
gatoxbye all!00:05
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)09:27
ralsina_good morning!11:22
gatoxgood morning!11:32
ralsina_Hola gatox!11:36
gatoxralsina_, hey! how are you?11:36
ralsina_gatox: having fun at work!11:37
ralsina_gatox: ok, not fun, just catching up with email :-)11:37
karniGood morning o/12:13
gatoxkarni, hi12:14
karnihi gatox :)12:14
ralsina_good morning karni!12:14
karniHello ralsina_, how's it going?12:14
ralsina_karni: trying to start to work...12:15
karniralsina_: :) Back from holiday?12:15
ralsina_karni: well, I still have tomorrow off12:15
karniaha! :)12:15
ralsina_but working today12:15
* karni nods12:16
ralsina_karni, gatox: any branches that need reviews?12:16
gatoxralsina_, nop.... just getting up to date with c++, unity and nux lately12:16
karniralsina_: Not currently, no :)12:17
ralsina_gatox: need aspirins? They sell nice 500 pill bottles here12:17
gatoxralsina_, jejee12:17
karniUpdating the music library with recent changes to music API v212:17
ralsina_karni: cool12:18
ralsina_karni: I saw some mails about missing assets and such, need me to ask someone about them?12:18
karniralsina_: I'll ask patricia if she knows about anyone being assigned to it. If not, I'll ping you.12:19
ralsina_karni: cool12:20
ralsina_karni: also, not sure if I answered your email, but your vacation request, there should be no problem at all12:20
karniralsina_: ah, thank you12:20
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
karniralsina_: I sent you an e-mail. Could you fwd it as a manager, to make it formal :)? All info included.12:34
ralsina_karni: no problem12:34
karniralsina_: oh, you could Cc me as well heh :) (if you haven't sent it yet)12:38
ralsina_karni: haha, sure12:38
ralsina_karni: done12:41
karniThanks ralsina_ !12:41
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
dobeyralsina_: btw, is meeting in 1 hr or 2?14:01
ralsina_dobey: calendar says 214:02
dobeyralsina_: that's what i said on monday, but for some people it says in 1 hr apparently. and we've been having the standup 1 hr from now all week14:03
ralsina_dobey: I am lost as to what time 1hr from now is for our western folks14:04
karnidobey: ralsina_: This is interesting. Google Calenda tells me Oct 29 - Nov 2 the stand up was 16:00. Before, and *after* (so now) it's back to 17:0014:04
ralsina_everyone shift-f5 :-)14:04
karniStill same (even ctrl+f5, not sure which one it is in chromium)14:05
karniralsina_: srsly, I have had the standup at 16:00 for just two weeks. Super weird.14:05
karnidobey: It tells me back 17:00 now, although I still see 16:00 Oct 20 - Nov 214:06
karniMaybe someone changed it accidentally. Or what not.14:06
ralsina_Alejandro has bad internet issues. let's have just a standup today, and I will popup just for the call tomorrow14:07
dobeyralsina_: 1hr from now for california is ~7am14:08
dobeywill be ~8am for rockstar14:08
ralsina_dobey: ugh14:08
ralsina_so, 2h from now14:08
ralsina_so it's at least livable14:08
* karni feels sorry for mmcc having had standup at 7 am14:09
dobeyin 2h with call tomorrow sounds good14:09
* dobey sort of glad alecu is having net issues then :)14:10
dobeyhave to be somewhere in ~2.5 hrs14:10
karniralsina_: You guys won't be able to comment on ~ubuntuone-android-hackers owned branches, will you?14:17
ralsina_karni: probably not14:17
ralsina_karni: dobey probably can though, he has super-launchpad-powers14:17
karniralsina_: reassign to ubuntuone-hackers ?14:17
ralsina_karni: even better14:17
karniralsina_: super powers dont count! :)14:17
dobeykarni: add ~ubuntuone-hackers to ~ubuntuone-android-hackers14:19
dobeyralsina_: not quite superpowers; only demi-super-powers :)14:19
karnidobey: circular dependency - won't that be just plain strange.. ?14:19
ralsina_dobey: like "nice-powers"?14:19
gatoxeveryone....... if anyone is having problems trying to run unity from sources let me know.... i've fight with that.... and i win! jeje (alecu's suggestion)14:19
karnidobey: now that I'm part of client engineering, I don't think branches belonging to ubuntuone-android-hackers are appropriate.14:20
karnigatox: gj :)14:20
dobeykarni: hrmm; maybe we should do some rearranging at the sprint then14:21
karniralsina_: dobey: uh oh! even better, ubuntuone-client-engineering14:21
ralsina_karni: yes14:21
ralsina_dobey: oh yes we should14:21
