
nikolamalso I think xfce weather does not work for me. I think internet connection is good enough.00:01
GridCubeBustin, what kind of file is it?00:01
GridCubenikolam, it works here, but sometimes it doesnt, i think its a problem with the weather servers00:02
GridCubeBustin, thats weird it should work, see in the USC if you for some reason dont have the zip handlers00:02
GridCubeit should work00:02
* nikolam sleep00:16
xubuntu551i just installed xubuntu to a 500gb external drive, everything went well untill i rebooted. once i rebooted i launched from my external drive and all i het is a black screen. any help?00:40
asterismothunar cannot eject external usb hard drive03:49
asterismoit says the device is busy03:50
asterismowe need to have a "umount anyway" button right now03:50
asterismobecause this is too bad03:50
asterismoxubuntu devs, take note on that03:50
asterismothere is no way acceptable that i have to launch nautilus to umount the external drive03:51
asterismoi should not even have nautilus installed03:51
asterismoxubuntu rocks, but must fix this details03:52
holsteinasterismo: i would try sudo04:52
holstein!mount | asterismo04:53
ubottuasterismo: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount04:53
holsteini dont have nautilus installed...04:53
ui_How to install debuge2fs on 12.10? Software Center does not have it, bash returns command not found07:26
ui_Apparently it's not in e2fsprogs either.07:26
olbisome1 could tell me which command is used to change both panels in xfce 4.10? I want to add second panel or modify bottom07:27
well_laid_lawnolbi: right click the panel07:28
koegsor look at "Panels" in Settings07:32
olbiI need do this from cli :P07:39
olbithat's why I tell command :D07:40
olbinot option :]07:40
well_laid_lawnolbi: afaik there's no cli command you can edit the file in ~/.conf/xfce4/panel tho07:45
waveanyone here used modelsim on xubuntu?09:17
wavemy font is somehow messed up http://i.imgur.com/trmWA.png09:18
cheppallehi all, some tips to reset main applications menu?11:15
xemotHi try setting manager > main menu > Restore System Configuration12:17
=== nyR3dn3k is now known as nyRednek
cantinstallxubunhelp installation stops at update-notifier-common14:12
cantinstallxubuninstallation stops at14:13
cantinstallxubun 7 14:09:26 xubuntu ubiquity: Processing triggers for update-notifier-common ...14:13
cantinstallxubuncan you see my text?14:17
moreno_brhi all, after the update my monitor settings get a bit messed up. It was 1440 * 900 and now is 1024 * 768. Its a samsung syncmaster 931bw. Can anyone help me? I get a bit confuse. thx in advance.15:40
holsteinmoreno_br: you can eleborate about "the update".. i would look at a few things that could be broken.. if you have a custom xorg.conf in place from a proprietary nvidia driver for example, that was changed.. also, you can try booting an earlier kernel15:42
moreno_brhi holstein .. just a minute15:54
moreno_brholstein, i think youre right. i use to have nvidia driver, but i think the xubuntu offered me to download it15:57
moreno_brin the older version, holstein15:58
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:58
holsteinim not sure if you did an update, or a distro upgrade.. or a reintall to a new version15:58
holsteini might just try setting the resolution in the tool of your choice15:59
moreno_brthats what im tryong right now.16:00
moreno_brbut its all updated here, holstein16:00
holsteinmoreno_br: sure, but im not sure if you did an update or an upgrade.. or a fresh install.. what operating system are you using?16:01
moreno_brxubuntu 1216:04
moreno_bruse to be 1116:04
holsteinmoreno_br: 12.04? 12.10? used to be 11.04? 11.10? you upgraded? and things broke?16:06
holsteinmoreno_br: have you tried just setting the resolution?16:06
GridCubemoreno_br, paste the results of: lsb_release -ir16:07
moreno_brsb_release -ir16:08
GridCubemoreno_br, yes, its to know exactly wich version of xubuntu you are using16:08
moreno_brDistributor ID:Ubuntu16:08
moreno_bruse t be 11.10 i think16:08
GridCubevery good, now you should have a tab on the Ubuntu Software Centre, called "Aditional Drivers", in that tab you can control wich drivers are in use or not16:09
