
shadeslayerI'm not sure what happened but somehow I think Launchpad lost my upload02:06
shadeslayerdon't have an email saying that the upload was accepted/rejected02:08
shadeslayeraha, there we go02:27
albertarnoldgoreHow does one specify a Debian distribution as a build target? Neither unstable nor squeeze in the changelog seems to accomplish this.02:31
ScottKFor a PPA?02:33
ScottKYou don't.  It's not supported.02:33
albertarnoldgoreOh. I thought that some projects managed to provide Debian packages via Launchpad.02:33
shadeslayerafaik only ubuntu releases can be provided as targets02:34
ScottKThey may distribute binary packages for manual download, but not from a PPA.02:34
albertarnoldgoreAny recommendations for this?02:35
shadeslayerreprepo + apache02:36
shadeslayerafaik that's the only way to do this02:36
albertarnoldgoreOkay. I will try that. Thank you for the suggestion.02:37
shadeslayerdebian has good info about reprepo on their wiki :)02:37
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=== Joan is now known as Logan_
psusiso I have been trying to pull up blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-r for the last 3 days and keep getting a timeout error OOPS03:43
StevenKThat's a known bug, IIRC03:46
toabctlcan someone have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/714622/comments/26 , please?11:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 714622 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "import fails when lp branch has been push --overwrite'n" [High,Confirmed]11:13
czajkowskitoabctl: what about that commennt?11:14
toabctlczajkowski, I thought it's possible to reimport the package.11:18
toabctlczajkowski, It's a request to requeue the package.11:19
mgzI think it's just a case of running the right package importer command on jubany, but it's probably worth getting the instructions from maxb or someone else who's done it in the past11:24
czajkowskimgz: cheers11:24
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sunweaverhi! I am trying to build a package on launchpad (it is by far not the first package built, but the most stubborn...): http://paste.debian.net/208933/17:41
sunweaverit is the fourth attempt. There was a package in ppa:x2go/ppa named python-gevent. Version 1.0~b1-0... This package succeeded the source build, but not the binary builds. Those failed. Tried rebuilds of the binary packages, but those failed due to lack of the presence of the source package (if I recall correctly).17:43
sunweaverbtw: I am talking of python-gevent backported to lucid...17:43
sunweaverso then, I wiped the lucid ppa of the source package python-gevent. That was a couple of hours ago.17:44
sunweaverHowever, I cannot rebuild from the bzr branch, the source uploads failed perpetuitively.17:45
sunweaveranyone here who can give me a hint on how to address this?17:45
sunweaverhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/122945493/upload_4354570_log.txt states that there is a source package of the same version but when looking at the ppa with the launchpad webGUI, the package is already gone.17:46
sunweaveris it just a matter of more time?17:46
czajkowskimgz: ^^^17:49
mgzsunweaver: if you retry a build you need to bump the version17:55
mgzthis is what the little numbers off the end of your package version are for17:55
sunweavermgz, ok, will do.17:56
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
sunweavermgz, my naming rule is this: {debupstream}-0~{revno}, shall I change this to {debupstream}-0~{revno}~build2?17:58
sunweavermgz, sorry, my client played tricks on me... In case you answered while I was logged out I'd appreciated you resending your reply.18:03
mgzsunweaver: that would be fine I think, but be a little careful with tilde, it's special in slightly surprising ways18:04
sunweavermgz, so I'd rather put a "+"?18:07
mgzright, that would be more normal18:07
superm1so now that bug 1071562 is actually fixed, how do  get space back on my team PPAs? https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/master-building/+packages and https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/fixes-building/+packages18:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 1071562 in Launchpad itself "UEFI signing failures cause binaries to be republished continuously" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107156218:30
ujjainIs it possible to make a project entirely invisible?19:32
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
beniwtvHi, I'm unable to upload a release tarball to launchpad. The size is 19MB, and it always gives the mesage "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server." when the browser finishes the upload. My upload is taking somewhat long because I'm on a slow connection. Any ideas if that could be the problem?19:43
lifelessbeniwtv: it could be yes19:45
beniwtvlifeless: That's what I thought, so I'll have to wait till I get to a better connection, or anything you could think of? (Hmmm... does Launchpad check how long a upload takes?)19:48
lifelessthere is an haproxy in there with a 20 second hard timer, but that should only kick in after the upload completes19:49
lifelessbeniwtv: I believe you're seeing bug 19455819:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 194558 in Launchpad itself "Project file upload timeout (and often do not OOPS)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19455819:49
beniwtvlifeless: Yes, checking on that I have the same syntoms19:51
shadeslayerhas copying packages between PPA's been disabled?19:52
beniwtvlifeless: Thanks for all the infos, I'll retry on another connection soon.19:53
shadeslayer( possibly due to bug 1071562 )19:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1071562 in Launchpad itself "UEFI signing failures cause binaries to be republished continuously" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107156219:53
shadeslayeroh .. possibly old packages have not been deleted due to janitor being offline19:54
wgrantshadeslayer: No, copying is not disabled20:41
wgrantThe only service issue today is that PPAs aren't having old packages removed, so you may need a quota increase20:42
shadeslayerwgrant: hmm .. then I'm not sure what the issue is20:42
shadeslayerwgrant: copying kmozillahelper from https://launchpad.net/~blue-shell/+archive/firefox-kde to https://launchpad.net/~cyberspace/+archive/ppa doesn't work20:43
shadeslayerkmozillahelper 0.6.4~git20121019+4-0ubuntu0~ppa4~precise1 in precise (binaries conflicting with the existing ones)20:43
wgrantshadeslayer: That's unrelated20:46
wgrantIt's just the usual rule that you can't copy binaries between PPAs if the target already has binaries with the same version but different content20:47
shadeslayerbut that's the issue, I don't see binaries related to kmozillahelper in : http://ppa.launchpad.net/cyberspace/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/k/20:48
wgrantThey must not conflict with anything that's ever been published20:49
wgrantNot just stuff that is published today20:49
shadeslayergot it20:49

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