
TheMueToday is the worst day of my cold. So I'll work later a bit from the couch and with lots of peppermint tea.07:40
TheMueSo cu later.07:41
=== mcclurmc_away is now known as mcclurmc
=== dimitern is now known as dimitern_lunch
=== dimitern_lunch is now known as dimitern
=== Aram2 is now known as Aram
Aramhmm, anyone seen frank?14:08
fwereadeAram, he's got a cold and may or may not be available at any given time14:42
=== Guest70098 is now known as rogpeppe
rogpeppetwo CLs to review, if anyone cares to:  https://codereview.appspot.com/6811095/ https://codereview.appspot.com/681911518:20
=== mcclurmc is now known as mcclurmc_away
rogpeppei'm off for the evening, see y'all tomorrow18:42
=== Aram2 is now known as Aram

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