
WillZWith the LiveCD/USB version of 12.10, has anyone else noticed that other drives don't connect properly?03:13
WillZIt doesn't mount or access any flash drives you plug into it.  Gives an "/Acc" error...03:14
WillZlively crowd....03:25
WezelI've just installed lubuntu 12.04 on an old laptop without PAE support. Will I safely be able to upgrade to 12.10??03:30
Unit193Well, the issue with that would be the kernel wouldn't get updates, and you'd have to set the 3.2.x kernel as the default or select it on bootup.03:32
Unit193There isn't any officially supported method to get non-PAE on *buntu 12.10.03:34
K350I'm currently usin gKubuntu and I've a KDE them ethat I really love. Now I'm going to use Lubuntu instead. But I would love to use my favorite KDE theme. Is that somehow possible?05:21
holsteinK350: everything is possible, since its all open.. though, pulling that theme over into gtk or whatever is not going to happen05:23
holsteini would just try and emulate the theme aspects05:24
K350holstein: hm, ok. I haven't checked yet. But there's an option to customize the theme in Lubuntu, right?05:26
zottaanybody here?08:32
zottaanybody here?09:10
zottai have installed lxde09:12
zottabut the taskbar and start menu won't show09:12
zottathe desktop is completely white09:13
zottabut i can ricght-click to start a terminal09:13
bioterrorbut you did not install lubuntu-desktop?09:13
zottawhen i minimize windows they just disappear09:13
zottano, i did not install lubuntu-desktop09:13
zottabut yesterday it worked just fine09:14
zottawith lxde09:14
zottabut I had to reinstall the os09:14
zottabecause of failed updates09:14
zottaany idea, why there is no start menu?09:15
zottawill it help to install lubuntu-desktop?09:15
bioterroror lubuntu-core09:15
zottait is actually a server i want to access via vnc09:16
bioterrorthen lubuntu-core ;)09:16
bioterrorit fetches openbox, needed lxde components and  nothing else09:17
zottawhite desktop09:20
bioterrordid you start it with command: startlubuntu09:21
focus_wellHow does one do a Lubuntu from scratch? I'm trying to make my own ARM board and then put Linux on it. I found the MK802 and the Lubuntu on that is really excellent!09:24
zottazotta@zotta:~$ vncserver09:24
zottaNew 'zotta:1 (zotta)' desktop is zotta:109:25
zottaStarting applications specified in /home/zotta/.vnc/xstartup09:25
zottaLog file is /home/zotta/.vnc/zotta:1.log09:25
zottazotta@zotta:~$ startlubuntu09:25
zottawhite screen09:25
focus_wellThe gist of my current understanding is that you compile kernel for the CPU in already working Lubuntu such as the MK802, then blank.09:25
bioterrorzotta, is it possible to check with display what this headless server shows?09:27
bioterroror is there too much distance?09:28
zottajust a few thousand kilometers09:28
zottathe strange thing is until yesterday i had nearly the same configuration09:29
zottaand it worked fine09:29
zottauntil some updates screwed up the system09:30
zottaso i had to reinstall it from scratch09:30
bioterrorI have never actually used servers and VNC, just my mac had VNC running on OS X as I did not always wanted to walk stairs down09:31
bioterrorso I'm not a VNC expert09:31
zottaI googled and some people semmed to have the same problem on actual desktops09:32
zottabut found no solution09:32
bioterrorzotta, sounds nice :D09:36
zottai got something:09:37
zottaif i log in into another user09:37
zottaeverything works as it should09:37
bioterrorsounds like rm -rf !09:38
zottawtf does that do?09:38
bioterrorremoving configuration files that could affect your desktop ;)09:39
zottai do not want to delete all config files09:39
zottai got at least one program, where i do not want the config file deleted09:40
zottaand my document folder of yourse09:40
zottadeleted everything in my profile, except what i really need09:49
zleapwhy does'nt something crash when you want it to ?11:11
