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resnoive got a server install but i want to go more minimal.. can i easily remove apps or should i reinstall?02:56
patdk-lapyou can easily uninstall02:57
patdk-lapthough I always do minimal installs02:58
resnowhats the easiest way to remove those extra packages?02:59
resnoi had like wpa-supplicant installed02:59
resnopatdk-lap: ^02:59
patdk-lapI think wpa-supplicant is in minimal also03:00
patdk-lapmaybe not03:00
patdk-lapapt-get purge fuse.* libfuse.* mlocate ppp.* rsyslog ufw dhcp.* libntfs.*03:01
patdk-lapthat is what I normally remove from a minimal install03:01
resnoyou even remove stuff from a minimal install?03:01
patdk-laphmm, it's a server, I don't need dhcp, fuse, ntfs, mlocate, ppp03:01
resnowhats rsyslog for?03:02
patdk-lapnormal logs03:02
* jdstrand_ raises eyebrows at removing the syslogger03:02
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patdk-lapjdstrand_, that was tune for using syslog-ng03:02
patdk-lapthat is installed on the next line :)03:03
resnopatdk-lap: should i just reinstall and use minimal? or can i easily weed out the extra installs03:04
resnoerr, packages*03:05
patdk-lapI dunno about easily03:06
resnoyou use puppet?03:06
patdk-lapnope, don't do enough to care03:08
patdk-lapand most of my vm's are all different, not the same03:09
patdk-lapso really not worth it for me really03:09
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resnoill just try using tasksel. hopefully thatll bring it down a bit03:13
patdk-laptasksel only increases it03:15
resnoit had "basic server" checked before.. so i unchecked it...03:18
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resnoso, i broke the vms network connection, any suggestions to how to recover it?03:47
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philballewcan I use your picture of the the openstack book?08:55
koolhead17philballew: which one08:56
philballewkoolhead17, hum, did you post a pic with your new openstack book review?08:58
philballewif not, maybe I am loosing it08:58
koolhead17philballew: heh ur. i don`t see any pic there :P08:59
philballewah, heres my review08:59
philballewkoolhead17, thoughts?09:03
koolhead17philballew: looks great. can u tweet the new link so tht i can RT :P09:04
philballewkoolhead17, yeah the link now is: http://philipballew.wordpress.com/2012/11/07/openstack-cloud-computing-cookbook-review/09:06
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balboahmy god the "scanning disks" step before partitioning are taking minutes for my new server install10:40
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1075917 in lxc (universe) "[wishlist] Support for lxc.network.gateway in precise" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107591711:06
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1075948 in cinder (main) "Cinder installation depends on installing Git" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107594813:06
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Darkstar1Hi guys.13:37
Darkstar1Can I (or rather is it wise to) apply fail2ban on the apache port? I ask because the site was getting about 3.5k fake requests per min, so we called the provider and he said it was nothing special, and to install fail2ban13:39
DelemasI just rolled 12.10 out as a DNS server. At every login it complains it will check /dev/sda1 (my ext2 256M boot drive) for errors. The drive is fine and a full fsck from a rescue disk finds nothing. Anyone else seen this?14:03
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ironmhello. Please allow me one question:  I have 8 ethernet interfaces on ubuntu-server 12.04 KVM host. The host doesn't support the IOMMU flag in the BIOS. I would like use bonding of interfaces (4 groups with 2 interfaces each). Is it recommended to do it on the KVM or VM side? (due to performance)14:18
danieljsHello. I'm trying to install phantomjs under ubuntu 10.04 x64. I get "Segmentation fault" everytime I try to run it. Anyone knows what's the problem ?14:47
holsteindanieljs: pastebin the entire error if convenient14:49
danieljs:~/phantomjs-1.7.0-linux-x86_64/bin# ./phantomjs14:49