karnidobey: ubuntuone-android-hackers (and ubuntuone-ios-client-team) are becoming obsolete, I think14:21
dobeykarni: even better would be to move all the main branches under ubuntuone-control-tower; and have tarmac manage them14:21
ralsina_dobey: groups are even messier thn before14:21
karniralsina_: dobey: should we set up a 'private' wiki on what to discuss on the sprint, so we dont' loose track?14:21
dobeykarni: let's not do anything with them until next week then14:22
karnidobey: sure. I'll just move one branch.14:22
ralsina_karni: good idea. Go ahead, volunteer Michal! :-)14:22
dobeykarni: there is a wiki page already; we could add it there :)14:22
karniralsina_: consider it done :)14:22
karnidobey: you're right, I'll do that14:22
jgdxWhat does "getting information, please wait" really mean?14:30
ralsina_jgdx: literally, it's trying to connect to another process or a server to get information.14:31
jgdxralsina_: thanks! Can that process take over 10 minutes or shall I assume something has gone wrong?14:32
karniralsina_: gatox: dobey: Okey guys. This is a merge proposal into an experimental branch. I apologize for the diff size, let's blame it first on me, then the re-org. I don't expect one person to review it all, but it should give you a picture on what I am working with. And I had to finally commit to start throwing sensible-size MPs next. https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-client-engineering/ubuntuone-android-music/v2-playback-and-misc/+merge/13348814:32
ralsina_jgdx: something has gone wrong, it should take a couple of seconds or so14:32
jgdxralsina_: roger, thank you.14:33
ralsina_karni: the going rate is one pint every 100 lines above 1000.14:33
ralsina_karni: j/k14:33
gatoxkarni, yay!14:33
ralsina_karni: but whoa, dude14:33
karniralsina_: 'going rate' sounds really bad x)14:33
karniralsina_: I understand if you bash me. That's the last time this happens, I promise :314:34
ralsina_karni: it's ok, it happens. Once :-)14:34
karniralsina_: comission? ouch! x)14:35
karniYeah I promise to be a good boy regarding diff size from now on.14:36
karniSo, while I don't expect anything close to thorough review, if you notice something interesting when skimming it, feel free to ask. As the MP message mentions, there are some TODO's and XXX's left in the code as its WIP.14:40
gatoxkarni, i'll review it in a few hours if that is ok....14:42
karnigatox: More than okey. If you decide do read through it all, you're pretty hardcore. Don't do it, you may loose your eyes ;P14:43
karni(and I don't mean code style, but the monitor! :) )14:43
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
dobeybriancurtin: just standup today; and it's in 1hr from now15:00
dobeybriancurtin: we'll have the team call tomorrow15:03
mmccHi folks, so the google calendar is right for the meeting time after all?15:17
karnimmcc: Now, to me, it is.15:19
karnigatox: What's the stand up time for you in calendar? What was it last week?15:19
gatoxkarni, let me check...... i usually just remember :P15:20
gatoxkarni, 12:00 ART last week....... 13:00 ART today15:21
karnihah, so it wasn't just me15:22
ralsina_let's sincronize our watches! ;-)15:26
ralsina_And let's have the team call in ... 24:34 hours from ..... now.15:26
dobeykarni: well, ART doesn't have DST :)15:28
dobeykarni: so that makes sense for it to change for the .ar people at least :)15:28
karnidobey: I don't track when time changes in Poland (although usually a friend mentions it). I am just puzzled the meeing was moved back 1 hours for two weeks, and is back at 5 am in my calendar now :)15:29
karnidobey: Actually, if they don't have DST, it should never change for them, only for us.15:32
ralsina_even if we had in .ar DST now would be a horrible time to put it in effect. You know, it being almost summer ;-)15:32
ralsina_karni: it depends on who created the event15:32
ralsina_karni: it follows *his* DST changes.15:33
karniralsina_: I think we should cancel DST in Poland (like they did in Russia or Ukraine.. can't remember)15:33
karniralsina_: That would make sense.15:33
ralsina_we once cancelled 2 days before the time it was to start, and broke debian. What other country can claim to have broken a linux distro?15:33
dobeyralsina_: btw, calendar also shows that you have a call with cristian at the same time as the team call today :)15:57
