
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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didrocksgood morning06:20
pittiGood morning06:53
pittirobru: yes, have a look at python3-mock (http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/)06:54
pittirobru: with that you can replace any existing method of any object with a stub06:54
didrocksguten morgen pitti!06:55
pittirobru: however, in this case I'd actually recommend to just take apart the result again with the multipart iterator and just check that the individual parts are right; then you don't need to hardcode the technical details of MIME, just check that it is parseable and has the right contents06:55
pittihey didrocks, ça va?06:55
didrockspitti: ça va bien, déjà bien chargé en terme de travail, mais ça va :) et toi?06:56
pittihaha, sonne comme UDS06:56
pittije vais bien, merci!06:57
didrockspitti: post-UDS "surprise" plutôt :)06:58
simpleirchow do i install xfce instead of unity07:50
sarnoldlooks like there's an xfce package, try 'apt-get install xfce'07:52
simpleircthx , will it propagate in the login window like gnome , gnome 2d automatically07:53
sarnoldI hope so; if it doesn't, that feels like a reasonable bug report :)07:53
simpleircyep ! sorry im a windoz dork happy to find the world of FOSS07:54
pittiah, gone; I was about to point out xubuntu-desktop07:55
sarnoldzounds, what a metapackage :)07:56
sarnoldbut yes, that might have been a faster way to a more useful system.07:57
robrupitti, oops, I guess what I really meant to ask was 'what is the name of the method that I should mock in order to accomplish this?' ;-)08:59
pittirobru: hm, I'm not sure; there doesn't seem to be an obvious method for that in the meail.mime package09:01
pittirobru: but as I said, I wouldn't actually go that far, as you are influencing the very thing you want to test09:01
pittiI'd iterate over it with msg = email.message_from_binary_file(...) and msg.walk(), and check the individual components09:02
robrupitti, wait, what are we talking about? I'm talking about using libsoup to upload files in multipart/form-data format... currently I am running a WSGI server in test mode that mirrors everything back to me, so I can submit a real request, and then the response is the result I sent; then I test that what was sent is what I expected. but to do so I need to determine what separator is being used.09:04
pittirobru: but a multipart/MIME message shoudl tell you the separator in a header field09:04
pittirobru: and you can use the email.mime python package to dissect it09:05
pittiyou can also compare the actual string, but that seems harder to me, and unnecessary09:05
robrupitti, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~super-friends/friends/trunk/view/63/friends/tests/test_download.py#L22909:05
robrupitti, yes, it is harder and unnecessary, that's why I want to simplify this test ;-)09:06
robrupitti, (the purpose of this test is just to ensure that my uploading module is creating multipart messages correctly; so I can be notified if anything ever changes it's behavior)09:07
pittirobru: email.mime shoudl handle multipart/POST requests just fine; I'm using it in apport (although the other way around)09:07
didrocksoh, we don't have python3 bindings for launchpadlib?09:08
didrocksok, thanks pitti :)09:08
robrupitti, are you saying I should be using email.mime *instead* of libsoup, or just to use it within the test to ensure that the message is valid? (I'm not familiar with email.mime)09:08
pittirobru: right, the latter09:08
robrupitti, ok, I'll look at that in a bit. but first: breakfast!09:09
robrupitti, thanks ;-)09:09
pittirobru: i. e. feed raw_sent into an email.mime parser, and have it dissect the result09:09
robrupitti, thanks again, brb ;-)09:09
pittirobru: i. e. email.message_from_bytes(raw_sent) should do that09:10
* duflu crashes X again.09:11
* didrocks crashes in gnome-keyring launchpad call09:25
didrocks(was transient though)09:25
dholbachhello my friends09:57
didrocksre dholbach ;)09:58
