
Mirvdidrocks: please tell if the unity/compiz/libunity/dee look alright for raring/quantal06:44
didrocksMirv: thanks! having a quick first look now06:45
didrocksMirv: but the real sponsoring would be rather on Monday. I don't feel pushing unity/compiz to raring on a Friday :p06:45
Mirvdidrocks: ok, as you wish. the important thing is anyway that unity 6.10 passed into quantal-updates since that had a big bunch of needed fixes.06:47
didrocksMirv: do you have the compiz snapshot anywhere?06:47
didrocksI don't see that you listed a tarball?06:47
didrocksMirv: agreed06:47
Mirvdidrocks: ah, right since it's a snapshot, https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/sru/+files/compiz_0.9.8.4%2Bbzr3411.orig.tar.gz06:47
didrocksthanks :)06:48
didrocksMirv: bug #106753406:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1067534 in unity (Ubuntu) ""Show desktop" plug-in actually works with Unity when ensured that it is loaded after unityshell" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106753406:48
didrocksMirv: this won't work and won't change anything06:48
didrocksMirv: once the value is set by default, there is no "look at the xml for resolving dependency" done by compiz06:49
didrocksMirv: those values are only taken into account when you open ccsm and enable/disable a plugin06:49
didrocksMirv: I think it should be removed from the SRU06:49
didrocksfor both unity and compiz06:49
didrocksor maybe we can make clearer the bug title itself06:50
Mirvdidrocks: ok, if you think so. duflu was also stating his opinion in the bug report that he wouldn't necessarily want to to 0.9.8 branch06:50
Mirv(but put it in anyway)06:51
didrocksMirv: I would prefer we don't include it TBH06:51
didrocksMirv: I'm unsure about side-effects for people tweaking in ccsm06:51
didrocksand I don't want them to not have any unity anymore after a simple upgrade06:51
didrocksMirv: can you remove this from the 0.9.8 branch and 6.0 one, then cherry-pick is enough?06:51
Mirvdidrocks: is it ok if the unity revert gets cherry-pick... right06:52
didrocksyeah, it won't be in the debdiff :)06:52
MirvI can, I'll report back when both are done06:52
didrocksthanks :)06:53
didrockslooking at other bugs meanwhile06:53
didrocksMirv: there is no boost -> std transition this time? :p06:53
Mirvdidrocks: no, other than a funny commit message that was the revert to the old one06:54
didrocks(compiz and dee are ok)06:54
Mirvand which was already cherry-picked06:54
didrocksok ;)06:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1029949 in libunity 6.0 "unity-webapps-context-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [High,In progress]06:56
didrocks-> Run automated tests or try to reproduce the crash manually.06:56
didrocksif the "manual" part is "close chromium", can you just specific it again here?06:56
didrocksotherwise, libunity ok06:57
Mirvok, updating06:57
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didrocksMirv: hum, bug #1046201 is already SRUed07:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1046201 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGABRT in __GI___assert_fail() from operator-> (this=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp:424 from operator-> from unity::MT::GrabHandle::requestMovement() from unity::MT::X11GrabHandleImpl::buttonPress()" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104620107:00
Mirvdidrocks: damn, I know that, I don't know how I ended up with it being in the changelog. do you want me to commit a fix to my branch?07:01
didrocksMirv: yeah, as you need to remove the other "show-desktop" entry anyway07:01
Mirvdidrocks: ok, will do both07:01
didrocksMirv: all the rest is good, Thanks! :)07:02
didrocksping me once the other changes are done and I'll sponsor on Monday07:02
Mirvdidrocks: ok, thanks for checking! will do.07:02
didrocksyw ;)07:02
didrocksMirv: oh also, I think you did notice that staging is failing? (I didn't have a look yet, but maybe it worthes one?) and that the merger seems stuck (at least, on nux and compiz)07:09
