pleia2 | if you hit tab a couple of times it will tell you there are thousands of possiblities (4323 on mine) | 00:01 |
pleia2 | Display all 4323 possibilities? (y or n) | 00:01 |
pleia2 | that's not very practical though :) if you have some idea what the name of the application you want to run is you can also use tab completion, so for firefox you can do something like: fir and then hit tab | 00:01 |
Justakill | pleia2: thanks | 00:05 |
Justakill | pleia2: is the're a way to do it knowing the end of the program name? | 00:10 |
pleia2 | Justakill: for example? | 00:15 |
Justakill | pleia2: *tex or something | 00:17 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
c2tarun | my xubuntu brightness is getting reset to max after waking from sleep. Any solutions? | 03:40 |
holstein | c2tarun: i tend to just deal with those kind of things... you can try different graphics drivers... that not really an xfce/xubuntu issue.. i think its going to be more driver support for your specific hardware | 04:04 |
c2tarun | holstein, actually the problem is a kernel issue, changing brightness quickly crashes my system. :( so I cannot change my brightness very frequently. | 04:13 |
c2tarun | If I can change it quickly I am ok with changing it everytime I boot. | 04:13 |
gobblin | why not adjust the brightness of the monitor | 04:27 |
acuozzo | How do I restore the main menu? | 07:37 |
acuozzo | I've deleted many items and it seems that removing entries it has in common with "Settings Manager" removes them from the "Settings Manager" as well | 07:37 |
acuozzo | Including, absurdly, "Main Menu" | 07:37 |
baizon | acuozzo: run alt+F2 | 07:38 |
baizon | then main menu | 07:38 |
baizon | and there is a button "restore..." :) | 07:38 |
acuozzo | Yes, but restore didn't restore any entries | 07:38 |
acuozzo | I tried that prior to closing out the Main Menu editor window | 07:39 |
acuozzo | It looks like the default menus are stored in /etc/xdg/menus | 07:42 |
acuozzo | Does anyone know where to restore the files to? I suppose somewhere in ~/.config | 07:43 |
acuozzo | Damn. That one only includes the active menu entries | 07:45 |
acuozzo | phew | 07:52 |
acuozzo | got it back | 07:52 |
acuozzo | You need to copy the entries from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications | 07:53 |
acuozzo | Coming from the BSD world | 08:02 |
acuozzo | Will I experience any difficult if I were to set my umask to 077? | 08:02 |
acuozzo | difficulty* | 08:02 |
Justakill | hey. When i type ~/.vim in terminal it tells me: Is a directory but if i try to cd into it it says no such directory. What am I supposed to make of that? | 10:07 |
xwalk_ | Justakill: What's the exact common you're trying to use to go into the directory? | 10:09 |
xwalk_ | command* | 10:09 |
TheSheep | also, what 'ls -ald ~/.vim' says? | 10:11 |
Justakill | thesheep: 4096 Nov 12 21:33 /home/freec/.vim | 10:15 |
Justakill | thesheep: this is what i got | 10:15 |
Justakill | xwalk_: what did you mean by common? | 10:16 |
TheSheep | Justakill: should be something like 'drwxr-x---' in front | 10:16 |
TheSheep | Justakill: if there is a 'd' in front, then it's a directory | 10:16 |
Justakill | TheSheep drwxr-xr-x 2 | 10:17 |
TheSheep | yup | 10:17 |
Justakill | TheSheep: okay well it does | 10:17 |
xwalk_ | I mistyped "command". | 10:17 |
TheSheep | Justakill: by 'common' he meant 'command' :) | 10:17 |
Justakill | TheSheep: not sure the 2 means either | 10:17 |
xwalk_ | Should have done a s/common/command. | 10:17 |
TheSheep | Justakill: that's a number of references to that directory | 10:18 |
TheSheep | Justakill: 2 means that there is only '.' and '..' inside it, so it's empty | 10:18 |
Justakill | TheSheep: okay. Do you know why dosn't work? | 10:19 |
Justakill | xwalk_: yea I used cd | 10:19 |
TheSheep | Justakill: most likely you made a typo somewhere | 10:20 |
Justakill | TheSheep: lol....... yes it would seem to be the case | 10:23 |
Justakill | TheSheep: Thats the second time in two days i make a typo and start asking questions on IRC... This has to stop.... | 10:24 |
