
coolbhavidpm, hey14:42
coolbhaviwendar, hey14:42
dpmhi coolbhavi, how are you doing?14:42
wendarhi coolbhavi14:42
coolbhavidpm, fine how about you?14:43
dpmnot too bad :)14:44
coolbhaviwendar, dpm did the TB send a mail on formal sign off on the new proposed app review process? (just asking incase I missed mails)14:44
dpmI haven't been following the TB's meetings, but there's been no reply to the e-mail from them, as far as I know14:46
coolbhaviah thanks dpm :)14:46
coolbhavimeanwhile ll wait tomorrow and ping postman developer too on list let me see14:47
wendarcoolbhavi: no comment from them, which we can take as implicit approval. But, I'll send a message making sure that implicit approval is explicit.14:49
coolbhavithanks wendar14:49
coolbhaviwendar, dpm btw I thought arb and interested members should meet some time.. It has been a long time though14:51
wendarcoolbhavi: that sounds like a good idea14:51
wendarcoolbhavi: maybe suggest a time on the mailing list, and see if the other 2 members can make it?14:52
wendarcoolbhavi: I'll attend too, if I can14:52
coolbhaviwendar, dpm meeting early in cycle makes us get a feel of existing problems to scale and the plan ahead in implementing work items from UDS14:53
coolbhaviI think14:53
wendarcoolbhavi: yes, totally agreed, and good thought14:54
coolbhaviwendar, sure ll bring it up on list now. thanks!14:54
dpmcoolbhavi, that sounds good, I'd also second wendar's suggestion to start proposing a time, and I can try to make it to the meeting too if I can be useful14:54
cwaynecoolbhavi: hello14:55
coolbhavidpm, you are the front face of app devel in ubuntu now :) so its always useful to have your thoughts :)14:56
coolbhavihey cwayne how are you doing?14:56
cwaynecoolbhavi: I'm not bad, how are you?14:56
* dpm hugs coolbhavi14:56
cwaynecoolbhavi: think you might be able to push the unity-lens-vm update at some point?  It seems the version in extras somehow wasn't working14:57
coolbhavicwayne, m also doing good. I'll have a look now :) link pls14:57
* coolbhavi hugs dpm back :)14:57
cwaynebranch here: lp:~cwayne18/ubuntu-app-reviews/vm-lens14:58
coolbhavicwayne, sure ll have a look now and ping back. What was the bug about btw?15:00
cwaynecoolbhavi: there was a problem in bin/unity-lens-vm where it was trying to call UnityLensVmLens instead of VmLens15:02
cwayneso basically, it didn't work at all :(15:02
coolbhavicwayne, no issues ll test again and update15:03
cwaynecoolbhavi: thanks :)15:06
coolbhavidpm, wendar sent a mail to the list now15:09
coolbhavicwayne, :)15:09
dpmsaw that, thanks coolbhavi to get the ball rolling :)15:09
coolbhavidpm, no mention :)15:10
coolbhavicwayne, saw the code change :) will test now15:15
cwaynecoolbhavi: thanks :)15:15
coolbhavicwayne, done16:37
coolbhavicwayne, uploaded the update to quantal extras16:37
cwaynecoolbhavi: thank you!16:37
coolbhavitested out n works fine in detecting my 2 VM's\16:38
cwayneperfect!  i still wonder how that bug got in :/  but no matter, it's fixed now :)16:38
cwaynecoolbhavi: can it be backwards copied to precise as well?16:38
coolbhavicwayne, yes ll do that tomorrow as i'm heading to bed now16:39
cwaynecoolbhavi: sure thing, no rush :)  thanks for the help!16:39
coolbhavicwayne, no mention! take care ciao!16:39
coolbhavidpm, wendar highvoltage mhall119 good night all!16:40
cwaynemornin ajmitch21:20

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