
=== attente is now known as attente_zzz
BigWhaleGood morning.05:30
pittidesrt: ah, will lower the dep, and also check in autogen.sh if lcov is installed05:38
pittiGood morning05:38
pittidesrt: fixed both05:45
didrocksgood morning06:20
TheMusoHey didrocks06:22
didrockshey TheMuso! How are you?06:22
TheMusodidrocks: Quick question before I dart off for EOW, what list should I email if I want to discuss something of a technical nature to do with Unity? This will be a cross-DE message to several lists...06:22
TheMusodidrocks: Not too bad thanks, yourself?06:22
didrocksTheMuso: I'm good, but tired (waited until 1AM to get some package built in a ppa for experimenting some script, and launchpad was telling at 9PM "15 minutes remaining before starting building…"). so short night (it's 7:30 now)06:24
didrocksTheMuso: I think, it should be the unity-devel ML06:24
TheMusoOk thanks.06:24
TheMusoAnd that sucks for not a lot of sleep.06:24
didrocksTheMuso: https://launchpad.net/~unity-dev06:24
didrockswell, it's Friday, will be better this week-end :)06:24
TheMusoYep indeed, thanks again.06:25
didrocksI just wish launchpad was more accurate in its estimation of time before building :)06:25
TheMusoYeah I've been annoyed by that too.06:25
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rodrigo_mvo, any chance you know why I get an 'invalid protocol of the server' in quantal when using AddVendorKeyFromServer's aptdaemon method?08:51
mvorodrigo_: uh, no - that sounds odd, could you paste/mail me the command/code you used?08:52
rodrigo_mvo, the same code works on precise08:52
rodrigo_ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (pmu->priv->apt_proxy, "AddVendorKeyFromKeyserver",08:53
rodrigo_g_variant_new ("(ss)", "0x3b22ab97af1cdfa9", "keyserver.ubuntu.com"),08:53
rodrigo_googling about the error got me to this: https://code.launchpad.net/~vorlon/ubuntu/quantal/aptdaemon/py3/+merge/10998108:54
rodrigo_not sure though how that fixes it, still looking...08:54
mightyiamsince empathy now recommends gnome-contacts, is that on purpose?08:56
mightyiamgood mooorniiinnnnnng09:12
didrockshey pitti! Do you know if multiarch is handled for typelib? like ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/girepository-1.0/Dee-1.0.typelib09:19
seb128hey desktopers09:21
mightyiamhey seb12809:21
seb128hey mightyiam, didrocks, pitti09:22
didrockshey seb12809:22
pittididrocks: no, I don't think it is right now09:25
pittihey seb128, ça va?09:25
seb128pitti, lut, ouais, et toi ?09:25
didrockspitti: yeah, confirming, thanks :)09:26
pittiseb128: trés bien, merci!09:29
seb128pitti, do you have any plan to make g-i look in both multi-arch and standard dir for typelib?09:33
seb128or would it be harder than just teach those to look in both locations?09:33
pittiseb128: the request didn't come up so far; no, it doesn't sound very hard09:33
pittiit already supports multiple directories with $GI_TYPELIB_PATH09:34
pittiso it's mostly some autoconf glue09:34
seb128pitti, want a bug asking for it? on what component?09:35
pittiseb128: I'm wondering if we need that upstream (then glib/introspection, which is g-i)09:35
pittior whether it's a distro change only, in which case it should be a Debian bug09:35
pittibut I guess we want to change all gir1.2-* packages in Debian eventually to use the multiarch path09:37
pittiand fall back to the non-multiarch one09:37
pittiso I think, Debian bug for now09:37
seb128pitti, ok, thanks09:38
pittiseb128: asking in #introspection where other distros place their's09:39
mightyiami can't log in in raring. lightdm. get thrown back to lightdm. bug #107677709:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 1076777 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Get thrown back to lightdm right after trying to log in" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107677709:39
mightyiami'm quite sure it didn't upload the relevant log files because i filed against lightdm. can you please tell me which logs to add? or which package to set apport loose upon?09:41
seb128pitti, danke09:42
seb128mightyiam, try to log in, get bounced back to lightdm, ctrl-alt-f1, log in, copy .xsession-errors09:42
seb128it should have the infos09:42
seb128Laney, hey09:42
Laneywe broke logging in? :-)09:42
Laney"I swear I typed my password"09:43
Laneyxnox was reporting it last night too09:43
seb128Laney, you are having issues as well?09:43
* Laney reads scrollback09:43
seb128what desktop do you use?09:43
seb128what mightyiam described seems like "session doesn't start/exit"09:44
seb128xsession-errors should have details09:44
pittiseb128: ok, distro-side only for now09:44
Laneyno, that's just got something about gpg-agent09:44
Laneylet me check Xorg.0.log09:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1076787 in pyopencl (Ubuntu Raring) "GLX error: Can not get required symbols" [High,Fix released]09:45
