
jcastro_on it00:01
jono_thanks jcastro_00:02
jono_jcastro_, might be cool to reddit it00:02
jcastro_I'm working on the wiki page now00:03
jcastro_in about ~2000:03
dakerwoo http://www.xubuntu.org/ is not working pleia200:07
jcastro_jono_: ^^^00:11
dakerpleia2: http://i.imgur.com/fAGyh.png00:11
jono_jcastro_, nice!00:12
jono_I will update the blog entry00:12
jono_jcastro_, want to kick off a thread on the mailing list and throw me a link?00:14
jono_I will add that to the blog too00:14
jono_then people know where to discuss00:14
jcastro_yeah, working it!00:14
jcastro_lots of typing00:14
jono_thanks, man!00:14
jono_thanks for doing this on your Friday evening too00:15
jcastro_jono_: ^00:22
jono_thanks jcastro_00:25
jono_blog updated00:25
jono_will tweet now00:25
pleia2daker: thanks, seems to be an intermittent proxying issue12:28
=== glebihan_ is now known as glebihan
czajkowskipleia2: why ar eyuo up at this hour13:15
pleia2czajkowski: I'm still on the east coast, it's 8:15AM :)13:16
czajkowskiyou're confusing :)13:16
pleia2I get to go home tomorrow night13:16
czajkowskipleia2: excellent13:16

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