didrocksMirv: maybe not for the merger, again the tasks were "approved", but the globale status wasn't changed07:10
didrocksand the FTBFS seems to be fixed with https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/unity/unity-revert-gtest/+merge/13357607:12
Mirvdidrocks: I noticed, the arm build failure is once again out-of-sync arm nux.07:14
MirvI'll launch a rebuild07:14
Mirvthere was a nux merge 1h ago, and compiz merge 41 minutes ago, but something is reaally slow07:14
didrocksok, good :)07:14
didrocksMirv: see my comment: https://code.launchpad.net/~fginther/unity/unity-revert-gtest/+merge/133576/comments/28778207:19
didrocksMirv: can you create the needed MIR? That way, I'll be able to review it07:19
Mirvdidrocks: sure, creating07:20
didrocksthanks :)07:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1076891 in google-mock (Ubuntu) "[MIR] google-mock" [Undecided,New]07:42
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Mirvoh btw, raring was also smoke-tested with the same source packages07:47
didrocksMirv: perfect! :)07:52
didrocksMirv: the MIR looks good, however, do you have time to fix that? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/google-mock/+bug/1076891/comments/108:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1076891 in google-mock (Ubuntu) "[MIR] google-mock" [Undecided,New]08:07
didrocksMirv: if you can do it this morning (not sure about your schedule), this will enable me to fix unity and having tests running again08:07
didrockshey sil2100 :)08:07
sil2100+1 for google-mock in main \o/08:09
sil2100didrocks: hi!08:10
Mirvdidrocks: yeah I can make time for it in a bit, and since your morning lasts longer than mine it should be fine ;)08:10
MirvI'll report back08:10
didrocksMirv: heh, indeed, that was the trick! Thanks ;)08:10
didrocksmmrazik: sil2100: hey, can we make a checkpoint like start of next week about the test stability status? I saw a lot of awesome work going on, would be good to sync :)08:11
mmrazikdidrocks: ack. I was thinking of the same.08:11
didrocksmmrazik: let me create an event08:12
mmrazikdidrocks: can we target more for a mid-week?08:12
didrocksmmrazik: sure08:12
mmrazikdidrocks: will you create one or shall I (and lets do it every week for the next few weeks)?08:12
didrocksmmrazik: done08:15
didrocksmmrazik: ah, repeated event, sure08:15
mmrazikdidrocks: one more thing..08:16
didrocksmmrazik: sorry, moving to wednesday08:16
mmrazikdidrocks: can we do it afternoon so francis can join08:16
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didrocksmmrazik: sure, 4 UTC or our time you mean?08:17
mmrazikdidrocks: our time08:17
didrocksok doing08:18
sil2100Fine with me08:19
MCRfginther: Hi :) Any news on when Compiz trunk will be available via Unity-team/staging PPA again ?08:47
MCRsil2100: Hi :) Are you aware that drag&drop from the Unity launcher is broken since at least Nov. 6 ? Immediate crash on initiating d&d...08:49
MirvMCR: compiz trunk should be there? the latest bzr3460 was compiled, it's just that the version number prefix is taken from quantal packaging08:50
MCRMirv: Hi :) Yes, at least until Compiz r3451 this was the case. But since the "Bring debian/packaging inline" commit something broke and Compiz is not updated anymore...08:52
MCRMirv: r3450 is the last version of Compiz in the staging PPA...08:54
MirvMCR: it looks like it's there but the versioning has been changed to not be higher than distro08:59
Mirvoh wait I've also another PPA...09:00
MirvMCR: it's there alright, https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/staging?field.series_filter=quantal09:01
MirvMCR: I just upgraded and running it09:02
davidcalledidrocks, hey, I don't know if you have noticed but since the packaging changes in Dee at r380, it can't be imported from gi anymore. Typelib missing from /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/09:02
MCRMirv: Ah - seems it does not upgrade, because the Compiz version in the PPA before was 1:
MCRMirv: Now it is