Laneyso it did turn out to be about gpg-agent09:46
Laneywtf ...09:46
Laneylet me try that09:46
Laneyyeah, works09:46
seb128Laney, what did you change?09:47
Laneymv .gnupg .gnupg-old09:47
seb128mightyiam, ^ you might want to try that09:49
Laneygpg-agent[2807]: Fatal: can't register GNU Pth with Libgcrypt: Not supported09:49
Laneythat's the error in xsession-errors09:49
seb128it's stupid that exit the session09:49
seb128yet another Xsession script issue I guess, those are so hackish09:50
Laneylooks like libgcrypt11 indeed did get an upload on the 7th09:50
seb128gpg-agent is not installed by default right?09:52
mightyiamthat's that, seb128 Laney09:53
Laneyno i dont think so09:54
mightyiamsigh i have my desktop back09:55
Laneythat's a bad thing? :-)09:55
* seb128 pets gnome-keyring09:56
seb128not having that issue with my gpg agent :p09:56
Laneyreverting libgcrypt11 works09:56
Laneynow where's my pitchfork?09:56
mightyiamit was a relief sigh09:58
mightyiami thought those were legitimate09:58
pittiseb128: "pats" :)09:59
xclaesseseb128, sometimes xchat-gnome keeps its "1" notification for unread msg, even after I've read it09:59
seb128pitti, doh :p10:00
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)10:00
xclaesseseb128, is that known?10:00
pittiseb128: de rien :)10:00
xclaessethe "1" bubble on the launcher icon I mean10:00
seb128xclaesse, it might, does it happen when you focus xchat yourself (not using the indicator) and the unread is on the active channel?10:00
seb128xclaesse, do you have a corresponding entry in the messaging menu?10:01
xclaesseseb128, could be that, I did not pay attention10:01
seb128xclaesse, does it go away if you select the entry in the indicator?10:01
xclaesseseb128, yes10:02
xclaessehmm, actually could be an highlighted msg from my bip backlog10:02
seb128xclaesse, ok, yes, known issue in xchat-indicator (the xchat plugin), I didn't have time to debug it10:02
xclaesseand xchat does not always set the correct icon on that chan10:03
* xclaesse will try to be sure of the steps next time it happens :)10:03
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didrocksmvo: hey, I still have precise in my private-ppa.launchpad.net_commercial-ppa* files, if I change them to quantal, would my credential would still be fine?10:56
Sweetsharkjcastro_: ping?10:59
mvodidrocks: yes11:00
didrocksmvo: sweetness! thanks :)11:00
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pittihm, today's totem update seems bad12:08
pittiI just see a white screen when playing videos now12:08
pittiso much for entertainment during lunch break :)12:08
seb128pitti, what version do you have?12:11
Sweetsharkseb128: could you help out at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/1064962/comments/100 ?12:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 1064962 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU] Global menubar items do not work when opening a document directly from nautilus with no LibreOffice instance running" [High,Confirmed]12:13
Sweetsharkseb128: its nonsense to forwardport LibreOffice 3.6 to raring, when we ship 3.7/4.0 there.12:13
seb128Sweetshark, I will talk to the SRU guys12:13
Sweetsharkseb128: thx12:14
pittiseb128: 3.4.3-0ubuntu612:14
seb128Sweetshark, pinged them on #ubuntu-devel, it's a bit early for the US guys though12:14
seb128pitti, ok, so new cogl/clutter issue I guess... *fun*12:14
seb128pitti, the only recent change to totem was to rebuild with the new cogl soname12:15
ricotzSweetshark, hi, btw, i wouldnt call uploading 3.6.3 to raring non-sense!12:20
* didrocks understood how the archive object is behaving in launchpad, phew! :)12:27
seb128didrocks, blog about it so the knowledge is shared! ;-)12:28
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?12:29
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, I'm good! how are you?12:29
didrocksseb128: well, I need to find time and not to turn all my workarounds as rant :)12:29
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks12:29
pittiseb128: well, I saw BBT 6x07 in exchange :)12:32
pittididrocks: ^ awesome again, btw!12:33
seb128pitti, ;-)12:33
seb128pitti, hum, "again"? they dropped the awesomeness at some point?12:33
pittiseb128: no, more like "as always"12:33
didrockspitti: this is for tonight :)12:34
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ricotzhey desktopers12:50
ricotzseb128, hi, do you mind taking a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsecret/+bug/107326912:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 1073269 in libsecret (Ubuntu) "Make libsecret actually multiarch" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:50
seb128ricotz, hey, I've been letting it to somebody who understands multiarch enough to have an opinion12:51