xwalk_ | Well, just make a habit of using your up arrow when the command you think you typed doesn't work. You'll be able to stop and take a look at what you may have mistyped by looking at it that way. | 10:25 |
Justakill | xwalk_: thanks for the advice. | 10:26 |
xwalk_ | Justakill: I have to do that a lot too. It tends to be a "command" mistake. | 10:29 |
x_ | | 11:30 |
TheSheep | x_: there is a #xubuntu-offtopic channel for random chat, feel free to join it | 11:33 |
x_ | sorry, was on the wrong channel when I posted that | 11:34 |
x_ | still, craziest story you'll read today | 11:34 |
TheSheep | I read it yesterday | 11:34 |
tomatopotato | do you tink he did it? | 11:34 |
* x_ shrugs | 11:35 | |
TheSheep | --> #xubuntu-offtopic :) | 11:35 |
TheSheep | sorry | 11:35 |
tomatopotato | so im back here | 11:36 |
tomatopotato | again... | 11:36 |
tomatopotato | any idea how i can make my graphics card radeon x1950 work with xubuntu 12.10 runing kernel, glxinfo says accelerated, but glxgears gives a black screen, and other 3d accelerated for example games dont work | 11:36 |
tomatopotato | here we go xorg log | 11:36 |
TheSheep | tomatopotato: do you have more than one screen? | 11:38 |
tomatopotato | no | 11:45 |
tomatopotato | only one screen | 11:51 |
tomatopotato | TheSheep | 11:51 |
tomatopotato | btw. how can i check with apt for example what fglrx related stuff is installed on my comuter with apt? | 12:15 |
tomatopotato | btw and it seems like xubuntu installed some fglrx stuff | 12:26 |
tomatopotato | how do i get in grub? | 13:29 |
tomatopotato | with f5? | 13:29 |
GridCube | tab | 13:32 |
tomatopotato | hi should i run update-grub or update-grub2 with xubuntu? | 14:15 |
GridCube | they are the same | 14:15 |
tomatopotato | so update-grub2 is no problem? | 14:16 |
tomatopotato | ok done | 14:17 |
tomatopotato | thnx | 14:17 |
tomatopotato | now checking if everything is fine | 14:17 |
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tomatopotato | ok just FYI | 15:04 |
tomatopotato | i got my x1950 pro running with 12.1 | 15:04 |
tomatopotato | i got my x1950 pro running with 12.10 | 15:04 |
tomatopotato | by adding the following kernel flag to grub "pci=nomsi" | 15:05 |
tomatopotato | now works fine | 15:05 |
tomatopotato | what a miracle haleh luyah | 15:05 |
tomatopotato | all thanks to the help from agd5f from #radeon and thank you all to who tryed to help | 15:06 |
acuozzo | Does anyone here use an HP laptop with "Beats Audio"? | 15:35 |
c2tarun | hi friends is there anyone who can help me in editing /usr/share/applications/*.desktop file? Here is my eclipse.desktop file I am getting error, I think something is wrong with EXEC line. | 16:25 |
tomatopotato | hey guess what, i got my radeon x1950 working with the "radeon" driver just needed to add "pci=nomsi" flag kernel in grub | 16:26 |
GridCube | whats the error c2tarun | 16:26 |
c2tarun | GridCube, Failed to execute child process "/home/tarun/eclipse" (Permission denied) | 16:27 |
c2tarun | GridCube, and also there is no icon in application menu. | 16:27 |
GridCube | c2tarun, where is the eclipse program residing? on a terminal type: whereis eclipse | 16:28 |
c2tarun | GridCube, actually eclipse is not installed, latest eclipse doesn't need any installation. I can execute the executable directly and it'll work. | 16:28 |
GridCube | so the executable is at /home/tarun/eclipse? | 16:29 |
c2tarun | GridCube, yes | 16:29 |
GridCube | or thats the folder for the executable? | 16:29 |
c2tarun | ohh... shit :( very sorry, my bad | 16:29 |
GridCube | :) np | 16:30 |
c2tarun | GridCube, thanks it is working now | 16:30 |
GridCube | :D | 16:30 |
ircnode0 | somebody know what to delete to reset a profile? can't find .profile folder in home directory | 16:47 |
c2tarun | ircnode0, what profile? | 16:49 |
ircnode0 | c2tarun: desktop profile, I think. (when my friend log in, he's desktop looks funny) | 16:50 |
c2tarun | ircnode0, so you tried to change your looks and screwed something? | 16:51 |
ircnode0 | c2tarun: no. He doesn't know how to change profile. | 16:52 |