v1adimir^ if there are no Additional Drivers, some other problem, you can just install from Synaptic nvidia-current and nvidia-settings16:13
moreno_broh, i prefer synaptic16:14
moreno_brthink its simpler16:15
v1adimiri'm just saying bc Additional Drivers was once there for me on 12.10, once gone (not sure what i did exactly when)16:15
v1adimirbut i think it was in the Settings Manager, not Software Center like mentioned above16:16
v1adimirmoreno_br: just be careful if for some reason you need the nuevo drivers and the regular ones won't work on your box16:18
moreno_brill try it now16:26
dareqHi evbdy!16:37
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
dareqI'm having a really big problem installing Xubuntu 12.1016:38
dareqIs there andybody, that could help mi get it right?16:38
dareqThe problem is the video driver (I guess...)16:38
dareqThe installer leaves a blank screen16:39
GridCube!details | dareq16:40
ubottudareq: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:40
dareqI tried to run it with the parameter vga=791, but it didn't work - the firts splashscreen16:40
dareqdisplayed correctly16:40
dareqBut then it turned off again, so now I can't install the system :/16:40
dareqI'm using a Compaq Evo N15016:41
dareqIt's a PIII laptop with Trident CyberBlade/i1 v-card16:41
dareqIs it possible to run the installer in text-mode from the basic LiveCD?16:42
GridCubenot on 12.1016:43
GridCubeyou need to use or 12.04 alternate iso, or the mini16:43
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:43
dareqI'm currently out of blank cd-s :/ Can I burn it somehow on a pendrive?16:44
GridCube!unetbootin | dareq16:45
ubottudareq: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:45
dareqThank you - I'll try to run it with the mini-iso.16:46
dareqOne more question: the lap is currently running a Xubuntu 9.10. Any ideas, why it can't get any repositories?16:49
holstein9.10 is EOL16:49
holsteinyou can always host your own16:49
dareqCan you explain?16:57
xubuntu414hola q tal :)17:02
xubuntu414acabo de instalar xubuntu 12.04 lts17:03
GridCube!hi | unrar17:41
ubottuunrar: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:41
unrarhiya GridCube17:50
xubuntu410Boa Tarde a todos do IRC!!!!!19:09
john_rambominitube is not in the repos?19:52
Evil_Erichi there19:53
ballDoes Xubuntu use printtool?21:00
v1adimirball: looks like http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/printtool.1.html21:16
v1adimiralthough hm it's not installeed21:17
ballThanks v1adimir21:26
v1adimirball, sure!.. but, not sure I helped :))21:31
xubuntu420hello helpers21:32
xubuntu420trying to install on 2002 dell inspiron but21:32
xubuntu420get: this kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu: pae21:32
naxili have install alast ubuntu on my netbook dualcore 4gb ram.. and all is ok21:33
xubuntu420anyone home??21:33
naxilnow i have the connection (internet) .. i want use the netbook wifi like accesspoint is possible?21:33
v1adimirPAE is provided by Intel Pentium Pro and above CPUs, including all later Pentium-series processors (except most 400 MHz-bus versions of the Pentium M). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension21:34
v1adimir@ xubuntu42021:34
ballv1adimir: You did.21:34
v1adimircool :$21:34
xubuntu420so xubuntu wont work on it?21:34
ballhello xubuntu42021:35
v1adimirxubuntu420: idk., maybe you have an ancient computer?21:35
ballxubuntu420: Are you installing 32- or 64- bit?21:35
v1adimir^ oh sorry21:35
xubuntu42032 pretty sure. got same message with Puppy linux21:36
xubuntu420ya i just watched a video of a guy putting both on a laptop - looks just like mine from about same year - 2002-321:37
v1adimirfound a bunch of stuff @ https://www.google.com/search?q=xubuntu+this+kernel+requires+the+following+features+not+present+on+the+cpu%3A+pae (like http://askubuntu.com/questions/117744/how-can-i-install-on-a-non-pae-cpu-error-kernel-requires-features-not-present)21:37
v1adimirseems like you could try installing an older version, then upgrading among other things21:38
v1adimirbut not sure :f21:39
v1adimirxubuntu420: maybe the alternate cd install will work21:41
xubuntu420alternate cd?21:42
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD21:42
