
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhang<DemonWitch> or are their devs retarded?09:56
bazhangnot the best way to ask for support09:57
bazhanghe seems intent on causing issues/arguing, than getting support10:03
ikoniaof course, and it won't last10:03
ikoniaphysically_fit: just to be clear before you start12:46
ikoniaphysically_fit: any more of your silly games will result in a ban in this channel again12:46
ikoniaclear ?12:46
physically_fitwhy my ban in ubuntu now? if i had a +q only?12:47
ikoniaphysically_fit: because you tried to get past the +q12:47
physically_fitit's not my fault my ISP changed my ip12:47
ikoniaso I changed it to a more effective ban12:47
ikoniano problem, not your fault, so I've updated it12:48
physically_fitcan you ban me in english?12:49
physically_fitthe channel i mean12:49
ikonia##english is nothing to do with this channel12:49
physically_fiti didn't know you visit that channel until yesterday12:49
ikoniaI've been in that channel for well over two years, but that has nothing to do with this channel12:50
ikoniawhat do you actually want ?12:50
physically_fiteverytime i say something things get worse12:50
physically_fitso i am stuck12:50
physically_fiti want my bans in ubuntu and offtopic removed12:51
ikoniaplease clarify what you want, I'm busy and not really in a position to waste time unless you actually have something new to say12:51
ikoniaphysically_fit: ok, the bans aren't going to be removed at this time, as you've been told a few times in the last week, so please stop asking12:51
physically_fitmy ban in ubuntu really hurt me12:51
ikoniathen you should have considered that before messing around12:52
physically_fityou said to me in english i was muted then i typed your name there to show you i was not anymore12:52
physically_fittyped your name in ubuntu and you banned me12:52
ikoniaphysically_fit: correct, so I have fixed that12:52
ikoniano, I resovled the mute that you had evaded (unintentionally)12:52
physically_fitit says i am banned, i can't enter12:53
physically_fiti only had a +q12:53
ikonianow you have +b12:53
physically_fitit's unfair because i don't deserve a ban in ubuntu12:54
physically_fitit's enough punishment to be muted there12:54
ikonialook, I'm not arguing it with you, I've explained the situation,12:54
ikoniayou constantly make a problem and try to mess around, enough is enough, you can stay out for a while until we (the team) have confidence you'll participate in the channels normally12:55
physically_fithow can they have confidence if i they won't see me in ubuntu or offtopic12:56
ikoniaby your attitude when we next speak to you and how you use other channels in line with their guidelines12:56
physically_fiti can't come here all the time asking you to remove my ban12:56
ikoniaI don't want you to12:57
ikoniainfact you've been asked not to do that12:57
ikoniaphysically_fit: so are we done here for the moment ?12:58
ikoniawhat else is unclear ?12:59
physically_fitmy ban in ubuntu, i had a +q that you changed to +b13:00
ikoniayeah, I've explained that13:00
physically_fiti didn't do anything there to be banned13:00
ikoniaI've explained that, and i've explained that's not going to change at this time13:01
physically_fiti have noo problems with any other op except with you13:02
physically_fitso you are the problem, not me13:02
ikoniayou do,13:02
ikoniaand to be honest, it's not about "one op" it's you persistantly not following the rules13:02
physically_fityou are chasing me everywhere, even banning me when i am not online13:03
ikoniaok, well, you're welcome to think that, but the fact remains you don't follow the rules and mess around, until that stops, you are at a stalemate13:03
physically_fityou are BSing me13:03
ikoniain what way ?13:04
physically_fit"let's see if your behavior changes in the future"13:04
physically_fiti am not able to enter any channel13:04
ikoniaI've told you13:04
ikoniawe are going around in circles13:04
ikoniaif you are unable to grasp this simple concept I'm afraid we'll never be able to allow you back in13:04
physically_fitthis is a personal thing. admit it13:05
ikoniayou're welcome to think that, but the facts remain13:05
physically_fiti've never NEVER beeing banned in this server by another op except you13:05
bazhangthats not correct13:05
ikoniathat doesn't change anything13:05
ikoniathe reason you have been banned have been explained to you13:05
bazhanglets move on physically_fit13:05
physically_fitbazhang, who else banned me?13:05
ikoniaif it where "personal" I'd not be able to give you the reasons13:06
bazhangphysically_fit, me13:06
ikoniaand I've given you the reasons in detail multiple times13:06
physically_fitwhen bazhang? maybe for a day or something?13:06
bazhangphysically_fit, no.13:06
physically_fitbazhang, you put me on +q in ubuntu two days ago13:06
ikoniaphysically_fit: lets deal with facts13:06
ikoniaphysically_fit: you have had multiple bans and had them removed for not following the rules13:06
ikoniaphysically_fit: you've had the rules explained to you13:06
bazhangphysically_fit, no time limit on bans or quiets13:07
ikoniayou've continued to break those rules and mess around13:07
ikoniayou are now banned again13:07
ikoniathose are the facts13:07
ikoniaphysically_fit: everything clear now ?13:09
physically_fitthe witch hunt? yeah13:11
ikoniaplease leave the channel then13:13
ikoniahow is that anything to do with this channel13:14
ikoniaphysically_fit: remember what I said at the start about silly games13:15
IdleOne!guidelines > scottyg_20:38
ubottuIn #ubuntu, ubuntu-fan001 said: ubottu, so there is different in grub2 in version 12.04 and 12.1021:49

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