c2tarun | ircnode0, I dont think there is anything like desktop profile. Desktop settings are different for different user logins. If you can please explain your problem in detail, then somebody might help you. take your time to type in detail | 16:53 |
ircnode0 | when he opens any program there is no menu at all (e.g. firefox, thunar) | 16:54 |
ircnode0 | I have experienced this before. at that time I deleted a profile (can't remember what kind of profile) to solve my problem. | 16:55 |
holstein | c2tarun: thats what i was thinking.. a driver issue... you can try other kernels and see if a driver in one of them is more "friendly"... sometimes i just load up a bunch of live CD's and go with what is easiest.. or try other drivers if there are proprietary modules for your device | 17:11 |
holstein | !ati | 17:11 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 17:11 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
naxilxubuntu | hello | 18:22 |
naxilxubuntu | lot of icone is disappear | 18:22 |
naxilxubuntu | and have change look.. | 18:22 |
naxilxubuntu | is strange.. | 18:22 |
naxilxubuntu | how i can reset the default xfce impostation? | 18:23 |
naxilxubuntu | i have xubuntu12.10 | 18:23 |
acuozzo | Does anyone here use an HP laptop with "Beats Audio"? | 18:23 |
holstein | naxilxubuntu: you can remove .hidden files... such as .config or other .xfce ones... | 18:24 |
naxilxubuntu | where? | 18:24 |
naxilxubuntu | i have try to do this mv ~/.config/xfce4-session/ ~/.config/xfce4-session-bak but xfce-session not exist on root | 18:25 |
acuozzo | I can only get ALSA to recognize 4.0 of my 4.1 speakers. That is, I can't get it to recognize the subwoofer. | 18:25 |
holstein | naxilxubuntu: i usually just look around in there... if it doesnt exist, you might be inputting the incorrect path.. i would do this *only* in the users account in question.. and in the user /home | 18:26 |
naxilxubuntu | if i delete all the directory automatically xfce go to default? | 18:26 |
naxilxubuntu | i haven't user/.config/xfce4-session i have only .config/xfce is the same? | 18:28 |
naxilxubuntu | i can't change the theme | 18:28 |
naxilxubuntu | i can't see lot of iconm | 18:28 |
naxilxubuntu | and some icon is different | 18:28 |
=== brospin is now known as unrar | ||
thebiffman | Anyone know how I can disable bluetooth module in my xubuntu installation? The bluetooth module loads and the icon appears. But my system does not have bluetooth :P | 18:45 |
holstein | thebiffman: i just removed the icon.. but you can remove the package, or blacklist | 18:48 |
thebiffman | I guess if it doesnt hurt I could just remove the icon. | 18:48 |
holstein | hurt?... you can go in the session startup and disable it from starting | 18:49 |
unrar | bye! | 19:47 |
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FFreak | hi :) | 20:16 |
FFreak | anyone here who could help me a bit with a prob @ Xubuntu :) ? | 20:17 |
SkippersBoss | !ask > FFreak | 20:19 |
ubottu | FFreak, please see my private message | 20:19 |
FFreak | :) ok I have following problem: | 20:19 |
FFreak | I got Win 8 / xubutu dual boot and today I bought a new HDD a bigger and faste one ^^ I made a clone of the first drive, Xubuntu is working fine and start from the right hdd but windows is alsways booting from the old hdd , how can I change that in grub ? | 20:21 |
FFreak | I am kinda a Xubuntu noob :) | 20:21 |
FFreak | And I dont want to ruin the menu.lst so I thought its better I ask before I do something very wrong | 20:22 |
FFreak | ahh sry I always write menu.lst I mean grub.cfg :) | 20:23 |
well_laid_lawn | I would disconnect the old drive, boot xubuntu, run sudo update-grub, check it boots into windows, reconnect old drive and try again | 20:25 |
FFreak | hmm I will try :) thx. Be right back ^^ | 20:26 |
xubuntu311 | so I am here again and it didnt worked :( | 20:35 |
xubuntu311 | ok I try other way. how can I manuelly make a new entry for dualboot windows 8 in grub.cfg :) ? | 20:43 |
SkippersBoss | xubuntu311, as this problme isn't limited to XU you might want to try the lively ubuntu discussion as well. Mayb someone else has had similar issues | 20:45 |