MCRMirv: So probably gotta downgrade by force to upgrade ;)09:05
didrocksdavidcalle: oh, I didn't, thanks for the notice! I'll give it a look. IIRC, I did have it on my local build though09:06
davidcalledidrocks, I don't see what's wrong in the new packaging, though.09:10
* davidcalle goes afk for a moment09:10
seb128davidcalle, likely dh909:10
MCRMirv: Can you try to initiate a drag&drop from the launcher if you're using trunk ?09:11
mhr3seb128, are typelibs really arch-dependant?09:14
mhr3sure it's binary, but that doesn't necesarrily mean that it can't be compatible09:14
seb128mhr3, that's a pitti question ;-)09:15
mhr3maybe even walters question :)09:15
didrocksdavidcalle: did you try rev 381?09:15
mhr3although a test is simple... /me grabs a random i386 typelib09:16
seb128mhr3, well, I'm sure pitti knows and he's closer from here09:16
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didrocksdavidcalle: ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/girepository-1.0/Dee-1.0.typelib09:18
didrocksah, I wonder if it's because of multiarch :)09:18
seb128didrocks, it is09:19
seb128didrocks, gir is not multiarch compatible09:19
didrocksthat makes a lot of things interesting :)09:19
didrockslet me try to fix it09:19
didrocksso we have a bug in dee, it tries to install in a multiarch state09:20
didrocksso I blame mhr3 :)09:20
didrocks(even if mterry did the MR and I approved it with the other packaging changes)09:20
seb128mhr3, you should never have fallen into the trap of having the dirty packaging in your nice clean trunk09:20
mhr3didrocks, now i know who's introducing bugs in dee :P09:20
mhr3didrocks, now you get to fix any bugs we find :P09:21
didrocksmhr3: well, you used pkglibdir which is supposively multiarch09:21
didrocksso you were wrong at first :p09:21
mhr3didrocks, you changed makefiles, not me09:21
didrocksmhr3: not on dee!09:21
mhr3i don't trust you, you change everything09:22
didrocksmhr3: and of course, you won't confirm this with bzr log? :p09:22
mhr3you're evil, you can fool even bzr log :P09:22
didrockshum src/Makefile.am:typelibsdir = $(libdir)/girepository-1.0/09:22
didrocksahah :)09:23
didrocksthat starts to be even more interesting…09:23
mhr3seb128, did cmp on typelibs, they differ :(09:24
MCRMirv: Thanx a lot 4 your help - I've downgraded by force now to upgrade :) Finally running trunk again :)09:33
didrocksMCR: because of you, I'll have a: W: gir1.2-dee-1.0: file-in-unusual-dir debian/tmp/usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Dee-1.0.typelib09:37
didrocksoupsss, mhr3 ^09:37
* MCR is happy that it is not his fault :)09:37
mhr3didrocks, W: libdee1.0: library-unusually-awesome09:39
didrocksmhr3: can you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/dee/fix-typelib/+merge/133631 ?09:39
didrocksmhr3: I call that fake! :)09:39
mhr3didrocks, you just have outdated version of the checker :P09:39
didrocksmhr3: you mean the non-mhr3's one? :)09:39
MirvMCR: drag&drop seems to at least not crash.. but good that your prob got solved :)09:41
MCRMirv: Thanks for the test, but strange as it stopped working here at all a few days ago...09:42
MCRbtw, I got 2 minor Unity branches that need approval:09:45
MCR1. https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/unity/unity.merge-minor-possible-speed-improvement/+merge/13343509:45
MCR2. https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/unity/unity.merge-fix-member-variables-not-initialized-in-their-constructors/+merge/13352009:45
Mirvdidrocks: updated URLs to raring/quantal releases with the unity/compiz revert included (compiz - new snapshot, unity - cherry-pick) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1344774/09:45
didrocksfginther: hey, can you remove the hook for native packages?09:46
didrocksMirv: excellent! Thanks a lot :)09:46
Mirvdidrocks: and the google-mock https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/ubuntu/raring/google-mock/fix_lintian_errors/+merge/13362709:46
didrocksMirv: oh great! looking09:46
