
mrvnwhat do I do if a job is start/killed? I can neigther start nor stop it anymore.14:41
SpamapSjodh: ^^ any chance that bug is on the TODO for this cycle?16:10
jodhSpamapS: we'll try, but the priority this cycle is going to be enhanced user sessions.18:17
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benzittlauI was hoping somewhere here might be able to help me out23:34
benzittlauI have an upstart script which is in an semi-crashed state that I can't seem to recover from23:34
benzittlauif I call status <script_name> it tells me its in start/running, but with a PID that is already dead23:34
benzittlauI can't stop it, I can't start it.  I can't seem to get it out of this state23:35
SpamapSbenzittlau: https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/40639723:59
SpamapSbenzittlau: there are some workarounds in the comments23:59

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