
adnanhello all :)09:15
adnanhow's it going :)09:32
ochosimade some progress again on the weather icons09:38
adnanoh, mind if i take a peek? :))10:02
ochosino, it's on github, so it's public anyway10:02
adnanah right, I'll pull them 10:02
adnancould you show weather preview thing10:05
adnanforecast :)10:05
ochosie.g. like this: http://imagebin.org/23566910:06
ochosias you can see the 48px aren't finished10:06
adnanmhm, they look great :)10:08
adnangreat job10:08
ochosithe main issue is the sun in 48px10:10
ochosias soon as i've done that, i think it'll be easy to finish the rest10:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pleia2our site is feeling better now, squid had gone wonky16:08
knomepleia2, yeah, good.18:42
pleia2there, http://xubuntu.org/press/ now has many things19:08
pleia2knome: do we want non-subscribers to ever be able to post to -devel? (I'm wondering if we should just reject them all, instead of putting them into moderation)19:14
knomepleia2, can we have some kind of *more friendly* message to subscribe then?19:16
pleia2where? in the message rejected notice?19:18
knomeiirc, the current one is mailman default, which is kind of dull19:18
knomei think adding some kind of xubuntu-specific message, even if it essentially said the same, could be good19:20
pleia2I'll have a look :)19:21
knomei think we definitely can change that19:21
knomei think i've even seen that field19:22
knomebut the thing is we should write it19:22
* pleia2 nods19:22
knomewe probably even should write something about if it's about support, don't subscribe and resend19:22
knomebut rather send to -users19:22
knomephotoshop font selecting19:24
knomeyou can't select a font that starts with a small letter by writing the name, even if you typed with small letters19:24
knometyping "ne" doesn't suggest "nevis", but happily suggests "Negotiate"19:25
pleia2sounds broken, should submit a patch19:27
pleia2(oh wait!)19:27
knomewell, it's CS2, so not too current anyway ;)19:27
pleia2ah :)19:27
knomeworksforme though, not too many "kewl" features19:28

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