
mfischrobert_ancell: do you know why gnome-control-center wasn't updated to 3.6?03:00
mfischrobert_ancell: could be the dozens of patches we're holding I suppose03:01
robert_ancellmfisch, it has to be done at the same time as gnome-settings-daemon03:01
robert_ancelland that had some side-effects I believe03:01
robert_ancellthe plan is to do it this cycle though03:01
mfischrobert_ancell: is there a test PPA that has them updated anywhere?03:03
robert_ancellmfisch, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa03:03
TheMuso@pilot out03:04
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
mfischrobert_ancell: what are the odds of me being able to install 3.6 on my dev box and then going back to 3.4 without exploding my system?03:04
robert_ancellmfisch, there's also a PPA for the gstreamer migration https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/gstreamer1.003:04
robert_ancellprobably safe?03:04
robert_ancell(haven't tried it myself)03:05
mfischrobert_ancell: I'm trying to pick up an upstream fix that affects N703:05
mfischwell, reinstalls are entertaining anyway, so I'll do it03:05
robert_ancellwhat's the fix?03:05
mfischrobert_ancell: well actually I think it's not fixed, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66211703:06
ubottuGnome bug 662117 in Screen "Brightness slider doesn't sync with the current value" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]03:06
mfischrobert_ancell: I pulled that into the quantal version of g-c-c and it didn't solve the issue03:06
mfischrobert_ancell: from what I can tell it was fixed in gnome in 3.4 and the 3.6 tree03:07
robert_ancellyeah, looks that way03:07
mfisch"fixed" in quotes03:07
robert_ancellfor some defintion of fixed03:07
mfischsince the fix doesn't work for me, so I'll try the 3.6 and see since it should have the "fix' also03:07
* robert_ancell fires up his n703:08
mfischrobert_ancell: the n7 has 2 issues that I think this "fix" should fix, let me find them03:08
mfischrobert_ancell: #1077096 and #107705403:09
robert_ancellmfisch, btw is it a known problem on the n7 where the input locks up and you can select but not click on anything?03:10
mfischrobert_ancell: yep, thats our biggest issue03:10
robert_ancellmfisch, any ideas what it is?03:11
mfischbut you read the Known Issues section of the wiki, I'm sure, so you already know all about it03:11
mfischrobert_ancell: #1068994 button1 gets stuck after a while03:11
mfischrobert_ancell: It's an X issue IIRC03:11
robert_ancellwhy of course I did... :/03:11
mfischDaniel D'Andrada is working on it03:11
mfischrobert_ancell: the only solution is to reboot when that happens unfortunately03:12
robert_ancellyeah, at least it reboots fast!03:12
mfischrobert_ancell: and the unity greeter looks really good too, no scaling issues03:14
robert_ancellyeah it's nice03:14
robert_ancellmahjongg is the best app on the touchscreen03:15
mfischokay, rebooting with this new g-s-d03:15
mfischI guess a logout will do03:16
mfischrobert_ancell: gnome-settings-daemon died :(03:23
robert_ancellnot a good sign03:24
mfischmy laptop is blindingly bright, better than too dim to read I guess03:24
robert_ancellmfisch, is it in-scope to modify the theme so the window controls are clickable (i.e. win7 shaped)03:29
mfischrobert_ancell: close/minimize etc?03:29
robert_ancellmfisch, yes03:29
mfischI think we have a bug filed about that actually.03:30
robert_ancellI couldn't see it03:30
mfischlet me find it03:30
mfischrobert_ancell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/107547003:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1075470 in ubuntu-nexus7 "Titlebar buttons are unusably small for tablets/touchscreens and don't scale with the fonts/titlebar" [Medium,Confirmed]03:31
robert_ancellah, ta03:31
robert_ancellwas searching for window controls etc03:32
mfischrobert_ancell: #ubuntu-arm is the designated channel for N7 question, but bugs like these make sense to discuss here too03:33
robert_ancelloh, I thought I was in #ubuntu-desktop, didn't notice this was #ubuntu-devel03:34
robert_ancellmeh, too many channels anyway :)03:34
mfischrobert_ancell: regarding that brightness bug, how does one go about testing the "pure gnome" version?03:35
mfischor how do you prove that it's not just the fault of the Ubuntu version?03:35
robert_ancellmfisch, compile it locally. You'd have to replace the existing binary or do some hackery though03:36
robert_ancellmfisch, with apps it's easy, but lower level stuff much harder. You can compile the package with the patches disabled03:36
mfischoption B might be easier03:37
