
[TiZ]ActionParsnip, gordonjcp: working on it now.00:00
ActionParsnipSean21_: its a package name. Install it in software centre, or in a terminal, run:   sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install xfce400:00
OerHeksLinkandzelda, please don't post youtube url's here, join #ubuntu-offtopic for that00:00
ablyssi know when I upgraded to 12.10 i had to tweak a lot of my scripts.  bash related00:00
Sean21_ActionParsnip: do I type run or just "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install xfce4"00:01
gordonjcpSean21_: sorry, xfce400:01
gordonjcpSean21_: if you're doing it from the command line, install xubuntu-desktop00:02
=== Garr255_ is now known as Garr255
[TiZ]ActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/533765600:03
LinkandzeldaOerHeks: sorry :/00:03
[TiZ]The script has three parts, and all three of them are there. I do some pretty dumb things in it, but as far as I know, nothing that should cause applications to behave strangely.00:05
xrdodrxWhy does `echo -e "\033(0"` do what it does? (note: this command is not malicious. simply reopen your terminal or type `reset` and enter to reverse its effects. i'm just curious00:05
Sean21_gordonjcp: that command is not correct00:06
xrdodrxa friend showed it to me but he doesn't know why it works either :p00:06
xrdodrxor rather, what it really does. it looks like it sends ascii character 3 (ETX) then 3(0...? i have no idea00:07
[TiZ]ActionParsnip: I added the config file sourced by gamerun to the paste: http://pastie.org/533768000:09
Sean21_gordonjcp: also when i search in app center, only thing that shows is Xubuntu restricted extras00:09
* rootpt is away: busy00:10
[TiZ]And here is a log of trying to run something inside the separate x server: http://pastie.org/533768200:10
=== StickMan1 is now known as tehStickMan
[TiZ]When I run the same program using only xinit cmd -- :2, the same behavior is exhibited except without the convenience of having a window manager to kill the unresponsive application for me.00:12
xrdodrxoh, i figured it out00:14
[TiZ]Every application I've tested so far behaves the same way: Kega Fusion, Neverball, even Nikki and the Robots. When I quit, they just sit there and hang until I kill them. They work fine if I run them in my regular X server.00:14
xrdodrxecho -e "\033(B" takes you back00:14
xrdodrxthanks if anyone cared :p00:15
govindahow govinda install umuntu?00:15
govindagovinda no want windows no more00:15
govindathe bill microsoft evil00:15
ActionParsnip!install | govinda00:15
ubottugovinda: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:15
govindaubottu: thank you for instructions sir00:16
ubottugovinda: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:16
govindaubottu:  oh no you is bery intelligent00:16
Sean21_ActionParsnip: did you see what I said?00:16
govindaubottu: you help govinda install umuntu00:16
ubottugovinda: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:16
xrdodrxalso, chr 33 is escape, not chr 3 duh :D00:16
govindaubottu: :) to you too00:17
ubottugovinda: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:17
govindaubottu: you come here often sir?00:17
ubottugovinda: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:17
n-iCeIs there an openoffice channel? Wondering how can I select all and just the text in a opt presentation, openoffice impress document, thanks.00:17
govindaubottu: govinda think you is intelligent00:17
[TiZ]govinda: ubottu is a bot... it's not a person. The people here use it to quickly send common messages.00:18
[TiZ]Such as the one you just got. Watch:00:18
[TiZ]!install | govinda00:18
ubottugovinda: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:18
govindaTiZ: what you mean sir ubottu not a person?00:18
govindahe speak to me umuntu00:18
[TiZ]govinda: I mean that ubottu's not a person. It's a robot.00:19
blackshirtgovinda, thats just a channel bots ... Don't think he is a real person00:19
govindaTiZ: haha you so funny how can he not be person00:19
govindahe speak govinda00:19
Sean21_govinda knows he is a bot......00:19
blackshirt!ubottu | govinda00:20
ubottugovinda: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:20
govindayour brain?!?00:20
[TiZ]Oh, perfect. I should have known we would have had one of those.00:20
govindaare ubottu okey?00:20
[TiZ]I can't tell if we're being trolled or not.00:20
Sean21_yes you are being trolled'00:21
govindawhit govinda, you are never sure00:21
xrdodrxwe are. it was obvious when govinda spelled ubuntu umuntu00:21
[TiZ]lol. Me and my trying to help.00:21
govindayet umuntu sounds cute00:21
xrdodrxit does sound cute, i give you that00:21
Magiobiwangovinda is a bit of a troll00:21
[TiZ]Anyways, where was I before? Oh yeah, trying to get my stuff to not hang in a separate X server.00:21
MagiobiwanComplaining that (s)he broke his monitor in ##hardware00:21
govindaat least a polite one...00:21
MagiobiwanAnd apparently it's required to fap00:22
govindaMagiobiwan: use dirty word!00:22
[TiZ]Oh, so we're crossing that line, huh? :b00:22
MagiobiwanI was quoting him00:23
[TiZ]It's lies and slander. Use your imagination~00:23
govindadont get naugthy00:23
govindagovinda feels kinky00:23
[TiZ]...Anyways, I should probably not contribute further to that line of conversation.00:23
[TiZ]Programs. Separate X server. Hanging. Scripts used to start stuff in separate X: http://pastie.org/5337680 Log of stuff running in separate X: http://pastie.org/533768200:24
[TiZ]It worked perfectly fine in Precise. I think I may have had to add myself to certain user groups. I know I have to be in video and audio. What else?00:24
jrib[TiZ]: what's the simplest program you can make hang? Do they hang without your script?  Without a wm?00:26
jrib[TiZ]: how long do you wait to see if they'll quit?  do you get output to your tty if you start them without a wm?00:27
jrib[TiZ]: does using startx instead of xinit make a difference?00:27
jribhmm, I think that's all I have for now [TiZ] :P00:27
[TiZ]jrib: Good questions to ask. Well, a good example is neverball since it's in the repos.00:27
[TiZ]jrib: They do indeed hang without my script, and without my wm. But in my regular xubuntu session, they start up and quit just fine.00:28
jrib[TiZ]: also, try a different user that isn't logged in anywhere else (just log in at a tty)00:28
jrib[TiZ]: regarding a simpler program, how about xclock? or xmoto?00:28
[TiZ]jrib: startx instead of xinit makes no difference. I wait... about 15 seconds, usually. This is Linux, not Windows. If it doesn't quit in 15, it's not gonna quit.00:28
[TiZ]jrib: Ah, good idea.00:29
jrib[TiZ]: leave it sitting for a couple of minutes just to see what happens00:29
jrib[TiZ]: also, while it hangs, see if anything interesting is going on with regards to memory/cpu usage00:29
[TiZ]jrib: And xclock does quit immediately.00:29
[TiZ]jrib: Okay, I'll give neverball another go and take a look at the cpu usage.00:30
jrib[TiZ]: my initial guess is it's related to sound.  Just a random guess00:30
jrib[TiZ]: (because I had mplayer hang in the past because of some pulse issue)00:30
[TiZ]jrib: Nothing interesting going on with cpu or memory usage.00:31
[TiZ]jrib: It's interesting you should say that; I have no sound right now.00:31
Ephexevequestion, I install ubuntu on the EEPC, but the resolution is horrible00:31
Ephexevetoo big00:31
Ephexeveand I cannot change it in the settings, any clue?00:31
[TiZ]Or rather... apps I run in separate X have no sound.00:31
[TiZ]jrib: Okay, something weird happened. The instant I switched back to the game's tty to check on it, it quit.00:32
jrib[TiZ]: could be something console-kit related too00:33
[TiZ]Awesome, so I have to check pulse and consolekit.00:33
[TiZ]And I say awesome in the most sarcastic way possible. :P00:33
jrib[TiZ]: I'd try killing pulse and disabling it from autospawning, then launching the separate X process.  Just to see if the behavior changed00:34
[TiZ]jrib: How do I keep pulse from autospawning?00:36
XiaolinDraconisfor some reason i thought it would be a good idea to install compiz extra plugins... while ccsm was running00:36
jrib[TiZ]: add/edit a line in ~/.pulse/client.conf that says "autospawn = no"00:36
jribXiaolinDraconis: did your ubuntu make you a grilled cheese?  Because if so... I think it was a good idea.00:37
XiaolinDraconisjrib, it may possibly have my laptop running hot enough to00:38
jribXiaolinDraconis: haha00:38
blackshirtwhere a best places to ask about linux programming ?00:38
XiaolinDraconisim trying to have patience with this, but so far the system is entirely unresponsive00:38
jribblackshirt: usually pick a language and go to that language's channel00:38
simplewmy mouse stops working without apparent reason, any one knows why? i see that this is a problem that has happened to other ubuntu users00:39
blackshirtjrib, i think in C, do you know where it is?00:39
[TiZ]jrib: That seems to have fixed it. Applications now run and quit without anomaly on the second X server. But I still have no sound over there.00:39
jribblackshirt: ##c00:39
jrib[TiZ]: alright, well that narrows it down at least.  Is there a reason you use xinit instead of startx?  Does xinit use some file or does it only spawn a single program you give it?00:40
blackshirtjrib, thanks00:40
[TiZ]jrib: No particular reason. Honestly, I'm not sure what the difference between the two is.00:41
jrib[TiZ]: alright, anyway, I don't feel like reading your script, but presumably you have something in ~/.xinitrc?  Or how do you start the window manager?00:42
saustinI'm trying to use smbmount and I keep getting this error /usr/bin/smbmount: line 115: /sbin/mount.cifs: No such file or directory00:42
saustinAnyone know why?00:42
simplewmy mouse stops working without apparent reason, any one knows why? i see that this is a problem that has happened to other ubuntu users??????00:42
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[TiZ]jrib: I actually use mostly stock Xubuntu. .xinitrc shouldn't be used as far as I know...00:43
ActionParsnipsimplew: is it a USB mouse or a touchpad?00:43
ActionParsnipsaustin: mount can mount smb stuff00:43
jribsaustin: it's in the cifs-utils package.  See ubottu for more info about samba00:43
simplewActionParsnip: usb mouse00:43
jrib!samba | saustin00:43
ubottusaustin: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:43
ActionParsnipsimplew: if you unplug and replug it in, is it ok?00:43
Sean21_ActionParsnip: did you see what i said?00:43
jrib[TiZ]: oh, so xinit probably uses some default file then.  You don't have a ~/.xinitrc?00:43
simplewActionParsnip: sometimes yes, others doesnt00:44
timI ran the following command in a terminal and now the system won't boot any idea how to correct it?  sudo sh -c 'echo "allow-guest=false" >> /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf'00:44
ActionParsnipSean21_: not seeing anything in the text. Wassup?00:44
saustinhmm I have the latest cifs-utils00:44
m3asmiNov  7 00:39:22 ELGHAZI postfix/smtp[24301]: 461223F0E4: to=<*****@hotmail.com>, relay=none, delay=186, delays=31/0.08/155/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to mx1.hotmail.com[]:25: Connection timed out)00:44
[TiZ]jrib: Nope. There is a special xinit that gamerun starts. It handles a few things for me like stopping the screen blanking, starting up gamepad profiles, etc.00:44
timActually it will boot but it get's to "UBUNTU" then the screen goes black...00:44
ActionParsnipsimplew: when it works, then stops. open a terminal with: CTRL+ALT+T and run:  dmesg | tail     may give clues00:44
simplewActionParsnip: ok ill do that, thanks00:45
ActionParsnipsimplew: are you using a USB3 port instead of a USB2 port per-chance?00:45
Sean21_ActionParsnip: do I type run or just "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install xfce4"00:45
[TiZ]Anyways, I have to go for a bit. I'm hungry and need to get food. Thanks for all your help, jrib. Thanks to you, I now have a better idea of what's causing the problem.00:45
jiohditim use a live cd and edit the lightdm.conf and remove that added line00:45
ActionParsnipSean21_: yes, just like that00:45
simplewActionParsnip: the mouse is in a usb 2 port00:45
ActionParsnipsimplew: cool, tried a differnet port?00:45
jrib[TiZ]: alright.  Investigate adding ck-launch-session to your script (just prefix the window manager call with it)00:45
amyhey, i was wondering if anyone could help me find a nice linux DVD player. I popped in a DVD and it asked me if i wanted movie player to run it, and it tried, but  it said something about not being able to read the DVD due to encryption library.00:45
simplewActionParsnip: yes and made no difference00:46
amyor do i just need to download a certain library? if that's it, how do i find which one?\00:46
timso boot from the cd and then how do I get to lightdm to edit it?00:46
jrib!dvd | amy00:46
ubottuamy: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:46
jiohdiamy, try VLC00:46
Sean21_ActionParsnip: thanks boss, its going right now00:46
ActionParsnipamy: did you install the DVD decoder?00:46
deper29if I want to install to an SSD, I'm reading I should use the discard option in fstab. Would I do that on all partitions?00:46
ActionParsnipjiohdi: it doesn't pull in a DVD descoder00:46
ActionParsnipamy: sudo apt-get install libdvdread4; sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh; sudo apt-get upgrade00:47
Erealzguys need your opinions  guys need a vpn provider dont know who should get my cash00:48
Erealztop 3 go00:48
saustinoh hey it worked!00:48
bradyok. ive been having random crashes.. and did a memory test , and discovered that all four of my ram chips were giving errors, even indpendently, which seemed strange.  I had had some problems with when the computer crashed, that the hard drive was occasionally dissappeared, returning after a number of restarts.  i came in here and people seemed to suggest that perhaps my motherboard memory controller had gone bad or something.  so i went and pic00:48
timjiohdi: how do I edit lightdm.conf once I boot to the cd?00:48
saustinjrib: tyvm!00:48
Sean21_ActionParsnip: it just finished doing its thing,  now what do I do?00:49
amyActionParsnip, trying that, it says that dpkg status db is locked and could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock open00:49
Ephexevequestion, I install ubuntu on the EEPC, but the resolution is horrible00:49
ActionParsnipSean21_: log off, then select the xfce or xubuntu session under the ubuntu logo near your username00:49
Ephexeveand I cannot change it in the settings, any clue?00:49
ActionParsnipamy: do you have software centre open?00:49
Erealzguys need your opinions  guys need a vpn provider dont know who should get my cash witch would you recommend00:49
amyah, yeah00:49
ActionParsnipEphexeve: get fully update00:49
deper29Ephexeve: download proprietary drivers00:50
ActionParsnipamy: that's why00:50
ActionParsnipdeper29: in an EEE PC....really?00:50
deper29ActionParsnip: would you not install proprietary drivers if the resolution is horrible?00:50
amyforgot I had a system update running. I'll give that a go again in a minute00:50
* Erealz guys need your opinions guys need a vpn provider dont know who should get my cash witch would you recommend 00:51
bradysomeone just mentioned a SSD , which if my hard drive has gone bad, im thinking about buying because i assume that something with no moving parts would perhaps be less prone to dieing..  is this a reasonable assumption? do people consider ssd's more relyable than traditional platter drives?00:51
NavetzHello can someone help me debug my laptop problem running kubuntu. I upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04 recently. Everything went fine then I went to login the other day and everytime I type my password into the login screen, I get a black screen for a split second (command screen with writing but it goes away before I can read it) and it brings me back to the login screen00:51
n-iCeIs there an openoffice channel? Wondering how can I select all and just the text in a opt presentation, openoffice impress document, thanks.00:51
ActionParsnipdeper29: if its an Intel GPU or a SiS GPU, there aren't any to install00:51
deper29ActionParsnip: i've never owned a eee pc, so I didn't know they were running intel graphics00:51
amybrady,  one thing i've noticed with my SSD drives is that you have to be careful to leave at least a certain amount of drive space free, or crashes may become a frequent occurance. At least with my PC anything less than 5gb free and i start seeing daily crashes.\00:52
ActionParsnipdeper29: then how can you advise? Not all systems need, or can even use proprietary drivers. Most netbooks use crappy Intel or SiS or Chrome GPUs.00:52
bradyamy.. that wouldn't too much of an issue for me, so long as i dont suddenly hear a clicking sound and the drive goes poof00:53
=== stephen is now known as Guest14554
Gnosis-My hard drive uses 4096-byte optimal sectors, but 512 minimal sectors. Will I have inefficiency problems due to a non-aligned root partition? http://bpaste.net/show/Tr0IbXOcArJ3suKie305/00:53
Gnosis-512-byte minimal*00:53
deper29ActionParsnip: sorry, I gave bad advice.00:53
Ephexevedeper29: Did it, but got an error00:54
amybrady, yeah. i've not had any issues with data loss or error on my SSD stuff yet. I prefer to keep a network backup just in case, but so far datawise it's been clear sailing.00:55
Guest14554can anybody help me. i am a noob to mint 1000:55
=== dalek_ is now known as BlackDalek
ActionParsnipEphexeve: is the system fully up to date?00:55
EphexeveActionParsnip: Yeps!00:55
ActionParsnipEphexeve: ok, what EEE PC do you have?  sudo dmidecode -t 1    will tell you if you are unsure00:56
EphexeveActionParsnip: 1011CX00:56
Guest14554iam trying to set up flash and cant seam to be able to fuger it out. Can yall help00:57
Guest7407join #java00:57
moppagHi everybody i'm in ubuntu 12.10 and have a usb mouse. sometimes After startup, my mouse don't work do you know why ?00:57
blckn3ti am in 10.4 :D and its damn vulnerable ........ hehehe ...........00:57
ActionParsnipEphexeve: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc     please00:58
Ephexeveblckn3t: Good times breaking to Ubuntu's kernel security in 10.0400:58
blckn3t@moppag update  u r drivers do google00:58
EphexeveActionParsnip: precise00:59
Guest14554pleas help with adoby flash00:59
ActionParsnipGuest14554: adobe00:59
ActionParsnipGuest14554: what is the issue00:59
Guest14554i cant play my facebook games.01:00
Guest14554tells me to install01:00
moppag@blckn3t ok thanks  I'll try this01:00
blckn3tyeah der r lots of exploits for 10.4 and its old developers stopped making the patch for this OS01:01
Guest14554and yes adobe01:01
Ephexeveblckn3t: Yeps.01:01
EphexeveGuest14554: write everything in one line and stop entering for one word only01:01
Guest14554ok no problem sry01:02
MorrisasaurusWow, this is quite the server.01:02
TheOnionProphetGuys my ubuntu root is broken please help01:02
ActionParsnipGuest14554: can you pastebin the output of:  uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'01:02
Guest14554just verry new to all this01:02
=== mrenouf is now known as mrenouf|away
ActionParsnipGuest14554: please use http://paste.ubuntu.com or similar. Thanks01:02
Morrisasaurushey guys wanna hear a cool hacker command?01:02
MK``ok, Ubuntu is not remembering to keep my speakers off. How can I disaable them via driver? 11.1001:02
Morrisasaurus"sudo su apt-get install firefox"01:02
TheOnionPropheti tried debian but it said you must use UBUNTU01:03
xanguaGuest14554: you can install adobe flash from software center01:03
FloodBot1TheOnionProphet: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:03
Guest14554ok will try that ty01:03
ActionParsnipMK``: blacklist the driver module01:03
ActionParsnipEphexeve: and the output of:  uname -a01:04
ActionParsnipmoppag: your command about apt-get and firefox will fail01:04
ActionParsnipMK``: if you blacklist the driver, it won't get loaded and the system will stay silent01:05
MK``Alright. Looking at the ALSA sound mixer right now to see if it works01:05
=== zz_scottas is now known as scottas
blckn3thw to start tor in backtrack ??? tor dont work into backtrack ????01:06
ActionParsnipblckn3t: backtrack isn't supported here01:07
ActionParsnipblckn3t: ask in #backtrack-linux01:07
blckn3tbut its also an ubuntu na01:07
ActionParsnipblckn3t: its not, you are using backtrack01:07
almoxarifeblckn3t: nah, not01:08
blckn3ti cn trust this servers coz of the botnets :|01:08
blckn3tok thank u :)01:08
thinker_no people01:09
almoxarifeone must know 'tor' prior to BT'ing01:09
gdea73Installed 12.04 on my Lenovo IdeaPad Z575. Suspends to RAM, but screen doesn't wake up.01:10
resc_user_3885can anyone help me_01:10
resc_user_3885is anyone there_01:10
fellayaboyim having trouble seeing the screen of my ubuntu 12.10 box01:10
ActionParsnipgdea73: are there bugs reported?01:10
fellayaboyi opened up vnc...the default desktop sharing is vnc correct? in ubuntu 12.10?01:11
binarypleasehi, im trying to stream a ip cam as webcam with: " gst-launch-1.0 -v souphttpsrc location='' is-live=true ! multipartdemux ! decodebin ! v4l2sink device=/dev/videoX01:11
resc_user_3885im looking for help01:11
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: what GPU are you using?01:11
binarypleaseand get this error http://pastie.org/533778701:11
binarypleasecan anybody help?01:11
seednodeSorry, I'm just here to lurk :P01:11
fellayaboythe server is using ati raedon 4000 series..in used the old legacy and xorg 1.1201:11
gdea73ActionParsnip: I don't know if there are for my specific laptop model, I will check.01:11
resc_user_3885come on01:11
resc_user_3885someone help me XD01:11
fellayaboyits using* the older ati thats functions with 12.1001:12
fellayaboyis there any possible way to just rip compiz off the face of the map with unity01:13
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: what ATI chip are you using?01:13
fellayaboymy client is using ati raedon 4200 and my server is using ati raedon 400001:14
Linkandzeldais it possible to do dual sorting in nautilis?01:14
gdea73Also, how can I disable Super+T opening the Trash? I wish to map this to opening gnome-terminal.01:14
simplewhow cani be sure im using latest kernel?01:14
fellayaboygdea73 u dont like using ctrl+alt+t to open up terminal?01:15
xanguagdea73: you mean control+alt+t ¿01:15
EphexeveActionParsnip: just 32 bits, kernel 3.2.0-32-generic01:15
deper29simplew: uname -r will tell you your kernel. the latest kernel is on kernel.org01:15
gdea73fellayaboy: No, I prefer Super+T.01:16
gdea73In the past, I always mapped Super+T to opening the terminal.01:16
simplewdeper29: i will only use kernel packaged form ubuntu, but whats the meta package to upgrade kernel?01:16
gdea73It's a matter of personal preference, Super+T is easier to do with the left pinky and index finger, whereas Ctrl+Alt+T is less ergonomic.01:16
=== ranjan is now known as Guest11753
gdea73I set the shortcut in System Settings, but Gnome won't give up the binding to Trash. I also find having a Trash keyboard shortcut useless, regardless of conflict.01:17
fellayaboydamn theres no way to get this desktop sharing to function...i bet its compiz thats messing me up but theres no way to disable it in 12.1001:17
fellayaboyi know previous versions disablign compiz worked for me01:18
angela-hi dare all if i have download a torrent whit transmision ans he is seeding how do i dtop him and ware can i fint the  download torrnt?01:18
resc_user_3885can anyone help me_01:18
Ephexevefellayaboy: Compiz is out of date anyway01:18
fellayaboyhow do i disable it in ubuntu 12.1001:18
fellayaboyi wanna just delete the bin but idk what effect that might have on my system01:19
moppagHi everybody i'm in ubuntu 12.10 and have a usb mouse. sometimes After startup, my mouse don't work do you know why ?01:19
fellayaboywow alot of people with problems today01:20
gdea73lol... yeah01:20
Ephexevefellayaboy: just apt-get remove compiz01:21
gdea73I gave up with Arch and I expected this installation to go relatively smoothly, unfortunately that's not the case01:21
fellayaboybut are you sure i will be able to boot into my system even after i do that..i dont have my server near me..its through remote u know01:21
fellayaboyi cant believe i have to use commerical software liek teamviewer to look at my remote pc ...and whats crazy is that teamviewer works very well but it needs someone on ther other end01:22
Gnosis-If my ext4 partition is not aligned on an "optimal I/O" sector boundary, does this mean there will be wasteful reading and writing, or will ext4 be able to compensate?01:23
Ephexevefellayaboy: ssh dude, you are not on windows01:23
Gnosis-and if this is the case, how can I fix it?01:23
fellayaboystill i have to use gui to guide the people on the server they want me to guide them and show them stuff u know01:25
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: what are you wanting to connect in order to achieve?01:25
ActionParsnipfellayaboy: ah demonstarting is great using vnc etc01:25
fellayaboyyes it is but only when it works01:26
fellayaboyim ubuntu desktop sharing and all i get is a black screen01:26
ActionParsnipEphexeve: where do you get that compiz is out of date?01:26
fellayaboyi opened the port on the router...all fo them u know01:26
somsipfellayaboy: something best not admitted on irc...01:26
angela-hi ware can i fint the data from the downloadet torrent afther i stopt him ?01:26
fellayaboyah crap..thank goodness im cloaked01:27
fellayaboystill i have a password on my vnc01:27
angela-in the duchs channel de are ferry whirt whit that asnwerr01:27
gdea73I'll mess with Unity shortcuts later ... in the meantime, I still can't get the laptop to resume from suspend. I will check the pm-suspend.log file.01:28
xevworkDoes anyone know how to get the interactive shell for php, when you run 'php -a' on 12.04? When I run it, all I get is interactive mode, not the interactive shell.01:28
ActionParsnipEphexeve: http://wiki.compiz.org/C%2B%2BCompiling has 0.9.8    which is in Quantal....also bleeding edge PPAs compiled late last month have the same version but only slightly different01:29
ActionParsnipEphexeve: can you please give a source for compiz being 'out of date'01:29
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EphexeveActionParsnip: "could not write bytes: Broken pipe" .... ahh ubunut.. y'know any fix for this?01:30
ActionParsnipEphexeve: can you answer the quesion please01:30
EphexeveActionParsnip: Cry baby cry01:30
EphexeveActionParsnip: One, compiz SUCKS01:31
ActionParsnipEphexeve: doesn't answer the questrion01:31
Ephexeveand the integration with Ubuntu is even worst01:31
somsipxevwork: php -a is as much as you get, or you use something like phpsh01:31
Ephexeve1.) As a developer, take  alook at that code01:31
Ephexeveand you tell me01:31
ActionParsnipEphexeve: I wasn't questioning if it sucked or not. You said it was out of date. Which it isn't01:31
ActionParsnipEphexeve: I'm asking where you heard this frmo01:31
ActionParsnipEphexeve: it being out of date is all I am questioning of you. Noting more01:32
xevworksomsip: Yes, but php -a works differently on 10.04 vs 12.04 - I get an interactive shell on 10.04, vs interactive mode on 12.04.01:32
xevworksomsip: shell means you have a prompt and you get responses immediately and completiong and stuff. mode means you just type the contents of the php file, hit control-d, then it gets executed01:33
gdea73pm-suspend.log says that NetworkManager failed to wake up the interfaces01:33
fellayaboythe website says rewrite has been announced on 24th December 200901:33
ActionParsnipEphexeve: It's not out of date at all. Is it?01:33
JimmyNeutronOn 12.04.1, sometimes when I reboot my computer, I get the console instead of X11.  Any idea why?01:33
gdea73but I still fail to see how this is related to waking up the screen01:33
gdea73I intend to install fglrx, would the situation be better or worse?01:33
somsipxevwork: then php -a is working fine as an interactive shell on my 12.0401:33
xevworksomsip: Let me check if I've got a package from a ppa or something...01:33
fellayaboyman ati drivers suck...are any nvidia cards not working witht he lastest xorg01:33
somsipxevwork: here - PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Sep 12 2012 18:59:41)01:34
xevworksomsip: Looks like I do - thanks for helping me narrow that down.01:34
somsipxevwork: easy :)01:34
ActionParsnipEphexeve: gone quiet huh..... thought so01:34
Sean21_ActionParsnip: xubuntu does not look exactly the same as I saw it in those pictures01:35
Sean21_ActionParsnip: the theme that is01:35
ActionParsnipSean21_: the theme is changable very easily01:35
hualetActionParsnip, hello, where can i get some help using python with gtk?01:36
ActionParsniphualet: try #python as a good start01:36
amyActionParsnip, thanks for the tip earlier, that sudo update got everything working fine01:36
hualetActionParsnip, ok ,thanks01:36
ActionParsnipamy: yay :)01:36
Sean21_ActionParsnip: how do I go abouts doing that?01:37
ActionParsnipamy: the decoder is not installed by default, you need a package to install it. It also is not a dep of any player so people saying 'install vlc' aren't helping. It'll just be another player without DD playback :(01:37
ActionParsnipSean21_: I gotta get some stuff sorted for work here, there are guides all over how to theme xubuntu and xfce01:38
Sean21_ActionParsnip: thanks for the help, appreciate it :)01:38
ActionParsnipSean21_: np :)01:39
javierHi. I've serious problems connecting to the internet throw wifi with ubuntu (chip Atheros). Months ago, we had WEP protection: I could connect but internet was extremely slow. I changed it to WPA2: when it's connected it works fine, but it has a lot of problems connecting. Most of the times, it won't connect to the wifi adapter if I don't restart the router. Restarting the router allows me to connect 100% of the times. I think it may be a problem obtaining I01:40
javierP, maybe repeated IP (we are 6 in the house and a flatmate with windows finds that problem)I can't be restarting the router sneaking in the corridor anymore, my flatmates are so tired of my ubuntu... Please, help!01:40
gdea73Has anyone ever solved a problem regarding suspend, other than USB3/FireWire related? Honestly... :P01:41
Peloevening folks,  is there a permission app to edit groups like there was in gnome 2.x somewhere ?01:41
NautilusI'm not familiar with the ubuntu/unity UI, and have booted to a liveCD just so I can inspect the SMART on the hosts NTFS drive. Is there someone willing to lead me through that?01:41
ActionParsnipjavier: have you disabled IPv6 if you don't use it01:41
darkwing_ducksure do wish I could set terminal's opacity to "show next tab" or something.. wish i had some brilliant shortcut key to toggle whether transparency was enabled at all, whether it showed next tab behind, or showed next application behind.. also the ability to set color schemes for front/back tab...maybe sync the line spacing of the front with the text size of the back, so you can more easily see through without obstruction...  anyone else want that? somethi01:43
Peloit should be mounting on your desktop I think , you can just click on it and view the content01:43
javierActionParsnip, I checked and it's not disabled. Do you think it can be that? I remember I disabled it trying to things with the internet some time ago, and I don't remember if I turned it back on01:43
ActionParsnipjavier: it can help. You can also disable hw decryption using a module option, which may help01:43
ipadftwAnyone here get in on the steam beta? :)01:43
Pelonautilus it should be mounting on your desktop I think , you can just click on it and view the content01:44
ActionParsnipipadftw: check omgubuntu ;)01:44
