=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za [05:10] morning all [05:10] ty inetpro [05:16] Morning all [05:17] hi mazal [05:17] no all here yet they still sleeping [05:18] maybe Squirm [05:18] * Kilos peeks at Squirm [05:25] * mazal have to work in the field again today [05:25] lekker UV's [05:27] No field like in with the users [05:27] Lots of Outlook setups [05:27] lol [05:27] eish [05:27] ms mail thing? [05:27] eeek [05:28] outlook express was a tiny bit more me friendly [05:28] Ja , think of me lol [05:29] will do [05:29] they actually not that bad once you remember to ad the :995 and :465 [05:30] oh that was on pop [05:32] Biggest problem is our slow network and users forgetting their passwords [05:32] 1mb line on 200 pc [05:32] That makes any setup very hard [05:32] ya thats not fast enough for all those pc's [05:32] And we not allowed to upgrade it [05:33] why? [05:33] fibre could help [05:33] get the mines to sponsor fibre all over [05:34] I'm not at the mine oom kilos [05:34] DCS [05:35] ja but they in the area [05:35] Only our Head Office is alowed to upgrade [05:35] And they don't want to [05:35] that sucks [05:35] Money always an issue [05:35] tell them you feed the others [05:35] no fibre no food [05:35] hehe [05:36] lol [05:39] with all those pc's you even slower than gprs [05:39] morning [05:39] hi Squirm no yawns? [05:40] l8tr guys === mazal is now known as mazal_away [05:41] cheers mazal_away enjoy [05:57] morning all [06:14] Mornings [06:20] hi magespawn sakhi [06:20] hey Kilos sakhi [06:25] brb [06:29] goeie more almal [06:29] magespawn: have you picked up your devices yet? [06:30] yes yesterday charged mine over night [06:35] Kilos: very many yawns [06:35] hi superfly [06:35] Maaz: coffee on [06:35] * Maaz starts grinding coffee [06:35] lol [06:35] Maaz coffee please [06:35] magespawn: Righto [06:35] magespawn: OK, great. the ladies asked me to give you a prod :-) [06:35] Maaz, coffee please [06:35] Kilos: Sure [06:35] morning Kilos [06:36] superfly just been a bit busy [06:37] magespawn: np [06:39] Coffee's ready for Squirm, magespawn and Kilos! [06:39] Maaz, ty [06:39] You are welcome Kilos [06:41] Maaz botsnack [06:41] Yay, at last someone thinks about me as well [06:42] * magespawn listens to Metallica Enter Sandman === SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg [06:47] showing my age a bit [06:54] hi jrgns [06:54] superfly i seem to have some sort of problem getting the screen saver to come on automatically in kubuntu any ideas? [06:54] magespawn: you have enabled it, I presume? [06:55] yup but it always seems to default to blank screen [06:57] okay just got a message to install a package to extend the functionality of screen saver [06:57] maybe that was dthe problem only had the blank screen as an option [07:00] almost always the easiest/simplest answer [07:01] Maaz: coffee on [07:01] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [07:02] Maaz the coffee barrister [07:02] magespawn: Excuse me? [07:05] Coffee's ready for Squirm! [07:11] Maaz: finally [07:11] Squirm: Huh? [07:11] Maaz: thanks [07:11] Squirm: Okay :-) [07:13] anybody know how to write a sarcasm plugin for ibid [07:13] ? [07:13] ? [07:28] magespawn: I've written a plugin for ibid, but I'm not sure what the requirements would be for sarcasm :-) [07:36] lol [07:36] bit hard to define in PROGRAM [07:36] sorry for the caps [08:13] magespawn, you got your screensavers working? [08:13] yup [08:13] by installing the extras? [08:13] kde is a bit different hey [08:14] the screensaver was working but it was just a blank screen nothing else [08:14] a little [08:14] lol now i cant member if mine were working. i go kde and see [08:14] wbb [08:17] hmm [08:20] and? [08:38] moshi moshi [08:38] good morning all [08:38] Maaz: coffee on [08:38] * Maaz flips the salt-timer [08:42] Coffee's ready for charlvn! [08:47] lo charlvn === mazal_away is now known as mazal [09:01] wb Squirm [09:01] you were flooded [09:09] good morning [09:10] hi inetpro [09:10] begin die grass al geel word [09:12] Kilos: nope [09:12] actually very clever poison that. grass leaves go yellow but it stops there and regrows new leaves [09:12] but it goes right down into the roots of bubbeltjies [09:12] dubbeltjies too [09:13] * inetpro very tired today [09:13] aw what you did last night? [09:13] no it's because of the previous night [09:13] what you did the previous night [09:13] we were moving servers around and ended up having network cabling problems [09:14] eish [09:14] very difficult to catch up on lost sleep [09:14] is it sorted now at least? [09:14] went to sleep at around 3:00 in the morning only to rush to the office at 6:00 again [09:14] eish [09:15] sorted yesterday afternoon [09:15] take weeks to catch up [09:16] feels like the whole escapade added 5 years to my age [09:18] * inetpro hates having downtime in this 24/7/365 world of ours [09:18] ai [09:19] and you were old to start with [09:19] hehe [09:19] lol [09:19] Kilos: so you have a cure to make me younger again? [09:20] yeah but its not for married men [09:20] but lemme think a bit [09:20] Easy , get out of IT lol [09:21] oh ya there was a multivit product that they took of the market here years ago which really worked [09:21] super plenimans [09:21] google them and maybe you can find some to order [09:22] i used them for a while when young and often had to go for a 5k run at night because i couldnt sleep [09:25] http://www.everydayhealth.com/drugs/super-plenamins [09:25] hmm [09:26] mazal: much harder to do pik en foshel [09:26] sjoe forgot how to spell spade inna taal [09:28] or spend a dave mixing concrete by hand [09:28] day [09:29] mazal: I think you have the right idea [09:30] but then, won't work for me [09:30] * inetpro still enjoys to much of that adrenalin rush every now and then [09:32] Kilos: eish, dit klink na harde werk [09:33] mixing concrete is a killer [09:33] lol [09:33] did it once in hluhluwe in the sun at 45 c temp and burnt blisters through a tea shirt [09:36] those pills really work, i dunno why they stopped importing them [09:39] Kilos: sounds like a magic potion [09:46] Kilos: I'm not sure whether that magic potion will work on me [09:46] lol [09:47] they stopped importing for some or other reason [09:47] * inetpro just needs caffeine in the bloodstream [09:47] Maaz: coffee on [09:47] * Maaz washes some mugs [09:51] Coffee's ready for inetpro! [09:51] Maaz: dankie oom [09:51] Geniet boetie [09:52] Kilos: waarmee is jy so besig vandag? [09:52] jy te stil [09:52] hi Kilos, inetpro [09:52] charlvn: wb [09:52] maak kosse en sovoorts [09:53] mooi [09:53] aw i missed coffee [09:54] this quassel dont bloep me [09:54] grrr [09:54] kom groot reen [09:56] Kilos: mooi [09:56] nee man ek roep die goed [09:57] is julle servers als linux inetpro? [09:57] solaris, freebsd en ubuntu [09:58] hoekom 3 verskillendes [09:58] Kilos: legacy [09:58] ? [09:58] o [09:58] inherited [09:58] so iets [09:58] hehe [09:59] solaris met sparc was top of the range vir baie jare [10:04] uit die boonste gestaltes [10:04] whatever gestaltes mag wees [10:05] Kilos: yip, net so [10:06] hello [10:06] I was flooded? [10:06] hey barnslong time no see [10:06] sec i find it Squirm [10:06] then why disconnect me, why not disconnect the thing that flooded me [10:07] (Excess Flood)] [10:07] I know [10:07] ya that [10:07] doesn't that usually mean I flooded? even though I havent been at my pc since 10 :/ [10:07] nope its the thing you connected to [10:08] -_^ [10:08] Squirm (~sinjin@b09s22le.corenetworks.net) has quit (Excess Flood) [10:08] cforenetworks thing [10:08] without the f in [10:08] shouldnt [10:09] maybe all the kids were online same time [10:09] streaming movies [10:09] no [10:09] * Squirm shrugs [10:15] Squirm: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat_flood [10:17] I know what a flood is [10:19] lol [10:19] so cheeky [10:19] yo Mzolisto [10:20] he the xhosa guy? [10:28] Kilos: sjoe! [10:29] Benoni hail storm - please be safe out there, pay extra attention when driving please! http://t.co/Zy8D0DvK [10:31] hail is better than nothing [10:31] but note its the peeps in town that get everything [10:31] i just hear the thunder far away [10:38] dit kan kom hael. wind van noord noord oos [10:38] NNE [10:44] ah the hmmer has arrived [10:45] Banlam: bakuman barns you guys quiet hey [10:45] not even a morning today [11:24] Huge hail storm through here now [11:24] Golf balls and bigger [11:25] It's moving towards the north of PTA it looks like [11:52] hmm i just hear the thunder [11:58] mazal: I heard it hit Krugersdorp [12:05] we getting some rain. yay [12:06] mazal: you at baviaans or sonderwater [12:19] and a bit of small hail === Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za [12:20] oops getting bigger thumb nail size [12:40] guys any of you know whioch is the smallest linux distro that is based on debian or ubuntu? [12:41] lubuntu? [12:41] i run that on my netbook and it is pretty light [12:41] assuming you mean light by small [12:44] yup looking for something ro run off a flash drive [12:44] have 12.04 running from a 16gig [12:44] but want to try something smaller and lighter [12:52] Depends on your requirements of light and small [12:54] For example, you have mini and netboot editions (for Debian) that are small: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [12:54] well i would liek it to work with as wide a range of hardware as possible talking processors and ram [12:55] Then you get Ubuntu Mini Remix that's slightly bigger, but easier to use than the above two: http://www.ubuntu-mini-remix.org/ [12:55] is that one you where talking about debian based [12:55] ? [12:56] slitrax I think? [12:57] also going to give puppy a go [13:01] No, it's independent [13:01] Own package management and everything [13:01] Been looking into it [13:01] AntiX looks interesting [13:01] Oh that reminds me [13:02] Lupu is based on an older version of Ubuntu [13:02] It's pretty good if you can live with Puppy [13:03] i also have backtrack installed on an 8 gig but to use that properly will take a bit more learning [13:07] They really should use a newer Ubuntu for Lupu - Lucid is ancient [13:07] Although I admit I have a copy of 5.2.8 which I use surprisingly often [13:08] You can listen to music and even watch movies (DVD and DivX) movies out of the box for only 140MB [13:16] very cool I have a lappy here with no hard drive and i am going to use it there on occasion [13:28] magespawn: backtrack is cool [13:28] I got the airtools working, but not off backtrack [13:28] cracked a 128bit wep key in ~30min [13:28] wow does anybody still use wep? [13:35] You'd be surprised [13:35] It tends to come up atleast a few times every 2 weeks on SliTaz's forum === Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za [15:10] magespawn: still around? [15:32] o/ [15:46] wbb hi nlsthzn [15:58] alo uncle Kilos [15:58] food time :D [15:59] enjoy [16:04] 20mm inetpro [16:05] hi tumbleweed just grunt or groan now and again so we know you going strong === Kerbero is now known as Kerbero[afk] === Kerbero[afk] is now known as Kerbero [16:05] if you sigh well worry [16:06] lo Kerbero [16:06] Kilos: heh, yeah === Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za [16:55] hi Vince-0 psydroid magtie [16:57] hi Kilos [16:57] haai [16:59] you know a haai is a big fish that eats peeps hey? [16:59] i go eat