dholbachif I have a window which does not turn up in unity or in alt-tab - which information should I include in a bug report and what should I file it on?09:58
dholbachor maybe there's a bug for it already09:58
dholbachit's a tomboy note - last night it still worked and showed up, today it doesn't09:59
didrocksdholbach: it's a known issue, but debug info can help, please head on #ubuntu-unity and ping trevhino/andyrock about it09:59
didrocksnone of them are online unfortunately right now :/09:59
dholbachyeah, I just noticed :)10:00
* dholbach shakes head in disbelief10:00
didrocksheh :)10:01
seb128dholbach, lut10:08
dholbachsalut mon ami :)10:08
seb128dholbach, comment ça va à Berlin ?10:08
dholbachça va - et toi? qu'est-ce qui se passe là-bas?10:09
mlankhorstoui, langue package officiele c'est francois?10:11
seb128mlankhorst, oui, on parle français ici ;-)10:11
seb128dholbach, ca va, mon ubuflu commence à partir10:12
seb128dholbach, content de voir qu'Obama a gagné également10:12
mlankhorstmon français est terrible!10:12
dholbachmlankhorst, c'était comme ça  depuis 2005 ou quelque-chose comme ca :)10:12
dholbachseb128, très bien!10:12
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larsudesrt, morning :)12:52
desrtanother night, another election12:53
desrtlarsu: good morning12:53
desrttoo bad about NC, eh?12:53
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larsuha, yeah. kenvandine will be saaaaaad12:53
* desrt is a bit sad too12:54
desrtmy favourite entertainment source is gone12:54
larsuI'm happy that we'll get actual news again in a couple of days12:56
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=== attente_zzz is now known as attente
ogra_seb128, was the onscreen keyboard blueprint dropped or did you just not get to it yet ?13:24
* ogra_ tries to assemble a list of workitems for himself13:25
seb128ogra_, I didn't draft it yet, will do that today13:25
seb128ogra_, it's https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-r-onscreen-keyboard-review13:25
ogra_yep, thats what i'm looking at, just wanted to know if its still planned13:25
seb128ogra_, it is13:26
mvoseb128: I guess you don't mind if I upload a new glade to raring - make gtkbuttons actually be usable again ;)13:31
seb128mvo, please do, sorry I forgot that you mentioned that during UDS ... is that broken in quantal as well?13:32
mvoseb128: yes13:32
mvoseb128: no worries13:32
mvoseb128: I can SRU it there too if you want13:32
seb128mvo, please13:32
seb128mvo, danke13:32
mvoseb128: or maybe we can simply copy it?13:32
seb128mvo, copy? pocket copies you mean? no, SRU team said they only do that before the new serie opens, they want stuff rebuilt with the new toolchain now13:33
mvoseb128: ok13:34
seb128ogra_, ok, drafter, pending approval from didrocks13:34
seb128mvo, danke, I will do the SRU verification for you ;-)13:34
mvohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glade/+bug/1075957 fwiw13:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1075957 in glade (Ubuntu Quantal) "3.14.0 can not edit a GtkButton label" [Medium,In progress]13:35
seb128mvo, it's 2012, I can't believe people still use buttons btw :p13:35
ogra_seb128, merci !13:35
* seb128 hides13:35
seb128ogra_, de rien ;-)13:35
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mlankhorstmvo: apt sru? :D13:38
seb128Laney, when you are done drafting specs please set "definition" to "pending approval"13:40
seb128Laney, it seems like you drafter the patch burden and gst ones but they are still on "new"13:40
mvomlankhorst: indeed13:40
mvoseb128: uploaded to quantal-proposed13:52
seb128mvo, \o/13:52
seb128mvo, danke13:52
mlankhorstmvo: I mean I want to do the apt sru for bug 1062503 but my only involvement with it was that I reported the bug and tested the fix, I can't really do a fair analysis for a fix I didn't write. :-)13:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 1062503 in apt (Ubuntu Quantal) "apt fails to install libglapi-mesa-lts-quantal correctly on switching x stacks" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106250313:55