ricotzhmm, i see :\12:52
ricotzthis is a real issue though12:52
Laneyricotz: I'll look12:52
Laneyis it in Debian yet?12:53
ricotzLaney, thanks!12:53
ricotzLaney, i pushed it in the svn as 0.11-212:53
ricotzbut it isnt uploaded yet12:53
Laneylooks like the package there is missing Vcs headers fyi12:53
LaneyI don't think you should have Pre-Depended on the -dev package which isn't MA enabled12:53
desrtpitti: thanks :D12:55
desrtpitti: my jhbuild is grateful12:55
ricotzLaney, ok, if you are fine with it please upload it12:55
Laney# Disable tests as they don't work for some reason12:56
seb128Laney, is that libsecret?12:59
seb128yeah, if somebody want to figure why you are welcome12:59
Laneythey are at least run12:59
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pittiVcs-Bzr: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/unity-firefox-extension/ubuntu13:56
pittithis is waaaay behind13:56
pittididrocks, kenvandine: ^ using UDD for this now?13:56
pittiI'm currently looking at the failed autopkgtests13:56
kenvandinepitti, yes13:56
kenvandinebut that is all going to change :)13:56
pittiah, I'll drop Vcs-Bzr then13:56
kenvandinemoving the packaging into trunk13:56
pittiMost recent Ubuntu version: 2.3.5-0ubuntu113:57
pittiPackaging branch version: 2.3.2-0ubuntu113:57
pittiPackaging branch status: OUT-OF-DATE13:57
pittiso, bye-bye bzr13:57
kenvandinethx pitti13:57
kenvandinefor some reason i stopped getting those messages on checkout13:58
kenvandinei wonder why13:58
pittithere, passing now \o/14:00
* pitti chalks up the 8th test fixed today14:00
seb128_pitti, do you plan to sponsor https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pango1.0/+bug/1073637 (you commented on it)?14:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1073637 in pango1.0 (Ubuntu) "libpango1.0-dev needs a compile/link/run test" [Undecided,In progress]14:24
pittiseb128_: I asked Rafal to forward the patches to Debian14:25
pittiseb128_: but I'm patch piloting next Monday and will get to them then14:25
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
pitti(and forward them myself if he didn't yet)14:25
seb128pitti, thanks14:25
pittiactually, for pango in particualr I can just commit them, it's pkg-gnome14:25
desrtpitti: when you're doing your testing stuff are you spinning up a fresh vm each time or a pbuilder or what?14:26
pittidesrt: I'm using prepare-testbed to build a pristine VM (about once every one or two days), and then run-adt-test, which will do the "temporary overlay" thing14:27
desrtmakes sense14:27
pittidesrt: ^ the docs14:27
pittiso it's "prepare-testbed amd64" to build a raring amd64 VM14:27
pittiand "run-adt-test -k apport" to run current apport autopkgtest, but keep (-k) the VM around afterwards for debugging14:28
pittithen you can ssh in and poke around14:28
pittibut have all the dependencies etc. installed14:28
desrti'm considering that maybe i want to start doing this for my jhbuilding14:29
desrtdo you copy git mirrors in or do you just do a fresh checkout each time?14:29
pittidesrt: err, this is for autopkgtest14:33
pittidesrt: are you now talking jhbuild?14:33
desrtah.  i see.14:34
desrti thought you were building out of upstream git for your tests14:34
desrtyou're just following the packages?14:34
pittidesrt: BTW, j'aime code-coverage :)14:34
pittidesrt: I committed a huge set of missing tests to pygobject this morning, which uncovered a handful of bugs14:35
desrttest coverage is sexy14:35
pittidesrt: if you mean that, the jhbuild machines don't currently use the plumbing stuff from git (like OSTree)14:35
pittijust what's in our packages14:35
desrti see14:35
pittiat some point we want to marry these, though14:35
desrtbut they're still jhbuilding, right?14:35
pittistuff like polkit is in jhbuild14:35
pittibut e. g. systemd, udisks etc. isn't14:36
desrtya... that's been causing me all kinds of trouble this morning14:36
desrtpolkit needs setuid helpers... which jhbuild is not so good about installing properly14:36
desrteven after fixing them, though, something's not working right14:36
desrtin any case i have a reasonably decent setup going on, so i'm happy14:37
desrtand more confident to continue with my massive amounts of glib breaking :)14:37
desrt(since i will be able to see the effect pretty quick)14:37
pittidesrt: do you have a good way of running a full gnome session (with shell etc.) out of jhbuild?14:38
desrtpitti: i have a way14:38
desrti don't know if i'd yet call it a "good way" :)14:38
pittiselecting "GNOME (jhbuild)" in gdm/lightdm would be awesome14:38
jbichayeah, udisks not being in jhbuild is annoying; it makes it more annoying to test gnome-disk-utility for instance14:38
desrtya.  that's whati do.14:39
pittiwell, I guess one could still run the fallback session in xephyr14:39
