
len-dtzequence, interesting thing with the new PA. When jack-sink is available, it becomes default even though pavucontrol still shows the device as default. (this is a good thing)01:19
len-dtzequence, so if jackd manages to start, then the stream transfers to jack. Good deal.01:20
len-dtI think the new problem is because PA takes just a bit longer to release the HW than jack takes to aquire it (or try to).01:24
len-dtIt may be worse on my system because it is slower or maybe has a slower drive.02:51
persiaMight also be an architectural thing.  JACK might not want to advertise a working device to PA until it has claimed a device, and PA may not wish to release a device until there is an alternate available.02:56
persiaWhen a machine is fast enough, the two things happen "simultaneously", making it unnoticeable.02:56
persiaThat said, I haven't actually looked at the code to see if it is anything like this.02:56
len-dtI don't either (know what the code looks like). But PA does stop/release it's stream.02:59
len-dtI don't know if there is a way to find out who has an alsa port03:00
persiaYou can look at lsof output to see what is claiming the device03:02
persia`lsof | grep /dev/snd` should show you most stuff, although you might get some permission denied errors for some processes (unlikely to be sound-related).03:03
persiaYou can make it quieter with 2>/dev/null or sudo, but the output should otherwise be the same.03:03
persiaMind you, this only reports which kernel devices are currently being accessed: mapping that to specific ports might be a bit trickier, especially if someone is running a multiplexor inside ALSA, or other sorts of interesting configuration.03:04
persiaI believe that by default, Ubuntu doesn't have much fancy ALSA mappings: just definition of 2-channel defaults for cards that don't advertise this well.03:05
len-dtWe don't add any plugins. I will try as I have time.03:08
persiaHeh: take a look in /usr/share/alsa/ sometime if you're curious: there's more than a few cards for which there are special arrangements :)03:10
len-dtInteresting, Jack has the sinks/sources, but PA retains control of some of the controls.03:12
len-dtwhen I cause the problem, Jack says it can't access the hw because some other application has it, but none of the sinks/sources show connections.03:14
len-dtHowever, when I killall -9 jackdbus PA takes them back at that time.03:16
persiaJACK might not be able to attach to the sinks/sources without a control connection03:17
len-dtYa, but it looks like many things can connect to the controls at the same time.03:19
len-dtLooks like about 8 things right now.03:21
persiaHrm.  That's confusing.  Maybe there's some setting in the control that indicates exclusive access, or maybe JACK has higher requirements?03:22
persiaThis is deeper than I understand :)03:22
len-dtWhen jack is running, PA actually grabs more controls.03:24
len-dtPA on it's own only uses two channels, but when it's connected to jack it uses 10, because jack sees ten outputs.03:25
len-dt(12 inputs)03:25
len-dtEvery time I have started jackdbus, PA is running. The difference is only if PA has accessed a port or not.03:26
len-dtThat is why I think timing may be something to do with it. When PA is idle it can give up the ports faster03:27
len-dtIn this version of PA it does more things as it gives up the port. (nice things actually)03:28
len-dtIt seems to have figured out that jack is replacing a port and redirects that stream to jack.03:29
smartboyhwHey scott-work, how are you?12:36
scott-workgood morning smartboyhw , slight headache today. but i expected it since i was having some sinus issues lately *shrug*12:40
scott-worksmartboyhw: yesterday (and probably today) have been real busy at work because of a small crisis with one of our jobs in the field, but i do hope today to add some to the blueprint for testing12:41
smartboyhwscott-work, oh no on the headache and work, :-D on the blueprints12:41
scott-workoops :)12:42
astraljavascott-work: You got something wrong on the right lens of your goggles.12:49
scott-workastraljava: just a note to say that i increased the max size limit for emails to the ubuntustudio-devel mailing list because the nansukan ones for the images keep getting hung up19:37
scott-workhmmm, however, i just though i might be able to uncoditionally approve those emails and keep the limit the same19:38
* scott-work is digging back into the mailman options19:38
scott-workeh, cdimage@nusakan.canonical.com was already on the "automatically accepted" list, so it looks like the limit size is considered separately after approval19:40
scott-workleaving it with the size increase then19:41
zequenceDamn. I never got the beta steam client, as all members of UDS were to get19:56
zequenceThe "wine" version works just fine for me though19:56
=== jta is now known as jta_afk
* micahg hasn't gotten one yet eitehr20:14
scott-workwe keep getting errors building the i386 version of the image, it looks like blender, -video, and -graphics are problems, they might all stem from blender20:34
=== len_ is now known as Len-nb
ttoinezequence, steam was demonstrated on Ubuntu ?23:27
ttoineat the UDS, I mean ,23:46

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