports of several commits14:53
* marvin24 can't remember fixing something like this15:04
ogra_well, i think it might just have been mentioned in #ac10015:08
ogra_or i saw it in a erge in the changelog osr so15:08
ogra_xnox, the resultimg images from the tools look good, i havent flashed one yet but what the tools produce seems to definitely be fine15:11
ogra_-rw-rw-r-- 1 ogra ogra 1,7M Nov  7 16:13 test2.img15:13
ogra_-rw-rw-r-- 1 ogra ogra 6,0G Nov  7 16:12 test.img15:13
ogra_test2 is the sparse one (both are empty)15:13
ogra_hmm, producing the saem with ext2simg instead of using img2simg gets it even smaller15:14
ogra_err, no, bigger15:14
xnoxogra_: I'd like to add an autopkgtest for it. Does the test_* utility do anything useful?15:29
ogra_no idea15:29
xnoxogra_: does it simply need an ext4 image - which can be created on the fly?15:29
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Desktop/nexus/builder/tmp$ test_ext4fixup -3 5 rootfs_test.img15:29
ogra_error: ext4_parse_sb: superblock magic incorrect15:29
ogra_test_ext4fixup: ext4fixup failed!\n15:29
ogra_well, that one was built with img2simg15:31
ogra_likely not the right tool for ext4 images if there is edxt2simg ;)15:31
ogra_xnox, so, hmm ... it even fails with an image properly created using make_ext4fs15:32
xnoxinteresting so what does test_* thingy suppose to do then? =P15:35
ogra_heh, i wonder that too15:35
ogra_i like that it so nicely adds a \n :)15:35
ogra_in any case the image size isnt acceptable that i get with ext2simg15:37
=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
dholbachhey guys15:45
ogra_yo !15:45
janimodholbach, welcome to ARM :)15:46
dholbachhello ARM hippies :)15:46
infinityThis channel sure has gotten busier since UDS. :P15:46
ogra_heh, yeah15:46
ogra_infinity, we lost Grue though15:47
ogra_he went away grumpy yesterday15:47
dholbachbugs 297368 and 1049935 are tagged 'mobile' but are not nexus7 related - do you think it'd make more sense to use a more specific tag than 'mobile'?15:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 1049935 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "Crash on connecting Sierra Wireless mobile hotspot" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104993515:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 297368 in gnome-phone-manager (Ubuntu) "Sony-Ericsson W910i Not Supported in USB Mode" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29736815:48
dholbachI was just reviewing the bug filing instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus715:48
ogra_achiang, ^^^15:49
janimodholbach, I think it should be up to you, you know best practices better and what makes sense globally for ubuntu15:49
dholbachis someone regularly triaging https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=mobile and adding the ubuntu-nexus7 task?15:49
janimomobile was the initial tag but it may have been misused at times15:49
ogra_dholbach, these tags are most likely 4 years old or older from the original ubuntu-mobile team15:49
dholbachI don't care too much :)15:49
dholbachI was just wondering when I went through the list15:49
ogra_we used to use that tag before we got renamed to -arm15:49
dholbachluckily enough it's just 2 out of 12 bugs15:50
ogra_they should all be invalidated actually15:50
dholbachso theoretically we could just leave things as they are and untag the two I mentioned15:50
dholbachok, WFM15:50
achiangdholbach: as for triaging, we do triage bugs, but mostly in the ubuntu-nexus7 project.15:51
achiangwe could start triaging that tag though15:51
dholbachmaybe running a script which spits out a list of bugs which are 1) against Ubuntu with tag 'mobile' and 2) not in the ubuntu-nexus7 project might help15:52
dholbachjust so we don't overlook bugs filed by testers15:52
ogra_achiang, well, i thought the idea was to have the tag in raring through apport/ubuntu-bug15:59
achiangwho is signed up for that WI? :)16:00
ogra_so future bugs will definitely carry it16:00
ogra_might be me16:00
ogra_still wading through WIs this week :)16:00
ogra_achiang, though we should probably reconsider the choice of "mobile", we might come across some old LPIA cruft :)16:01
achiangogra_: i don't think i suggested it... ;)16:01
* achiang twitches re: lpia16:01
ogra_someone suggested it in the discussion16:02
ogra_cant remember who that was16:02
brendandis anyone interested in a way to see the 'top' entry for a specific binary?16:02
NekoXPsurely you'd get that from "ps aux | grep name"16:06
NekoXPor some variant16:07
brendandNexoXP - well yeah, exactly. but it's nowhere near that short16:12
