
=== eu is now known as Guest18654
karniImplemented a couple dialogs required for playlist manipulation, the files library needs updating accordingly to recent API changes.03:13
* karni EODs03:13
mmccback, looking into why syncdaemon can be launched twice on darwin06:55
mmccnot making much progress, maybe after sleep things will be clearer08:56
karniGood morning!08:57
mmccgood night!08:58
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)10:08
karniMornings JamesTait :)10:40
JamesTaitkarni, o/10:41
gatoxgood morning11:10
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alecumornings all!12:04
gatoxalecu, hi12:04
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* alecu needs to run some errands, will be back in a while12:48
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karnirockstar: ping13:28
alecumvo: ping13:32
mvohey alecu13:34
alecuhi mvo! the best place to ask about the port would be #twisted-python313:35
alecumvo: I'm taking a look as well, and after we get the tests running we should try running bits of our code13:36
mvoalecu: cool, thanks. I figured some bits out myself now, see my latest mail :)13:36
mvoalecu: sorry for the spam, I am not very literate with twisted13:36
gatoxyey! unity is compiling! :'D14:41
karni\o/ :)14:53
rockstarkarni, pong14:54
mmccmorning folks14:56
karnimorning mmcc o/14:56
rockstarmmcc, someone should give you a medal for getting up so early.14:57
gatoxmmcc, hi14:57
mmccrockstar: heh. aren't we just one hour apart?14:59
rockstarmmcc, yeah, but I got up a bit ago and was ragefacey.14:59
dobeyalecu: ?15:02
gatoxGetting up to speed with C++, Unity and Nux. Unity is finally compiling.15:03
gatoxKeep studying C++ and refreshing the old knowledge.15:03
gatoxNot anymore15:03
gatoxmvo, go15:03
mvoDID: software-center: diagnose failure to install skype in 12.10, filed #1075603 and #1075587 and modernize/upload app-install-data-partner to quantal/raring, misc: work on lp:~mvo/+junk/software-center-agent-apps-validator (to prevent the skype issue in the future), build VM for unity building/testing, some looking into twisted and py3, upload new glade to raring/quantal-proposed with fix for GtkButton editability (#1075957), hack a bit on ubiqu15:03
mvoity (now that glade is back in shape)15:03
mvoTODO: prepare for he sprint15:03
mvoBLOCKED: nothing15:03
mvo(the skype issue is actually pretty anoying and will probably need some more work :(15:03
mvonext karni15:04
karniDONE: Added three playlist interaction related dialogs. Bug management. Hacking on the music library to support music API v2 changes.15:04
alecusorry, I'm on a different channel, having an interesting discussion about resumable uploads15:04
karniTODO: Continue.15:04
karniNEXT: dobey15:04
dobeyDONE: backporting 4.0.0 to beta PPA15:04
dobeyTODO: get 4.0.0 in stable PPA, bugs15:04
dobeyBLCK: None.15:04
dobeyrockstar: go15:04
rockstarDONE: Merge mogenerator elimination15:04
rockstarTODO: Continue reducing tech debt in iOS; prep for sprint15:04
rockstarBLOCKED: Nein15:04
rockstarNEXT: briancurtin15:04
briancurtinDONE: installer testing, working on figuring out why WindowsError for open handles is occurring15:04
briancurtinTODO: get feedback from QA on where we're at, see if i can isolate this WindowsError thing, setup laptops for sprint15:04
briancurtinNEXT: mmcc15:04
mmccDONE: fixed 10.6 menu bug, started looking at possible TCPActivation race15:04
mmccTODO: more TCPActivation15:04
mmccnext: no15:04
mmccend of meeting?15:08
alecuDONE: plans for the sprint, discussion on resumable uploads, got twisted running on python3 as per mvo's mail15:09
alecuTODO: review day, try running storage-protocol on twisted 315:09
alecuBLOCKED: no15:09
mvoalecu: \o/15:10
alecubriancurtin: how many laptops are you bringing to the sprint? :-)15:11
dobeyoh right; TODO: twisted py3k testing15:11
alecubriancurtin: watch your spine!15:11
gatoxalecu, i'm already being able to run unity from trunk to test it :D15:11
briancurtinalecu: ha, well i have my macbook which is ready to go (except the unity setup), but i think i need to bring my windows one as well15:12
alecugatox: awesome!15:12
gatoxalecu, i'll keep reading some c++ code and tutorials to refresh my memory and start looking at some small bugs maybe to get familiar with the code15:13
briancurtinalecu: just saw the bug you entered about "getting information", looking now15:15
briancurtiner nevermind, you didnt enter it, just assigned15:16
alecubriancurtin: right. I peeked at the logs, and it looks like sd can't be started15:16
* gatox lunch15:57
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dobeybrb, need reboot16:39
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karniEODing. I'll probably be hacking some more on the music library late evening.17:31
gatoxkarni, bye17:35
dobeyalright; need to get lunch. bbiab17:42
mmccso, is u1sdtool with no args expected to start syncdaemon if it's not already running?18:12
gatoxmmcc, mmmmm i usually do: u1sdtool -s to start syncdaemon18:13
mmccgatox: right, and IIRC there was a bug a while back to make sure that u1sdtool with no args doesn't start sd… but it looks like that's only working correctly on linux18:14
gatoxno idea about that18:15
mmccnope, on linux too just 'u1sdtool' starts syncdaemon18:16
gatoxi remember the one that was starting syncdaemon if it wasn't running when you do: u1sdtool -q18:16
mmccoh, ok18:16
mmccthat might be the one I was thinking of18:16
gatoxthat one is fixed18:16
mmccit's kind of a mess on osx right now. If I start two syncdaemons within two seconds, they'll both live because of a race to create the ipc socket file. If I start u1sdtool, it launches syncdaemon twice, from two different code paths - I think because the tcpactivation code to check if syncdaemon is listening ends up launching it18:21
mmccthis wasn't a major problem until I had the menu in a separate process create a syncdaemontool at around the same time as the control panel's backend does that. they both end up launching a separate syncdaemon, and both syncdaemons stay around because of the socket file race18:23
mmccmore fun - syncdaemontool.start calls proxy.start, which on mac/win is wrapped by _call_after_connection, which connects to syncdaemon using tcpactivation (potentially launching it). Then start() will happily launch SD again.19:07
* briancurtin lunch19:08
mmccbrb, need to get some air19:08
gatoxok...... i need to leave..... bbl!19:19
dobeymmcc: hrmm19:20
mmccdobey: yes, exactly19:37
karniGood evening, folks.19:38
dobeyhi karnin19:39
dobeyerr, karni19:39
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dobeyhave an appointment; bbiab21:21
mmccok, looks like the right way to avoid racing will be to simply wait to launch the menu process until the control panel knows it has gotten a valid connection to SD. It'll look a little slow, but any other approach is hard to guarantee that it won't launch multiple syncdaemons21:37
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mmccwell, we're just having some really wonderful internet connectivity today.23:09
czajkowskidobey: is there an U1 mailing list I can point someone to23:10
czajkowskithey've seemingly deleted all their work after adding another machine, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2012-November/035358.html23:10
dobeyczajkowski: https://one.ubuntu.com/help/contact/ is probably the best place for them to contact then23:16
dobeyczajkowski: but we do have ubuntuone-users list on launchpad as well23:16
mmccok, have to head out now, I've got a good workaround for bug 1075777, and I'll be back tonight to put together a build for testing tomorrow23:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1075777 in Ubuntu One Client "IPC does not (always) prevent multiple syncdaemons from launching on os x" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107577723:29
dobeyam off as well.23:36
dobeylater all23:36

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