
CharlieMArtinezHello, i am a new user. My from is Argentina. Someone speak spanish here?05:31
CharlieMArtinezI have a question. I have a 40 gb hdd with one partition with windows ntsf, of 20 gb. Can I install ubuntustudio in the rest of the space or i need more gb ?05:33
AzelphurCharlieMArtinez: you can, it's plenty.05:37
Azelphurminimum is 4GB iirc05:37
fabzoe320 gigs is plenty of space for ubuntu studio05:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:43
holsteindepends on what you are doing... i have some audio projects that are about 8gb's... a few of those would blow out a 20gb partition05:44
holsteinyou can install it there for sure, though, depending on what you are doing, you'll want more space05:45
holsteineh... he's gone anyways05:46
fabzoe3True 20gb is not a lot05:53
XRS116GB is prenty of space for a complete install05:59
XRS1then again i rely heavily on remote storage06:00
XRS1ubuntu one and free hosting take care of whatever you arent currently working on06:02
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rinzlerhow do I restart xserver?07:03
rinzlerI tried to install nvidia-common and nvidia-current and now I have lost all ability to control my monitors and I can't set my screen resolution above 800x600. Can anyone help?07:52
zequencerinzler: With proprietary drivers installed you need to use nvidia-settings to do that07:56
zequencerinzler: You'll find it in the menu07:56
rinzlerahh. I was under the impression that that was included in one of the other packages... installing now...08:00
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