zleapjust logged out and ten logged in,   skype crashed and it came up with the crash handler and reporting program,   i let this do what it wants then ijt closes,  i then figure it may be worth filing a bug report on it in oder to improve it,  so log out and back in hoping skype would crash and make the handler come up again and it didn't crash11:13
bioterroryou gotta love that sercurity hole filled propietary software11:22
mungojerryanyone know if there are plans to backport openbox to 12.04 containing the fixes for the crash?12:48
mungojerrybug 93837913:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 938379 in openbox (Ubuntu) "openbox crashed with SIGABRT after closing context menu" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93837913:02
xnoxmungojerry: the bug is not nominated for precise, so no there are no current plans.13:24
xnoxmungojerry: is the diff / patch small & sane?13:24
xnoxjust for _that_ crash?13:24
mungojerryxnox, the diff is quite small13:24
mungojerryfor that crash13:25
mungojerryhowever i noticed that 12.10 users are having just as many crashes (from looking at errors.ubuntu.com), just don't know which crash they are getting13:25
mungojerryi get the openbox crash once a day on average13:25
mungojerrywhich is causing me to consider switching again13:26
mungojerrycos it's my work pc13:26
xnoxmungojerry: well errors don't show much for https://errors.ubuntu.com/?package=openbox which crash are you pin pointing at?13:27
mungojerryxnox my specific crash is bug 93837913:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 938379 in openbox (Ubuntu) "openbox crashed with SIGABRT after closing context menu" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93837913:27
mungojerrythe errors.ubuntu don't tell you which crash happened on the graph though13:28
xnoxmungojerry: can you find the patch in upstream git repo which fixes https://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5460 ? cause we need a single patch to SRU it.13:29
ubottubugzilla.icculus.org bug 5460 in general "openbox crashing since gtk+ 3.4" [Major,Resolved: fixed]13:29
mungojerryxnox, sure, i found it a few days ago, hang on13:29
zupermanHello all! I have several problems, hope you can help. I have ubuntu 11.10 with lubuntu-desktop installed.14:35
zupermanfirst: i want to add keyboard input methods14:35
zupermani can't figure out how to do that in lxde14:35
zupermansecond: i used xrandr to add specific resolution, but it reverts on every restart/logout14:36
zupermanhow to make that permanent?14:36
bioterrorwith xorg.conf14:36
bioterroror add that xrandr command to startup14:36
zupermanok, just to write last problem14:36
bioterror/topic has url to Lubuntu FAQ14:37
zupermanso, third: i can't make flash player run14:37
zupermani have tried everything,14:37
zupermanrestricted extras,14:37
zupermantar.bz packages14:37
zupermandeb packages...14:37
zupermanflashplugin nonfree... etc.14:37
zupermannone of that works14:37
bioterrorexplain more about this input methods14:38
zupermanim from Serbia14:39
zupermanso I want serbian keyboard14:39
zupermani want latin, cyrilic14:39
zupermanand english keyboard14:39
zupermanhow to add that14:39
bioterrorand someone added url to forums in the wiki14:40
zupermantried that14:40
zupermandoesn't work14:40
zupermanXKBMODEL="pc105" XKBLAYOUT="us,rs,rs" XKBVARIANT=",latin," XKBOPTIONS="grp:ctrl_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"14:41
zupermanthat one14:41
zupermani did sudo gedit /etc/default/keyboard14:41
zupermanchanged that, but i still don't have keyboards14:42
bioterroralt+shift does not change it?14:43
bioterrorseems like ctrl+shift14:43
zupermanno, i changed it14:43
zupermanto alt+shift14:43
zupermanbut, tried ctrl+shift also14:43
bioterrorsetxkbmap -option grp:alt_shift_toggle "us,rs"14:45
bioterrordoes that command work?14:45
zupermanbtw, iBus tray icon shows "input method off"14:46
bioterrorwell, you could tell ibus to turn off14:46
bioterrorto turn from off to on14:46
bioterrorit could help14:46