brendandNekoXP, problem is top only accepts PIDs to filter the list16:13
brendandtop -p `ps aux | grep $1 | head -n1 | awk '{print $2}'`16:13
NekoXPpoint taken16:14
janimoinfinity, debuild creates a new orig.tar.gz by default if there is no orig. Can it be told to use one of the other compression methods16:14
ogra_brendand, pgrep ? :)16:14
janimoinfinity, I just debuild out of the git tree with no orig at all so far16:14
infinityjanimo: Erm, if there's no orig, it builds natively.  But yes, I'm pretty sure you can tell it to compress the native package differently in debian/source/options16:15
janimoinfinity, thank. I'll check that out16:15
infinityjanimo: (Only if using a v3 source format, I suspect)16:15
janimoinfinity, yes just switched linux-nexus7 to 3.0 to see how it works16:15
janimoand tought of taking advantage of alternate compressions16:15
mfischjanimo: did you look into the "Dim screen to save power" bug also or just the ambient light bug16:15
janimomjust the ambient one as I have a WI to enable the get the light sensor in the kernel working16:16
ogra_"Your Amazon.co.uk order of "Samsung Chromebook Wifi (L..." has been dispatched"16:26
achiangogra_: ping re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1065644 - do we have a theory that it is an nvidia driver problem or a plymouth problem?16:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 1065644 in ubuntu-nexus7 "plymouth causes a hard reset of the nexus" [Critical,Confirmed]16:49
ogra_achiang, well all i know is that nvidia recommends to remove plymouth completely because it breaks your system16:50
ogra_we dont really know which side of the fence is at fault, but i have a WI somewhere to research that16:50
achiangogra_: hm, so known issue for them16:50
ogra_its prominently in their usage docs on developer.nvidia.com16:51
ogra_(for tegra2/3)16:51
ogra_achiang, i'll do some debugging and add inof to the bug once i'm through the image build stuff16:52
achiangogra_: np, just going through some of my WIs16:53
ogra_right, i did the same today :)16:53
achiangogra_: btw, how do you find your WIs? /me has never really used blueprints before16:53
ogra_you can check the blueprints you are involved in on your presonal LP page16:54
achiangok, i've done that16:54
ogra_what i personally do though is to just take my personal schedule on summit.u.c16:54
achiangbut i have to go through the blueprints and then troll for WIs?16:54
ogra_and go through the sessions i attended16:54
achiangthere's no way to automatically see my WIs?16:54
ogra_ojnce your WIs are proper and the specs are approved you can use status.ubuntu.com though16:54
ogra_its just inconvenient during the approval phase16:55
ogra_later it gets easy16:55
achianghm, i don't appear here - http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-raring/people.html16:55
ogra_your team isnt on there i guess16:56
xnoxachiang: do you have workitems on blueprints that are "accepted for raring" in the series goal?16:56
achiangah, i was looking at this one -- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-tablet-desktop-convergence-divergence which does not have it16:57
ogra_right, it might needs at least one WI in an approved spec for even generating a report16:57
ogra_http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-raring/u/ogra.html definitely has something for me already16:58
achiangunrelated question: if we're not going to have alphas, when do we expect to start generating dailies? :)16:58
ogra_ah, no, it doesnt need to be approved, needs to be "accepted for raring" i think16:59
ogra_achiang, asap16:59
janimoI see x86 already has dailies so we should too. ogra is probably waiting for my kernel upload :)16:59
ogra_achiang, i would like to get going this week but fiurst need a kernel package ... that takes a bit16:59
xnoxachiang: we have dailies. and we are meant to have a fully working set every two weeks.16:59
achiangogra_: ok, thanks16:59
janimore firmware I still want to know whether we can ship it16:59
ogra_janimo, well, for more than that ...17:00
janimoI mean we were told by rtg not to put it in linux-firmware17:00
ogra_but yeah, kernel is one blocker17:00
xnoxachiang: so we don't have alphas just many more littlealphas17:00
janimobut that does not mean we can put it anywhere for that matter17:00
xnoxjanimo: we are meant to have a bi-weekly testing senergy on a known set.17:00
ogra_janimo, well, i think the other fw i found in the generic android wlan tree has a looser licence17:01
ogra_we might be able to ship that, someone has to test if it actually works though :)17:01
achiangxnox: ogra_: which blueprint talks about installer support in ubiquity?17:01