danieljsPhantomJS has crashed. Please read the crash reporting guide at https://code.goo14:49
danieljsgle.com/p/phantomjs/wiki/CrashReporting and file a bug report at https://code.go14:49
danieljsogle.com/p/phantomjs/issues/entry with the crash dump file attached: /tmp/6dc0a314:49
danieljsSegmentation fault14:49
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:49
danieljsok. sorry.14:50
holsteindanieljs: where did you get that application? i would try going one version or the other to troubleshoot14:50
danieljsPhantomJS has crashed. Please read the crash reporting guide at https://code.goo14:51
danieljsgle.com/p/phantomjs/wiki/CrashReporting and file a bug report at https://code.go14:51
danieljsogle.com/p/phantomjs/issues/entry with the crash dump file attached: /tmp/6dc0a314:51
danieljsSegmentation fault14:51
danieljslike that ?14:51
holsteindanieljs: yup :)14:51
rbasakphantomjs is packaged - 1.4 in precise, 1.6 in quantal. You could try using that unless you have the latest version14:51
danieljsI use phantomjs 1.714:51
holsteindanieljs: sure, but ubuntu is not packaging that.. and you'll need to go to the package maintainer to troubleshoot14:52
danieljstried the packaged version. also tried the build14:52
TheLordOfTimedid you build from source for that?14:52
holsteindanieljs: i would try the one in the repos to troubleshoot14:52
danieljsthat ? https://code.google.com/p/phantomjs/issues/detail?id=860&thanks=860&ts=135229805914:52
danieljsemm. so the problem is that phantom 1.7 does not work with ubuntu 10.04 x64 ?14:54
danieljsI does work on my local ubuntu 12.04. I must install phantomjs on our server, which is ubuntu 10.04.14:56
danieljsI'm new with this stuff.14:56
holsteindanieljs: i would ask the maintainer.. it might also be easier to upgrade to 12.0414:57
holsteindanieljs: you can also try older versions of phantomjs and see if they are more compatible with ubuntu 10.0414:57
danieljsI asked my boss to update to 12.0414:57
danieljswe can't do that for some reson..14:58
holsteindanieljs: well... you will at some point14:58
holsteindanieljs: im not saying that is the only solution14:58
holsteinim just saying, the package maintainer is the best place to get help.. it will likely be suggested to try the most recent version14:58
danieljsyou mean to talk with the maintainer of phantomjs ?14:58
holsteindanieljs: correct.. the person that is responsible for the software14:59
holsteindanieljs: i would try the packaged version that rbasak mentioned as well14:59
danieljsprecise and quantal are names of alternative packages ? do I get it right ?15:03
holsteindanieljs: those are releases... precise is 12.04... quantal is 12.1015:04
danieljsaha (-; oops15:05
holsteindanieljs: the newer versions of phantomjs dont have to support ubuntu 10.0415:05
holsteini always say, if the software is all open, then anything is possible.. but the question is, is it worth it15:06
danieljsbut I am using the new version of phantom - 1.715:06
holstein10.04 will reach EOL.. you *will* want to upgrade to 12.04 at some point.. this might be the easiest way to get a safe and secure setup for a production environment15:07
holsteindanieljs: you are using software that may or may not be intended for 10.0415:07
holsteindanieljs: if it were me, i would ask the maintainer about 10.04 support.. i would look at how i built/installed.. i would try older versions that might be 10.04 appropriate for troubleshooting15:08
hallynivoks: around?15:09
ivokshallyn: yes?15:09
ivoksa bug?15:09
ivoksthe bug?15:09
hallynivoks: d'oh, where'd the number go...  one sec :)15:13
hallynivoks: yeah bug 882485 , is that someting on your radar?15:14
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 882485 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Sanlock" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88248515:14
ivokshallyn: not really, but i can look at it15:14
ivokshallyn: sounds like something that would fit into ubuntu-ha-maintainers ppa15:15
hallynivoks: meaning i should ping roaksoax ?15:16
ivokshallyn: or me :)15:16
hallynivoks: but it's packaged in debian, so seems like it should be fine for universe...15:16