robert_ancellas long as none of the patches are strictly required (which is generally the case)03:37
* robert_ancell just realized he has 5 active screens in front of him03:41
pittigood morning04:50
hyperairTheMuso: ping05:30
hyperairregarding bug #1070631, what else is necessary?05:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1070631 in Banshee "[Sync libgpod 0.8.2-7 from Debian unstable to Raring] libgpod-cil contains arch-specific code but is declared arch:all" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107063105:30
hyperairTheMuso: the debdiff contains only a debian/changelog entry, and rightly so, because no other changes are needed to backport it.05:31
hyperairTheMuso: it's sitting there as a debdiff because i can't upload libgpod myself.05:31
TheMusohyperair: So its a no-change rebuild in quantal essentially...05:33
hyperairTheMuso: -proposed.05:33
TheMusoYeah well of course.05:33
hyperairTheMuso: it's a *backport* of -7 which is in raring, into quantal-proposed.05:33
hyperairnot a rebuild of -6 which is in quantal.05:34
TheMusourm... Shouldn't you then be pulling the patch from the -7 packaging?05:34
hyperairyes it's to be applied against -7?05:34
hyperairdon't you see the context lines?05:35
hyperairit says  libgpod (0.8.2-7) unstable; urgency=low05:35
hyperair 05:35
hyperair   * [1c86366] Make -cil packages non-arch-all (Closes: #689054)05:35
TheMusoYes I see that, but are you saying you want the entirity of -76 put into quantal-proposed?05:35
TheMuso*the entire -7 upload05:35
hyperairdo you need a debdiff against -6 for that?05:36
TheMusoYes but I see 3 changes there that are not relevant to the SRU.05:36
hyperairhang on, lemme check that..05:36
hyperairTheMuso: which 3 changes?05:37
hyperairoh, okay, should i remove those?05:38
TheMusoBump debhelper to 9, the standards version change, and the package section change.05:38
TheMusoAll of which are in -7.05:38
hyperairTheMuso: they're insignificant changes that don't result in any user-visible changes05:38
hyperair-6 is already built against dh >=905:38
hyperairin quantal, thatis05:39
hyperairbumping that makes no difference05:39
TheMusoNo, but I have seen the release team raise flags over changes like that that are not relevant to the SRU.05:39
ScottKYes, but if you change compat it can change how debhelper processes stuff.05:39
hyperairScottK: i didn't change compat.05:39
hyperairScottK: it's only bumping the build-dep version.05:39
hyperairScottK: it was already on compat 9, build-depping on >= 8.9~05:39
hyperair8.9~ -> 9 = no difference05:39
ScottKSRU should be minimal.05:40
ScottKI agree it's not needed.  So it shouldn't be there.05:40
* hyperair sighs05:40
hyperairfine, i'll strip it05:40
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hyperairTheMuso: alright, i've uploaded the new patch.06:11
TheMusohyperair: Ok, I'm taking care of it now.06:31
diwic@pilot in07:20
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: diwic
diwic@pilot out07:25
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
dholbachgood morning07:59
pittihey dholbach07:59
dholbachhi pitti07:59
pittidholbach: tu n'est pas dans #ubuntu-quality ?08:00
pittidholbach: ah, maintenant!08:00
dholbachpitti, oui, je suis là08:00
geserbonjour / good morning / Guten Morgen08:02
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pittigeser: доброе утро!08:03
diwic@pilot in08:09
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: diwic
* dholbach hugs diwic08:11
* diwic hugs dholbach 08:11
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tkamppeterSeems that I have hit a ghost dependency in apt-get making it impossible to use apt-get again. I have installed "ia32-libs' trying to install some closed-source app and ia32-libs is uninstallable as some i386 library versions did not get built. Now "apt-get install -f" insists on installing the uninstallable libraries, even after removing all :i386 packages11:53
seb128to be complete tkamppeter would like to "undo" the "those new packages will be installed" and doesn't know how11:54
seb128installing them fail due to what looks like cairo/avahi multiarch bugs:11:55
seb128" trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libcairo-gobject2/README.gz', which is different from other instances of package libcairo-gobject2:i386"11:55
seb128bug #107862511:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1078625 in cairo (Ubuntu) "package libcairo-gobject2 1.12.2-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite shared '/usr/share/doc/libcairo-gobject2/README.gz', which is different from other instances of package libcairo-gobject2:i386" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107862511:55