mvomlankhorst: yeah, I knew what you mean :) I will do the merge in a bit, just want to finish my current task14:05
mlankhorstsure np14:05
Laneyseb128: yeah I already did that for the gstreamer one14:25
Laneynot sure if the description should be more verbose though14:25
jbichaSweetshark: congrats http://listarchives.documentfoundation.org/www/announce/msg00135.html14:27
Sweetsharkjbicha: heh, thanks.15:28
Sweetsharkjbicha: The ESC (containing me) has appointed three devs (including me) to decide the certification of devs (including me) on behalf of the Board of Directors (including me).15:30
jbichaSweetshark: well that was nice of you to give yourself a certification and another job :)15:32
SweetsharkOthers show beautiful ladies their collection of stamps. I show my collection of LibreOffice titles ...15:40
ogra_you have them in an album ?15:42
Sweetsharkogra_: the ladies?15:43
* kenvandine rofl15:46
seb128kenvandine, hey, how are you?15:56
kenvandinehappy obama won, but bummed NC was red :/15:57
seb128kenvandine, yeah, luckily for you NC was not needed for him to win15:58
kenvandinei do wonder how it is that florida consistently has trouble getting results16:00
jcastro_old people16:00
desrtkenvandine: sorry dude16:01
desrtjust wasn't in the cards16:01
kenvandineNC was less than 100K away from being blue :)16:01
desrtkenvandine: i reckon you have a good crack at it 4 years from now16:01
seb128the "all or nothing" system is a bit weird16:02
desrtseb128: the situation is far worse in canada, i assure you :)16:02
seb128desrt, Canada doing something worse than the US, I don't believe you :p16:03
desrttake the US system16:03
seb128desrt, it would seem logical to have the number of seats being proportional to the results16:03
desrtexcept instead of basing it on states you base it on arbitrarily-drawn-up ridings16:03
desrtand then throw in 5 parties instead of 216:03
desrtbut still winner-takes-all16:04
kenvandineoh, they draw different boundaries for election results?16:04
didrocksseb128: hem, we don't really have that as well for the parliament (for some arguably good reasons)16:04
desrtgood way to get a PM who 2/3 of the country voted against16:04
desrtkenvandine: explaining the canadian system to an american: our PM is selected in the same way that you select your speaker of the house16:04
desrtkenvandine: except there are 5 parties in our house16:04
desrtand we call it "parliament"16:05
seb128didrocks, well, we do elect our députés directly though16:05
didrocksseb128: that's true, but it doesn't really represent the overall % of votes of the nation16:06
seb128desrt, it just feel weird that having 90% of 51% of the votes makes no difference16:06
didrockssomething similar happen on another scale in the US :)16:06
seb128didrocks, right16:06
desrtseb128: strictly speaking, having 90% or 40% doesn't matter16:06
desrtsince it's possible to have 40% and still win16:06
seb128well, you should get a stronger lead if you have a stronger part of the population following you16:07
seb128it's weird that 1% difference in one state can make the whole election goes one way or another16:07
seb128where it might not be even a representative picture of the country's opinion16:08
kenvandinei think it would make more sense to use the popular vote these days16:08
kenvandinethe reasons for the electorial college are outdated now16:08
larsuthis might fix it... http://www.nationalpopularvote.com/16:09
kenvandineof course then the media can't capitalize on their forecasts as much :)16:09
larsuit won't ever fix the 2-party system, though16:09
kenvandineit sucks that some people's vote really doesn't matter at all16:10
kenvandinein the current system16:10
seb128jbicha, hey, do you know if there is anything blocking the cogl update or if we could sync 1.12 from debian?16:20
didrockslarsu: even with 2 rounds, most of the 2 main parties in France try to advocate the "useful vote" for the 1st round.16:20
larsudidrocks, instead of a strategic vote?16:22
didrockslarsu: "useful vote" is strategic, like "ensure this candidate (which almost surely will be in the second round) has a lot of votes/support even in the first round"16:24