somsipipadftw: specfifically, http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-use-steam-for-linux-right-now.html01:44
NautilusPelo: dont see it on the desktop01:45
javierActionParsnip, I would like to try that second option as well. I will google it as "disable hw decryption module". I thought about choosing fixed IP instead of dynamic. Can't it be related with that?01:45
NautilusPelo: should I try and mount it from terminal?01:45
ActionParsnipjavier: if you are simply failing DHCP (try in CLI to renew the IP) then it may help01:45
javierActionParsnip, sorry, what is CLI?01:46
deper29javier: command line interface01:47
PeloNautilus, shouldn'T need to , it mounts automaticaly,  I don'T use unity so I'm not 100% sure where you can access it ,  type  alt+f2 and type nautilus , it should open will all menues,  from there check in the 4th menu from the left , not sure what it is in english should be something like goto or places01:47
javierdeper29, thank!01:47
PeloNautilus, just so you know nautilus is also the name of the file manager , you'Re not typing your nick01:49
javierI could use a bit of help disabling hw decryption using a module option (don't even know what means=01:49
NautilusPelo: yes ;)01:49
NautilusPelo: when I typed that in I get 3 choices: nautilus-autorun-software, nautilus-connect-server, nautilus-sendto01:50
PeloNautilus, , in the nautilus window , if you go to display you can activate the side panel , it should show up in that as whell01:50
gdea73Is there any remote chance that upgrading to 12.10 (from 12.04.1) would fix my issues with resuming from suspend to RAM?01:50
ActionParsnipjavier: a terminal01:50
ActionParsnipjavier: cli = command line interface01:50
PeloNautilus, just nautilus plain, i'm surprised there isn'T one, try typing nautilus in the terminal then01:50
ActionParsnipPelo: its also a sea creature01:51
NautilusPelo: got it, lemme look around01:51
javierActionParsnip, yes, yes, I got that :) I meant help disabling hw decryption, but thank!01:52
ActionParsnipjavier: what wifri driver module are you using?01:52
ActionParsnipjavier: did you try re-requesting DHCP?01:53
NautilusPelo: dont see it in my sidebar buty I did try to mount it to /mnt, maybe I should reboot01:53
PeloNautilus, look in /media that's where stuff gets mounted automaticaly01:53
PeloNautilus, there are also two different display for the sidebar,  one for just shortcuts one for treeview or something , again, not sure what the exact english is , my setup is in french01:54
NautilusPelo: just the cdrom01:54
Nautilusyes I tried tree view too01:55
PeloNautilus, the name might be something weird01:55
Pelotry the my computer one, might get listed in there01:55
javierActionParsnip, the problem is that I'm having internet right now. if I disconnect now, I will get connection again. Tomorrow is when I'll find the problem again and will have to restart the router, or maybe in some hours. Anyway, will try to re-request DHCP, see how to do it and check if I fall in no problem01:55
javierActionParsnip, I'm not using any special driver. In aditional drivers anyone is suggested01:56
PeloNautilus, I have to go, best of luck to you on this01:56
javierActionParsnip, this is what you mean?: "sudo dhclient"01:56
Nautiluspelo: I mounted it as /mnt/mya1    ok thanks!  I might be good now01:57
gdea73I tried s2ram, and the screen still doesn't turn back on after suspend.01:58
Nautiluson a mounted HD I went to Properties but theres no method to see the SMART table there?  What's next?01:58
ActionParsnipjavier: sudo dhclient wlan001:59
ActionParsnipjavier: assuming it is wlan001:59
ActionParsnipNautilus: http://www.bing.com/search?q=ubuntu+smart+test+HDD&src=IE-SearchBox&FORM=IE8SRC    check the first link....02:00
javierActionParsnip, I got this as an answer "Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an02:01
javierUpstart job, you may also use the reload(8) utility, e.g. reload smbd"02:01
NautilusActionParsnip: thanks02:01
=== zenix`away is now known as zenix`
NautilusActionParsnip: got it :)02:03
ActionParsnipNautilus: you couldn't do that?02:04
ActionParsnipNautilus: for realisies?02:04
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gdea73suspend. help. :P02:05
nebocan i send message from proxy server to all clients?i use squid.02:05
NautilusActionParsnip: I thought I might have to install a util like I have before. this is nice :)02:05
gdea73does Ubuntu 12.10 use a different kernel from 12.04.1LTS?02:07
gdea73I'm willing to try 12.10 if it means suspend might actually work.02:07
ActionParsnipgdea73: yes02:07
ActionParsnip!info linux-image precise | gdea7302:08
ubottugdea73: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB02:08
ActionParsnip!info linux-image quantal | gdea7302:08
ubottugdea73: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB02:08
ActionParsnipjavier: does the command work?02:08
javierActionParsnip, I got this message: "Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)02:09
javierutility, e.g. service smbd reload02:09
javierSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an02:09
javierUpstart job, you may also use the reload(8) utility, e.g. reload smbd"02:09
javier(sorry for so many lines...)02:09
ActionParsnipjavier: what did you run to get that?02:09
javierActionParsnip, just sudo dhclient wlan002:10
ActionParsnipjavier: try:  sudo dhclient3 wlan002:10
javierActionParsnip, dhclinet3: not found order02:11
ActionParsnipjavier: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network   does the wifi use wlan0   or is it some other name?02:12
battlehandsHow can I create a folder in terminal?  Also, how can I create a file within that folder that I created?02:12
ActionParsnipbattlehands: mkdir -p /path/of/folder/to/make02:13
ActionParsnipbattlehands: the -p makes the subfolders if they do not exist02:13
javierActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/HT5CHFdH02:13
nebocan i send message from proxy server to all clients?i use squid.02:13
javierActionParsnip, eth0?02:14
ActionParsnipjavier: that's the ethernet controller02:14
ActionParsnipjavier: try:    echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ath9kfix.conf > /dev/null      reboot to test02:15
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battlehandsActionParsnip: I'm having some trouble with some basic functions in my terminal.  I'm using lubuntu.  1)  When I open matlab in terminal, terminal is somehow "locked into matlab;" I can neither close terminal without closing matlab, and I cannot type in terminal while matlab is running.  Is addressing those problems within your scope?02:18
javierActionParsnip, after the second command, I didn't get any confirmation that it's done and finished. If I try to close the terminal, it ask me if I want to finish the process ongoing02:18
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ActionParsnipjavier: it won't output anything if it succeeds :)02:18
javierActionParsnip, great :) So, will reboot02:18
battlehandsActionParsnip: I realized that 2) should be asked in matlab ;)02:18
ActionParsnipbattlehands: press CTRL+Z then run: bg02:18
battlehandsActionParsnip: battlehands@battlebook:~/MATLAB/bin$ run: bg No command 'run:' found, did you mean:02:20
ActionParsnipbattlehands: there is a guide in the ubuntu docs on how to make a launcher to run the app02:20
battlehandsActionParsnip: what do you mean by launcher?02:20
ActionParsnipbattlehands: no you don't run 'run' that's me telling you the next thing is the command02:21
ActionParsnipbattlehands: launcher is an icon you can doubleclick to run the app02:21
battlehandscommand is bg?02:21
Michalegaozixuhi guys,how can  i install a new theme?gnome 3.602:21
battlehandsActionParsnip: I'm okay with opening matlab in terminal.02:21
ActionParsnipbattlehands: yes 'bg' is the command, 2 letter02:21
chimneyhi, need tutorial for minimal xorg installation on ubuntu server02:22
battlehandsActionParsnip: battlehands@battlebook:~/MATLAB/bin$ bg [1]+ ./matlab &02:22
javierActionParsnip, I rebooted and have internet, but as I said, I would expect that to happen (it's only after a few hours disconnected that I need to reboot the router if I want to connect). So, how do we know if it worked?02:22
battlehandsActionParsnip: what just happened?02:22
ActionParsnipbattlehands: the command is running but (b)ack(g)rounded02:22
battlehandsActionParsnip: what how is a backgrounded application different from a frontgrounded application?02:23
ActionParsnipbattlehands: its reference is 1 as it is the first backgrounded job. You can foreground it if you wish02:23
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battlehandsActionParsnip: or why am I interested in it being backgrounded I could say...02:23
ActionParsnipbattlehands: the foregrounded command was hogging your terminal, so now you can use the terminal for other things02:23
Michalegaozixuwhat website about ubuntu u guys always visit?02:23
ActionParsnipbattlehands: the terminal is still the parent process so closing it will kill the matlab process02:24
ActionParsnipMichalegaozixu: omgubuntu, webupd802:24
battlehandsActionParsnip: as long as I can use terminal while matlab is running I'm fine... now I can do things like create folders and files while matlab is still open.02:24
Michalegaozixuhow to be a good hacker using ubuntu?02:24
chimneyMichalegaozixu: easy, install --> hacking02:25
ActionParsnipbattlehands: totally, if you make a desktop launcher, you won't need the terminal to run it02:25
battlehandsActionParsnip: how long would something like that take?02:25
battlehandsto do02:25
Michalegaozixuchimney,you kidding02:26
ActionParsnipbattlehands: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB   not seen that?02:26
chimneyMichalegaozixu: come to offtopic I'll explain you, ok?02:26
Michalegaozixuwhats offtopic?im a bewbie02:27
battlehandsActionParsnip: I don't have a photographic memory... ;)02:27
ActionParsnipbattlehands: there are 2 wget command you need and you will see an icon in your menus02:27
battlehandsActionParsnip: let me give that article a quick read-through...02:28
chimneyMichalegaozixu: #ubuntu-offtopic02:28
battlehandsNero - Innocence02:28
battlehands@a chimney02:29
ActionParsnipbattlehands: sudo wget -O /usr/share/icons/matlab.png http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/21/Matlab_Logo.png02:29
ActionParsnipbattlehands: wget -O /usr/share/applications/matlab.desktop 'https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=matlab-r2012a.desktop02:30
battlehandsActionParsnip: I was just about to ask you for the second... :)02:30
battlehandsActionParsnip: so will those two commands alone create a launcher?02:31
simplewActionParsnip: i cant report bugs iin raring, when running ubuntu-bug appears ths:  ERROR: Could not import module, is a package upgrade in progress?  Error: No module named 'DLFCN'02:32
ActionParsnipsimplew: #ubuntu+1 for raring, not here02:33
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javierActionParsnip, I rebooted and have internet, but I don't know if something is solved. Do you want to try something and check if we made some change?02:37
chimneyany idea how i get a system just with x and qt running?02:37
ActionParsnipjavier: just try it as you would normally use it. You can always delete the file we made and reboot to roll back02:38
ActionParsnipchimney: use ubuntu minimal02:38
battlehandsActionParsnip: I did it.02:38
battlehandsActionParsnip:  Thanks02:38
chimneywhere? i get it?02:38
ActionParsnipbattlehands: np, the web ghas some wonderful info on it02:38
ActionParsnip!mini | chimney02:38
ubottuchimney: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:38
battlehandsActionParsnip: too much02:39
chimneyActionParsnip: is it compatible to Transmeta Crusoe 800Mhz?02:39
javierActionParsnip, ok, I will do that. Just, to remember, if I still find the problem next time, how should I restart my DHCP? (renew IP)02:39
battlehandsActionParsnip: now I can make that folder :) ;)02:40
ActionParsnipjavier: its worth a try02:41
ActionParsnipchimney: its ubuntu with nothing except the kernel, bootloader and some basic tools02:41
ActionParsnipchimney: you can build up a very minimal OS, if ubuntu works then ubuntu minimal will work too02:41
chimneyActionParsnip: ive an transmeta 580002:42
javierActionParsnip, ok, I'll see what happens. thanks! :)02:42
chimneyActionParsnip: it has nothing i fear it even has no PAE02:43
ActionParsnipchimney: then use Precise and you should be ok, if you want a non PAE Ubuntu then use Lubuntu 12.0402:45
Ben64what is the best way to keep the functionality of 10.04 on 12.0402:46
chimneyActionParsnip: thanks02:46
ActionParsnipBen64: functionality in what sense02:46
Ben64simple menus, easy to change themes, gnome-panel02:46
chimneysomebody has an Transmeta 5800 ?02:47
ActionParsnipBen64: install gnome-panel and use that02:47
ActionParsnipBen64: or use Xubuntu 12.0402:47
Ben64ActionParsnip: I tried installing gnome-panel but that broke the theming02:47
ActionParsnipBen64: use Xubuntu, it has the gnome 2 smell02:48
Ben64would gnome-panel work on it?02:48
ActionParsnipBen64: or you could install mate / cinammon but they aren't supported here02:48
ActionParsnipBen64: technically yes02:48
chimneysomebody has an Transmeta 5800?02:51
rfmonkif you live way in the past, then the present sounds like the future =]02:54
hole_hello i am trying so very hard to get this silly wired xbox controoler working i have followed several sets of instructions from searches and now everything seems to work exept the d-pad02:57
hole_the d-pad works on xbox and windows02:58
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ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto03:00
bazhangsimplew, /msg ubottu03:00
bazhanghole_, see above03:01
simplew!seen simplew03:01
ubottuI have no seen command03:01
bazhangsimplew, stop that.03:01
hole_hmm like everyone else he doesn't know03:02
bazhang  /msg ubottu     <---------- simplew03:02
simplew./msg ubottu     <---------- simplew03:02
simplewwhat happened?03:03
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bazhangsimplew, stop playing games with the bot.  use /msg to talk the bot03:03
simplewi did03:03
simplewno one was playing games03:03
hole_i wanna play games with my xbox 360 controller but ubuntu dooesn't seeem to like its dpad03:04
ActionParsniphole_: if you run:   xev   and press the controls. Do you see a reaction?03:04
hole_lemme see03:05
OerHeksmaybe this page is any help >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/165210/how-do-i-get-a-wireless-xbox-360-controller-working03:06
hole_no, but when i run an emulator i can map everything but the dpad and it works fine on everything else03:06
simplewdpkg -l   it will only handle from isntalled packages?03:06
ActionParsnipsimplew: yes, it lists the installed packages03:06
simplewActionParsnip: here i see packages that are not installed and are listed03:07
ActionParsnipsimplew: does the right hand colomn say 'rr' instead of 'ii'03:07
simplewActionParsnip: dpkg -l '*spell*'   shows packages that are not installed03:07
ActionParsnipsimplew: sorry rc, not rr03:07
ActionParsnipsimplew: and left hand colomn03:08
simplewActionParsnip: so it doesnt handle  only from installed packages03:08
hole_ActionPasnip : no, but when i run an emulator i can map everything but the dpad and it works fine on everything else03:08
ActionParsnipsimplew: yes, the un   means its not installed03:09
ActionParsnipsimplew: try:  dpkg -l | grep spell03:09
simplewActionParsnip: isnt there an app that manages only installed packages?03:09
ActionParsnipsimplew: try what I gave, its more like what you want03:10
simplewActionParsnip: yes, but dpkg -l '*spell*'  should to the same thinking dpkg would only handle isntalled packages, which is not the case03:10
ActionParsnipsimplew: let me chack the man page03:10
gdea73Just installed 12.10 on my laptop. Boots to a purple screen, nothing happens.03:11
ActionParsnipsimplew: seems dpkg can do all packages, installed and not. if you give it a pattern, it will match that to the installed packages as well as the available ones and tell you if it's in or not03:12
ActionParsnipsimplew: the command I gave is what you want it you want to see only the installed packages with the word 'spell' in03:12
simplewActionParsnip: yes but i was looking for a tool to handle only from installed ones03:13
ActionParsnipsimplew: yes, dpkg will if you use it right03:13
ActionParsnipsimplew: like I said, the commadn I gave only works on installed packages03:13
hole_i really dont wanna go back to using windows and having to reinstall every couple weeks because of adware03:13
gdea73Ubuntu will not boot at all, it goes directly to a purple screen and hangs.03:13
ActionParsnipgdea73: what GPU do you use?03:14
hole_gdea73 specs?03:14
hole_i think i can get this one dude :)03:14
ActionParsniphole_: fill you boots :)03:15
ActionParsniphole_: seen this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Controller03:15
hole_ActionPasnip: kk just trying to earn MY help03:15
gdea73AMD APU Llano (A6-3420M 1.5GHz)03:16
hole_ActionPasnip: i think so03:16
gdea73It's got a Radeon 6350G or something as well, but it's disabled in BIOS.03:16
simplewActionParsnip: seams dpkg man in EXAMPLES is liying with what dpkg -l '*vi*' does03:16
ActionParsniphole_: do you have the xpad module loaded (might be an old guide now)03:16
ActionParsnipsimplew: you can report a bug if you want, get it updated03:17
simplewActionParsnip: it says: To  list  installed  packages  related  to  the editor vi(1)03:17
hole_ActionPasnip: looks promising lemme help this feller03:17
gdea73ActionParsnip: Lenovo IdeaPad Z575, is the model name.03:17
ActionParsniphole_: http://www.ehow.com/how_8725674_make-linux-use-xbox-controller.html03:17
gdea73I just wiped my previous 12.04 installation which worked fine, except it wouldn't resume from suspend.03:17
rumpe1simplew, the "un" probably doesn't mean "not installed" (see man dpkg-query)03:17
gdea73okay, I tried with nomodeset and it booted to GNOME but the resolution is very messed up.03:18
simplewActionParsnip: bed time03:18
hole_gdea73 shoot newer hardware is out of my range i am still using an old msi wind u-10003:18
gdea73The screen is stuck in 1024x768, even though its native resolution is 1366x76803:18
gdea73hole_: I used my Celeron 500 laptop until a month ago, lol.03:18
hole_wow holy crap03:19
yokobrhey guys, i have a hp g42 notebook with "powerXpress" and i can't install the proprietary driver03:19
hole_i still have an old toshiba 450 that works03:19
hole_running some old version of debian03:20
ActionParsnipgdea73: seems to be an AMD Radeon HD 6380G03:21
ActionParsnipgdea73: gdea73 did you install the proprietary video driver?03:21
gdea73ActionParsnip: I was planning on it, so I might as well.03:21
gdea73Let me check if suspend works, however, that's the only reason I'm not using 12.04.1 LTS.03:21
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battlehandsHow do I open a rar file in lubuntu?03:22
gdea73oh thank Jesus03:22
gdea73it finally works03:22
gdea73after going through quite a bit of pain with Arch and 12.04, suspend resumes successfully in 12.10 - yay03:22
OerHeksbattlehands, use unrar, comandline only03:23
hole_ActionPasnip: yea i actually havent been here didnt think i'd have to do this i am just recently using this distro after a long stent with suse till the switch from kde03:24
hole_but ubuntu/debian will always have a place in mah heart03:24
d0mdoes anyone know how to make gnome 3 look like Netbook  remix in Ubuntu 12.1003:28
OerHeksd0m, netbook remix isn't anymore03:29
gdea73I thought Netbook Remix used Unity anyway...03:29
ActionParsnipd0m: http://techhamlet.com/2012/03/zukitwo-cupertino/03:29
d0mYes, but there is a way to texture gnome to make it look like it03:30
ActionParsnipd0m: http://blog.sudobits.com/2012/02/10/how-to-install-mac-os-x-lion-theme-in-ubuntu-11-10-12-04/03:30
dreamer138no 3d in my laptop03:31
dreamer138i have nvdia geforce gt420 1gb graphic card/...03:32
dreamer138no 3d......nyone can help03:32
d0mthanks ActionParsnip03:33
gdea73dreamer138: have you installed the proprietary nVidia drivers?03:33
gdea73here's some random guide to doing that in 12.10, just an idea: http://www.itworld.com/software/304198/install-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-121003:33
dreamer138i have nvdia geforce gt420 1gb graphic card/...no 3d......nyone can help???????03:34
gdea73You probably need to install proprietary drivers.03:34
gdea73Perhaps check the "Additional Drivers" utility for, as its name implies, additional drivers.03:34
thinker_ubuntu in runncannot load such file -- metasploit_data_models (LoadError)03:34
thinker_ing metasploit go wrong ,03:34
dreamer138nything is ntt workinggg03:35
thinker_how to solve03:35
dreamer138i tried all03:35
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dreamer138nvdia no support i guess03:35
OerHeksdreamer138, i have an gt 430, works fine with proprietary driver03:35
dreamer138i have alaptop03:35
RobbyFI've had fights with nvidia and formats this week03:36
dreamer138r u having laptop03:36
RobbyFI think I understand it now03:36
dreamer138oerherks: reply03:36
thinker_ing metasploit go wrong ,03:36
thinker_ubuntu in runncannot load such file -- metasploit_data_models (LoadError)03:36
thinker_ubuntu in runncannot load such file -- metasploit_data_models (LoadError)03:36
thinker_how to solve03:36
OerHeksdreamer138, patience !03:37
dreamer138sry ..if it offends03:37
OerHeksdreamer138, no, desktop, but that doesn't matter i think03:37
RobbyFdreamer138, try apt-get install linux-headers-3.5.0-1803:38
RobbyFsudo apt-get purge nvidia-*03:38
OerHeksthinker, join the backtrack channel, metasploit isn't supported here.03:38
RobbyFsudo apt-get install nvidia-current03:38
RobbyFthen reboot03:38
dreamer138graphic cards .... are greatly different for desktops and laptops....03:39
ActionParsnipdreamer138: how so?03:39
dreamer138robbyf : i am trying03:39
RobbyFdreamer138, which verison of ubuntu?03:40
dreamer138if i upgrade nygood happens???03:41
jackie_Please help03:41
jackie_I get a err. when trying to install wine03:42
RobbyFPlease tell us your issue.03:42
RobbyFjoin #winehq03:42
dreamer138sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*03:42
jackie_is that what i need to type in terminal?03:43
dreamer138roobyf : i am trying03:43
RobbyFdreamer138, ok03:44
OerHeksjackie_, what error do you get? use paste.ubuntu.com and post the url here03:44
jackie_Ok one sec03:44
dreamer138roobyf : i completed ur commands in terminal ....they are installed03:44
jackie_Package dependencies cannot be resolved03:45
dreamer138how can i see wheter i have 3 d r not03:45
RobbyFunity 3D?03:45
RobbyFreboot and it should be on the lightdm page where you login03:46
RobbyFchoose 3D03:46
jackie_I was told i needed wine to install the usb netgear 310003:47
OerHeksjackie_, no, not wine, you need ndiswrapper ( for the windows driver)  >> http://growingtheneurons.blogspot.nl/2011/05/getting-netgear-wnda3100v2-to-work-on.html i believe this howto for 11.04 is still valid03:50
jackie_SO im not sure what my next step is03:50
jackie_Ok i'll look03:50
subcoolcan someone help me with importing my pics from my iphone to my computer?03:51
subcoolTJ-, hey- u around?03:52
ActionParsnipjackie_: wine isn't any use to you.03:53
javierHi! I've an acer laptop. Brightness can't be controled in ubuntu, it's a common fail in this laptops. I used to correct it by adding the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_osi=Linux" in /etc/default/grub. Sometime ago, I changed grub to burg, what was the trigger to have the problem back. I've googled if there is something like grub but burg file which could be modified, but I didn't find it. Anyone knows if the same fix could be done with bu03:54
javierrg? thank!03:54
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n1x4mmm, gtk-chtheme doesn't seem to work with 12.04? Sorry, been aways from ubuntu for a while.03:54
n1x4gnome btw, not unity03:55
dreamer138robbyf, thanks very much.........i got 3d in my laptop03:57
ActionParsnipn1x4: unity is a shell for gnome. Unity is not an alternative to gnome03:57
RobbyFdreamer138, good stuff :)03:58
ActionParsnipn1x4: try gnome-tweak-tool03:58
n1x4Ok, but that doesn't anser my ? gtk-chtheme doesn't seem to work with 12.04, why03:58
n1x4Ah, ok03:58
ActionParsnipn1x4: if its made for Gnome2 and not Gnome3 that will be why03:58
dreamer138@roobyf, can u plz tell me wt is installed in my computer03:58
n1x4GOt it03:59
ashesi am trying to do a 'make menuconfig' for the kernel (for an androd kernel). other android packages need libncurses5-dev:i386, but menuconfig is erroring because of missing ncurses (64 bit versions). so any of you know what i can do, such as switch some other package to i386 so menuconfig will run03:59
ActionParsnipdreamer138: dpkg -l | less03:59
omachi there. can I ask a question about 12.10 here.04:00
RobbyFdreamer138, it removed old nvidia drivers, installed latest linux headers, then re-installed the latest stable nvidia drivers with kernel support04:00
RobbyFI think :)04:00
n1x4Solid. gnome-tweak-tool it is.. lul04:00
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ActionParsnipdreamer138: use cursors to scroll up and down and ESC to exit04:00
omacI have a 3DConnexion space navigator 3D mouse.04:00
subcoolim having an impossible time importing my pictures from my iphone. :/ I cant get them into ubuntu, or win8 i keep receiving errors04:01
dreamer138@roobyf : tell me the two commands...i will save them04:01
RobbyFsudo apt-get purge nvidia-*04:01
omacthe ubuntu repo has spacenavd and libspacenav.  I figured if I just install those, it would be up and recognizing the 3d mouse.  It's not the case yet.04:01
RobbyFsudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.5.0-1804:01
omacAnyone here have any tips.04:01
RobbyFsudo apt-get install nvidia-current04:01
ActionParsnipomac: how do you get a 3D mouse?04:02
omacFirst off, I bought it from 3DConnexion.04:02
omacThey come with drivers, but they don't work.04:03
ActionParsnipomac: well yeah, they will be for windows...04:03
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omacActually the proprietary drivers on the cd V3.7.18 come with linux drivers.04:04
omacbut they don't work.04:04
ActionParsnipomac: can you expand on 'don't work'04:04
omacthere are a few articles on the web pointing to sourceforge 3dconnexion.04:04
ActionParsnipomac: what have you tried to do to make it work04:04
omacI go into blender and expect it to rotate using the 3dmouse.  The wonderful thing is that it advertises being able to move in 3 axes at the same time.04:05
ActionParsnipomac: what did you do to try and install the driver04:06
omacthis is unlike having to click and rotate 3 times when using blender with a non-3d mouse.04:06
omacIt comes with a bunch of tars, the one most relevant is 3dxware-linux-v1-4-3.x86_64.tar.gz.  I have an amd phenom 8core.04:07
omacthe ubuntu is amd64 arch.04:07
omacIn this tar.gz it has a "install-3dxunix.sh"04:08
wastrellooks promising04:08
wastrelis there a README04:08
wastrelor INSTALL04:08
omacI ran it and it did a few things to inittab which it got errors but to be honest I didn't record any of it.04:09
omacAfter that I went to ubuntu repos and discovered the spacenavd/libspacenav and installed those.04:09
ActionParsnipomac: so it didn't work first time and you have done nothing to try and work out what went wrong...04:09
omacI apologize for taking your time.  I was just wondering if anyone else here had one of these spacenavigator things.04:10
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ActionParsnipomac: try reading the screen, it is telling you stuff04:11
ActionParsnipomac: you can then take steps04:11
ActionParsnipomac: did you read the InstallationInstructions_Linux.txt file?04:12
ActionParsnipomac: looks very comprehensive04:14
brady1lets say i have two drives.   one is 2tb , however its actual contents is well below 500gb, and i have a 500gb drive,  is there a program out there that i could use to mirror my system on the first drive, to the second drive?04:15
jagginessbrady1, a program called gparted, (gparted live cd), can clone partitions04:16
somsipomac: http://www.3dconnexion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3474 and http://www.stokebloke.com/wordpress/category/blender/ have some guidance though they may be out of date04:16
Alpha-Omegaquestion: I'm learning awk and I wanted to know what a ";" at the end of a print statement does04:17
jagginessbrady1, then you can use gparted to resize the cloned partition04:17
jagginessbrady1, or you can make the partition first on the 2 TB (make the ext4 partition 2 TB), and the clone won't change the target size04:17
jagginessbrady1, it's simple, it's a copy and paste ..04:18
ActionParsnipomac: did you read it?04:19
jagginessomac, what do you mean spacenavigator? like commanderkeen?04:19
jagginessbrady1, you there?04:22
brady1yes, im looking at gparted , trying to tell whats going on with the partitions on the 2tb drive, i see three things in the list under partition,   /dev/sda1  ,  /dev/sda2    ,   /dev/sda504:24
yokobrplease, can someone help me with my hybrid notebook gpus ?04:24
brady1the first one says ext4,  second extended,  the third linux swap04:24
brady1i believe my stuff is all on the first one04:24
jagginessbrady1, sudo parted /dev/sda print <enter>04:24
jagginessbrady1, that's ok, you can clone the ext4 .. (you can wipe out the swap partition, there's nothing on there unless you are using hibernation)04:25
jagginessbrady1, (and if the hibernation on swap is a savedstate)04:25
jagginessbrady1, is this a laptop?04:25
brady1no, desktop04:25
jagginessbrady1, (asking to be sure to have done a "shutdown", and not a "hibernation shutdown")04:26
brady1hold on let me get you a pastebin04:26
zykotick9brady1: i'd guess you have 2 primary partitions, then an extended partion with the jump to sda5 [but with 2tb i'd think you'd be using gpt, and i don't think that as a primary parition limit? (well not a realistic one anyway?)]04:26
OerHeksyokobr, ati or nvidia hybrid ?04:26
jagginessnvidia hybrid, what's that?04:26
yokobrOerHeks, both ati.04:27
jagginessbrady1, yeah.. that looks fine.. you just need to clone /dev/sda104:27
zykotick9brady1: fyi, "i" don't go to patebin.com (see "/msg ubottu paste" for an alternative without ads/tracking)04:28
jagginessbrady1, make your partition a GPT styled table.. here... just a sec...04:28
brady1yes i believe your right, as i notice now that used and unused are empty on those two 30 something gig partitions04:28
jagginessbrady1, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbOB2z3weUg04:28
jagginessbrady1, if you're on PC bios and you use a GPT partition style drive, make a 1 meg grubbios partition04:28
omacActionParsnip, I'm going to try to install the 3Dconnexion plugin for blender.  That was the piece I was missing.04:29
jagginessbrady1, also use boot-repair iso to fix the grub bootloader.. you're going to boot off the 2Tb right?04:29
brady1jaggieness,  does anything ive shown suggest why my computer might be failing to see my harddrive on startup?04:29
jagginessbrady1, (that video shows how to prepare a GPT styled partition table)04:29
jagginessbrady1, you said you have a 2TB drive..04:30
omacjagginess:  3dmouse is allows you to do stuff a bit more efficiently in 3d cad/animation programs like blender.  I aim to use the 3dconnexion 3dmouse with blender specifically.04:30
jagginessbrady1, you should use GPT on it..04:30
jagginessbrady1, i'm asking are you planning to boot from the 2TB drive?04:30
jagginessbrady1, (you can add the 1 meg grubbios partition anytime though)04:30
brady1well, yes jagginess, originally i had planed on using the 2tb drive to boot from04:30
