
mlankhorstRAOF: can we sru x11proto and wayland then to precise? after that we should be ready to upload lts-quantal stuff..09:38
mlankhorstoh and llvm-3.111:08
mlankhorstI think libxrandr sru would make sense too, difference is only adding the support for provider objects and adding nameLen in XRROutputInfo (which I don't care about and can be reverted for all I care). The additions are noops on precise, and no existing code will behave differently with it in place, see libxrandr commit 5d2edde0bf8460a.11:50
ximionI am currently working on bug #1069031 to make Ubuntu at least show *something* on the screen on the hardware mentioned in this report.12:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1069031 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "intel gma3600: X unable to start" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106903112:07
ximionwhat is the right procedure to get this included in Ubuntu updates?12:07
ximionI'll soon simply attach a debdiff to this report12:08
ximion(as soon as my chroot build has completed and I have been able to test the package)12:08
taskHi, since I updated to 12.10 my Gnome is very slow... I heard this might be realted to NVidia or my bumblebee setup. Any Idea how to solve this?14:47
mlankhorsttask: glxinfo might give you some clue14:49
mlankhorstbut we can't officially support bumblebee, so I'd try without first if I were you14:50
mlankhorstnot official quantal versions at least for mesa..14:51
mlankhorstother than that nothing looks suspicious14:53
taskok, but you still would say my power consumption is related to X in some way14:54
mlankhorstpower consumption probably, unless you turned off the nvidia gpu14:54
taskthat's what I get if I play musik, too http://paste.ubuntu.com/1353215/14:54
mlankhorstbut that'd be more a case of leaving the nvidia gpu on rather than anything else..14:55
tasknono the nvidia is off right now.. It's just that I wonder what my be the cause for my slow Gnome. Therefore, I investigating in any directin ,)14:57
taskWhen I click an non-focused window it takes almost 1-2 seconds to bring it to the front and focused.14:59
taskeven when CPU usage is below 5% ... as I understadn you I'm on the right track by examin Bumblebee environemt15:00
taskOk, I'll move on. Thanks for your help.15:05

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