
snap-lGod, this election coverage is shit02:10
jrwrenwhat channel?02:23
snap-lapparently they have an ice skating rink map02:23
jrwrenpbs newshour is on 56-202:24
snap-land they're moving the states around to try to recreate Pangaea or something02:24
jrwrenits local 4 right now02:24
jcastro_how long were lines for you guys?02:24
jrwrensuper short down here in Milan02:25
snap-lNot long, but I voted early in the morning02:25
snap-l30 min, tops02:25
jcastro_Mine was multi-hour02:25
jcastro_but for my district I got to skip most of the line02:25
jcastro_so 30 minutes02:25
jcastro_it looked like multiple hours for a bunch of people though02:26
jrwrenthat SUCKS02:26
jcastro_from what I hear there was some adjustment in districts02:26
jcastro_so like some areas were easy, some overbooked.02:26
snap-lYeah ,it's gerrymandering02:28
jcastro_I love it how I've seen 34875394875349857 links on the net on how the electoral college is crap02:28
jcastro_and we still do fuck all about it02:28
jcastro_I have to vote about whether we need to vote on bridges to canada02:29
jcastro_but fixing our fundamental system ... never on the ballot.02:29
snap-ljcastro_: That's because the Electoral College is easy to fix02:30
snap-lAs opposed to the funky-ass statistical nightmare of run-off elections. :)02:30
jcastro_hey so02:32
jcastro_I'm in the steam beta02:32
jcastro_it's pretty great.02:32
snap-ljcastro_: Cool02:32
jcastro_I expect I will be spending waaaaay to much money on this02:32
jrwrensnap-l: did you mean the 30 rock ice rink?02:39
jrwrenmy first android device.02:40
jcastro_which one?02:40
snap-ljcastro_: I think so02:40
jrwrenssh installed and ii've read it was prerooted02:40
jrwrenits garbage hardware.02:40
jrwrenthe wifi stops if hdmi is plugged into i.02:40
snap-ljcastro_: How? Steam probably has just the Humble Bundle games in there.02:41
jcastro_I've got serious sam302:44
jcastro_which I played02:44
jcastro_and team fortress 2, which the server is too busy to give me02:44
jcastro_I've not seen any humble games yet02:45
snap-ljcastro_: BTW: Thank you to whomever added the Ubunt software center for the HUmble games02:50
snap-lI am sad that it doesn't covera ll of the bundles02:50
snap-lalso, downloading a 4gb .deb wasn't terribly fun. :)02:50
jcastro_yeah, work in progress02:50
jcastro_shitty about delta debs02:50
jjesseweird hotel internet is down except for IRC02:50
snap-ljcastro_: I'm surprised they didn't make a data deb02:50
jcastro_most people don't know how to make debs02:52
jrwrensnap-l: thanks for that04:12
snap-lLife of Pi is now a movie?04:27
derekvjust in case you are feeling good and don't want to be, or are feeling bad and want to feel worse : http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.5.x/api/org/springframework/aop/framework/AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean.html07:41
rick_hphew, we all survived thank goodness11:27
brouschWE'RE D000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000MED11:55
brouschFour more years without complete corporate control of America will destroy us all11:58
rick_hI will say, the electoral college prevents us from going with pure majority and I don't have faith in the rest of humanity.12:12
brouschNot even in your fellow 'muricans?12:12
rick_hespecially my fellow country inhabitants12:13
brouschWelcome to Ann Arbor West! http://www.woodtv.com/dpp/news/local/grand_rapids/GR-voters-decriminalize-marijuana12:58
rick_hgreg-g: *gulp* http://www.msbickford.com/msbickfordhollowsrounds.html13:01
jrwrenderekv: thank! that made me laugh14:16
jrwrenbrousch: detroit passed prop-M too14:16
snap-lI find it interesting the emergency manager law was repealed14:54
snap-lNow the fate of Detroit will be in the capable hands of the City Council14:54
_MarcusWhat was Proposal M?14:59
snap-lMarajuana proposal15:00