hallynheh, great :)15:16
danieljsholstein: thanks a lot for the support.15:18
Darkstar1Can I (or rather is it wise to) apply fail2ban on the apache port? I ask because the site was getting about 3.5k fake requests per min, so we called the provider and he said it was nothing special, and to install fail2ban15:20
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andresamai am having some troubles setting an startup script on ubuntu 12.0416:05
andresamaits the beanstalkd service16:05
hallyn(deep sigh) all right i guess i'll go verify the lxc precise-proposed bugs, they're holding up new srus16:08
SpamapSandresama: can you be more specific?16:12
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andresamayes, i just installed beanstalkd16:20
andresamawith apt-get16:20
andresamabut if i reboot the server it does not start automatically16:20
andresamaso i was trying chkconfig with no luck, and i saw ubuntu is using upstart16:21
andresamawith upstart how can i set this service to start16:21
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076031 in lxc (universe) "ubuntu-cloud options parsing bugs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107603117:01
uvirtbot`New bug: #1076028 in maas (main) "maas-cluster-controller should conflict with tftpd-hpa" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107602817:03
Darkstar1Anyone here with fail2ban experience?17:05
Darkstar1I need to know how to configure it to mitigate the effects of a DDoS attack17:06
patdk-wkhmm, install it, it works :)17:10
hallynSpamapS: so 1 of 7 bugs in the lxc precise sru was not actually fixed.  I'll upload a new version with that missing bit in, with bumped version #.17:18
Darkstar1patdk-lap: it does I'm sure. Already seen some bans in the iptables, but It hasn't really mitigated this DDos17:18
hallynSpamapS: i'm pushing version with the final bit in, with bumped version #17:19
patdk-wkDarkstar1, maybe you don't get what it does, fail2ban is not anti-ddos17:19
Darkstar1patdk-wk: I'm still getting a lot of fake page requests showing up in the error log from certain IPs17:19
hallynSpamapS: if i do so, do i need to do a -r<two-versions-prior> to get all the bugs in changelog?  or can you accept the 0.7.5-3ubuntu64 for the 6 fixed bugs?  (i expec tnot, but ....)17:20
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SpamapShallyn: so 1 wasn't fixed? Did it regress things?17:21
hallynSpamapS: nope, just a missing bit17:21
hallyn(missing switch fromnetstat -xa to netstat -xl)17:21
SpamapShallyn: seems like it would be better to release with 6 fixes and 1 non-fix that doesn't hurt anything than to delay all those fixes for another week+17:21
SpamapShallyn: ahh, but the changelog says it fixed that one?17:21
hallynSpamapS: that'd be great. do i just manually re-mark the nonfixed bug as not fixed?17:21
SpamapShallyn: bug#?17:22
Darkstar1patdk-wk: even if it's not I would've thought it would've picked up a few of the ip addersses that are requesting fake pages more than 50 times in the minute17:22
SpamapShallyn: I'd rather see the P's and Q's minded, but if its something minor..17:22
hallynbug 104301817:22
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1043018 in lxc "lxc-ls lists running containers multiple times" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104301817:22
patdk-wkDarkstar1, well, by default it doesn't block anything, did you enable it to? and did you teach it to know what a fake page to block is?17:23
patdk-wkyep, fail2ban doesn't come with a script to block *missing* pages17:25
Darkstar1patdk-wk: I meant missing page requests.17:28
Darkstar1Actually those should turn up a 404 as well, So I just need to "teach it to block an ip that generates too many 404s in a certain amount of time. Right??17:29
* Darkstar1 sighs another long tutorial reading :/17:31
hallynivoks: sorry, one more - bug 1075950 - do you remember having to deal with that in the past?17:31
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1075950 in libvirt "Starting clustered lvm vg pool fails with status 5" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107595017:31