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
Lachezar | Hey all... Installed Xubuntu 12.10 from scratch, installed my Smart Card provider's lib*.so, but ssh-add -s fails: SSH_AGENT_FAILURE, Could not add card: /usr/lib/ | 21:00 |
GridCube | smart card? | 21:17 |
Lachezar | GridCube: If that's to me: Yes, a Smart Card with a USB Smart Card Reader, using its keys as ssh keys. | 21:18 |
* Lachezar hates things going backwards on upgrade. | 21:19 | |
GridCube | Lachezar, are you sure you are using the proper .so? maybe theres a 64b and 34b version? | 21:22 |
GridCube | i dont really understand how this things work sorry | 21:22 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Well... It's from a .deb from a repository. And it does work when used with pkcs11-tool, but SSH-Agent crashes. And it didn't until yesterday, when I migrated from 12.04 to 12.10 | 21:23 |
GridCube | oh i see | 21:23 |
GridCube | well sorry i would not know :/ | 21:23 |
Lachezar | GridCube: The most obnoxious piece: There are no log items in /var/log, or .xsession-errors, that would tell me what actually went wrong:( | 21:23 |
GridCube | there might be a --verbose flag for the program? | 21:24 |
Lachezar | This channel is quite empty... And #linux was even less help... | 21:24 |
* Lachezar sighs and walks away to #ubuntu. | 21:24 | |
Lachezar | GridCube: Yeah... However the SSH Agent is ran by the X11 initialisation scripts... | 21:25 |
GridCube | then it should be logged somewhere | 21:25 |
Lachezar | GridCube: My sentiments exactly! But alas: no luck on that. I even tries strace-ing the ssh-add, but it does not help. I see the error being sent from the SSH Agent, but still there is no reason for it. | 21:27 |
Lachezar | And an even worse part: If I run the SSH Agent manually: everything works! | 21:27 |
GridCube | mmmm | 21:27 |
GridCube | then. you could add it to the xfce start instead | 21:28 |
Lachezar | GridCube: So I can't even debug the Agent, as it works under the debugger... Frack! | 21:28 |
Lachezar | GridCube: SSH Agent requires a bit weirder setup, as it gives off a few environment settings. And then. I'd hate to have two ssh agents running... | 21:29 |
GridCube | mmhm i understand, but then you could take it of from cron? | 21:29 |
GridCube | Lachezar, you should have a folder ~/.ssh/ | 21:30 |
GridCube | maybe your logs are there? | 21:30 |
Lachezar | GridCube: I have .ssh, and there are no logs there :( | 21:31 |
GridCube | does root have it? | 21:31 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Hm... The SSH Agent is not ran as root, but as the user (from /etc/X11/Xsession.d/90x11-common_ssh-agent) | 21:32 |
GridCube | i see | 21:32 |
GridCube | Lachezar, maybe this can help you; | 21:32 |
GridCube | maybe not, i dont really understand | 21:32 |
Lachezar | GridCube: That does help, if you have no ssh-agent running. | 21:33 |
GridCube | Lachezar, the other thing i've found is this: | 21:34 |
ubottu | Debian bug 493874 in gnome-keyring "ssh-add -c reports SSH_AGENT_FAILURE and doesn't ask for confirmation" [Wishlist,Open] | 21:34 |
GridCube | also Lachezar | 21:36 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Oh my! This is gnome-keyring sh*t... | 21:38 |
GridCube | o: | 21:39 |
* Lachezar crosses his fingers and prays that none of the Gnome sh*t has crawled into Xubuntu... That would be a shame. | 21:39 | |
GridCube | keyring has always been there | 21:40 |
GridCube | if they mess it up then welp | 21:40 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Gnome has replacement for ssh-agent, gpg-agent and similar, that are 'integrated' with the Gnome. And they su*k if not ran under Gnome. | 21:42 |
GridCube | you could ask xfce to start gnome services | 21:42 |
* Lachezar is trying to figure out which ssh-agent is installed... | 21:42 | |
Lachezar | GridCube: Starting Gnome under XFce? What a shame :) I specifically mover from Ubuntu to Xubuntu to avoid it. | 21:43 |
GridCube | P: its just the services | 21:43 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Well... All of those g* programs that I'd like to avoid: orbs, buses, zeitgeist... No thanks... | 21:44 |