ralsina_dobey: yes, that has been there for 3 weeks ;-)15:58
dobeyah; just noticed it now, when i added that calendar to evo :)15:58
dobeyanyone else want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/ubuntuone-control-panel/dont-show-in-gnome-system-settings/+merge/133398 as well?16:00
dobeyalecu, mmcc, mvo?16:01
ralsina_alecu is down16:01
ralsina_go gatox16:02
gatoxAll branches landed. Get Nux and Unity to compile in my machine (some troubles with the steps in the wiki), and run unity from sources. Keep getting up to speed with C++ and nux.16:02
gatoxKeep studying and preparing the things for the trip.16:02
gatoxkarni, go16:02
karniDONE: Proposed merge to experimental U1M v2 branch. With ralsina, poked design about art assets. Two support tickets. Hacking on the music lib.16:02
karniTODO: Still working on the music lib update.16:02
karniNEXT: rockstar16:02
rockstarDONE: Killed a slew of unused code paths in iOS music app; ran pre-sprint errands16:02
rockstarTODO: Continue reducing tech debt in iOS16:02
rockstarBLOCKED: Nein16:02
rockstarNEXT: dobey16:02
dobeyDONE: 4.0.0 packages in beta/stable PPAs, bug #107612316:02
dobeyTODO: bugs, prepare for sprint16:02
dobeyBLCK: None.16:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1076123 in dmedia (Ubuntu Raring) "Remove desktopcouch from Ubuntu archives" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107612316:02
dobeybriancurtin: go16:02
briancurtinDONE: updated installer to QA, setup laptop with unity/nux (build fails, but at least it "works"), look into SD not starting on windows16:03
briancurtinTODO: bug #1074391, also look into the WindowsError that is sometimes appearing for files being left open in other processes16:03
briancurtinNEXT: mmcc16:03
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1074391 could not be found16:03
mmccDONE: found issues with PB IPC, worked around16:03
mmccTODO: build app, land some branches for cocoa menu16:03
mmccBLOK: no16:03
mmccNEXT: ralsina_16:03
ralsina_DONE: climbed eiffel tower (on the inside) TODO: finish catching up. BLOCKED: no NEXT: mmcc or mvo16:03
gatoxralsina_, nice "done task"! jeje16:04
ralsina_EOM then16:07
* gatox lunch16:09
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
briancurtinralsina_: i'm waiting to hear back about the installer from QA - while you're here, just to double check, this would be version 4.0.0?16:10
dobeyok, have to run for a while; lunch and some errands, may take a little longer than usual but hopefully not too long16:13
mmccoh, forgot a note for the meeting - I'm off tomorrow.16:14
ralsina_briancurtin: right, 4.0.016:18
karniHey guys, just to contrast the size of my previous MP, let's start with this 3 liner ;) https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-client-engineering/ubuntuone-music-java-library/update-stream-paths/+merge/13351216:36
karnibriancurtin: mind a review :) ? ↑16:36
karniI think its our review day today.16:37
briancurtinkarni: yep, it's my review day so i'm up16:37
karnikewl :)16:37
briancurtinalthough i'll review 3-liners any day16:37
karnihehehe ;>16:37
briancurtinkarni: i dont have the code for this, but is the URL in the test available anywhere as a constant? i see in StreamingClient.java you have API_PATH, but in the test you hardcode the URL - is there anything that could be common between the two?16:46
karnibriancurtin: So, this is interesting. First, I plan to remove the host from hardcoded urls. Second, I hardcoded the URL to actually *test* if my constants and methods generate the proper url. If I used a constant (which would contain a typo), and the test would pass, the test would fail to exercise what it should. Is my incorrect by thinking like that?16:48
briancurtinkarni: yeah that makes sense, just wanted to get a feel for why its done that way16:49
briancurtinlooks alright to me, approved16:49
karnibriancurtin: If I removed the host (which is actually clutter in the tests), I believe I could find a place for constant holding '/api/music/v2/songs/', yes. That should be an easy refactor though. Will keep that in mind.16:49
karnibriancurtin: Sure! Thanks :)16:50
karnigatox_lunch: Here's a three liner, to ease on your rage after going through ???+ lines of XML and Java ^O^ https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-client-engineering/ubuntuone-music-java-library/update-stream-paths/+merge/13351216:51
