
Aaronhey sorry to ask if i want to adopt the package "xchat" they told me to speak in here?03:16
micahgAaron: so, what do you want to do with it? upstream development seems stalled03:19
Aaroni though it was still alive03:19
micahgAaron: if you know the package well, you could triage bugs for it03:20
Aaronyeah 03:20
micahgAaron: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage , also #ubuntu-bugs for help with that03:20
micahgAaron: in fact, bug triage is one place we're especially shorthanded in Ubuntu since we don't have dedicated maintainers03:24
Aaronyou mean reporting bugs and such?03:24
micahgwe inherit most of the packaging work from Debian03:24
micahgno, not reporting, triaging03:25
Aaronyou mean fixing bugs and stuff like that.03:25
micahgwe have 110k open bugs in Ubuntu and over 50% are in the new status which is usually untriaged03:25
bkerensamicahg: I submitted a mp to refresh update.cfg in xubuntu-meta just wanted to ping you since it seems like you have been doing that recently08:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahgbkerensa: whoever does the first meta update would do that anyways, and it's not worth an upload just for that14:55
micahgoh well, laney merged it14:56
bluesabreWhoa, was not aware that there is an android irc client15:27
* bluesabre is ashamed15:27
GridCubethere are many15:29
GridCubetheres even weechat and irssi15:29
elfyknome: you about over the weekend or evenings 15:31
* micahg will probably forget about the UDD branch by the time we need to update the meta15:31
knomeelfy, i'm here now16:42
knomeelfy, but i should be around on the weekend too16:42
elfysorry knome was miles away - figuratively speaking17:50
knomeheh, np17:50
elfyweekend will probably be better for me if that's ok - I just want to tie up this qa lead thing so I know what's expected from me :)17:52
knomeyup, np17:52
knomejust a quick note17:52
knomewe will have two betas17:52
knomeand do testing before that as needed - but we should have a relatively stable system for beta17:52
knomeso we might want to soft-schedule some testing sessions (with no freezes)17:52
knomeand the rest of the testing should be done after we've landed for example a new feature17:53
elfyyea - personally I think that 'constant' testing unless there is a specific need is better if we can do that17:53
elfysnap - my thoughts as well 17:53
knomeok, great17:53
ochosi(actually some testing could already be done, specifically on menulibre and gtk-theme-preferences)17:53
knomeall the freezes will be later17:53
ochosi(both available in ppas)17:53
knomebut we can't miss them this time17:53
knomethe release team will be much more prompt with the freezes17:54
elfyindeed not knome 17:54
knomeat least they told they will, and i hope that's true ;)17:54
knomebecause that's the only way the freezes have a (social) meaning17:54
elfyI'd agree - a freeze should be a freeze and if things miss then they miss17:55
knomebut apart from these things there shouldn't be much changing17:55
elfybut it's not April yet ;)17:55
elfyyep - try and remember that I wasn't anything to do with QA or testing other than doing testing last time ;)17:56
knomethat's the WIP release schedule17:56
knomeheh, yeah, i will17:56
knomejust saying17:56
knomeochosi, you happy where the UIF landed?17:57
knomeochosi, (week before b1)17:57
knomeochosi, (and 5 before final release)17:57
ochosiknome: think so, yeah18:15
knomeno whining later in the cycle then ;)18:15
ochosii mean in general i try to get things in early enough18:15
ochosiso in previous cycles it was mostly stuff that ubuntu/canonical changed that affected us too and made late changes necessary18:16
knomethat's why the freezes are pushed back18:16
elfyand they'll be the ones ignoring the freezes18:16
ochosiand since we don't rely on that so much anymore (as we dropped unico) i don't think it's a problem18:17
* elfy said quietly to himself 18:17
ochosiyeah, that happened sometimes18:17
knomeelfy, they won't be getting away with it this time.18:17
* elfy took a screenshot :p18:17
knomethat's promised by the release team, and if that fails, i will make a lot of noise18:17
elfygood :)18:17
knomeit's not only the freezes happening later, it's also less freezes happening, so development can continue uninterrupted18:18
elfyyea - never really affected me for obvious reasons, but it makes a lot of sense logically 18:19
knomeok, i'm off for now18:22
knomesee you all later18:22
knomeand catch you on the weekend for a longer chat, elfy 18:22
elfyyep that will be great :)18:22

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