
asciiWell, it finally got past it, but I'm not sure what made it because I made several changes altogether: I plugged in the battery, noapic and nolapic00:26
=== IdleOne is now known as ElliotNess
=== ElliotNess is now known as IdleOne
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DarkSimHello :) I was thinking about trying Lubuntu, but I already have Ubuntu 12.10 installed, can I install Lubuntu without having to reinstall everything?12:01
bioterrorsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop12:01
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »12:01
DarkSimThank you bioterror, so do I install Lubuntu first, then remove Ubuntu?12:03
bioterrorif find lubuntu satisfying12:04
DarkSimcan I run Lubuntu even if I have Ubuntu still on it, so I can try it out first12:04
DarkSimI've tried everything now but LXDE haha, a lot of people recommended it so I thought hey12:04
DarkSimlet's do this12:04
bioterroryou can choose your desired session12:05
DarkSimHm, command doesn't work12:05
DarkSimSeems to be a lot of dependencies which is the problem12:06
DarkSimbioterror, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1352964/12:07
bioterrorgive that -f ;)12:08
DarkSimDidn't work either12:08
DarkSimTry apt-get -f install with no packages (or specify a solution)12:08
bioterrorcan you sudo apt-get purge libqtgui412:10
DarkSimMay be of help, I upgraded from 12.04 to 12.10 yesterday12:11
bioterrorsudo apt-get autoremove12:12
bioterrordoes it remove unneeded stuff?12:12
DarkSim2 dependencies12:12
DarkSimtried -f12:13
DarkSimno something happened12:13
bioterrorit's nice when you get dependency problems :D12:13
DarkSimOk I might have lied earlier I haven't tried all DE's but I tried a few now :P12:14
DarkSimnow I'm done with autoremove, so what's next, Lubuntu?12:14
DarkSimor update?12:14
bioterrortry sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop12:15
DarkSimWoop woop :)12:15
DarkSimI need to check out a few things about changing themes though since the only reason I haven't tried LXDE yet was because all the screenshots of it was so ugly haha12:16
* bioterror gives bad eye12:17
DarkSimI'm sorry, but the internet gave me a bad image of LXDE12:17
DarkSimIt looked like some kind of kindergarden OS to me with all those horribly bright colored buttons everywhere12:18
DarkSimHopefully I am wrong12:18
DarkSimWhich I probably am12:18
bioterror11.10 looks good12:18
bioterrorand also this 12.1012:18
DarkSimInstallation is done, bioterror12:24
DarkSimHello again12:34
DarkSimTrying out and configuring LXDE right now12:48
DarkSimIt's not as bad I thought, but it's not really a miracle either, hard to put my finger on it12:49
bioterroronce you pop, you cant stop!12:49
bioterrorso what's the problem?12:49
DarkSimTrying to make the UI a bit more hip, a bit more pop12:50
bioterrorbut it's that by default12:50
DarkSimIf I judge things from out of the box I think Xfce still has my top score12:55
DarkSimsince it's really easy to adjust properly12:55
DarkSimbut I will just spend some more time in Lxde and see if I can make it work there as well12:55
DarkSimSince if I can then it's a win since Lxde is lighter and faster12:56
bioterrorDarkSim, lxde + openbox is quite versatile if you are used to terminal13:03
DarkSimWhich I am not :(13:03
DarkSimI don't want to rant too much in here, it's not right13:04
DarkSimI'll just cope with it13:04
blup1I have a question14:53
blup1how can I change the name of My computer?14:53
blup1I tried it with the command Hostaname .... , but it didnt chance anything14:53
leoquantblup1, via /etc/hosts14:55
leoquantbut it is tricky14:55
leoquantlinkage: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/01/how-to-change-hostname-in-ubuntu-11-10/14:57
leoquantthese two files you have to "rename"14:59
blup1ah, you mean the content of these files :D15:01
blup1ok, thanks15:01
leoquantlol indeed15:04
blup1another question15:06
blup1how to transfer something between two laptops via "Create new wireless Network"?15:07
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ToeTagDoes anyone know what specifically is different about the "MAC" .iso  for Lubu?17:07
managicalI got lubuntu on my pc and its got everything all revved up. I noticed acpid wasn't installed so I downloaded that off synaptic. I'm not sure how to manage the power settings are we still using cpu-freq?17:21
ToeTagmanaging power in regards to battery life?17:24
ToeTagThe utility <jupiter> always receives really high accolades17:26
ToeTagin regards to tuning the cpy/kernel/hardware with respect to battery/AC17:26
managicalum no I mean like power saving settings, my fans and everything are spinning full force17:27

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