bioterrorbut Id ont know, I'm quite fine with only finnish keyboard14:46
zupermanok, i have cyrillic now14:47
zupermanbut not latin14:47
mcasusciao a tutti15:29
mcasusitalian help?15:29
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:29
zupermanhello, I have 11.10 with lubuntu-desktop, and several issues16:23
zupermanfirst of all, I can't get flash player to work16:24
zupermani tried everything,16:24
zupermanrestricted extras,16:24
zupermandownloading instalation from adobe16:24
zupermantar.bz/deb packages16:24
zupermanthats most anoying issue16:25
zupermananyone can help?16:25
Neverminderhi, i have problem: i was doing nothing particullar, then suddenly all icons from launchers dissapeared, desktop went black, chrome crashed... i restarted, but couldn't get gui, it dropped to terminal. i tried to login with ussername&pass, but i couldnt, it says couldnt open /home/myussername16:59
bioterrorNeverminder, what if you try TTY?17:15
Neverminderwhats TTY?17:15
Neverminderbioterror: i'm on tty (if that's terminal on startup, accessed by ctrl+alt+F1)17:21
bioterrorcan you login from there?17:21
Neverminderit says, cant cd to '/home/myussername'17:21
Neverminderif i press ctrl+alt+f717:22
bioterrorwhen you boot17:22
bioterroryou press left shift17:22
bioterrorand you enter to17:22
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:22
Neverminderdid it17:22
bioterrorand you choose that recovery mode17:23
Neverminderi did that17:23
bioterrorand then you check as root what is happening under your /home17:23
Neverminderhm... by "check" you mean... do what? :)17:24
bioterrorls -la /home17:24
bioterrorfor example17:24
Neverminderso, here's output:17:28
Neverminderfirst line: total 1217:28
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:29
Nevermindercant, im on anoter computer...17:29
bioterroroh well :-)17:29
bioterrorgo on17:29
Neverminderdrwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 (date) (time)17:30
Neverminderthat was first line17:30
Neverminderwith PURPLE dot in the end17:30
Nevermindersecond line is similar17:31
Neverminderjust has drw-rw-rw- 2317:31
Neverminderand two purple dots in the end17:31
Neverminderand green box around that purple dots17:32
Neverminderthird  line:17:32
Neverminderdrwxr-xr-x 32 myussername myussername (numbers) myussername (text colour PURPLE17:33
Neverminderthats all bioterror17:33
bioterrordrwxrwxrwx 69 sad157 sad157  4096 Nov 12 12:39 sad15717:33
bioterrorthat's what I have17:33
Neverminderso...  whats wrong with me? :)17:34
Neverminderi have too much...17:34
bioterrorgood question17:36
bioterrorNeverminder, ls -la /home/myussername/.Xauthority17:37
bioterrorwhat does it say?17:37
Neverminderjust a sec17:37
bioterrorps. you can use tabkey to complete the paths17:39
Neverminderi know17:40
Neverminderhere's output:17:41
Neverminder-rw------- 1 ussername ussername 50 date /home/ussername/.Xauthority17:41
bioterror(technically .Xauthority should not affect to TTY login)17:41
Neverminderi guess i locked my home directory... for me as a usser17:43
Neverminderso, is there a way to create new usser, with authorities (with grub login)17:43
Neverminderand simply access system17:44
Neverminderor fix current usser permissions17:44
Neverminderi remember, i did some tutorial17:45
Neverminderand i entered some chmod17:45
bioterrorthis sounds good17:45
Neverminderi think 666 (wtf)17:45
Neverminderso, it was something like: chmod +666 /some/path17:46
Neverminderoh, sorry, SUDO chmod...17:46
bioterrorwould be nice to know this tutorial17:47
Neverminderthen i recieved something like: cant open /home../sudo17:47
Neverminderi think i cant find it17:47
bioterrorwhat was it about?17:47
Neverminderi was on chrome,17:47
bioterrorif you have sync17:48
Neverminderand i can login on this computer17:48
Neverminderand see history17:48
bioterrorhe can less that too17:48
bioterrorbut I would like to see this webpage17:48
Neverminderthis will take a bit...17:51