ralsina_Nice talking to you guys, I am back on vacation, will be around for tomorrow's call17:11
mmccbye ralsina_, see you in london17:12
karniBye ralsina_ o/17:15
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
gatoxkarni, looking17:17
gatoxkarni, +117:19
karnigatox: tnx :)17:19
dobeydidn't take as long as i thought that would; yay17:39
gatoxkarni, ping17:49
karnigatox: pong!17:49
karnipif paf!17:49
karniWhat up :)17:49
gatoxkarni, jejej ....... i'm reviewing your branch..... i have a question17:50
karnigatox: oh :D go ahead!17:50
gatoxkarni, it has been a while since i don't code in Java...... i'm seeing this: private abstract class DownloadSongTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {17:50
gatoxis that ok??... Void is recognized or should be: void17:50
mmccbriancurtin: since it's your review day, care to revisit https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/remote-folders-fix/+merge/126037 ? I just checked for conflicts and it looks clean…17:50
karnigatox: so, a null value in Java is null. Void is an *object* corresponding to null, but in the object world17:52
gatoxkarni, ahhhhh ok17:52
karnigatox: This means that this AsyncTask takes no arguments, passes on no progress, and returns nothing from the doInBackground17:52
karnigatox: But since arguments are required by the abstract class, you just pass in Void17:53
gatoxkarni, cool..... thx for explaining17:53
briancurtinmmcc: yep, i'll take a look17:53
karnigatox: pleasure! throw any Java questions at me, I'm aware folks on U1 team haven't coded in it recently/never17:55
beunokarni, did you know verterok did java for a living before joining Canonical?17:55
gatoxkarni, this was the last thing i did: http://quickdb.googlecode.com/ then..... as it says there: Delayed until the release of NINJA-IDE Version 1.0 (a python ide)..... and i never go back jejee17:56
karnibeuno: I meant client-engineering ;) How do you have eyes on so many channels!17:57
karnibeuno: Yes. And he wrote u1-java-storage-protocol :)17:57
beunoI have the dictionary on highlight17:58
* karni bursts in laughter :)17:59
karniThe whole dictionary, right ;)?17:59
karnigatox: Cool :) Something like hibernate. But self made, less enterpriseish, and cooler :)17:59
gatoxkarni, jejeje something like that...... i wanted to do something like hibernate, but we a really fast learning curve18:01
gatoxbut with18:01
karniyep :18:01
gatoxi never release the latest version...... i turn completely to the python side jejeje18:02
karnigatox: You're just quicker there than I'll be ;)18:03
gatoxkarni, going back to your branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-client-engineering/ubuntuone-android-music/v2-playback-and-misc/+merge/133488 at line 2885 you have a whole function commented18:05
gatoxshould that be removed?18:05
karnigatox: sorry, should have left a comment it's just a debug method. It's safe to be in the experimental branch, will never get to a development branch/trunk. But thank you for noticing.18:06
gatoxkarni, line 3456 is commented code too........ is that useful for later?18:07
karnigatox: will remove :)18:08
gatoxkarni, awesome! now i feel useful! jejee18:08
=== mmcc_ is now known as mmcc
gatoxkarni, ok.. it's a +1 from me..... the only things i found are the one i asked you about here18:10
karnigatox: Thanks man, I appreciate :)!!18:12
gatoxdoes anyone know if mandel is still alive?18:22
dobeyif he's in thailand, i guess he's more alive than we are ;)18:26
gatoxdobey, i'm afraid that an elephant might eat him18:27
gatoxyou know..... they don't eat meat.... but they could make an exceptionn for mandel18:27
mmccanyone else seeing problems pushing branches to lp? I can load web pages from bazaar.launchpad.net, but I'm getting ssh errors trying to push…18:32
dobeymmcc: btw, PB == perspective broker, not protocol buffer :)18:37
mmccdobey: yeargh. I keep doing that18:38
mmccI'm just going to start making up new names for it18:38
dobeyparental bias18:39
mmccthanks for fixing the bug18:39
gatoxneed to leave....... bbl!19:18
karnio/ gatox19:18
* gatox is putting everthhing in order before travel19:18
karniOut for late lunch19:20
