
puskyerWhere Cal I learn about the required commands03:06
Unit193What client are you using?03:07
puskyerAndchat on android03:08
puskyerDo I just as my question about Ubuntu studio like this?03:11
Unit193Should be able to do /help and you can ask whatever question here.03:13
Unit193(Well, anything UbuntuSudio related)03:13
puskyerI upgraded my Ubuntu 10.4 system to ubuntu studio 12.04 and am having issues with my data drive03:14
puskyerIs this a good place to get help?03:15
puskyerDid not have this problem with 10.403:15
puskyerNot data drive but data drive sorry03:16
puskyerWhy does it change my sata to data?03:17
puskyerAnyways my boot is idea and work fine, sata is not accessible gives me errors03:19
puskyerI give up something keeps changing my text, I will come back when I figure out how to use this thing thanks03:20
Unit193Alright, don't quite know what you're looking for, but can you access it if you use a LiveCD?03:20
puskyerOk will have to try that then and see if it works03:21
wiphi everyone! question: how to set forever the cpu scaling : peformance?03:22
wipright now, when booting i set the cpufreqsomething to -c 0 -r -g performance (if i remember correctly) and all my cpu are now at full speed, but 10 minutes later, it goes back to ondemand?!03:23
len-dtThe ubuntu start up script sets things to ondemand two times.03:24
wipso we are fighting03:24
len-dtone of those times is 60 seconds after login.03:24
wipwhat was your solution?03:25
len-dtSo to make a change to performance it has to happen at least 60 seconds after login.03:25
len-dtLet me look at the system files :)03:25
wipmaybe i can add a sleep 9003:25
wiplen-dt i have to really thank you, each time you help me getting a "perfect" audio setup03:25
len-dtin /etc/init.d there is a file called ondemand.03:26
len-dtyou probably don't want to change that because some update may chaneg it back on you :P03:26
wipyeah been there in the past03:26
wipso sleep 90 is maybe the less dirty solution?03:27
len-dtbut the line in it that does things is: background)03:27
len-dt        sleep 60 # probably enough time for desktop login03:27
len-dt        for CPUFREQ in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor03:27
len-dt        do03:27
len-dt                [ -f $CPUFREQ ] || continue03:27
len-dt                echo -n ondemand > $CPUFREQ03:27
len-dt        done03:27
len-dt        ;;03:28
len-dtso in /etc/rc.local03:28
len-dtyou could as you say have a sleep 90 and then copy the next few lines replacing the word ondemand with performance03:30
len-dtThis will set performance on all cpus/cores03:30
wipyes excellent !03:30
len-dtIs this a lap top?03:30
wipno a brand new computer (finally)03:30
len-dtdesktop then?03:30
len-dtgood, laptops tend to run too hot on performance all the time03:31
len-dtnetbooks with the atom are not so bad.03:31
wipyes i bought also a decent heatsink / fan03:31
wipi am making a custom wood case for putting the computer and soundcard and expression pedal (anyway OT)03:32
wiplast question: i don't want to run a monitor03:32
len-dtMaking an organ then?03:32
wipnot exactly03:32
wipmaybe i will put a theremin in it :)03:32
wipbut mainly for a guitar / bass / mic03:33
wipi am a big fan of pure data...03:33
wipmaking my own expression pedal controller03:33
len-dtOk. it is just that I have only heard the word expesion pedal in organs befor.03:33
wipsorry, my english is far from perfect and i tend to not really think before typing (bad)03:34
len-dtRunning with out a monitor is not as easy.03:34
wipi tried like 3-4 hours03:34
wiptried many different tutorials03:34
wipi will connect with x11vnc03:34
len-dtAll the distros are made for x and an xsession which is graphic.03:34
wipnp, will continue my search, i know there's a failsafe x1103:35
len-dtAh, so what you are really asking is how do I have an x server on one machine and run all the apps on another.03:35
wipbut there's always this annoying pop-up that ask me a question before going in failsafe03:35
wipnope, just no monitor03:36
wipi will connect to it via another computer / tablet using vnc to see the screen03:36
wipand yes maybe interacting with it03:36
len-dtmost graphics controlers what a screen before they will start.03:36
