
rigvedhi everyone.07:27
rigvedi would like to help test 13.04. but i am unable to upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04.07:28
rigvedwhen i type "update-manager -d", it shows that 13.04 is available. when i click on upgrade, it asks for my password and then nothing happens.07:29
rigvedwhat should i do to start the upgrade process?07:29
rigvedwill changing the sources.list to raring work?07:33
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BluesKajHi all13:48
BluesKajnew kernel for 13.04 , linux-image-3.7.0-0-generic amd64 3.7.0-0.514:44
simplewi have upgraded my system and in the end i got this error when running update-initramfs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/135810614:50
simplewwhen upgrading in the end runned update-initramfs and it showed this error:14:57
simplewmodprobe: ../tools/modprobe.c:550: print_action: Assertion `kmod_module_get_initstate(m) == KMOD_MODULE_BUILTIN' failed.14:57
simplewAborted (core dumped)14:57
simplewwhat this means14:57
BluesKajsimplew, looks like the kernel printer module failed to load15:05
BluesKajbut I'm just guessing , simplew15:08
gnomefreakim trying to print screen with right click menu showing. anyone know how to do it.15:59
bazhanggnomefreak, hit prtscrn button while it's up?16:00
gnomefreakbazhang: doesnt work with menu showing16:00
tdignanapt-get install scrot ; sleep 2 ; scrot  (Now right click)16:01
BluesKajgnomefreak, what about the PrtScn key?16:02
gnomefreaktdignan: that will print sceen with menu open?16:02
gnomefreakBluesKaj: doesnt work with menu showing16:02
BluesKajget rid of the menu16:02
tdignangnomefreak: I don't see why it wouldn't. It grabs the framebuffer or whatever.16:03
tdignanI've used it for years.16:03
gnomefreakright click on a file/folder/empty area and hit prntscrn button and it should get shot16:03
tdignanthe problem you have with using the print screen key is that when the menu is shown it has the focus.16:03
gnomefreaktest it16:03
gnomefreaktdignan: so how do i get it to work16:04
tdignanno it doens't, because the right-click menu has focus16:04
tdignanyou *don't*16:04
tdignanyou use scrot and get over it16:04
tdignanor you can file a bug16:04
tdignanwhatevs :)16:04
gnomefreaki need the screenshot for a bug :\16:05
tdignanwhy can't you take one with scrot like I suggested 3 times now?16:05
gnomefreakill try scrot16:05
tdignanawesome choice man16:05
gnomefreaktdignan: perfect16:09
BluesKajtdignan, scrot isn't working here16:09
simplewentao agora o q posso fazer?16:09
BluesKajsimplew, read the text , it's english here16:10
simplewBluesKaj: google translator16:10
BluesKajthat's even worse16:10
simplewBluesKaj: but i wrote in the wrong window16:10
BluesKajok :)16:10
gnomefreakthere should be a channel for your language16:11
simplewgnomefreak: aonde?16:11
gnomefreaknot sure what that is16:12
gnomefreakbe back i need a smoke and think of a bug :(16:13
simplewgnomefreak: serious? you cant identify thelanguage?16:13
BluesKajtdignan, I ran scrot but the dialog still has focus , I'm not real sure about focus settings in system settings so i assume scrot overrides them16:14
BluesKajI'm on KDE btw16:15
gnomefreakno i cant16:19
gnomefreakBluesKaj: you disappoint me using KDE :(16:19
* BluesKaj removes scrot , doesn't provide any benefit16:20
gnomefreakremember gnome gnome gnome16:20
simplewgnomefreak: i can identify severall lags and i also use KDE, and you disapoint me using gnome or unity16:20
gnomefreakmy guess wqould be spanish but not sure16:21
gnomefreakwould even16:21
BluesKajgnomefreak, well I'm afraid you will remain disappointed for quite a long time. I'm a dedicated KDE user and will remain so for the forseable future  :)16:21
simplewgnomefreak: do a seach on "aonde" and youll get it16:21
simplewgnomefreak: and so far i still dont get why ubuntu has gnome and main DE where kde is much far developed and stable16:22
simplewgnomefreak: got it16:23
simplewgnomefreak: sim16:23
simplewBluesKaj: so when rebooting i wil not have any issue?16:25
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BluesKajO_Comprido, witht the new kernel ..i rebooted just fine16:28
O_CompridoBluesKaj: yes but im afraid that ill have issues after seeing that message16:29
BluesKajI saw that message yesterday and rebooting was fine , justy make sure you're up to date with updates/upgrades16:31
gnomefreakapport is broken :(16:31
O_CompridoBluesKaj: 6 what?16:32
O_CompridoBluesKaj: your joking right? i dont believe that can be possible16:33
O_Compridouuuauuu, nautilus its a crap now, isnt possible anymore to have sidebar in tree view, i cant beleive what those gnome guys have in tjeir minds...16:35
BluesKajO_Comprido,  I'm not joking , but i have 12.10 on the other partition as fallback16:36
O_CompridoBluesKaj: you said 616:36
BluesKaj6 was a typo , Meant to type^ , but missed the shift key16:37
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O_Compridoi have installed openjdk-7-jre  but firefo continues not being able to run java17:19
IdleOneO_Comprido: are you running 13.04?17:23
IdleOneO_Comprido: If you are running Raring/13.04 then you can't ask support question in #ubuntu. Raring is in development cycle and is NOT supported in #ubuntu, even if some of the packages may be the same in 12.10.17:26