quick [17:07] Kilos: actually, they much prefer seals [17:07] great whites, that is. [17:18] lol [17:19] i was body surficing while lifesaving in toti when les piper had his leg taken off [17:19] surfing [17:20] walked on water that day . hit the beach still swimming [17:22] if i member right it was a zambezi shark that hit him. luckily some surfers helped with their boards [17:22] for weeks no holiday makers went deeper than ankle deep [17:23] and a month later damoen kendrick lost his leg while surfing and warner beach [17:23] damen [17:25] that must be about 37 years ago [17:25] yo hubx [17:26] hi there [17:26] did you win the other day. forgot what you were doing [17:27] win what? [17:28] im trying to remember [17:28] you and inetpro were trying to get something going [17:28] ah, yes. the traffic counter per ssid. [17:28] nope [17:28] aw [17:29] just ignoring the traffic for now :/ [17:29] lol [17:29] thats one way of doing it [17:29] how many machines on the network? [17:30] I don't know maybe 8. [17:31] but that is th wrong questions. I want to count the traffic on _my_ ubuntu notebook. I can't change the router or what not ;) [17:31] not linux machines either or you could install iftop on each one and look who uses what [17:32] oh [17:32] did you ask our mailing lists [17:32] maybe someone there has tried [17:33] ubuntu-za@lists.ubuntu.com [17:33] nope, but i googled it and there is no out-of-the-box solution available. [17:33] ouch [17:34] have you joined our list? [17:34] yes, that happens, but I realized that Ubuntu really is for people with fast,uncapped internet connections. [17:34] sometimes some interesting workarounds there [17:35] no delta updates, no traffic aware OS. [17:35] no man im on 3g [17:35] it would be really cool to allow traffic limits on a application level. android can at least display that. [17:36] but with updates turned off [17:36] yes I can understand that. what to pay per month? [17:36] *do you [17:37] i use a 2gB +1gB every 2 months [17:37] R146 with 8ta [17:37] 1gB is after 11pm [17:38] oh thats quite cheap compared to what I payed for my 1GB @ vodacom [17:38] 8ta is really cheap [17:38] i was on voda for a long time [17:39] sometimes had to stretch 500mB for 2 months [17:39] and how is the net service? speed and availability? [17:39] hehe go 8ta [17:39] 1GB is R285 [17:40] speed with downloads runs between 200kB/s and 390 kB/s [17:40] ya mean I read @ http://prepaidwithdata.wikia.com/wiki/South_Africa that 8ta is the cheapest option [17:40] 8ta is telkom run so should have coverage everywhere [17:41] but as non-SA-citizen I can't buy a sim card :( [17:41] whut?? I think some people are not allowed to roam the streets of the world freely. SABC2 - Xfactor [17:41] speed is the same as voda but doesnt drop as low [17:41] crazy mad [17:41] hi oom Kilos [17:41] hi hubx [17:41] hi nuvolari [17:41] so the guy who bought me the SIM said vodacom is much better, so I went with that [17:41] hi nuvolari [17:42] hubx, they are cheap [17:42] heh, better at sucking yeah :P [17:42] like R% a sim [17:42] Hm, yes Kilos I think vodacom is a little bit faster [17:42] its just the registering [17:42] no voda here went down to like 50 kB/s at times [17:43] 8ta much more stable here by me [17:43] Kilos, Oh you mean I should just enter rubbish at the online registration form? [17:43] nope [17:43] you cant, you have to take in a light or rates account or something [17:44] nuvolari, you done the rica trip hey? [17:44] but you can buy the sis and they register then at places like checkers and the post office [17:44] sims [17:45] as I said not as non-SA-resident [17:45] you get the account from the owner of the place you stay at with a letter i think [17:45] anyway, I will pay the foreigner fee ;) [17:46] ya oom Kilos [17:46] no man [17:46] tell hubx whats invloved nuvolari [17:46] pfft, what foreigner fee? [17:46] 8ta is free [17:46] he isnt the owner either hubx [17:46] tell him how to rica an 8ta sim [17:46] hubx: do you receive a pay slip? [17:47] nuvolari, yes [17:47] hubx: does it have an address on it? [17:48] that should be OK [17:48] oh you mean like a written statements, no I don't have that [17:48] eh? no [17:48] just a pay slip with an address on it [17:48] physical address [17:48] your landlord can help you too im sure [17:48] yes, anyway thanks for help, but please don't discuss about 100R/m ;) [17:49] eh? [17:49] the difference between vodacom and 8ta is roughly R100 per 1GB [17:50] so it is actually R50/m because I only use 500mb/m ;) [17:50] but thanks for the help [17:50] ok sorry we couldnt help more [17:56] wait wait [17:56] hubx: 8ta is R150/2Gb+1gb [17:56] vodacom is like 389 for something similar? [18:24] RAWR [18:29] ho! Gave us a fright right there Vince-0 [18:29] :P [18:31] ha [18:54] Maaz: is facebook.com up? [18:54] nuvolari: Yes, http://www.facebook.com/unsupportedbrowser is up [18:54] heh [18:58] Zuckerberg probably had a tantrum [18:58] lol [18:59] he thinks he is more frightening as a lion than a shark [19:18] Here is a reminder how powerful a force Media24 is in the South African magazine world. At the 2010 MPASA PICA Awards held late last week in Cape Town, its associate companies, including New Media Publishing and Touchline Media, picked up an incredible 22 awards. Out of 29. [19:18] :o [19:18] @ http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/39/54293.html === smileE17 is now known as smile4ever [19:19] lol hi smile4ever [19:19] good morning [19:20] morning inetpro you must go sleep early [19:20] Kilos: what do you think about it? :p [19:20] Kilos: uh? [19:20] will takes weeks to catch up [19:20] it not morning now? [19:20] smile4ever, i didnt go look [19:21] oh Kilos, I got 15mm [19:21] maybe you should send kids to gran for weekend inetpro so you can sleep [19:21] Kilos: na I'm fine actually [19:21] Kilos: oh i see :p [19:21] was just jokin about morning [19:21] ah thats good inetpro [19:22] * inetpro just came back from budget meeting at school [19:25] inetpro: do I need to call the ambulance? [19:26] nuvolari: for? [19:26] the outcome of the budget meeting :P [19:26] nuvolari: no it's ok really, our fees are very reasonable [19:27] can't complain about that [19:27] * inetpro has been involved for six years and know how much effort it takes to keep the ball rolling [19:29] nuvolari: in fact our school fees at Laerskool Vissershoek are very cheap at R550 pm [19:30] and the value you get out of it is really much higher than in other schools [19:30] byeee :p [19:31] smile4ever: good night [19:31] thanks you too :D [19:31] nuvolari: it's a small farm school environment where the kid is not just a number [19:32] night smile4ever [19:32] thanks :) [19:32] sjoe inetpro and i complained about paying R3.500 a year at ians school [19:32] inetpro: that's nice! [19:32] maritzburg college [19:33] I always hear about my dad's tales about the farm school and sometimes wish I could experience it :P [19:33] Kilos: times have changed, R550 is really very cheap compared to others [19:34] Kilos: obviously it's still a lot of money [19:35] especially when you have more then one kid [19:35] than* [19:35] and 19 years later and money really worth nothing now so it is cheap ya [19:35] wait till they go to varsity [19:37] but he left DHS at about 1k a year and then hit the 3.5k i flipped [19:37] you pay for the name [19:46] Kilos: and if you're still up at this time of day/night [19:46] ? [20:01] lol sis was playing freecell [20:01] now i can say night all. sleep tight. see you morrow === Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za