ogra_it claims to be for 433017:01
xnoxachiang: huh? ubiquity is the installer....17:02
ogra_achiang, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-r-arm-ubiquity17:02
xnoxachiang: or are you after usb-creator?17:02
achiangxnox: sorry, me english no good, but ogra_ figured out what i was asking ;)17:02
ogra_xnox, i bet he meant nexus :)17:02
ogra_achiang, thats for oem-config though17:02
ogra_is the installation/flashing17:03
achiangogra_: ah, ok. i'm just trying to close out as WONTFIX - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/107268117:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 1072681 in ubuntu-nexus7 "ubuntu-nexus7-installer should have some logging" [Medium,Confirmed]17:03
ogra_achiang, i commented17:04
ogra_brendand surely has a point there ... and its easy to add logging to the traball extraction17:04
achiangogra_: no, he was talking about our zenity installer, not tarball-installer17:05
ogra_well, usb-creator does logging already i think17:05
achiangogra_: brendand ran into issues with our zenity installer at UDS, but eventually got it working17:05
ogra_so does oem-config17:05
ogra_but the tarball installer should surely get some17:05
achiangogra_: right, and we won't invest anymore time into the zentiy installer17:05
achiangogra_: sure, file a new bug then. :)17:06
ogra_k, just close that one then17:06
achiangalready done, we spent another 5m talking about it. ;)17:06
ogra_i wont file a bug, i'll just implement it with the first upload :)17:06
ogra_oh come on ... you manager you17:06
ogra_does charging the nexus take extremely long for anyone else or is it just me ?17:12
xnoxogra_: yes, but it's quicker if you use "official" cable & plug.17:13
ogra_probably these 18h it showed me initially were actually correct ... it definitely hangs on the charger since i started my workday17:13
ogra_xnox, i do17:13
ogra_its at 41%17:13
xnoxhmm =/17:13
ogra_after a fukll workday17:13
xnoxalso I found that the connectors on the nexus are not that good. E.g. the headphones fall-out and the charger disconnects often.17:14
ogra_ubuntu@nexus7-roccos:~$ upower -d|grep state17:14
ogra_    state:               fully-charged17:14
ogra_ubuntu@nexus7-roccos:~$ upower -d|grep percentage17:14
ogra_    percentage:          41.4464%17:14
ogra_OH !17:15
ogra_janimo, there is something wrong here17:15
NekoXPso I have a weird question, has anyone ever seen any sd cards that actually support trim or secure trim or is this just one standard that got stuck on eMMC?17:15
* ogra_ guesses thats ckings work17:15
janimoogra_, mine is not fully charged but either charging or discharging depending on whether the cable is plugged in or not17:18
janimoogra_, but probably a bug indeed17:18
ogra_janimo, well, if you keep the cable plugged it should at some point go to 100%17:18
janimoin a few hours I guess17:18
ogra_and not think it is fully charged and report 41% :)17:18
janimo6.0 according to upower17:19
ogra_and i'm pretty sure after more than 8h charging it should be at 100% it surely was with the former kernel17:19
ogra_i think chraging it to 100% never took me more than 2h actually17:20
ogra_so i guess cking has to revisit it :)17:20
janimoany reason  I should not use xc compression on the kernel package (besides compressing it being sloow) ?17:20
janimoinfinity, ^ ?17:20
ogra_oh, the package17:21
janimoogra_, the source package17:21
ogra_not vmlinuz17:21
* ogra_ doesnt care17:21
janimoogra_, I am not sure whether build servers can handle it, whether it is all stable etc17:21
janimo60M vs 100M for the sourece tarball17:21
ogra_well, someone has to try it anyway :)17:21
ogra_i think we have some xz packages already though17:22
ogra_and havent seen issues about it on arm17:22
ogra_iirc xnox had a list in the xz packages session ;)17:22
* ogra_ remembers some font package17:22
ogra_heh, so my percentage jups back and forth between 41.4464% and 41.4364%17:25
ogra_doesnt move beyond that17:25
achiangit's trying to converge to 42, of course17:27
infinityjanimo: We have lots of xz source packages, infrastructure all deals with it fine.17:27
ogra_well, if it wouldnt go down to .4364 all the time i would tend to belive that17:27
infinityjanimo: It may take longer to decompress at build time, but meh.17:28
janimoogra_, it does converge on 42 but due to miscalibration you see the values shifted a bit17:29
ogra_well, i'm pretty sure it sits at 41.xxxx% since more than 1h ... and it thinks its fully charged, if the kernel thinks the same its very unlikely to ever go beyond17:30
janimoogra_, having android dual boot now to see what it says would sure be handy17:30