GridCube | :/ then i dont know how to help you, sorry | 21:45 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Funny... SSH Agent comes from openssh-client... | 21:46 |
Lachezar | So it *should* be the original one... | 21:46 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Thanks for the attempt anyway. Sorry to have wasted your time. | 21:46 |
GridCube | :) dont worry, and good luck | 21:47 |
ddash | Hi, I have some upgrade issues, is this the correct place to ask questions? | 22:01 |
ddash | I am unable to do release upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10 (even after ticking the "For any new version" option in the synaptic package manager). When I run do-release-upgrade, it says "No new release found". Any suggestions? | 22:08 |
Mmike | Hi. terminal in xubuntu always starts at the centre of the screen - can that be changed? | 22:20 |
ddash | any ideas on why do-release-upgrade is not showing any new releases (12.04 to 12.10)? | 22:21 |
knome | Mmike, you might want to check out the application called gdevilspie | 22:23 |
Mmike | ddash, you probably have it set up to show only upgrades to the LTS releases | 22:25 |
ddash | Mmike: I have set the option to "for any new version" in the synaptic package manager (non-lts versions) even then when I run do-release-upgrade, it doesn't show me any upgrades | 22:27 |
ddash | Mmike: Do I have to manually add quantal repositories? | 22:27 |
Mmike | ddash, no, it should happen automatically, just asec | 22:28 |
knome | ddash, did you do sudo apt-get update? :) | 22:29 |
Mmike | ddash, did you start do-release-upgrade with -d option? | 22:29 |
ddash | Mmike, knome: I have done both | 22:30 |
knome | ddash, what happens with update-manager -d? | 22:30 |
Mmike | I just run it without -d, and got 'no new release'. then I run it with -d, and blastered my sources.list :) | 22:30 |
ddash | Mmike: you are awesome man!!! It turns out I had done update-manager -d and it did not work, but do-release-upgrade -d work!!! | 22:34 |
ddash | Mmike: Thanks a lot sir!!! | 22:34 |
Mmike | np :) | 22:34 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Found it: There was a 'Start Gnome Services' ticked on. I had to disable that, so that gnome-keyring does not override the ssh-agent. | 23:14 |
GridCube | lol | 23:14 |
GridCube | it was the oposite of what i told you to do | 23:14 |
GridCube | XD | 23:14 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Now that I know, that it's gnome-keyring that overrides my SSH_AUTH_SOCK, I can look for a way to make gnome-keyring use my PKCS#11 library. | 23:15 |
Lachezar | GridCube: But until than Gnome Services are banned on my laptop once again :) | 23:15 |
GridCube | :) | 23:16 |
Lachezar | GridCube: The next ugly thing is: Reading Gnome documentation it should work with PKCS#11 out-of-the-box. | 23:17 |
GridCube | jajajaja | 23:17 |
GridCube | :) good luck with that | 23:19 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Thanks. I expect this has something to do with not working: ** Message: couldn't set environment variable in session: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files | 23:20 |
Lachezar | Gnome Services without Gnome... Yeah, right! | 23:21 |
GridCube | Lachezar, remember that debian mailing list link i passed you? i think that one bears information you might need P: | 23:21 |
Lachezar | GridCube: Hmmm... Let me check again: This one? | 23:23 |
ubottu | Debian bug 493874 in gnome-keyring "ssh-add -c reports SSH_AGENT_FAILURE and doesn't ask for confirmation" [Wishlist,Open] | 23:23 |
Lachezar | Quote: Sigh. Why do the gnome people have to be so insane? Oh well. | 23:24 |
Lachezar | Quote-Of-The-Day. | 23:24 |
acuozzo | Does anyone here use an HP laptop with "Beats Audio"? | 23:25 |
Lachezar | GridCube: It gets worse: #516230 (gnome-keyring daemon acts as ssh-agent even | 23:27 |
Lachezar | when instructed not to) | 23:27 |
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GridCube | acuozzo, probably not but ask anyway | 23:34 |
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