desrti think it's called "jhbuild GNOME 3.8 2011-11-09" though :)14:39
desrtwhat's nice is that i build on precise and run on quantal14:41
desrtand that seems to be OK14:41
mptchrisccoulson, hi, did you think further about making globalmenu-extension part of the ubuntu-menu-bar project group?14:46
chrisccoulsonmpt, oh, i thought i'd replied and said that was fine?14:47
mptchrisccoulson, yes, but I noticed you hadn't done it yet :-)14:47
chrisccoulsonah, yes :)14:48
chrisccoulsonmpt, ok, done now14:54
mptchrisccoulson, thank you :-)14:55
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Sweetsharkseb128: ping?16:49
seb128Sweetshark, pong16:58
Sweetsharkseb128: for the boost SRU (which is in raring right now), should I do a minimal diff against the quantal version, or can we take the raring version as is to quantal?17:06
seb128Sweetshark, the minimal diff is better17:06
Sweetsharkthere are IIRC two other minor fixes to it in raring.17:06
mptseb128, hey, I was just trying to test <https://code.launchpad.net/~mdspencer/ubuntu/raring/software-properties/fix-for-1058059/+merge/133130> like you did, but unlike you I see no change at all. I'm using "./software-properties-gtk" inside the branch directory. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?17:07
mptseb128, I get the same even when giving an absolute path, too.17:08
seb128mpt, sudo cp data/gtkbuilder/main.ui /usr/share/software-properties/gtkbuilder/main.ui17:08
seb128mpt, I guess17:08
seb128mpt, sudo apt-get install --reinstall software-properties-gtk then to go back to stock Ubuntu17:08
seb128mpt, the change is in the gtkbuilder file and I don't think it will load the "from source" version17:09
mptthanks seb12817:10
seb128mpt, yw, does that work?17:11
mptsure does17:11
seb128mpt, http://ubuntuone.com/1at4c2WX5nRLSuBhAHv8l917:14
seb128mpt, that's the french version, it might look different from the english one due to the long label at the bottom17:14
seb128can't try in C locale there17:15
* seb128 looks at mvo17:15
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/softwareproperties/AptAuth.py", line 77, in list17:15
seb128    for line in p:17:15
seb128  File "/usr/lib/python3.2/encodings/ascii.py", line 26, in decode17:15
seb128    return codecs.ascii_decode(input, self.errors)[0]17:15
seb128UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc5 in position 1782: ordinal not in range(128)17:15
seb128 17:15
seb128(hate unicode)17:15
mptseb128, he's updated the branch since then.17:16
seb128mpt, oh, ok17:16
seb128mpt, let me check17:17
seb128mpt, thanks for the review/approval17:24
Sweetsharkyou all stop using launchpad right now! Since one week I try to update my bprints and everytime I just get timeouts on my homepage17:25
seb128mpt, that dialog is weird looking :-(17:31
mptseb128, in what way?17:32
seb128mpt, http://ubuntuone.com/4OKw8F6SPeD9k5p1hREvNC17:32
seb128mpt, lot of space on the right, lot of space on the left then17:33
seb128it's like unaligned blocks17:33
seb128mpt, you think it's an improvement this way over unaligned combos and stuff filling the screen?17:33
seb128having the space taken was looking less "weird" to me17:33
seb128but it's maybe a matter of taste17:34
mptseb128, I was just about to say, it would have been just as weird before, just the weirdness scattered over more places :-)17:34
mptI hadn't realized that string is so long in French17:34
seb128mpt, that's why I gave you the first screenshot btw (for the long french string)17:34
seb128well I guess it look better in english17:34
seb128or locales with don't have a long string to push things this way17:35
mptseb128, hm, that seems a bit over-long, though. The English is "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version:", and the French looks like "Notify me when a new version of Ubuntu is available:", right?17:37
seb128be "notify of something" doesn't really work in french17:38
seb128we say "notify me when $something happen"17:38
seb128the variants I can think about are all about the same length17:39
seb128well I guess we would use a "Prévenir des nouvelles versions d'Ubuntu"17:41
seb128that sounds a bit weird though17:41
seb128mpt, I will upload the change and take the french string to the french translators17:41
seb128mpt, thanks ;-)17:41
seb128mpt, I guess one way to fix the weirdness would also to replace the checkboxes by the combo that is in the design document ;-)17:43
mptseb128, that would get rid of one of the two gaps, at least17:45
qenghoAttention developers: When I put the mouse cursor on the Wifi signal strenghth and scroll-wheel up, it should make internet better.  kthx.18:08
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Sweetsharkanyone here able to nominate 1017125 for quantal? thx.21:24
Sweetsharkdisregard that. already happened21:28
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