
lilsteviepersia, haven't seen you around in ages00:00
persialilstevie: I had some administrative issues, now sorted.  Have you been well?00:01
lilstevieyeah :)00:01
lilsteviepersia, I have the tf201 kernel building as a deb now :) finally got my way through setting that up00:02
persiaCool!  At UDS there was some discussion on the *right* way to do universe kernels, so if it's a working quantal kernel, we can probably get that sorted sanely.00:03
persiaErr, raring.00:03
* persia pushes brain faster to catch up00:04
lilsteviepersia, well it is the same vintage as the n700:05
lilstevieboth 3.1.10 nvidia kernels00:05
* persia worries more about userspace compatibility than version numbers00:05
persiaIs that kernel DT friendly enough that we could run one kernel with different DT files for both devices?00:05
lilsteviepersia, no00:06
persiaOh well.  One can dream :)00:06
lilsteviehowever it may be possible to enable both boards00:06
lilstevieI don't have an n7 though, so I haven't checked out the machine id00:06
lilstevieif it isn't cardhu then they may very well co-exist00:07
persiaI suspect there's someone else on the channel who might be able to dig up that information :)00:07
lilsteviehowever there still is the issue of the dock keyboard driver00:07
lilsteviethat thing has infected many parts of the system00:07
persiaThat's not implemented as USB or something else sane?00:07
lilstevieAudio, Battery, and Board00:07
lilstevieoh, it is i2c00:08
lilsteviebut they have functions injected all over the place00:08
persiaOh, ugh.  That makes it ever so much trickier :(00:08
lilsteviethe core driver itself is fine, but the offload functions to other drivers00:09
lilsteviethings like the battery status get offloaded through special calls in the battery driver00:09
persiaThat should really just be another pluggable battery, rather than so closely tied.  I suspect someone was in a hurry.00:10
lilsteviethe worst one though is they have a dock with speakers (never released or announced) that offloads audio based off headset detect and the audio codec00:10
TheMusoManufacturers are always in a hurry.00:10
lilstevieit is a giant deps tangle00:11
TheMusoAnd the nexus7 machine ID is grouper00:11
lilstevieI tried to modularise some of that stuff, but it is just impossible due to how tied up they are00:11
persiaTheMuso: Yes, but some of them ask their board vendors to supply a board that is already ported, rather than hiring someone to hack it in ugly ways.00:11
lilstevieTheMuso, right, silly me :p00:11
lilsteviepersia, as it is this is all hacked over the top of the support for the cardhu development platform00:12
lilstevietf101 did that with ventana, but they were much more similar, to the point where with a few small mods you could get the kernel to boot00:13
lilsteviepersia, do you want to see if there is anything I need to change with how my kernel is packed for universe? I have it on my repo at the moment for precise00:45
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
persiaI'm tight on time today, but I can probably look at it tomorrow.00:46
persiaI know there *will* be changes required, but I haven't seen publication of the new procedure yet.00:46
lilsteviepersia, oh no hurry00:46
persia(so we can use the old one for now)00:47
lilsteviethe kernel itself is old (and poorly named)00:47
lilstevieI need to start again for the new one cause of a different base00:47
persiaHeh.  Old kernel, old procedure, new kernel, new procedure :)00:48
lilsteviethat was what I was thinking00:49
mjrosenbso, what is the name of the program that provides all of the on screen menus, and the activation area in the top left of the screen on 12.04?00:50
persia"dash" maybe?00:51
TheMusoThats part of unity. Depends on what version of Unity you are running.00:57
mjrosenbTheMuso: how do I find that out?01:06
TheMusomjrosenb: You would have to check the list of currently running processes I think, I can't think of an easy visual way to determine that.01:06
mjrosenbTheMuso: well, the issue is that the menu bar and other things are not worknig01:07
mjrosenbI have a context menu when I right click on the desktop01:07
mjrosenbunder gnome, i'd say that mean that nautilus was running01:08
persiasuckless-tools has some useful widgets to query the current set of represented X apps, which may help.01:08
mjrosenbbut I have no clue who handles that these days01:08
mjrosenbit appears as if lightdm is in fact running.01:08
lilstevieof course lightdm is running01:09
lilsteviemjrosenb, if you kill lightdm it will take everything running in X with it01:15
persia(assuming you haven't done any fancy process reparenting beforehand)01:15
lilsteviewell yeah01:16
mjrosenbI just killed lightdm and restarted it, but still just the desktop.01:18
lilsteviewhat is this on?01:19
mjrosenbrunning 12.0401:20
persia12.04 does have nautilus providing the desktop01:20
mjrosenbindeed, it does.01:21
mjrosenbwhat does it have providing the upper bar with the time + some menus on it?01:21
mjrosenbor the meta-key functionality?01:21
persiameta is dash.  I forget what the upper bar that hosts the indicators is called (and it's not obvious from running lsw on 12.04)01:27
