
darkxst I have a small patch that fixes pointer barriers under gnome-shell, would anyone here be able to review it?03:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1073724 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Pointer barriers have gaps along the edge of the screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:49
mlankhorstdarkxst: do you want it for quantal/precise or just for raring?07:03
mlankhorstah nm got it :)07:16
* mlankhorst should wake up before saying something07:17
tjaaltonso, where's the patch?07:38
tjaaltonthat's an ugly diff07:41
mlankhorsttjaalton: yeah it changes it to a onrmal diff from a git diff07:55
darkxstmlankhorst, raring and quantal07:57
tjaaltondarkxst: please use at least "-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index"07:58
darkxstsorry I struggled with quilt on that one07:58
tjaaltonQUILT_DIFF_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index --color=auto"07:58
tjaaltonthat's what I have in .quiltrc-dpkg07:59
tjaaltonand dquilt='quilt --quiltrc=${HOME}/.quiltrc-dpkg'07:59
mlankhorstor if you never use quilt just make put it in .quiltrc ;-)08:00
tjaaltondarkxst: we won't pull from that branch anyway, this is just to make reading easier..08:04
darkxstok, just redoing now08:04
tjaaltonnow I just need to clone 100+ repos back..08:05
tjaaltonat least it's easy for pkg-xorg08:08
mlankhorsttjaalton: er how come?08:16
tjaaltonmlankhorst: what?08:17
mlankhorst100+ repos :)08:17
tjaaltonoh sorry, pkg-xorg alone is 18808:18
tjaaltongit clone git://git.debian.org/git/pkg-xorg/debian/xsf-tools.git08:18
tjaaltonthen read mrconfig.README08:18
tjaaltonhaven't used that before08:19
darkxstmlankhorst, tjaalton, is this better ? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~darkxst/ubuntu/raring/xorg-server/lp1073724B/revision/25608:19
tjaaltondarkxst: you didn't use -p ab?08:20
tjaaltonit's better but not by much08:20
darkxstQUILT_DIFF_ARGS=-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index --color=auto08:20
darkxstI also have QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS=-p ab --no-timestamps --no-index08:21
tjaaltonthen the original was created with something else :)08:21
mlankhorsttjaalton: git diff probably08:21
tjaaltondarkxst: why the change in line 17608:22
darkxsttjaalton, that not me08:22
tjaaltonyour diff changes that08:23
darkxstmy patch only changes 395 and 42208:23
darkxsttjaalton, quilt must have done that08:24
darkxstso what should I do exactly, its a very simple patch, but patching patches seems hard08:25
darkxst 08:26
darkxst-            nearest = barrier_find_nearest(cs, dir, ox, oy, *x, *y);08:26
darkxst 08:26
darkxst+            nearest = barrier_find_nearest(cs, dir, ox, oy, unclamped_prex, unclamped_prey);08:26
darkxst 08:26
darkxst             nearest = barrier_find_nearest(cs, dir, ox, oy, *x, *y);08:26
tjaaltonyes I saw that08:26
tjaaltonshould be possible to just revert the diff from the patch directly..08:26
tjaaltonbut I'm not that far yet, will take some time until these have cloned..08:27
tjaaltonmlankhorst: btw I never sorted out the xserver upload to.. precise?08:27
tjaaltonthat got dropped from the queue08:27
mlankhorsthm what was wrong there?08:37
tjaaltonsome cruft left in the tree08:39
mlankhorstthat was the quantal one right?08:39
mlankhorstbut hey suppose i could give uploading a try now that i have the rights to08:39
tjaaltonI don't see either being accepted yet08:40
tjaaltonso dunno which one it was08:40
mlankhorstdidn't you ask for the quantal one to be dropped?08:41
tjaaltonas if I remember :)08:41
tjaaltonthat was two weeks ago08:41
tjaaltondeleted the archive emails too08:41
mlankhorstah, glad I'm not the only one with bad memory then :P09:06
mlankhorstdarkxst: i can get it in the next quantal sru, but first wondering if you want it for precise too, and second if you could ask raof if he's ok with the fix since I have no clue about the pointer barrier patch09:45
darkxstmlankhorst, yes I think it affects precise also10:35
darkxstI no longer have a precise box to test, however I did have the same issue on precise10:37
tjaaltonit's basically the same patch there10:37
darkxstok, I will try check with raof tomorrow, I'm off to bed now10:39
mlankhorstyeah was thinking of killing the sru for precise too then10:39
mlankhorstand add it to both10:39
darkxstmlankhorst, ok sounds good10:40
tjaaltonthat's enough10:40
tjaaltondiff of a diff is hard to read :)10:40
tjaaltonbut basically just edited the patch directly, and dropped that change10:41