v1adimirmeh :\21:42
well_laid_lawnthere used to be a pae kernel21:44
well_laid_lawn!find pae21:44
ubottuFound: linux-generic-pae, linux-headers-generic-pae, linux-image-generic-pae, fonts-ipaexfont, fonts-ipaexfont-gothic, fonts-ipaexfont-mincho, linux-headers-lowlatency-pae, linux-image-lowlatency-pae, linux-lowlatency-pae, otf-ipaexfont (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=pae&searchon=names&suite=quantal&section=all21:44
well_laid_lawnthere still is a pae kernell21:44
Unit193well_laid_lawn: It's all PAE now.21:45
Unit193Only option.21:45
xubuntu420hmm not sure what I'm seeing at that link??21:46
ballIs there a non-PAE kernel for those 32-bit machines that don't support it?21:49
Unit193ball: Not officially.21:49
v1adimirhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/182048/will-it-be-possible-to-use-a-non-pae-kernel-in-12-10 :(21:49
ballThat's unfortunate, but I can understand the rationale.21:49
v1adimirlol just found something, but he's gone :s http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/how-to-install-ubuntu-1204-on-non-pae.html21:50
v1adimirand i guess it's fairly simple to add the kernel to the Quantal mini-iso for example http://www.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/21:54
GridCubeball, 12.04, thats LTS, and its NON pae supported21:54
well_laid_lawnit might have an amd cpu21:55
v1adimiroh i just read more about it, nvm21:56
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
v1adimiranyone else's file-roller crashes on right-click extract here?22:22
v1adimiron 12.10 - i can only extract by opening and dragging-out (seems to be the thunar plugin?)22:23
djtfThat hasn't been an issue for me on 12.04 or 12.1022:23
v1adimir12.04 was fine, but on 12.10 fresh install it hasn't worked yet :(22:23
djtfMaybe try purging thunar and the associate plugin and trying it again?22:23
v1adimiryea, hm; tnx.. djtf: what do you think about switching over to Xarchiver (and trying to plug it into Thunar)?22:24
Unit193ball: You figure out how to get it on your non-PAE box?22:26
ballUnit193: I'm not sure whether I have any non-PAE boxen. The question was originally asked by someone else.22:28
Unit193Ah, my bad.  (grep pae /proc/cpuinfo tells it)22:28
ballThanks Unit19322:29
Unit193Sure thing.22:29
v1adimir(even extract to.. works, just the extract here is the problem; meh)22:30
=== ball is now known as ball_
ball_Ah well, time to head home.22:37
Mike-Linux-NLHello y'all22:44
Mike-Linux-NLis there any fix available for elan trackpads that keep stopping to work?22:44
Mike-Linux-NLas of today it stops working after i used a wireless usb mouse.. when i pull it out, trackpad does not work anymore.'22:45
Mike-Linux-NLi think the problem occurs on all Ubuntu 12.04 derrivates?22:47
Mike-Linux-NLweird enough, when trackpad does work in XUbuntu i have two finger scrolling, wich i do not have in regular ubuntu22:48
djtfv1adimir: I honestly don't know if there's an xarchiver plugin for thunar, much less whether or not it works well.23:03
v1adimirdjtf: yeah, cool.. guess i will just have to live without extract here, until like an update drops; wasn't able to figure it out. :f23:07
v1adimir(fresh default install)23:08
djtfv1adimir: Ha ha. That's no fun, but if you keep your /home directory on a different partition that makes things way easier.23:09
v1adimirdjtf: meant to look into that also, for upgrades / reinstalls; ehh.. one day :)23:10
djtfAlthough I've gotta say, cloud storage is making that option less important. Then again, I don't have a whole lot of data, so backing it up to Google Drive and then letting things download overnight works pretty well for me after a clean install.23:16
xubuntu220Buona sera a tutti23:41
xubuntu220avrei una domanda do porvi23:42
xubuntu220ops nessuno risponde23:42
xubuntu220come mai ?23:42
xubuntu220mi sentite dalle vostre tiepide case, in questa notte invernle al focolare del vostro pc ?23:44
xubuntu220finalmente :-)23:44
raytrayxubuntu220, I'm sorry I do not speak uhh.. spanish? But perhaps someone here does if you can ask your question if not yet already and they'll get to you when they can23:45

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