fgintherdidrocks, yes09:47
didrocksthanks :)09:48
mhr3didrocks, looks good i guess, although the only change i feel qualified on commenting about is the typo fix :P09:52
didrocksmhr3: ahah :p09:53
didrocksmhr3: well, I built it and it's installed in the old location09:53
didrocksfginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity/add-gtest-build-dep/+merge/13363710:05
fgintherdidrocks, thanks!10:06
didrocksfginther: yw, feel free to approve :)10:06
fgintherdidrocks, https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity/add-gtest-build-dep/+merge/133637/comments/28786210:14
didrocksfginther: pushed10:15
MCRduflu: Hey :) Thanks for your reviews. Hopefully fixed the remaining leaks now: https://code.launchpad.net/~mc-return/compiz/compiz.merge-fix-memory-leaks-in-libcompizconfig/+merge/13343210:18
dufluMCR: And thank you.10:22
dufluMCR: P.S. The history is easier to read if you could make sure your commit messages are wrapped before 78 columns :)10:22
MCRduflu: ok, ack (for the future)10:23
MCRduflu: Are you aware that the Ubuntu Compiz Expo patch destroys some functionality ? (brightness and saturation settings of inactive viewports are ignored)10:24
dufluMCR: Yes, there's a bug for that already, somewhere10:24
MCRduflu: ah, I just wanted to file one :)10:24
fgintherdidrocks, please correct the bug ref in that MP10:25
didrocksfginther: urgh, copy and paste fail :/10:26
didrocksfginther: let me rather uncommit to remove the link10:26
didrocksfginther: should be overwritten now10:27
fgintherdidrocks, approve \o/10:31
didrocksfginther: phew! thanks :)10:31
fgintherdidrocks, yw10:31
* fginther goes back to bed now10:31
MCRduflu: If you need a fglrx test on Quantal - I could do it (upgraded to fglrx recently)...10:32
didrocksfginther: hope your jetlag will be fixed soon! ;)10:33
dufluMCR: Go ahead. Though in precise, the worst fglrx bug I found wasn't that bad at all10:33
fgintherdidrocks, :-)10:33
MCRduflu: The strange thing is that I cannot reproduce the windows-stop-updating-in-Expo-if-mipmaps-are-used-with-fglrx bug, which was quite annoying...10:34
dufluMCR: You're lucky then10:35
dufluI'm logging off for the week in a minute10:35
MCRsure - c ya10:35
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davidcalledidrocks, are you 100% sure of your Dee packaging fix? Now I have a debian folder in / :D13:58
davidcalledidrocks, actually Dee typelib is now installed literally in :  /debian/tmp/usr/lib/girepository-1.0/Dee-1.0.typelib14:02
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bregmadoes anyone have any object to moving the Unity stack off GCC 4.6 for raring?14:12
didrocksdavidcalle: oh crap :)14:15
didrocksdavidcalle: I know what happened, blame myself14:16
mhr3didrocks, and i thought you know what you're doing? :P14:22
didrocksmhr3: apparently, not on a Friday :)14:22
didrocksmhr3: your biggest mistake was that you believed me!14:23
mhr3didrocks, next time rather ask sil to review your stuff ;)14:24
didrocksmhr3: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/dee/install-correct-location/+merge/13368014:24
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mhr3didrocks, smile for screenshot14:25
didrocksmhr3: tssssssssssss, that's so mean of you to get your revenge that way!14:26
mhr3this just made my day14:26
mhr3i guess i'm evil :P14:27
didrocksmhr3: happy to entertain you :)14:27
seb128didrocks, if the package is dh9 the debian/tmp is not needed at all in the .install14:28
didrocksseb128: yeah, that's plan in a separate merge14:28
didrocksseb128: we try to not mix everything :)14:28
mhr3hmm, the yubikey isn't bad at all14:32
didrocksif only it was working well with a French layout keyboard :p14:41
mhr3press shift14:42
mhr3someone was recommending that ;)14:42
seb128mhr3, someone was didrocks :p14:44
didrocksseb128: I wonder if he was ironic or not in fact :p14:46
mhr3when am i not ironic? :P14:48
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conscioususermpt: ping19:47
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