TheMusoUnity-panel-service doesn't actually do any of the rendering however.01:39
=== zz_chihchun is now known as chihchun
mjrosenbps aux | grep unity does not return anything02:18
mjrosenbso presumably the backgronud service isn't running02:18
mjrosenbunity-2d-panel: error while loading shared libraries: libgbm.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:19
mjrosenbok, making a symlink fixed the issue02:30
mjrosenbbut man that feels like a hack02:30
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
=== Jack87|Away is now known as Jack87
infinitymjrosenb: Erm, that looks like a local libgdbm, rather than one from the archive...03:28
mjrosenbinfinity: it was installed with dpkg03:30
mjrosenbis there a way to find out where it is getting the .deb from?03:30
mjrosenbiirc, I have the omap overlay installed and nothing else?03:30
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
infinitymjrosenb: 'apt-cache policy libgdbm1' might give you a hint.03:32
mjrosenband I have no clue where that information is stored, since the only things I have in sources.list are the ubuntu repos03:32
infinitymjrosenb: Given that libgdbm1 doesn't actually exist in the Ubuntu archive, it's definitely not from us (nor is the thing that was linking to it)03:33
mjrosenbthis is gbm not gdbm.03:33
infinityOh, I can't read. :P03:33
mjrosenblooks legit to me.03:33
mjrosenband http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1923602 for unity-2d-panel, which has a dep on libgbm.so.103:34
infinitymjrosenb: Right, that package came from the PPA, though.03:35
mjrosenbso it did03:36
* mjrosenb has no clue what he's looking for.03:36
infinityhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1341643/ <-- The archive package.03:36
mjrosenbperhaps downgrading to 8.0.4-0ubuntu0.2 would fix the problem?03:36
infinityVersion 8.0.4-0ubuntu0.2 is from Ubuntu.03:37
mjrosenbwell, I made a symlink, if that ever stops working, I'll downgrade.03:37
infinityndec: The mesa in your PPA for precise is busted.03:37
dholbachgood morning07:43
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
ogra_janimo, for your ambient sensor, probably taking a look at https://android.googlesource.com/device/asus/grouper/+/7fce7d56cb077e869b9509cd2770d92e8cf29dcc/liblights/lights.c would be helpful :)11:39
janimoogra-nx7, yes I saw that11:39
ogra_ah, k11:39
janimobut first I wanted to see if it works at all on android, to get some dmesg or logger prints11:40
janimoand it does not seem to work at all11:40
ogra_i wonder if we should switch to the interactive power governor by default11:40
ogra_seeing all these fine tuned bits in the android init scripts it feels like that would save us some power11:40
janimoI may need to take a look some android ambient light apps from google play, maybe some extra twiddling that is not in default is required11:40
ogra_well, theoretically you shouldnt need any userspace for it apart from some app to adjust it probably11:41
janimoogra_, no idea. Probably someone should try the same power tests (or others) victor did with various governors and then decide based on the numbers11:41
ogra_well, i bet victor would just do them, he already has a setup, but we would need to give him a kernel with ondemand disabled or help him to make sure ondemand doesnt get forced11:42
brendandogra_ - what's the correct way to make sure the N7 is up-to-date?11:42
ogra_update-manager :)11:43
ogra_we push updates to the PPA11:43
ogra_just dont enable -security or -updates, they will trash your desktop11:43
brendandogra_ - that's what i was getting at. which ppa?11:43
ogra_the ubuntu-nexus7 one, enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ;)11:44
lilsteviefwiw kinteractiveup spams dmesg a lot (interactive governor)11:56
ogra_well, i guess you can quieten that11:58
ogra_victorp, showing EULAs isnt really acceptable for a proper ubuntu image11:59
ogra_victorp, i would prefer a proper solution rather11:59
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinhal is now known as Ursinha
victorpogra_,  what is a proper solution?12:12
victorpogra_ and why is it not acceptable?12:12
ogra_victorp, licenses that dont require the user to click anything12:12
victorpthat is exactly what we do for the business desktop image available to download from Ubuntu.com12:13
victorpogra_, is not a license12:13
ogra_if we really want to go down that rathole you need a) EULA support in usb-creator and b) all packages that ship any of the firmware will need it too (you can install an image, but yu could as well also install the single packages)12:13
victorpit is just a note letting users know what is the ROM12:13
* victorp srugs12:14
ogra_if the license then needs to be accepted *before* downloading that gets all kinds of complicated12:14
ogra_sinbce we have no mechanism for that at all apart from doing something as ugly as the flash downloader package12:14
ogra_(which cant work for i.e. network driver frimware)12:15
victorpogra_, I think you are assuming that this is an EULA and that people have to click on it12:15