seb128pitti, I hope that gzip bug is not back11:56
* seb128 does like those README.gz being different between arches11:56
seb128well, the avahi error in on README (not .gz) so not like that...11:56
tkamppeterseb128, pitti, I cannot even help myself by uninstalling all :i386 packages (ias32-libs I haver already uninstalled). Then "apt-get -f install" wants to install all :i386 packages again. There seems to be some hard ghost dependency on at least some of the i386 libraries making the broken libraries required.11:58
seb128tkamppeter, did you try to dpkg -r them?11:59
seb128/usr/share/doc/libcairo-gobject2/README.gz -> ../libcairo2/README.gz11:59
seb128the file which is different is a symlink11:59
seb128the README.gz in libcairo2 amd64 and i386 have the same md5 it seems (from dpkg-deb the debs)12:01
seb128wonder if that's a but in dpkg/apt12:01
Laneythat is a tkamppeter upload12:02
seb128oh, so maybe local build12:02
LaneyI bet he installed his self built deb which has different files12:02
seb128Laney, good thinking!12:02
Laneysame for avahi12:03
seb128tkamppeter, does wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo/1.12.2-1ubuntu2.1/+build/3923069/+files/libcairo2_1.12.2-1ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb && dpkg -i it fixes the cairo error?12:03
seb128Laney, thanks for pointing that ;-)12:03
seb128it's a "fun" corner case situation12:03
diwic @pilot out12:03
diwic@pilot out12:03
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and dicussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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tkamppeterseb128, pitti, no change: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1357813/12:05
seb128tkamppeter, wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo/1.12.2-1ubuntu2.1/+build/3923069/+files/libcairo-gobject2_1.12.2-1ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb and dpkg -i it and try again?12:05
tkamppeterseb128, now the libcairo error went away and only libavahi stuff is remaining.12:08
Laneysame fix12:08
seb128tkamppeter, wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/0.6.31-1ubuntu2/+build/3889306/+files/libavahi-common3_0.6.31-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb12:09
seb128tkamppeter, wget https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/0.6.31-1ubuntu2/+build/3889306/+files/libavahi-client3_0.6.31-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb12:09
seb128tkamppeter, dpkg -i those12:09
tkamppeterseb128, yes, now it works. Thanks.12:13
seb128tkamppeter, yw!12:13
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margaHi, I'm trying to mark a bug fixed for quantal but not yet fixed for precise.  I can't seem to find the correct way to do this in launchpad, can anybody please give me a hint?12:58
diwicmarga, you will have to nominate the bug for precise13:00
margaalright, how do I do that?13:00
margaI'm talking about the launchpad interface.13:00
diwicmarga, then someone with the correct access (possibly yourself, if you're a developer) can accept the nomination13:00
margaI've seen this in plenty of bugs, a subitem inside the package (Ubuntu) with a small clock13:01
diwic"Nominate for series" link13:01
cjwatsonDo you have a "Nominate for series" option just below the bug metadata?13:01
cjwatsonYou have to be in a certain team (ubuntu-bugcontrol IIRC) to even see that13:01
margaI don't.13:01
cjwatsonThen you need to ask somebody who is13:01
diwiccjwatson, oh, I didn't know that13:01
margaOk. Good, I think I was going crazy or something.13:02
diwicmarga, is there a specific bug you want me to nominate for you?13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 834174 in dropbear (Debian) "cannot login via ssh when using dropbear in initramfs" [Unknown,New]13:03
margaIt's been uploaded to raring-proposed, but I'd like this to be also fixed in precise.13:03
diwicmarga, done, you should now see a nomination13:04
margadiwic, thanks13:05
xnoxmarga: diwic: and nomination accepted.13:18
* xnox will play around with this on the weekend, unless somebody beats me to testing it.13:19
margaI've changed the desc and the debdiff.  Hopefully I've folllowed SRU guidelines now.13:19
xnoxmarga: the real test case is that you can ssh in & unlock the drive.13:21
xnoxmarga: the bug is that above is not possible due to bugs in discovering / generating initramfs on a system with multiarch13:22
margaok, feel free to update my desc :)13:25