omacthank you ActionParsnip btw.  It helps to have another perspective.04:31
jagginessbrady1, and are you using EFI ?04:31
brady1i dont know what efi is04:31
jagginessbrady1, do you know the motherboard?04:31
omacefi is the NOT-BIOS in your motherboard firmware.04:31
brady1asus maximus v formula04:31
omacyou can boot using BIOS or EFI with newer motherboards.04:32
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brady1see this all started off with my machine occasionally crashing04:32
jagginessbrady1, looks like an efi-bios hybrid..04:32
omacthe big problem is windows 8 requires it and ubuntu is starting to use it as the default when installing Linux now.04:33
brady1sometimes when it would reboot, it would fail to boot, and end up in bios04:33
brady1when i would look for my harddrive, it had dissappeared04:33
omacas of 12.10, I have efi booting ubuntu.04:33
brady1after a bunch of boots, it would show up, and boot04:33
brady1i eventually discovered that all four of my memory cards was failing memtest8604:34
jagginessbrady1, maybe you can try to use grub-pc, i'm guessing you're not using grub-efi yet04:34
omacon the ASUS 990FX motherboard it is optional to use EFI.  You can boot from BIOS too.04:34
brady1i checked the ram individually , and they all failed04:34
Oooopsif anyone knows 12.04 can install into a UEFI bios?04:34
jagginessbrady1, so follow that video and add 3 partitions, 1 ext4, 1 swap, and 1 meg unformatted(with a changed flag)..04:34
brady1which i thought was weird, 4 seperate cards all failing04:34
jagginessbrady1, ?04:34
Oooopsomac: your board is UEFI?04:34
jagginessbrady1, the ram failed?04:34
brady1yes i will try that, but i wanted to explain more details04:35
brady1it seemed all so unlkily that all four ram cards were bad04:35
jagginessbrady1, if the ram is failing why are you thinking the drive is bad?04:35
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brady1so i got a new motherboard, and tested the ram, and they passed04:35
jagginessbrady1, okok so i dont care about the past.. but only the system you're using atm..04:36
brady1but today, the motherboard failed to find my 2tb drive again..04:36
omacI don't know about UEFI, but when I run mount there is:  /sys/firmware/efi/efivars04:36
jagginessbrady1, which motherboard are you using right now? the new one or old one?04:36
brady1the new one04:36
jackie_still having probs with wireless usb netgear 310004:36
jagginessbrady1, and where is the old drive?04:36
brady1hooked up to it04:36
jagginessbrady1, so do you have a usb box to use for the old drive? maybe the old drive is causing problems.. restrict it's problems to the usb04:37
omacoooops:  It's documented in the motherboard manual, but I installed it a while ago and never looked at that manual since.04:37
jagginessbrady1, sounds like maybe the old drive is causing havoc.. clone it asap and then take it completely out04:37
brady1i have a usb box, but the drive is hooked up to the motherboard right now04:38
jagginessbrady1, it'll be better if you placed it in the usb04:38
brady1the old drive, isn't nessarly old, is basically brand new04:38
jagginessbrady1, you can boot gpartedlive from a cd.04:38
brady1i have a live cd with gparted on it04:38
omacAll I can say is that it boots fast and I have had no hiccups except for a few days because of the AMD 7970 graphics driver wasn't ok in 12.10 for a few days.  After doing an update it just fixed itself.04:38
jagginessbrady1, have you done harddrive test on the older drive? (there's ubcd and systemdrivecd -- freeware iso online)04:39
Oooopsomac: oo04:39
brady1my logic was that i would backup the 2tb drive to the 500gig drive, and try to boot and see if it has the same problem or not04:39
jagginessbrady1, use one of those 2 diagnostic cd's..04:39
jagginessbrady1, and diagnose the old harddrive without the new one attached04:39
Oooopsdownloading 12.04. 11.10 is fail to boot on UEFI bios04:40
jagginessbrady1, then diagnose the new harddrive without the older one attached04:40
brady1ive done ckdsk on the 2tb drive, its not found any errors04:40
jagginessbrady1, but you only get problems when the old drive is connected.. so i'd suggest to test the older drive alone to be sure that it's the problematic one04:40
yokobrOerHeks, the problem is that i have PCI:1:5:0 hd 4250 (integrated) and PCI:2:0:0 HD 6310 (discrete). It only works when i have xorg.conf integrated with vesa driver and discrete with flgrx.04:40
brady1jagginess, i had previously installed ubuntu on the 500 gig one, and had crashes04:41
jagginessbrady1, also when i say harddrive test, i don't mean filesystem checking.04:41
jagginessbrady1, the harddrive tests go deeper than a filesystem scan04:41
jagginessbrady1, ok.. so do what you have to do..04:42
brady1ahh.. is there a program i can download to my live usb stick , rather than downloading an entire cd?04:42
jagginessbrady1, yes.. there's unetbootin and pendrive usb makers..04:42
brady1no what im saying, is i already have a live usb stick04:42
jagginessbrady1, (pendrive makes linux usb stuff from windows)04:42
jagginessbrady1, no04:43
brady1thats weird.04:43
kerrickAnyone get the Steam Beta invite?04:44
jagginesskerrick, me04:44
adknight87Hi there I'm getting a grub2-efi error on installing04:45
kerrickjagginess, so did they just email you?04:45
jagginesskerrick, not gonna tell you :)04:45
kerrickI didn't get the invite; wondering if it's because I put my distro down as Arch04:45
jagginessadknight87, ?04:45
jagginesskerrick, #arch04:45
somsipkerrick: FWIW http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-use-steam-for-linux-right-now.html04:45
adknight87On a fresh install it doesnt get past the grub install for 12.0404:46
jagginessadknight87, maybe you should run a checksum test04:46
adknight87How would i do that in a live ubuntu04:47
jagginessadknight87, do what?04:47
SoulShadowi lol'd04:47
jagginessadknight87, are you asking me why you can't install ubuntu from the live media?04:49
jagginessadknight87, or are you asking about checking an iso from your current boot.04:49
jagginessadknight87, the official way to install ubuntu is from cd/dvd .. maybe your usb maker did a bad job04:50
dreamer138can anyone suggest ........alternative for ipmessenger in windows ...in ubuntu 12.04???04:50
Transfusion"The obama campaign succeeded because they took the skill-set of romney and turned it against him"04:50
ActionParsnipjagginess: why is it official to use optical media?04:50
Oooops'Be sure your live system is booting in UEFI mode. ' what does this means. anyone knows?04:50
IdleOne!ot | Transfusion04:51
ubottuTransfusion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:51
ActionParsnipdreamer138: you can use notify-osd via ssh if you export DISLPY=0.004:51
Transfusionwas responding to youkldf.04:51
Transfusionwho has since parted.04:51
jagginessOooops, maybe there's boot options04:51
dreamer138i havent got it04:51
ActionParsnipdreamer138: then when you make a notification, it will show on the screen04:51
jackie_Still having issues with wireless usb netgear 310004:52
Oooopsjagginess: this means i need see graphic boot interface?04:52
jagginessOooops, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:53
ActionParsnipdreamer138: ssh -X user@host 'DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "TEST MESSAGE."'04:53
Oooopsi just look this web page. jagginess04:53
adknight87I am on a live usb and remade the live disk and this is my fifth attempt04:53
Oooopsbut can not understand this line. "Be sure your live system is booting in UEFI mode. "04:53
ActionParsnipdreamer138: your Ubuntu OS already has all you need, unlike windows which needs some dumb 3rd party stuff04:54
dreamer138dreamer@dreamer-XPS-L501X:~$ ssh -X user@host 'DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "TEST MESSAGE."'04:54
dreamer138ssh: Could not resolve hostname host: Name or service not known04:54
ActionParsnipdreamer138: just install openssh-server on the system and you are ready to rock04:54
ActionParsnipdreamer138: read the command you just ran and THINK04:54
Oooopshow can i know it is booting in UEFI mode...04:54
ActionParsnipdreamer138: pay particular attention to 'user@host'04:54
dreamer138i think i am some kind of noob...ntt able to follow u04:55
dreamer138plzz be slow04:55
Transfusionjackie_: is yours the v1 or v2? the v1 is atheros the v2 is broadcom04:55
ActionParsnipdreamer138: well the 'user' bit is an account you have on the server side you are sending to04:56
jagginessOooops, you need to check your manufacturer manual of your motherboard..04:56
ActionParsnipdreamer138: and 'host' is teh system you are sending to.04:56
jagginessOooops, sometimes you need to be in 'Advanced mode' to alter that setting04:57
ActionParsnipdreamer138: I have a near 0% chane of knowing that, don't I?04:57
brady1yay Oromney!04:57
Transfusion!ot |brady104:57
ubottubrady1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:57
brady1four more wars!04:57
jagginessffs nobody gives a crap about the american election.. both parties are the same.04:57
Transfusionlol. communist america.04:58
brady1no but seriously which goldman sachs canidate do you perfer04:58
ActionParsnipdreamer138: so I cannot possibly make the exact command can I? You would notice this and replace the details with the username, server and message with what you want. But instead you blindly copied and ran files without thinking...04:58
brady1lol.  ill stop ot04:58
Oooopsjagginess: select "UEFI/Legacy Boot" to "UEFL only" in bios?04:58
ActionParsnipdreamer138: you also need openssh-server installed on the system you want to message so that you can connect to it04:58
jagginessOooops, are you using another operating system on your harddrive?04:58
dreamer138kk..i am installing04:58
Oooopsjagginess: no04:59
marciohi everyone, linux noob here, been reading about distros lately and i want to install either linux mint 13 xfce or lubuntu on my crappy netbook, what do you guys reccomend?04:59
jagginessOooops, since you're getting that error message, try option #204:59
jagginessOooops, 'UEFI only'04:59
ActionParsnipmarcio: Lubuntu as it's super light :)04:59
ActionParsnipmarcio: plus the Mint community is tiny compared to Ubuntus04:59
ActionParsnipmarcio: plus you are in an Ubuntu channel.....05:00
dsprcActionParsnip: yeah but the developers are actually responsive05:00
Oooopsjagginess: after this, reinstall 12.04? i have only usb disk.05:00
marciomint seems to be very popular lately05:00
marciowhich is why i considered it05:00
ActionParsnipdsprc: go look at launchpad.net in the bugs section....05:00
Oooopsjagginess: i will try this first. downloading now.05:00
ActionParsnipmarcio: so you only consider a distro if lots of people use it.05:01
Oooopsi only see a text boot interface to select boot devices. not graphic one. jagginess05:01
marciowell i am new to linux, so yes i am looking at what most people are using because i assume it is usually good05:02
jagginessOooops, there's probably helpful bootoptions for your install media-- i never used uefi.. but i think someone here said they did05:02
ActionParsnipmarcio: lots of people use windows too ;)05:02
marciogood point05:02
marcioso does mint haver anything that is better than lubuntu?05:02
jagginessmarcio, and lots of people use a dialup internet too.05:02
dsprcActionParsnip: hackers still dont dictate the overall UX. canonical does from on high. this is why we have porn from amazon showing up in peoples lens05:02
Oooopsjagginess: i just want find one who just use UEFI. :D05:03
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dsprcand at least mint doesnt steal from banshee05:03
gnomefreakmats: please to the topic of support with Ubuntu05:03
ActionParsnipdsprc: the amazon thing is easily uninstallable, and is only installed in one of 4 Ubuntu flavours....05:03
Oooopsperhaps all motherboard embeded with UEFI now...05:05
matswhy can't i install unbuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu on my abit bp6? it just freezes on installation launch???05:06
jagginessOooops, if efi is too problematic**, you can try the hybrid mode and maybe try to force the installer not to look at efi05:06
dsprcActionParsnip: "one" being the flagship version however.  but i am glad we have the option to opt out of porn when trying to launch a terminal05:06
ActionParsnipmats: what video chip do you use?05:07
jagginessOooops, (and turn off "secure boot" if you have this option)05:07
jagginessOooops, (in the bios)05:07
matsati rage agp 8mb05:07
dsprcif hackers where in charge you'd be able to enable them individually. not all or nothing.05:07
Oooopsjagginess: no see this.05:07
ActionParsnipdsprc: they are all supported here, one being some form of flagship doesn't mean much to me05:07
Oooopsno hybrid mode.05:07
matsati rage agp 8mb05:07
Oooopsdamn windows05:07
ActionParsnipmats: try the boot option: nomodeset05:07
matsis that05:08
jagginessOooops, option1 looked like a hybrid mode05:08
matsis that one of the F# options?05:08
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | mats05:08
ubottumats: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.05:08
Oooopsjagginess: legacy only?05:08
Oooopsi select this before...05:09
matsthanks guys05:09
jagginessOooops, is the harddrive gpt ?05:09
Oooopsin bios?05:09
Oooopsno found05:10
jagginessOooops, gparted live cd would say -- i don't know how strict this determines if the installer forces itself to efi if it sees a gpt drive05:10
jagginessOooops, maybe someone here knows (google this)05:10
Oooopssystem will boot from any os other than UEFI enabled OS. <- legacy only option05:10
Oooopsmy usb-create-gtk finished. i try it now. thanks.05:11
lnwlf2121does anyone know where a good howto can be found on setting up openldap/autofs for homedirs and auth for machines in a cluster?05:12
lnwlf2121I've got a little KVM vm lab that I created and I'd like all the machines in it to source this one machine, part of what I'm trying to learn with my VM cluster05:13
Oooopsseems 12.04 is more competent for video card in new laptop.  bless all goes ok. bless.05:14
theadminOooops: It might be more competent just because unity2d is available on 12.04 but not on 12.1005:14
Oooopswhy need unity 2d?05:15
theadminOooops: Well, certain video cards don't handle 3D graphics properly05:15
Oooopsmy old laptop is also drived well .05:16
Oooopsthis new is 610 video card.05:16
ActionParsnipOooops: unity2D is dead after Precise (although precise is supported til April 2017)05:18
theadminProbably means computers with older cards won't be supported anymore... Or will there be some crazy modification to Unity that will make it work without 3D as well, that is, the mainline?05:19
ActionParsnipThe 3D will be done by the CPU if there is no 3D accell in the VGA05:21
ActionParsnipor just switch to a non Unity style session05:21
Oooopsbad news. bad keyboard, i select into Russia interface... lol05:22
theadminOooops: You can switch from Russian to English by hitting Alt-Shift as necessary.05:22
theadminOr there's a button thingy on top too05:22
Oooopscan not understand,, seems not into live mode. lol05:23
theadminOooops: Supposed to work at least, works for me05:23
Oooopsre click install icon.05:23
User123Help needed! I need to print some files fast and it doesn't work.05:26
User123When I press print in libre office nothing happens05:26
theadminUser123: "nothing happens" is not helpful. Click this link:
theadminUser123: See if your printer is detected at all05:27
theadminUser123: If not, add it by manually selecting the model05:27
User123Clicked, how do I check if my printer is detected&05:28
theadminUser123: Click "Administration" on top, see the "Printers" list on the left05:29
User123No printers.05:30
lotuspsychjehowcome /home folders are browseable by other users by default05:30
theadminUser123: Try clicking "Find new printers"05:30
theadmin(that will take a while)05:31
theadmin!cn | wang_05:31
ubottuwang_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:31
User123No printers found.05:31
theadminlotuspsychje: Just some sort of standard I guess... It's the same on most Linux distros05:31
theadminUser123: Okay, now what is your printer model?05:31
lotuspsychjetheadmin: whats the correct chmod for /home so others cant browse content?05:32
User123Canon. It's written FU7-8783 not sure if it is model.05:32
theadminlotuspsychje: You mean your home directory?05:32
theadminlotuspsychje: 700, I suppose.05:33
lotuspsychjetheadmin:yes can /home dir be locked for other users05:33
lotuspsychjetheadmin: ok tnx ill try05:34
theadminlotuspsychje: When you say /home, you're refering to the "home" directory on top of the filesystem, literally -- it stores ALL home directories. You don't want blocking access to that. Now $HOME (or ~) is your home directory05:34
lotuspsychjetheadmin: yeah sorry i meant seperate /home/user05:34
theadminUser123: Hm... Is it a network printer?05:35
lotuspsychjetheadmin: so chmod 700 on /home/user would be safe to go?05:35
theadminlotuspsychje: Sure05:35
lotuspsychjetheadmin: ok tnx mate05:36
User123theadmin, connected to usb.05:36
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theadminUser123: Okay, first, download this: http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/4/0900007724/12/Linux_CAPT_PrinterDriver_V240_uk_EN.tar.gz05:38
theadminUser123: Unpack it and install the .deb files in there (sudo dpkg -i cndrvcups-{capt,common}.deb)05:38
Oooopsmy laser printer CP105b is still no driver. usb interface...05:39
Oooopsuse Virtualbox/ kvm to print. sad.05:40
User123theadmin, from RPM folder?05:42
theadminUser123: Uh, no, from the Debian folder05:42
Oooopsgrub-install success... i saw this line...05:42
ActionParsnipOooops: did you check the openprinting.og site05:43
ActionParsnipOooops: did you also chec the turnoprint site?05:43
ActionParsnipOooops: did you check the fujixerox site?05:43
ASHER1where i can download Debian ?05:43
Oooopsbut i searched in forum. no find cp105b solve post05:43
ASHER1but install like ubuntu05:43
ActionParsnipASHER1: ask in #debian05:43
Oooopsfujixerox web, i looked. not driver, only fireware.05:44
ActionParsnipOooops: check turboprint and openprinting.org05:44
cliff_hey all05:44
User123theadmin, ok, done.05:44
ActionParsnipOooops: I can recommend HP in future. The HPLIP is great and in a default install05:45
User123theadmin, what next?05:45
OooopsHP is expensive. lol ActionParsnip05:45
theadminUser123: Next, sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p LBP5000 -m CNCUPSLBP5000CAPTK.ppd -v ccp://localhost:59787 -E05:45
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theadminUser123: Err, my bad: sudo /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p LBP5000 -m CNCUPSLBP6018CAPTK.ppd -v ccp://localhost:59787 -E05:46
theadminUser123: There05:46
User123theadmin, done05:47
theadminUser123: Ok, now try rebooting (just in case) and try to print again?05:47
User123theadmin, ok, brb.05:47
ActionParsnipOooops: you can get a Canon LBP7010C05:48
ActionParsnipOooops: same price, has Linux drivers05:48
Oooopsyou say buy new one? noooo05:49
ActionParsnipOooops: if you are using Linux try and buy things that are known tyo work and you won't have as much heartache05:49
ActionParsnipOooops: instead of buying what is cheap then finding out after much ahir pulling that it just won't budge05:49
Oooopsi know printer only need a text ppd. i want wait for the driver.05:49
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ActionParsnipOooops: could contact the manufacturer05:50
Oooopsoooo, great . 12.04 is start. legacy only mode.05:50
OooopsActionParsnip: first i install new software on new laptop. printer is next problem. lol thanks.05:51
User123theadmin, I'm back. Still doesn't print anything.05:51
theadminUser123: Damn. Well then I'm outta ideas05:52
User123There is printer now but it's status is Idle - "ccp send_data error, exit"05:52
mujihello guys, can i get some help installing the new nvidia driver?05:52
User123And 18k file is processing forever.05:52
jameshi everyone05:52
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ActionParsnipmuji: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current05:52
mujiis there a way to see which version it is before installing?05:53
mujicuz i know a new one came out today thats supposed to double gaming performance05:53
ActionParsnipmuji: nvidia-settings tells you05:54
mujiActionParsnip: before installing?05:54
ActionParsnipmuji: if it does that, report a bug and it will get included sooner. I doubt it can give that sort of boost05:54
Guest56761im new at this05:55
FloodBot1Guest56761: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:55
mujiActionParsnip: it was released by nvidia today because steaming is moving to linux due to windows 805:55
mujiGuest56761: try /exit05:55
zykotick9muji: fyi 1) installing the nvidia.com driver isn't the greatest idea on ubuntu.  #2) i think it's hilarious that nvidia+steam+win8=gnu/linux game platform -> really stange ;)  i'm excited about x2 nvidia performance as well, and gosh, "i" have forever to wait to have my distro support the newest nvidia that came out today.  (i don't usually suffer for sns, but for nvidia announcement on /. today - i do)05:56
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Oooopsnvidia-experimental-310 fail..05:56
ActionParsnipmuji: report a bug and it will get included, you may need to provide articales and such05:56
User123theadmin, ok, time to go :( Thank you very much anyway!05:56
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mujiActionParsnip: even if its a ubuntu driver?05:57
rahul__actually i freshly installed xubuntu 12.04 and started playing some song in gmusic browser but the songs start then no pauses then again starts in some time so i also tried with rhythm box and system audio is working fine06:07
meant0mrahul__, cool.  then use rhythm box :)06:08
rahul__no but rhythm box is also giving the same problem06:08
Oooopsscp -r ~/*  :D06:09
dblosevnhey stupid question but how do I run a script after all services have started? inittab?06:11
ActionParsnipdblosevn: add it in /etc/rc.local above the 'exit 0' line and it will run as root after everything06:12
ActionParsnipdblosevn: if it takes a long time to run suffix it with a space and an ampersand to background it06:13
heroandtn3dblosevn: read about run level in linux06:14
heroandtn3or add to Startup Program06:14
deper29is there a way to move an existing ubuntu system to a different hard drive? I'm asking because I want to install to an SSD but I don't want to have to do a complete re-install06:14
dblosevnActionParsnip: thanks thats what I was looking for06:15
dblosevnheroandtn3: I knew of a couple ways I could get it to run at startup but was unclear on which way would run after all services were started06:15
meant0mdeper29, gparted?06:15
dblosevnits not a deamon so upstart wasnt really the way06:16
deper29meant0m: to migrate my existing install to a different drive?06:16
zykotick9deper29: if you try: your eth0 will become eth1 (as well as other devices possibly) - there is someway to reset the udev or something to correct it.  i wouldn't personally try to "move" an instalation06:17
deper29zykotick9: why not? it should be possible to migrate everything to a different drive shouldn't it?06:17
zykotick9deper29: possible - of course.  practical - questionable.06:18
meant0mdeper29,  if you can afford to do it, i say you can use gparted...06:18
ActionParsnipdeper29: you can use rsync or dd to transfer over easily06:18
dblosevndeper29: I do that all the time, resize the partitions to the new ssd size then clone the partition gparted will do it, id boot to a flashdrive or something to do it though06:18
deper29ActionParsnip: might be a dumb question, but could I just cp instead of dd? then install grub on the new drive? or would that work?06:19
deper29zykotick9: a complete re-install is not practical for me :P06:20
ActionParsnipdeper29: sure but remember to preserve ownership, you will also need to install grub to the mbr of the sd card06:20
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deper29ActionParsnip: so could I just use parted to partition the new drive, then copy everything over and do grub-install to /dev/sdb1 or whatever my boot partition will be?06:21
heroandtn3dblosevn: hm, so i think run level will help u06:21
ActionParsnipdeper29: /dev/sda  not /dev/sda106:21
deper29ActionParsnip: yes, my bad06:22
zykotick9deper29: understandable.  best of luck.  i'm uber-conservative-stability-mindeded, it affects my judgment of everything.06:22
ActionParsnipzykotick9: I'd just reinstall too06:23
dblosevnActionParsnip: i added cd /var/www/mls;php run.php & to my rc.local and it doesnt seem to be running on startup should I put that in a bash script and try again?06:29
cliff_hey, can anyone help me install projectM on arch x86_64?06:29
cliff_the arch channel says i have to register, but I'm too lazy for that.  It's probably someting simple06:29
blackshirtprojectM ?06:30
d4rkh4nd8How can i update my OpenGL drivers ?06:30
blackshirtcliff_, what is that?06:30
TheLordOfTimecliff_, if you're on archlinux, you have to ask in there.06:30
TheLordOfTimeand register your nick06:31
cliff_it says i have to register or something06:31
TheLordOfTime!register > cliff_06:31
ubottucliff_, please see my private message06:31
TheLordOfTimesee the msg from ubottu06:31
cliff_also, "sudo apt-get install projectm-pulseaudio' then "<alt+f2> projectM-pulseaudio"06:31
cliff_fun program06:31
deper29cliff_: you have to edit /etc/pacman.conf06:31
deper29cliff_: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ProjectM06:32
ActionParsnipdblosevn: I suggest you do, you can then background the script too. Anything you also want to add, just sling it in the script :)06:33
cliff_I already did that.  enabled multilib, and added projectM repositories06:33
cliff_but it's not relevant, because I'm downloading the package manually06:33
deper29cliff_: okay, if you added the repos did you sync them after? and what's the problem you're having then if you're just downloading the project manually?06:34
cliff_no, it installs06:35
cliff_everything seems ok06:35
cliff_but when i try to run it, i get nothing06:35
ActionParsnipcliff_: try running it in a terminal06:35
cliff_so I'm assuming there is a problem06:35
cliff_tried already06:35
cliff_checked /bin, /usr/bin/ etc... and found nothing with project in it06:35
ActionParsnipcliff_: is the output useful?06:36
cliff_it says "command not found"06:36
cliff_that's the problem.  It acts like it installs, but I can't run it anywhere06:37
ActionParsnipcliff_: have you tried changing directory to the command and running it there06:37
cliff_trust me, I've tried a bunch of stuff06:37
cliff_what do you mean?06:37
ActionParsnipcliff_: did you add the install folder to $PATH06:37
cliff_i didn't figure I had to do that06:38
cliff_Where would the install folder be?06:38
deper29cliff_: yeah, it's not in sbin or something is it?06:38
cliff_it was a src.tar.xz file06:38
ActionParsnipcliff_: well its obvious by the 'command not found' that you do06:38
ActionParsnipcliff_: where is the binary stored, and what is it called?06:38
cliff_I can't find the binary :/06:38
deper29cliff_: what command are you typing06:39
ActionParsnipcliff_: so what are you running to make the app run?06:39
pradeepwifi go disabled automaticaly after upgrading to new kernel06:39
cliff_i downloaded it, and ran pacman -U <projectm>.pkg.tar.xz06:40
mujihello guys, how can i see which version of nvidia gpu i have? i jsut tried to install the newest graphics driver, but don't know if it worked or not06:40
cliff_lspci | grep gpu06:40
deper29cliff_: and did that give you an error of a sort? or did it install successfully?06:40
d4rkh4nd8"The OpenAL audio system failed to initialize.  You can get the most recent OpenAL drivers"  how do i fix this ?06:40
ActionParsnipcliff_: that's an arch command06:40
bazhangcliff_, are you on arch?06:40
ActionParsnipcliff_: arch isn't supported here06:40
ActionParsnipcliff_: this is Ubuntu support. Not Arch supoprt06:40
pradeephow can i enable my wifi again>06:41
ActionParsnippradeep: what wifi chip do you use?06:41
cliff_ifconfig wlan0 up06:41
sjd_zeushi all06:41
bazhangcliff_, are you on ARCH06:41
ActionParsnipcliff_: then ask in #arch not here06:42
sjd_zeuswho use fedora 18 bate06:42
bazhangcliff_, then go to #archlinux for support NOT here06:42
bazhangsjd_zeus, #fedora06:42
bazhang!broadcom > pradeep06:43
ubottupradeep, please see my private message06:43
ActionParsnippradeep: if you run;  sudo modprobe b43    does it start working?06:43
pradeep1 sec06:43
Chiefwhere i can find download to debian in windows?06:44
bazhangChief, download what06:44
Chiefsoftware debian to windows06:45
ActionParsnipChief: ask in #debian06:45
Chiefbut no talk in debian :\06:45
deper29I love the other distro questions in #ubuntu today06:45
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bazhangChief, this is not debain support. ask there06:45
ActionParsnipdeper29: its annoying06:45
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pradeepfatal:module bcm43 not found06:46
mujihello guys, how can i see which version of nvidia gpu i have? i jsut tried to install the newest graphics driver, but don't know if it worked or not06:46
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mujithanks bud06:47
mujioops my bad, i ment how can i see the driver version of my nvidia graphics card i have?06:49
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ActionParsnipdesti: sudo lshw -C display06:55
mikohey everybody06:57
rinzlerwhat's the command to restart xserver?06:58
theadminrinzler: Depends on your display manager06:58
rinzlertheadmin: xfce06:59
theadminrinzler: That's not a display manager, that's a desktop environment06:59
theadminAnd I have no idea what Xubuntu uses06:59
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rinzlertheadmin: ubuntustudio is the flavor that I used.06:59
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theadminrinzler: You can just hit Alt+SysRQ+K07:00
rinzlertheadmin: I don'07:00
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rinzlertheadmin: nvm07:01
theadminrinzler: Well, generally speaking, sudo /etc/init.d/*dm restart07:02
rinzlertheadmin: how do I tell what my xserver is?07:03
Fuzzlesyou guys heared Steam for linux betas was released yesterday07:04
theadminrinzler: You mean display manager. You are confused on your terms. A display manager is a tool managing user logins. X (server) is the core of any graphical interface. Finally, the desktop environment is all your panels and stuff, and the window manager is what draws window borders07:04
theadminrinzler: Generally, ls /etc/init.d/*dm will give you your display manager's name07:04
xroHi, i have a dell xps 13'' with ubuntu. the max screen resolution is 1366x768. Is there a way to increase this max resolution?07:04
Fuzzlesxro, not sure as i think thats the max res it supports i have a dell studio and thats my max too07:05
rinzlertheadmin: I'm gonna have to read up apparently. Apparently I have lightdm07:05
theadminrinzler: Ok, well you can use "sudo restart lightdm" then07:06
rinzlertheadmin: cool Thanks!07:06
xroFuzzles, max for what? hardware (screen or graphic card) or only for soft (max settings in a conf file)?07:07
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theadminHm, oh right, they switched to lightdm in *all* releases in 12.1007:08
Fuzzlesxro, hardware i think not 100% sure tho you should have the perfect res at that settings tho with no problem07:08
xroFuzzles, not really perfect... it's a bit to big for me... i'm looking for a way to increase it  bit07:10
adknight87Ive tried getting efimgr in ubuntu 12.04 but i get a dependicy error in the live version of ubuntu to try and remove ubuntu from the bios boot menu07:13
