=== frewsxcv94709 is now known as frewsxcv [15:40] buenos dias, everyone [15:40] i feel like we have already spent waaaay too much time talking about the plymouth stuff on the mailing list :P [15:41] i plan to temporarily remove blender from the seeds to try to get the images to build again [15:41] i'm guessing this might be one of the python3.0 things [16:02] scott-work: We were discussing the python issue before. Could be Blender needs to be patched for it to install [16:06] zequence: ja, i think this is the problem, i haven't been keeping up with #ubuntu-devel but i would expect appreciable discussion regarding python [16:07] i wonder if we could get debian multimedia to assist in this and then request a sync into ubuntu?