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sbhwcjwatson: The Ubuntu Studio team wants to know when will the blender python fix go into raring-main (not -proposed)13:33
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xnoxsbhw: it's being transitioned by britney: check the output here http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/13:37
xnoxas to why it's possibly stuck.13:37
xnoxsbhw: so the armhf build has just finished, and not fully published yet for britney to attempt transition to main.13:38
cjwatsonsbhw: Yeah, this is all automatic13:44
cjwatsonsbhw: They should be a bit more patient since I only uploaded it an hour or two ago13:44
cjwatsonAnd given that none of them fixed it in the multiple days that it was broken ... ;-)13:45
sbhwcjwatson, can't undetstand the system. They want to know it since that they almost just want to remove it from the seeds.13:46
cjwatsonThat's a daft response :)13:46
cjwatsonIt'll be fixed in an hour or two13:46
xnoxsbhw: "the bug will be marked fix released at the time it's migrated into the raring-release pocket."13:47
scott-workcjwatson: sorry for the noise, i had commented blender out of our meta to make sure the iso would build and was just curious on an ETA so i had a general approximation of when i needed to uncomment blender13:54
scott-workagain, sorry for the trouble13:54
xnoxscott-work: well, generally it's ~1h after fully built on all arches, that is if it's actually installable and doesn't cause other packages to become uninstallable.... but blender takes a while to build on arm13:59
scott-workxnox: i'd like to use this as a teachable moment for myself; is -proposed an "in box" or queue for building then pushing into the repos?14:02
scott-worki realized in uds-q there was discussion about changing how the repos are structured, i am certainly not up to date on this and the processes14:03
xnoxscott-work: it's the same thing as in debian: unstable -> testing transition.14:03
xnoxscott-work: but we _do not_ impose the "10 day delay", nor rc-bugs.14:03
scott-workah, okay. thank you :)14:04
xnoxscott-work: we plan to block on failing auto-pkg-test of the package or any of it's reverse-depends.14:04
xnoxscott-work: but that is not done yet.14:04
scott-workthank you again, xnox14:07
xnoxscott-work: np. blender is in release now, in ~0.5h it should be pushed to the mirrors.14:07
xnoxthe storm is over.14:07
pitticjwatson: jibel and I would like to meet with you soon to discuss adt/britney integration; when would be a good time for you?14:12
cjwatsonpitti: any time tomorrow would be lovely, if that suits14:14
pitticjwatson: yes, it does; how does 10:00 UTC sound?14:14
cjwatsonscott-work: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-October/036043.html14:15
cjwatsonpitti: sure14:15
cjwatsonjust grab me and we can hop on mumble or something14:15
scott-workoooh, thank you cjwatson , i will definitely read that14:19
rickspencer3sforshee, wrt my USB dongle, can I run trace-cmd for a long time? it sometimes takes all day before it disconnects14:45
sforsheerickspencer3, the only risk is the size of the trace.dat file getting very large. You could check it periodically and restart trace command if the file is getting too big. All I'm really interested in is the part of the trace right before the disconnect happens.14:46
rickspencer3ok sforshee14:47
rickspencer3it's running now14:47
sforsheerickspencer3, also please grab dmesg after killing trace-cmd so I can try to correlate the two14:47
rickspencer3sforshee, ack14:47
sforshee(that is after the disconnect happens)14:47
psusiwhy is the util-linux package still source format 1.0 with no patch system?15:09
cjwatsonpsusi: ask its maintainer; 3.0 isn't a requirement and some people still like it the old way for one reason or another15:11
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cjwatsonOr of course sometimes it's just hadn't-got-round-to-it15:12
Sweetsharkdoko_: bug 1017125 should be good for quantal SRU. I also prepared a mpi package. both boost1.49_1.49.0-3.1ubuntu1.1.dsc and boost-mpi-source1.49_1.49.0-3.1ubuntu1.1.dsc waiting on chinstrap.15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1017125 in boost1.49 (Ubuntu Quantal) "[SRU quantal] boost::unordered_multimap<>::erase(iterator, iterator) broken in boost1.49" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101712515:14
psusiI mean I thought we were not supposed to just directly make changes to the upstream source without some sort of patch system?15:14
xnoxpsusi: in general yes, but also we are not suppose to diverge from debian way of maintaining the package.15:15