vekinnew to ubuntu what am i missing when i get "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lreadline"07:16
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daonb__בדרך למזא"ה 907:25
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balthamaisteriHi, guys. I have a question about java. I extracted java 1.7 jdk to /usr/vin/java/, and set JAVA_HOME to /etc/environment. Now i can start eclipse from CLI, but not by clicking (it cannot find JVM). Can you help me?07:35
rodayoWhat's the fasted way to burn a windows 8 iso to a usb drive? Can I just use dd to write to drive?07:39
LFC_fanuse winusb07:39
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stev34hay anyone got some security tips?07:43
rodayoLFC_fan, unfortunately i don't have any windows machines at my disposal07:43
rodayoSo it's gotta be a linux solution07:43
rodayoread this : http://www.plop.at/en/winusbinstall.html07:43
rodayoreading this*07:43
optrazafter upgrade to ubuntu 12.10, my X wont start07:44
LFC_fanrodayo: I meant this http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/tool-to-create-windows-usb-install.html07:46
stev34optraz, check what type of session ur using. same thing happened to me after updating07:47
optrazstev34: what it had to do with session?! the X cannot even start..07:48
optrazstev34: do you know your stuff?07:48
stev34sry its been a while...07:48
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rodayoLFC_fan, I wish I foudn that sooner. Thanks a lot =)07:51
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hocib0hello world :-D07:54
rinzlerI tried to install nvidia-common and nvidia-current and now I have lost all ability to control my monitors and I can't set my screen resolution above 800x600. Can anyone help?07:55
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ThorHow can I get bash_completion to work with ssh? It used to work, but now ubuntu uses hashed known_hosts file, so as far as I can see, bash_completion haven't been updated to work with the new known_hosts format08:08
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Jordan_UThor: You can't reverse a hash, so you can't determine what the domain is from the hash (you can only confirm it). So bash_completion would need to use another list of domains to allow you to tab complete domain names.08:11
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=== uczen is now known as Duraj
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jagginessoh no not him again08:26
* jagginess ducks08:26
WishArtHi, anyway to backup whole ubuntu like Acronis does?08:29
[deXter]WishArt, yes08:30
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=== chdk is now known as screwsss
[deXter]WishArt, http://redobackup.org/08:31
WishArtThat's nice. Any keyword to google the apps please deXter?08:31
WishArtWow, tyvm deXter. Very helpful :)08:31
[deXter]WishArt, No problem. :)08:31
ShibaIt seems that, on Ubuntu 12.10, whatever is managing e desktop crashes on 75% of the boots08:38
Shibafor example, any icons such as folders or files or photos aren't there and the context menu doesn't work08:39
Shibawhat should be restarted to get it back?08:39
ShibaI gues smy question is, what is Unity's window manager called?08:40
Shibaperhaps that is the wrong question.  the desktop shell is what is crashing08:40
=== Cravatus is now known as Lambda_3D
icerootSoulShadow: maybe "killall unity" and then start it again with "unity" (not tested, dont know if there is a better way to restart unity without logout/login)08:46
icerootSoulShadow: wrong nick sorry08:46
zambaafter upgrading to 12.10 i've lost sound and the graphics are very slow08:48
yellabs-r2hello all08:54
n1need to install the package. it is in the home folder and did cd to it in the terminal. what command should I use to install it. there is no ./configure file in it's directory.08:55
n1also tried kludgeinstaller, doesn't work08:56
yellabs-r2nl you need to compile it, or is it an .deb ?08:57
yellabs-r2n1 ..08:58
yellabs-r2aha , you have got it ..08:58
llutz_n1: "less README"08:58
lou_BlueT_ : hihi09:00
whiteywho got steam on ubuntu09:02
Goauldthe tok'ra09:03
n1can one turn the package into .deb and run it with gdebi?09:03
xubuntu_userI using Xubuntu. I using tor and Arm to control tor. but now when i try to start arm, it asks for root, why that happen ? Failed to read authentication cookie (permission denied): /var/run/tor/control.authcookie09:04
iceroot!wine | whitey09:04
ubottuwhitey: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:04
icerootn1: what is the source exactly?09:04
icerootn1: a tar.gz?09:04
n1yes, though I extracted it09:05
magic_alyesterday my wlan-card worked totally fine. today there are no connections shown anymore. i think my wlan card is not active anymore. what can i do?09:05
llutz_!details | n109:05
ubottun1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:05
n1ubuntu 12.04, trying to install thunderbird version 209:06
n1should i maybe delete the newer version of thunderbird?09:06
lou_hi, i first come here. i'm glad to see anybody09:06
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icerootn1: why using thunderbird2?09:07
n1cause has an addon unavailable on newer versions09:07
icerootn1: and thunderbird is already precompiled, just extract the file and click on "thunderbird"09:07
icerootn1: dont use thunderbird2 because of security issues!!09:07
icerootn1: maybe debian is still maintaining icedove (thunderbird) version 3 with security fixes so you could have a look there but i would recommend to use the latest thunderbird version09:09
Seppozhello, i installe dubuntu 12 as upgrade from 11, on 11 i had gnome classic, now after upgrade my window manager keeps crashing09:09
Seppozhow can i reinstall the WM?09:09
n1iceroot in the extracted dir, there is only a file thunderbird-bin, not the one with the thbird logo (exe)09:10
icerootn1: thunderbird-bin is the executable09:11
icerootn1: and GNU/Linux does not have *.exe09:11
llutz_there should be a script named "thunderbird" too09:11
n1iceroot so what to use in the terminal to install it*?09:11
icerootn1: but as i said, dont use thunderbird209:11
icerootn1: you dont have to install it09:11
icerootn1: just start it, its already precompiled and just waiting for you to start it09:12
n1iceroot double-click does nothing09:12
icerootn1: please dont use thunderbird 2!09:13
icerootn1: we dont support that here09:13
icerootn1: sudo apt-get install thunderbird   to get the latest thunderbird with all security fixes09:13
icerootn1: for thunderbird support please use #thunderbird09:13
icerootn1: we dont support the downloaded version here, just the one ubuntu is offering09:14
magic_alhow can i activate my wlan card, the third-party-driver is already installed09:14
Pepper29227anyone social who likes to chat on msn?09:15
n1iceroot I have an older ubuntu on another terminal, don't see why I shouldn't try to run the older version, just to test that addon I need for mobile app09:15
iceroot!ot | Pepper2922709:15
ubottuPepper29227: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:15
icerootn1: you can do what you want but we dont support that here09:15
n1iceroot thanks anyway09:15
danieljsHello. I'm trying to install PhantomJs on ubuntu 10.04 x64. I get "Segmentation fault" when trying to run the binary file. Anyone knows what's the problem ?09:16
richardshawdanieljs: how did you install it09:17
Pepper29227do anyone here knows how to program an java app that is using the keytool.exe to generate secret keys09:17
iceroot!ot | Pepper2922709:17
Pepper29227and to generate a private key09:17
icerootPepper29227: could you stop that here please? this channel is only for ubuntu tech support09:17
Pepper29227and use this like get it in the application09:17
Pepper29227i need someone who can cnack that code to me09:18
icerootPepper29227: stop it09:18
Pepper29227in java09:18
danieljsrichardshaw: I tried unpacking the package and also build from source. got the same error twice.09:18
Pepper29227where is the java channel?09:18
iceroot!alis | Pepper2922709:18
ubottuPepper29227: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*09:18
richardshawdanieljs: which release of Ubuntu and which version of phantomjs>09:19
danieljs ubuntu 10.04 x64. phantomjs 1.709:20
outofhandhi , can someone help ? i have ubuntu 12.10 - problem is every 20 seconds of inactivity screen blacks out. even when playing a video full screen , i installed caffeen 2.4.1 (bzr 419) and same issue , even turning off screen lock and dim09:21
danieljsperhaps there is a different linux distro that would run phantomjs smoothly09:21
Seppozis there a way to reinstall the window manager?09:22
richardshawdanieljs: if successfully compiled from source and it segfaults, double check you have all the libs required $ldd $binary then run strace on it09:22
outofhandanyone ?09:24
jagginessanyone ..?09:24
jagginessoutofhand, maybe kms, and a kernel options with <>irqpoll09:25
jagginess(googa dat)09:25
danieljsrichardshaw: what you mean by "double check you have all the libs required $ldd $binary then run strace on it" i'm new with linux... Thanks.09:29
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outofhandjagginess - sorry >? im  not so clued up on ubuntu09:31
richardshawdanieljs: how are you executing phantomjs09:33
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danieljsrichardshaw: I just type ./phantomjs09:34
theredmood____Hello :)09:36
wizrdoutofhand: did you check the BIOS settings?09:37
llutz_outofhand: try "xset s off && xset -dpms"09:38
Steven__hello everyone, can anyone help me out with a debootstrap problem? or should I go elsewhere for questions about that?09:38
richardshawdanieljs: then ldd phantomjs09:39
cchathuraanyone experince with pidgin-sipe plugin09:40
gnnrcchathura, skype?09:41
cchathuracannot skype now09:41
cchathuraany one try to recompile pidgin-sipe09:42
TohoPurojekutocchathura: Do you have Skype installed and running?09:43
llutz_sipe != skype09:43
sargenntospeaking of skype... is there a native linux skype client? or are you guys running it via wine?09:44
llutz_sargennto: there is a linux-client09:44
MonkeyDust!find skype09:44
ubottuFound: pidgin-skype, pidgin-skype-dbg09:44
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga09:44
jeetendracan somebody help me with the installation09:45
danieljsrichardshaw: just to type "ldd phantomjs" ?09:45
MonkeyDustsargennto  you have to activate the partner repos, then install skype09:45
danieljsif I do so, I get "not a dynamic executable"09:45
TohoPurojekutoBe aware Skype isn't open source, and even the protocol isn't available09:46
cchathuracan any one tell me pidgin-sipe irc chat for get help09:46
sargenntoMonkeyDust: ty mate.09:53
mark_Im trying to install software center but when i do my terminal says this can anyone tell me what it means?09:59
mark_Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Package software-center is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source  E: Package 'software-center' has no installation candidate09:59
liriany particular reason why would a non-user that creates a dir on /tmp it gets set to mode 700 (instead of say 775 by default) ?10:00
llutz_liri: what is a "non-user" and what is his umask set to?10:01
mark_hey anyone around?10:02
lirillutz: sry, I meant a non-root user :)10:02
lirillutz: *checking10:02
lirillutz: 000210:03
mark_hey i cant install software center can anyone help"?10:03
llutz_liri: do you have any ACL set on /tmp?10:03
lirillutz: how so?10:03
lirillutz: you mean to take a look at getfacl /tmp ?10:03
llutz_liri: man setfacl/getfacl.  "getfacl /tmp"10:04
mark_can anyone explain to me what this means? Package software-center is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source10:04
llutz_mark_: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install software-center"10:05
SolderFishsorry PC pro don't know Ubuntu10:05
llutz_!info software-center10:05
ubottusoftware-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing software. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.13 (quantal), package size 615 kB, installed size 4400 kB10:05
lirillutz: when another user on the system creates dirs on /tmp they are set to 775, it's just this particular user10:05
mark_tobias@Edward-VPCEA46FM:~$ sudo apt-get update E: Malformed line 8 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse) E: The list of sources could not be read.10:05
mark_ahh okay i think i get it10:06
mark_thanks llutz10:06
llutz_mark_: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list             correct line 810:06
lirillutz: nothing out of the ordinary on getfacl10:06
llutz_liri: no idea then, sry10:06
mark_is there a way i can open it into a txt document?10:07
mark_so itl be easier to read10:07
llutz_mark_: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:08
mark_line 8 is this, what do i do to fix it??? deb Read more: How to Connect an iPhone to Ubuntu | eHow.com http:// www.ehow.com/how_7374987_connect-iphone-ubuntu.html #ixzz2AmqPE0QT10:09
llutz_mark_: delete it10:09
mark_should i just delete it?10:09
mark_lluts any other lines that come up should i just delete? or if i delete the wrong line can that cause trouble for me later?10:11
llutz_mark_: remove any malformed line10:11
mark_llutz *10:11
llutz_mark_: read "man sources.list" about the format lines need to have10:12
mark_it finally went threw but at the end it says this is this normal??? E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:15
Isfirs_92someone knows ircd-hybrid?10:15
ubottucinghiale12: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:15
llutz_mark_: its ok10:15
mark_great thanks so much for your help btw.10:15
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mark_hmm its not installed still though10:18
mark_E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:18
llutz_mark_: apt-cache policy software-center | grep -i candi10:20
mark_after i try to install software center it says you may want to run apt get update.. and then when i do that it says a bunch of stuff failed10:20
mark_when i ran that it said this at W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:21
mark_but i dont think my apt-get update is working properly10:21
llutz_mark_: pastebin the output of apt-get update please10:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:21
Isfirs_92help :( my ircd-hybrid keep telling me that i need to register first when using oper :( and google dont delivers any pages with solutions10:23
llutz_mark_: nice to have that much 3rd party repos messing up the system :(10:24
mark_what does that mean?10:24
llutz_mark_: 1st remove the ppa.launchpad.net from sources.list.10:24
mark_the first line... this one right here? deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jonabeck/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main10:25
llutz_mark_: those "404 ...." lines10:25
mark_its messing up my system?10:25
mark_so remove anyline that says pp.launchpad.net? or just one specific one.10:26
llutz_mark_: comment them out, put a "#" on the beginning of each line containing a ppa10:26
mark_k thanks10:26
llutz_mark_: then get the actual tor-gpg-key10:27
llutz_mark_: then run apt-get update again10:27
mark_what does get the actual tor-gpg key mean10:27
mark_i # out all the ppa lines... but i still have 404 errors10:29
llutz_mark_: the torproject signs its packages with a key you don't have, thus the "GPG error ...." when running apt-get update10:29
mark_oh so i need to get a "key"?10:29
llutz_mark_: same for medibuntu and mate10:29
mark_does that mean my tor isnt working properly/10:29
llutz_no, it just complains about missing keys and will ask "are you really sure to install untrusted packages"10:30
mark_oh yeah it does that10:30
mark_so i fix that by getting keys?10:30
mark_what does that mean? how do i get keys?10:30
WaltherRunning Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. Running "steam" or "steam steam://open/games" results in Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352224866_client)10:32
WaltherI have installed ia32-lib and libpango10:32
mark_so should i just # every line in my source list?10:32
mark_cause the apt update is still getting 40410:33
llutz_mark_: http://torproject.org/docs/debian10:33
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mark_Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package as E: Unable to locate package root10:34
mark_i dont think the tor thing worked.10:35
WaltherRunning Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. Running "steam" or "steam steam://open/games" results in "Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352224866_client)" and the program crashes without showing anything on screen. I have installed ia32-lib and libpango, which are supposed to fix it.10:35
llutz_mark_: "OPtion two tor on ubuntu or debian" see the section about gpg-keys10:35
mark_when i type lsb_release -c or cat /etc/debian_version into terminal10:37
mark_Usage: lsb_release [options]  lsb_release: error: No arguments are permitted10:38
llutz_mark_: "OPtion two tor on ubuntu or debian" see the section about gpg-keys      just those 2 commands, not the entire stuff10:38
mark_my command prompt is terminal right?10:39
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mark_it looks like the gpg code was successful but update still has 404 errors10:41
WaltherRunning Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. Running "steam" or "steam steam://open/games" results in "Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352224866_client)" and the program crashes without showing anything on screen. I have installed ia32-lib and libpango, which are supposed to fix it.10:42
jalexandruHi, I need help with this: I got an email from my webhost: We've a big flood from your network and severals IP ... what does this mean? is my website hacked? or the hosting server?10:42
llutz_mark_: just comment the "404" repos out  and check later WHY they fail. get the gpg keys for mate and medibuntu (should be provided on the projects website), then update again10:43
MonkeyDustmark_  type sudo apt-get update|pastebinit and paste the url here in the channel - maybe there are eol repos or so10:44
* rootpt @ Alice In Chains - Nutshell.mp310:45
MonkeyDustmark_  i mean the command 'sudo apt-get update'10:45
llutz_rootpt: pls disable the np-script10:46
mark_sorry here u go10:47
llutz_mark_: grep -r launchpad /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*10:48
MonkeyDustmark_  for a start, it's a mix of i386 and amd64, not sure if that's a problem10:48
mark_what does that mean llutz?10:48
mark_u want me to open /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*?10:48
llutz_mark_: there seem to be more sources.list files containing lauchpad.net (failing)10:48
llutz_mark_: just enter the command given above into a terminal10:49
mark_oh so what should i do?10:49
mark_ok i did10:49
llutz_mark_: no output?10:50
mark_yeah it says a bunch of stuff10:50
llutz_mark_: comment all those lines in those files out too, re-enable them later10:50
mark_how will i know which to reenable later?10:51
ezhilvananis it possible to decrypt the MD5 ?10:51
llutz_mark_: just re-enable them step by step and update, it will tell you errors10:52
llutz_mark_: but 1st you should get your apt in a working state before10:52
Waltherezhilvanan: if you're referring to md5sum, no; if a file could be non-lossily represented by 32 digits, compression would be excellent :P10:52
mark_gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* only has one line10:52
llutz_mark_: the "grep" command gave you the filenames to edit10:53
anevabout to install something via apt-get, but how do i ensure i'm grabbing the latest package? is there a repro update command or something?10:53
llutz_anev: sudo apt-get update10:53
anevdanke, good sir.10:54
WaltherRunning Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. Running "steam" or "steam steam://open/games" results in "Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352224866_client)" and the program crashes without showing anything on screen. I have installed ia32-lib and libpango, which are supposed to fix it.10:54
mark_gksudo gedit grep -r launchpad /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* gives me a bunch of stuff but i dunno what to do with it10:55
awesome_guyhow to install this ? http://www.joystiq.com/2012/11/06/steam-linux-closed-beta-begins-today-boot-up-that-ubuntu-baby/10:55
awesome_guyI am unable to find steam for ubuntu at google , what to do ?10:55
WaltherRunning Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. Running "steam" or "steam steam://open/games" results in "Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352224866_client)" and the program crashes without showing anything on screen. I have installed ia32-lib and libpango, which are supposed to fix it.10:59
Waltherawesome_guy: http://media.steampowered.com/client/installer/steam.deb10:59
WaltherBut yeah, don't expect it to work well.11:00
awesome_guyohh why ?11:00
Waltherfor me, it doesn't11:00
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Waltherfor some, it does11:00
MonkeyDustWalther  awesome_guy you may want to visit the channel #steamlug11:00
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awesome_guyThanks MonkeyDust11:01
WaltherRunning Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. Running "steam" or "steam steam://open/games" results in "Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352224866_client)" and the program crashes without showing anything on screen. I have installed ia32-lib and libpango, which are supposed to fix it.11:07
ozetteubuntu 12.04, I'm experiencing problems with my cursor on a second monitor. As if the icon is bugged, e.g half an arrow or a vertical dotted stroke11:09
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mark_so can i just # out everything in my sources.list to get my apt-get update to work?11:10
mark_or is that a bad idea11:10
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dr_willisif you do every source mark_ then whats to update?11:11
mark_i dunno but my apt update wont work11:11
mark_and i dont really know what the hell im doing11:11
dr_williswhats the exact error? try a default sources.list yet?11:12
sirbijananybody with experience on snmp exec in here?11:12
dr_williscould be somthing in sources.list.d also....11:12
sirbijanI have problem with my snmpd.conf exec11:13
=== erry_ is now known as erry
WaltherRunning Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. Running "steam" or "steam steam://open/games" results in "Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352224866_client)" and the program crashes without showing anything on screen. I have installed ia32-lib and libpango, which are supposed to fix it.11:14
mark_can anyone help me w/ apt-get update11:20
dr_willisWalther: the forums and askubuntu.com may be better places for steam support.11:20
dr_willismark_: give us details and see.11:20
mark_when i run apt-get update its saying this.            Err http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main Sources   404  Not Found Err http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main amd64 Packages   404  Not Found Hit http://packages.medibuntu.org precise/non-free amd64 Packages Err http://ppa.launchpad.net precise/main i386 Packages   404  Not Found11:21
dr_willisthe other sources should still update mark_  so that shouldent be a big issue.11:22
mark_wwell im trying to download software center11:22
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mark_and it wont let me.11:22
dr_willisremove the problem ppas from sources.list.d if you want.11:22
=== Err404NotFound is now known as Error404NotFound
BluesKajHiyas all11:23
dr_willisor use the software-sources tool11:24
mark_what is that?11:24
mark_oh wow i just got the software center to work somehow11:24
mark_its also saying this is this okay?11:24
mark_W: GPG error: http://packages.mate-desktop.org precise InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 68980A0EA10B4DE8 W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org precise InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783 W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/pmcenery/ppa/ubuntu/dists/precise/mai11:24
st_ironon 12.04 I used to install openLDAP as suggested in the documentation on help.ubuntu.com; there is a good article about ACLs, but there is no any clue about where should I add my new ACLs?11:26
n1how is the -bin file executed within the terminal ("allow exe as a program" within the properties marked)?11:28
=== CN-data is now known as CNdata
=== Guest41216 is now known as `z
GrundellWorking on a project and i need to have a product editor / customizer. My idea is that i want to have a program that makes it possible for the customer to make their own design. though i need to know if there is a plugin for that or if i have to find another way to make it happen?11:34
`zOn my VPS, after upgrading to 12.10, loopback doesn't come back properly11:36
`zit doesn't get an IP, and i have to manually restart it with ifdown and ifup11:36
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=== a is now known as Guest90370
BluesKaj`z, open /etc/network/interfaces with root permissions and add these lines, if they are missing11:41
BluesKajauto lo11:41
BluesKajiface lo inet loopback11:41
`zBluesKaj, they're there11:44
n1what if the file is named xxx-bin, not xxx.bin, how do I know if it's actually a bin and how to make it (just rename it?) "bin"?11:45
rumpe1n1, the filename doesn't matter, what matters is the output of "file <filename>"11:46
fire_want to download files from apache server, how can i get the files using wget or curl i am trying to download the file but i am getting the java script instead of actual content11:48
guest-z1tAEpHelloo,any1 know how to fix the "Logging off" at login problem, lubuntu.. it came once I shutdown the computer with button, cus it didnt shutdown:(?11:51
lkthomashey guys, my KDE keyboard act very strange11:51
lkthomasthe key does not output correctly11:51
lkthomashow could I fix that ?11:51
Chotazwhat do you mean by acting strang, lkthomas ?11:51
lkthomasI have to press multiple times to output   '11:52
lkthomasif I press ' + s, it will be ś11:52
lkthomasbut if I am on pure console mode, all key is mapped correctly11:53
MonkeyDustlkthomas  system settings > keyboard layout11:53
lkthomasI try to select keyboard model as generic11:54
BluesKaj`z, do you have nameservers and are you using dhcp ,also try , sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart , then check if the networking daemon runs again after reboot11:54
lkthomasbut 4 generic keyboard is incorrect11:54
=== Guest98985 is now known as Aranel
guest-z1tAEpwhat to do with logging off problem on login lubuntu? no normal acc works, only guest11:55
`zBluesKaj, as in, everything else works11:55
`zall the other adapters to outside works11:55
lkthomasany idea ?11:55
CCKhi all11:57
`zBluesKaj, to answer your question11:57
BluesKaj`z well try my suggestion because the "if" isn't starting up and the init.d command I posted above should solve your problem11:57
`zno, it doesn't11:57
CCKquestion, I inserted my HDD with ubuntu into another machine, how can I tell it to rescan all the drivers and to try and find new ones11:57
Isfirs_92i cant join any channel on my ircd-hybrid server :( does someone has any experience with it?11:58
BluesKaj`z, then your interfaces file isn't configured properly , http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/11:59
`zBluesKaj, it is configured properly12:00
purveshi am unable to install ubuntu on my ultrabook can someone help me with installing ubuntu 12.10 on efi hardware12:00
CCKIsfirs_92, did you make an operator and then logged in as operator and set flags to the wanted channels12:01
Isfirs_92i cant use /oper, so how could i be operator :/12:02
CCKquestion, I inserted my hard drive with ubuntu into another machine, how can I tell it to rescan all the drivers and to try and find new ones12:02
lkthomas   anyone ?12:02
lkthomasLOL, nevermind12:02
CCKIsfirs_92, http://askubuntu.com/questions/103185/ircd-hybrid-operator-configuration12:02
lkthomasI sort it out already12:02
BluesKaj`z , well , good luck12:03
lkthomasthanks guys12:03
Isfirs_92ive op at localhost with name Isfirs.....12:03
Isfirs_92but i cant use commands......12:03
Isfirs_92it keep telling me that i ned to rgister first12:03
=== glebihan__ is now known as glebihan
Feedbookpurvesh: this might help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:04
CCKso u need to /oper name password12:04
purveshFeedbook, Thanks for reply, let me see12:04
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Isfirs_92CCK and the response keeps: register first. im not fallen on my head....12:07
CCKon sec12:08
=== onzichtbaar is now known as erkan^
Isfirs_92is it a xchat problem?12:08
somethinginteresif I install nvidia-current will that install the new driver released today?12:09
CCKcould you paste your auth {} section of the config file12:10
CCKpastebin plz, not in channel, some ppl would get angry XD12:11
Chotaz!pastebinit | CCK12:12
ubottuCCK: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com12:12
Isfirs_92i know the goods of pastie :D12:12
Noriandirhi. I'm not being able to connect to this pc through ssh... i get a connection timed out message12:13
CodeRatThis is a much better pastebin ;) http://paste.debian.net12:13
Noriandirif i do: ssh user@localhost it works tho12:14
Isfirs_92CCK http://pastie.org/534011312:14
Slartsomethinginteres: probably not.. I doubt nvidia-current installs beta drivers.. (and when I checked this morning the new driver was still a beta driver)12:14
Isfirs_92i did complet file..12:14
Slartsomethinginteres: but who knows.. keep an eye on it12:14
Isfirs_92fuu, wrong shit o.O12:14
CCKNoriandir, iptables -L in terminal or did you block the port on your router12:14
Isfirs_92that happens if u dont look before doing stuff...12:14
NoriandirCCK, iptables: http://paste.debian.net/207179/12:16
Isfirs_92now its the right text on that link CCK12:16
CCKNoriandir, so the iptables are not being used so that's ok, do you have a router trough which you go to the net12:18
CCKIsfirs_92, ??12:18
Isfirs_92there: http://pastie.org/5340119 :o12:18
NoriandirCCK, yeah, that was the problem. the port was not forwarded =/12:19
NoriandirCCK, is there any default iptable rules that you recomend?12:19
CCKnot really, just the one that blocks all incoming except for the outgoing connections that you use but on linux it is safe (except when it is exploitable)12:21
CCKIsfirs_92, try this on the user = "isfirs@"; line try it as "*@"; if that does not work try "*@localhost";12:23
CCKbrb need to reboot12:23
CCKnot sure if it is relative but your caps it wrong on that line12:24
=== Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0
Isfirs_92CCK wb and no, still same error:/12:29
Isfirs_92(if it is an error)12:29
CCKwhat's the exact wording that it gives ya12:30
WaltherRunning Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. Running "steam" or "steam steam://open/games" results in "Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352224866_client)" and the program crashes without showing anything on screen. I have installed ia32-lib and libpango, which are supposed to fix it.12:31
Isfirs_92JavaBot TestServer CAP * LS :multi-prefix before using /oper as last message12:31
CCKok first off after editing the config file did you restart the service?12:32
Isfirs_92and JavaBot TestServer 451 * Isfirs :Register first12:32
CCKso when you put /oper Isfirs password what does it tell yo12:32
Isfirs_92and JavaBot TestServer 451 * Isfirs :Register first <===12:33
CCKaha ok 1 sec12:33