victorpwe can't pass the license to the users12:15
ogra_victorp, well, its some kind of popup people will have to agree to, no ?12:15
victorpif says in the original license12:15
victorpnope, it is just a notice saying this are the licenses in the rom12:16
victorpyou are not asked to agree to gplv3 every time you download ubuntu12:16
ogra_still, if the license requires us to show it somehow all of the above applies12:16
victorpwe need to show a notice, yes12:16
ogra_if the license doesnt require us to show it, lets just not show it :)12:16
victorpdoes is not what our legal team suggest12:17
ogra_right, so it needs to be shown by the packages as well as by the installer12:17
victorpogra_ I have a solution!!!12:17
victorpwe stick to the installer that we have now ;)12:17
ogra_victorp, what does that solve12:17
victorpogra_ the packages that contain the firmware12:17
victorpogra_ j/k12:17
ogra_you still need EULA popups in all the packages12:18
victorpcan you define all12:18
ogra_which is massively messy and adds a lot of mainbtenance overhead12:18
ogra_every package that ships any of the firmwares12:18
victorpright, why dont you put them all in 1 package?12:18
ogra_thats ugly but would work12:19
victorpor dont put them in a package12:19
victorpat all12:19
ogra_how would you ship them properly then ?12:19
victorpmeaning that we could add the to the images, and put the notice in the installer12:19
ogra_or apply any updates in case there is newer firmware that fixes issues12:19
victorpbut if someone wants to use a package per package they can get them from the google site12:20
ogra_generally we dont put any non packaged files into images12:20
victorpok - put them in 1 package then12:20
ogra_there are exceptions but it would be good to not go with that12:20
victorpI think that is ugly from one sense, cleaner from another12:20
victorp1 package + installers with notice?12:21
ogra_well, it wont help any other devices with the same HW ... thats the issue12:21
ogra_i.e. the bcm4330 is a very common wlan chip12:21
ogra_not really ubuntu :)12:21
ogra_but yeah, would work for the device12:21
victorpogra_ you cant use those blobs in other devices12:21
ogra_sure i can12:22
victorpit is against the license of the blobs12:22
victorpoh no you cant :)12:22
ogra_i can use the bcm4330 blob for every bcm4330 welan card out there that works with the same kernel driver12:22
victorpyou can, and you can also get a call from the blob owners lawyers :)12:22
ogra_wether thats legal by that specific license is another story indeed12:22
ogra_talking about technical bnits here12:23
victorpwell.. now a days you can separate it12:23
victorpwhat I mean is12:23
ogra_the proper way to do what we want would be to contact the manufacturers and get proper licenses so ubuntu benefits as a whole12:23
victorpdo one package called nexus7-blobs-from-other-people12:23
victorpthat wfm12:23
victorpand if is not useful for re-using in other devices12:23
victorpeven better as the license does not allow you to do that anyway12:24
ogra_well, if the license says you cant use it on other devicews we cant make it available in the archive12:24
victorpogra_, If you give a list of the manufacturers , I can do that12:24
ogra_i can for sure install nexus7-blobs-from-other-people on my ac10012:24
victorpogra_ why?12:24
ogra_so i would break it12:24
victorpbut that is not how it works12:25
ogra_the list should be at https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/drivers#grouper12:25
ogra_this is how ubuntu works12:25
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
achiangwe have an ancient version of smem in quantal12:43
janimoachiang, in raring I added the latest one12:55
achiangjanimo: ah great!12:55
janimoachiang, we won't do much quantal profiling I guess?12:55
achiangjanimo: wonder if it should go into debian though12:56
janimoachiang, well 1.2 I got an hour after filing a bug in Debian :) The new bugfix I still have to upstream12:56
achiangjanimo: awesome, you are a step ahead of me12:56
janimoachiang, well I discovered smem while at the memory profiling session, remembering that top & co simply lie12:57
janimoand added it to etherpad and then went on testing it12:57
achiangi think we should write a tutorial12:57
achiangor not even that, just usage12:57
janimowell I am still in the figuring out phase, i.e don;t know much more than what the package manpage says12:58
achiangno worries, not asking you to do it12:58
achiangi'm just playing with it too12:58
janimowhat I want to do though is have a setup where we smemcap locally (this is missing in quantal) which is quick and then analyse on a more powerful machine12:58
janimoit may use a setup similar to how the bootchart dailies are to be set up12:58
* ogra_ thinks that the nexus display even when setting the brightness to 1 is way to bright13:38
highvoltageogra_: I too find it quite amazing that these devices that consume a total of 5W of power can emit 50W worth of light from their panels13:42
ogra_yeah, you can easily use the nexus as a torch at night13:42
ogra_even with brightness set to 113:42
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
