
=== IdleOne is now known as ElliotNess
=== ElliotNess is now known as IdleOne
TheLordOfTimewhen's the next IRCC meeting?13:17
TheLordOfTimeplanned agenda posted somewhere?13:20
AlanBellthe usual place :)13:20
TheLordOfTimeah good, wanted to make sure this was there: #topic #ubuntu-discuss is it working?13:21
TheLordOfTimegiven, you know, its not being used :P13:21
TheLordOfTimeso where can i propose additional functionality in the bug-announcement bot?15:40
TheLordOfTimethe wiki page?15:40
AlanBellwhat additional functionality?15:40
TheLordOfTimewell, to use -bugs examples:15:41
TheLordOfTime<dakira> xnox:  LP:1077981  <-- that doesn't trigger the bug number parser.15:41
TheLordOfTimebut <TheLordOfTime> LP Bug 1077981 does15:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1077981 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "udev rules from persistent usb-stick leak to installs" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107798115:41
TheLordOfTimecan we get it set so if we see LP:[number] or LP [number] it interprets it?15:41
TheLordOfTimeor rather catches it.15:41
TheLordOfTime(ubot2's in -bugs right now)15:42
xnoxTheLordOfTime: the actuall trigger is "bug NNNNNN"15:43
xnoxbug 115:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Proprietary operating systems have a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115:43
AlanBellor #115:43
TheLordOfTimexnox, any way to add additional triggers?15:43
AlanBellbug #115:43
xnoxTheLordOfTime: no need. enough spam already15:43
AlanBellit can also do things like debian bug 123415:43
TheLordOfTimeapparently alanbell, that's not a trigger15:43
ubottuError: Debian bug 1234 could not be found15:43
xnoxalso it has flood prevention15:43
AlanBellit was an already called bug15:43
xnoxbug 100000015:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000000 in Edubuntu "For every bug on Launchpad, 67 iPads are sold." [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100000015:44
AlanBellgnome bug 4321515:44
ubottuGnome bug 43215 in [obsolete] Backgrounds Emblems and Themes "dragging emblem over list view background misleadingly displays "add this here" cursor" [Minor,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4321515:44
xnoxdebian bug 4321515:44
ubottuDebian bug 43215 in t1lib0 "incorrect shlibs file" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/4321515:44
xnoxwow that's still open!15:44
AlanBelllaunchpad 12315:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123 in Launchpad itself "There's no direct way to see the project info when translating it" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12315:47
AlanBell"* Debbugs (debbugs sucks donkeyballs - please fix debbugs)" hmm15:49
TheLordOfTimealso, any idea when LP yells about membership as an Ubuntu Member on LP, saying that you should confirm you still wnat to be part of that?15:49
AlanBellyou can file a bug against ubuntu-bots asking for that lp:2134 bug snarfing syntax15:53
AlanBellhowever I would want to check with various meeting logs to see if people use that and don't want the bot to respond to it15:53
TheLordOfTimeLP 12315:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123 in Launchpad itself "There's no direct way to see the project info when translating it" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12315:54
TheLordOfTimehm, so it responds to taht15:54
TheLordOfTimethat should be sufficient15:54
TheLordOfTime(no need for a bug report/feature request if a similar one is used)15:55
TheLordOfTimei've seen LP ### used as syntax in -bugs a bit, so... LP: is a tad new and more seldomly used.15:55
TheLordOfTimethanks though.15:55
AlanBellLP:1234 is I think something that is valid on a commit message to have launchpad close the bug for you15:56
TheLordOfTimeindeed.  i've used that before :P15:56
TheLordOfTime(for debdiffs for SRUs :P)15:56
Christian_M_hello everyone17:17
Christian_M_why do i receive the following error: impossible to connect java.security.accessControlException : access denied (java.net.SocketPermission irc.tiscali.it resolve) ???17:20
PiciChristian_M_: This channel is for IRC coordination, if you're looking for support, you're best best is #ubuntu17:21
Christian_M_oh sorry17:21
Christian_M_i thought it was not for ubuntu support17:21
Christian_M_sorry again17:22
TheLordOfTimeAlanBell, since  i might not be able to make the IRCC meeting, where can I put my views on it prior to the meeting, so my opinion is known (although i don't have a say in anything)19:42
TheLordOfTimeperhaps i shoulod just blog on it :P19:42
TheLordOfTimeit being the discuss channel :P19:43
pleia2TheLordOfTime: maybe an email to the ubuntu-irc list?19:43
AlanBellemail to the list would be great19:44
TheLordOfTimeawesome.  i'll draft that email now19:44
AlanBelland/or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/IRCteamproposal19:44
TheLordOfTimeisnt the proposal page there... old?19:46
AlanBellfeel free to delete old stuff19:53
AlanBellthat is just a notepad for stuff relating to topics in meetings19:53

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