somethinginteresSlart: I tried to install it via the .run file and it said the "distro pre-install package failed. Continue anyway?" or something to that effect.12:33
n1what does the .bin icon look like (the pink one with the wheels)?12:35
Slartsomethinginteres: yea, that happens to me even with the regular binary driver12:35
n1...i mean, the violet one12:36
Slartsomethinginteres: it still works, or at least it does for me12:36
somethinginteresSlart: roger that. Have you installed the new driver? Seems to boast many improvements.12:37
Slartsomethinginteres: mm. I read that too and I went searching for it but when I saw that it was still in beta I figured I could wait a week or two to see if any problems show up.. so no, I haven't tried it.. yet =)12:38
CCKgive me a min to go trough everything12:38
somethinginteresSlart: ah fair enough12:39
BluesKajsomethinginteres,  the R310 driver?12:39
somethinginteresBluesKaj: yeah12:39
CCKIsfirs_92, in the logs/userlog or logs/operlog12:39
CCKdo you have anything12:40
Isfirs_92where r the logs o.o12:40
BluesKajsomethinginteres, is your nvidia card a grforce 8800GT or higher?12:40
WaltherRunning Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. Running "steam" or "steam steam://open/games" results in "Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352224866_client)" and the program crashes without showing anything on screen. I have installed ia32-lib and libpango, which are supposed to fix it.12:40
somethinginteresBluesKaj: 8800GTS12:41
CCKguessing /var/log but let me check12:41
BluesKajsomethinginteres, ok you should be fine for steam games , they're linux versions are in beta right now12:42
CCKcan you paste those 2 logs12:42
CCKor can you see what is the problem12:42
BluesKajtheir linux versions rather12:42
Isfirs_92ircd.users is empty, same ans reject and auth12:43
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Isfirs_92and the ircd-hybrid.log has stuff about loaded modules :/12:43
CCKok for the user= line in operator12:43
CCKyou have to match it how you would locally look12:44
CCKfor instance if you are registering with isfirs@ that is supposed to be your line12:44
CCKmay I msg you so that we can leave this channel alone12:45
somethinginteresBluesKaj: Good to know. Gotta get a key first :P12:45
Isfirs_92yea :)12:45
ElixirVitaeWhat is the frequency for channel logs to be documented in the webpage?12:45
ElixirVitaeDaily? Hourly? Every 10 mins?12:46
MonkeyDustElixirVitae  apparentally every 30 minutes or so, just compared this screen with the log http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/11/07/%23ubuntu.html12:50
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ElixirVitaegrazie, MonkeyDust.12:53
ElixirVitaeI learnt about helping burnout or something like that12:53
ElixirVitaeEver get that?12:53
=== Cyberspaceloa is now known as Cyberspaceloafk
the_dark_knighthi, I have three instances of the same process running with supervisor. http://www.bpaste.net/raw/RUQ0mKrwTs8gy7cQd4On/ . my conf file is http://www.bpaste.net/raw/EvHdA5SVK1SCssxC32io/ . how do I know which instance has completed the job if anybody understands the working of gearman clients and workers?13:05
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the_dark_knightor in unix terms from http://www.bpaste.net/raw/RUQ0mKrwTs8gy7cQd4On/ , I want to check what this process did last time using the pids given in the link.13:07
WaltherRunning Ubuntu 12.10 64bit. Running "steam" or "steam steam://open/games" results in "Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1352224866_client)" and the program crashes without showing anything on screen. I have installed ia32-lib and libpango, which are supposed to fix it.13:09
theadminWalther: Steam isn't in Ubuntu repos so I don't see how we can help. Third-party apps, especially in testing stages, aren't supported.13:10
theadminWalther: Basically ask VALVe13:11
PinchiukasI installed a WM after installing Ubuntu without xorg. Now how do I start xorg? :)13:11
PinchiukasWhat is the preferred way to start xorg in Ubuntu?13:11
theadminPinchiukas: A display manager, such as lightdm: sudo apt-get install lightdm13:11
WaltherWell, I was just curious if anyone knew about this issue and if anyone could help. And at least imho, it could be beneficial for Ubuntu if we debugged the steam client as fast as possible ;)13:11
Myx0x3Pinchiukas: there are lots of guides on the interwebs13:12
theadminWalther: "we"? The Ubuntu team has nothing to do with Steam13:12
jribPinchiukas: just install lightdm; it will start automatically at boot13:12
NoriandirWalther, try reading this too for help: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/steam/ <- i've seen ppl there that have the same problem13:12
Walthertheadmin: we as in the Ubuntu user base13:13
WaltherI was not requiring anything from the official devs13:13
theadminWalther: Please see PM13:16
demoniohi all, I installed backtrack 5 r 2, and i need to help, but in #backtrack channel anybody answer13:16
demonioso there is an expert user that can help me ?13:17
llutz!backtrack | demonio even if nobody anwers there, you won't get help here13:17
ubottudemonio even if nobody anwers there, you won't get help here: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition13:17
demonioso thanks i'll try :913:18
MonkeyDustWalther  "it could be beneficial for Ubuntu if we debugged the steam client as fast as possible" => try !brainstorm13:19
WaltherMonkeyDust: no such channel as !brainstorm13:21
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!13:21
the_dark_knighthi, I have 3 process ids (pid) how do I find out what a process did lasttime using this pid? please help13:22
bird_the_dark_knight,hi.I'm not sure your mean ,should you show it clearly13:25
wizrdmsn is a MS product. not my thing13:26
rix1234 Hi all... Can anyone help me with setting flash video quality to medium or low??? Is there any configuration file in which I can set it, so that the change remains permanent.13:27
wizrddisregard my last remark13:27
bird_rix1234,:) you can get a flash config tool in ubuntu-software-center13:28
bird_just search for "flash"13:28
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bird_I forget it's name,and you can also find it in Adobe offical web site13:29
Pinchiukasjrib: thanks. :)13:31
rushboythe_dark_knight, hi ! even i'm not clear about what u intend to ask but may b trying a ps command piped into a grep command with the desired PID can give u the history of the project...hope this helps13:31
abhinav_singhwhat are the differences between service reload and service restart13:32
Xx-newbiehey about the cnee .. command: how can i replay a recorded file for a specific number of time13:32
bird_you can get it in different file putted in /etc/init.d13:34
bird_every serivce has it's own controlor shell putted in /etc/init.d13:34
bird_so you can read it and get the differences between reload and restart13:35
PinchiukasInstalled lightdm and gnome-user-guide was pulled with the dependencies? Seriously...13:39
PinchiukasAnd 700MB of other crap.13:40
PinchiukasModemmanager too.13:40
PinchiukasMy god, the dependency tree sucks.13:40
theadminPinchiukas: ...have you tried --no-install-suggests? :P13:41
PinchiukasA single package got excluded lol13:42
PinchiukasThis is pathetic. :D13:42
theadminHm well. You can probably go with installing lxdm or something instead13:42
=== dpac|away is now known as dpac
theadminBut yeah this isn't ArchLinux, Ubuntu team don't get their deps straight for a long time now :/13:42
PinchiukasI doubt the results will be different.13:42
theadminPinchiukas: Oh, I get why what happened happened13:43
PinchiukasI'm beginning to think that choosing Ubuntu was a mistake. :)13:43
theadminPinchiukas: Unless you specify otherwise on command-line, lightdm will pull unity-greeter in, which depends on a lot of GNOME stuff13:43
theadminPinchiukas: Choose a more lightweight greeter13:43
PinchiukasMore lightweight than lightdm? :D13:43
PinchiukasFor flip sake...13:44
XYZ987654321I am trying to use mic for recognising speech, However, there is a message "ad_oss.c(100): Failed to open audio device(/dev/dsp): No such file or directory Failed to open audio input device" any idea?13:44
theadminSomething along the lines of: sudo apt-get install lightdm lightdm-webkit-greeter13:44
theadminPinchiukas: ^13:44
PinchiukasWhat is a greeter anyway?13:44
theadminPinchiukas: A greeter provides the graphical interface for lightdm13:44
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PinchiukasIsn't lightdm a graphical interface itself?13:44
theadminPinchiukas: Not exactly -- lightdm itself just provides the core stuff, it's very customizable, that's why the greeters are around13:46
PinchiukasI seee.13:46
XYZ987654321I am trying to use mic for recognising speech, However, there is a message "ad_oss.c(100): Failed to open audio device(/dev/dsp): No such file or directory Failed to open audio input device" any idea?  please.....13:48
theadminXYZ987654321: Uh, sounds like your recording software isn't ALSA-compatible... Ubuntu doesn't use OSS for a long time. Try running your software with padsp13:48
ert3goHello , can someone tell me how to convert a postcript file to a text file ?13:50
Slartert3go: isn't there a ps2ascii app or something similar?13:50
theadmin!info pstotext | ert3go13:50
ubottuert3go: pstotext (source: pstotext): Extract text from PostScript and PDF files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9-6 (quantal), package size 32 kB, installed size 118 kB13:50
ert3goyep Slart : http://kb.iu.edu/data/abcd.html But i am getting an error13:51
Piciert3go: theres also a ps2txt program in the ghostscript package13:51
Slartert3go: try the one theadmin linked you to instead13:51
ert3goThis site doesn't work : ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/contrib/pstotext-1.9.tar.gz13:55
Slartert3go: what's wrong with "sudo apt-get install ps2txt" ?13:56
theadminert3go: Why are you downloading stuff from random sites?13:56
theadminert3go: Use apt13:56
zambawhat package do i need to install to automatically get the linux headers for my current kernel?13:57
theadminzamba: linux-headers-generic13:58
theadminzamba: Or linux-headers-whatever-kind-of-kernel-you-are-using13:58
zambatheadmin: well.. i want that package to be upgraded with the kernel13:58
theadminzamba: It will be13:58
theadminzamba: Long as you're using an official kernel13:59
ert3gothanks theadmin and Slart13:59
Slartyou're welcome13:59
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Linkandzelda76% cpu usage from Xorg, system unusable after 12 hours of having the screen off with a few apps running, what is the most likely cause? ;-;14:14
=== ava_ is now known as _ava_
JuJuBeeHow do I set a file association using unity?  The "open with" does not list the application I need and "find on internet" yields nothing.14:17
or4nDoes anyone know how to set up VLAN double tagging aka 802.1ad aka qinq?14:17
=== stackofc1ts is now known as stackofcats
KartagisJuJuBee: right click on the file and set from there14:18
JuJuBeeKartagis: doesn't allow me to browse to find the application I need14:18
OnixsKartagis sup. Switched to ubuntu now?14:20
KartagisOnixs: I have been on ubuntu for at least 4 years14:21
OnixsNice. Left osx scene?14:21
philinuxJuJuBee: which app is it?14:22
philinuxand what file type14:22
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
bradywhen i have a folder with a program in it that i have downloaded, as opposed to having installed though the software center or via sudo apt-get install,   is it possible that i can set up said program to run via the terminal by simply typing its name?14:24
KartagisOnixs: maybe I'll install it in a VM14:24
Kartagisbrady: yes14:24
Kartagisbrady: you mean a .deb file?14:25
chucktewksmornin all - sometimes when i start up my Ubuntu desktop i get a blinking cursor in the upper left of the window - it's like a terminal cursor "showing through" the windows - any idea why that happens and how to fix?14:26
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JuJuBeephilinux: we are using a program by Cisco called packet tracer14:26
JuJuBeeIt has .pka extension14:26
bradyhumm i can't tell by looking at the folder kartagis , its the arduino program in its folder14:27
JuJuBeeIn KDE I can set custom file extension mapping.  Don't know how with unity...14:27
Kartagisbrady: ls in console14:27
bradyi had to download a particular version of the arduino ide, i cannot use the one via simply sudo apt-get install arduino, that one does not work for my application14:28
DMKEhey! do you mind if I shamelessly advertise a game I'd like do evaluate for my thesis? :-)14:29
DMKEthx in advance!14:29
norbert79I smell permban14:29
bradyKartagis:  ?14:30
PiciDMKE: yes, we mind. please don't do that.14:30
philinuxJuJuBee: you probably need a custom .desktop file14:30
DMKEI'm sorry14:30
chucktewkssometimes when i start up my Ubuntu desktop i get a blinking cursor in the upper left of the window - it's like a terminal cursor "showing through" the windows - any idea why that happens and how to fix?14:31
Kartagisbrady: type ls in terminal and find out what type it is14:31
JuJuBeephilinux: I have one to launch the program but I want to be able to click on a file and have the program open with the file loaded.14:31
bradywell.. its showing in yellow, can't see the type14:33
philinuxJuJuBee: http://askubuntu.com/questions/72535/creating-desktop-files-to-use-on-the-open-with-other-application-tab14:34
Kartagisbrady: yellow most probably means a dev file14:35
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kubanchow come i cannot see new release button in update manager?14:40
kubanci have ubuntu 12.04 LTS14:40
philinuxkubanc: what have you got set in Settings in Software Updater?14:43
danieljsHello. I'm trying to install phantomjs under ubuntu 10.04 x64. I get "Segmentation fault" everytime I try to run it. Anyone knows what's the problem ?14:43
wizrdkubanc: try : sudo do-release-upgrade -d14:43
kubancphilinux, i found it, I just changed it to notify me every time there's a new version of Ubuntu14:43
philinuxsorted then kubanc14:44
kubancPhibs, YES, thnx14:44
JuJuBeephilinux: thanks, I'll have a look14:45
danieljsHello. I'm trying to install phantomjs under ubuntu 10.04 x64. I get "Segmentation fault" everytime I try to run it. Anyone knows what's the problem ?14:46
devurandomI have a computer with a german keyboard (i.e. latin characters) and want to input Persian/Farsi characters. Since I do not know the Farsi keyboard layout very well, I would like to use an input method, that is able to translate phonetics transcriptions in latin to Farsi characters.14:47
devurandomIs that possible with Ubuntu?14:47
devurandomI tried to add Persian language support to Ubuntu (KDE Systemsettings / Regional Support / Language), but cannot figure out how to add an input method of the sort I described (I only find keyboard settings for the layout - which is not what I want to change).14:49
devurandomSince I read on WikiPedia about iBus (and it being the default foreign input method in Ubuntu since a while), I tried to "apt-get install ibus ibus-qt4", but that did not show me any new options.14:50
[conrad]Hello. Is there a way to get more verbose information about a failure when using the mount command? Getting "mount error(13): Permission denied", but want to see if there is more than I can see than that error.15:01
_Marcus[conrad]: Are you running it as root?15:01
Hopcountany apt wizzards. I have two packages puppet and puppetdb. The puppet packages has been updated (should have happend) and i want to downgrade it. I want todo this bij remove the puppet package and installing/force the right version.15:02
[conrad]_Marcus: Yes, but that isn't the issue. It's with the actual configuration of users on the storage device.15:02
Hopcountproblem is puppetdb depends on package puppet and when i do apt-get remove puppet it also wants to remove puppetdb15:03
ManDayWhat does the bot do?15:03
ubottuManDay: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:03
ManDay!package x11vnc15:03
Hopcountand that will not happen, i will be reinstalling puppet so i just want to remove puppet15:03
ManDayWhere is x11vnc ladies?15:03
fego!info x11vnc15:03
ubottux11vnc (source: x11vnc): VNC server to allow remote access to an existing X session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.13-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 973 kB, installed size 2050 kB15:03
Hopcountanyway to force apt to not include depens15:03
fego!bot | ManDay15:04
ubottuManDay: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:04
ManDayapt-get install x11vnc    should work, right?15:06
ManDay(Trying to remote help someone, not on debian myself)15:06
L3mce!find x11vnc15:07
ubottuFound: x11vnc, x11vnc-data15:07
L3mceyes ManDay15:07
ManDayNevermind, the "remote" made a type15:08
sys32 "/topic"15:09
ManDayWhile we're at it, do you have an idea how to establish a Remote-X11VNC connection if both parties are behind a respective firewall15:09
tamarosManDay: port forwarding?15:10
thebishophey hey15:10
thebishophas unity over VNC still buggy, or am I better off with Xubuntu?15:10
ManDaytamaros: Well, nope15:11
justbecause* #rhel :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services15:11
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compdocthebishop, i use vnc4server and unity, although Im pretty sure its the 2d unity15:11
thebishopcompdoc, ok thanks15:11
bazhangjustbecause, join #freenode and register15:11
bazhang!register | justbecause15:12
ubottujustbecause: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:12
cbearden1ManDay: I'm not sure you can do this without one machine being able to connect to another e.g. by ssh with port forwarding.15:12
justbecause* Now talking on #freenode15:13
bazhangjustbecause, no need to tell us15:13
ManDayYou don't say15:13
compdocdo they allow talking on #freenode?15:13
compdocI thought they were mean15:13
justbecausesorry mate15:13
bazhanglets move on please15:14
justbecauseLinux bobfox 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux15:14
bazhangjustbecause, whats the support question15:14
cfhowlettmeghal: greetings15:16
meghalubuntu 12.10 is compactible with dell inspiron n511015:16
cfhowlettmeghal: yes15:17
jiffe98so I'm wondering why when I ssh into my freebsd machines there is no delay whereas when I ssh into most of my ubuntu machines there is a delay except for the ones still running 8.0415:18
JuJuBeephilinux: that didn't seem to work.  I added the .desktop file to .local/share/applications and added the mime type to the mimtypes.list file and it still does not  show up in the applications list.15:18
jiffe98forward and reverse dns are working fine15:19
cfhowlettmeghal: exactly what happens during install15:19
killer_why after several weeks of usage nautilus becomes too slow 12.0415:20
meghalwhen i boots via usb it shows fat error15:20
philinuxJuJuBee: u may need to log out and back in maybe15:20
meghalunable to access fat32 someting like that15:20
cfhowlettmeghal: so the USB itself fails to boot properly?15:20
meghalno its start booting15:21
cfhowlettmeghal: fat error on usb?  or on the target hard drive?15:21
meghalbut then after its shows this error and some time its shows ubuntu loading symbol but noothing comes up15:21
meghalwhen i click install ubuntu to hard disk15:22
meghalthen its shows like this15:22
cfhowlettmeghal: ok.  did you md5sum check the iso before you made your boot USB15:22
Megalasjoin #ubuntu-de15:22
meghalhow to do that15:22
ubottumeghal:: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:23
meghali just downloaded iso file15:23
meghalfrom ubuntu15:23
cfhowlettmeghal: highly recommend you check the iso.  60 seconds of effort to verify you got a good iso ...15:23
meghalbut i downloaded it from ubuntu official site only15:24
donofriowe need alt for 12.1015:24
cfhowlettmeghal: understood.  nevertheless, bad iso's happen to good people.  Indulge me ...15:24
jackhillHi, I want to determine all the packages that provide an alternative via update-alternatives for a given file. What is the best way to do this?15:24
meghali ll try to do md515:25
=== Wesley_ is now known as wesley
cfhowlettMegalas: greetings15:25
MegalasIs a staff member here?15:25
=== wesley is now known as Guest4721
Megalascfhowlett: Hi! Have i speak with you yesterday?15:26
cfhowlettMegalas: volunteers15:26
cfhowlettMegalas: don't think so ...15:26
Megalascfhowlett: Are you a staff member?15:26
cfhowlettMegalas: no.  Like most of us, only a volunteer15:26
Megalascfhowlett: What`s a volunteer?15:27
cfhowlettMegalas: I don't work for Canonical or ubuntu.15:28
Megalascfhowlett: Can you speak german?15:28
bazhang!ot | Megalas15:29
ubottuMegalas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:29
meghalwinmd5 cheksum when i click calculate it give out nothing15:29
bazhangMegalas, take the chit chat elsewhere15:29
ubottuMegalas:: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!15:29
wyclifcfhowlett: very true about bad iso's. I had one like that the other day15:29
cfhowlettwyclif: as Forrest Gump says "***t happens"15:30
wyclifmeghal: best to run md5sum and verify it15:30
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cfhowlettmeghal: what do you mean it gives nothing?15:30
john_doe_jrI'm using pdftohtml binary to convert a PDF document to HTML but it doesn't do a good job…does any one know of another way to convert a PDF to HTML?15:30
jparktonjohn_doe_jr, Google Docs15:32
meghalit was giving no output15:32
jiffe98does anyone else have delays when ssh logging into an ubuntu machine?15:32
jparktonjiffe1, not here15:32
meghalbut anyway i check out that its correct check sum15:32
meghalin hash caly15:32
meghalnow what15:32
FloodBot1meghal: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:33
jparktoncrazy newbs15:33
meghalu just anser my question15:33
meghalwhat next i have to do15:33
cfhowlettmeghal: assuming you've got a good iso, I'd suggest you re-do the USB preferably with a different USB stick15:34
meghalwill it be ok for kingston15:34
koegsjiffe98: what do you mean by delay?15:34
cfhowlettmeghal: usb sticks can fail.  I'm suggesting you eliminate that as a possible cause of your errors15:34
meghalso what else any other way?15:35
cfhowlettmeghal: you could always burn a CDROM ...15:35
meghalthen send it to my address15:35
john_doe_jrjparkton: so your saying to upload it as a PDF file and download it as a HTML document?15:35
meghalright now i dont have any free dvd15:36
cfhowlettmeghal: OK.15:36
meghalwhen will u send it?15:36
cfhowlettYou used the Ubuntu USB Startup Disk creator to make the USB?15:36
meghalno universal15:37
meghalthat is there on ubuntu site15:37
cfhowlettmeghal: wait, what?15:37
meghali use the universal usb to create ubuntu usb15:38
JuJuBeephilinux: did that.  The program does not show in the other applications list.15:38
meghalwhat i have to do tel me fast15:38
IdleOne!usb > meghal15:39
ubottumeghal, please see my private message15:39
ManDayWhat is a "Triaged" Bug?15:39
meghalu just send me the ubuntu disk at my home address15:39
IdleOneManDay: means the someone has looked at it and assigned it15:39
IdleOnemeghal: we don't do that15:39
meghalubottu: do your work15:39
ubottumeghal: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:39
IdleOne!/cs k meghal !attitude15:40
ubottuIdleOne: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:40
cfhowlettmeghal: someone sent you an ubuntu disk?15:40
philinuxJuJuBee: just founfd this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185056815:40
philinuxJuJuBee: its a gnome 3 thing15:40
ManDayIdleOne: Thanks15:41
dean_Hi I am used to windows bittorrent clients what is the best linux native one to use?15:41
=== rajesh is now known as Guest5607
Erik_Dtransmission is pretty good15:42
Erik_Ddean_: ^15:42
MonkeyDustdean_  deluge15:42
chisholmdean_: transmission is pretty slick15:42
bazhangdean_, no best. try transmission deluge etc and decide15:42
philinuxJuJuBee: and this http://askubuntu.com/questions/67382/add-custom-command-in-the-open-with-dialog15:42
Erik_Dplayt with a few, see what you like15:42
bazhang!torrent | dean_15:42
ubottudean_: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P15:42
jparktonjohn_doe_jr, yes, should work better15:42
dean_I want one that don't need configuring easy to use etc but ideally not kde based?15:42
bazhangdean_, see list above15:43
MegalasHello! Who can help me? This is my problem!        http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192105215:43
MonkeyDustwubi :(15:43
dean_transmission comes preinstalled doesn't it? Is that a good one then?15:43
* cfhowlett wubi15:43
philinuxJuJuBee: google foo turns up a few more to try. what a pain now this is. http://www.google.co.uk/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=%22Open+With%22+and+%22Custom+Command%22&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gl=uk&redir_esc=&ei=GYGaUPbZKsKh0QX29YH4Ag#q=ubuntu+%22Open+With%22+and+%22Custom+Command%22&hl=en&safe=off&client=ubuntu&tbo=1&channel=fs&gl=uk&output=search&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:y&sa=X&ei=h4GaUL3YD6Gc0QWspoHgBA&ved=0CAsQpwUoBQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=3615:43
bazhangdean_, yes its good try it15:44
luisthey guys… what can i use to generate a customized image of ubuntu having a list of the packages i want and using the official repos?15:44
dean_bazhang, Ok cool thanks15:44
john_doe_jrjparkton: Just tried it….Google docs as a limit of the size of PDF that you can convert15:45
jparktonjohn_doe_jr, scumbaggery15:45
philinuxJuJuBee: no idea where that long url came from http://www.google.co.uk/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=%22Open+With%22+and+%22Custom+Command%2215:46
jparktonI dunno man15:46
john_doe_jrjparkton: well thanks15:46
philinuxJuJuBee: add ubuntu to the search15:46
jparktonjohn_doe_jr, sorry I cant be of more help15:47
thebishopthe R600 ATI driver in 12.10 is giving me some problems with the 3.5.0-18 kernel. Using vgaswitcheroo on my laptop, it uses the resolution of my laptop monitor, not the external monitor, and I lose my monitor screen.15:47
thebishop*lose my laptop screen15:47
john_doe_jrjparkton: no problem…its a hard problem to solve15:47
jparktonthebishop, is this in a virtual machine?15:47
thebishopjparker, no, this is a laptop (hp envy 14) with hybrid graphics15:48
simplewi have send a doc to print but i didnt had the printer cable connected, andi canceled the job, now i have send to print again and doesnt print, whats wrong»15:48
jparktonwhat chipset is your graphx card15:48
simplewi have send a doc to print but i didnt had the printer cable connected, andi canceled the job, now i have send to print again and doesnt print, whats wrong?15:48
BluesKajthebishop, optimus?15:48
bazhangsimplew, what version of ubuntu15:48
thebishopjparker, the HDMI port only works using the discrete card, and I used to be able to enable an external monitor by echoing 'DDIS' into the vgaswitcheroo switch15:48
jparktonsimplew, can you paste it one more time I still didnt get it15:48
simplewbazhang: 12.1015:48
jparktonsimplew, can you paste it one more time I still didnt get it15:48
thebishopBluesKaj, jparker ATI 565015:49
bazhangjparkton, lose the attitude15:49
jparktonthebishop, my name is jParkton, not parker15:49
Linkandzeldaguys one of my discs siddenly became read only for no reason, what can I do!15:49
thebishopjparkTON, indeed15:49
jparktonthebishop, makes it easier for me to follow when it is my name lol15:50
thebishopjparkton, yep, sorry15:50
NikPSince my last video card update it doesn't supports WebGL. I use the default ATI drivers.15:50
rsvhow can i hybernate a PC15:50
simplewbazhang: do i need to restart cups?15:50
BluesKajthebishop, what do you mean by hybrid graphics , dual level gpus?15:50
jparktonthebishop, can you use a different radeon driver and see if that works?15:50
rsvBluesKaj: i meant hybernate15:50
thebishopBluesKaj, my laptop has an intel "low power" card, and an ATI 5650 for 3d graphics.  it has to switch, it doesn't do the optimus thing where 3d is offloaded15:51
BluesKajrsv, i wasn't answering your question15:51
jparktonOh wait this is Ubuntu my bad15:51
jparktonyall suck ass im out15:51
rsvBluesKaj: let me get those glasses15:51
BluesKajthebishop,  ok15:51
thebishopjparkton, last time I tried to install fglrx on this machine, it broke things.  I'm seeing similar reports online of fglrx not working with hybrid graphics in the 5xxx series15:51
bazhangthebishop, hes gone15:52
thebishopbazhang, thanks15:52
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
VarazirI have joined mu ubuntu server to a windows domain server ( samba4) , how do I login (using ssh) with my domain admin account ?15:54
VarazirI read something about domainuser@host15:54
Abhijit!ssh | Varazir15:55
ubottuVarazir: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)15:55
dr_willisssh username@hostname is  commonly used15:55
MasterOfDisasterhi, I'm trying to start X on an nvidia ion box with 12.10, driver nvidia-current-updates installed, but it keeps crashing with floating point exceptions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1340143/15:56
Varazirdr_willis: even when the account isn't local ?15:56
MasterOfDisasterAny idea what's wrong? ditching xorg.conf didn't help, using another driver version doesn't either15:56
yeehiwhich is the file that I edited to update my software sources?15:56
dr_willisthe current user dosent matter15:56
dr_willisyeehi:  /etc/apt/sources.list  perhaps15:57
dr_willisor in sources.list.d15:57
yeehithanks, dr_willis!15:57
VarazirAbhijit: checking out th page15:57
drachensunI think this might of interest, its a pre-order for a Linux tablet that dual boots Android, supports XBMC, Plasma-Active and more, http://www.indiegogo.com/pengpod15:57
MonkeyDustdrachensun  wrong channel15:58
drachensunsupport, yeah sorry15:58
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VarazirAbhijit: hmm couldn't find anything that talked t about domain login16:01
AbhijitVarazir, there is this link on that page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys16:02
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Abhijithave you treid what dr willis sayd Varazir ?16:03
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InFlameshello, I need a gui for SQLite3, does anytone have suggestions? RazorSQL?16:03
Varazirya I tried <domainadminaccount>@hostname16:03
dr_williswe are talking about ssh fundamentals? or is there somthing complex  i missed.16:04
dr_willisyou did use the actual host pcs name?16:04
MasterOfDisasterit works fine with the vesa driver16:04
VarazirI have joined the server to a windows domain server16:04
Varazirdr_willis: used ip adress16:04
dr_willisi never messed with domain servers. so no idea how they affect ssh.16:05
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dr_willisif it added new users. you should be able to ssh into the box16:06
bartosz_hi all16:06
dr_willishiddly hooo16:06
Varazirdr_willis:  ya16:07
bartosz_i need some information about this thing16:07
bartosz_i mean irc16:07
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines16:07
bartosz_i know this's irc16:07
jribbartosz_: first thing you should know: we like it when you just get to the point; we don't find it rude :)16:08
MonkeyDustbartosz_  want to get familiar with irc?16:08
dr_willisxchat.org used to have good docs also16:08
bartosz_please use simply english. I'm from Poland;p16:09
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:09
jribI read that as "portland" at first and was really confused16:09
InFlamesportlandia, seems like another planet16:09
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dr_willisbartosz_: so what do you need exactly?16:10