janimoare there sys files that can be read, do they say the same thing?17:30
ogra_you wont find uppower in android :17:31
ogra_ /sys/devices/platform/tegra-i2c.4/i2c-4/4-0055/power_supply/battery/17:31
xnoxjanimo: with source package - go ahead as much as you want =)17:31
janimoxnox, alright :)17:32
xnoxjanimo: ubiquity, libreoffice and emacs all do that ;-)17:32
janimoah, I'm in good company then17:32
infinitylibreoffice is hardly "good company".17:32
janimomy sarcasm key ain't working17:32
ogra_janimo, i'm pretty sure it is caused by d017332e756ba9294679c453431bf39507fd176e in our tree17:33
infinityI thought that's what AltGr was for.17:33
infinityAlternative Grin, or something.17:33
janimomine is remapped to Facebook Like17:33
ogra_it wasnt like that in the -6 kernel17:34
janimoogra_, that is cking's patch to fix reporting17:34
infinityjanimo: Damnit, I nearly have a beverage->laptop incident, thanks.17:34
janimoso maybe it had side effects17:34
ogra_janimo, right17:34
janimoinfinity, I must try harder next time17:34
infinityjanimo: If you want to buy me a new laptop, carry on trying.17:34
ogra_janimo, wait until you two are in a hangout together so you can record it17:34
xnoxogra_: did you test flashing nexus7 with fs-utils now?17:34
* xnox is pondering if it's safe to flash my own nexus using those =)17:35
janimoinfinity, what model doth your heart desire?17:35
ogra_xnox, no, and i want to back up my rootfs first ... soo many chganges i dont want to lose already17:35
infinityjanimo: A T430s to replace my T420s wouldn't hurt my feelings.17:35
ogra_i'll keep that bit for tomorrow17:35
xnoxogra_: interesting, how do I back it up?17:36
xnoxwith fast boot?17:36
ogra_xnox, i think ext2simg is a no go, the image is around 100M bigger than with make_ext4fs17:36
ogra_xnox, i do boot into the initrd with usb hub attached, on the hub i have kbs and usb key ... then i just dd /dev/mmcblk0p9 into an image file on the usb key17:37
janimoogra_, maybe the mkfs part does things differently by not emulating what make_ext4fs does?17:37
ogra_janimo, yeah, i think it compresses bits of the filesystem17:38
ogra_*filesystem meta data17:38
janimodoes things that e2fsutils cannot do? That would be strange, but  I know too little about these tools17:38
ogra_same here17:39
xnoxogra_: was slangasek suggesting some other way of creating sparse images?17:39
ogra_but slangasek asked me to look into the possibility to only use ext2simg and stick to our existing sparse img creation we already have17:39
xnoxat the closing plenery.17:39
ogra_dd if=/dev/zero of=test.img bs=1M seek=6144 count=017:39
ogra_mkfs.ext4 test.img17:40
ogra_then i loop mount and cp the tarball into it17:40
ogra_and then: ext2simg test.img rootfs_test.img17:40
ogra_thats largely the way we discussed (and the way debian-cd and friends etc use)17:41
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Desktop/nexus/builder/tmp$ ls -lh rootfs_test.img17:44
ogra_-rw-r--r-- 1 ogra ogra 783M Nov  7 18:43 rootfs_test.img17:44
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Desktop/nexus/builder/tmp$ make_ext4fs -l 6G -s rootfs.img mnt/17:44
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/Desktop/nexus/builder/tmp$ ls -lh rootfs.img17:44
ogra_-rw-r--r-- 1 ogra ogra 646M Nov  7 18:44 rootfs.img17:44
ogra_quite a size difference17:45
ogra_content is identical17:45
ogra_i suspect make_ext4fs does something like compressing the unused inode tables or so which fastboot uncompresses while flashing17:46
janimoogra_, uploaded kernel and meta packages to raring NEW. I hope it builds. I just remembered I tested on quantal only. This bit me recently with precise/quantal gcc switch. Oh well17:53
ngharoDoes anyone have a minimal nexus7 rootfs image floating around?17:54
ogra-nx7janimo, thanks so much !17:54
ogra-nx7ngharo, not to my knowledge17:54
NekoXPI am having the weirdest experience here18:29
NekoXPmkdir qm && mount /dev/sde2 qm && mount /dev/sde1 qm/boot && umount /dev/sde?18:29
NekoXPthe qm directory disappears18:29
NekoXPunity is deleting it because it assumes if I mount it manually that it's the same as being in /media and being removed18:30
NekoXPcan anyone reproduce that quickly on something safe? I dunno if I found a bug or if I'm being a moron about something18:30
NekoXPalso this is precise and I can't get a quetzal running to test :D18:30
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
r0k5t4rhi, I have a gooseberry running ubuntu 12.04 armhf and the loadaverage is at 2.x just after boot.. The system is idle. I have no clue what is going on but other users have no problems with the system load at all...18:43