ogra_oh sigh14:49
* ogra_ just looked at the plymouth issues14:49
ogra_the bootloadert sets console=none ... we override that to console=tty1 in our boot options ...14:49
ogra_plymouth sadly picks the first console= option from the cmdline and tries to connect to /dev/none14:50
ogra_yay, chromebook14:56
dmartogra_: me too :)15:01
dmartogra_: /win 915:02
highvoltageogra_: any inside news on when they'll be generally available? I'm burning to order one, just to use as a "nicer" pandaboard :)15:07
ogra_highvoltage, i just bought mine at amazon.co.uk15:08
highvoltagenice, and they still have!15:09
cwaynemfisch: im thinkin mark this as wishlist, right? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/107619915:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 1076199 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Feature request for Dual Boot" [Undecided,New]15:09
ogra_cwayne, wontfix rather :)15:10
cwayneogra_: lol, im gonna go with opinion / wishlist15:10
ogra_if anyone from the community wants to figure it out and write a howto on the wiki thats fine, but we wont work on such a feature for the official images15:10
cwayneill comment that and mark opinion15:11
highvoltageogra_: eek, it costs  more than $100 extra to order it from amazon.co.uk, I guess I'll wait until they have stock back in the US afterall then15:14
mfischcwayne: +115:14
cwaynemfisch: also just marked the gnome-shell bug wontfix with a comment explaining why15:14
mfischI can't wait to see the response15:15
cwayneim excited15:23
cwaynei wrote it as nicely as possible though :)15:23
cwaynemfisch: hmm, what about this guy? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1075565  I think that the screen dimming is normal when no clicks are being registered15:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 1075565 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Auto dimming on brightness with spikes" [Undecided,New]15:37
ogra_cwayne, m,y screen flashes quite a lot if the device is attached to power and in DPMS suspend mode15:41
ogra_i assume at the same frequency that victorp sees15:41
cwayneogra_: his wasnt suspended, or plugged into power15:42
cwaynemy thinking is that he just happens to be logging the brightness after a click, when it is un-dimmed15:42
ogra_oh, right, he tested battery time :)15:42
victorpcwayne,  the spikes where on battery yes15:42
victorpI was a sleep15:43
cwaynevictorp: right, i think what you're seeing is the normal auto-dim to save power15:43
victorpso I didnt see it,but got logged on the test results15:43
victorpcwayne,  ugh15:43
victorpnot normal that is resets every hour15:43
victorpsee grey line15:43
cwaynevictorp: i think it may just be getting that data after a click (when the brightness is brought back up)15:43
victorpI dont think so15:44
victorpI run it again later with 4915:44
cwayne40 minutes between logging?15:44
victorpand it did not spike because is below the level of auto dim15:44
cwayneoh 40%15:44
victorp40 %15:45
cwaynevictorp: was 'dim screen to save power' on when you did it at 99?15:45
victorpand it immediately went down to 9915:45
victorpfrom 9915:45
victorpto 7615:45
ogra_victorp, btw, i would like to prepare some power mgmt settings for you stealing bits from the android defaults so we can check if they improve the system in any way beyond using ubuntu defaults15:45
ogra_(after i got images up)15:46
victorpogra_, cool I can do that15:46
* ogra_ grumbles about plymouth 15:47
ogra_silly software !15:47
ogra_intrestingly i cant make the kernel crash anymore by removing all the override files15:47
ogra_but i cant get a splash either because plymouth conncts to a non existing /dev/none15:48
ogra_i wonder what happens if i create a udev rule to link /dev/none to tty115:50
janimoinfinity, can you please remove the nexus7 kernel from raring NEW? I just found it does not build in the PPA. thanks16:03
janimoI agains assumed that if it builds in quantal it should in raring16:03
janimowhich si weird as gcc does not seem to be that different. (4.7.2-2 vs 4.7.2-5)16:05
ogra_janimo, python2 vs 3 ?16:07
ogra_Makefile:509: The path 'python' is not executable.16:08
ogra_from your build log16:08
janimoogra_, it fails while compiling a c file though16:08
janimoogra_, same in the previous build, but that warning is harmless (python)16:08
ogra_well, yeah, it should just skip that bit gracefully16:08
janimomaybe some extra Werror checks were added16:09
ogra_you could just set do_tools = false for now16:09
cwaynevictorp: hey, how do i install that extension with your changes?  do i just drop that extension dir somewhere?16:11
victorpcwayne,  branch into the nexus 716:15
victorpthen open chromium16:15
victorpgo to extensions16:15
victorpset it to developer mode16:15
victorpthat will give you an option to do "unpack extension"16:16
cwaynevictorp: ah, great, thank you16:16
victorpclick on that and will let pick a folder16:17
victorpcwayne, let me know if that works16:17
cwaynevictorp: seems to, thanks16:24
cwaynevictorp: i'll get you some more results overnight tonight as well16:24
victorpcwayne, cool16:26