bartosz_relax in poland i'm not bad in english but i don't understand some words16:10
researcher123why does my PC fail to restart?16:11
jribbartosz_: that is ok.  What can we help you with today?16:11
bartosz_in my country is www named http://bash.org.pl16:11
MonkeyDustbartosz_  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic, it's a nicer place to learn irc16:11
dr_willisresearcher123: fails to reboot? or what?16:11
bartosz_i want start i deaper water16:11
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jribbartosz_: this channel is for *technical* support related to ubuntu.  If you want to talk about other things, please use the offtopic channel: #ubuntu-offtopic16:12
brennanhey i have the new ubuntu 12.04 and i'm trying to play a game called other-life but i think compiz stole the keymapping for the alt key any ideas??????????????16:12
researcher123dr_willis: Fails to reboot?16:12
donofrioAnyone rolling any ALTERNATIVE iso's for 12.10?16:12
bartosz_i'm going offtopic16:13
bazhangdonofrio, they are discontinued as of 12.1016:13
bartosz_ok, tell my how16:13
MonkeyDustbartosz_  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic16:13
donofriobazhang, I know saddens me......on powerpc I believe I *required* it cause on the MacMini (2007) it didn't boot live16:14
brennanhey i have the new ubuntu 12.04 and i'm trying to play a game called other-life but i think compiz stole the keymapping for the alt key any ideas?????????????? can anyone help?16:14
dr_willisbrennan: alt key is used by the hud feature. i belive it can be disabled.16:14
researcher123My pc fails to reboot. What should I do?16:14
brennandr_willis, do you know how?16:14
MonkeyDustbrennan  don't do ????????????? please16:14
brennank MonkeyDust16:15
dr_willisbrennan: nope..................16:15
philinuxbrennan: it can be changed with compizconfig-settings-manager16:15
dr_willisi dont.............16:15
researcher123my mozila browser fails to receive add-on.16:15
dr_willisi think some other tweak tools have the feature also16:15
escottresearcher123, you might investigate if there are any ACPI table adjustments for your computer16:16
researcher123escott: Whats ACPI table adjustment?How to do it?16:16
escottresearcher123, you have been pretty vague about your problem so its hard for us to be specific about a solution16:17
brennanphilinux, do you know how i get to compizconfig-settings-manager?16:17
killerhow to install remote desktop in ubuntu 12.04? any one help me16:17
philinuxbrennan: you need to install it either via terminal or software center16:17
researcher123escott: My PC cant reboot and takes infinite time to receive mozilla add-ons16:18
philinuxbrennan: easier way http://askubuntu.com/questions/122209/how-do-i-modify-or-disable-the-huds-use-of-the-alt-key16:19
escottresearcher123, that would sound like two different problems... so now we have two vague problems or one really confusing one...16:19
brennanphilinux, i'm gonna try both ways16:19
philinuxbrennan: last one is best one16:20
philinuxccsm can easily bork your system16:20
killerhow to access remote desktop from ubuntu to windows system ? help me16:21
escott!info gnome-rdp | killer16:21
ubottukiller: gnome-rdp (source: gnome-rdp): remote desktop client for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version (quantal), package size 71 kB, installed size 291 kB16:21
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tamaroskiller: I believe reminna is installed by default on 12.04, I use that to connect to my windows pc at work.16:22
ManDayHello again16:22
ManDayDoes anyone have a Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM57765 Memory Card Reade?16:22
killerk thanks16:22
AknotIs there any way to turn off channel joins etc on xchat?16:22
ovidiu-florinhello, how do I kill and restart the Run Command (Alt+F2) ?16:22
ethicalhack3rHi, I'm writing a lot of files to the filesystem, however, it seems that these are being cached before begin written (I suspect until the script eventually finishes). Is there a way to force Ubuntu to write its write cache to disk? Thanks.16:23
killerhow to install samab server configuration ubuntu 12.04?16:23
klausl@FloodBot1: Hello! You have invite me. Why?16:23
ovidiu-florinkiller: sudo apt-get install samba , is this what you mean?16:24
tylikHi, after an update, Ubuntu 12.10 doesn't work with proprietary nvidia drivers, and if I install nouveau my system freezes once a time16:25
killer  i want share windows file16:25
ovidiu-florinkiller: then that is what you want16:28
escott!samba | killer for information on the configuration of the server16:29
ubottukiller for information on the configuration of the server: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.16:29
escottethicalhack3r, man sync16:29
ethicalhack3rescott: thanks, I'll have a peak! :)16:29
ethicalhack3rescott: I think this only flushes the read cache and not the write cache? (think I read it somewhere before coming here, will double check)16:30
escottethicalhack3r, no16:31
tylikGuys, Who uses Amazon S3? PM pls16:32
ethicalhack3rescott: you're right, thanks again!16:32
ix_I've connected my pc to my tv and it does not allow the native tv resolution, xrandr does not show 1366x768, only 1280x80016:33
superdalton_hello guys16:34
superdalton_so great to be here16:34
superdalton_really need to fix KOMODO-EDIT on ubuntu 12.04LTS16:34
dr_willisix_: connected how? hdmi? vga?16:35
ix_dr_jesus_, vga16:35
ix_dr_willis, vga16:35
rrajbeHi all, is it possible to use select and timeout in UNIX Domain socket?16:35
dr_willisbbl.. got a job to do. :-(16:36
escottix_, since its VGA you probably need to specify your own modeline. you will have better success with something like HDMI16:36
ix_escott, that pc does not have hdmi16:36
escottix_, you can play around with the xrandr command line tool and try to force a modeline/force the higher resolution16:37
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superdalton_help with KOMODO-EDIt please16:39
MonkeyDust!find komodo16:41
ubottuPackage/file komodo does not exist in quantal16:41
Goaulddarmok and jalad at tanagra16:42
philinuxsuperdalton_: you might be better trying here too. > http://community.activestate.com/forums/komodo/komodo-support16:42
escottwhen the walls fell16:43
ix_why doesn't ubuntu detect the correct resolution?16:49
superdalton_<philinux> thanks , but really got stucked in the areas of pre-requisites16:49
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superdalton_@philinux how do i go about the glibc and all that16:51
rymate1234any recommendations on how to speed up unity?16:51
rymate1234I like the interface and all, but it lags16:51
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Erik_Drymate1234: Use gnome3 :P16:52
rymate1234Erik_D, might get that16:53
MyrttiErik_D: "When helping, be helpful"16:53
z3r0pr0f1trymate1234, change your desktop manager to gnome3 + cinnamon and you will be glad of what you accomplished16:53
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escottix_, probably because the monitor isn't telling the computer the range possible (since you are plugging into an an analog channel) if you were plugged into a digital channel (like HDMI) your probably would likely disappear16:53
rymate1234Myrtti, I'm quite happy with using an alternative until unity is usable :)16:54
MonkeyDustrymate1234  install preload and prelink, then type sudo sed -i s/PRELINKING\=unknown/PRELINKING\=yes/g /etc/default/prelink16:54
MonkeyDustsudo /etc/cron.daily/prelink16:54
thesadmafiosoif a tarball says it's for i586 systems, what does that mean exactly? does it work for x86 32-bit ?16:54
ix_escott, ok, but I have a pc with vga only16:54
rymate1234MonkeyDust, something tells me that isn't going to fix issues with laggy scrolling, but thanks anyway :P16:54
Erik_DMyrtti: That was helpful, Gnome3 has a lot of the tablet-type UI features people like about unity, without the bloat.16:54
escottix_, i know that... im just stating you go over an analog channel you lose features16:55
ix_escott, and by the way, if I connect the laptop to the tv, the correct resolution appears in xrandr16:55
Myrttirymate1234: the main aim should be to help with whatever problems you've got, not to just suggest other options, in general. While you might be happy with using an alternative, it's not a recommended way of bypassing the problem.16:55
ix_through vga16:55
ix_escott, so vga is not the problem16:55
escottix_, perhaps the PC cannot drive at that resolution then16:55
ix_escott, really? :))16:56
Robbiliehttp://on.fb.me/SqxBgG & http://bit.ly/TI8Rnq please take a look at it and give me feedback :(16:56
Erik_DMyrtti: Who cares? it's a possible solution to his problem. I don't see many other people with ideas, so it's better than nothing.16:56
ix_escott, it's a decent pc, ubuntu just does not recognize something critical somewhere16:56
MyrttiErik_D: I care. :-(16:56
Myrttirymate1234: have you tried the 2Dmode_16:56
bazhangRobbilie, wrong channel16:57
rymate1234Myrtti, I thought that was removed in ubuntu 12.1016:57
Robbiliedough just clicked one lower than i wanted :D16:57
Robbilieyou might be interested in it anyways ;)16:57
bazhang!ot | Robbilie16:57
ubottuRobbilie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:57
Robbiliewhat means !ot?16:58
MonkeyDustrymate1234  guess i missed the scrolling part in your question16:58
escottix_, there are a lot of possible reasons.. you can see what the monitor reports by checking the EDID information. it gets dumped to the /var/log/Xorg.0.log. often times the EDID is wrong so its entirely possible the version of Xorg you have sees the resolution and rejects it as unreasonable for some reason, but it could also just be too big16:58
MonkeyDustRobbilie  it means offtopic16:58
Robbiliethansk ;)16:58
bazhangRobbilie, its offtopic here. please stop16:58
Robbiliebut as i said, it wsnt meant for this channel anyway :D16:58
ix_escott, the ubuntu wiki says this: It is possible, that resolutions higher than 1024x768 (or 800x600.. 640x480) are not avalaible by default, because the videocard isn't recognised propely.16:59
ix_I think this is the case16:59
superdalton_== philinux i couldn't resolve the pre-requisites as suggested, most especially the glibc and etc http://www.activestate.com/komodo-ide/requirements linux requirements16:59
ix_escott, I'll try the workaround17:00
escottix_, i would start at your Xorg.0.log it should tell you why it is rejecting the higher resolution17:00
AknotHow to install games from playdeb.net. Im using gnome shell17:00
hall6I wish to have a movie playing on one desktop being shown on my television(connected via HDMI cable) and the laptop showing another desktop. Can this be done?17:01
Listener_Hi, I'm wondering what desktop search engines are supported in 12.10: catfish, beagle, recoll, tracker? or what you would recommend. I'd like to serach smb resources as well.17:02
ni_haohi @all17:02
ni_haosome1 who can help me with a 7 port usb hub connected to ubuntu server,. Hub is recognized and addresses are assigned but how to find out where they are attached to (so looking for the x in ttyUSBx)17:02
killerhow to share windows file ?17:02
escott!swat | killer17:03
ubottukiller: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:03
cordycepswhere will I find the kernel config(if I have one)?17:04
escottcordyceps, its in /boot17:04
AknotI cant install games from playdeb it opens a empty window when i click install this17:05
smooth-texanWhere can I download older versions of the Ubuntu kernel?17:06
abhitestcan i have /boot under encrypted lvm in linux?17:07
abhitesthelp please17:07
hall6Can I have one desktop shown on my television(connected via HDMI cable to the laptop) and the laptop's display showing another desktop. How?17:07
abhitest!dualhead | hall617:08
ubottuhall6: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama17:08
abhitest!xinerama | hall617:08
ubottuhall6: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead17:08
WaltherAny way to go around this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/107042717:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1070427 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "Ubiquity removes kernel headers, fails to build nonfree drivers" [High,Confirmed]17:09
GaryMcEwanHi all, I have installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS onto my Desktop however, the Grub Menu is all the over place, and not centered when I have to select either Ubuntu or Windows 7.  Any ideas?17:09
WaltherAs in, is it possible in any way to install nvidia-current without having compiz crash on login?17:09
abhitestcan i have /boot under encrypted lvm in linux?17:10
Myrttiabhitest: no17:10
abhitestMyrtti: ok thanks.17:10
Myrttiabhitest: not that I know of, anyway17:11
=== Youri is now known as YBook
abhitestMyrtti: and will it be good to encrypt lvm + (root+home+swap) on that lvm each OR encrypting only lvm is enough? please help17:14
Transfusionkiller: cut the caps, please17:14
escottkiller install gnome-rdp17:14
koegsescott: i think he wants it for the different direction17:14
AknotI changed my mouse speed from terminal, it resets it back to default every time i logout/reboot. How to save it?17:15
WaltherSo, does anyone know how to fix the nvidia driver issue?17:15
CitillaraI know this question might sound wried, but clearing my /etc/ssl/certs will broke ubuntu's in anyway ?17:15
koegsabhitest: create an encrypted lvm and put root/home/swap in there17:15
escottkoegs, ewwww why would one do such a horrid thing... killer use VNC to access ubuntu gui from windows17:15
Myrttiabhitest: depends on your own preferences and wishes. Separate /home might make things easier, but having separate encrypted partitions also means you need to decrypt them at boot.17:16
abhitestMyrtti: koegs my home swap and / are seaparate. but they all are 'inside' lvm. so is encrypting lvm 'only' is enough'  or for better sucurity i should ecrypt the whole lvm + the separate home,swap and / inside that lvm?17:16
koegsabhitest: encrypt the lvm AND encrypt all the partitions inside? does not make sense for me :D17:17
abhitestkoegs: ok17:17
Aknoti cant see option for additional drivers. If i install them through unity will they also activate for gnome shell?17:17
BoardinaryAnyone had a problem with jockey not showing all of the available nvidia drivers?  I recently had to switch driver versions and I did so in jockey.  It did not take and booted to command line so I sudo apt-get purge nvidia* and sudo apt-get install nvidia-current.  Now I am trying to change version in jockey and there aren't the options that I had before for nvidia drivers.17:18
abhitestkoegs: Myrtti thank you. bye17:19
_tms_Hey folks, I'm getting a weird packaging conflict when I'm trying to install 12.10 server (with just the base server install). Anyone heard reports of issues with xz-lzma?17:19
rdzhi all. is there a way to set a password for stream2ip, when connecting to an airport express?17:22
escottAknot, you can put that command in some files in /etc/X11 or in gnome-session-properties17:23
DarkAceLaptopwhat's the command for system settings?17:23
DarkAceLaptopthe one on the sidebar on the Live CD17:24
Ubuntu420fanboycan sum1 help17:25
DarkAceLaptopwhy is it doing this when I try to run a command?17:26
DarkAceLaptopUnable to open binary database /usr/share/command-not-found/programs.d/all-main.db: (5, 'Input/output error')17:26
Ubuntu420fanboyubuntu fails17:26
DarkAceLaptopany other solutions?17:27
Ubuntu420fanboyDEBIAN IS BEST !!! YOU'RE GETTING RAN17:27
jpdsUbuntu420fanboy: OK.17:27
bazhangUbuntu420fanboy, stop it17:27
Ubuntu420fanboyDEBIAN IS BEST !!! YOU'RE GETTING RAN17:27
=== Guest4721 is now known as Wesley_
Ubuntu420fanboyDEBIAN IS BEST !!! YOU'RE GETTING RAN17:27
FloodBot1Ubuntu420fanboy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:27
walterwojHello,  I need some help restoring my MBR so I can boot windows again.  Things I tried:  Burning a recovery CD (wont burn under backtrac), ran install-mbr as described here.  Now I have a cannot find file message when windows VISTA tries to boot.  Any help is appreciated!17:27
* musl chuckles17:28
escottDarkAceLaptop, the command you are typing is for something not installed on your computer. It runs command-not-found which makes suggestions (install package X for command Y) but the command not found database is corrupted. i would remove the command-not-found program and reinstall it. have you had other instances of corrupted files?17:28
bfgHi ;)17:28
DarkAceLaptopescott, I'm on the LiveCD, of which I have installed already (but lost the installation) with no issues of this before17:29
DarkAceLaptopmaybe the disc is scratched?17:29
escottwalterwoj, you are probably going to have to take that question to a windows channel. from our perspective windows booted... its a problem with MSFT if something in windows is screwed up17:29
escott!md5sum | DarkAceLaptop17:30
ubottuDarkAceLaptop: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:30
walterwojescott I understand but the only way into the computer I currently have is through a backtrac live CD17:30
bazhang!backtrack | walterwoj17:31
ubottuwalterwoj: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition17:31
escottwalterwoj, then you are doubly in the wrong channel as backtrack has its own channel17:31
bazhangwalterwoj, so go to their support channel17:31
buhmanwhere could I find a list of the configure options used for a specific package?17:31
buhmanI hear autoconf makes config.nice or something; I'm wondering where I would find such things17:32
bazhang#backtrack-linux   <----- walterwoj17:32
escottwalterwoj, i would suggest you get yourself a windows rescue CD or a windows install CD. there is basically nothing you can do from linux to fix a broken windows boot17:33
DarkAceLaptopit might be a bad disk, escott, since mozilla firefox is crashing when trying to open that page17:33
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WaltherAny ideas how to fix the nvidia-current issue on ubuntu 12.10?17:34
DarkAceLaptopis there a command I should run to check my disk?17:34
escottDarkAceLaptop, this was a liveCD right? it has a boot option to verify the disk contents (i think you hold down shift during the boot or something like that)17:34
llutzDarkAceLaptop: do you have package "syslinux" installed? check "ls -l /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin"17:35
DarkAceLaptopllutz, -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 440 Jan 31  2012 /usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin17:36
DarkAceLaptopthat's what it returns17:36
llutzDarkAceLaptop: if you need to restore a windows-MBR you can dd this file into the MBR "dd if=/usr/lib/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda", use at your own risk17:36
subz3r0DarkAceLaptop, if its ext3/4 then "fsck"17:36
subz3r0--> man fsck17:36
DarkAceLaptopI'm on LiveCD, would that be ext3/ext4?17:37
WaltherHow to fix nvidia-current ubuntu 12.10 issue?17:37
escottllutz, i think you confused DarkAceLaptop for walterwoj17:37
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llutzgrrr, escott i did :(17:37
Klakierit's "help room"17:38
DarkAceLaptopI don't have Windows on my system17:38
DarkAceLaptopor a harddrive at all, for that matter17:38
subz3r0DarkAceLaptop, i dont know what youre trying to to. I just answered your question about checking the disk17:38
DarkAceLaptopbut something is wrong with the CD, or the CD reader17:38
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rymate1234cinnamon is much better than Unity17:38
Klakieri need technical help with my netbook17:38
llutzDarkAceLaptop: sry for confusion, picked the wrong nick17:38
DarkAceLaptopsubz3r0, I'll try it17:38
subz3r0DarkAceLaptop, well... im sure any1 told you to md5sum the .iso file. if still dont done = DO IT17:39
DarkAceLaptopllutz, I know, it's happened to me already too, a lot :P17:39
subz3r0*not done17:39
WaltherAny fixes for the nvidia-current issue?17:39
subz3r0Walther, repeating the same question x times in x minutes is kinda useless and annoying.17:39
Klakieranyone want help.?17:40
subz3r0explain what the "current" issue should be. dont know what youre talking about17:40
WaltherInstalling nvidia-current on ubuntu 12.10 makes compiz crash on login17:40
DarkAceLaptopsubz3r0, I don't know how to do that: someone gave me the link on how to do it, but my Mozilla is crashing, which would indicate even more that there's some read/write issues17:40
Waltherand it is not restartable17:40
Pummpy1Is anyone here17:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:41
Pummpy1I need help installing skype17:41
MonkeyDustPummpy1  activate the partner, then install it the normal way17:41
subz3r0DarkAceLaptop, like I mentioned before, I do not know anything about your issue. I just answered the question how you can check the filesystem of your disk. Also this answer was just one example, there are others.17:41
Pummpy1Hello, is anyone here? I need help installing skype17:42
MonkeyDustPummpy1  activate the partner repo, then install it the normal way17:42
Pummpy1Monkey how do i do that?17:42
bazhang!partner | Pummpy117:42
ubottuPummpy1: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »17:42
subz3r0Walther, did you try to reset compiz?17:42
jmfurlottPummpy1 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype17:42
subz3r0like backup the config files, del them and give it another try?17:42
irong33kwhen are theymgo17:42
DarkAceLaptopit's having issues, that's for sure17:42
DarkAceLaptop$ gedit17:43
DarkAceLaptopbash: /usr/bin/gedit: Input/output error17:43
Pummpy1It say's password monkey17:43
Pummpy1now what?17:43
hall6Does anyone know any channel for tomboy notes?17:43
DarkAceLaptopokai, brb as "DarkAceZ"17:43
irong33kis there an arm for ubuntu?17:43
Pummpy1MonkeyDust It say's I need a password. What do I type?17:44
MonkeyDustircnode0  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM17:44
jmfurlottPummpy1, your root password?17:44
Pummpy1jmfurlott what is that?17:45
DrCodehi all17:45
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Pummpy1Im new to ubuntu ;(17:45
DrCodewhere can I ask about kerenl compiling?17:45
jmfurlottPummpy1, you are the one that set it when you installed ubuntu17:45
jmfurlottits what gives the user access to root17:45
Pummpy1I didn't install it. Someone in a shop installed it for £2017:46
MonkeyDustPummpy1  did you install ubuntu yourself?17:46
escottjmfurlott, be careful with your terminology. that password is not root's password. root's account is locked and he/she has no password17:46
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DarkAceZsubz3r0, yeah, I just restarted and it says "Operating System not found"17:46
gear4I'd just go in terminal and type sudo su -17:46
gear4then put my password17:46
MonkeyDustPummpy1  try ubuntu as password, then, just guessing17:46
subz3r0DarkAceZ, oO:.. well sounds like you crashed the boot loader17:46
subz3r0search google how to fix it :) or maybe any1 else in here can explain that to you. i gotta go. good luck17:47
jmfurlottescott, you're right but he should still be able to have access from sudo17:47
=== gear4 is now known as gear4_away
DarkAceZor my disk reader isn't connected properly :P17:47
hall6Does anyone know any channel for tomboy notes?17:47
bpuzzledDarkAceZ, sorry I think I missed some of this, but what did you do prior to experiencing that error?  is this straight after installation?17:48
Pummpy1MonkeyDust when I type the command sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" in terminal. I can't type in it17:48
DarkAceZbpuzzled, I was running off of the LiveCD, since I don't currently have a harddrive17:49
escottPummpy1, reboot and choose the recovery session. it will drop you to a root prompt type "passwd monkey" (assuming monkey is your username) and put in a new password twice at the prompts. then type "reboot" on the next reboot you can login with that password17:49
DarkAceZanyone, is it possible to installed Ubuntu by putting the ISO on an SD Card, and then locking the card before booting?17:49
MonkeyDustPummpy1  better take escott 's advice17:50
=== gear4_away is now known as gear4
Pummpy1how do you check the username?17:50
escottPummpy1, im a bit confused now. how did you get logged into the system to begin with if you dont know the password? is it set to autologin?17:51
bpuzzledPummpy1: grep ':1000:' /etc/passwd17:51
Pummpy1It must be17:52
DarkAceZis it possible to installed Ubuntu by putting the ISO on an SD Card?17:52
escottPummpy1, type "whoami" at the prompt17:52
Pummpy1what;s the prompt?17:52
escottDarkAceZ, almost certainly not17:52
escottPummpy1, they same place you were doing your sudo add-apt thing17:53
Pummpy1im aa17:53
gear4my Ubuntu desktop (on it atm) is TERRIBLY slow after I upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 using the terminal upgrade/OS upgrade download. Right now I'm on GNOME Classic without any fancy effects, and it's a little faster, not much. I also had GNOME3 last time, and now I only have GNOME Classic ...17:53
DarkAceZescott, how would it work from a flash drive then?17:53
escottDarkAceZ, it needs bios support. ive never heard of a bios supporting an SD card17:53
escottDarkAceZ, and there are bioses out there (older ones) that cannot boot USB17:54
escottPummpy1, odd choice for a username. in that case at the rescue prompt the command would be "passwd aa"17:54
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Pummpy1escott So can you tell me what to do please :)17:55
Pummpy1I know the username now :)17:55
escottPummpy1, so reboot, press shift (i think?) to get the grub prompt. find the rescue prompt option in the grub menu, wait for the terminal prompt to come up. do the "passwd aa" followed by "reboot" should set you up to do what you need (assuming aa is in sudoers)17:56
m3asmihow to upgrade system ubuntu from CDROM17:56
escottPummpy1, before you do that paste in the output of "groups"17:56
=== gear4 is now known as gear4_away
m3asmicdromupgrade ?17:58
escottm3asmi, boot the cd, install as upgrade... not sure. why do you want to do it this way?17:59
crimsonmaneescott: that's an offline upgrade method17:59
m3asmiescott; using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OneiricUpgrades I didn't find the cdromupgrade18:01
escottgear4_away, what graphics card?18:02
Pummpy1Im back18:03
Pummpy1didnt work :L18:03
escottPummpy1, didn't work meaning... you didnt find the recovery prompt or sudo is not working18:04
Pummpy1cant find recovery prompt18:04
=== gear4_away is now known as gear4
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escottPummpy1, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode18:05
escottPummpy1, before you jump away can you please type "groups" into the terminal and paste the output here18:05
Pummpy1aa adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare18:06
crimsonmanem3asmi: what you can also do is download the updates without installing them, burn them to disc, then add the cdrom as a 'repo' source18:06
Pummpy1That bad?18:06
escottPummpy1, no thats fine. i just wanted to check one thing since someone else set this up for you18:06
Pummpy1OK :)18:06
gear4escott, MSI r6850 Cyclone IGD5 Power Edition18:06
Pummpy1So when i get the console thing18:07
Pummpy1what do i type18:07
Pummpy1sorry for this. It just i want skype :)18:07
escottPummpy1, once you get to recover it is "passwd aa" it will ask for the new password twice then "reboot" thats all you have to do. the only hard part is getting the timing correct on when to hit shift to bring the grub prompt up18:07
Pummpy1ok brb18:08
escottgear4, and are you using fglrx (proprietary) or radeonhd (open source) drivers?18:08
gear4escott, I proprietary18:09
m3asmicrimsommane: then  ?18:09
escottgear4, and how did you install that.. manually or through jockey18:09
gear4escott, through jockey I think18:09
gear4let me check18:09
escottgear4, in 12.10 jockey went away in favor of some other tool in the software-sources gui18:10
escottgear4, but all those tools just install the fglrx package18:10
gear4escott, I don't have 12.1018:10
gear4<gear4> my Ubuntu desktop (on it atm) is TERRIBLY slow after I upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 using the terminal upgrade/OS upgrade download. Right now I'm on GNOME Classic without any fancy effects, and it's a little faster, not much. I also had GNOME3 last time, and now I only have GNOME Classic ...18:11
gear4jockey-gtk I got18:11
jribgear4: check for anything pounding the system using "top"18:12
gear4jrib, I can't see anything18:13
ucefkhsalam alaykoom18:13
jribgear4: ok well can you be more specific about this apparent sloowness?18:14
gear4jrib, I can't actually - I've just noticed that my GNOME3 isn't, GNOME3-ish18:14
gear4it's GNOME Classic18:14
gear4and my Unity is way too big18:14
jribgear4: so does it just "look funny"?18:14
escottgear4, ie GLX is missing because the graphics drivers are not set up correctly18:15
gear4jrib, no, it's very very slow18:15
* jrib is confused18:15
AMDAthlonwhy is ubuntu refusing to update the kernel packages?18:15
AMDAthloni get18:15
AMDAthlonThe following packages have been kept back:18:15
jribAMDAthlon: what did you run?18:15
AMDAthlon  linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic18:15
escottAMDAthlon, apt-get dist-upgrade18:15
AMDAthlonsdu apt-get upgrade18:15
FloodBot1AMDAthlon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
gear4jrib, I let's put it like this: I have gnome-shell, but, it's not GNOME3, it's GNOME Classic, and it used to be GNOME318:16
AMDAthlonentering messages fast is flooding?18:16
escott!enter | AMDAthlon18:16
ubottuAMDAthlon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:16
jribAMDAthlon: the way the kernel packages are setup, the "linux-image-generic" package will get new dependencies (depend on the newer kernel).  Apt won't install a package because of new dependencies unless you use "dist-upgrade"18:16
gear4escott, could you explain better ?18:16
AMDAthlonok! how can i delete the older kernel files?18:16
jribAMDAthlon: no, but using "enter" instead of a "." is ;)18:16
jribAMDAthlon: just remove the appropriate linux-image-generic-* package18:16
AMDAthlonok thanks!18:17
escottgear4, you got dumped to gnome-classic AKA 2d because your graphics drivers are not set up correctly and you have no GLX visual so you cannot support a compositor.18:17
mohannedhi there18:17
mohannedjust installed xbuntu18:17
gear4escott, does that also back up the extreme slowness I've been getting ?18:17
mohannedand im loving it18:17
OerHekshi mohanned, great!18:18
escottgear4, my suspicion would be that you installed the fglrx manually by downloading the *.bin from AMD and therefore the kernel version change has broken your kernel module and you need to rebuild. if you installed through jockey then you should have gotten the upgraded fglrx package to match your kernel18:18
mohannedvery lightweight and extremely reliable18:18
gear4escott, I did install VIA Jockey18:18
Night_ElfWhat needs to be done to change the polling rate of a ps/2 mouse from 100 Hz and be some other value ?18:18
gear4I used the additional package installer18:19
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m3asmiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:19
m3asmi libglib2.0-0 : Breaks: gnome-control-center (< 1:3) but 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu15 is to be installed18:19
m3asmiE: Broken packages18:19
escottgear4, slowness is a very subjective thing and most people mean high latency. i dont really know what you perceive as slowness.18:19