xnoxpsusi: sometimes the two conditions conflict with each other, if debian has no patch system.15:15
psusiyea, but isn't it better to add a patch system than to have the upstream sources mangled?15:16
psusiand would it be worth while for me to try to update the package to 3.0 (quilt) and submit it to the debian maintainer?15:17
psusior just dive in and make changes directly to the upstream source?15:18
xnoxpsusi: dive in ;-)15:23
xnoxpsusi: that's what we do for all native packages as well....15:23
xnoxpsusi: or use the bzr lp:ubuntu/$pkg branches.15:23
xnoxif individual changes are committed you get a normal vcs history.15:24
geserpsusi: if you don't wand to have a mix of directly applied patches and patches from patch system, you would have to ideally transfer those directly applied patches to patch files too (and make the delta even bigger)15:26
geseroften those changes are bigger than the patch you wanted to apply and you have to merge it everytime15:27
geserbut feel free to convince the Debian maintainer to use a patch system15:27
cjwatsonpsusi: We should never change the patch system in an Ubuntu delta15:28
cjwatsonThat includes adding one15:28
cjwatsonpsusi: But as geser says, feel free to try to persuade the Debian maintainer that they want to change15:28
cjwatsonIt's not fair to describe the upstream sources as being mangled - that's why we have .orig.tar.gz / .diff.gz15:29
geserpsusi: and you might have a better chance to get you patch included in Debian if you don't change the whole packaging system15:30
psusiyea, but doesn't having them all squashed into the diff.gz make for conflict galore when you update to a new upstream?15:33
doko_Sweetshark, done15:33
cjwatsonpsusi: Not particularly, no15:34
psusiand since they aren't seaparted out, resolving them is next to impossible?15:34
cjwatsonSure, you may have to know the package depending on the complexity of the changes15:34
cjwatsonAnyway, this isn't the point15:34
cjwatsonMerging a new Debian version is much more common for us than merging a new upstream directly15:34
cjwatsonWe should therefore optimise for not creating huge numbers of conflicts against Debian15:34
cjwatson(Also, I believe the util-linux maintainer uses git to maintain the packaging against upstream and does not find this to be a particular problem for his workflow; hence why you should talk to him ...)15:35
psusihrm... well, I guess I'll just make the change directly then... just thouguht that make merging a pita15:36
cjwatsonLike I say, it's a matter of optimising for merging against Debian vs. upstream15:40
Sweetsharkdoko_: awesome, thanks15:40
cjwatsonI mean, we *could* in theory aggressively convert every non-native package in Ubuntu to 3.0 (quilt), but then we'd end up assuming significantly more merge workload15:41
cjwatsonIt doesn't make economic sense15:41
cjwatsonAnd it doesn't make social sense either since a number of the Debian maintainers we'd like to work with would consider that very rude15:42
xnoxdoko_: Sweetshark: thanks a lot ;-)15:43
ppawelhi, I want to update upstream version for a package (geos - from 3.3.3 to 3.3.5)15:47
ppawelI did 'bzr branch ubuntu:geos', then 'dch -i', updated version to 3.3.5, then bzr bd -S15:48
ppawelbut it complains that "unexpected upstream changes detected" and tries to create a patch15:48
ppawelwhen I create it I can't build the package anymore...15:49
ppaweldpkg-source: error: cannot read geos-3.3.5.orig.ND5giv/debian/patches/update-to-3.3.5: No such file or directory15:49
xnoxppawel: did you merge the new upstream tarball?15:49
xnoxppawel: cause following your instructions the diff will have the reverse between 3.3.5 -> 3.3.315:50
xnoxppawel: $ bzr merge-upstream ../geos-3.3.5.tar.gz15:50
xnoxppawel: instead of `dch -i`15:50
ppawelyeah it doesn't apply to 3.3.3...15:50
ppawelxnox, thanks, I will try that15:50
xnoxppawel: but your branch is dirty now, so move it aside and try again.15:51
ppawelxnox, thanks it works now15:56
mterrydoko_, how do you feel about promoting libboost-filesystem-dev and libboost-system-dev (and associated 1.49 versioned packages)?16:28
mterry(libunity test suite needs them)16:28
mterryer, rather nux test suite needs them16:29
doko_mterry, sure, why not? but I don't see these in component-mismatches yet16:30
mterrydoko_, no, not yet.  was planning ahead.  though, I'm not sure a branch adding these as build-depends will get through the PS landing process unless they are in main.  didrocks?16:31
xnoxdoko_: hmm.... componen-mismatches doesn't work that well with everything going via -proposed.16:33