ogra_slangasek, another thing ... i played with make_ext2fs vs img2simg and ext2simg ... ext2simg produces about 100M bigger images than make_ext4fs, the latter apparently compresses the unused fs metadata or something along these lines so i think we should rather go with that16:52
ogra_(we are constrained wrt image size by the system ram of the device, images need to stay around 680M)16:53
ogra_(fastboot has an -S option to actually flash bigger images in chunks, but sadly thats not 100% reliable and sometimes you end up with a corrupted fs)16:55
achiangogra_: xnox: janimo: i'd like to get a sense of the WIs that need to be done before we can start producing dailies. i understand it as 1) kernel+fw bits uploaded into R, 2) cdimage infrastructure working (aka ext2simg, etc.) 3) usb-creator patches. anything else?16:56
ogra_achiang, nope, thats largely it16:57
xnoxachiang: usb-creator should not block "production of dailies"16:57
ogra_for *building* i dont even need the firmware16:57
janimoachiang, yes. I am working on 1)16:57
achiangxnox: well, "installation of dailies" :)16:57
ogra_even an empty package would do for that16:57
ogra_achiang, fastboot flash foo.img ;)16:58
xnoxI have packaged the utilities, and now will be flashing my nexus with them..... i hope i will not brick it =)16:58
achiangoh, so continue using the nexus7-installer then?16:58
ogra_usb-creator is really not important yet :)16:58
ogra_well, its four fastboot commands, not really hard to do16:58
achiangok, so let's strike out #316:58
janimoI need to fix the kernel build with raring gcc16:58
slangasekogra_: right, I think it makes sense to stick with make_ext4fs for now in that case.  Would be good at some point to unpick why the fs is different (e.g., how does 'make_ext4fs+simg2img' differ from 'mkfs.ext4') and improve things16:58
ogra_right, usb-creator will happen, but yioz can always install by just using fastboot16:59
achiangin that case we just need to get cdimage.uc. building images, and we can patch nexus7-isstaller16:59
slangasekor maybe it's how does 'make_ext4fs' differ from 'make_ext4fs+simg2img+img2simg'16:59
xnoxslangasek: i'm getting cross-eyes from all the img2img2sigm2igm2sigm+17:00
ogra_i also think i'll add the make_ext4fs part to livecd-rootfs/live-build instead of debian-cd17:00
ogra_will make everything easier for everyone17:00
* ogra_ goes afk for a while17:01
janimohrw, do you usually follow gcc versions with the corresponding cross-gcc package or the releases are more or less independent?17:03
mfischjanimo: is git clean -xdf going to remove my code and config changes in the kernel?17:15
achiangcwayne: re: dual-boot bug, it would be nice to document why it's difficult, which is to say, you'd have to flash into the recovery partition, etc. etc.17:15
achiangcwayne: can you track down the details of that and update the bug?17:15
cwayneachiang: sure17:16
achiangcwayne: re: gnome-shell bug, we can do better. desrt has 2 upstream bugs enabling gnome-shell. can you track those down and link them in our bug report?17:17
achiangcwayne: he's already opened the upstream bugs, so all you need to do is link them17:18
mfischcwayne: I've got some cycles while this builds, I'll do the gnome shell one17:26
infinityjanimo: You probably just want to drop do_tools until you sort it out (as I did for ac100).17:28
infinityjanimo: Rejecting for now, though.17:28
mfischachiang: re: desrt/gnome-shell: did you mean patches or bugs?  I dont see any upstream bugs that seem to fit17:30
achiangmfisch: he filed bugs, that much i know. he *might* have attached patches too, not sure.17:30
achiangmfisch: and they might already be closed, unknown to me...17:30
mfischhmm, I'll go search his lp bug list17:30
achiangmfisch: i only have this knowledge from a 5 minute hallway conversation with him17:30
achiangmfisch: upstream gnome bugs17:30
cwayneogra_: ping17:39
victorp_cwayne, have a look at this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/BrowsingSimulation and please improve if you think anything is missing17:49
cwaynevictorp_: will do, i've got it running now just for some preliminary info17:49
victorp_cool, the main thing is the extension really, rather than the script17:50
janimoinfinity, thanks. Was the issue the same for ac100? I did not even know about that17:50
cwaynevictorp_: yep.  did you set it to never turn the screen off when you ran overnight?17:51
janimoinfinity, I wonder if we could just copy the binaries from PPA to raring until we have a raring package. Would that be bad?17:53
infinityjanimo: Just upload with do_tools = false. :P17:56
janimoinfinity, ok I saw the recent ac100 fix in raring17:56
infinityjanimo: Copying from the PPA for a NEW package would still require the same review, so buys you nothing.17:56
mfischachiang: no joy in finding ryan's upstream bugs17:56
achiangmfisch: did you just ask him? :)17:57
mfischachiang: he's not around, we will have to email17:57
achiangyep, sorry for asking for the hoop jumping, but i think we should link those bugs17:58
mfischI did find a bunch of other upstreams that I linked17:58
mfischmany of which predate our work17:58