len-dtand X wants a screen before it will start too :)03:37
wipyep, but you can have a failsafe generic monitor03:37
wipthat doesn't required a monitor to be connected03:37
len-dtWhat you will want to do is to get or make an xvga terminator03:37
wipbut this annoying pop-up, if i could remove it, then i would be all set03:37
wiphardware hack for this?03:38
wipi really do not want to go there03:38
wip+ my mobo doesn't have dvi / vga03:38
len-dtthe terminator will make the video card think there is a monitor.03:38
wipwill continue my search for a software solution03:38
wipwill let you know03:38
len-dtOK, you are going places I haven't been yet03:39
wipeveryone needs a monitor ;)03:39
len-dtI have done things without. My server starts up and runs without.03:40
wipright! server doesn't need a monitor03:40
len-dtmany of the wifi routers are linuxboxes with no head too03:40
wipi have this really cheap android tablet03:40
len-dtI actually installed a minimal server for sound03:40
wiprunning linux on it with vnc, so i would like to use it as my monitor for my wood case03:41
wiplike a jukebox without head?03:41
len-dtIt has jack, and nama for recording.... all text by remote login.03:41
len-dtI am sure it can be done...03:42
wipsweet, i have also done something similar: but i am controlling the boombox with a voice recognition software03:42
wipno monitor, but i had to connect it to my tv - it was not working without it but i was really too busy to debug it03:43
wiphopefully this time i will find the solution03:43
len-dtGood luck with it then.03:44
wipthe script that popup to ask : what do you want to do : start failsafe, edit xorg.conf etc... is coded in python, so i guess i could "hack" it to skip03:44
wipthx len-dt!03:44
len-dtYou may be able to force a keypress at session start too.03:45
len-dtI think there are session recorder/playback apps out there03:46
wipyes, the problem is that the session is not started when i see the pop-up03:47
wipthis is the file in question:03:57
wipthis one is the pop-up:03:58
wipi want to simulate a click on LOW_RES_MODE to skip it automagically03:58
len-dtI would have to do the saem research you would to find out how..04:17
wipNP! you already done so much for me and i guess for ubuntu-studio :)04:26
wipbtw, the sleep 65 before performance is working nicely, full power to me04:27
wipis there anything else to do (tweaks), when running jack / puredata?04:27
wiplike limits.conf04:32
len-dtShouldn't need to. The latency can be adjusted to suit the use... lower for stage use and higher for recording.04:43
len-dtBut that is just jack usage.04:44
len-dtI am going to have to go now though.04:44
wipok, see you04:44
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
dtcrshrcan anyone recommend a nice doc about installind ladspa, vst or calf plugins into ubuntustudio?14:31
holsteindtcrshr: i would just search the repos and install what is there14:32
holsteinif its a non ubuntustudio app or plug, i would look for specific documentation from the creators14:32
holsteindtcrshr: you can ask in #opensourcemusicians as well, and maybe find someone who has the plugs you seek working14:33
holsteindtcrshr: i dont use any non-linux plugs, nor any instrument vst's or plugs... only the ones for audio.. verbs, etc14:34
holsteindtcrshr: the kxstudio folks have done a lot to get windows vst's working.. #kxstudio14:34
dtcrshrim into a struggle to let a friend go to kx instead of ustudio14:35
dtcrshrmuch easier to work with, even with the claudia and other tools are awesome14:35
dtcrshrill stick with this then, thanks anyway holstein14:35
holsteinsure.. falk is great.. helps us out a lot14:35
holsteindtcrshr: im not suggesting you switch to kxstudio14:36
dtcrshrmy favorite portuguese fella14:36
holsteindtcrshr: what im suggesting is.. if you are looking for windows vst support, you can ask in kxstudio.. kxstudio is ubuntu based14:36
holsteindtcrshr: we (ubuntustudio or ubuntu) are not allowed to include them, for licensing reasons14:36
holsteindtcrshr: anything that is implemented in kxstudio to support windows vst's is possible with ubuntustudio14:37
holsteindtcrshr: you can "stick with this" and just implement whatever kxstudio is doint14:37