xnoxdoko_: e.g. bug 1077484 doesn't show libsemanage in component-mismatches16:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1077484 in shadow (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libsemanage (shadow's rdep to continue SELinux support in shadow)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107748416:34
cjwatsonxnox: that's on the to-do lit16:35
cjwatsonI'm asking Ursula to have a look at that16:36
xnoxcjwatson: ok. thanks.16:37
bdmurraybarry: what's next with https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/ubuntu-release-upgrader/lp1071388/+merge/132851 in your opinion?16:46
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didrocksmterry: so, theorically it can17:01
didrocksmterry: but as we'll have soon daily upload, it's better to just merge it when we have the build-dep in main17:01
didrocksdoko_: ^17:01
doko_didrocks, what am I supposed to merge?17:03
didrocksdoko_: we are talking about the merge request for the packaging adding the build-dep17:04
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SpamapSkenvandine: hey, did I hear you right in CPH that you were working on a new Gwibber thing?17:21
kenvandinethe service has been rewritten17:21
kenvandinethe client still needs to be ported to the new backend17:21
SpamapSkenvandine: ah, but the frontend is the same.. thing?17:21
kenvandinebut the backend is rocking!17:21
kenvandinefor now :)17:21
SpamapSnegronjl: ^^17:22
kenvandinethere is the unity lens too17:22
kenvandinefor 13.04 we'll be removing the client17:22
kenvandineand just shipping the lens17:22
SpamapSremoving, or just demoting?17:22
kenvandineand hopefully expanding the lens functionality a bit17:22
kenvandinejust not seeding it17:22
SpamapSright, cool17:22
barrybdmurray: nothing, i think.17:32
ppawelI uploaded a source package to my PPA. will the derivative packages be built for me?17:33
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bdmurraybarry: so you think its okay to merge and upload?17:38
barrybdmurray: check w/mvo.  he said he fixed the couple of things i mentioned, but the diff in the mp doesn't look updated.  not sure he pushed his changes.17:41
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mterrydoko, sorry, getting back from lunch.  I think didrocks's point was that it might be easier with the PS process if the archive were ready as we test the branches.  Which means pre-promoting.18:06
didrocksright ;)18:07
mterrydoko, so I guess the ask is to pre-promote libboost-filesystem-dev and libboost-system-dev (and associated 1.49 versioned packages), assuming they don't need a full MIR18:10
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hallynslangasek: so using udevadm trigger --subsystem-match=misc --action=change for /dev/kvm, the main downside i'm seeing (beside expectec container weirdness) is that if kvm module is not loaded, but /dev/kvm was manually created, perms on it won't get fixed.  i don't know if we care about that case.18:28
hallynmahmoh: any chance you could verify bug 589063 ?18:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589063 in seabios (Ubuntu Lucid) "Windows Server 2008 won't boot with more than 4 vCPUs" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58906318:32
* apw just installed a Q system from scratch and when trying to upgrade it to R i found it was in "LTS only" mode ... is that right?18:37
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slangasekhallyn: why would something manually create /dev/kvm?  Also, if the kvm module is not loaded, isn't /dev/kvm non-functional?18:55
hallynslangasek: correct, it wouldn't be functional.  This would be some obtuse test case.18:58
slangasekhallyn: right; so when the kvm module was loaded, udev would trigger and update the permissions on /dev/kvm anyway18:58
slangasekhallyn: static /dev is not a configuration we support18:58
hallynit's not?  that's too bad :)18:59
hallynslangasek: ok, i'l go ahead and push this change.  thanks!18:59
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zygajames_w: does pkgme support python3?19:40
zyga(as in packaging python3 software)19:40
slangasekxnox: so llvmpipe on panda is sufficiently horrid that running compiz at all, even just for ubiquity, is almost certain to be unusable.19:44
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infinityslangasek: Has anyone tested that theory this cycle?  ogra was telling me that llvmpipe on his Chromebook is actually pretty usable and the Chromebook, while certainly faster than a Panda, isn't exactly a computing powerhouse.19:54