Neverminderim on windows now (xp)17:51
Neverminderit has chrome, synced with my account17:52
Neverminderbut doesnt have history17:52
Neverminderso i have to sync chromium17:52
bioterroror google like a maniac17:53
bioterrorand gives the link :D17:53
Neverminderno, cant find it...17:55
Nevermindercan i see list of terminal commands i typed?17:55
bioterrorNeverminder, ~/  = home17:57
Neverminderok, so loaded grub menu, entered terminal as root17:57
Neverminderwhat to type?17:57
bioterrorless /home/foobar/.bash_history17:58
Neverminderno, it didnt logged it...18:05
Neverminderlast log was sudo apt-get install w32codecs18:05
NeverminderI did this later18:05
Neverminderthis chmod thing..18:05
genii-aroundIf you used sudo, check /var/log/auth.log18:06
Neverminderless /var/log/auth.log?18:07
genii-aroundProbably more like tail -n20 /var/log/auth.log18:08
Neverminderi did it!18:09
Neverminderhere's last command:18:10
Neverminder /bin/chmod 666 / sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness18:10
Neverminderthen, it all happend18:11
Neverminderblack screen, no picture icons, chrome crash...18:11
Neverminderand i couldnt login after restart18:11
bioterroris there really a space between / and sys?18:12
Neverminderit was c/p18:13
Neverminderbioterror: http://linuxlike.blogspot.com/2012/02/controle-de-brilho-para-o-lubuntu-lxde.html18:14
Neverminderi translated it18:14
Neverminderthat's webpage18:14
bioterrorthat url doesnt have / sys18:14
bioterrorit has /sys/18:14
Neverminderoh... :S18:15
Neverminderso, i made a misstake... :S18:15
Neverminderbut i allways do c/p18:15
Neverminderso, i did chmod 666 to / ???18:16
Nevermindercan I undo it?18:16
genii-aroundAt least it wasn't with -R18:17
bioterrordrwxr-xr-x   4 root root  4096 Oct  8  2011 home18:17
bioterrorwhat if you say ls -la /18:18
bioterrordo you get same parameters for home?18:18
Neverminderi think not18:18
Neverminderjust a sec18:18
Neverminderi can try again18:18
Neverminderfor ls -la /18:20
Neverminderi get many lines18:20
Neverminderi recognize / folders at the end of lines18:20
Neverminderand for ls -la /home18:20
Neverminderi get those lines i sent you18:21
bioterrorls -la / |grep home18:22
Neverminderand, btw bioterror, i just saw: when you translate that page in chrome, it has space after /18:22
bioterrorso it seems18:23
bioterrornext time, stick with webpages in english :D18:23
Neverminderi will...18:24
Neverminderhere's output:18:24
Neverminderdrwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 (date) (time) home (home is red)18:25
bioterrorit looks the same18:25
bioterrorwhere this chmod / has affected then?18:25
Nevermindermaybe /home/ussername18:26
bioterrorI would backup the important stuff18:29
bioterrorprobably start openssh-server and use winscp for example to login there and copy the improtant stuff18:29
bioterrorand reinstall18:29
Neverminderoh no... for some reason, ubiquity fails for me... for every ubuntu afret 10.1018:30
Neverminderso, i have to install maveric18:30
Neverminderand then do-release-upgrade18:31
Neverminderover and over18:31
Neverminderthats killing18:31
bioterrorhave you ever heard about alternate install?18:31
Neverminderdid it18:31
Neverminderit fails at select and install software18:31
Neverminderon 16%18:32
bioterrorwould be good for example look for another tty where it shows all the magic behind progress bar where it fails and make a bug raport18:32
Neverminderok, so i'm scrwd18:33
bioterrorhard to say18:33
bioterroryou can also try the mini.iso18:33
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:33
Nevermindereven tried nomodeset18:34
Neverminderand acpi=off18:35
Neverminderi have so many issues...18:35
Neverminderlubuntu runs too slow18:35
Neverminderi cant figure out why, its made for old computers18:35
Neverminderi have create --newmode with xrandr every time18:36
Nevermindercause i cant see resolution over 800x60018:36
Neverminderand similar issues18:36
