
=== adnan_ is now known as adnanh
ochosiGridCube: still around?02:21
ochosii'm not sure there's much we can do about that02:22
ochosiif the icons are not svg (or in the wrong folder), they simply don't get scaled02:22
ochosiso the app should provide more than one icon-size, or svg02:22
GridCubeok, so the problem was that the icons where xpm?02:23
GridCubeboth where02:23
ochosiyes, basically02:23
ochosibut the format alone is not the only problem02:24
ochosiit's partly because there is only one (high) resolution shipped02:24
ochosihi adnanh 02:25
adnanhwhat's up :)02:26
GridCubeok, I understand, so i just have to tell them to get another icon and thats theres not much else we can do?02:26
ochosiyeah, basically02:27
ochosii mean we can only ship so many app-icons in our icon-theme02:27
ochosiand ideally app-devs would take care of those kinda things better themselves02:28
ochosiadnanh: not much, was renovating my flat the whole day02:28
GridCube:) ok thanks for the answer02:28
ochosiGridCube: sure, np :)02:29
adnanhyou must be tired :)02:29
ochosii am :)02:29
ochosijust checking email and a few irc messages, then zzzzzz02:30
adnanhI'm studying for my last exam tomorrow 02:32
ochosigood luck then!02:32
adnanhloads of crappy slides with badly translated stuff02:32
adnanhthanks :)02:32
ochosisounds like fun02:34
adnanhaye I asked night before02:34
adnanhany plans on creating monochrome theme for notification icons02:35
adnanhwell some that are missing02:35
ochosiwhich ones?02:35
ochosiyou mean for the systray?02:35
ochosior the notifications?02:35
adnanhpoorly expressed myself :)02:36
ochosiwell, dunno, i don't use so many apps that have systray icons02:36
adnanhpersonally I had issues with network-manager02:36
adnanhso i installed wicd02:36
adnanhand the icons are so bad lol02:36
ochosibut if you create a list of missing ones, we can prioritize them and see whether any are worth adding02:36
adnanhwell I'll try and make svg versions for the apps I need, and maybe we could stick them to some xtra package or something02:37
adnanhor 02:37
ochosiif they're good and widely used i'm not opposed to including them by default02:37
adnanhdoes xchat have it's own for example02:38
ochosixchat is a troublesome beast afair02:38
adnanhhahah how come02:38
ochosii think their icon is in the app, not the icon-theme02:38
ochosiso we can't simply override it02:38
ochosiat least that was the case when i last looked at it02:39
adnanhlet's make xfce4 fork which only has icon changed haha02:39
ochosior just open a bugreport and ask them to include icon-theme support02:39
adnanhnotice the wicd ugly icon lol02:40
ochosiyeah, agreed, that doesn't look great02:40
ochosiyeah, but that's wicd's problem02:40
adnanhand it's in /usr/share/pixmap/wicd02:40
ochosiit should use the standard-icon-names02:40
ochosithen i'm not even sure we can properly override it02:40
adnanhhmm, could try with the bug report you said02:41
adnanhto wicd and xchat02:41
ochosiyeah, no clue how nicely maintained they are02:41
ochosibut if you shout loud enough, maybe they'll change something02:41
ochosixfce4-screenshooter trayicon?02:41
ochosior is that something else02:41
adnanhnah, I just realised it's a launcher02:41
ochosiwell and with clementine i'm not sure02:42
ochosiit should be in the sound-indicator anyway02:42
adnanhhmm, actually that is xfce4-screenshoter :|02:42
adnanhjust added it02:42
adnanhand it has the same icon02:42
adnanhthe xfce4-screenshooter trayicon seems broken02:43
ochosiin what way?02:43
adnanhi mean it doesn't have the monochrome version thingy02:43
ochosiyeah, but it's not a trayitem02:44
ochosiit's a panel-applet02:44
ochosior plugin02:44
adnanhbug report it is then02:45
ochosiand i'm not sure it's very useful, if you simply can hit the print-button to launch it02:45
ochosi(i mean: what other app has a dedicated single-stroke button assigned to it!)02:45
adnanhI installed screencloud, it's really nice02:45
adnanhthe hostimage with screenshot app was giving me problems02:45
ochosimight check that some day02:46
ochosianyway, gotta get some sleep now02:46
adnanhI think it's like closed source02:46
adnanhbut it's 0$02:46
adnanhnight! :)02:46
=== jackson_ is now known as Noskcaj

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