ivokshallyn: monitoring?17:33
ivokshallyn: yes... i've seen bugs about it17:33
ivokshallyn: we have patched lvm's code, instead of setting configuration option17:33
ivokshallyn: so, even if one sets monitoring to y in lvm.conf, this is being ignored17:34
ivokshallyn: one needs to explicitly add --monitor y to lvm cli17:35
ivokshallyn: monitoring-default-off.patch17:35
ivokshallyn: in lvm217:35
hallynivoks: so do you think i should mark the bug as affecting lvm2?17:35
ivokshallyn: yes, it's a lvm2 bug...17:36
ivoksnot a libvirt one17:36
hallynivoks: <nod>  thanks17:36
ivokswe have simillar problem with clvm in pacemaker environment17:36
ivokswe patched pacmaker's OCF to explicitly use --monitor y17:37
hallynall right i'll mark it against lvm2, and i guess put down a note to patch it myself in 10 days if noone else (actual maintainer) gets to it17:37
ivokshallyn: good luck :)17:41
hallynheh, thanks17:44
SpamapShallyn: You know just upload another lxc to precise-proposed with bug #1043018 fixed (use -v back to the pre-proposed version as usual), I'll queue-jump it to get it into precise today, and we'll get it out to users by next Wednesday17:49
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1043018 in lxc "lxc-ls lists running containers multiple times" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104301817:49
SpamapShallyn: I'm starting my SRU run here in a few minutes anyway, so its good timing. Just ping me when its uploaded.17:50
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hallynSpamapS: thanks, pushed17:54
uvirtbot`New bug: #1076075 in maas (main) "maas_cluster.conf ends up with the wrong URL after upgrade." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107607518:26
Darkstar1is there anyplace where I can see who initiated a server restart?18:29
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Darkstar1Can anyone help me with my fail2ban config? This: http://fpaste.org/4DSC/ isn't working18:46
mgwDarkstar1: I think you could surmise who restarted by looking at auth.log and syslog18:52
Darkstar1mgw: ok thx18:53
SpamapSDarkstar1: restarts are root level activities, so.. you know.. root did it. Whoever was acting as root.. well.. auth.log would definitley show su's and sudo's..18:53
mgwin particular arth.log18:54
mgwe.g., from one of my systems:18:54
mgwauth.log.1:Oct 29 12:31:14 ubuntu sudo:  xxx : TTY=tty1 ; PWD=/home/xxx ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/reboot18:54
mgwso grep all your auth logs for reboot18:54
Darkstar1mgw: just did. No output18:55
mgwWhat is your uptime? That will pinpoint when it was rebooted18:56
Darkstar1mgw: I know when it was rebooted. as the time shows up in the output to last18:57
mgwdo you see anything interesting in syslog just before that time?18:58
mgwDarkstar1: ^18:59
Darkstar1sec checking18:59
sliddjurCan I get help with ACL here or is there some special channel for those matters19:02
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baldfatwhat is the best practice for having a console close? My  Linux server has about 20 consoles open from former ssh sessions that timed out.19:17
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mdeslaurSpamapS: am I crazy, or did we ship precise's php5 with magic_quotes turned on by default?20:16
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1052677 in horizon "Error when clicking on OpenStack logo" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105267720:38
koolhead17do we have zeromq supported with ubuntu pkg20:43
sarnoldkoolhead17: apt-cache search zeromq returns libzmq1 and libzmq-dev, among other packages20:45
sarnoldkoolhead17: note it is in universe, so community supported20:45
koolhead17sarnold, AFAIK i remember it was decided it will go to main sometime in R i wonder if i wrongly interpreted it :(20:46
mdeslaurSpamapS: oh, only for CGI though20:47
sarnoldkoolhead17: could be, could be, my tools make it easy to see current easier than future :)20:47
koolhead17sarnold, true :)20:47
SpamapSmdeslaur: IIRC, thats one of those "CGI is f*'d anyway" things21:10
mdeslaurSpamapS: hehe21:10
SpamapSThere was some rason21:11
SpamapSreason even21:11
