
mspencerSorry about that, I had to leave right away.00:09
mspencer When I'm working on a bug that involves new behavior, who do I communicate with to decide exactly how it will work?00:09
mspencerThe bug is LP #657275. Should I ask how this should work on #ubuntu-devel, on one of the developers mailing lists, or what?00:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 657275 in apport (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-bug should save reports offline automatically rather than giving a cryptic error message" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65727500:09
penguin42mspencer: I'd say speak to the maintainer of the package00:10
penguin42mspencer: It might also be an idea to look at what the 'whoopsie' package does which is a new crash recorder that landed in 12.04 (I think)00:11
mspencerpenguin42: Do you mean the person listed as maintainer on the project's page in launchpad?00:14
mspencerSo I should check out what whoopsie does with crash reports to help decide what the new behaviou should be?00:15
penguin42mspencer: I *think* that's the same thing as the package maintainer recorded in the package itself (e.g. apt-cache show apport)00:16
mspencerYes, it's the same person. Should I email him directly about this?00:17
penguin42mspencer: Worth asking the maintainer of apport/ubuntu-bug if he's already got some ideas, and he might now of a mailing list for discussing stuff; the other thing is that Launchpad has a system for project proposals (blueprints)  that are done for fairly large things, although that is getting more complex - start with the maintainer00:17
mspencerpenguin42: what do you mean "he might now of a mailing list for discussing stuff"?00:18
penguin42mspencer: Some packages have their own mailing lists where people throw about ideas00:18
penguin42mspencer: so it's normally right to ask/suggest on the mailing list00:18
mspencerThe project doesn't look like it has its own mailing list, should I ask on more general mailing list?00:20
mspencerI'm new to bug fixing, so I'm not familiar with this stuff.00:20
penguin42mspencer: Maybe, but I guess I'd start with the maintainer00:20
penguin42mspencer: If you can find an appropriate mailing list that's good because you can see if anyone is already working on a fix, but the maintainer should know00:21
mspencerSo I should email him directly about this?00:22
penguin42mspencer: If you can't find an appropriate mailing list, then yes00:22
penguin42mspencer: You can just attach your ideas /thoughts to the bug and see if he notices it00:23
penguin42mspencer: Although be patient - maintainers normall yget zillions of bug mails etc00:24
mspencerI should email him rather than the ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing lists?00:24
penguin42mspencer: You could try ubuntu-devel, although I'm not too familiar with it00:25
mspencerOkay, I'll try ubuntu-devel. Thanks for the help!00:27
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* persia mentions that Launchpad's idea of "Maintainer" often has no relation whatsoever to the folk who care about the state of the package in Ubuntu04:42
persia(and since Ubuntu refutes the concept of "Maintainer", there's no meaningful way LP could have a good idea)04:42
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
guntbertWhat happens after apport has done its thing after a crash (collected info, asked the user if a "problem report" should be sent)? I never get the chance to actually report a bug, as is the case when calling ubuntu-bug.12:47
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* penguin42 wonders why my dad always manages to find imaginative ways to break Ubuntu15:48
penguin42he's managed to get a repeatable kernel panic on a bog standard Intel graphics system by plugging it into a KVM switch15:49
penguin42sihg it looks like it's bug 107069016:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 1070690 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null); RIP: 0010:[<ffffffff8167f93a>] [<ffffffff8167f93a>] __mutex_lock_slowpath+0xaa/0x150" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107069016:31
ali1234why is that bug marked incomplete?16:46
penguin42not sure16:49
penguin42ali1234: Because Joseph asked for a bisect16:49
guntbertWhat happens after apport has done its thing after a crash (collected info, asked the user if a "problem report" should be sent)? I never get the chance to actually report a bug, as is the case when calling ubuntu-bug.21:04
ali1234guntbert: the reports go into a different system now21:16
ali1234see https://errors.ubuntu.com/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ErrorTracker21:17
guntbertali1234: thx - you guessed my next quetion :-))21:18
ali1234the technical explanation is at the very bottom of the second page21:18
guntbertali1234: great, I am reading - have a nice time21:19
ali1234now, if you're wondering how to link together a bug report and a crash dump, i don't think it is possible to do it, at least not yet21:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1061049 in Errors "We should allow users to manually input a linked bug and better present both the create and link options" [Medium,Confirmed]21:21
guntbertagainst what project do I report a bug when logging in to https://errors.ubuntu.com/ ?21:43
jtaylorif its a bug with errors probably https://launchpad.net/whoopsie-daisy21:45
jtaylorlogin itself is a different service I think21:45
guntbertjtaylor: its the login via ubuntu SSO, which is returning a wonderful error21:47
jtaylorwhat kind of error?21:47
guntbertjtaylor: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/1351870/21:48
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ali1234i actually tried to login to errors yesterday and it just kept asking for permissions over and over. assumed i didn't have the necessary access rights and gave up.23:35

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