IdleOneYou have been asked a few times not to cross post questions regarding raring, please follow the guidelines or we will be forced to remove you from #ubuntu.17:27
O_CompridoIdleOne: im running both17:27
IdleOneO_Comprido: that is fine, but question regarding raring are not to be asked in #ubuntu. You posted the same question regarding openjdk in both channels.17:28
O_CompridoIdleOne: and i put a question about enabling java for firefox that is quantal and raring17:28
IdleOneok, let me explain this a little clearer. If you ask one more question regarding raring in #ubuntu I will ban you from both #ubuntu and #ubuntu+1. raring is in dev release at this point and should only be used by users who are capable of working around the problems that will arise.17:30
IdleOneAlso, when you ask a question in here you should expect that it could take several hours to get a response.17:30
O_CompridoIdleOne: but if one answer isnt answered here and is valide for quantal, why isnt possible to post the same question in #ubuntu?17:31
O_CompridoIdleOne: ill respect the channel rules, but some i dont understand17:32
IdleOnebecause questions that pertain to raring may very well appear to be valid for quantal but the users in #ubuntu, don't know what may have been changed in raring. #ubuntu is only for officially released versions of ubuntu17:32
O_CompridoIdleOne: but there are packages that continue to be the same in quantal and raring, so i guess there arent changes, but ok, next time i ask some in quantal ill be runing quantal17:34
O_Compridomean ill ask i #ubuntu when running quantal17:34
O_CompridoIdleOne: could you tell me if nautilus in raring will continue without sidebar tree?17:37
IdleOneI don't know to be honest.17:37
TygartDuring an sudo apt-get update / dist-upgrade the notification keeps saying Activity in session "Shell"17:48
TygartWhy is it saying this?17:48
TygartI have not installed an SSH server17:48
TygartAlso I am using Kubuntu 13.0417:49
trismTygart: what was the issue?18:08
TygartDuring an sudo apt-get update / dist-upgrade the notification keeps saying Activity in session "Shell"18:08
TygartI was worried someone was SSHing into my pc18:08
Tygarttrying to*18:08
trismTygart: sorry I meant what was causing that?18:09
TygartI don't know18:09
TygartIt happens during a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:09
TygartIt did not happen during the apt-get update18:10
trismTygart: oh check this out, sounds related http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde&m=13390927970421218:11
Tygarttrism: http://paste.kde.org/606710/ here is the output of update/upgrade18:12
TygartThere were errors18:13
trismahh yes, the nvidia module may not build with 3.7 yet, I'll try upgrading my system and see what happens18:14
Tygarttrism: I am still using Nvidia 304.48 wasn't that replaced?18:17
trismTygart: nvidia-experimental-304 is on 304.48, nvidia-current is 304.43 and -updates is 304.6418:23
trismTygart: it is a bit confusing now that we have so many packages18:24
TygartI will stay with .48 for now, it works18:24
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Tygarttrism: how did that update go with your Nvidia? My graphics look a little off. The cursor is flashy.19:03
trismTygart: it seems alright here, I am using nvidia-current-updates19:04
Tygartok, I will try and update and try again. If not I will wait until tomorrow.19:05
Tygarttrism: did you restart?19:05
trismTygart: yes, though only a moment ago so I haven't used it long19:07
Tygartok, mine was messy since startup19:09
TygartI am off to update again and restart.19:09
TygartThank you.19:09
trismTygart: good luck19:10
BluesKajust installed the nvidia 304.64 driver , all seems ok so far19:11
TygartI need to purge my graphic driver but I am not sure what to type I am using nvidia expermintal (.48)19:44
Tygartsudo apt-get purge nvidia-????19:44
trismTygart: you were using nvidia-experimental-304, though you could check: dkms status19:45
BluesKajTygart, run glxinfo | grep OpenGL , version string = gives the driver version19:47
trismTygart: dkms is in charge of rebuilding the module whenever the kernel is updated19:47
TygartBluesKaj: brb I need to install gixinfo19:48
BluesKajTygart, most ppl do ,but it's a great ID-er19:49
BluesKajTygart, just run , glxinfo | grep OpenGL19:50
Tygartits like the driver is gone, but the Nvidia tools are still there19:51
BluesKajthe best method atm is to use the package manger , install nvidia-current-updates if you want to try the latest driver , namely the 304.64 , otherwise nvidia-current would be the most stable choice19:55
TygartI want to purge expermintal first.19:58
Tygartsudo apt-get purge nvidia-experimental-30419:58
BluesKajif you just use the package manager , all the proper commands will be issued by the uninstaller , it's the safest method19:59
TygartTrue, thanks. Off for another restart.20:00
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genii-aroundWhoa, firefox just did something really trippy. I had three tabs open, one had some flash animation, it had been sitting idle about an hour. Anyhow, the flash plugin crashed and froze firefox for a minute, I had selected the tab with the animation. When flash got reset, firefox closed that tab, opened up a new browser instance with that page instead.21:12
ActionParsnip3.7 kernel locked in :)23:13

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