slangasekinfinity: I haven't tested, but I don't see how a massive port of LLVMpipe to NEON would have magicked itself up overnight19:57
slangasekfeel free to test and prove me wrong :)19:57
infinityMy Panda's somewhat preoccupied with building glibc for 5 distributions.19:58
infinityWhen it stops crying, maybe I'll ask it to do GUI things to a monitor.19:58
highvoltagesad panda is sad19:59
infinityIt's a masochist, it's okay.20:00
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chrisccoulsonis armhf busted? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/17.0~b6+build1-0ubuntu1/+build/398379021:12
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xnoxslangasek: *sigh* well I have a workitem to implement it and I was hoping panda will be better than VM or old-laptop. I guess i'll use one of those in development, and then smoke test on the panda.21:25
xnoxmterry: did you know about `pull-lp-source $package {$distro,$distro-$pocker,$version}` & `pbuilder-dist $distro {create,update,clean,build,login}` which has support for _all_ ubuntu & debian releases?21:27
xnoxmterry: well the first-one changes to pull-debian-source.21:27
mterryxnox, you're talking about instead of pbuilder-scripts?21:27
xnoxmterry: yeah. Or what is unique in pbuilder-scripts which is missing in ubuntu-dev-tools.21:28
LaneySpamapS: where do we stand with copying up SRUs?21:28
Laneyif possible I'd like to avoid uploading webkit twice ...21:28
mterryxnox, I wrote those scripts when working with OEMs and needing all sorts of custom sources.  So supporting standard ubuntu and debian releases wasn't a big feature21:29
xnoxmterry: There is a request to backport it to precise, but I just don't see what it offers extra / on top of what ubuntu-dev-tools already offer for a very long time including stable releases.21:29
xnoxmterry: so if ubuntu-dev-tools add [easy] support for extra sources it will be match?21:29
xnoxmterry: so if ubuntu-dev-tools adds [easy] support for extra sources it will be match?21:29
xnoxmterry: anything else?21:29
* xnox wants to consolidate tools, scripts, utilities around ubuntu-dev-tools if possible.21:30
slangasekxnox: even if someone did magic up an LLVMpipe port to NEON, it would still be slower than in kvm21:31
doko\o/  http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-cvs/2012-11/msg00455.html  \o/21:31
ubottugcc.gnu.org bug 2012 in c "ICE when compiling the current cvs gcc as cross-compiler to mingw32" [Critical,Resolved: duplicate]21:31
mterryxnox, I'm for consolidating.  I'd have to go through and figure out the various features though.  Easy sources is one.  apt-get update before building.  apt-get sourcing using the sources in one of the chroot21:31
xnoxslangasek: ok.21:31
slangasekchrisccoulson: armhf busted> there was mention about the livefs builder having "tar errors" as well, but I don't have details21:32
slangasekinfinity, ogra-cb: ^^ any ideas? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/123040342/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-armhf.firefox_17.0~b6%2Bbuild1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:33
xnoxmterry: i'll open a bug about those three. If there is anything else, feel free to do wishlist bugs against ubuntu-dev-tools.21:33
chrisccoulsonslangasek, thanks21:33
Laneythat's the same kind of error we saw on celbalrai, yeah21:34
mterryxnox, it also lays out the sources in a certain way & uses that layout to automatically determine which project chroot you want it to operate on (can be overridden).  Not sure if ubuntu-dev-tools can easily support that stle21:36
slangasekLaney: ok, it was the same bunzip2 problem?21:36
xnoxmterry: hmm... well pbuilder-dist already auto-supports guesing/using multiple combinations of distro's and arches.21:36
Laneyslangasek: I think so21:36
slangasekinfinity: do you have a raring panda handy?21:37
xnoxmterry: the whole point of pbuilder-dist was to allow easily manage chroots for all releases & cross-arches, since it's common for ubuntu developers to build against multiple ubuntu releases (sru/security/backports) and debian releases (for bug verification /forwarding to debian)21:37
infinityslangasek: I could do, but like I said earlier, my Panda's a bit busy.21:38
xnoxmterry: so I am sure it can be extended to handle sub-types of chroots.21:38
slangasekinfinity: ah, still? thbt21:38
slangasekinfinity: well, bzip2 hasn't changed in raring, so I guess I'll open a critical bug against eglibc in the meantime21:38