didrocksit's killing the small parties16:25
larsudidrocks, :(16:25
* larsu never understood the french system :)16:25
seb128larsu, we got an election where the extrem right kicked out the left from the second round by beating them in the first round of the election16:25
didrocksyeah, in 200216:26
seb128larsu, and people don't want that to happen again16:26
didrocksso it's a little bit of a traumatism16:26
seb128larsu, so they try to "make sure that the left/right" made to the second round16:26
seb128make it*16:26
larsuhm, that makes sense ...16:26
didrockslarsu: they were a lot of small left parties in 2002, that's why this situation happened16:26
seb128larsu, it's like "if you vote green your vote might be the one which makes the left to not be there on the second turn and let us between screwed to pick right or extrem right"16:27
didrocksto be on the second turn, you need at least 20% of voters16:27
larsuthat sucks16:27
didrockswhich means mainly 2 parties…16:27
* didrocks hugs kiki16:32
didrocksbest regexp tool ever!16:32
seb128kenvandine, versions says we have outdated signon-keyring-extension &  gnome-control-center-signon & unity-firefox-extension16:33
seb128kenvandine, just pointing it in case you didn't notice those during UDS or something16:33
kenvandinei know :)16:33
seb128ok, good16:33
seb128ignore me then ;-)16:33
kenvandineon my todo list for this week16:33
kenvandinei am glad they are on the versions page :-D16:33
didrocksseb128: stop doing that! I just wrote "ken" as my next variable name :p16:33
didrockskenvandine: once you will inline packaging, that will never happen again ;)16:34
seb128didrocks, oh, I'm sure I will found stuff to ping Ken about ... like empathy ;-)16:34
kenvandinedidrocks, i am going to do one as an example and let robru do the rest :)16:34
seb128it's also on the red list16:34
didrockskenvandine: mterry almost have all his inline packaging merge, I think you can follow the theme after that!16:34
didrocksseb128: empathy yeah ;)16:34
didrockskenvandine: cool! you can take what mterry did with NOCONFIGURE=1 dh_autoreconf ./autogen.sh16:35
seb128didrocks, or try to talk to cassidy about adopting your ps workflow :p16:35
kenvandinedidrocks, most of mine already do that :)16:35
didrocksseb128: ahah, sure sure… he will be delighted :p16:35
seb128didrocks, I'm sure he will love it ;-)16:35
didrocksseb128: can we put the packaging in his empathy branch?16:35
didrocksyou still have your git gnome commit access, as pitti16:35
kenvandinei figure this will be a good way to get robru familiar with the webapps/accounts packages16:35
seb128didrocks, he's not coming to JDLL right? :p16:35
didrockskenvandine: excellent! ensure to try in a chroot so that you don't forget any build-dep, like gnome-common :)16:35
kenvandineyeah :)16:36
didrocksseb128: no, he isn't, so you can push that silently :)16:36
kenvandinewell, i've added that all over the place already16:36
kenvandinei gave up on keeping those trim ages ago16:36
kenvandinetwice a week having to tweak it last cycle... easier to just leave the bloat in16:36
didrocksheh, indeed16:37
kenvandinedidrocks, mind if i do an SRU for dee?16:38
kenvandinei have a fix from mhr3 i need16:38
didrockskenvandine: I don't mind at all, but SRU depending on another SRU, is it policy compliant?16:38
didrockskenvandine: or does you gwibber doesn't regress without the SRU?16:38
kenvandinenot for gwibber :)16:39
kenvandinebut for friends16:39
kenvandinebug in SharedModel16:39
desrtcan someone remind me of the magical incantation for replacing the appmenu indicator?16:39
kenvandinefriends won't be in quantal of course, but this might be causing problems we haven't noticed yet16:39
kenvandineand it is safe16:40
didrockskenvandine: good to me then, please do ;)16:40
desrtor unity-panel-service16:40
didrocksMirv: FYI ^^16:40
desrtlarsu, charles: ?16:40
* kenvandine files the bug :)16:40
larsudesrt, export INDICATOR_SERVICE_REPLACE_MODE=116:40
desrton u-p-s?16:41
larsuno, on the indicator-service16:41