mfischlike rotation not working17:58
achiangyeah, watching the mails come into my inbox now17:59
infinityjanimo: Once you have something that builds, I'll try to fasttrack reviewing it.  If the source is shockingly similar to ac100, it won't take too much effort.18:00
mfischachiang: the main difficulty on dual-boot is either hacking fastboot or switching to u-boot and then figuring out how to reflash the bootloader?18:03
achiangmfisch: i'm fuzzy on the details, it was like, resize the userdata partition, flash over the recovery, then something in picking which userspace to boot18:04
mfischyou'd have to manually enter the bootloader18:06
mfischthat method is safer than messing with fastboot18:07
mfischcwayne: I forgot about that option ^^18:07
* cwayne didnt know about that option18:07
mfischso ubuntu would go into recovery18:07
cwayneso like, booting into android you would just use the recovery partition?18:08
mfischnot sure how userdata would get divided up18:08
mfischcwayne: I've upstream linked the two bugs to the gnome-shell bug, are we re-opening it?18:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1072509 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Gnome Shell/Classic is Unable To Provide Accelerated Experience" [Low,Won't fix]18:08
cwaynemfisch: i suppose we can confirm it, but def leave it low18:09
mfischcwayne: done18:09
achiangmfisch: cwayne: i don't think it needs to be open, just a pointer to the upstreams are ok18:10
achiangbut do what makes sense. :)18:10
mfischwe can leave it open18:10
cwaynewe'll leave it open for now, and see what happens in those upstreams i suppose18:10
* cwayne is not seeing the auto-dimming on browsing yet18:12
mfischachiang: if we get the tegra3 bugs into good shape can you poke nvidia?  If so, I'd like to prioritize that effort18:13
achiangmfisch: i've been, in the background18:13
achiangmfisch: just ping me if you need help on specific bugs18:13
mfischachiang: okay, we'll get them into shape18:13
mfischcwayne: can we do a review of them after you finish up the current issue?18:14
cwaynewhy was this marked as affecting nexus7?  it doesn't seem quite right https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/97426018:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 974260 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Brightnes of laptop panel is set to minimum when system starts" [Medium,Confirmed]18:14
cwaynemfisch: sure18:14
victorp_cwayne, yes I did18:14
mfischcwayne: I duped the nexus7 one to that one18:14
victorp_cwayne, not many users browse with their screens turn off :)18:14
mfischcwayne: the original: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/107547318:15
cwaynemfisch: it isnt minimal brightness though, else it'd be completely black18:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 974260 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1075473 Brightnes of laptop panel is set to minimum when system starts" [Medium,Confirmed]18:15
cwaynevictorp_: hah, true :)18:15
mfischcwayne: the bug is more that the system doesn't remember where you left the brightness setting after a reboot18:15
cwaynemfisch: ah, okay18:15
cwaynethat makes more sense18:15
mfischcwayne: my laptop, for example, always starts at a blinding 100%18:15
cwaynemfisch: right, ok18:17
cwaynemfisch: wanna do a quick g+ and go over the tegra3 bugs?18:18
mfischcwayne: IRC, I'm at the library18:18
cwaynemfisch: alright: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bugs?field.tag=tegra318:18
achiangfwiw, i expect we're finding normal usability bugs in core ubuntu that have simply been ignored forever18:26
achianggood thing is, upstream can no longer hide from us :)18:26
cwayneachiang: thats what it seems like to be honest18:27
cwaynemost if not all of these have an older bug that's been a bit ignored18:27
xnoxogra_: mfisch: i have recreated the rootfs image using packaged fs-utils, and flashed my nexus7 and it did boot and everything is ok.18:40
xnoxogra_: mfisch: I'm planning to upload them into the raring archive now.18:40
xnoxdo I need to backport them back to quantal & precise? or is ppa sufficient for cdimage?18:41
mfischachiang: ^^?  I think raring was the goal18:42
achiangxnox: no backport needed at all18:42
achiangxnox: Raring or nothing!@18:42
xnoxack =)18:42
xnoxuploading then.18:43
xnoxI think I will do a ppa and block for general public =)18:43
achiangxnox: curious... what ppa?18:45
xnoxachiang: a new one, unless there is one already.18:46
xnoxachiang: do we have one under ~ubuntu-nexus7 ?18:46
achiangxnox: sorry, i mean, what would the ppa have?18:46
achiangthe fs-utils package?18:46
xnoxachiang: android-tools package patches to produce android-tools-fs-utils which has simg2simg, simg2img, img2simg, make_ext4fs18:46
xnoxyeah =)18:46
xnoxand ext2simg I think....18:47
mfischxnox: maybe our Nexus7 public PPA?18:47
xnoxmfisch: sure. Which one is that?18:47
achiangxnox: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/ubuntu-nexus7-installer18:47
mfischachiang: not that one18:47
* mfisch is thinking18:48
mfischI guess those are image build tools18:48