Neverminder*have to create18:37
bioterrorso your computer is also "ancient"?-)18:38
Neverminderits amd 2000+18:38
Neverminder768 MB RAM18:38
Neverminderati radeon 9000 all-in-wonder18:38
Neverminder(64MB of RAM)18:39
bioterrornot that bad specs18:39
Neverminderi think so18:39
chaospsychexso i downloaded the latest lubuntu iso and when i booted it, i'm told since my cpu doesn't support PAE the kernel won't boot. Is there a NON-PAE kernel version of lubuntu ?19:08
chaospsychexit's an old thinkpad t4219:08
chaospsychexcould i just swap out the kernel in the iso with a non-pae kernel ? would that work ?19:08
bioterroruse 12.0419:08
bioterrorI have same 1.7GHz Pentium M19:08
chaospsychexLOL stinkpad....19:09
chaospsychexyeah i need to upgrade to atleast a dual-core...19:09
bioterrorI chose today between T430 and X230 ;)19:09
chaospsychexlucky you, send me one as well PLEASE! ;-p19:11
bioterrorI took T430 as it has 1600x900 and better touchpad than X230 which has 1366x768 and horrible touchpad19:13
chaospsychexprice ?19:13
bioterrorI dunno :D19:14
bioterrorbut yeah, that T42 is horrible19:15
chaospsychexhow much ram does lubuntu use while idle after boot ?19:15
bioterrorit's painfully slow19:15
bioterrorwas it about ~120MB?19:15
chaospsychexhave you ever used crunchbang ?19:15
bioterrorI have19:15
bioterrorbefore and after it went to debian sid19:15
chaospsychexhow does lubuntu compare to it, performance/resource usage wise ?19:15
bioterrorabout the same19:16
bioterrorI myself like more openox + tint2 ;)19:16
bioterrorbut I dont like debian :D19:27
chaospsychexbioterror, you don't like debian ? why ?19:40
pAt_what a difference, Lubuntu takes just 114 MB after boot without buffers and cache, Xubuntu takes 228 MB! Exactly the double!20:20
bioterroranother one is lean mean and optimized20:21
Neverminderhello all23:06
Neverminderi have a problem:23:06
Neverminderi have ubuntu 11.10 with lubuntu-desktop23:06
Neverminderi wanted to change brightness23:06
Neverminderso i followed forum (on portugese, so google chrome translated it to eng.)23:07
Neverminderand i c/p comand /bin/chmod 666 /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness23:07
Neverminderjust, after translation, it become /bin/chmod 666 / sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness (space ater ...666 /)23:08
Neverminderso, i guess i've chmoded /23:08
Neverminderafter that, i lost desktop (it went black), all icons (became white pictures)23:09
Neverminderi rebooted, but cant start gui, it dropped to terminal23:09
Neverminderand when i tried to login, it says something like: cant cd to /home/myussername23:10
Neverminderanyone can help? im on live session (10.10) now23:10
Neverminderbtw, one friend tried to help, he wanted me to: sudo su -    then fdisk -l23:11
Neverminderbut it gave no output at all23:11
Neverminderalso, no output of ls -l /dev/{sd*,hd*}23:11
Neverminderjust error message23:11
Neverminderanyone, please help...23:12
genii-aroundNeverminder: Almost all directories in / should be 755.   /root should be 700, /sys is 55523:19
lubuntuHey you guys -- I have some quick feedback23:49
lubuntuput it in a wishlist or bug report23:49
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest40573
Guest40573I just spent 5 minutes disconnecting and reconnecting to my network because the gray bars in the wireless icon make it seem like I'm disconnected23:50
Guest40573the grey bars should be black23:50
Guest40573because that's how apple does it, and when it is gray, it looks disconnected23:50
Guest40573so yeah23:51
Guest40573just make those bars a little bit darker, (forward this to the graphics person)23:51
Guest40573That, and have the context menu say "connected to [SSID]23:51
Guest40573because all it says is "disconnect"23:52
Guest40573which makes me think23:52
Guest40573I am disconnected23:52
Guest40573IdleOne: tell them to do that, this is semitones :p23:52

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