infinityslangasek: Also, if this build log ever loads.. If it's bunzip2 spontaenously having a fit, that's been happening on ARM for years.21:39
slangasekoh, it has?21:39
infinityYeah.  Though, it usually manifests before the build starts (when untarring the chroot).21:39
slangasekI've never heard of it until Laney mentioned it happening on celebrityrye this week21:39
infinityAnd it's so wildly unreproducible, no one's managed to hunt it down.21:40
infinitycelbalrai's issues seem unrelated.21:40
slangaseknot according to Laney21:40
Laneynow it has died, but before that we were seeing similar errors21:40
slangasekLaney: do you have a pointer to such an error?21:40
infinitySimilar, or the same?21:40
Laneyp'raps I have a log which is nonempty21:40
xnoxmterry: adding all of these requests to the wishlist =)))) keep them coming.21:41
slangasekinfinity: similar, because the livefs builder doesn't generally go about unpacking firefox tarballs :P21:41
Laneyyeah that's wishful thinking21:41
infinityslangasek: Well, yes.  And I would have assumed the errors were just "something from some sort of compression something or other" which is hardly "the same error".21:42
mterryxnox, :)21:42
xnoxmterry: we are soon gonna get shiny cross-building support ;-)21:42
xnoxmterry: and that will want easy custom repositories as well =)21:43
xnoxmterry: with and without qemu execution.21:43
slangasekinfinity, chrisccoulson: I've saved off a copy of the logfile, so will retry the build now21:43
mterryxnox, oh yeah, that's another thing my scripts did is set up qemu21:44
xnoxmterry: pbuilder-dist does it already, since before your script had it ;-)21:44
mterryxnox, :)21:44
infinityslangasek: It won't repeat, unless you're very unlucky.21:44
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* infinity would like to know why his firefox has suddenly decided he isn't allowed to do things like look at web pages.21:47
* xnox would like to know why my internet decided to give we all but lp.net21:48
* xnox now back21:48
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xnoxmterry: also any reason why it's based on pbuilder instead of sbuild?21:51
xnoxsbuild supports multiple instances easy, and mk-sbuild allows to easily create them.21:52
mterryxnox, ah!  you are one of those sbuild evangelists  :)  It was based on pbuilder because that's what I was comfortable with21:53
xnoxmterry: I use all three: pbuilder, cowbuild, sbuild =))))21:53
xnoxmterry: i'm the freak that cannot get enough =))))21:53
mterryxnox, hah21:54
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ogra-cbslangasek, the last live build logs from celab...thing all have one or the other gunzip error from dpkg unpack22:06
slangasekgunzip, not bunzip222:07
slangasekso that's not the same error at all22:07
ogra-cbit is definitely not limited to bzip222:07
slangasek"limited to" - there's no reason to think the two issues are at all related22:07
slangasekunless someone knows of a tar bug?22:07
ogra-cbwell, dpkg died with a broken pipe error in all recent builds that still produced logs22:08
ogra-cbduring gunzip22:09
ogra-cbthis one seems to show similar symproms22:09
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slangasekbunzip2 reporting a corrupted stream and dpkg reporting a broken pipe are not meaningfully similar22:14
infinityslangasek: Given how celbalrai when off the deep end, it looked more like the filesystem corruption (or memory corruption at a more fundamental level, leading to filesystem corruption).22:14
* slangasek nods22:14
infinityslangasek: As to the bunzip2 thing we see occasionally, retrying (or, in the case of chroot tarballs, removing the cached copy, then retrying) always "fixes" it, which points at similar potential causes.22:15
infinityslangasek: Oh, it also seems to sometimes need a reboot to clear up, which is mildly disconcerting.22:15
infinityBut yeah, none of this is new, it's been happening for years.  :/22:15
xnoxstokachu: grub2 diff (i) committed to core-dev branch & (ii) pocket sru team member of the day to commit it into oneiric.22:16
* xnox s/pocket/poked/22:16
* xnox wonders what's with my hands.....22:16
kamakwazeeI was wondering if someone could help me. I downloaded testdrive and synced the raring iso but it boots console. Is that normal?22:16
kamakwazeeIs it normal for my testdrive synced iso to boot into console?22:19
ScottKkamakwazee: Ask in #ubuntu-testing.  You probably have a better chance of getting an answer there.22:21
kamakwazeeScootK: Ok. Thanks. I am wanting to learn the source code a little so I can help develop.22:21
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