achiangit should indeed be that one18:48
achiangunless i misunderstand18:48
achiangwhich is probably the case18:48
mfischxnox: let me add you to the group18:48
mfischah, I lack the power18:48
* mfisch asks for the power18:49
achiangxnox: can you apply for the ppa?18:49
xnox"Dmitrijs Ledkovs" (xnox) pending approval.18:49
achiangxnox: gotcha, you're in18:49
xnoxthanks =)18:49
mfischxnox: ping me when those are available, I'd like to update my blog post and remove the bianries from people.canonical.com18:50
xnoxmfisch: ack.18:50
mfischachiang: I have a fix for the brightness issue18:50
* achiang adds a blurb about team membership to LP18:51
cwaynemfisch: which one, the 0 one?18:55
mfischcwayne: ?18:55
cwaynemfisch: which brightness issue do you have a fix for18:56
mfischcwayne: ah yes, that one18:56
mfischmore testing first18:56
cwayneanyone seeing the screen go black even when its not supposed to on the n7?19:16
[mbm]nope; worked fine when I tried it19:17
[mbm]screensaver? dpms?19:18
cwayne[mbm]: hmm, not sure.  its disabled in brightness and lock, but that's all i did19:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
janimoinfinity, I did a reupload with tools disabled19:36
[mbm]mfisch: there was some talk of using kexec for dual booting, although it should also be possible to place the ubuntu kernel on the recovery partition, at the expense of losing android recovery19:45
ogra-cb[mbm]: well, there is more to do in the system itself, a kernel update would currently wipe your android kernel19:46
cwayneogra-cb: [mbm]: can we get these issues listed on the dual-boot bug?19:47
[mbm]ogra-cb: the flash-kernel scripts would need to be tweaked19:47
ogra-cbwell, they would be overwritten with the next flash-kernel update19:48
ogra-cbflash-kernel would need to learn to accept more than one bootdevice19:48
[mbm]there's also the question of where to put the ubuntu root19:48
ogra-cbwhich is a functionality that was just removed on purpose with the rewrite in debian19:49
cwaynethe bug is here btw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/107619919:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 1076199 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Feature request for Dual Boot" [Wishlist,Opinion]19:49
[mbm]thinking that the ubuntu root can just be a subdirectory of userdata, avoiding partitioning problems and free space segmentation19:49
ogra-cbthe ubuntu root currently is userdata19:50
ogra-cbmmmcblk0p9 is /19:51
[mbm]right, but you don't want to see android files in /19:51
ogra-cband we need to completely wipe it on install, else we get filesystem corruption over time19:51
ogra-cbi.e. fastboot erase19:51
ogra-cb(we had that issue)19:52
[mbm]thinking of a ubuntu directory on p919:52
ogra-cbwell, then you will need to provide a modified image19:53
[mbm]combination of mount -o bind and pivot_root can be used in a similar manner to chroot19:53
ogra-cbthe default image will wipe and use the full partition19:53
[mbm]right, the current install clobbers android19:53
ogra-cbcant android get along with that ?19:53
[mbm]well, android mounts userdata as /data and then makes various directories like /data/data, /data/app, /data/system ..19:54
ogra-cbah, right19:55
[mbm]you don't want those directories showing up in ubuntu attached to /19:55
[mbm]and it's easily avoided with a few initrd tweaks in ubuntu19:56
ogra-cbwell, dual boot isnt our focus, our focus is to get the cleanest ubuntu install possible onto teh device in the given situation19:56
ogra-cbwe wont hack teh initrd nor change teh image design, so if you want dual boot, either get it working with the image as is (happy to accept patches to flash-kernel if they are proper) or roll a modified image19:57
[mbm]installation could be a debootstrap from an adb while running android19:57
[mbm]some packages to handle the dual boot config changes19:58
[mbm]no worse than the existing -nexus7 packages19:58
ogra-cbthey will go awaty mostly19:59
ogra-cbhrw: did you actually use teh chromebook with chromeos before installing ubuntu ?19:59
ogra-cbfeels really weird if your world is restricted to a browser window20:00
[mbm]how dors the nexus7 handle partitions? is there a gpt or is it just hardcoded?20:01
ogra-cbi think its a gpt hardcoded in the bootloader20:02
ogra-cbwe dont touch the partitioning20:02
ogra-cbthat webchat thingie is unstable20:12
[mbm]dual booting would be cleanest with u-boot and a new set of partitions, but that just wastes space20:14
ogra-cbojn: seems clicking inside flash on teh chromebook only works sometimes, is that a known bug ?20:34
ojnogra-cb: under chrome os?20:35
ojnIt's not something I have noticed myself20:35
mfischNekoXP: so I fixed the issue, but I didn't need your patch, your note about brightness of 13 was spot-on20:35
mfischNekoXP: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1343515/20:36
ogra-cbojn: well, not a single game works for me, in some videos i have play/pause but cant go fullscreen20:36
ojnogra-cb: hm, odd. Let me check here.20:37
ogra-cbyoutube works though20:37
ogra-cbincluding fullscreen20:37