mlankhorstsyntax highlighting!10:41
darkxsttjaalton, I think that looks correct10:41
tjaaltonmlankhorst: not with pastebinit :)10:41
tjaaltonit does support -f10:42
tjaaltonmlankhorst: oh right, I used the wrong branch for the upload10:43
tjaaltonmlankhorst: will you handle this or should I commit the diff?10:48
mlankhorsteither is fine10:50
mlankhorststill trying to beat sense in my kernel patch series :)10:50
tjaaltonok I'll commit it to raring, you can then do quantal/precise?10:50
mlankhorstI'm waiting for feedback from raof first though10:52
tjaaltonoh right10:52
tjaaltonI'll leave it unreleased in any case10:52
tjaaltondarkxst: it's in git waiting for review10:56
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darkxsttjaalton, mlankhorst, ok thanks for the help10:56
darkxstI will chase up with raof tomorrow10:56
salty-horsehey. are there plans to build the ubuntu-x-swat packages for quantal?17:35
mlankhorstwhich ones17:59
bjsnidernot the blob, because the latest one is in there already18:00
mlankhorstusually x is a bit later18:04
bjsniderwell, i guess it's not there at the moment, but i'm sure it will be uploaded soon18:22
brycehbjsnider, who's uploading it?18:59
bjsnideralberto i guess18:59
mlankhorstbryceh: what are our plans for x for raring, just leave it similar to quantal until x1.14 rc1 happens?19:00
brycehmlankhorst, yeah that's what I'm thinking.  Focus on bugs and srus and don't worry too much about syncing in new stuff yet.19:03
mlankhorstgoing to be fun with nouveau anyway because of new kernel module19:04
bjsniderbryceh, would you like to have the blob in x-updates for quantal?19:14
brycehbjsnider, yeah19:18
bjsniderwhy do we have -updates and nvidia-experimental-xxx and all of the rest of it?19:18
mlankhorstexperimental is for steam19:19
salty-horsesorry for the delay: I'm specifically interested in the new nvidia driver (304.64) for quantal19:20
brycehbjsnider, yeah I know we have so many places to get drivers, I don't know why users keep bugging me about getting them from the ppas19:21
salty-horseppas are comfortable :)19:21
brycehbjsnider, think we should just focus on having them use the sru'd versions rather than the ppas?19:21
bjsniderwell, i'm assuming the purpose of -updates is to have hte latest driver19:21
brycehsalty-horse, fine, it's just that it's extra work for us19:21
bjsniderright now it isn't even 60 let alone 6419:21
bjsnidersalty-horse, i'll get it in there in a few minutes dude19:22
salty-horsethanks. I'm not pushing :)19:22
brycehbjsnider, I figure -updates probably takes a while to get new drivers in, so the ppas are useful to get the latest stuff out asap19:23
bjsniderwell i guess it does if it doesn't even have 60 yet19:24
brycehbjsnider, also for experimental-304, I think we may not be updating that going forward19:24
brycehexperimental-310 we'll be updating for a while19:24
salty-horsethe new nvidia driver is "important" to me because of the reported substantial speedup19:26
salty-horseaka the fix for the "performance issue"19:27
mlankhorstbryceh: yeah just hoping to resubmit my patch series soon for kernel, and hopefully get it in -next19:27
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bjsnidersalty-horse, there's always a fix for a performance issue, and a new performance issue introduced that needs a fix in the next driver19:32
salty-horsebjsnider, so the reports of "doubled performance" are exaggerated?19:33
bjsniderwhich reports are those?19:34
salty-horsesilly me: I mentioned the 304 drivers, and these are 31019:37
bjsnideryeah, the 310 probably has a few showstoppers19:37
brycehsalty-horse, yeah for 310 you want experimental.  see your hardware drivers dialog19:38
salty-horsethanks! I was totally confused by the version mixup, and the version I wanted was available all along :)19:43
bjsniderok, nvidia-settings and blob uploaded, will take the rest of the day to build19:44
brycehbjsnider, thanks!19:56
darkxstRAOF, hi, would you be able to review my pointer barrier patch? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/107372420:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1073724 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Pointer barriers have gaps along the edge of the screen" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:17
Duke`this is strange: I have some OpenGL apps which suffer "jittering", unless I stress my computer (by quickly shaking another window for example)21:58

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