mfischachiang & ssweeny: I'm picking this bug up: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/107125918:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 1071259 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Setting brightness all the way down actually switches off the display completely" [Medium,Confirmed]18:49
achiangmfisch: cool, i'm assuming we're using the normal process of assigning to ourselves, etc.18:51
janimoogra_, see the 2.0 loadaverage happening above too^18:58
janimor0k5t4r, that is seen on the nexus7 as well18:58
janimowith 12.1018:58
mfischachiang: yes18:59
r0k5t4rjanimo: ok, thought I'm the only one as others on the gooseberry forum didn't report this18:59
janimor0k5t4r, what kernel are you using?19:00
r0k5t4rjanimo: 3.0.3619:03
janimor0k5t4r, what source? Is there a goosberry kernel and you built it using Ubuntu's gcc?19:04
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
r0k5t4rjanimo: I downloaded the ubuntu image from someones dropbox account. there was a link on the gooseberry forum19:04
r0k5t4rjanimo: The users account on the gooseberry forum was alanb and i just saw that here is some called AlanBell... It can hardly be a coincidence :)19:06
r0k5t4rjanimo: brb19:06
AlanBellr0k5t4r: oh?19:07
AlanBellI suspect it is a coincidence, I am AlanBell in most places19:07
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha-afk
r0k5t4rAlanBell: :) sorry19:19
AlanBellthats fine :)19:19
AlanBellwhat is the gooseberry forum?19:20
AlanBelloh, right, that certainly isn't me, I don't have one of those, I have a raspberry pi and a nexus 7 (well, my family has the nexus 7, I am not allowed to play with it)19:21
yofelare there any howto's for making a VM with a nexus 7 environment in it?19:23
r0k5t4rAlanBell: you are lucky not to have one. I have one since day one and there is really nothing that really works except the default android that comes with it19:24
mfischyofel: why would you want to?19:44
mfischachiang: ping19:45
mfischyofel: it's just the standard ubuntu desktop on arm, minus thunderbird and open office19:45
achiangmfisch: pong19:46
yofelmfisch: well, I would prefer to have something where I could build packages in. Other than the actual tablet itself19:46
mfischachiang: an update on the brightness issue, it seems to be up to the device that at brightness 0 you can still see the screen19:46
mfischyofel: give me 5 mins and I can help19:46
yofelsure :)19:46
mfischachiang: what I mean is that on my laptop and the other ARM device I have, you can still see the screen when brightness is set to 019:47
mfischachiang: I can take it to 0, which also implies that the brightness control has no hard stop at say, 119:47
achiangmfisch: that's interesting. maybe we need to add logic to our brightness controller that can figure out what "0" actually means and then set in a minimum if necessary19:47
achiangif we can't figure that out dynamically, then perhaps we should add a quirk system19:48
mfischachiang: yeah, I'll poke around some more, but best I can figure now is that we need to hard stop at 1 for this device19:48
mfischyofel: have you used a pbuilder before?19:48
yofelyes, I'm a kubuntu packager so I know that part19:49
yofelI just have very little ARM experience19:49
mfischyofel: so we're recommending people just setup an armhf pbuilder19:49
mfischyofel: you can install pbuilder-scripts which came from Canonical and it will make life significantly easier19:50
mfischpcreate -a armhf -d quantal <pbuilder name>19:50
mfischand when that's done19:50
mfischptest <pbuilder name> gives you a shell inside a qemu chroot19:50
mfischptest -p <pbuiler name> ^^19:50
mfischwriting up notes on pbuilder scripts is on the to do list19:51
yofelpbuilder image is being created, thanks!19:51
mfischyofel: did I talk to you at UDS?19:51
mfischin the bar at the closing19:52
yofelimpossible, I wasn't there ;)19:52
mfischokay, I met the rest of your Kgang though19:52
achiangmfisch: where's the pad re: memory debugging? i'll work on writing up the wiki page today19:56
mfischachiang: looking19:57
mfischachiang: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21394/how-do-i-know-my-code-is-not-consuming-too-much-memory/19:58
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha-afk
mfischachiang: does ARM have a sys firmware interface analogous to ACPI?20:05
achiangnot really20:05
achiangthere is device tree20:05
achiangbut i think that is more for topology20:06
achiangacpi covers so many bases20:06
mfischwhat about SMBIOS/DMI?20:06
achiangi don't know if device tree allows you to query for capabilities20:06