mdeslaurSpamapS: it was just unexpected...and I originally thought it was turned on for more than just CGI21:11
mdeslaurSpamapS: I've stopped panicking now :P21:11
SpamapSmdeslaur: :)21:13
SpamapS"DON'T PANIC: its just php"21:13
mdeslaur"The uneasy feeling you are experiencing is perfectly normal."21:13
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076107 in requests (main) "Upgrade to new upstream version 0.14.2" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107610721:26
JoeyGHi Team, I'm hoping someone can help. I'm trying to install Ubuntu Server 12.04.1 on an Apple Mac Mini 2012 (which according to MacOSX has an 'AppleBCM5701Ethernet'. The installer can't find the interface, and I can't get the interface to work once Ubuntu installed. Any suggestions? There was some other oddities with the 2012 Mac Mini that I posted about here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12340780#post1234078021:39
sdHello i need help with mod_proxy in apache anyone can help me, i try to run two server on port 8021:42
sdi can pay for your time21:42
sarnoldJoeyG: have you tried loading all the modules in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/ ?21:43
JoeyGsarnold: just the tg3 ones as apparantly that's what is applicable, but I will try load all of them now21:44
sarnoldJoeyG: there's a handful there, just run 'modprobe b44` and so forth ...21:44
sarnoldJoeyG: tg3 was going to be my guess for first choice, but .. you never know. :/21:44
JoeyGno luck unfortunately :(21:48
JoeyGIt's quite annoying as I have a 2010 Mac Mini here that Ubuntu 12.04.1 installed on perfect, but I need to be able to support the new ones as that's all I'll be able to buy >_<21:48
sdhello are there a apache expert here?21:50
sarnoldsd: it may work better to ask a specific question21:51
sdi Have two webserver, i want to run all websitet in port 8021:52
sdi use apache mod_proxy there i have problem for setup there21:52
JoeyGsd: What is the purpose of 2 web servers? Redundancy? Load Balance? 2 Different applications?21:53
JoeyGYou haven't really explained a situation where mod_proxy should be used yet21:54
sdNo same server21:54
sdbut i want to run in same ip21:54
sdso i have two webservers..21:54
JoeyGso 1 physical server21:55
JoeyGbut 2 instances of apache? Or 1 instance of apache but 2 different websites?21:55
sdYes joeyG21:56
sdServer 2 are to testing21:56
sdand 1 to orginale website.21:56
sarnoldwhy does a testing website also need to be served on port 80?21:56
sdnot really testing but small other sites21:57
JoeyGsd: if you are using only 1 server, sounds like you would be better off using VirtualHosts on the one instance of apache?21:57
sdYes i know JoeyG21:58
JoeyGSo why not use VirtualHosts?21:58
sdI want to use seperate machines21:58
ablyssHe thinks mod_proxy will allow him to run two apache servers on port 8021:58
sdbecause dont want to come problem in orginale server.21:58
sdYes ablyss21:58
ablysswhen in fact mod_proxy does external redirects21:59
sdSo what are solution for that, i have only 1 ip?21:59
ablyss1 machine ?22:00
sd2 machines22:00
ablyssyou need a router than can forward port 80 to two machines first.  What u using for router?22:01
ablysser, never mind that.22:02
sdablyss i using router22:03
sdcisgo router22:03
ablyssbasically you want to use mod_proxy to forward a virtual host to another machine22:05
JoeyGWTF sd, you said 1 physical server.22:06
JoeyGSo you have one public facing server, and one non public facing server, you want public facing server to proxy requests on that are not hosted locally on that server, to the private server.22:07
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sdCan i use htacces?22:25
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uvirtbot`New bug: #1076155 in tomcat7 (main) "tomcat7 from aptitude repositories does not deploy or explode applicationsapplications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107615522:39
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sdhello how can i reset my mysql server?23:20
sarnoldsd: what do you mean by 'reset'?23:24
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