* briancurtin lunch19:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mmccso for the Q vm we need for NUX at the sprint, do I want to create a fresh VM or copy my precise VM and upgrade the copy? any downsides to that?19:35
briancurtinmmcc: not that im the best person to answer this, but i dont think it would matter19:58
alecuhello, all!20:09
* alecu is back after some serious connectivity issues20:09
alecummcc: in my experience, a clean install is usually better20:10
mmccalecu: ok, good to know20:10
briancurtinhas anyone else gone through the unity/nux setup yet? im pulling it up again, but was getting some build failures relating to some logging code, wasn't sure if i was missing something or if trunk is just broken (which is apparently to be expected...)20:16
mmccpretty sure gatox has20:17
mmccoh, never mind20:17
mmccI will soon, waiting for my windows VM to copy off my laptop to make space20:17
dobeybriancurtin: gatox was getting those same errors; not sure how he fixed it20:19
briancurtini thought it sounded familiar20:20
dobeygotta run again; another appointment. bbiab20:39
karniyeah btw I'm back21:02
briancurtinif anyone has time for a very short review, could use a look here: https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntuone-control-panel/is_link-bytes/+merge/133559 -- it doesn't include tests because the tests would really go inside ubuntuone-client, and there apparently are no tests as it stands for that function anyway21:16
karnibriancurtin: looking21:18
karnibriancurtin: +1. Tag 1076485 -- what's this, bug number?21:20
mmcchey, I'm trying to upload a build and the status is hung -- syncdaemon.log shows I'm getting continuous TRY_AGAIN errors from the protocol layer… anyone familiar with this?21:22
mmccI can access the web site just fine21:22
briancurtinkarni: yeah it's a bug number, it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-control-panel/+bug/1076485 which was found by QA while testing the latest build for release21:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1076485 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Error after resyncing a folder" [Undecided,In progress]21:24
karnibriancurtin: tnx21:25
briancurtini just forgot to todo the --fixes on the actual change21:25
karninp, you can mark that on the merge proposal or the branch itself21:25
briancurtinah, cool21:25
karniDamn it. I can't come up with a name for a class.22:04
karnidobey: Help me out :) I have a class ResultListener which has onStart, onSuccess<?>, onFailure, onFinish. The ? is the type of request result, the argument which onSuccess(.) is called with. I'd like to have a similar class, but for requests that do not return a result (onSuccess called based on response code).22:05
karniI can't come up with a better name than SilentRequestListener or NoResultRequestListener, both sound funny.22:06
karniI could rename the current one to ResultRequestListener, and have the argument-less one named RequestListener.22:07
karnidobey: briancurtin: What you guys think :) ↑22:07
briancurtineh, maybe that makes it seem like it does null requests22:08
karniyeah, but I see you exactly get what I mean22:09
karniNow that I came up with it after speaking out loud, I think ResultRequestListener and RequestListener isn't a bad idea.22:09
dobeyi guess i don't understand exactly22:09
karniMaybe I needed a rubber duck.22:10
dobeyif they listen to responses, why aren't they FooResponseListener?22:10
karnidobey: I have a class, ResultListener, which has 4 methods. One of them is onSuccess(T a), where T is the parametrized type of the class. Say, RequestListener<String>22:10
karnidobey: ArtistRequestListener extends RequestListener<Artist>22:11
karniabstract void onSuccess(.) becomes: void onSuccess(Artist artist) { .. }22:11
karniWhen I update a playlist, I'm only interested in onSuccess() being called. Initially I just passed in Void type (something like an object corresponding to null/None)22:12
mmcckarni: how different is the new "silent" class? does it just have onSuccess with no parameterized type?22:12
karnithen you have onSuccess(Void v) where you ignore v. looks a little strange.22:12
karnimmcc: exactly. void onSuccess()22:12
mmccah, I see. is getting rid of the Void type the only motivation for the new class? I'm no java expert but a Void there sounds ~ok to me22:13