desrtisn't indicator-appmenu in u-p-s?16:41
larsuhalf/half ;)16:41
desrtit's a .so file....16:41
larsuyeah, only the hud parts are in a service16:42
desrtso how do i restart unity-panel-service?16:42
larsu(it restarts automatically)16:42
desrti want to see the stderr in my terminal16:42
larsumv the binary, then start it from your terminal16:43
desrtand/or valgrind16:43
larsu(yes, that's stupid, but it's the only way around the self-restarting)16:43
* desrt winces16:43
larsuthere's a tool that loads a single indicator .so which we usually use for debugging, but it doesn't work for indicator-appmenu16:43
larsubecause appmenu depends on some other window having focus16:44
Laneynew firefox broke pentadactyl16:49
* Laney 's brain turns to mush16:49
kenvandinedidrocks, Mirv: we are going to wait on the dee SRU, just do it along with the next set of unity SRUs16:53
didrockskenvandine: ah excellent16:55
kenvandinei fixed it in raring already, which is all i really need for right now16:55
didrocksok, good :)16:56
ritzseb128 hi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/100389817:06
ubot2ritz: Error: launchpad bug 1003898 not found17:06
seb128ritz, hey17:06
ritzdoes this look fine for ubuntu-sponsor ?17:06
seb128ritz, what source is the patch against? there is no seen-db.c in indicator-messages17:08
ritzthis is against precise17:09
seb128ritz, no, what source package17:09
seb128e.g what component17:09
ritz indicator-messages (Ubuntu)17:10
seb128is there any chance you could put a merge request up for review there?17:10
ritzI have added this to the lp17:10
ritzsounds good. I am kindda stuck with trying to add a patch to this package17:11
ritzI suck a lot at deb17:11
ritzwill try this bit17:11
ritzseb128, thanks. Will have one by tomorrow , hopefully :)17:11
seb128ritz, can you put up a merge request against https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-messages/trunk.0.6 ?17:12
ritzwill do :)17:12
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ritzseb128, I could update the code in place, or do I need to write debian/patches/patch_name.patch ?17:16
seb128ritz, for the merge request?17:18
seb128bzr branch lp:indicator-messages/0.317:18
seb128cd indicator-messages17:18
seb128edit the file17:18
seb128bzr commit17:18
seb128bzr push lp:~ritz/indicator-messages/lp-1003898 (or use a public for reference)17:18
seb128then propose the branch for merging17:18
seb128it will be on the webpage for the branch17:19
seb128you can bzr lp-open to go the page17:19
ritzsweet, thank you :)17:19
=== attente is now known as attente_zzz
jbichadesrt: ok, here's a hack for getting rid of the extra Ubuntu panels from GNOME; we can have 2 .desktop's and use OnlyShowIn to hide the panels from System Settings but not from the Overview when running GNOME17:31
seb128jbicha, what do you mean "extra Ubuntu panels"?17:32
seb128jbicha, what is "overview"? the g-s dash? what's the point to have panels there if they are not used in g-c-c?17:33
jbichaseb128: Backup, Privacy, Software Sources, Ubuntu One, etc.17:33
jbichaoh I guess that doesn't quite work either :(17:33
seb128no that doesn't17:34
seb128you can't call a panel that is not listed in the g-c-c overview17:34
seb128if it's not listed it doesn't exist for g-c-c and there is no way to load it17:34
seb128we had an hack to make that work for the goa panel in precise but it was a code patch and hackish17:34
larsuseb128, `gnome-control-center <panel>` doesn't work for the hidden ones?17:35
seb128larsu, no17:35
seb128larsu, the model used by the iconview is the same model they use for other things like call panels17:36
larsuseb128, makes sense, the blacklisting in desktop files probably works on the .so level17:37
seb128larsu, yeah, they need an entry in the model to set the title, icon etc17:37
seb128if you mask the .desktop you loose those items17:37
* larsu nods17:38
jbichaseb128: well it works for Software Sources & Ubuntu One since those aren't real panels17:39
seb128jbicha, right17:39
seb128hacks on hacks ;-)17:39