dtcrshrsure thing!14:39
rickbolHow do I get "Additional Drivers" to install the Broadcom STA driver for wifi...17:37
rickboljockey.log reports: BroadcomWLHandler enabled(): kmod disabled, bcm43xx: blacklisted, b43: blacklisted, b43legacy: blacklisted17:37
zequencerickbol: Try to find the correct package17:38
zequenceand install it manually17:38
rickbolwl (Broadcom STA) installed under the generic kernel update, but this is happening when i revert back to the low-latency kernel17:39
zequencerickbol: This is however not something I think any Ubuntu Studio dev is very knowledgable about. You might have better luck at one of any Ubuntu or kernel related channel17:39
zequencerickbol: Is this on 12.04?17:39
zequenceThe lowlatency kernel hasn't been updated for a while. Should be shortly17:40
rickbolok, but I'm running ubuntustudio, but my kernel got updated to the latest generic-pae, and I could install STA fine there, but when I booted back to UbStud default kernel, STA install fails17:41
zequencerickbol: Is it the 12.04 release?17:42
rickbolzequence: yes, I'm running 12.0417:42
zequencerickbol: So, the lowlatency kernel is out of date, unfortunately. A new one should appear shortly17:43
zequenceShould be fully compatible with the generic kernel of the same release version17:43
rickbolOk, good. I'll wait to try it.17:43
zequenceHaving generic be installed is of course not something we want. I don't know why that happens. We should try to stop that17:44
tjacohi all, anyone have an idea how it could be that speakers aren't working but headphone out is...? Can I try to reinstall drivers? would that work? and how would I do that...18:57
holsteintjaco: you didnt install any drivers, correct? you are just using the ones supplied in the kernel?18:59
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:59
holsteinyou can review that ^^18:59
holsteini would do a few things... open a terminal...18:59
holsteinrun 'alsamixer' and trust no labels there... tweak everything to test19:00
holsteinmake sure you dont have anything plugged into the headphone jack, as that can be hardware switchable to mute the internal speakers19:00
tjacoif I check the volume control for hardware output drivers, it's empty is that normal19:01
holsteintjaco: install (if its not installed) pavucontrol19:01
holsteintjaco: i dont know what 'volume control' you are looking at... feel free and take any screenshots and paste them to imagebin19:01
holsteintjaco: the drivers are in the kernel, so trying a different kernel version, or alsa verson can really make or break hardware support19:02
holsteini usually test and troubleshoot alsa/kernel versions with live CD's19:02
holsteinyou can always run "aplay -l" and just seach "ubuntu 'hardware line from aplay -l' speakers muted"19:03
tjacoyep I did test a live cd and that worked fine19:03
holsteintjaco: which live CD? the same live cd you installed from?19:03
holsteinthe *exact* same version?19:03
tjacoI did install some kxstudio stuff. maybe that's messing it up...19:03
tjacojust now I booted to normal ubuntu 12.1019:04
holsteintjaco: that would have a different kernel and alsa version19:04
tjacoyeah, but i just wanted to test if my speakers weren't broken19:04
holsteintjaco: i would just relax though.. you likely just have it muted somewhere.. or tey and catch falk in #kxstudio19:04
holsteintjaco: it they work from the live cd, or worked before, test them there19:04
tjacoyeah I'll ask falk19:05
holsteintjaco: try with the *same* live cd that work before19:05
tjacook, yeah I'll try the live ubuntustudio I installed from and check if it works there. I guess it's just a muted speaker somewhere19:05
tjacothanks for your help!19:06
holsteinsure... anytime :)19:06
tjacook, off to reboot19:06
tjacooh wait. in the alsamixer i started from terminal the speakers are muted19:08
tjacohow can I unmute it there...19:08
tjacoI'll google...19:09
holsteinsometimes, i have found in xfce that the hardware mute cant be unmuted19:09
holsteinyou should be able to arrow up19:09
holstein'm' seems to mute and unmute for me in alsamixer19:10
tjacook, that fixed it!! thanks a lot19:14
holsteinsure.. enjoy!19:15

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