karniI think I'll go with ResultRequestListener (although it sounds like a listener of "result request", which isn't all that bad..)22:13
karnimmcc: :))22:14
karnik, thanks guys!22:14
karnimmcc: Yeah, only motivation for the code to read better. And not confuse the library users (developers)22:14
karni"oh what's that void doing in here?"22:14
karniYou can do nothing with void, but it looks like it won't cost me much to refactor.22:15
mmcchow difficult is it to make a type synonym in Java? "typedef EmptyResponseData Void" or whatever?22:19
mmccit'd be less confusing without adding extra classes to read…22:19
karnimmcc: It's actually a very simple, abstract class - https://pastebin.canonical.com/78031/22:20
mmccalthough I don't have strong feelings on this, like I said I'm not familiar with what the style is in Java22:20
karnimmcc: Your suggestion wasn't bad, one of the reasons I started that way :) I just didn't like this noise on the library interface side.22:21
karnimmcc: That pasted is actually already the parameterless request (returning no result, just simple onSuccess() callback)22:21
mmcckarni: fair enough. and there's plenty of IDE support for navigating class hierarchies in Java anyway, right…22:21
karnimmcc: To make an alias, you have to define a public class with a new name that extends the class you want to alias. Ehhh Java ;)22:22
mmccoh well, that totally sinks my idea. no improvement at all!22:22
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
mmccI was thinking CPP or Haskell's 'type' keyword… it'd be "type EmptyResponseData = Void"22:25
karnimmcc: It's typedef in c++, right?22:26
dobeywell; could be a lot of things in C++ really, depending on how you do it :)22:27
mmcckarni: yes. although I was thinking CPP == /usr/bin/cpp22:27
karnimmcc: /usr/bin/cpp != g++ ? What's that :)?22:28
karnioh, the C preprocessor22:28
mmcckarni: yep22:28
karniAnyone up for a review? It's actually pretty easy, most of commit 30 was IDE supported refactor (read: boring) https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-client-engineering/ubuntuone-music-java-library/playlist-args-and-request-refactor/+merge/13358722:59
dobeylater all, have to run and get some stuff done before sprint23:02
briancurtinkarni: i'll have a look23:02
karnibriancurtin: Thanks :)23:02
karnilater dobey23:02
briancurtinkarni: you're missing a commit message on that one23:03
karnibriancurtin: How do you mean?23:03
karnibriancurtin: "Set commit message" ?23:03
briancurtinkarni: yeah, but maybe your project doesn't use that? i'm used to it for other u1 projects where we use that for release notes, i think23:04
karnibriancurtin: This is used by tarmac, isn't it? When I get code reviews, I used to simply push that MP to trunk.23:04
karnibriancurtin: oh. I could start using that.23:04
briancurtinkarni: yeah i think tarmac wont land the branch without a commit message23:04
karniYes, I think that's correct.23:04
briancurtinkarni: its not a big deal, i dont think. in fact i approved your other MP without even looking for that23:05
mmccwow, I thought I was running out of space on this SSD - turns out I had 50 GB of core dumps in /cores23:05
karnibriancurtin: I have nothing against doing that, to go along other U1 projects. It'll force me to make smaller MPs so that I can describe them ;)23:05
karnimmcc: o_O23:05
mmccyeah, I thought those got cleared out after a while, I guess no23:06
mmccanyway, plenty of space for a new VM!23:06
karnibriancurtin: Do you write commit messages in past tense or present? "Made ... optional." or "Make .. optional." ?23:06
* karni reads u1-servers log23:07
mmcckarni: I usually do present tense. It's what the branch is doing… that said, as long as it's a clear, full sentence, the tense is not a big deal23:07
karniheh, very mixed I see23:07
karnimmcc: Got it :)23:07
karnibriancurtin: I've set the commit message.23:10
briancurtinkarni: cool, looking23:11
karniI decided to make it rather general. While this software is in heavy development, I'd have to be too detailing in those commit messages..23:11
briancurtinkarni: i approved that MP23:34
briancurtinand with that, i'm taking off. see everyone tomorrow23:34
mmccI'm heading out now too - I won't be working but I'll look in occasionally tomorrow morning while I pack.23:42
karniTake care mmcc23:45

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