seb128jbicha, doesn't work for deja-up, privacy, etc though17:40
seb128jbicha, do you really have users complaining about having backups in system settings?17:40
jbichaseb128: it would be neat if the library could do that filtering17:40
didrocksjames_w: yeah, do you have a minute for a lame launchpadlib lame question?17:41
jbichaseb128: I think Backup isn't really objectionable since that really should be part of core GNOME17:41
jbichaSoftware Sources is ugly since it shouldn't be a separate popup17:42
seb128jbicha, it seems like to me that you could keep deja-dup, and filter out software-source & ubuntuone & privacy17:42
seb128the privacy stuff is not useful under gnome-shell anyway, they don't really use zg17:43
seb128so you don't even need it in the overview17:43
jbichaPrivacy & Ubuntu One are a little annoying because they make the Personal section too big, but...it sounds like GNOME really wants to add their own Privacy & Sharing panels for 3.8 (as 2 separate panels)17:43
ritzseb128 thanks. done.17:44
seb128jbicha, btw did you see my cogl question earlier?17:44
seb128jbicha, oh, and thanks for the rhythmbox udpate ;-)17:44
jbichaseb128: oh I think I was disconnected then, the only thing blocking cogl for me was that I no longer have upload rights to have done it myself17:45
james_wdidrocks, for you? of course17:46
seb128ritz, thanks, maybe you could also open a public bug so we can use that for the SRU tracking?17:46
seb128jbicha, so I can sync it?17:46
seb128ritz, thanks17:46
jbichaseb128: yes please17:46
didrocksjames_w: \o/ so, I want to open bugs against a particular ubuntu serie for a source package. I was thinking using bug.addTask(target=source_package)17:47
seb128jbicha, great, then we need to follow up with rebuilds ... should clutter stack be updated as well in the same run?17:47
seb128jbicha, things will not move out of proposed until the rebuilds are done17:47
didrocksjames_w: however, I only find one kind of bug_task for source packages: source_package = lp.distributions['ubuntu'].getSourcePackage(name = "unity") for instance17:47
didrockswhich isn't tied to any serie, like quantal, precise…17:47
james_wdidrocks, maybe it's addNomination that you want?17:48
james_wdidrocks, I'm just guessing though, I've not done this myself17:49
didrocksjames_w: addNomination take a bug_task as well, isn't it?17:49
didrocksbug_target I meant17:49
james_wNominate a bug for an IDistroSeries or IProductSeries17:49
jbichait looks like nothing really depends on activity-log-manager-control-center except ubuntu-desktop so (and you can quote me): privacy's not worth worrying about17:49
didrocksI didn't find a way to have bug_target for a source package in one serie17:49
jbichaseb128: it looks like we're already on the latest stable clutter17:49
james_wdidrocks, so I would think it would take lp.distributions['ubuntu'].getSeries(name_or_version=whatever)17:50
james_wdidrocks, and nominate for all source packages17:50
seb128jbicha, versions says 1.12.0 against 1.12.217:50
seb128jbicha, 1.3.2 vs 1.4 for clutter-gtk17:50
james_wdidrocks, alternatively, maybe getSourcePackage(name=whatever) on distro_series will work as a bug_target for addTask?17:50
didrocksjames_w: ok, so I need to addTask first for the source package, and then addNomination17:50
james_wdidrocks, that's my guess, based on how the web UI works, but I don't know17:51
didrockshum, let me try that, didn't see getSourcePackage on distro_series :)17:51
james_wdidrocks, bdmurray might know17:51
jbichaseb128: ok, yes then :)17:52
didrocksjames_w: your last suggestion beautifully worked \o/ https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/12317:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 123 in Launchpad itself "There's no direct way to see the project info when translating it" [Medium,Fix released]17:53
didrocksthanks a lot ;)17:53
seb128jbicha, cogl synced, I will start doing some rebuilds once the binaries are there and NEWed17:53
james_wdidrocks, woo17:53
james_wdidrocks, looks a bit odd because unity (Ubuntu) is grayed out17:53