snap-lThing is, these proposals are fine and good, but the federal level forbids it15:00
_stink_i loved this quote from the Colorado governor:15:01
_stink_"The voters have spoken and we have to respect their will. This will be a complicated process, but we intend to follow through," Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper said in a statement released late Tuesday.15:01
snap-lI hope it brings about some soul-searching about legalization, though15:01
_stink_"That said, federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug, so don't break out the Cheetos or Goldfish too quickly."15:01
snap-l_stink_: bwahahahaha15:01
snap-lsounds like he speaks knowingly about such things15:02
_stink_i bet he had a version of that line for each outcome15:02
snap-lI find the mention of Goldfish curious15:02
_stink_children on pot like them15:02
brouschI like goldfish15:03
rick_hbaked == better15:03
brouschrick_h: Is that a marijuana pun?15:07
rick_hgoldfish are baked so better for you :P15:08
jrwrenhe likes to eat goldfish when he is baked. what is so curious about that?15:27
rick_h<3 gas stoves that work without power16:13
jrwren<3 cooking on gas period. so much easier to cook16:16
rick_hbrousch: was trying to help someone hack on loggerhead...pita16:16
rick_hjrwren: definitely. First thing we did when we moved in was move stove and dryer to gas <316:16
jrwrensame here!16:16
greg-grick_h: holy cow16:23
rick_hgreg-g: :) guess what I'm not getting any time soon16:24
rick_hyay, coffee shop has power17:13
snap-lrick_h: Good deal. Any ideas on why you lost power?18:50
rick_hno idea18:52
snap-lApparently Disney hasn't listened to, or seen a copy of any Black Dahlia Murder albums19:08
snap-lhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deflorate <- Reference19:09
rick_hyay power back20:33
snap-lSubject: [Jamendo] %s sent you a private message21:37
snap-lI have no idea who sent me this message21:37
rick_hhah, at least they're using python :)21:53
snap-lor something similar21:53
smoserzsh sucks, and rick_h i blame you21:53
smoser$ zsh -c 'args="a b c"; for a in $args; do echo $a; done'21:53
smosera b c21:54
smoser$ sh -c 'args="a b c"; for a in $args; do echo $a; done'21:54
smoser$%*!ing stupid shell.21:54
snap-lsmoser: I thought bash did something similar21:54
smoserno. bash extended in backwards compat way.21:54
smoserbash -c 'args=( a b c ); for a in "${args[@]}"; do echo $a; done'21:55
snap-lhuh, I've had instances whenever I've done file input where I've had to get creative to not have things go weird.21:55
rick_hsmoser: interesting21:55
smoseri would not care at all. but if user's shell is zsh, then /etc/profile.d scripts are executed.21:56
snap-lNo Nexus21:56
snap-lAfter many, many positive signs that made it look like Google and its manufacturing partners for the Nexus line would be making their next flagship device MVNO friendly, it seems that’s not the case.21:56
smoseri had previously assumed that it was to be done by posix compliant shell.21:56
snap-laka no nexus on Ting21:56
rick_hsnap-l: I think you're more doomed by sprint network21:57
rick_hsmoser: what's in profile.d you don't want run?21:59
smoserits not that i dont want it run, its that i want it run by something that doesn't suck21:59
snap-lrick_h: Yeah, I tend to pick things that have a slow fade22:00
snap-lTHough sprint is notching things up a hair22:00
snap-land I'm still paying $30 a month for two phones, so take the good with the bad, I guess :)22:01
smoseri just bought a roku 2 xs at http://www.dailysteals.com/22:05
smoser(dailysteals.com doesn't rate wonderfully in online reviews, but i've gotten what i expected from them before)22:05
rick_h<3 my roku22:05
snap-l• Stream live sports from NBA, NHL (when they stop arguing), MLS, UFC, MLB and more22:06
derekvi'm probably won't be caribou tonight22:47

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