ojnyoutube might be html5 and not flash though (in some cases)20:37
ogra-cbah, indeed20:37
ogra-cbojn: try www.myvideo.de (if you can, not sure they block foreign countries) i can play/pause but none of the bottom controls work20:38
ojnvimeo works for me, i can switch to full-screen without problems20:38
ojnit's slow due to no codec offload with their player though20:38
ojnok one sec20:39
ogra-cb(works fine on x86)20:39
ojnSorry! Dieses Video darf in deinem Land nicht angezeigt werden.20:39
ojnI can make the commercial go full screen and adjust the volume on it20:40
ojnwhat's your chrome os version (from about:chrome)?20:40
ogra-cbi see a green checkmark20:41
ojnI'm on .8420:41
ojnbut I'm on dev-channel, not stable or beta20:41
ogra-cband it actually did an upgrade before i could log in20:41
ojnI don't think there were any flash fixes between the two anyway20:41
ogra-cbvery strange20:42
ojnyes, that's quite odd20:42
ojnI can ask my coworkers when I am back in California next week, if you still see it20:42
ojnit's not something silly like a stuck alt/ctrl key or the like?20:42
mfischfor youtube you need to go to http://youtube.com/html5 and enable the Html5 beta20:43
ogra-cbk, not sure i'll keep using chromeos tthough20:43
ogra-cbbut i definitely wont wipe it so i can go back for verifying etc20:43
ojnmfisch: I think it turns on by default from chromebooks20:44
ojnogra-cb: ok20:44
ogra-cbi'll surely go on using it for a few days though20:44
* ogra-cb is actually intrested if he can get used to live in a browser only20:45
ojnthe last bit for me was an irc client, and I got that through irccloud.com now. Browser + terminal window for SSH access is all I really need20:46
ogra-cboh, wait !20:46
* ogra-cb uses teh touchscreen extension on teh nexus, seems that was copied over to this setup20:46
ojnOh! that'd do it20:46
ogra-cbyeah, switching it off makes it work20:47
ojnok, calling it a day here20:47
ojnlots of crap to take care of tomorrow before going back to the us. :)20:47
ogra-cbgood luck with that20:48
ogra-cband a safe flight20:48
[mbm] touchscreen on the nexus is buggy21:09
[mbm]in some ways it'd make more sense to run the touchscreen in relative mode21:12
[mbm]treat the entire surface like a laptop touchpad21:13
yofeldoes someone know how to debug a segfault in a armhf pbuilder (qemu)? I'm obviously doing something wrong: http://paste.kde.org/60037421:19
angsI have ubuntu-server on my beagleboard-xm. I would like to do remote-debugging. what package do I need to install on my host machine (ubuntu 12.04) to have the toolchains ?21:24
angsapt-get install build-essential?21:24
=== doko_ is now known as doko
NekoXPmfisch, excellent.. 13 is actually just 12.5% rounded up, btw ;)22:20
hrwjanimo: cross toolchain gets updates ~monthly22:24
hrwjanimo: raring one next week I hope - have some build problems which I did not had time to check during conferences22:25
hrwogra-cb: I used chromium os before switching to raring22:25
hrwogra-cb: check my G+ to get link to ppa with newer alsa-lib packages to get ucm profiles for chromebook22:25
hrwogra-cb: x11 driver will follow but not sure if it will be tomorrow or next week22:26
TheMusohrw: Please send those ucm profiles my way so I can include them in raring.,22:37
TheMusohrw: Alternatively, where can I find your PPA?22:38
persiaTheMuso: Looks to be https://launchpad.net/~hrw/+archive/my-own-packages/+files/alsa-lib_1.0.25-4ubuntu2.dsc22:40
infinityhrw: Will your updated cross toolchain include an arm64 one too?22:40
TheMusopersia: Thanks, will grab those and get them into raring.22:42
ogra-cbhrw: did you already try to fish out the flash plugin from the chrome partition ?22:49
ogra-cbi suppose it could work for us22:49
achiangogra-cb: ooh, would that enable g+ hangouts?22:51
ogra-cbnot auew, but hangouts definitely work fine under chromeos22:51
achianghm... maybe they are not using flash anyway22:52
ogra-cbright, i think its a separate plugin22:52
achiangi had a flashblocker for a while, and hangouts still worked22:52
ogra-cbbut chromeos is armhf so all binaries should kind of work22:53
achiangsomething else in the ars technica review convinced me to not get this chromebook yet22:53
ogra-cbwhat was that ?22:53
achiangoh maybe it was the screen22:54
achiangor the fact that it's *still* thicker than a mac air! :)22:55
ogra-cbwell, its fine for 720p movies ... surely not as impressive as the nexus screen though22:55
ogra-cband yeah, the clamshell feels a bit cheap22:56
achiangthe fact that they shipped without getting hdmi working is... lame22:56
ogra-cbthe kbd is great though22:56
ogra-cbit really cant cope with the ac100 frtom a coolness POV but the cpu and ram balance that out a bit :)22:57
achiangac100 still cooler?22:57
ogra-cblighter, slimmer, i like the kbd a bit better and with teh upgraded screen it can easily cope with this one22:58
ogra-cbbut its a tegra2 and only has 512M22:58
achiangonce ogra-cb confirms hangouts work in ubuntu... i'll consider it. :)22:59
ogra-cbhrm, this web irc client is odd, it doesnt auto-scroll22:59
ogra-cbbut i'll go afk now anyway23:01

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