achiangthose are both x86 specs20:06
achiangthe best i've been able to find on ARM is lsusb20:07
mfischjust wondered if there was an analog20:07
mfischthere's an entry in sys called "bl_power", and even the great wiki page I found doesn't know what it's supposed to do20:08
achiangwell the way sysfs works, any vendor can create any entry there20:10
achiangso that may (or may not) be a standard interface20:10
achiangit can be hard to tell20:10
achiangwhere does bl_power live?20:10
achiangfull path20:10
mfisch /sys/class/backlight/<device>/20:11
mfischit's set to 0 on every device i've tried, I was hoping it would be useful20:12
mfischbut I'm doubting it20:12
achiangachiang@yew:~$ cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/bl_power20:12
achiangachiang@yew:~$ cat /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/bl_power20:12
mfischI only have the acpi_video0 on my amd64 box, the 2 ARM devices have "pwm-backlight"20:13
mfischachiang: does bl_power change as you change the display brightness?20:16
mfischoddly if I set mine to 1, the display turns off20:18
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha-afk
mfischachiang: I found docs: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/ABI/stable/sysfs-class-backlight20:19
achiangok, so /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness echos the current status of my backlight20:20
mfischand you can echo to it20:22
mfischmy laptop goes from 0-20, the N7 is 0-25520:22
mfischthe other ARM device is 0-720:22
mfischachiang: squirrel this away in your notes: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kernel/Debugging/Backlight20:23
achianginteresting but too x86 focused20:25
achiangthose are all acpi assumptions20:25
NekoXPbl_power is the on/off switch for backlight. the value is kind of meaningless20:26
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
NekoXPbut on and off for backlight are different from brightness. brightness 0 is the *lowest* brightness it can have, and most backlight controllers have a lower safe limit of operation on PWM frequency and period.20:28
NekoXPso what we have is a PWM period control button which is abstracted to a set of reasonable levels (0-7 or 0-20 or 0-255) and a PWM off button which disables anything going out. Actually cutting power would be done via regulators, and the backlight driver may do this or may not (on ACPI it's hidden, so.. )20:29
NekoXPwhat are you trying to do? :)20:29
mfischNekoXP: brightness 0 on the Nexus7 turns the display full off20:35
mfischNekoXP: which makes it challenging to get lit back up, unless you don't move your finger20:35
NekoXPthis is just how LCD panels work. It's a little window with a liquid crystal in front of it. The liquid crystal turns from clear to black when voltage is applied. But, if you don't shine light through the window, you don't see anything20:36
NekoXPbrightness 0 could mean anything to different backlight implementations, but what it usually means is the lowest possible PWM frequency20:37
mfischIt seems of the devices I've tried that they have set 0 to be "still on" to avoid this20:37
NekoXPthat may be a "safe" low PWM value to not have to actually tear down a PWM controller or disable a clock, but it may be lower than you actually need to turn a lught on20:37
NekoXPlets get technical. I have a panel here that says it has an upper and lower bound pwm period for safe operation, and a minimum and maximum frequency. the frequency generally doesn't change (although depending on he backlight, it may). the important thing is the period.20:38
NekoXPall it does is turn on and off fast enough that the device at the other end feels like it's getting a constant power, but it actually isn't. for an LED it doesn't just go on and off, it turns on and it needs to warm up a bit, so the light is not instant. and turning off, it will actually fade a little before turning completely off.20:39
NekoXPthat gives you varying levels of brightness, and the trick is not to have it flicker because of the fading20:40
NekoXPbut, you can't just say don't generate a pwm waveform, you have to actually supply enough power for it to not drop out completely, which means just a low period. that's why you have a 0 (which may be no light coming out) *and* a power on/off.20:42
NekoXPsome backlight controllers spec that you can't turn them completely off via pwm, some do. it's implementation dependent in the driver *and* the hardware20:42
mfischso that all makes sense20:43
NekoXPalso the power off switch may turn off the pwm controller, disable it's parent clock so it doesn't soak power itself, and disable the regulator feeding the supply for the backlight anyway20:43