meowsusI've got a really basic question about installing programs. Say I'm using Geany from the repos. I run *apt-get install geany* and it installs. Then I realize that there is a newer version that I can get off of github and I download that version too. If i compile and install the github version does it replace the version that was previously installed?18:19
gear4escott, slowness i.e. I press ALT+TAB and the box pops up after ~6 seconds18:20
xanguam3asmi: are you using a ppa¿18:20
escottgear4, i would reinstall the fglrx package and check your Xorg.0.log file to see if it reports any problems. also check if the fglrx module is loaded by running "lsmod"18:20
ucefkhmahanned salam alaykom18:20
jribmeowsus: nope, you now have two versions installed.  One managed by apt and one that you are responsible for18:20
jribmeowsus: well, unless you did something funny18:20
escottgear4, that would be unreasonable for a graphics card issue. something else must be going on. check "top"18:20
gear4escott, I don't see fglrx as loaded18:20
m3asmixangua :  trying to upgrade to ubntu 11.1018:20
mohannedsalam alaykom ucefkh18:21
meowsusjrib: Oh, i didn't do anything funny. I deleted the apt version then installed the github version18:21
meowsusI was just curious18:21
Pummpy1esc are you here?18:21
mih1406How can I get info about CPU cache type installed on my notebook?18:21
meowsusjrib: thanks!18:21
escottgear4, when you get fglrx module properly loaded you should be able to choose gnome-shell. i need to get going18:21
gear4escott, thing is, it only happens in UNITY, GNOME 2d has very little slowness compared18:21
escottmih1406, /proc/cpuinfo18:21
Pummpy1MonkeyDust are you here?18:22
mih1406escott, this only gave me cache size and alignment, which is fine, but I am also looking for cache *type*, cache access time, cache latency18:23
meowsusjrib: hey, one more question. since this program is from github, when there is a new version, I assume I can download the source, recompile and reinstall and THAT will replace the version automatically.18:23
Pummpy1escott are you here?18:23
jribmeowsus: yes18:24
meowsusjrib: righteous18:24
meowsusthanks again18:24
jribmeowsus: you should really check for a ppa though so you don't have to do it yourself18:24
jribor leave :(18:24
gear4I think I'll have to reinstall the entire OS18:26
gear4but I don't want to :/18:26
MelRayI'm looking to learn and understand the process of updating the kernel. I usually see a command mkinit ldconfig, etc. Where can I get an overview of the procedural steps to follow when dealing with updating the kernel?18:26
=== tamaros|away is now known as tamaros
AleksanderHey! That may be of little relevance to Ubuntu, but can any of you recommend me a waterproof laptop backpack? I just bought what Dell claimed to be waterproof and it didn't manage to stay dry during a 5min shower.18:28
jribAleksander: offtopic, but you should speak to dell about it.  #ubuntu-offtopic might have some suggestions for you18:29
Aleksanderjrib, thanks18:29
EvilAngelhow do I install VirtualBox Guest Additions in Ubuntu???18:30
Guest66794Aleksander, there18:31
Guest66794are merchandise that you might be interested in. Check it on ubuntu website18:31
Pummpy1Can anyone help me please18:32
MelRayEvilAngel: http://helpdeskgeek.com/linux-tips/install-virtualbox-guest-additions-in-ubuntu/18:32
AleksanderPumpkin-_, can you repeat your problem?18:32
Pummpy1I need help installing adobe flash18:32
Pummpy1It wont work18:32
gear4Pummpy1, give the error18:32
AleksanderPummpy1, what Ubuntu are you using?18:32
AleksanderPumpkin-_, sorry for missclick18:32
EvilAngelwhy are things so easy in Windows and so complicated in Liinux ??18:32
gordonjcpEvilAngel: because you're used to Windows and not used to Linux18:33
Pummpy1gear4 " There isn’t a software package called “adobe-flashplugin” in your current software sources. " Aleksander 12.1018:33
gordonjcpEvilAngel: I find everything much more difficult in Windows18:33
AleksanderEvilAngel, I've been using Linux for 8 years and it's completely opposite for me ;P18:33
gear4I find it all the same ..18:33
gordonjcpEvilAngel: that's mostly because I'm a complete Windows n00b and only used it for the first time a few months ago18:33
MelRayEvilAngel: The price you pay to have absolute control over the OS?18:33
gear4Pummpy1, which Ubuntu OS version ?18:33
Pummpy1gear4 32 bit18:33
gear4Pummpy1, which version ? 10.10, 11.04, ?18:34
Pummpy1gear4 12.1018:34
MelRayPummpy1: Do uname -r or -a18:34
AlbireoXI find OSX the easiest and Windows the hardest :)18:34
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AleksanderPummpy1, and what about repositories?18:34
gear4Pummpy1, first try: sudo apt-get update18:34
EvilAngelMelRay, gordonjcp, Aleksander installing guestadditions in windows is ONE buttonclick!!!18:34
gordonjcpEvilAngel: I don't understand what you mean18:35
Pummpy1gear4  someone installed it for me, and i dont know the password18:35
AleksanderPummpy1, what about repositories? Have you enabled all of them?18:35
Pummpy1Aleksander what is that?18:36
gear4Aleksander, I think I know why: It comes from the partner repository. We must just wait until Adobe offers a package for Precise.18:36
EvilAngelI'm not trolling now but often when I'm using linux it feels like the OS hates me18:36
Aleksandergear4, there is one18:36
gordonjcpEvilAngel: ... because you're not used to it18:36
gear4Aleksander, is there ?18:36
Aleksandergear4, I'm using one now18:36
gordonjcpEvilAngel: it's a bit like learning another language18:36
Aleksanderfrom ubuntu-restricted-extras18:36
gear4Pummpy1, when you do "sudo", just type your password18:36
gear4the one you use to login18:36
gordonjcpEvilAngel: but anyway, this is really a discussion for18:36
gear4Aleksander, oh ._.18:36
gordonjcpEvilAngel: but anyway, this is really a discussion for #ubuntu-offtopic18:36
AleksanderPummpy1, go to Settings, and Software sources18:37
gear4and check the boxes for Canonical Partners18:37
gear4of course ^^18:37
Aleksanderin the second tab18:37
Aleksanderand it should be all right18:37
Aleksanderyou can install package named "ubuntu-restricted-extras", it's really automagical18:37
hazardoushi, anyone know why known_hosts doesn't have IPs or hostnames, jsut something that looks like |1|hash|hash18:37
gear4meh, I'm just gonna remove Ubuntu 12.04 and re-install it with 12.1018:38
jribhazardous: because by default you have HashKnownHosts enabled18:38
hazardousthank you18:38
gear4cya guys tomorrow, I'll report if I still have problems18:38
gear4and, thanks for help18:38
=== gear4 is now known as gear4_away
=== blah is now known as anomalies
tomaskWho prefers 10.04.4 LTS for desktop over newer versions and why? Any issues using newest versions (ex. LibreOffice) with 10.04.4?18:40
jribtomask: polling type questions aren't really appropriate here18:40
gordonjcp!poll | tomask18:41
ubottutomask: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:41
tomaskjrib, ok, sorry about that :)18:41
shoerainSo, I've got a Thinkpad x200 ($(lspci | grep -i wireless) == intel 5100). How would i simulate suspend/unsuspend on the wireless drivers? Do I just disable/enable wlan0 (debian/ubuntu)? I get a problem connecting to a wifi network when unsuspending using Networkmanager with WPA, auth=PEAP, inner_auth=MSCHAPv2.18:41
gordonjcptomask: maybe ask in #ubuntu-offtopic18:41
tomaskgordonjcp, ok, I'll give a try there.18:42
RoryWhen I boot to live cd I get stdin: error 018:42
jribRory: you should checksum your cd18:43
jrib!verify | Rory18:44
ubottuRory: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:44
Linkandzeldais it really impossible to click to rename in nautilis?18:46
AleksanderLinkandzelda, is it? Mine works quite well.18:47
jribLinkandzelda: right click -> rename?18:47
Linkandzeldajrib: I should of said 2 short single clicks to rename, is what I'm used to doing18:47
jribLinkandzelda: oh, I don't know18:48
Pummpy1how do you change your password in terminal18:48
jribPummpy1: passwd18:48
fredrikskas I understand it AMD dropped support for Xpress 1100 in propertary driver. What driver should I use instead?18:48
Linkandzeldajrib: the alterinative right now is F2 while highlited the file18:48
=== Cyberspaceloafk is now known as Cyberspaceloa
beginthreadexi have 12.04 server installed on a true server (not a workstation). i'm only inittab 3. the entire display is very slow. if i do a "tree" from a key subdir it takes 3 seconds. if i do the same command over an ssh connection it's well sub-second. what might be the issue with my settings or display?18:49
Pummpy1I done it :)18:49
Pummpy1Now how do I install adobe18:49
Pummpy1or skype18:49
Pummpy1never mind ill google it :P18:49
jrib!flash | Pummpy118:49
ubottuPummpy1: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash18:49
jrib!skype | Pummpy118:49
ubottuPummpy1: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga18:49
bazhangPummpy1, enable partner for skype, as we told you earlier18:50
bazhang!partner | Pummpy118:50
ubottuPummpy1: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »18:50
Pummpy1It pops up no message18:52
Pummpy1is that good?18:52
bazhangPummpy1, are you even reading the links we gave you?18:52
drecutei have uninstalled apache2 and apache2-utils. Now I want to install it again but I'm having problems with missing a2dissite module from apache-utils as seen at http://codepad.org/BTb6kiOy18:53
drecutePlease how do I proceed?18:53
jribdrecute: why are you doing this in the first place?  And isn't the issue with puppetmaster-passenger?18:54
drecutejrib: i had a few problems getting phpmyadmin to run so I decided to uninstall apache2 and reinstall18:57
jribdrecute: well you need to sort out the issue with puppetmaster-passenger18:58
drecutebut I guess during uninstall of apache2, the order of removal got corrupted somewhere18:58
jribdrecute: why are you passing -f to apt-get anyway?18:59
drecutejrib: any ideas please18:59
drecutejrib: because ordinary install didn't work so I thought of telling it to ignore dependencies18:59
snoozieive noticed something that seems dangerous about ubuntu19:00
drecuteor best bet, fix the dependency problem19:00
L3mcedrecute: have you done sudo apt-get -f install19:00
snooziewhile plugged in my laptop battery is slowly losing charge19:01
drecuteL3mce: that's what is in codepad19:01
mah454_How can fix this problem : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=4824356#post482435619:01
L3mcedoh... so it is...19:01
bazhangmah454_, for suse?19:01
mah454_no , ubuntu19:01
bazhangmah454_, what version19:01
jribdrecute: that's not what -f does19:02
L3mcedrecute: if it were me personally... I would edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/puppetmaster-passenger.postrm and remove the reference to a2dissite19:02
MonkeyDustdrecute  -f means fix19:02
drecutejrib: -f  Attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place19:02
jribdrecute: anyway, what happens when you just install apache2?19:02
jribdrecute: yes, I meant -f does not "ignore dependencies"19:02
drecutejrib: similar error with -f19:02
mah454_bazhang: monitor standard resolution is 1280x102419:03
jribdrecute: pastebin19:03
=== jack is now known as Guest18494
brontosaurusrexdrecute: phpmyadmin has nothing to do with apache19:03
bazhangmah454_, using xrandr?19:03
drecutebrontosaurusrex: it's a long story19:03
drecutebrontosaurusrex: some idiot newbie replaced a working php stack with zend server which override all php5 libs with php5-zend-server libraries19:04
amphigoryHas anybody seen a situation where Ubuntu wouldn't recognize the full memory in the box, when it WAS recognized in the BIOS?19:04
mah454_bazhang: yes19:04
jribamphigory: what ubuntu version?19:04
amphigoryI have 4 x 4GB crucial modules, and it's only recognizing 12GB19:04
subz3r0amphigory, yes. 32 bit system19:04
drecutejrib: http://codepad.org/BTb6kiOy19:04
amphigoryNope, 64 bit19:04
jribdrecute: this is the same thing19:04
jribdrecute: (still with -f)19:05
drecutejrib: oh sorry19:05
emmanielHi, I just installed Ubuntu 12.10, and I have a question. How do I get out of the command console and on to the gui interface? (and startx did not work)19:05
subz3r0amphigory, check the ram19:05
drecutejrib: http://codepad.org/rGAzwxVa19:05
brontosaurusrexdrecute: make im fix it, i will learn19:06
jribdrecute: just do: sudo apt-get install apache2 puppetmaster-passenger, then apt shouldn't try to remove it19:06
amphigoryjrib: 12.10, upgraded from 12.0419:06
amphigorysubz3r0: did that, it checks okay.19:06
jribamphigory: then no, I haven't seen that :)19:07
subz3r0amphigory, only one run or more?19:07
amphigorysubz3r0: just one run19:07
subz3r016gigs of ram will take a long time to check. do 2-3 complete checks19:07
amphigorysubz3r0: but its absolutely consistent in only seeing 12GB19:07
subz3r0amphigory, also the memcheck shows only 12 gigs instead of 16?19:08
emmanielHi, I just installed Ubuntu 12.10, and I have a question. How do I get out of the command console and on to the gui interface? (and startx did not work)19:09
subz3r0amphigory, i've really no clue. but I would test it just in case with a live cd/dvd to make sure that your system is not missconfigurated in any way19:09
Hyandashi intore19:10
amphigorysubz3r0: not sure.  dmidecode is showing one of my dimms as 2GB.  But that would make it 14GB, not 12.  POssible that it's "mapping" the other dimm down to 2GB so that it matches the other dimm for dual channel purposes?19:10
MelRayemmaniel: It should start up in the desktop window manager19:10
Hyandas37 m new york is here19:10
dr_willisemmaniel: any error messages?19:11
emmanielMel: It doesn't I start in an all black screen with commands.19:11
intorehi Hyandas19:11
emmanielI don't think so.19:11
Hyandashi again19:11
MelRayemmaniel: Define "commands" what are they that show up?19:12
MelRayemmaniel: Look in /var/log19:12
bkfitzanyone familiar with running nagios on ubuntu19:12
jribbkfitz: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/nagios.html19:13
=== szal__ is now known as szal
tupuHi, all. I just installed Lubuntu and I have problem with sounds. I can't hear any sounds. Nothing is muted in alsamixer and I can see ICH5 device with aplay -l19:17
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tupuI had the same problem before when I installed Ubuntu 7.10 to this machine, but I've forgotten how to fix it.19:17
=== pioupiou is now known as pipiou
gnnrtry opening pavucontrol via terminal19:20
gnnrcheck output device19:21
tupu"The program pavucontrol is currently not installed"19:21
tupuShould I install that?19:21
maciekHai there, I have Ubuntu 12.04LTS, I just plugged in my huge screen via HDMI and I have no sound on my laptop speakers (big screen don't have their own speakers), how can I fix that?19:22
=== Guest18494 is now known as wN
tupugnnr: I typed pavucontrol in the terminal window and it says it's not installed. Should I install it with apt-get=19:22
gnnrtupu, it's something to try19:23
dr_willisdoes lubu tu  use pulse audio?u19:23
dr_willisive never noticed. ;-)19:23
tupuok installing pavucontrol now19:23
tupuNot sure what it uses.. first time using Lubuntu now (just installed it 20 minutes ago)19:23
Pummpy1Quick question. How do I install java?19:23
MelRaytupu: First thing to do is verify what Ubuntu thinks is the correct sound device..sometimes there is a separate HDMI port that gets selected over the correct19:23
tupuI remember it was very simple fix last time19:23
MelRayPummpy1: Search in google....19:24
bazhang!java | Pummpy119:24
ubottuPummpy1: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.19:24
Pici!google | MelRay19:24
ubottuMelRay: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.19:24
maciekIn sound settings panel I have only "HDMI/Display Port Audio Device" :s19:24
bazhangMelRay, dont suggest that here19:24
=== rajesh is now known as Guest92036
tupuMelRay: ok, thanks, I've tried googling it and gone as far as the Manual Installation part of this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting19:24
dr_willismaciek:  the pavucontrol tool may help ypu select the right audio out19:24
gnnrdr_willis,  i use lubuntu, had some issues with sound installing pavucontrol with pulse made it easier to solve19:24
tupuMelRay: The problem is, I have no idea what is the name of my soundcard's driver19:24
maciekdr_willis: I'll check, thank you.19:24
segalocoderp default channel :U19:25
tupuMelRay: So when I try to type "sudo modprobe snd-ich5" it says incorrec.t..I have no idea how to find what is the name of my soundcard's driver19:25
dr_willisi always have lubuntu. ubuntu both installed.19:25
Pummpy1How do I install minecraft?19:25
segalocomeh, i opened up irc to go elsewhere but maybe you lot can help me19:25
segalocoso i've got a backtrack system (in b4 not standard can't help)19:25
dr_willisPummpy1: check its docs at its homepage.19:26
bazhangsegaloco, so go to backtrack support19:26
segalocookay :U i just thought i'd ask while this was open19:26
bazhangsegaloco, its not supporte d here #backtrack-linux for bt support19:26
MelRaytupu: try lsmod to see what modules are loaded..19:26
segalocookay, well thanks for the refer19:27
gnnrtupu, is it a laptop? do you know the brand of soundcard? lspci -vv might help you19:27
tupuMelRay: Ok, I ran lsmod and I see names such as snd_intel8x0, snd_ac97_codec19:27
maciekdr_willis: yeah, it works! Thanks a lot, bye.19:27
MelRaytupu: Ok so it has the sound driver for intel and ac97... What computer model are you using?19:30
tupuMelRav: I tried both, but neither produces sounds19:30
tupuFujitsu-Siemens Scenic C19:30
Breakhow can i install ubuntu from windows without using CD or USB ?19:31
gnnris there a way to check installed dependencies for a package you already have on your system (non-repo package .deb)19:32
tupuMelRay Fujitsu Siemens Scenic C19:32
OerHeksBreak, odd question, without cd/usb you can install ubuntu tru PXE from a direct connection to a pxe server.19:32
gnnrBreak, in a vm, or do you want dual boot?19:32
xanguaBreak: you mean wubi¿19:33
Breakgnnr: Dual boot19:33
tupuMelRay: I tried commands: sudo modproble snd_intel8x0 and sudo modprobe snd_ac97_codec, neither of them helped19:33
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Breakxangua: no, ubuntu (dual boot)19:33
MelRaytupu: Ok open system settings and select multimedia...there should be an option named phonon if you select it that will tell you what sound card is detected19:33
MelRaytupu: lsmod tells you what modules are already loaded....you don't need to load the modules since they are already present...we have to make sure the correct drivers are loaded for the detected soundcard19:34
gnnrBreak, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot that's the best info I can give you19:34
Breakgnnr: thanks :-)19:35
tupuMelRay: Unfortunately I'm unable to find System Settings in this Lubuntu.. I've tried to look for it, but it's not where it used to be in Ubuntu19:35
gnnrhey dr_willis do you know of a way to check what dependencies an already install .deb package is using? (it's a beta, so I can't find documentation)19:36
dr_willisgnnr you refering to steam?19:37
=== Guest15779 is now known as dpb___
tupuMelRay: I found System Profiler and Benchmark, under thre I can see information such as soundcard19:38
dr_willisgdebi foo.deb       should pull in needed depends19:38
tupuMelRay: Intel Corporation 82810EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)19:38
tupuMelRay: When I look into detailed information of this audio controller, under Kernel modules it says snd-intel8x019:39
angsI deleted eclipse by "apt-get remove eclipse" however when I type "eclipse" on the command line, I get this output "/usr/bin/eclipse: 21: /usr/bin/eclipse: /usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse: not found" is there a way to remove all eclipse related files completely?19:39
tupuMelRay: When I play music in an adio program, it seems to be playing it normally (no errors or anything), I just can't hear anything19:40
gnnrdr_willis, pretty much, thanks19:40
chisholmtupu: is it muted?19:41
tupuchisholm: I just turned up all of the volumes, I can hear the music very quietly from inside the computer19:43
tupuchisholm: Maybe it's some jack detection problem? I remember I had the same problem before19:43
jlhenrySince a few day, I can't get google-talk plugin to work! Tested with FF and Chromium. But video + voice is working with other tools (like Skype). I have been searching for too long. Any idea where I should look for?19:43
tupuchisholm: Is there any way to force it to play it from the headphone plug in the back of the PC19:43
gnnrtupu, seems like you might need to edit your sound.rc file I've done that before for alsa. http://alsa.opensrc.org/FAQ02619:44
jlhenryusing uvcvideo driver19:44
gnnrerr ~/.asoundrc19:44
chisholmtupu: alsamixer might help you out too19:44
tupuchisholm: Thanks19:45
gnnrtupu, look at the first example this may solve your issue, not sure if restart needed19:45
john_rambominitube is not in the repos?19:49
bjrohanHow do I map a bullet point (special character I assume) to a key combo?19:50
tupuI found the problem19:50
tupuHeadphone Jack Sense had to be turned off in alsa mixer19:50
tupuThanks for the help all19:50
chisholmtupu, cheers19:51
kraetzjais there a way to see what driver an interface is using? in particular my wlan019:52
rymate1234I see amd are still being lazy and not making drivers for my ati mobility radeon 425019:53
=== scottas is now known as zz_scottas
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:57
[TiZ]Hi, uh... Monodevelop isn't starting here on Xubuntu Quantal. At all. Like, it doesn't kick back any error ouput, show the splash screen, nothing. I try to run it in a terminal; nothing. It just returns immediately. What's up with this?20:01
arloHello are there are good person som can help me with little thing with apache proxy ?20:04
Myrttiarlo: asking the actual question may help people decide if they are20:05
arloi want apache  proxy-url so i can run websites from more servers20:05
arloare there a good person som can setup for me?20:06
arloi have installed and enabled apache proxy20:06
frewsxcvI have a laptop (Dell XPS L502X) that has an nvidia geforce gt 540m. I know the max resolution for the card/screen is 1920x1080, but Ubuntu is only showing 1366x768. There doesn't appear to be any restricted drivers available. What are my options?20:08
mrdavidkraetzja: ethtool -i interfacename20:09
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txdvwhere did the mysql gui tools go?!20:10
* UC235 is very new to ubuntu. woo. already fighting with just getting wifi to function.20:10
gnnrfrewsxcv, look up the package nvidia-current, or google your video card20:11
frewsxcvgnnr: How can I check whether that package supports my card?20:12
=== alan_ is now known as Guest92204
coll2hi anyone know how to extend limit in resolv.conf ?20:16
gnnrfrewsxcv, check http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us and see if they have a driver available for your card.20:16
bazhangcoll2, what version of ubuntu20:16
chaconneAnyone ever seen their system settings window display, like, 40 copies of all of the apps? That's a new one for me.20:17
tomirchi, looking for some help with setting up an irc server inside my network20:18
bazhangtomirc, which ircd20:18
tomircbasically, which ever you suggest. tried ircd-hybrid from repo, couldn't even connect. tried ircd-ircu. connected but keeps comaplaining about connecting to fast and throttelling20:19
bazhangtomirc, better to ask in their support channel really20:19
=== KamZou is now known as KamZoff
tomircok. thanks bazhang20:19
bazhang!alis | tomirc have a search20:19
ubottutomirc have a search: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:19
=== KamZoff is now known as KamZou
Jake--How can I block a specific outbound port that my virtualmachine uses (NAT'd network)20:20
Jake--using iptables for example20:20
tomircJake - block it from doing what? and where? on the host or the guest?20:20
Jake--I want to block the outbound traffic from this post20:21
tomircjake - try prerouting, before doing NAT, and block from the internal address.20:21
tomircwhich virtualization software are you using?20:21
tomircno specific idea for virtual box, but you can try iptables with prerouting which works before the NAT is done.20:22
Jake--tomirc Would you have the exact PRErouting command for me? :)20:23
tomircI'd have to google it. don't remember by heart20:23
Jake--or wait20:23
Jake--Yea, I just remembered that virtualbox doesn't virtualize that easily20:23
chaconneJust upgraded to 11.10 from 11.04 on Monday when support went away. Things are "fine" (hate Unity), but now there's a zillion copies of each app in the system settings window20:25
chaconneIt's not a problem (yet), but I wonder has anyone else seen that?20:25
chaconneI reckon I should have gone to v12........20:26
chaconneIt's pretty damn weird20:26
chaconneIdeas as to where to sniff for clues?20:27
chaconneBag o donuts?20:27
huh123huhhi! how can I boot into gnome classic on Ubuntu 12.10?20:27
delacso my hdd got a hit, ubuntu is unable to boot, disks utility on live-usb tells there is bad sectors and /home is unaccessible with input/output error. any way to save data from /home?20:28
MonkeyDusthuh123huh  install fallback, logout, select classic, login20:28
bazhanghuh123huh, install gnome-panel yet?20:28
chaconnehuh123huh: I don't believe that you can20:28
bazhangchaconne, sure you can20:28
* MonkeyDust uses classic20:28
huh123huhbazhang: not yet I havn't. should I just do apt-get install like MonkeyDust said or apt-get install gnome-panel first then fallback?20:29
MonkeyDust!find fallback20:29
ubottuFound: gnome-session-fallback20:29
bazhanghuh123huh, gnome-panel then select classic at log in20:29
huh123huhok thanks a ton!!!!20:29
chaconneSo,no love for my question....?20:30
=== sta7ic is now known as Guest19527
GaryMcEwanHi folks, trying to unzip the Android 4.1.2 folder but Terminal keeps saying - tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now20:34
GaryMcEwanAny ideas what I'm doing wrong?20:34
ben1066Hello, I have installed Nvidia's drivers and they work20:34
ben1066my issue is with my second monitor, at the login prompt it displays correctly20:34
ben1066when logged in the resolution is wrong or perhaps the vsync, hsync20:35
ben1066or a combination20:35
rexwin_GaryMcEwan, http://linux.bigresource.com/Ubuntu-Servers-Error-is-not-recoverable-exiting-now-tar-Child-returned-status-2-tm0XxtWzt.html20:35
GaryMcEwanBut the code I'm trying to enter into Terminal is....tar zxvf nakasi-jro03d-factory-e102ba72.tgz20:36
bekksWell, so lets say I have 20G for the backups of my /home - which is currently 2.5G - then I'm going to have max. 40 volumes, and bacula will start reusing them AFTER creating volumes, even if the volume retention period already passed?20:37
rexwin_try, tar xvjf filename20:37
GaryMcEwanNope im afraid that hasn't worked either20:39
iluminamelunaI have installed Lubuntu 11.10 but chose to upgrade to 12.04 & just a few minutes I tried using my LXTerminal to upgrade further to 12.10 .. there was some sort of prob when the Upgrade Pkg Mgr tried to do an automated upgrade on startup but no error msg was given except that there was a prob, that I needed to ck my internet connection (it's fine), my installation media (a 4g & 16 g SSD) or to retry (I did, w/ same results, 2x20:39
ben1066Anyone got any ideas?20:42
ben1066Cause this makes it a massive pain20:42
=== KamZou is now known as KamZoff
ben1066I have to reset the second monitor EVERY TIME I LOGIN20:42
mN-shit man i feel you20:42
xangua!language | mN-20:44
ubottumN-: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:44
mN-!ban mN watch language20:44
ubottumN-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:44
rexwin_GaryMcEwan, unzip and untar separately20:45
ben1066So yeah, any ideas? I'm screwed otherwise20:45
iluminamelunacan anyone suggest something I can try to find out what is going on?20:45
rexwin_gunzip XXXXXXX-1.2.0.tar.gz20:45
rexwin_gunzip Doctrine-1.2.0.tar.gz20:45
GaryMcEwanSo how do I do that though, none of the commands are working!20:46
rexwin_tar xf XXXXXXX-1.2.0.tar20:46
=== tamaros is now known as tamaros|away
grimetonhi, is there a metapackage that allows me to install ubuntu's "default desktop" ?20:46
bekksgrimeton: "ubuntu-desktop"20:46
grimetonbekks: thanks20:46
ActionParsnipor install unp and use unp for all archives20:46
fxhpI'm having trouble getting Ubuntu Server installer to see my disks (hardware raid) on an IBM System X x3950 M2.  I was wondering if anyone could help me out.  This bug appears related.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/34374920:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343749 in linux (Fedora) "LSI SAS 1078 not detected when installing" [Unknown,Confirmed]20:47
ben1066Nobody D:?20:47
ben1066http://pastebin.com/HjxSYmvi is my xorg.conf20:48
ben1066in /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:48
GaryMcEwan_Rexwin, could you maybe give me the line for this? tar zxvf nakasi-jro03d-factory-e102ba72.tgz20:49
TDJACRWhat's the best way to give network priority to my wlan interface using network manager, but still maintain connectivity on the wired side20:50
ActionParsnipben1066: whats the issue?20:51
ben1066Monitor settings wont stick between logins20:51
ben1066Yet appear to work at the login screen20:52
=== dark3n|off is now known as dark3n
crimsonmaneTDJACR: that's under QoS inside the router20:52
ben1066Ive saved to xorg.conf20:52
ben1066I put it above20:52
TDJACRcrimsonmane: Hmm? I want my Ubuntu computer to give outgoing priority to the wlan interface, but keep connectivity on the wired.20:52
ben1066But my second monitor always ends up being low res or the wrong sync frequencies20:52
ben1066I cant tell20:52
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Zx432When will the side bar be repared? It won't pup out when I move my mouse to the side.20:53
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ActionParsnipben1066: is the chip supported by the proprietary driver?20:54
ben1066Of course20:54
fxhpI'm having trouble getting Ubuntu Server installer to see disk (hardware raid) on an IBM System X x3950 M2. Does anyone have any hints? This bug appears related.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/34374920:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343749 in linux (Fedora) "LSI SAS 1078 not detected when installing" [Unknown,Confirmed]20:54
ActionParsnipZx432: if you press SuperL does it show?20:54
ActionParsnipben1066: not really. Its a little old but not too old. If it was obvious I wouldn't have asked20:55
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ben1066Im using the one from the Nvidia website20:55
ActionParsnipben1066: what is the output of:   lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep nvidia       please pastebin20:55
ben1066They released a new one yesterday20:55
ActionParsnipben1066: have you tried the packaged one?20:55
ben1066It's outdated...20:55
ActionParsnipben1066: can you pastebin the command please20:57
Zx432Yes Pressing supper L works20:57
ActionParsnipben1066: you should run:   sudo dpkg -P nvidia-current 20:58
ActionParsnip!info nvidia-current20:58
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.43-0ubuntu4 (quantal), package size 37202 kB, installed size 105660 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia)20:58
ActionParsnipben1066: so the packaged version has 304.43 and the nvidia.com has 304.64 and you think thats going to be hugely different?20:59
dr_willisits.   .21 bigger so its betterer   ;-)21:01
ActionParsnipben1066: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current    will give the same driver in a package....21:02
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ActionParsnipben1066: it will glue in all the DKMS stuff and is fa easier to install than messing with the non packaged driver, wouldn't you say?21:02