james_wdidrocks, so I think this is a state that you can't get in to with the web ui, do beware of bugs17:54
didrocksjames_w: yeah, because there is no "current serie" task17:54
james_wor maybe all this changed since I last did it17:54
didrocksjames_w: yeah, I'll look into that, anyway, thanks a bunch, will experiment now :)17:54
GunnarHjLaney: Hi Iain!18:06
GunnarHjLaney: Saw that you are piloting... I have a few items in the sponsorship queue, and the most urgent are the MP + SRUs at http://pad.lv/875435, since they affect quite a few Asian users. It's really the SRUs that are interesting, but I suppose we should do it in the right order. Do you have time to take a look? The MP is reviewed and approved.18:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 875435 in OEM Priority Project precise "iBus indicator does not show on the panel" [Medium,In progress]18:06
LaneyGunnarHj: I'm signing off now I'm afraid18:06
GunnarHjLaney: Ok, then I try someone else.18:07
Laneyif you don't get a bite from one of the others I'll look tomorrow for you though18:07
GunnarHjLaney: Great, good to know!18:07
* Laney goes away18:10
GunnarHjmdeslaur: Hi Mark!18:10
GunnarHjmdeslaur: Saw that you are piloting... I have a few items in the sponsorship queue, and the most urgent are the MP + SRUs at http://pad.lv/875435, since they affect quite a few Asian users. It's really the SRUs that are interesting, but I suppose we should do it in the right order. Do you have time to take a look? The MP is reviewed and approved.18:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 875435 in OEM Priority Project precise "iBus indicator does not show on the panel" [Medium,In progress]18:10
mdeslaurGunnarHj: I'm done for the day, and still have a couple of things pending...could you possibly ask someone else doing patch piloting?18:11
mdeslaur@pilot out18:11
mdeslaurGunnarHj: sorry about that18:12
GunnarHjmdeslaur: Sure, you were the second one I asked. ;-)  One more to try...  No problem, of course.18:12
mdeslaurGunnarHj: darn, sorry about that...bad timing :(18:13
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chrisccoulsonhah, "Get horny using tablets" - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/577251/comments/1221:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 577251 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Problem Loading Page" [Undecided,Expired]21:04
chrisccoulsonis this why everyone got a nexus 7 at UDS?21:04
attenteheh, they're magical tablets :)21:15
desrtoh boy you got me!!21:15
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desrtLaney: hey.  can you SRU the make with the webkit argument length fix to precise as well?21:38
brycehTheMuso, around by chance?  Valve contacted me about an alsa issue on i38621:40
brycehTheMuso, I'll fwd the email.21:41
TheMusobryceh: Yeah I am around.21:44
brycehTheMuso, they say 12.04 has 1.0.24 as the i386 package, but 1.0.25 for amd64.  but I can't confirm that; looks like there is a i386 package for 1.0.25?21:46
TheMusobryceh: Do you mean alsa-lib, or alsa-utils?21:47
TheMusoYeah, we have 1.0.25 accross x86 in precise. If there was an FTBF I would have been on it ages ago...21:49
TheMusoSounds like their mirror is horribly out of date.21:49
TheMusoWhich ever mirror they use.21:49
brycehTheMuso, they were ambiguous on what package it is21:49
brycehcould it be ia32-libs?21:50
TheMusoThey shouldn't be using ia32-libs... Alsa is all multi-arch now.21:51
TheMusoHas been since oneirif IIRC.21:51
TheMusooneiric even.21:51
TheMusoAnd whilst I think the internal kernel version may be alsa 1.0.24, that should be the same for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.21:53
* TheMuso fires up a precise VM to check.21:54
TheMusobryceh: Perhaps if you bounced the email to me instead of forwarding, I could group reply and query a few things.21:55
TheMusoThat way if it were bounced, I could keep threading in tact for all concerned.21:55
TheMusoThanks, will follow up and keep you in the loop.21:57
brycehthanks TheMuso22:00
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