mfischand I think the fix from a user-experience POV will be to not allow the brightness controller to go to 0 on this device, in whatever form that takes20:43
NekoXPyou shouldn't do that with just a request for brightness 0, even if it "feels" like it's doing that.20:43
NekoXPon the N7 what's the driver called again?20:43
NekoXPmaybe pwm_bl or something? or tegra_pwm_bl? it's the name of the /sys/class/backlight/<thing>20:44
mfischpwm-backlight is what's in /sys/class/backlight20:45
NekoXPokay so probably there is a control in the board support file platform data that supplies the frequencies, periods etc. it needs20:46
NekoXPI need a copy of the N7 kernel.. hang on :D20:46
NekoXPah no, here it is20:47
NekoXP        if (brightness == 0) {20:48
NekoXP                pwm_config(pb->pwm, 0, pb->period);20:48
NekoXP                pwm_disable(pb->pwm);20:48
NekoXP        } else {20:48
NekoXP                brightness = pb->lth_brightness +20:48
NekoXP                        (brightness * (pb->period - pb->lth_brightness) / max);20:48
NekoXP                pwm_config(pb->pwm, brightness, pb->period);20:48
NekoXP                pwm_enable(pb->pwm);20:48
NekoXP        }20:48
NekoXP^^ this is so wrong I can't describe, but it does actually disable the pwm20:48
NekoXPit's still drawing power technically (leaking at least) but there's no waveform going out to the backlight at 0. acpi etc. stuff, 0 doesn't mean off it means first in a list of values passed back by some call to _BLQ or something20:49
mfischNekoXP: what's in the board support file?20:50
NekoXPperiod, brightness default, "top" brightness, max brightness value.. that kind of thing20:50
NekoXPI was wrong in that it would be controlled by the board file, whatever you do there, the backlight driver itself will turn off the pwm at brightness 0 which is despicable :)20:51
NekoXPthere are two options.. one of which depends on kernel version20:52
NekoXPfirstly, modify the userspace that is controlling the backlight, probably gnome-power-manager, to never set 0 if the backlight name is pwm-backlight. Then you have to figure how you turn the backlight off in any case.... but it should be kicking bl_power for that. I'd need to look at gpm20:53
NekoXPsecond, modify pwm_bl.c so that it says if (brightness == 0 && !machine_is_nexus7()) { or something similar. That really depends on if you can even tell it's the nexus 7 inside the driver... :D20:53
NekoXPif it's a device tree kernel you might have to do a string match on probe, and store a little value to change behavior and check for that value, which is clumsy as hell20:54
NekoXPthe behavior of pwm_bl just seems not to be correct, this is kind of a bug I would think. I bet the driver was written before bl_power was implemented.20:56
NekoXPit's been updated to take it into account but it hacks it above those lines;20:56
NekoXP        if (bl->props.power != FB_BLANK_UNBLANK)20:56
NekoXP                brightness = 0;20:56
NekoXP        if (bl->props.fb_blank != FB_BLANK_UNBLANK)20:56
NekoXP                brightness = 0;20:56
NekoXPthis is wrong. it should deal with power off completely differently.20:56
NekoXPlth_brightness should be involved here;20:57
NekoXPI just saw a patch for DT kernels that adds this; https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/9/26/27120:57
NekoXPbrightness == 0 should be setting the low threshold brightness20:58
NekoXPprops.power or props.fb_blank should unconfig the pwm20:58
NekoXPnot a mishmash of the two20:58
NekoXPcan you tell I spent weeks crying over how awful backlight support is on the linux kernel? we still have problems with our stuff and that godforsaken driver :D21:00
NekoXPmfisch, so, ultimate solution, add lth_brightness to board support or device tree if possible, based on the panel spec. I doubt you have that.. but.. oh well. A good guess might suffice. And fix pwm_backlight_update_status() to deal with the blanking and power controls independently, and NOT just set the brightness to 0. That brightness thing actually meant on our systems that we had to add a copy of the "previous" brightness to come back out from standb21:01
NekoXPy and set the correct brightness value (otherwise it would come back and it would be "off")21:01
mfischNekoXP: someone just called me, so hold on a sec21:01
NekoXPI didn't compile check it or even test it, but that might be a more favorable behavior21:08
NekoXPeven if you set the brightness to 0 it will always be the minimum duty cycle. if you tweak bl_power it will unconfig the pwm... and config it again with the stored brightness...21:09