ActionParsnipben1066: did you try that?21:02
Guest9401hi where can i get a good unix anti virus for my ubuntu os21:03
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:03
ActionParsnipben1066: have you actually looked at the changelog for the driver, are you affected by those issues?21:03
ben1066well, no, I didn't, but I am used to using their bins21:04
ActionParsnipGuest9401: you only need AV if you run a fileserver with windows clients, or an email server21:04
ben1066equally I cannot find a way to remove it21:04
dr_willisGuest9401: you do realize most av apps for linux scan windows files for windows virusesses.21:05
ActionParsnipben1066: so you just think you need the later version, because it's newer.....21:05
Guest9401im a bit slow can some1 please explain why i dont need a anti virus21:05
ben1066its always recommended to have the latest graphics drivers...21:05
ActionParsnipGuest9401: read the link ubottu gave21:05
ActionParsnipben1066: not always, the update is minor, so unless you are affected by the fixes in the new version then you are gaining nothing21:06
ActionParsnipben1066: its the same driver21:06
ben1066right, so how would I remove it21:06
ActionParsnipben1066: if you use the PPA, the files will be overwritten by the same files in the package and it should fly21:07
ActionParsnipben1066: it also will give a clean removal21:07
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ActionParsnipben1066: are you affected by these issues: http://www.techspot.com/drivers/driver/file/information/16568/21:08
ironhalikIs there any mailing list where I could check on the progress of adding nvidia 310.14 driver to ubuntu repos?21:10
ActionParsnipironhalik: you could report a bug21:11
Guest9401thx dr willis that link was very enlightening21:11
ActionParsnipben1066: are you affected by the issues in the link I gave?21:13
ironhalikActionParsnip: Just a simple report 'WHen is 310.14 going to hit the repos?'21:13
ben1066possibly by the control panel one21:13
ActionParsnipironhalik: run:   ubuntu-bug nvidia-current     and you can state why the package shouold be updated21:14
ironhalikah, k21:14
ben1066I've also killed Plymouth somehow21:14
ActionParsnipben1066: try the PPA.21:14
ben1066installed the built in ones21:14
ben1066same issue21:14
dr_willisi bet the answer will be 'when its ready'   ;-)21:14
ActionParsnipben1066: plymouth often fails to load with proprietary video drivers.21:15
ActionParsnipdr_willis: pretty much21:15
trismor, already in -proposed21:15
dr_willisid bet its been asked on askubuntu.com also.21:17
MelRayAnyone know how to install MATE in Ubuntu? I found an older article on 12.04....but I'm using 12.10 and not sure the repo will be current for this version..21:17
Damienhello faggots21:18
OerHeksMelRay, mate is not supported here, join the mint irc21:19
DamienHELP ME21:19
bazhangDamien, watch the language21:19
bazhangDamien, then ask a question21:19
ActionParsnipMelRay: https://ksearch.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/how-to-install-mate-in-ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal/21:19
ActionParsnipMelRay: source:   https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mate+quantal   ????21:20
JoeyGHi All, I'm having some extreme issues getting Ethernet drivers to work with Ubuntu Server (thread posted here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12340780#post12340780)21:20
ben1066so yeah21:20
ben1066the bug still happens21:20
rsumii just installed a fresh copy of 12.04 which i had running before. it installed the right nvidia driver before through a popup dialog that came from the top right of the screen. i don't know what made it come up before but is there a way to trigger this or something?21:20
MelRayActionParsnip: Thanks....and OerHeks I'm not asking for support21:20
JoeyGI am using the new 2012 Mac Mini's, which seem to use the BCM5701 chipset, which I believed used the tg3 drivers, but nothing seems to work and I'm pulling my hair out thinking im going to have to move to a different OS >_<21:21
ActionParsnipMelRay: did you not search the web. I don't use Mate and found that link in seconds...21:21
sdadsadHello are there a expert with apache mod_proxy here?21:21
dr_willisrsumi: theres an   additional-drivers tab. in the 'software sources' tool in 12.1021:22
delacmy hdd got a hit, ubuntu unable to boot, disks utility on live-usb tells there are bad sectors and viewing /home fails with  input/output error. any way to save data from /home?21:22
rsumidr_willis: i went back to 12.04. does this exist somewhere?21:22
dr_willisrsumi: run jockey-gtk then21:22
dr_willisor the 'additional drivers' app..21:23
rsumidr_willis: ah perfect! that's what i was looking for :)21:23
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ActionParsnipMelRay: did you search?21:23
dr_willisdelac: may be time to resort to ddrescue. :-(21:24
MelRayAlright enough of the sarcasm...everyone here seems to have some sense that my previous response earlier today is somewhat out of the ordinary in that most other channels people would not have been nearly as polite in referring someone to use google...and if you were reading my question indicates I had already looked on the web. As you are aware depending on the search query terms the results will vary based on that...I'm not into21:26
MelRayconfrontation so I will just move on knowing that it takes all kinds to make the world an interesting place to be....so piss off mate21:26
dr_willisthin skinned much? oh never mind...21:27
gordonjcpalso, why is he asking about installing mate in here?21:27
ActionParsnipstrange how I found it in a few seconds with the dumbest search21:27
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: some people like 3rd pary DEs :)21:27
dr_willisActionParsnip: you got leet google-fu skills21:27
DamienHELP ME21:27
gordonjcpActionParsnip: isn't there a better channel for that?21:28
gordonjcp!help | Damien21:28
ubottuDamien: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:28
ActionParsnipdr_willis: dude look at my search, it's so basic it's painful21:28
Erik_D...what just happened :/21:28
sdadsadHello are there a ubuntu expert some can help me with apache problem ?21:28
gordonjcpActionParsnip: I honestly can't understand why it is beyond some people's mental abilities to type "install <thing> in ubuntu" into google21:28
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: user is using ubuntu so is supported here, mint is probably a better channel I guess but its a simple link so I'm game21:28
gordonjcpActionParsnip: fairy nerf21:29
Erik_Dalso, +1 for duckduckgo :P21:29
Erik_Dsdadsad: whats up21:29
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: pretty much, people are getting lazy as far as I can see. I've started adding how I found the solutions I find on launchpad just to show how stupidly simple it is :D21:29
sdadsadHi Erik21:30
Erik_Dapache, yes?21:30
sdadsadI have two ubuntu servers, i want to run all website in port 8021:30
sdadsadThere i use mod_proxy to this right?21:31
sdadsadIn httpd.conf i have this code...21:31
sdadsadBut its dosent work21:31
sdadsadi have activated mod_proxy21:31
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LordThumperHi, just starting using Ubuntu, linux in general21:33
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Cock_Jugglerhi guys21:33
Cock_Jugglerjust looking around in here21:33
gordonjcpLordThumper: having fun?21:33
Guest49208Me too LT - how're you finding it?21:33
LordThumperI want to elevate the terminal to admin, and used su21:33
LordThumpergordonjcp: ye :)21:33
gordonjcpbazhang: o_O21:33
ablysssdadsad: if you're using an external router only one port can be assigned an ip21:33
Erik_Dsdadsad: Never done anything like that with apache, sorry21:33
LordThumperWhat is the default password for the admin account?21:33
Erik_Dtry #ubuntu-server21:34
gordonjcp!root | LordThumper21:34
ubottuLordThumper: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:34
sdadsadyes i know ablyss but with mod_proxy you can run more21:34
dr_willisLordThumper: use sudo. not su to get to root21:34
gordonjcproot logins need to die, horribly21:35
LordThumperdr_willis: ok21:35
ablysssdadsad: the external router has nothing to do with mod_proxy.. it can only do what it can only do.21:35
LordThumperI thought it was a permissions issue, but sudo gives the same error21:35
LordThumperI am using partclone21:35
LordThumperAnd getting open logfile /var/log/partclone.log error21:36
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gordonjcpLordThumper: pastebin the command you entered and the error, verbatim21:36
ndkta[sorry - new to irc]21:36
delacdr_willis: thanks for the suggestion. unfortunately ddrescue seems to only do whole disks (too big disk and I only need some of the files). Also it seems to create img that would still need fixining before one can mount and browse it.21:37
bazhang!paste | LordThumper21:37
ubottuLordThumper: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:37
delacdr_willis: can you recommend some direct fix?21:37
gordonjcpdelac: tried testdisk?21:37
ablysssdadsad: two servers on the same machine would be two virtual hosts.  The both use port 80, the same private ip, but distinct virtual host names21:39
sdadsadyes ablyss21:39
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ActionParsnipchemaher76: howdy21:40
ablysssdadsad: sry, one server, not two21:40
egadwIs there a way to make HUD work with GTK2?21:40
sdadsadyou can run two with mod_proxy ablyss21:40
Erik_Dsdadsad: ask in #ubuntu-server21:41
LordThumperok seem I don't have write permission to the folder21:41
LordThumperThe folder is a windows share mounted with cifs21:41
vibedigital_hi how to send OpenDns update via a domain name that is updated by other machine?21:41
MonkeyDustvibedigital_  ubuntu server?21:43
vibedigital_sergey_IT yup21:45
delacgordonjcp: thanks, but what I read, testdisk is probably not ment for "bad sector"-type of problems21:45
ben1066so yeah still got my issue21:46
Naznazhey! How can I pass ls /usr/share/doc as arguments for apt-get install? thanks21:48
Gallomimiaswapon: swapfile: swapon failed: Operation not permitted21:48
blacknessGallomimia, as root?21:48
Gallomimia# prompt == yes21:48
iluminamelunaI have installed Lubuntu 11.10 but chose to upgrade to 12.04 & just a few minutes I tried using my LXTerminal to upgrade further to 12.10 .. there was some sort of prob when the Upgrade Pkg Mgr tried to do an automated upgrade on startup but no error msg was given except that there was a prob, that I needed to ck my internet connection (it's fine), my installation media (a 4g & 16 g SSD) or to retry (I did, w/ same results, 2x21:49
blacknessmake sure what your mounting is a actual swap21:49
Gallomimiai did mkswap on it21:49
iluminamelunacan anyone suggest what I can do to figure out what's wrong?21:49
Gallomimiafollowing this instruction: http://digitizor.com/2011/02/06/create-swap-file-ubuntu-linux/21:49
ablyssNaznaz: you want to apt-get install every file in /user/share/doc ?21:50
iluminamelunaI've re-used the swap partition for Wary Puppy 5.2.2 & did not create a new one for Lubuntu21:51
YouDreamOfJeaniewhy does: shutdown -r 0 not work when I put it in the crontab for the root?21:51
Naznazablyss my /var/lib/dpkg got broken and I'm nearly finished rebuilding it but I need apt-get to reinstall everything that's already installed (thus the ls /usr/share/doc) to let it know what's already installed21:51
ActionParsnip!aptfix | Naznaz21:51
ubottuNaznaz: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:51
NaznazActionParsnip: /var/lib/dpkg and debconf was completely wiped21:52
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Naznazaka marked as a file and not a directory21:52
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Guest92474Hi ther! I just created a New GPT partition table using Gparted On my harddisk. Now i have 2 primary partitions. One formatted to ntfs & the other formatted to ext4. I'm planning to dual boot windows & Linux. Should i enable boot flags for both partitions? Or just proceed with the installation using bootable USB stick! Here is the Screenshot for more Information. http://i.imgur.com/3qxh6.png21:52
ActionParsnipNaznaz: try:  https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8850924/fixpackage; chmod +x ./fixpackage; sudo ./fixpackage21:52
NaznazActionParsnip thanks, I will21:53
egadwNaznaz: you cd to the directory and do the following: "ls | xargs sudo apt-get install"21:53
NaznazActionParsnip: Link doesn't work21:54
LordThumperI solved the problem, not sure how21:54
ActionParsnipNaznaz: run these commands one after the other, ignore the top line: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1341061/21:54
NaznazActionParsnip: /var/lib/dpkg was marked as -rwx... not drwx (ls -la /var/lib/dpkg)21:55
LordThumpersudo command | command | command21:55
LordThumperOnly the first command is run elevated right?21:56
LordThumperDidn't know that :/21:56
guntbertLordThumper: yes21:56
bpuzzledLordThumper: it makes sense if you think about it. :)21:56
LordThumperIt does21:56
LordThumperI gave up on trying to make it work21:57
LordThumperSo I gave root a password, and elevated with su21:57
B0g4r7_Worse, 'sudo cat foo > bar' is not completely elevated.21:57
LordThumperThen ran the command again and it worked21:57
LordThumperThen i noticed what was wrong21:57
guntbert!enter | LordThumper21:57
ubottuLordThumper: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:57
B0g4r7_So guys, if I leave my Ubuntu station alone for a few hours I come back and find it shut down.  How can I prevent this?21:58
guntbertLordThumper: root password is completely unnecessary. you use sudo -i for that21:58
LordThumperguntbert: Understood21:58
B0g4r7_In Power Management, "Put computer to sleep when inactive" is set to "Never".21:58
LordThumperguntbert: ok21:58
B0g4r7_Display after 1 hour.21:58
guntbertB0g4r7_: set power settings appropriately21:58
B0g4r7_I think they are set appropriately, so far as I can tell.21:59
adaminsullI need help with this21:59
guntbertB0g4r7_: in that case have a look into the syslog21:59
MonkeyDustB0g4r7_  battery or lightnet?21:59
B0g4r7_It's a "mini" desktop.  No battery.21:59
adaminsullIt's not anopes fault as it did it for unreal and anope21:59
Guest92474http://i.imgur.com/3qxh6.png Should i enable boot flags for installing ?21:59
LordThumperIs there a good C++ compiler/ide that has a non-terminal UI?22:00
* IcedHell slaps Yassine around a bit with a large trout22:00
B0g4r7_syslog doesn't show much.  Just "Nov  7 15:39:12 skippy kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped."  So it looks like an ordered shutdown.22:01
ActionParsnipGuest92474: boot flags don't mean anything to grub22:01
guntbert!ide | LordThumper22:01
ubottuLordThumper: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator22:01
Guest92474LordThumper: Have you tried Codeblocks ?22:01
LordThumperGuest92474: No nothing so far, installed Ubuntu today :)22:01
LordThumperthanks guntbert :)22:01
Guest92474ActionParsnip: Then May i conitnue with the installation then ?22:02
Guest92474LordThumper: Give it a try!22:02
benedicthi, i use ubuntu 12.04, fluxbox and wicd. sometimes my wireless card stops working. i don't know how to reproduce this error. demsg and syslog don't seem to give me any info about "something going wrong". i only get a lot of error messages that are a result of the not working network. i figured that it migth be connected to txpower. interesting: when the network stops working, 'sudo iwconfig eth1 txpower on' does not work anymore. if i use22:02
Guest92474Actionparsnip: Is ther anything to be look after before proceeding with installtion ?22:03
benedictso it seems my network card is powering off itself somehow and i can not turn it on again until i reboot22:03
Guest92474Actionparsnip: I'm planning to dual boot windows and ubuntu.22:03
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* IcedHell ecoute ---> Chimaira - Implements Of Destruction.mp322:06
IdleOneIcedHell: Please disable that Now Playing script in Ubuntu channels22:07
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IdleOne!language | Naznaz22:08
ubottuNaznaz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:08
Naznazthat was just astonishement :<22:09
IcedHellok IdleOne22:09
IdleOnethank you IcedHell22:09
Naznazwill a reinstall of mysql wipe my current databases?22:09
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IdleOneNaznaz: no it shouldn't22:09
IdleOnebackup just in case, to be safe22:10
NaznazIdleOne, ablyss: thanks22:10
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Naznazat least one thing I do automated ....22:10
Naznazlast backup is one week old, but should run daily ... mhhh22:10
delacwhy do I got ssh-agent instead of sshd on my live-usb?22:11
jribdelac: sshd isn't installed by default22:11
delacjrib: ssh-agent is?22:11
jribdelac: maybe22:12
delacjrib: and I installed sshd but it didnt start...22:12
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jribdelac: how did you install it?22:12
delacjrib: sudo apt-get install ssh22:12
jribdelac: how do you know it didn't start?22:12
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delacjrib: I only got ssh-agent running no sshd22:12
jribdelac: what does « status ssh » return?22:13
nikolammouse wheel scroll does not work on abiword in 12.0422:13
egadwHow do I add support for a program to HUD? I have a GTK2 program whose menus does not show up in HUD22:14
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delacjrib: unknow job: ssh22:14
jribdelac: what is the output of « apt-cache policy openssh-server »22:14
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delacjrib: seems to be installed22:16
jribdelac: not my question22:16
delacjrib: well, nothing odd there22:16
delacjrib: hang on, going to pasebin it somhow...22:17
jribdelac: well I wanted to learn 2 things from it: your ubuntu version and whether it was installed22:17
delacjrib: ubuntu is 12.10 and it is installed (package 1:6.0p1-3ubuntu1)22:18
jribdelac: what does « sudo start ssh » do?22:18
gdea73I installed fglrx with AMD's installer. Now, Gnome 3 evidently doesn't load, I just have a desktop background when I log in.22:19
delacjrib: unknown job: ssh22:19
jribdelac: ls -ld /etc/init/ssh.conf22:19
gdea73I re-ran aticonfig --initial, still doesn't work.22:20
delacjrib: well, the file is there. you want to know something about it?22:20
jribdelac: no.  Is this some sort of weird install?22:21
gdea73Should I try nomodeset?22:21
delacjrib: as I mentioned, this is live-usb22:21
jribdelac: how did you create it?22:21
delacjrib: with the live usb creator22:21
DrProffesorhello everyone! I can't seem to login to tty 1-6 and i can't figure out what is wrong. any ideas?22:22
gdea73okay I'll try that, thanks :P22:22
jribdelac: do this: sudo initctl reload-configuration22:23
delacjrib: done22:26
jribdelac: status ssh22:26
iluminamelunaI have installed Lubuntu 11.10 but chose to upgrade to 12.04 & just a few minutes I tried using my LXTerminal to upgrade further to 12.10 .. there was some sort of prob when the Upgrade Pkg Mgr tried to do an automated upgrade on startup but no error msg was given except that there was a prob, that I needed to ck my internet connection (it's fine), my installation media (a 4g & 16 g SSD) or to retry (I did, w/ same results, 2x22:26
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delacjrib: stop/waiting22:26
jribdelac: sudo start ssh22:26
RCFI'm trying to debug an issue with the mce usb infrared receiver, I checked with "ir-keytable -t" but get nothing, tried "cat /dev/input/eventX" still nothing, the mceusb module is loaded and ir-keytable lists it as it's there, any suggestion what else I could try?22:26
delacjrib: now it is running, thanks!22:27
jribdelac: no problem.  Upstart is supposed to notice when new files are created in /etc/init automatically with inotify.  Not sure why it didn't22:27
blackshirtiluminamunela, your internet was connected?22:27
iluminamelunaI installed wary cause I thought it was the OS giving me problems but I seem to have graphic issues no matter what I do. Mostly when using browsers (Chromium here & Seamonkey in Wary)22:29
ActionParsnipiluminameluna: what video chip do you have?22:31
iluminamelunamainly, I get blank blocks of screen when I start one process over another when I have a browser open and/or my text LAGS hugely at random moments & appears after a bit (again random interval) if I keep typing (I figure it's being cached)22:31
iluminamelunaI don't know, it's whatever's onboard. this is an eeepc netbook, 901 from 2003 or 2004, acquired used from my son who bought it from someone else.22:32
iluminamelunahow would I find out?22:32
ActionParsnipiluminameluna: sudo lshw -C display22:32
DrProffesorwhen i try and login to tty 1-6 it brings up the regular no updates stuff then instantly resets to the login prompt. my google-fu is bringing up nothing. anyone know what's happening?22:33
vekinhow do i restart samba? i have no smbd service?22:33
iluminameluna       description: VGA compatible controller22:34
iluminameluna       product: Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller22:34
iluminameluna       vendor: Intel Corporation22:34
iluminameluna       physical id: 222:34
FloodBot1iluminameluna: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:34
iluminameluna       bus info: pci@0000:00:02.022:34
iluminameluna       version: 0322:34
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iluminamelunasorry! I didn't realize it would do that! I just did as you posted using the link . . did it work?22:35
iluminamelunaboy, it's been a while since I did something like this, like 8 years? Sorry!! http://paste.ubuntu.com/1341166/22:36
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iluminamelunaeveryone go to dinner? =D22:51
djtfLooks like it :D22:52
fyksenHey! I have a Steelseries keyboard, and it has a custom superkey, it doesn't register as a superkey. If I try to map it in keyboard shortcuts it wont register. Is there a way to map it to superkey?22:54
iluminamelunabah .. I'm also getting this when I try to use a popout chat window at an online store: (from the Java Console)Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'sendMessage'http://srv.clickfuse.com/pixels/create.php?name=criteo&expire=30Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity)22:56
djtffyksen: Look into showkey. I haven't used it in years, but when I was using an ancient mechanical keyboard it came in super handy for identifying keystrokes22:59
bekksxev should do the same.22:59
=== elkclone_ is now known as change
=== sysadmin is now known as VLanZ
VLanZsorry guys, got disconnected. i state again my question23:00
VLanZ"sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 1000 duplex full" is not applying after networking restart. How can i hardcode that?23:00
djtfelkclone: Anything in particular, or just cuz?23:02
iluminamelunaGuess I'll come back in abt an hr to see if anyone's back ..ciao23:02
k1l_djtf: he already left23:02
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:02
VLanZiluminameluna: ciao ?23:02
iluminamelunaVLanZ: it's how you spell what ppl pronounce "chao"23:03
VLanZiluminameluna: do you speak italian / german ?23:03
sleepsterwill I get better performance from the native ubuntu nvidia drivers or the official nvidia drivers?23:08
LordThumperNvidia releases linux drivers?23:09
bekksLordThumper: Sure.23:10
fyksendjtf, Thanks! Ahh, it didn't show up when I used it, then I googled it, and it is hardware  mountet together with just the function keys.. :(23:10
LordThumperI saw a Linus interview, where he gave the middle finger to nVidia, must have been for something else23:11
=== glebihan__ is now known as glebihan
bekksLordThumper: He did that for the driver support of one specific chipset, called Optimus.23:11
LordThumperbekks: Oh I see23:13
=== sysadmin is now known as VlanX
VlanXsleepster: i tryed that on my notebook but it was way worse23:13
xanguawhat's the metapackage to install all default aplications of gnome remix in ubuntu 12.10 ¿23:14
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trismxangua: ubuntu-gnome-desktop23:15
LordThumperThe beta Steam client for linux is out23:15
iluminamelunaVLanz: I speak a bit of German & understand a lot of Italian. Speak Spanish but the formal Castillian, not the popular. I sometimes find my brain going sideways from English when I'm working on several things at the same time.23:16
LordThumperSei italiano?23:17
LordThumperInstalling Wine, if I have an IDE and some basic game support I might make the switch to Ubuntu permanent23:18
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
prplzhhey i just pressed some weird button combination and now my pdf reader (evince) is displaying everything sideways23:20
prplzhhow do i stop that?23:20
prplzhoh now i see it!23:22
prplzhit's in the edit menu for some reason lol23:22
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=== Guest69103 is now known as VLanZ
VLanZis there any way to disable auto negotiation forever on 12.10 ?23:23
codyhey, whats up?23:24
codyi like pizza23:24
xangua!ot | cody23:24
ubottucody: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:24
phunyguy_t430sOK I have a Lenovo M92p tiny little toaster PC, i booted off USB due to no CD drive, and installed Ubuntu from that.  Well the new install won't boot, it says no OS found when trying to boot from the Hard Drive.  Any ideas?23:25
gdea73After installing fglrx manually, Unity doesn't load properly (the desktop shows but no panels)23:25
gdea73should I install from the repository instead?23:25
gdea73(using 12.10)23:25
iluminamelunaLordThumper: hahaha! Nope, though my maiden name is Cassetta, from my step-dad. . Grandma Amelie was from Dresden & Granpa Giovanni was from Salerno =D Never taught the kids, my dad & uncles & aunts, the Old Country languages so I made it a point to learn some as I traveled. My bio-moher was Salvadoran which is why I spk Spanish but at home it was ALL English. Spent time in ES but only in American School so spent 85% of  my ti23:29
physically_fitis sound the achilles heel of ubuntu?23:32
physically_fitnot anymore?23:32
iluminamelunaphunyguy_t430s: what ext did you use when you installed Ubuntu? on some of the older machines, the HD doesn't like ext 4 so maybe use GParted & chg your partitions to ext3? I had a similar issue recently in trying to resuscitate a Lenovo t100023:33
phunyguy_t430siluminameluna, it is a brand new model.23:34
X-warriorI'm on Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits trying to install the latest eagle but I keep getting "error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1.0"23:36
X-warriorany ideas?23:36
jrib!11.04 | X-warrior23:36
ubottuX-warrior: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.23:36
X-warriorok I'm going with aptget version23:38
jribX-warrior: did you see that your 11.04 is no longer supported?  You should upgrade to a supported version of ubuntu23:38
X-warriorjrib, waiting the college semester to close just to make sure I will not need to reconfigure my environment again23:39
X-warriorbut thanks23:39
iluminamelunaphunyguy_t430s: ah, sorry, not familiar w/ the Lenovos at all. Just thought it might be an issue ..23:41
iluminamelunaok .. seems as if my "mentor" ActionParsnip has left the building .. I'll be back laters. Take care folks!23:42
phunyguy_t430sI'm recreating the USB key to try again23:43
Barilisehello.  can someone point me to a beginner help room please?23:43
x-cloudI 'm beginner ,too.......23:43
blackvelvetCan someone please tell me why iCloud.com doesn't work with Chromium?23:44
shojoit all depends if the helpers online like beginners or don't :) no such room for beginners:P23:44
OerHeksphunyguy_t430s, maybe something else is problem, check your BIOS to see if there is an option for hdd controller > IDE <> AHCI ? it should be set AHCI to work with linux23:44
k1l_Stormryder: stop that23:44
Stormryderwhy @kll23:45
BariliseOk, how about regular help, or is this it?23:45
k1l_Stormryder: stop that trolling. thats all23:45
k1l_Barilise: you can ask your questions here.23:45
OerHeksBarilise, you can ask here, there is also #ubuntu-beginners here @ #freenode23:47
k1l_Barilise: you can try #ubuntu-beginners . but sice its not very full here atm you can just ask here :)23:47
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Barilisei'm having a lot of trouble installing/running things i've downloaded23:48
MrSteinIs there a bug entry for the vmware problems? (Quantal)23:49
phunyguy_t430snewbie22... I see Jax in your hostname23:50
k1l_Barilise: well, first of all you should try to use the programms that come with ubuntu. see inside the repositories first23:50
newbie22phunyguy_t430s: how can you see that ???23:51
usr13Barilise: What exactly are you trying to do?23:51
Barilisei searched and didn't find the programs i was looking for23:51
reportingsjrHi, I am trying to restart the ssh server that comes installed in ubuntu, but there is no sshd file in /etc/init.d. What is up with that?23:51
usr13Barilise: Such as _____________?  (give example)23:51
reportingsjrubuntu 12.04* that is23:52
yeatsreportingsjr: try 'sudo restart sshd'23:52
usr13Barilise: What program(s) do you need?23:52
BariliseFoldit and Spriter (game, game building tool)23:52
newbie22phunyguy_t430s: Ok now I know,,,how23:52
k1l_Barilise: you need to give more informations if you want us to help :)23:52
phunyguy_t430sPM me23:52
OerHeksreportingsjr, try "  sudo sevice ssh restart "23:52
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:52
reportingsjryeats: "Unknown job: sshd"23:52
phunyguy_t430syeats its not ubuntu related.23:53
yeatsreportingsjr: 'sudo restart ssh'23:53
yeatsphunyguy_t430s: ok23:53
GiulioSalve non riesco ad installare lubuntu23:53
reportingsjryeats: Nope23:53
reportingsjrOerHeks: also did not work23:53
yeatsreportingsjr: 'dpkg -l | grep openssh-server'23:54
reportingsjrssh does come installed, right?23:54
yeatsreportingsjr: not the server23:54
reportingsjrThe config files are in /etc/ssh23:54
reportingsjrhmm, I see23:54
usr13Barilise: Spriter?23:54
yeatsreportingsjr: the client is installed by default23:54
reportingsjrwell, that would be my problem. Thank you guys!23:54
Giulioscusate il canale italino ?23:55
Barilisei downloaded the linux version of a game called Foldit.  I then extracted it to my download folder.  It doesn't show up in my Dashboard and I can't open it or run it23:55
k1l_!it | Giulio23:55
ubottuGiulio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:55
=== james is now known as Guest98327
MagiobiwanBarilise, did you install it?23:56
MagiobiwanJust because you extract it (I assume by that you mean you un-tarballed it)23:56
MagiobiwanDoesn't make it installed23:57
Bariliseah.  what do i have to do to install things?23:57
dt3kI'm on ubuntu 12.10 and my wireless randomly stopped working.  I've uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers.  I've verified the hardware switch isn't set to off.  I've checked rfkill.  My wireless card still shows under LSPCI as Broadcom BCM4313 802.11b/g/n.  Any idea?23:57
X-warriordt3k, try to check the mod, lsmod?23:58
usr13Barilise: Are you 64bit or 32bit?23:58
phunyguy_t430sdt3k, I have that same issue on another PC with a USB wifi adapter.  The issue exists in Gentoo as well.  Not sure where to look for a fix but it may be kernel-related.23:58
benedict_hi, i use ubuntu 12.04 and fluxbox. how can i set pcmanfm as default file manager? i don't have any wizards or hepers installed i think23:59
benedict_and i don't understand the command update-alternatives23:59

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