NekoXPI'd need to fully test the userspace that goes with it to be sure what it tries to do21:10
NekoXPbut there's your start21:10
NekoXPyou would have to be sure lth_brightness is set somewhere though :]21:10
mfischNekoXP: I'll catch up in about 30 mins, long phone call then I'm stepping out for a bit21:16
NekoXPI might be gone in 30 mins :]21:17
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha-afk
achiangi think we should put a quirk in the kernel, not in userspace21:30
* mfisch catches up22:04
mfischachiang: do you know how to do that process?22:04
=== nijaba_ is now known as nijaba
NekoXPmfisch, apply that patch, thats the starting poiint, but I don't have the nexus7 kernel ubuntu guys are using nor a nexus 7 to test (actually one of the staffers here does but I doubt he will install ubuntu on it)22:12
NekoXPthe pwm_bl driver is dead to rights wrong in it's behavior so it needs fixing22:12
mfischNekoXP: I'll give it a shot today or tomorrow22:13
mfischNekoXP: thanks22:14
NekoXPno guarantees, but it should at least stop it from being able to set brightness = 0 and turn off the backlight. that will only happen now if the bl_power is tweaked. brightness = 0 still could be black though or barely visible.. this is a tweak you need to figure out based on usage ;)22:15
NekoXPlth_brightness definitely needs to be set (it'll be in mach-tegra/board-nexus7.c or something or a device tree) for it to work otherwise brightness = 0 is still pwm off, but it will actually be running under minimum duty cycle which COULD damage a backlight22:16
NekoXPbe warned22:16
NekoXPyou could set it to 10 and should be fine. 13 if you want to be safe. I've never seen a panel say it had a higher minimum duty cycle than 12.5%22:16
NekoXPhopefully asus gave it a good value to start22:17
NekoXPbut that's a percentage so 10% brightness is as low as it goes.. that may still be "too bright". you'd need the panel specs.22:17
NekoXPI'm sure they're online somewhere.22:17
NekoXPanyway I'm off home22:17
NekoXPhave fun, I'm sure there are people around here who can help at some point22:18
mfischhave a nice day22:18
=== SteveRiley_ is now known as SteveRiley
cwaynemfisch: ping22:46
mfischcwayne: yo22:50
cwaynemfisch: isnt this fixed in our image? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/105594923:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 1055949 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity panel shadow appears as solid black bar on GLES/ARM (Pandaboard, Nexus 7)" [Medium,Confirmed]23:05
mfischcwayne: I was going to ask you about that one23:10
cwaynemfisch: afaik its fixed in ours, but not upstreamed yet.  I'm gonna mark it fix committed on our project23:10
mfischcwayne: is it in image?23:12
mfischcwayne: or in the public PPA?23:12
mfischif so mark it released23:12
cwaynemfisch: in the image, may be in the ppa as well, let me check23:12
mfischand note when it was fixed "fixed in first release"23:12
mordicchio_excume me can i ask you a question=23:30
k1l_mordicchio_: go ahead23:32
mordicchio_i m searching a irc client for my raspberry pi23:33
mordicchio_can you help me?23:33
k1l_mordicchio_: see the topic :) better ask in #raspbian23:35
persiaWith the emergence of our armhf environment, was the downgrading of the armel environment sufficient to run on a Pi?23:36
slangasekpersia: yes, but a) pi wasn't the target of that downgrade, b) the fact that armel is v5 instead of v6 makes it largely uninteresting, c) there's no kernel in the archive or image for it, d) armel is going away now23:50
persiaWhat's the rationale for d)?  c) is fixable in the meantime.23:50
slangasekpersia: the rationale for d) is that we have no rationale for not-d23:51
persiaSo, lack of users?23:51
slangasekarmel was always intended to go away once armhf was on its feet23:51
slangasekthe armv5 rebuilt was a speculative repurposing for a contract that never panned out23:52
persiaAh, Canonical doesn't want to host the buildds, and there's not lots of protest about it.  That makes sense as a rationale for d)23:52
slangasekrather, we want to host the buildds but want them to be armhf buildds ;)23:53
persiaI say that's effectively the same as saying there's a desire not to host armel buildds :)23:53
persiaIn that case, I suppose I oughtn't push kirkwood kernels and migrate those devices to Ubuntu.23:54
slangasekunless you want to stick with 12.10, probably not23:54
* persia still has devices running 9.10 as a result of participating in discussions with folk who were less forthcoming, and doesn't especially want to repeat23:54

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